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Jun 19

A Simple Workout Guide to Keep Up with Fitness at Home –

Although outdoor workouts are permitted in Hoboken again, some of us have gotten into a nice routine of doing at-home workouts {theres something about doing downward dog in the comfort of our living rooms}. However, if youre one to indulge in a more intense workout at home, Michelle Ciancimino, a local personal trainer, Crossfit Level-1 Trainer, and ACE Certified personal trainer, is here to kick all of our butts into high gear with an easy guide.

Its important to note that when working out at home, remember to be extra careful and use your best judgment about what feels right for your body. Now put on some music, your favorite workout gear, and get to work heres your guide to some at-home workout exercises:

A 10-minute warm-up on your own before starting your workout is always a good idea to get your body moving, blood flowing, and heart rate up. Any warm-up that you would normally do in your favorite exercise class or at the gym would work well such as jogging in place, jumping jacks, downward dog walk-outs, and more.

First, do 250 squats. Michelle suggests starting with sets of 20-30 on the squats and reducing to sets of 10-15 towards the end.

Next, do 100 push-ups. For the push-ups, stick to 10 sets of 10. Modified push-ups can be done such as hand-release push-ups or knee push-ups. Be sure to take small breaks in between, no more than 30 seconds.

Then, do four rounds of straight-arm planks.

Every three minutes for eight rounds, do 12 dumbbell clean + jerks. You should finish each round around 2:30 minutes, with 30 seconds to rest. If your dumbbells feel light during your workout, use both for the clean and jerks. If your dumbbells are heavy, use one and do six reps on each side.

Then, do 12 lunges with the dumbbell in the front rack. Net, do 12 burpees, followed by a two-minute rest.

Then for six rounds, do three minutes of Hollow Hold Tabata. Basically a hollow hold starts with you laying on the ground. Then you simply lift your legs up about six inches. Your shoulder blades should come off the floor and lower back pressed to the floor.

See More:Local Fitness Businesses Offering Online Classes + Streaming Options

First, do five rounds of 14 dumbbell overhead presses, 30-secondbutt kicks, and then rest for 30 seconds.

First, do six rounds20 step-ups, 45-second wall sits, and 30-second high knees. Make sure whatever you are using for step-ups is stable, keep your back against the wall for the wall sit, and make sure your knees are above your ankles for the wall sit.

Then, do three rounds of30-seconds jumping squats, 30 seconds jumping lunges, and then rest for 30 seconds. For the jump squats, make sure you jump as high as you can but try to land softly. For the jumping lunges, make sure your whole foot lands on the ground each time.

First, get outside and go for a 25-35 minute run. After that, stretch. Do two minutes of pigeon pose left, two minutes of pigeon pose right, and a two-minute squat hold {pushing your knees out with your elbows}. All of this is followed by 15 Supermans and 15 downward dog to plank motions. Dont be afraid to add in any other stretches your body is calling for, either.

Read More: The List of Gyms Offering Outdoor Workouts in Hoboken

This is your rest day. Just indulge in a 10-minute {minimum} meditation. Mental health is so important just sit down for at least 10 minutes and breathe.A little goes a long way!

Time to jump back in. First, do six rounds of 12 dumbbell deadlifts, 10 dumbbell curls, and eight tricep dips. For the dumbbell curls, do five on the right and five on the left. If your dumbbells are too light, use two dumbbells and do 12 curls using both arms at once. Finally, do six Turkish get-ups using one dumbbell. For these, do three holding the dumbbell in the right hand, then switch to the left.

Are you planning to use any of these exercises in your fitness routine? Have one to add? Please email to submit!

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A Simple Workout Guide to Keep Up with Fitness at Home -

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