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Jun 10

37 Experts Reveal Their #1 Weight Loss Motivation Tip

We have all experienced the excitement of having committed to a weight loss goal, you can practically feel the fat melting off having just made the decision to lose weight! And then reality kicks in, weight loss motivation wanes and suddenly we are reaching for the junk food and the TV remote

However there ARE people who manage to stay motivated to reach their weight loss goals, so how do they do it? This is the question we put to 37 health and fitness experts and we have listed their answers below.

There is a great mixture answers from professionals such as personal trainers, fitness authors and bloggers and weight loss coaches, plus you also get to hear from people who have battled with the bulge themselves some even losing in excess of 100lbs!

We hope you enjoy reading through these weight loss motivation tips as much as we enjoyed compiling them.

What is your number 1 tip for staying motivated when trying to lose weight?

Ben Greenfield ~ Ben Greenfield Fitness / Twitter

Post a photo on your mirror of the body you want and look at it every day. For bonus points, put it on refrigerator too.

Tina ~ Carrots N Cake / Twitter

Know that the changes you are making are long-term, lifestyle changes, not quick fixes, so ENJOY the process, take your time, and find what works for YOU!

Terry Asher ~ Gym Junkies / Facebook

Want to stay motivated when trying to lose weight? Have sex; yes its great for you. It releases tons of endorphins in your brain when you have an orgasm.

Theres also plenty of research showing that the more weight you lose the better your sex life becomes. Being motivated for losing weight does not have to be boring!

Jennipher Walters ~ Fit Bottomed Girls / Twitter

Find and focus on your why! Take a few minutes to think or journal on why you want to lose weight and why you deserve to be healthy. As the answers pop up, keep drilling down and asking why you want those things. Keep asking why? until you get down to a really basic and emotional feeling that resonates with you. Most of the time, its something like: I want to feel confident, or I want to be seen for who I really am. Then put reminders up around you that inspires and reminds you why youre making healthy choices. When you have a strong emotional connection to your why, its much easier to make the better-for-you decision!

Keith Lai ~ FitMole / Twitter

Be like Chinese bamboo.

The Chinese Bamboo Tree is a story of persistence.In its first 4 years, Chinese bamboo doesnt appear to grow above soil no matter how much sunlight, water, and nurturing it gets.

But in its 5th year, it is said that Chinese bamboo grows to over 80 feet in just 6 weeks time.

So whats the moral of this story?

No, Im not saying you need to wait 5 years to see weight loss results.

But most people these days cant even wait 5 days.

Theres no such thing as a quick fix, and if you expect yourself to lose 20 pounds in one week, then youre going to be in for a rude awakening.

So be patient.

Weight loss takes time and consistency always wins in the long run.

Lee Sutherland ~ Fitness in the City / Twitter

Motivation can come in so many forms these days social media, famous people, strangersbut why not look a little closer to home and become your own motivation. Dont you want to be the best version of you? To see how strong/fit/energized/awesome you can become? Use THAT as a driving force. Not someone who has a differentbody shape, or may be paid to workout for hours on end.

Once you stop looking outwards for motivation (because hey, that is always pretty short lived right?) and start looking in at what YOU want to achieve, it suddenly becomes a lot clearer and less daunting. If weight-loss is the goal, it is all about consistency. Keep adding in fresh real food (think proteins, greens, good fats, seeds/nuts and a little fruit) so it crowds out the not so good stuff (yep, that includes processed food), move that body daily in some way and you will be on your way my friend!

JC Deen ~ JCD Fitness / Twitter

Get some form of accountability in place, whether it be a group of others supporting you, or a coach. Dont try to do it by yourself.

Justin Miller ~ Limitless 365 / Twitter

Consistency is something that you can control. You have a choice every day to workout to not. You can decide to go on a walk instead of watching TV. You can decide to wake up 15 minutes earlier and practice Yoga. You can decide to skip out on happy hour and get in a workout instead. You can decide that doing the laundry is more important today than going to the park and doing a couple bodyweight movements.

One way you can practice more consistency is by paying attention to the way you talk to yourself. Listen for when you say things like I have to do this, So and so needs me to do this, or Im supposed to or should be.

There really is not much you HAVE to do. Realizing you have a choice is a very powerful thing.

Next time you catch yourself saying I have to try changing it to I choose to.

I choose to workout. I choose to prepare my healthy meals ahead of time. Im choosing to work late instead of heading to the gym.

Michael Wood ~ Michael Wood Blog / Twitter

To keep someone motivated throughout a period of time when they are trying to lose weight check in periodically with smaller, short term goals to help them reach their weight loss goals. For example, if someone has a goal to lose say 20 pounds in about 2 1/2 months then I would have goals to preserve lean muscle tissue and drop body weight and body fat a specific amount of each every three weeks.

Amira Lamb ~ Holistic Hottie / Facebook

Find joy in the process instead of punishment.

Training isnt about beating yourself up. Its about building yourself up. Youre (probably) getting stronger and more powerful as you change your body composition. Youre discovering how your body, mind and emotions are responding to exercise and how youre now feeding yourself. This can be very eye opening for some people!

By focusing on the wins that have nothing to do with scale weight, motivation can be easier to maintain. Scale weight can be unnerving. One week you might lose X amount of points but then you might not lose any the next. Or you might not lose anything for two weeks straight until suddenly a substantial amount is lost.

If youre feeling stronger, more energetic and more resilient the scale wont get you down or at least not for long! Youll start to see the scale as simply an interesting source of information rather than the ultimate golden standard. And this is one of the reasons why some people ditch the scale all together.

Personally I like the scale. I use it for feedback but I dont agonize over numbers.

Jason Jacobs ~ Finding My Fitness / Twitter

Thats the golden question. I spent a few years looking for the magic bullet for finding motivation, and I finally just realized there isnt one. Why do some people succeed in their efforts and others have to keep trying over and over? Bottom line, they havent found a compelling enough reason why.

So how do you fake motivation until you have it? It depends on the person. You have to find out what drives you. For me, when I felt like I could really start to stick to a plan was when I started tracking my activity. I set goals (10000 steps, 15 flights of stairs, 30 minutes of activity, and 5 miles per day). My fitness tracker makes this really easy, and the competition against myself is what has actually worked the best for me.

Gail Spencer ~ Go Go Gail!

The thing that keeps me motivated, that keeps me going even when I dont see progress, is the promise I made to myself to never, ever, ever give up. So I guess you can say Winston Churchill keeps me going!

Mike Medeiros ~ Exercise and Nutrition Tips / Twitter

When setting a goal for weight loss it is important to make that goal something that is attainable and reasonable. Many people often will set the bar to high only to get discouragedwhen they dont come close to it. Reaching these smaller goals will give you the motivation needed to make your ultimate goal.

Heather ~ Fit Aspire / Twitter

My #1 tip for staying motivated is to understand WHY you are trying to lose weight. How is this goal related to your overall value & dreams? If you have a deeper reason, youre more likely to keep pushing when you hit your first roadblock.

Mariah Dolan / Twitter

My #1 tip is to join a challenge group with others trying to lose weight. The support and accountability youll get creates massive momentum which keeps you moving forward.

Otherwise, you start a diet on Monday and eat a whole cake by Friday because you feel restricted. Hence, you start again on Monday, right? This pattern can go on for YEARS. (It did for me!)

Its a game changer when you pair up with others trying to lose weight. You no longer feel alone. You feel supported. You feel motivated. And THATS what will get you to the finish line!

Jen Sinkler / Twitter

To build consistency in a fitness regimen, make your fitness time as official as possible. Put it in your calendar, make a date with workout buddies, hire a trainer do whatever you need to do to make it a nonnegotiable block of time, every time.

Drew Manning ~ Fit2Fat2Fit / Twitter

My number one tip for staying motivated is finding accountability. Finding an audience to keep you accountable is what has helped so many people maintain a healthy lifestyle. So whether thats a friend, family or an online community or a running group, fitness class, basketball team, etc. its so essential to have this support group.

I have many friends who have been on The Biggest Loser and Extreme Weight Loss and unfortunately, most of them gain the weight back after the show. The ones that have kept the weight off all have one thing in commonand thats staying accountable. They continue to post on social media about their successes, their struggles, their races they enter, their food, their workouts, their epic fails, or cheat meals. No matter what it is they find a way to stay accountable to their audiences and so it is for the rest of us.

Finding a support group is the number one tip for staying motivated and staying accountable. Even as a personal trainer I need to remember this. Signing up for a race or a competition of some kind helps me stay accountable, because if Im just working out to look good, that gets old real quick. There has to be a bigger reason. So find your support group and stay accountable to that you can maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Danica ~ Chic Runner / Twitter

My number one tip for staying motivated when trying to lose weight is to start each day fresh. No matter what you did the day before, every time you wake up is a new opportunity to eat healthy and have a great day. Dont hold your old habits or what you did yesterday against yourself or youll be fighting an uphill battle!

Ivan ~ The Body Building Blog / Twitter

Losing weight is no easy mission. The task itself requires a lot of knowledge in the field of nutrition, dieting techniques and training. The hardest part, however, is staying motivated throughout the whole process. I mean, after all what you are aiming for is long-term consistency its a marathon, not a sprint. One of the best ways to elevate and retain motivation is to always be in a competition, not with someone, but rather yourself. No matter what results you achieve always try your best to better them. Because fitness in general is not about making sure you are better than someone else but making sure that you are a better you.

John Romaniello ~ Roman Fitness Systems / Twitter

Create deadlines and stakes. These are literally the only reasons people do anything. You need a timeline to get it done by, and if you dont get it done then there have to be consequences. Set yourself up for success, and the only way to do that is to set a deadline and create stakes for yourself.

More here:
37 Experts Reveal Their #1 Weight Loss Motivation Tip

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