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May 2

Drastic Diets That Work | eHow


Each year, millions of people start diets that promise to help them shed weight quickly and with minimal effort required. There are diets that actually help you drop a few pounds quickly, but they are quite drastic. Diets like the Lemonade Diet, the Hollywood Diet and the Cabbage Soup diet promise to help you lose lots of weight quickly.

The Lemonade Diet, or Master Cleanse, is a diet in which users drink a special lemonade mixture and a salt water mixture for a minimum of 10 days. Dieters lose around one to two pounds each day, according to To make the lemonade, you need 2 tbsp. fresh squeezed lemon juice, 2 tbsp. organic maple syrup, a 1/10 tsp. cayenne pepper and 1 cup purified water. To make the salt water, you need 2 tsp. uniodized sea salt for every quart of water. Consume the salt water after waking up, and consume the lemonade throughout the day. Consume herbal laxative tea at night before bed. This diet may cause frequent bowel movements, especially in the morning, so be prepared.

The Hollywood Diet, or 48-hour Miracle Diet, is a drastic diet that involves consuming a diet drink. This diet is a juice fast that allows dieters to lose up to five pounds in 24 hours. The weight lost is around two pounds of fat, while the rest is waste and muscle weight, according to Drinking only the juice for two days detoxifies your body's waste, which causes you to shed weight fast. This drink is made of all natural juices, minerals, vitamins, oils and antioxidants. You don't eat anything while on this diet, just a mixture of four fluid ounces of the juice concentrate with four fluid ounces of water over a four-hour span.

On the seven day Cabbage Soup Diet, users can lose up to 10 pounds in a week just from eating cabbage soup. It's suggested that users consume at least four glasses of water each day to stay hydrated, as well as take a multivitamin to stay well nourished. Though this diet is fairly strict, you can eat as much cabbage soup as you want. To make a day's worth of cabbage soup, you need to combine and cook six green onions, one can of tomatoes, three carrots, two green peppers, one can of mushrooms, some chopped celery, a half of a head of cabbage, a pack of Lipton soup mix, salt, pepper and one 48 ounce can of V8 juice. This diet constricts your food choices to cabbage soup, fruits, vegetables, skim milk, baked potatoes, tomatoes and beef. Because of the restricted 800 to 1,000 calories each day, dieters lose a weight fast.

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Drastic Diets That Work. Each year, millions of people start diets that promise to help them shed weight quickly and with minimal...

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Drastic Diets That Work | eHow

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