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Feb 2

Naked Calories Prevent Weight Loss

Once upon a time weight loss was simple and involved eliminating empty calories, eating slightly less calories from a healthy balanced diet and burning slightly more calories per day. This used to work and nearly all successful losers were able to maintain their weight loss as long as they continued with their healthy habits.

Fast forward to now when most of the food we eat has been found to be micronutrient deficient and 68% of U.S. adults and 33% of U.S. children and adolescents are overweight or obese. Weight loss is not only an uphill battle it's nearly impossible and it's naked calories that are to blame explain Jayson Calton and Mira Calton in their book Naked Calories. Study after study mentioned in their book uncover a global pandemic of micronutrient deficiency in both children and adults that is closely tied to the current obesity epidemic as well as many other serious diseases.

So What Are Naked Calories?
Naked Calories is an interesting term that sounds similar to empty calories but the term naked simply means food that has calories as well as macronutrients (protein, carbs, and/or fat) but is micronutrient deficient. In other words, food that is completely depleted of vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to be healthy and maintain a healthy weight. Empty calories on the other hand are calories completely devoid of nutritional value (i.e. chips, candy, soft drinks, booze, etc).

As Mira Calton explained in a recent interview "The old adage that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, might have been true for our grandparents but today's apple looks nothing like the apple our grandparents had 80 years ago. Today's apple would have nearly 50% less calcium, 100% less iron, and 83% less magnesium, and less phosphorus, less potassium, and so on. Beef has been 100% completely striped of vitamin A".

How Naked Calories Prevent Weight Loss
It doesn't take a PhD in Nutritional Biochemistry to realize that your body can't metabolize fat, utilize the fuels you eat or burn calories efficiently when it's not getting all the nutrients it needs. When you feed your body food that is devoid of vitamins and minerals you are simply consuming naked calories (fake food) and your body is still starving for nutrients it needs to function at optimum.

The real issue for most people today is not just calories in vs. calories out, or eating healthy foods, or even avoiding certain foods (fat, carbs, or protein). The real problem is that most foods today have little to no nutritional value and this in turn wreaks havoc on both you metabolic system and your health making it impossible to lose weight or maintain your loss no matter how "healthy" you eat, how little you eat, how many foods you ban, how many supplements you take or inject, or how much you exercise. The modern day obesity epidemic goes beyond such basic weight loss factors and if you are desperate to lose fat you must look beyond them as well and focus on the real problem of micronutrient deficiency.

How to Beat The Naked Calorie Pandemic
The solution to this serious issue is simple and it starts with you becoming what the Caltons call a Nutrivore, an eater of food that is chock full of vitamins and minerals. So instead of focusing on banning entire foods groups, or slashing calories, or exercising yourself to death you need to focus on improving the quality of the food you eat. This is actually very easy to do with their three part approach listed below. Be sure to refer to it any time you shop for food, eat out or cook food at home.

1. Eat real food (organic, local, minimally processed, free range, grass fed)

2. Minimize Nutrient Depleters Including:
Prescription Medications
Most Diet Plans (i.e. low carb, raw, vegan, low calorie, the research on this was shocking)
Foods Containing Oxalic Acid and Phytates
Alcohol, Smoking, Caffeine
High Levels of Stress
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Microwave Cooking
More Than 6 Hours of Strenuous (really hardcore) Exercise per Week

3. Take Supplement with Anti-Competition Multi-Vitamins If Needed
Learn more about how to get healthy and start losing weight with simple strategies from Naked Calories: How Micronutrients Can Maximize Weight Loss, Prevent Disease and Enhance Your Life

Excerpt from:
Naked Calories Prevent Weight Loss

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