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Mar 7

SARAH HOWARD: Senior Center takes produce bingo on the road for census – Manistee News Advocate

Tuesday's first cardio drumming class at the senior center was well attended. The workout was lots of fun. The drumming class is open to the public. Seniors drum for free, under 60 by donation.(Courtesy Photo)

Tuesday's first cardio drumming class at the senior center was well attended. The workout was lots of fun. The drumming class is open to the public. Seniors drum for free, under 60 by donation.(Courtesy

Tuesday's first cardio drumming class at the senior center was well attended. The workout was lots of fun. The drumming class is open to the public. Seniors drum for free, under 60 by donation.(Courtesy Photo)

Tuesday's first cardio drumming class at the senior center was well attended. The workout was lots of fun. The drumming class is open to the public. Seniors drum for free, under 60 by donation.(Courtesy

SARAH HOWARD:Senior Center takes produce bingo on the road for census

I hope you are having a great weekend and are enjoying everything Manistee County has to offer. I can't believe it's time to set the clocks forward. I hate losing that hour of sleep, but as my kids reminded me, they love it because it stays lighter longer.

I was so disappointed that I missed out on tickets to Mama Mia at West Shore Community College. I tried to get tickets for my 5-year-old granddaughter and myself last weekend and they were sold out. This weekend I have other plans and won't be able to go. I hope you were one of the lucky ones who got to go see it. I heard everyone did a great job and that it was awesome.

We are gearing up to get out into the county and have some fun. We are taking Produce Bingo on the road and bringing lunch with us. If you want to come to one of the events for the Census Count, check out the calendar and be ready for some fun.

This week, we have a few fun and different events coming up. Monday we will have Centra Wellness coming in to discuss fears and phobias. My biggest fear is bear. Since I was a kid, when I am under stress, I always have terrible dreams about bears, and me fighting them off. So, stop in Monday after lunch and see what this is all about.

Tuesday, we have Vicki Mackey coming in to teach a class on making stretch bracelets. Stop in and do something different and fun. Tuesday evening at 6 p.m. we have cardio drumming. Come in and get your heart pumping.

Wednesday, is White Elephant Bingo. Bring in some things you want to pass on to someone else and see what treasures everyone else brings in for you to take home. We also have game night at 6 p.m. on Wednesday evening. If you like to have some fun, play some cards and socialize with some great people come in and give it a try.

Friday, we have Painting with Deb, stop in and check out what they are painting, it is a beautiful spring scene with flowers and an old fence post and it is gorgeous.

Our Senior Spring Craft Show is coming up on April 18, 2020. If you are a talented crafter, baker, painter, seamstress or someone who wants to sell something give us a call and reserve a table. If you are like me and like to buy all of these beautiful things, put it on your calendar and keep an eye out for signs.

It was so fun the other day. Eric Gustad, the Community Affairs Manager for Consumers Energy, stopped by with a $20,000 check for the Wagoner Community Center. The support we have gotten from so many local businesses and citizens is amazing. Keep your eyes open for the roofs to be replaced as soon as the weather breaks. I can't wait to get moving on this wonderful project.

Last week we had Toe Tapping on Monday instead of Tuesday, because our great tax preparers are working on seniors' taxes on Tuesdays and Thursday. So, it was so nice to hear the guys playing on Monday. The only time I don't turn on music in my room is when the 3Ds are playing. It is so nice to hear such great music. Thank you guys. You really make a difference in so many Manistee County seniors' lives.

We also had a nice group in for the Knitting and Crocheting Circle after lunch. I don't do either, but always wished I learned. My sister crochets and does beautiful things.

Tuesday, we had our first cardio drumming class. It's lots of fun and you move as much as you can. If you need to sit you sit, if you can stand and jump around you do, whatever works for you. Wednesday, we had Dominique and Emma in from the Chamber Leadership Group regarding the Big Day of Serving which is in June.

Friday, we had Produce Bingo with the Lions Club. The whole crew did a great job and everyone had a super time. They also gave us a very nice donation. Thank you to everyone who helps us in any way. The senior center is so busy and we need all the help we can get to keep everything running smooth.

Don't forget to set your clocks forward tonight. I hope you have a great week and remember to try something new.


If you like to knit or crochet, the senior center has started a knit & crochet circle. The group will meet the first and third Mondays of the month at 12:30 p.m., next meeting, Mon., March 16.


The senior center food bank takes place on the third Friday of the month from 9-11 a.m.. Seniors from Manistee County who are 60 years of age and older are eligible to participate. The next food bank will be March 20. Monetary and non-perishable food item donations are always appreciated.


This program provides people on Medicare with free assistance and education so they can make informed health care coverage decisions. Fran Wallace is our local counselor and she can help you understand eligibility, enrollment, coverage, claims and appeals; identify resources for prescription drug assistance; understand options under Medicare Advantage plans; solve problems related to Medicare/Medicaid coverage; and understand Medicare notices summary. Please call the senior center at (231)723-6477 to make an appointment with Fran.


The MCCOA has a program designed to help seniors remain independent by reimbursing qualifying expenses. If you are a senior from Manistee County, you could receive reimbursement for payments you have made for house cleaning, yard work, snow removal services. For current clients in the Senior Reimbursement Program, please take note, all receipts must be current, no more than 30 days old. Income requirements apply. New clients must fill out registration form. Please call the Senior Center at (231)723-6477 for more information.


There is a Diabetic support group that meets at 10 a.m. on the first Monday of every month at the Senior Center. The next meeting will be held on April 6.


There is a Parkinson's support group that meets the third Thursday of every month at the Munson Manistee Hospital's Education Center, Room #1. For more information call Sean Knudsen (517)554-6938 or Linda Nickelson (231)690-5048.


The support group for caretakers of loved ones who live with dementia will meet at 3 p.m. April 9, at the senior center. The group will meet monthly on the second Thursday of the month.


The MCCOA is asking local businesses and individuals for donations of non-perishable foods for the senior food bank, Dial-a-Ride tickets. These donations are always appreciated. Please contact the senior center at (231)723-6477.


The senior center has access to adult briefs and pads if you or a loved one are a senior and are in need. Please call the senior center to check on availability.


The MCCOA has started a Sit & Get Fit exercise program in the Bear Lake Area. They meet from 10-11 a.m. Wednesdays and Fridays and at 11 a.m. Monday at the Bear Lake Methodist Church. There is also a Sit & Get Fit held at 10:30 a.m. on Monday and Wednesdays at the Farr Center in Onekama, and at 9 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Norman Township Community Center in Wellston. Chair yoga classes at 2:45 p.m. Mondays at the senior center. This class is open to the public. The class is free to Manistee County seniors, and $5/class for all others. Senior zumba 2 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays at the senior center. Cardio drumming classes, at 6 p.m. Tuesday evenings. Drumming classes are free to all seniors, and donations accepted for those under 60.


For assistance with your computer and cellphone call Linda at (231)299-1552. Appointments are held from 10 a.m.-noon, Mondays at the senior center.


The Monday night pinochle group are looking for more players. If you would like to play pinochle, come to the senior center by 5:45 p.m. on Monday night.


We're looking for cribbage and chess players. Cribbage is at 10:30 a.m. Thursday. Chess group (Senior ChessMates) meets at 1 p.m. Thursdays. All levels welcome. Call the senior center to sign up. (231)723-6477



9 a.m. Exercise

10 a.m. Sit & get fit

10 a.m. Cellphone/Comp help

11 a.m. Social hour

Noon meal

12:30 p.m. Fears & Phobias

2 p.m. Zumba

2:45 p.m. Chair Yoga

6 p.m. Pinochle


10 a.m. Stretch bracelet class

11 a.m. Social hour

Noon meal

2 p.m. German class

Tax services (by appt.)

6 p.m. Cardio Drumming


9 a.m. Exercise

10 a.m. Losing it

10:30 a.m. Foot Clinic

11 a.m. White Elephant bingo w/US Rural Development

Noon meal

12:30 p.m. Game Day

1 p.m. Veterans Exchange

1 p.m. Chessmates (chess) road trip/scrimmage at Ludington Library

2 p.m. Zumba

2:30 p.m. Understanding Grief

6 p.m. Game night


10:30 a.m. Cribbage

11 a.m. Social hour

Noon meal

1 p.m. Senior ChessMates (chess)

1 p.m. Book club

3 p.m. Dementia Support

Tax services (by appt.)


10 a.m. Sit & get fit

10:30 a.m. Census Event St. Raphael parish center, Copemish

11 a.m. Social hour

Noon meal

12:30 p.m. Painting w/Deb


Monday: Braised beef over noodles, sliced carrots, peas, tropical fruit

Tuesday: BBQ chicken, scalloped potatoes, cauliflower, mixed fruit, corn bread

Wednesday: Turkey, mashed potatoes, sliced carrots, cranberry sauce, roll

Thursday: Beef steakburger on a bun, seasoned potatoes, baked beans, fresh orange

Friday: Macaroni and cheese, stewed tomatoes w/zucchini, brussels sprouts, blueberries

Menu is subject to change. Seniors (60 and older) suggested donation only $3 and $5 for those under 60.


Mon. March 9, 12:30 p.m. Fears & Phobias with Centra Wellness

Tue. March 10, 10 am. Stretch bracelet class

Wed. March 11, 11 a.m. White Elephant Bingo

See more here:
SARAH HOWARD: Senior Center takes produce bingo on the road for census - Manistee News Advocate

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