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Jul 28

This Simple Eating Tweak Could Unlock The Key To Less Stress And Fewer Gut Issues – Women’s Health

If youve ever enjoyed takeout while texting your friends, scrolling Instagram, and simultaneously binge-watching The Bear, it may help to consider a more mindful eating approach. Sure, it may seem like a good idea to scarf down lunch at your desk so you can get more work done at the office, but slowing down, savoring your food, and practicing mindfulness may be better for your mental and physical health in the long runespecially if you frequently rush mealtime, experience

Mindful eating is an approach to food that encourages you to focus on your sensual awareness and bring your full attention to the present moment. It is rooted in mindfulnessan Eastern philosophy believed to originate from Buddhismand was later researched extensively by Jon Kabat-Zinn, the founder of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR). He defines mindfulness as paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally. To that end, mindful eating is essentially mindfulness applied to eating-related thoughts, emotions, physical sensations, and behaviors, per a 2022 study in Nutrition Bulletin.

While it might seem like a big ask to sit quietly in your office break room while you chew your sandwich, the benefits are worth it. Ahead, experts break down everything you need to know about mindful eating and how it can benefit your health and nutrition.

Meet the experts: Lena Bakovic, RD, is a dietitian specializing in intuitive eating at Top Nutrition Coaching. Jenna Werner, RD, is a dietitian and the founder of Happy Strong Healthy. Carlie Saint-Laurent Beaucejour, RD, is a dietitian nutritionist and founder of Crave With Carlie.

First and foremost, mindful eating is not a diet, rather, its an approach that requires a bit of a lifestyle (and mindset) shift. Mindful eating [helps] clients truly reconnect to their bodies and first learn and then listen to what foods make them feel their best, says Jenna Werner, RD, the founder of Happy Strong Healthy. The idea is that, over time, you start to understand how different foods affect your mood, digestion, and energy levels. Then, youll begin to understand your hunger cues and fullness cues effectively, Werner says.

While mindful eating does not have an exact set of steps or principles like, say, intuitive eating, the ideologies are similar: listen to your body, be present with each bite of food you take while chewing slowly, and dont feel guilty if you cant be fully present for each meal you consume. (Hey, some nights call for some DoorDash and a scary movie marathon, and thats okay.)

Also, mindfulness doesnt *only* apply to eating. Mindful eating is more of a mindset than anything," says dietitian Carlie Saint-Laurent Beaucejour, RD, founder of Crave With Carlie. In order to be more mindful with eating, you need to be more mindful with living. You can practice mindfulness in your workout routine, in your communication with loved ones, with your breathing, and beyond. Simply put, its all about being present, curious, and thoughtful about what youre doingand noticing how you feel about it, without judging what that feeling is.

The wellness benefits of mindful eating are twofold, according to Lena Bakovic, RDN, of Top Nutrition Coaching. First: Mindful eating practices can be beneficial to our bodies in the sense that they can prevent over- or under-eating and contribute to being at a healthy body weight, Bakovic says. And research tends to support this: Mindful eating can be an important component of weight management and treating obesity, per a review in the journal Current Obesity Reports. Second, with a mindful eating approach, there are no restrictions on what you can eat, making it a sustainable skilland yes, you can still consume your favorite sweet treats mindfully.

Adopting a mindful approach to food in general may also help you feel less overwhelmed. Mindful eating can help to ease the stress surrounding eating and the many food decisions people make each and every day, Bakovic says. Mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques may be effective interventions for chronic health conditions, including gastrointestinal disorders, and techniques like diaphragmatic breathing, meditation, and body scans may even help people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), research has found. Because the mind and gut are connected, calming your mind can only help your body function more optimally.

As opposed to restrictive diets that focus on elimination, calorie-counting, and other methods that can be harmful, mindful eating often poses minimal risk to healthy individuals, Bakovic says. However, in some cases, it could be possible to become a little too mindful when it comes to eating, Bakovic and Werner say. If mindfully consuming each meal, snack, and drink feels like a chore or causes significant distress, it could be a detriment to your mental health.

When we obsess over health changes, we can quickly cross the line from healthy to disordered or no longer health-promoting, Werner says. Identifying the line between mindful and disordered eating varies from person to person, but in general, there are some red flags to watch out for, Werner says. If you tend to avoid social situations related to food or notice that youre making lots of rules and restrictions to how you eat, it could be a sign that mindful eating isnt necessarily helping, she says.

Remember, mindful eating is about cultivating more present-moment awareness during mealtimebut not judging yourself or the food on your plate or how youre feeling while eating. Its also more about curiosity and less about having the perfect routine. (Lets be realnot every meal or snack has to be a mindful one!)

It takes some practice, initially, to become comfortable with the integration [of mindful eating] into your lifestyle, Bakovic says. If youre ready to make a change, heres how to start and keep your mindful eating practice sustainable and healthy, according to experts.

My number one tip is to have a mindset of curiosity, purpose, and openness, and then you can follow all other helpful actionable tips, Saint-Laurent Beaucejour says. This means doing your best to approach different foods (and mealtime) with curiosity at the forefront. How might it feel if you relaxed and enjoyed your morning tea, for instance, without feeling rushed to scroll through your email inbox at the same time? Be purposeful with the what, how, where, why, and when with your eating, and be open to exploring new and old eating habits without judgment, she says.

As previously mentioned, a major component of mindfulness is being non-judgmental. So, try not to harshly judge your meals or snacks by their nutritional value when mindfully eating and aim to be kinder to yourself, Saint-Laurent Beaucejour says. It's interesting for me as a dietitian to say this, but mindful eating has very little, if anything, to do with nutrition (the science part), she says. Instead, its all about becoming one with your food and eating experience, and not judging yourself for what youre eating or how you feel, she says.

If you like to eat dinner while binge-watching your favorite show or endless TikTok videos, it might be time to hit the off button during your meal, says Bakovic. Snacking while distracted can lead to over-eating, research has found. For mindful eating practices, its vital to focus on your plate and notice how you feel with each bite. And dont worryyour TV and phone will be ready for you when youre done.

Setting a timer can aid in your mindful eating journey, says Saint-Laurent Beaucejour. This means that for 10, 20, 30 minutes or more, ideally, you only have one thing to focus onso try to challenge yourself not to do anything else during that time. Once mealtime is up, you can go back to multi-tasking at work or get back to texting your friends.

During meals, take some time to enjoy what youre eating and drinking, Bakovic says. Savor the smells, taste, and textures of each bite of food. Slowing down and savoring your food as opposed to eating while doing other tasks may also prevent overeating later on, per a study in the European Journal of Health Psychology. Plus, the practice of savoring helps you genuinely appreciate what youre consuming. When was the last time you grabbed an ice cream cone on the board walk and enjoyed it mindfully while listening to the ocean waves?

Writing in a food journal can be a helpful tool to support mindful eating, says Saint-Laurent Beaucejour. You may have heard in the past that the purpose of a food diary is to track calories or how much protein youre getting, for instancebut in this case, keeping a food journal is more about your mental health and taking note of any thoughts or feelings you have around food. Try writing how youre feeling while eating (excited, bored, depressed), and make note of how each food makes you feel.

Side note: People tend to internalize information better when they write things by hand, research has shownso in this case, keeping a handwritten journal may be more beneficial and effective than a mobile app or tracker.

Literally. If youre struggling to slow things down at mealtime, switch up your eating pattern by using your non-dominant hand during your mindful eating sesh, so youll take more time to finish your meal, Saint-Laurent Beaucejour says. For an alternative exercise, you can also try gently putting your fork down between each bite to give yourself some extra time to enjoy and digest your meal.

If youre struggling with mindful eating or suspect you have an unhealthy relationship with food, it may help to seek therapy and/or work with a registered dietitian. Working with a professional for support for mindful eating can be helpful, Werner says. Remember: Mindful eating is not a diet, but rather a lifestyle and behavioral change, so a therapist, registered dietitian, or other credentialed professional can provide support as you navigate this change.

Maria Serra (she/her) is a freelance sex and relationships writer who covers topics relating to butts, boobs, and everything in between. After secretly getting a degree in human sexuality (sorry, parents), she began covering general and sexual health topics for Her Campus, Spoon University, and Womens Health magazine. In her spare time, shes probably listening to trashy emo music with her chihuahua-pug, Bobbie. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter.

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This Simple Eating Tweak Could Unlock The Key To Less Stress And Fewer Gut Issues - Women's Health

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Jul 28

Supervised, structured and individualized exercise in metastatic breast cancer: a randomized controlled trial –

Study design and participants

The PREFERABLE-EFFECT study design and methods have been published previously, and the full protocol is provided in the Supplementary information37. In brief, this multinational randomized controlled trial was undertaken at eight hospitals and study centers in Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden and Australia.

Eligible patients were 18years of age or older, diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer, had an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status of 2, and were able and willing to participate in the exercise program and wear an activity tracker. Exclusion criteria were unstable bone metastases as determined by the local treating physician; untreated symptomatic brain metastases; estimated life expectancy of <6months; serious active infection; excessive physical activity (>210min per week of moderate-intensity to vigorous-intensity exercise) or current participation in an exercise training program comparable to the EFFECT exercise program; severe neurologic or cardiac impairment according to the ACSM criteria38; uncontrolled severe respiratory insufficiency or dependency on oxygen supplementation at rest or during exercise; uncontrolled severe pain; any other contraindications for exercise; any circumstances that would impede adherence to study requirements or the ability to give informed consent; or pregnancy. Patients were enrolled regardless of sex, which was collected according to the identity information provided by the patients. Patients were recruited by their clinical care or study teams or through social media (for example, national patient organizations). Medical eligibility criteria were assessed by a physician at the treating hospital.

The study was conducted in accordance with standards of good clinical practice and the Declaration of Helsinki. The study was approved by the institutional review board of the University Medical Center Utrecht, the Netherlands (19-524/M), and by the local ethical review boards of all participating institutions. The study was registered with on 9 October 2019 (NCT04120298). All patients provided written informed consent before enrollment.

Patients who met the eligibility criteria and provided informed consent were randomly assigned (1:1), after completion of the baseline measurements, to participate in a 9-month structured and individualized exercise program in addition to usual care (exercise group) or to receive general physical activity advice in addition to usual care, but no structured exercise program (control group). All participants received an activity tracker. Randomization was performed centrally using a blocked computer-generated sequence and was stratified by study center and therapy line (first-line or second-line vs. third-line treatment or a later line of treatment). Owing to the nature of the intervention, participants, local clinicians and study nurses, and investigators were not blinded to group assignment after randomization.

A 9-month structured and individualized exercise program was offered to participants randomized to the exercise group. Details of the exercise program have been published elsewhere37. In brief, the exercise program included supervised, multimodal exercise sessions of 1h, two times per week for the first 6months. For the last 3months, one supervised session was replaced by one unsupervised session. Supervision was performed by qualified exercise professionals (for example, physiotherapists and exercise physiologists) in a community-based or hospital-based fitness center, or a physical therapy practice close to the participants home address. In addition to the in-person supervised exercise sessions, we offered live remote exercise sessions to participants using videoconferencing software (Zoom) if training facilities were closed owing to local COVID-19 regulations or if previously enrolled participants felt unsafe exercising at a local training facility because of the COVID-19 threat.

The multimodal exercise program consisted of resistance, aerobic and balance exercises (Extended Data Table 6). Resistance exercise intensity was individualized using 12-repetition maximum muscle strength testing. For participants with bone metastases, 12-repetition maximum testing was not performed for exercises that loaded the parts of the skeleton with bone metastases (see Extended Data Table 7). During the exercise sessions, resistance exercises that loaded the affected region were either omitted or performed according to the start low (that is, low weight and more repetitions), go slow (that is, gradual increase) principle25, depending on patient characteristics and the experience of the involved exercise professional. Aerobic exercise intensity was tailored to the participants fitness levels using the maximal short exercise capacity (MSEC) and estimated peak power output (Wpeak) with the steep ramp test at baseline. The intensity of both the aerobic and resistance exercises gradually increased during the exercise program; however, the intensity was continuously adjusted, depending on the health status of the participant and the participant's perceived exertion.

In addition to the supervised exercise program, participants were encouraged to be physically active for at least 30min per day on all remaining days of the week. To support this, participants received an activity tracker (that is, Fitbit Inspire HR) and an exercise app specifically designed for the PREFERABLE-EFFECT study. The app included exercises that participants learned during the supervised exercise program and that could be performed at home. All exercises were illustrated with simple animations and contained clear instructions (see Supplementary Fig. 1 for screenshots of the app). The exercise app was also used to support the unsupervised sessions during the last 3months of the intervention period.

Participants randomized to the control group received care as usual, supplemented with written information on the current physical activity guidelines (that is, 150min of aerobic exercise and resistance exercise two to three times per week). They were advised to avoid inactivity and to be as physically active as their health status allowed11. They also received an activity tracker and an explanation of the basic functions of the tracker. The control group did not receive a structured exercise intervention, as this is not yet part of routine care.

All participants visited the study center for measurements at baseline, and at 3 and 6months post baseline. This included the assessment of functional performance and physical fitness. At all visits as well as at 9months post baseline, PROs were assessed using online questionnaires. Participants were asked to complete them without conferring with others. For participants undergoing intravenous chemotherapy, the measurements took place at least 3days after chemotherapy administration. PROs, including HRQOL and fatigue, were assessed using the EORTC QLQ-C30 and the EORTC QLQ-FA12, respectively39,40. The QLQ-C30 is a 30-item questionnaire, including a global HRQOL score, five functional scales (physical, role, emotional, cognitive and social), three symptom scales (fatigue, nausea and vomiting, and pain) and six single items (dyspnea, insomnia, appetite loss, constipation, diarrhea and financial difficulties). A summary HRQOL score can be calculated using 13 subscales, excluding the global QOL and financial difficulties items41. The QLQ-FA12 is a 12-item questionnaire that assesses different dimensions of fatigue (physical, emotional, cognitive and total fatigue). For both EORTC questionnaires, scores range from 0 to 100. For the summary score, global QOL score and functional scales, higher scores indicate a higher HRQOL or a higher function, whereas for symptom scales, higher scores indicate a greater symptom burden. To assess higher levels of physical functioning, four items from the EORTC questionnaire item bank were added to the physical function scale (see Supplementary Table 2). Subsequently, a domain-specific T-score was calculated for physical functioning using EORTC software. This T-score reflects the score of the participant relative to an age-matched and a gender-matched European reference population, with 50 representing average physical functioning.

Self-reported physical activity levels were assessed using a modified version of the GodinShephard Leisure-Time Exercise Questionnaire42,43. The Godin questionnaire is a four-item questionnaire that includes questions about the average frequency and duration of mild-, moderate- and vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise and resistance exercise in bouts of at least 10min performed during leisure time in a typical week. In addition, the Fitbit Inspire HR was used to measure daily step count and minutes of physical activity (that is, minutes per day being sedentary or lightly, fairly or very active, as classified by the FitBit software), throughout the study period. For Fitbit data, only data were used for participants who had >4 valid wear days (defined as 10h of activity registration) around the measurement timepoints (that is, baseline and 3, 6 and 9months post baseline).

As a measure of physical fitness, the MSEC was assessed with the steep ramp test using a cycle ergometer44. After 3min of unloaded cycling, the test started at 25W and was increased by 2.5Ws1 or 25W per 10s, depending on the available settings of the cycle ergometer used, until exhaustion. Participants were instructed to cycle between 70 and 90r.p.m. The test ended when the cycling cadence dropped below 60r.p.m. or when the participant experienced pain or discomfort. After termination, the participant was asked to continue cycling at an easy cadence and with minimal load to promote recovery. The outcome was recorded as the highest achieved output in W and is referred to as the MSEC. From the MSEC, peak power output (Wpeak) was estimated using a regression equation45. Before physical fitness testing, resting heart rate and blood pressure were measured for safety reasons.

Body weight and height were measured in light clothing without shoes. Demographic and clinical data were extracted from questionnaires and medical records, respectively. Adherence to the supervised exercise program was recorded by the exercise professional in a case report form. Safety was assessed by the reporting of AEs and SAEs related to exercise or physical fitness testing. Participants in both groups were asked by the study personnel about exercise-related and physical fitness testing-related AEs and SAEs in a standardized manner during all follow-up visits. In addition, for participants allocated to the exercise group, the exercise professionals assessed any potential exercise-related AEs and SAEs that had occurred since the previous exercise session or during the current session and recorded this on standardized training documentation forms.

Adherence to the supervised exercise program was measured in terms of attendance and compliance. Attendance rates were computed as the number of supervised exercise sessions attended divided by the number of sessions offered. Compliance rates were calculated as the number of supervised exercise sessions in which participants performed all prescribed balance, resistance and aerobic exercises, divided by the number of sessions prescribed.

The study had two primary outcomes: HRQOL and cancer-related physical fatigue, which were assessed using the summary score of the QLQ-C30 and the physical fatigue dimension of the QLQ-FA12, respectively. We assessed the primary outcomes at the fully supervised intervention period (that is, at 6months) and defined the period from 6 to 9months as the maintenance period.

Secondary outcomes reported in this paper include the primary outcomes assessed at 3 and 9months, as well as a range of other variables: the QLQ-C30 global QOL score, and all other QLQ-C30 function and symptom scales and single items, all other QLQ-FA12 fatigue dimensions, self-reported and measured physical activity, and the MSEC.

The study included pre-planned modifier analyses for the following covariates: age (<50 vs. 50 years), baseline fatigue levels (QLQ-C30 fatigue scale score of <39 vs. 39)16, baseline depression levels (PHQ-4 depression subscore of <3 vs. 3), history of psychological disorders (any report vs. none), baseline insomnia (PSQI global score of 04, 58 or 9), baseline body mass index (<25 vs. 25 and <30 vs. 30), baseline fitness level (MSEC, continuous), type of therapy (chemotherapy vs. other), type of metastasis at baseline (bone only vs. mixed (visceral and non-visceral) vs. non-visceral only) and primary tumor receptor status (triple-negative vs. human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-positive vs. HER2-negative and hormone receptor-positive). In addition, the following subgroup analyses were prespecified: female patients only, all patients excluding those who never started the exercise program or dropped out within a month, all patients excluding those who did not adhere to the exercise program (that is, attendance of <80% of scheduled exercise sessions), all patients excluding those who began chemotherapy (intravenous or oral) between baseline and 6months post baseline. A subgroup analysis based on baseline pain levels (QLQ-C30 pain scale score of <25 vs. 25)16 was not prespecified but became of interest during the study.

An improvement in either or both primary outcomes in the exercise group from baseline to 6months post baseline relative to the control group was of primary relevance. Based on a pooled analysis of six randomized controlled exercise trials in patients with breast cancer receiving adjuvant treatment, we anticipated an ES of 0.35(ref. 46). With n=139 patients per group (n=278 in total), a mean standardized ES of at least 0.35 could be detected with a power of at least 78% or 82% at a nominal two-sided significance level of 2.5% for each outcome separately using an analysis of covariance adjusted for baseline values of the outcome variable, assuming a correlation between pre-invervention and post-intervention levels of =0.3 or =0.4, respectively47. To account for a potential drop-out rate of approximately 20%, the target sample size was 350 participants (n=175 per study arm).

A statistical analysis plan was written before the analysis was performed and included in the study protocol. Descriptive statistics were used to characterize the study population at baseline. Questionnaire scores were calculated according to published scoring manuals. All primary analyses were performed according to the intention-to-treat principle. For the primary outcomes, linear mixed-effects models were used to assess exercise effects on physical fatigue and HRQOL separately while taking the hierarchical structure of the data into account. Models were adjusted for the baseline value of the outcome and stratification factors (that is, center and therapy line) and included participants for whom the outcome was observed at two or more timepoints. Models with different covariance structures were compared on the basis of Akaikes information criterion. Modeling assumptions were examined and met. The same approach was used for the analysis of secondary outcomes.

Cohens standardized ESs were calculated by dividing the adjusted BGD of the 3-month, 6-month and 9-month post-intervention means by the pooled standard deviation at baseline. For the primary outcome, a two-tailed BonferroniHolm-adjusted P value was calculated to indicate statistical significance. For all secondary outcomes, ESs and 95% CIs are reported without P values. These confidence intervals are intended to express precision of the effect estimate and should not be used to infer statistical significance, as they do not account for multiple comparisons.

Prespecified intervention effect modifiers were individually added to the model as a covariate main effect and interaction effect with group allocation. Covariates that appeared to be intervention effect modifiers (Pinteraction0.10) gave rise to subgroup analyses. Prespecified subgroup analyses were performed, irrespective of interaction effects, to assess whether the intervention effect was consistent across subgroups. All modifier and subgroup analyses were treated as exploratory.

Missing values of the primary outcome variables as well as all other PROs were considered as missing at random and dealt with using linear mixed-effects models. A sensitivity analysis, using multiple imputation (m=100, R package MICE)48, was carried out to explore potential bias and demonstrate the robustness of our results.

All statistical analyses were performed using R v4.2.2.

Further information on research design is available in the Nature Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this article.

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Supervised, structured and individualized exercise in metastatic breast cancer: a randomized controlled trial -

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Jul 28

Beginners Say This 30-Day Workout Challenge Actually Gets Results – Women’s Health

Ready to revamp your workout routine? Meet the Women's Health 30-Day Workout Challenge. This exercise plan alternates between 20-minute strength training sessions and cross-training days, so you'll never get bored. Plus, by choosing between bodyweight or dumbbell workouts on the strength training days, you can customize this challenge to your exact fitness level.

Wherever you are on your fitness journey, the key is to be consistent with your practice, says Charlee Atkins, CSCS, creator of at-home workout app

At the end of the Women's Health 30-day Workout Challenge, you can expect to see some pretty awesome results. First, you should be able to do more reps over the course of the month, which is a sign your fitness level is increasing, according to Atkins. Plus, it's great motivation when you can see that you're able to do more reps in weeks two, three, and four than you could in week one, she says. You also likely notice some increased muscle definition and higher energy levels.

And the benefits don't just end there. By committing to a daily exercise routine for a four to five-week period, you're teaching your body a new groove and creating a new habit. Science says so. When you consistently hit your sessions, the activity is more likely to become a lasting habit, per an NIH study. So, set a time, pick the place, and stick to your routine. Atkins recommends exercising in the morning, especially for people who struggle to find the time to work out.

The calendar below will help you to keep track of your workout schedule, as well as the mini goals to target each week. Every strength training day focuses on a different muscle group, so you can maintain a consistent schedule with built-in time for muscle recovery.

After two days of strength training workouts, you'll have one day to do a cross-training exercise of your choice. Cross-training can include cardio or mobility workoutsbasically anything that keeps you moving except strength workouts (since that's what the challenge focuses on), says Atkins.

Time: 20 minutes per day

Equipment: Bodyweight, 6-pound dumbbells, 10-pound dumbbells

On each of the strength-training days, choose one of the two workout routines provided beloweither a bodyweight or dumbbell option. For the dumbbell workout routines, Atkins uses 6-pound and 10-pound weights, but that might not be the right weight for you. When in doubt, go lighter, she says. Make sure you can do the moves with correct form before increasing your weight.

To access follow-along videos of each workout routine, download the All/Out Studio fitness app. Get your first month free with code FREE30 at checkout, or become a Women's Health+ member for 60 days free!

Atkins recommends incorporating cross-training into this workout plan via cardio or mobility workouts, whether that means running, cycling, or doing a HIIT workout. And if you're looking for a build-your-own 20-minute cross-training workout you can do at home, check out this list of effective cardio exercises.

But you can opt for a more low-impact option too, like walking, swimming, or using an elliptical machine, especially if you're a beginner. Cross-training has been a very loosely used term for randomized training modalitiesboth high and low intensityfor decades, Heidi Powell, personal trainer and co-creator of the Transform app, previously told Women's Health. It will help you increase strength, power, speed, endurance, agility, and balance, all of which translates across all sports and your everyday life.

Think of it as supplementing your strength sessions with another form of movement that nourishes both your brain and bod.

Your cross-training activity of choice can change between Wednesday and today! Maybe you took a spin class, and now you're looking for something a bit slower-paced, like a yoga class. When it comes to cross-training, it's best to alternate between two activities at a time, Mike Donavanik, CSCS, founder of Sweat Factor, previously told Women's Health. Dont try to do lifting, SoulCycle, yoga, Pilates, barre all in one week. The goal is to mix it up, so you continue to challenge your body, just not too much.

Rest days are as crucial a part of your fitness routine as any workout! Simply put, a rest day is a day when you take a break from your typical exercise programming to allow time for your body to recover, Natalya Vasquez, CPT, a certified personal trainer, health coach, and founder of Bridal Bootcamp San Diego, previously told Women's Health. Theyre intended to reset your body and mind and allow you time to recuperate.

With this workout plan, you're scheduled to take one rest day per week. However, you can always take more if, after the first week, you feel like you need additional breaks during this 30-day program. (No shame in knowingand respectingyour limits!) Your unique circumstances, including your body and abilities, time constraints, lifestyle, goals, and natural gravitation to exercise will dictate how many days you exercise versus how many days you take off, advises Vasquez. Be open to a less rigid model of days on and off because there will be some weeks where you may be hesitant to take off even one day to rest, and others where youll either feel burnt out, sick, or have life circumstances that prevent you from sticking to your plan.

Just do the best you can and listen to your body each day, and you'll be sure to crush the Women's Health 30-Day Workout Challenge!

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Beginners Say This 30-Day Workout Challenge Actually Gets Results - Women's Health

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Jul 28

Civilian Health Promotions adds more free virtual fitness, health options – Minuteman


Many start the year with fitness goals and make health and wellness resolutions. However, by the middle of summer, it is not uncommon to lose motivation. Summer heat and repetitive exercise routines can dampen anyones enthusiasm.

The Civilian Health Promotion Services program has added new and innovative updates to their wellness web portal to help spur civilian exercisers into higher gear. And, like the rest of the CHPS programs, its all free.

AFMC civilians can access high-caliber, engaging online fitness and mindfulness classes with Les Mills International on the Air Force Wellness portal.

The CHPS program has a wide variety of health-related content, but we realized that fitness and nutrition were untapped areas, said Sonya Meier, Department of the Air Force CHPS Program Manager. This expansion of virtual services gives locations that do not currently have an in-person CHPS staff more options.

We chose Les Mills because the programs are science-based, she said, The programs have been researched in depth as being able to help users meet their fitness and health goals.

The Les Mills courses run from 15 minutes to an hour for all skill levels and are available any day or night. Dance, stretch, or tune into a high-energy fitness class.

I use the programs myself and especially love the yoga instruction, she added. There are over 20 programs to choose from, so you can change things up and never get bored.

Another new addition to the portal is Diet ID, which offers personalized nutrition assessment and diet management. Diet ID uses a visual approach to optimizing health instead of food tracking. The program helps participants to learn their unique diet patterns and then offers personalized health management based on the users own fitness goals.

By choosing from a series of pictures and answering simple questions, Diet ID analyses current eating habits and helps users plan. Participants can set milestones and track progress with motivating personalized messages and reminders from the application.

Whether you want to reduce salt intake, start eating cleaner or need to find a healthy diet that takes into consideration cultural or medical food restrictions, Diet ID offers tips for success including menu planning and recipes, said Meier.

These new additions add to the variety of health-related programs available on the Air Force Wellness portal. Users can take a health risk assessment, use tracking logs for exercise and steps, view a local calendar of events, learn to manage stress, improve sleep hygiene, and much more.

Locate and download the Motivation Alliance app on the Apple App Store or Google Play. Enter as your platform.

For more information, contact the CHPS program officer at

Here is the original post:
Civilian Health Promotions adds more free virtual fitness, health options - Minuteman

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Jul 28

Get in Your Best Summer Shape With This Training Program – Men’s Health

THE SPICIEST PART of the summer is here, and that means there's no time like right now to get into the best shape of your life, and craft the abs you've always wanted.

That's where our Summer Shred Challenge comes in. Consider these 5 workout programs from ACE-certified trainer

Rowe's system will have you training 4 times a week, with an optional fifth workout on Fridays. (You'll then have weekends off to enjoy the summer!) Rowe pushes you using a blend of bodyweight exercises and classic strength movements, then helps you loosen your body with mobility and flexibility concepts. The end result will leave you stronger and more durable than you've ever been, and set you on a path to sculpted abs and strength.

This program is exclusively available to Men's Health MVP Premium members, so if you're not already a member, be sure to sign up now.




Strength / Mobility

KOREY ROWE, ACE, is a veteran fitness trainer who specializes in well-rounded workout programs that build muscle and strength while enhancing flexibility. The result: You wind up looking and feeling great. Rowe fell in love with fitness at age 17. At the time, he was struggling to do pushups. But after months of work, he was able to master the move. "The thing I have always loved about fitness," Rowe says, "is that there is a direct correlation between the work you put in and the outcome you receive." Translation: If you go hard during Korey's program, you're going to see results.

MEN'S HEALTH MVP is a community of guys who are passionate about building their physical, mental, and emotional fitness, just as you are. And our MH MVP program is about giving you as many tools as possible to make that possible. Our Summer Shred program is just the start of a vast array of features that'll help you become your best self.

Join MVP Premium

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Get in Your Best Summer Shape With This Training Program - Men's Health

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Jul 28

Hundreds of Italian residents join their mayor on weight loss walks – Euronews

A small Italian town mayor's fight to loss weight has gone viral after he campaigned for company on his weekly walks.

Visit the northern Italian town of Valdobbiadene on a Thursday night and youll find a few hundred people on an evening walk with their mayor.

Luciano Fregonese was re-elected as mayor of the town in the Veneto region in June.

Since his first mandate a decade ago, the 47-year-old has gained 50kg, which he blames on the jobs convivial obligations and long working hours.

He has vowed to return to the 90kg he weighed when first elected and is now undertaking weekly walks to slim down.

For sure, it was a question of laziness and a sedentary lifestyle too, but being mayor meant I no longer did any sport or physical activity, Fregonese told UK paper The Guardian.

The other problem is that I enjoy eating and drinking, also because you eat and drink well here and so its not easy to follow a diet.

Valdobbiadene is famed for its sparkling white wine prosecco, but Fregonese says the volume of food and irregular eating hours were the bigger problem.

When planning his re-election campaign, friends suggested he make his weight loss goals the main objective.

It seemed to convince many of the towns 10,000 residents and Fregonese won by a considerable margin with 67 per cent of the vote.

I won the election and thought I should start getting busy. But I didn't know how, I never had time, the mayor told Vanity Fair Italia.

Then, chatting with a friend who had the same problem as me, we said to each other: let's go walking together. And why dont we ask the people of the town too.

So Fregonese decided to turn his weekly Thursday office hours for residents into walking sessions.

A few weeks ago, Fregonese started taking advantage of the hilly terrain to undertake 5.5-kilometre walks through the town and surrounding vineyards.

Those who care about me tell me I have to think about my health. And I want to do it together with my citizens, he said at the first meeting, where 45 people turned up.

The week after it grew to 113 and has since snowballed to 215 (and 12 dogs). Post-trek, photos, videos and a route are posted on the mayors Facebook account.

Naturally, Fregonese cant talk to everyone who joins the walk.

In reality, 10 per cent of citizens come to make reports and requests to me. The others just accompany me and go for a dog or family walk in an inclusive, non-performative group, he told Vanity Fair Italia. It's good because I certainly can't maintain a brisk pace.

Fregonese says people now wait at their windows to greet them as they walk by - and even offer a glass of wine.

But obviously, the mayor isnt tempted. I'm already tired walking the five kilometres, imagine if I had to drink, he said.

Original post:
Hundreds of Italian residents join their mayor on weight loss walks - Euronews

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Jul 28

The 6 best weight loss apps, reviewed by a registered dietitian – Fortune

How we test

Our team of fitness and nutrition experts tested dozens of weight loss apps for functionality, value, extra features, and customer experience. We narrowed down the list to these six programs to help you reach sustainable, healthy weight loss goals.

Learn more

Chris Mohr, Ph.D., RD, an experienced sports nutritionist, provided his expertise for this article. Lily Moe and Jessica Coulon, two seasoned health editors, also provided their review. Kelly Uhler fact-checked each claim for accuracy.

Thanks to dozens of weight loss apps available online, staying accountable to your health goals is easier than ever. But that doesnt mean that every weight loss app is created equally. While studies show that mobile apps can successfully help people lose weight while cutting costs, some programs can set unrealistic goals, setting you up for failure and frustration. ( 1 )

Thats why our team has tested dozens of popular weight loss apps to help narrow down the best options for your needs. We evaluated each app based on several factors, including how easy they were to use, sustainability, and the amount of personalization offered. Heres a look at the best weight loss apps in 2024, according to our team of experts.

To evaluate your risk of an eating disorder or disordered eating, take the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) free assessment . For additional support, please contact the NEDA helpline at 1-800-931-2237 .

Receiving high marks for its effectiveness and sustainability from our product testers, Noom earned our pick for the best weight loss app overall. Its centered around the psychology of food choices, using scientifically proven techniques to promote sustainable habits. And, its one of the few weight loss programs that addresses all aspects of weight loss

Medical disclaimer: This article is intended for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. For health advice, contact a licensed healthcare provider.

Noom uses psychology to help you build healthier lifestyle habits.

Personalized meal plan No

Noom is a psychologically driven weight loss program that provides personalized coaching, interactive daily lessons, and community support to help you reach your health goals.


Uses behavioral therapy to help you change your relationship with food

Includes daily lessons, which many customers find helpful

Offers a trial period of 7 or 14 days


Constant food logging may become time-consuming

Monthly plan is more expensive than other weight loss apps

Personalized meal/exercise plan not included

Available on iOS and Android mobile devices, Noom is a popular weight loss program that uses cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to change habits that directly impact diet and exercise. A 2023 study found that this technique may help people implement behavioral changes that result in long-term weight loss. ( 2 )

As with anythinglike exercise, nutrition, sleepconsistency of daily habits is the most important piece for long term success. What is done most of the time is more important than what is done some of the time. Apps that encourage check ins, visits with dietitians, even touch points with friends or colleagues, can all offer the necessary support, which is why Noom can help with outcomes.

Chris Mohr, Ph.D., RD, Fortune Recommends Advisor

Within Nooms app, youll have 24/7 access to coaches for support and guidance. Although the company says youll receive a response within 24-48 hours, our tester appreciated that her coach replied much faster, usually within a few hours.

Its worth noting that while Noom coaches go through a structured program with in-depth behavior science training and can provide basic nutrition advice, they arent dietitians. If you have any concerns that require a registered dietitian youll want to look outside the app.

Registered dietitians can also offer additional, personal support above and beyond an app. Research has confirmed the effectiveness of having a dietitian in your corner, adds Mohr. ( 3 )

Noom is meant to be flexible, with no foods off-limits. Instead, the program uses a color-coded system to guide you toward better food choices. Foods are classified as orange, yellow, or green based on their calorie density, a feature our tester found to help improve her eating habits.

Nuts or avocados, for example, may be calorie and nutrient dense, but also wonderful for you. Color coding foods based on their calorie density can be a useful tool most of the time, but its important to understand there are some limitations. This is where a registered dietitian can complement the app and ultimately user outcome, says Mohr.

She also commented on the apps ease of use and found the food logging system helpful.

Most of the food that I eat is already saved in the app. I scan whatever I can, and it comes up automatically. Then, its saved as a favorite or appears at the top of my food choices if I have it often.

Team product tester

Noom also offers daily lessons to teach you the foundations of healthy living, including nutrition, sleep, stress management , and self-care. These personalized lessons, lasting 5-15 minutes each, are interactive and include quizzes and challenges to keep you engaged.

To get started, youll be asked detailed questions about your background and health goals. Noom uses this information, along with your height, weight, and activity level, to develop a customized plan and suggest a daily calorie target. The average plan length is 16 weeks but may be longer or shorter depending on your health goals.

One drawback our tester mentioned was that, as she answered questions, the app kept telling her that she would reach her target weight sooner. I started to feel really overwhelmed with Noom telling me I could lose 20 pounds in less than four months, she commented.

Like most weight loss programs, Noom doesnt recommend the app for people with a history of an eating disorder.

Many customers have experienced weight loss and better lifestyle habits with Noom, finding the personalized daily lessons to be particularly helpful.

One Trustpilot reviewer says the lessons have improved her relationship with food.

At first, I was skeptical. I thought the lessons were teaching me pretty obvious things but as the days have gone on Im feeling much better and the lessons are forcing me to change my relationship with food.

Emma M., Trustpilot reviewer

A few users have reported billing errors and note that the apps food tracking feature could use some improvement. Verified Trustpilot reviewer Amy mentioned inaccuracies with food logging, saying Ive found so many things that are different to what the nutrition labels say. So then you have to manually add, and check everything twice.

Simple uses the latest technology to help users lose weight and keep track of their fasting at an affordable price.

Intermittent fasting has helped many people lose weight, and using a fasting app like Simple can keep you on track without breaking the bank.


Includes a large library of educational content and videos

Fasting tracker displays on your phones lock screen

Free version includes more features than other basic weight loss apps

No calorie counting is required


Nutrition scores do not consider portion sizes

Designed specifically for intermittent fasting

Simple is an intermittent fasting and meal-tracking app designed to help you lose weight, build healthier habits, and improve your relationship with food. A 2022 study showed that intermittent fastinglimiting the amount of time you eat each daymay help with weight loss and reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes in overweight people. ( 11 )

Understand that while some research has found fasting may be an effective tool, it is just one tool among many, and certainly not a magic bullet, says Chris Mohr, Ph.D., RD. In my personal experience, as a dietitian for 20+ years, I have found that those who are more balanced with their meals and intake have the most long term success.

But Simple offers more features than most fasting apps, like fasting time reminders, a library of nutrition education, and personalized guidance. Simple users also have 24/7 access to Avo, an AI-powered health coach that can provide meal suggestions, weight loss tips, and motivation. And, on the apps home page, youll find a daily task list to help you stay on track, including reminders for daily readings and setting your fasting schedule.

We liked that Simple makes food logging easy, which we think is especially helpful for busy people. In addition to typing in what you eat, you can also upload a photo or use your voice to log your meals.

With Simples Nutrition Scores system, youll receive instant feedback on your logged meals. Note that scores are only estimates and assume average portion size. When I logged five servings of spaghetti for dinner, it only counted the meal, not the portion size, and gave it an optimal score. If you consume more calories than your body needs during your eating window, you might not lose weight.

Simple connects with Apple Health, Fitbit, or Google Fit to sync your steps, water intake, and sleep data.

Many features on the app are included with the free version, though youll have to upgrade if you want to receive a customized plan that includes features like daily tasks and personalized insights.

Simple has over 200,000 ratings on the Apple App Store. A majority of users report being successful with the app. A verified Apple App Store reviewer, with the username Kawimer, loves that the app improves accountability while providing education about fasting.

This app is one of the best I have ever used for staying on track and learning more about the healthy sides of intermittent fasting.

Kawimer, Apple App Store customer

Trustpilot reviewer Jessica C. loved the apps reminders and that it showed her when she was in fat-burning mode. However, she did question the accuracy of Simples nutrition scoring system, saying, I dont think Simples nutritional evaluation of food intake is accurate, but I realize it has a lot of other components that are very helpful.

Future is a fitness app that comes with custom workout plans, coaching, and unlimited workouts.

Future connects you with personal trainers who create workout routines based on your goals, background, and available equipment. The app doesnt offer meal plans or nutrition coaching, though many coaches are qualified to answer basic questions and help you determine your daily macronutrient needs.


Personalized workout plans

30-day money-back guarantee

Syncs with your smartwatch for progress tracking


Nutrition plan not included

Customer service is only available via email

Research shows that pairing a supervised resistance training program with a reduced-calorie diet thats adequate in protein reduces fat and weight while preserving lean mass in overweight individuals. ( 4 ) Thats why we recommend Future for people looking to build a well-rounded weight loss routine.

Future is one of the best personal training apps out there. It that pairs users with coaches who develop custom training plans that are specific to their goals, equipment, and fitness levels. After taking a short intro quiz, Future will recommend several certified coaches who fit your preferences. If you arent satisfied with any of these options, you will have the option to choose a different coach yourself. And, if you prefer face-to-face communication, you can schedule a FaceTime call with your coach to dive deeper into your fitness needs.

A Future membership includes unlimited messaging with your coaches, who will answer your questions, reach out to you often, and work with you to fine-tune your training plan.

One of our testers liked that her coach frequently reached out to help with accountability.

Most mornings, my coach messaged me with motivational quotes and encouraged me to get my workout in.

Team product tester

Each Future workout includes a short introduction from a coach and an overview of what to expect. Before beginning, you can preview each exercise and watch a video demonstration on how to complete it.

You can also cast workouts to your TV, making it easier to follow along. And, you can also listen to your own music or podcast during your workout, a feature that may help improve the quality of your workout.

The Future Appavailable in the Apple App Store and Google Play Storeis compatible with various smartwatches, including the Apple Watch. Our tester found this feature helpful, eliminating the need for her to keep running over to her phone if she needed to pause for a minute to catch her breath.

While your coach wont watch you train in real-time, they can see when you start and finish a workout. If youre using a smartwatch, they can also see your heart rate and calories burned as you complete your exercises. Further, you can record your workouts and send them to your coach if youre wondering whether youre performing an exercise correctly.

If youre new to exercise or just need added accountability, receiving personal feedback and coaching can be an invaluable resource. ( 5 ) The functionality and personalization of the Future app adds value to the end user, says Chris Mohr, Ph.D., RD.

The Future app has over 9,000 reviews on the Apple App Store. Several users say that the app has kept them accountable and consistent, leading to visible progress. Verified customer Mashka L. from the Apple App Store stated that she has had some injuries after pregnancy, and Future has helped her regain strength.

My coach, Laura-Lynn, creates new workouts for me every week that target my specific needs. We have video check-ins, we message every week and after every workout to make sure my goals are being met. I have some injuries and some changes to my body after pregnancy, but shes able to work around them and help me get my strength back.

Mashka L., Apple App Store customer

Some users note that they would like to see more features added.

Verified customer Andrea W. from the Google Play Store wrote, This program is great in its workouts, but it doesnt incorporate basic user experience for things like displaying data graphics on weight, measurements, step tracking, weekly photo progress, and workout milestones.

Caliber stands out for its personalized exercise and nutrition plans, as well as weekly lessons to help you achieve fitness goals.

Caliber offers programs for all budgets. The premium version offers individual coaching, including personalized training and exercise plans with detailed instructions.


Includes nutrition and exercise coaching

30-day money-back guarantee

Unique strength balance score to track progress

Free version is available


Must book a phone consultation to see premium membership options

Limited fitness tracker integration

Sending photos to your coach can be a hassle, according to our tester

Research suggests that combining diet, exercise, and behavior modification is the most effective way to achieve significant and lasting weight loss. ( 7 ) And Caliber does just that. The nutrition and fitness app aims to help people build muscle and lose weight through personalized exercise and nutrition plans, one-on-one coaching, and weekly lessons.

Caliber is available in three tiers, each including different levels of coaching, support, and personalization.

The free version allows you to create your own training program and gives you access to an exercise library and community groups, but it doesnt offer much more in terms of personalized support or guidance. For that, youll need to choose a paid subscription option.

Continue reading here:
The 6 best weight loss apps, reviewed by a registered dietitian - Fortune

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Jul 28

Which Weight Loss Drug Should You Choose (if You Get to Choose)? – The New York Times

People with obesity now have a choice between two powerful drugs to help them lose weight. One is semaglutide, sold by Novo Nordisk as Wegovy for obesity treatment and as Ozempic for diabetes. The second, tirzepatide, is sold by Eli Lilly as Zepbound for obesity and as Mounjaro for diabetes. Many with neither obesity or diabetes take the drugs to get thinner.

A recent study suggested that people lost more weight taking Mounjaro than they did taking Ozempic, and it may leave you wondering: Which should I take? And if Im already taking one of them, should I switch?

The answers, obesity medicine experts say, are not so simple. Here are some factors that can help sort out hype from realistic hope.

For now, its hard to say. All of the information available comes from highly flawed studies, said Dr. Diana Thiara, medical director of the weight loss clinic at the University of California, San Francisco.

That includes the recent study comparing Mounjaro and Ozempic. Using electronic health records, the researchers reported that those taking Mounjaro lost an average of 15.3 percent of their weight after a year. Those taking Ozempic lost an average of 8.3 percent.

While that sounds impressive, Dr. Susan Z. Yanovski, co-director of the Office of Obesity Research at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, said, I wouldnt make any decisions on my medical care based solely on a study like this.

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Which Weight Loss Drug Should You Choose (if You Get to Choose)? - The New York Times

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Jul 28

Clapping back at Ozempic allegations, Lil Rel Howery opens up about his dramatic weight loss – TheGrio

Lil Rel Howery is feeling good and will not let haters steal his joy. Recently, the Get Out star garnered attention for his noticeable weight loss during a red-carpet appearance for his upcoming film Harold and the Purple Crayon.

This is my own appreciation post for myself, Howery wrote on Instagram. Ive worked really hard on myself the last 5 years physically, mentally, spiritually, professionally and personally. Im so proud of myself. This is the best Ive ever felt and looked in my whole life.

While the actor accredits his weight loss to a lifestyle change, noting that he stopped drinking and began eating better, users in the comments questioned if Howery used any medications like Ozempic or Mounjaro to help shed some pounds.

Why cant people [tell] the truth on how they lost weight, one commenter shared, to which Howery responded: I did but yall [would] rather believe the bull**** because doing something right is so unbelievable lol.

Though stars like Tina Knowles, Terry Crews, and Yvonne Orji applauded the star on his journey, Howery still posted a follow-up video addressing the onslaught of hateful comments and accusations.

Thats not my journey, he said, shutting down the claims. I dont know even where to get it from, to be quite honest from you.

I put that post up to inspire other people, he added. [And to remind people] its not a sprint, its a marathon, and this is what it looks like and feels like when you actually put in the work and put in the time to do it.

For Howery, his religion and relationship with God were fundamental to his weight loss. Though it wasnt easy, he stressed that his spiritual journey fueled his physical one. Recounting dark moments when his assistant reportedly found him crying, Howery explained how his five-year journey to wellness also improved his mental health and allowed him to find love with his fianc, Dannella Lane.

I really work my butt off. I aint taking any supplements even with just working outI dont do any of that. This has just been a spiritual journey. Its been a mental journey. Its been a journey full of love, he said. I was in a dark space, but I said yes to GodAnd thats just the truth.

Regardless of how people think he lost the weight, Howery hopes his testimony inspires others.

Whatever you do, please do for yourself and if you can, dont take the shortcut; really put the work in this is a whole, just straight hard work, nothing else and thats the honest to God Truth.

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Clapping back at Ozempic allegations, Lil Rel Howery opens up about his dramatic weight loss - TheGrio

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Jul 28

Denise Austin Reveals Her 4 Top Weight Loss Tips for Women Over 50 – Prevention Magazine

Ahead, find Austins favorite tips for weight loss for women over 50.

I always tell women, you gotta start weight training. Weight training will help you work the muscles to keep from atrophy because as we age, we lose our muscle tone, Austin says. If you dont use it, you lose it! Whether you do bodyweight exercises, resistance band exercises, or add a pair of hand weights to your routine, Austin suggests weight training twice per week or more.

Muscle conditioning is the most important as we go through perimenopause, into menopause, and even after menopausethe weight loss happens naturally if you get those muscles to work a little more, Austin adds. Our muscles are what keeps us young. If your muscles are toned and taught, theres no drooping and sagging, and muscles work miracles on your metabolism.

Its true: Increased muscle mass gained through weight training can boost your metabolism and your bodys ability to burn fat, which may help maintain a healthy weight, Steven Bowers, D.O., a board-certified family physician, previously explained of strength training over 50.

Austin says that overeating, especially late at night, is something she tries to avoid. Thats the time that our body already naturally slows down, and if youre overeating at night, youre not able to burn some of those calories because you're starting to lay around the house, she says.

Instead, Austin recommends eating a nutritious dinner to help avoid late-night snacking. If youre hungry after dinner, Austin does have a few go-to healthy snacks she likes to eat. She says she loves apples with almond butter, cottage cheese with flax seeds and hemp seeds, hummus with veggies, and nuts. Eating healthy as you age is importantespecially healthy fats, vitamin C, and fiber.

I always tell people make sure youre drinking your eight eight-ounce glasses of water every day, Austin explains. Water is energy. It really helps you. Austin says that not only does drinking plenty of water give you the energy to power through your day, but it can also be a beneficial weight loss tool and is important for overall health. With hot flashes and other menopause symptoms, dehydration can occur, so its really important to keep on drinking, she adds.

The body sometimes confuses thirst for hunger, causing you to eat more than you need. One study found that drinking water before a meal is linked to weight loss, and experts agree that drinking water can actually help you get rid of water weight. If you dont drink enough water, the body holds on to water to prevent severe dehydration, Amy Shapiro, R.D., previously explained.

If you can, get some movement in. Dont sit. Sitting gives you no energy, Austin adds. So get up out of the chair as often as you can. You have to move those muscles to get the oxygen to flow, and that gives you energy. Plus, adding even small amounts of movement to your day can help counteract some of the negative health effects of sitting (including weight gain). One 2022 study found that something called NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis), which refers to the portion of daily energy expenditure not resulting from voluntary exercise, is an essential tool for body weight control.

When you do need to sit, take Austins advice and practice good posture. I tell people that posture is the key to good energy. If youre sitting slouched over, youre not able to take deep breaths, she says. So get up, stretch, and have good posturethats the key to good energy.

We love that Austin always helps her fans stay motivated. Looking for more from the fitness pro? Check out some of Austins fan-favorite exercises below.

Shannen Zitz is an Assistant Editor at Prevention, where she covers all things lifestyle, wellness, beauty, and relationships. Previously the Editorial Assistant at Prevention, she graduated from the State University of New York at Cortland with a bachelor's degree in English. If shes not reading or writing, you can probably find her frequenting the skincare and makeup forums on Reddit or hogging the squat rack at the gym.

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Denise Austin Reveals Her 4 Top Weight Loss Tips for Women Over 50 - Prevention Magazine

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