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Dec 11

Now you can eat meat in this new Mediterranean diet – Times of India

The idea of relishing good food and losing weight never goes-hand-in-hand. However, the need to stay in shape in this fast moving world is equally important and this what makes us go for trying the best of diets and workout to lose that stubborn fat!Interestingly, there are diet plans that often makes you avoid several things you love! Then its time to say goodbye to such diets and embark on this new Mediterranean diet, which allows you to diet and relish your favourite meat delicacies prepared in a healthy way. However, as per a few studies, the traditional plant-based Mediterranean diet has been observed to significantly strengthen the metabolism by improving the gut health. According to a few researchers and fitness experts, the new version of Mediterranean diet includes meat to cater to Western palate preferences and also deliver several health benefits.The age-old typical Mediterranean diet includes extra virgin olive oil, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grain breads, pastas and cereals, moderate amounts of fish and red wine, and low consumption of red meat, sweets and processed foods. The new version of the Mediterranean diet includes 2-3 serves (250g) of fresh lean pork each week. You can replace pork with other leans meats. The findings published in the journal Nutrients showed that the Mediterranean-Pork (Med-Pork) diet delivers cognitive benefits."The Mediterranean diet is widely accepted as the healthiest diet and is renowned for delivering improved cardiovascular and cognitive health, but in Western cultures, the red meat restrictions of the diet could make it hard for people to stick to," said Alexandra Wade from University of South Australia.

"By adding pork to the Mediterranean diet, we're broadening the appeal of the diet, while also delivering improved cognitive function," Wade said.

This study compared the cognitive effects of people aged 45-80 years and at risk of cardiovascular disease following a Med-Pork or a low-fat diet (often prescribed to negate risk factors for cardiovascular disease).

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Now you can eat meat in this new Mediterranean diet - Times of India

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