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Apr 1

Diet changes can help ward off yeast infections

A reader writes: I struggle with reoccurring yeast infections. The doctor gave me an oral medication for them about five years ago and I didnt have them for a year. Then my body started to be allergic to that medicine.

Ive always known I can change my diet, but you know how hard that is! I know I need to cut out refined sugar and starches. Again not so easy!

Can you give me some ideas as to what to eat for breakfast? Its hard to go to the store with four kids and actually read the labels.

Dear Reader,

Fascinating information out there about this condition ... and much of it is not very reliable. Suffice it to say, some diet changes can help prevent yeast infections. But it may not be as drastic as you have been led to believe. Heres why:

Yeasts are everywhere. They live in soil. They reside on the skins of fruit and berries. And they live in the body. Some yeasts are good and others are not.

The yeast most often responsible for infections in the body is Candida albicans (a.k.a. Candida). Although a normal resident of the body, Candida is considered an opportunistic pathogen which means it is only harmful if it is allowed to grow out of control.

The most common cause of yeast infections? Antibiotic use, say experts. Antibiotics kill good bacteria (which protect the body from yeast overgrowth) as well as bad bacteria. Other conditions that may promote the abnormal growth of yeast in the body include pregnancy, hormone replacement therapy, diabetes and HIV infections.

Yeasts in food, however, are entirely different species from the pathogen Candida albicans. Nutritional yeasts are friendly fungi much like mushrooms and other organisms we add to food for one reason or other. Saccharomyces cerevisiae (abbreviated S. cerevisiae) is a common yeast that has been used to make bread for thousands of years. Other strains of Saccharomyces are used to ferment grape juice into wine. Kombucha is a fermented sweetened tea made with a nutritional yeast. Some yeasts are even used to turn corn into ethanol fuel.

Although the Internet is full of diet advice on how to prevent yeast infections (one site says you must eliminate everything but garlic, spices, herbs and vegetables), here are some reliable remedies:

Excerpt from:
Diet changes can help ward off yeast infections

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