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Mar 6

Winchester Weigh Down begins March 14

Winchester residents who would like to shed the extra pounds they put on over the holidays, or those wanting to fulfill New Years resolutions to lose weight can get some help doing so during the Clark County Activity Coalition Winchester Weigh Down. The 10-week weight loss competition begins March 14 and runs through May 23 and has categories for men, women and families. During the competition participants are asked to weigh in each week at one of five locations around the community. As in the past, at the end of the 10 weeks, the person, and family, that loses the most weight will receive prizes, including membership to the Winchester YMCA, gift certificates to Dicks Sporting Goods, heart rate monitors, pedometers and other general exercise equipment. Activity Coalition co-chair Laura Sheehan said the competition was another way the group can promote better health in the community. The main mission of the Activity Coalition is to promote physical activity and opportunities to improve health, Sheehan said.A main objective of the Weigh Down has always been to motivate and encourage individuals to make life changes in regards to food and exercise. Last year, 125 people participated in the competition and Sheehan said the coalition would like to see even more this year. In an effort to get more people involved and to help people achieve their goals, more classes are being offered for participants this year. Among the 18 class offerings are: getting started with weight loss. stress and emotional eating. exercise at home. eat like a pig look like a twig. silversneakers cardio circuit for seniors. how to make healthy protein smoothies. We hope having more classes will give people more reasons to join us and also will help people achieve their weight loss goals, Sheehan said. The Weigh Down is an opportunity to make people aware that losing weight is not as hard when you have a group to do it with and to support you. Gina Lang, co-chair of the Activity Coalition said its not uncommon for the average sedentary adult to gain five to seven pounds a year. The competition is geared toward everyone, regardless of how much weight they want to lose. We want to encourage everyone to join, from those who want to lose 10 pounds, to those who have more to lose, Lang said. We also want to encourage those who have participated in the competition before to come out, they are eligible to participate also. Sheehan said she was also excited that the group was able to begin a website this year to assist participants in the competition. There is so much information on the page from the class offerings and weigh in locations as well information about discounts participants can receive from local health facilities during the completion, Sheehan said. Im excited about the website and think it will be a powerful tool for people who are wanting to lose weight. Winners of the weigh down will be announced June 2 during the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new walking trail opening at the Clark County Extension Service located on Fortune Drive. For more information, go to

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Winchester Weigh Down begins March 14

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