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Aug 27

11 consequences you suffer from not having breakfast | Life – Explica

Not a few people skip breakfast and do not eat until noon. However, this decision has consequences on your body and mind that you should know.

The experts recommend having breakfast and doing it with fresh, varied and nutritious foods, disdaining industrial or processed pastries and betting on a combination of the main macronutrients. Healthy fats like avocado, olive oil, and nuts, complex carbohydrates, or protein like tofu, eggs, or oatmeal are great ideas to start the day off on the right foot.

However, there are many people who, due to lack of time, habit or closed stomach, skip this meal. Many do it to lose weight or reduce the number of calories per day, in a rush or stress. However, various studies indicate what consequences it has for our body not eating breakfastr, something essential in a healthy lifestyle. And they are not exactly few.

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Increased risk of heart problems: A Harvard University study found that men who skipped breakfast had a 27 percent higher risk of heart attack or heart disease. Although they have not identified a direct cause, the researchers They suspect that fasting for longer is stressful and makes the body work harder, causing metabolic changes which lead to plaque buildup in the arteries.More ballots of suffering from diabetesAnother study, also from Harvard, found that women who regularly skipped breakfast they had a 20% higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Skipping meals is associated with impaired glucose tolerance, a phenomenon associated with the development of prediabetes and diabetes. The irregular spikes in blood sugar that occur when you fast and then eat a lot put pressure on the body, leading to insulin resistance.You can get fatAlthough research is mixed on whether breakfast has a direct effect on weight loss, several studies point to the link between skipping breakfast and gaining weight. One theory indicates that people who eat breakfast have more ballots to practice a lifestyle and another indicates that those who skip breakfast they tend to overeat at subsequent meals, consuming the majority of calories during the most sedentary hours of the day. In fact, many people eat more calories in one sitting than in three planned meals.Metabolism slows down: If you skip meals frequently, the body stops working so fast and reduces basal metabolic rate to compensate for calorie restriction or in other words, save fuel. Prolonged fasting will further reduce the bodys willingness to burn calories and impact the amount of fat tissue that is lost. Other research showed that more calories were burned during morning exercise if participants ate breakfast.Mental slowness: The drop in blood sugar from a prolonged fasting state can affect cognitive function. Keep in mind that your body has not incorporated nutrients for many hours, so it is essential to provide it with food. Several studies have shown that schoolchildren do better on tests when they eat breakfast. Bad mood: Your mood can be altered by the absence of breakfast. This can be explained: the drop in blood sugar caused by skipping a meal causes irritability, along with fatigue and headache that can worsen the mood even more. Too There is a link between food intake and the balance of neurotransmitters produced by the brain, such as serotonin and dopamine. Low energy: According to information from the University of Wisconsin, breakfast should provide you with 25% of your daily energy, including high fiber and protein content for fuel. If not, you are likely to feel tired and less willing to play sports during the day.Your breath stinks: From USNews and World Report explain whatEating breakfast stimulates saliva production and helps rid your tongue of bacteria, which can make your morning breath more tolerable. Skipping breakfast makes the stinky odor triggered by bacteria flourish in your mouth. Fresh fruit and a glass of water are effective solutions.Stress and more stress: A 2014 study by researchers at the University of California revealed that lwomen who skipped breakfast had higher cortisol levels relative to those that did, as well as higher blood pressure readings. Researchers believe that Combination of skipping breakfast and experiencing chronic stress could increase the risk of cardiometabolic syndrome.More chances of chronic inflammation: In a small study from 2017, researchers at the University of Hohenheim in Germany took three-day blood samples from 17 healthy adults. One day, they skipped breakfast; in another, they skipped dinner; and in another, they ate three normal meals. After comparing the samples, the researchers found that people who skipped breakfast They had higher glucose concentrations and higher fat oxidation, which means their bodies break down more stored fat. Because of this, the study suggests that people who skip breakfast can develop metabolic inflexibility, or what is the same, that their body encounters complications to change its fuel source from glucose to fat, and vice versa. In the long run, this could cause chronic inflammation and potentially increase your risk for type 2 diabetes and obesity.Worse periods: A 2009 study by Japanese researchers analyzed the eating habits of 315 college students. The students who did not eat breakfast they had poor general health, cramps in painful periods, and higher incidents of irregular periods.

This article was published on TICbeat by Andrea Nez-Torrrn Stock.

Original post:
11 consequences you suffer from not having breakfast | Life - Explica

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