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I tried Beyonc’s strangest diet trick and it actually kind of worked – The Tab

Killer of the post-spring break bloat
I dont know how I managed to spend a lifetime in Los Angeles without doing a juice cleanse, but after spending a raucous, fried foodilled spring break in New Orleans, I decided that now was as a good a time as any to formally and fully induct myself into the most basic elements of Angeleno culture.
These are supposed to be boyfriend jeans fml
Juice cleanses touted by the likes of Bella Hadid often costupwards of $200. Given that I aimed to break my bloat and not the bank, I turned to the queen: Beyonc. Back in 2006, Bey made headlines for reportedlylosing 20 pounds on the so-called lemonade diet in preparation for Dreamgirls. Modified versions of the decades-old Master Cleanse allow you to consume the all-liquid diet for just three days.
The lemonade diet has two relatively unbeatable assets going for it. Comprised solely of water, lemon juice, real maple syrup and cayenne pepper, the Master Cleanse is cheap and easy to make and, most importantly, tastes delicious.
I usually eat two carb or meat-based meals a day and work out three days a week. Im not exactly peak-clean living, and coming from a week of 4 am beignets and daily Bloody Marys, I figured that the cleanse would be a struggle.
Nutritionists primarily criticize the weight loss of the lemonade diet because it comes from muscle loss rather than fat loss. So, rather than focus on weight loss, I decided to focus on bringing my now-25 inch waist back down to its normal 24 inches. I also resolved to do some moderate weight training while on the diet so I would lose fatinstead of muscle.
Due toreservations at The Nice Guy on Tuesday evening that I couldnt back out of, I started the diet on Wednesday, spending Monday and Tuesday weaning myself off of my vacation diet and mentally preparing for the days to come.
Last solid food consumed on Tuesday: 9p.m.
Kissing away my food and my sanity like
I started my first morning with my only modification to the diet: a cup of green tea to avoid a caffeine withdrawal headache. I then headed out of the house with two liters of my homemade lemonade.
Drinking the concoctionthroughout the day, I never actually found myself hungry. The maple syrup actually provided around 700 calories for the day, and the cayenne pepper kept the drink interesting enough that I actually enjoyed it. However, by the end of the day, my friends who agreed to try it out with me had already indulged in some fat Chipotle burritos. I was in this alone.
I may have almost died at the gym, but I finally have abs again!
I usually walk around five to six miles a day. I was fine doing this, but after trying to run on the elliptical, I actually thought that I was going to die.Five minutes into what are usually 35 minute runs, my heart felt like it was going to collapse in on my chest. Suffocating, I forced myself to walk the rest of my time on the elliptical, gradually returning to a state of (some degree of) normalcy.
I did some weight lifting and felt fine, but by the end of the day, I had to crash by 11. I was beat.
My lips were on fire from consuming teaspoons over cayenne pepper. My body craved cheese. The end was near, thank God.
We were celebrating my friends 22nd birthday that night, so I knew that I would have to eat something before I drank unless I wanted to pass out after a single gin and tonic. Around 6 pm on Friday, I ate pasta. Actually, I ate a few pieces of pasta. I was stuffed immediately.
Going out that night actually wasnt terrible. I didnt crave anything more flashy or complicated than a Heineken or a G&T. This brings us to the ease-out.
In the days following the cleanse, everything smelled amazing, and I wanted to consume almost none of it. The cleanse essentially reset my appetite, successfully purging out a week of deep fried Creole and Cajun anything. I could once again see my abs, and my waist returned to its normal size. I even lost a few pounds, but more importantly, I felt infinitely better.
For the Master Cleanse to have lasting impact, you have to take advantage of this dietary reset rather than treat it as a mass starvation. I didnt fullyexpect to see the diet through to Friday night, but if I, a pasta-obsessed and diet-phobic carnivore, could make it through the 70 hours, I believe anyone else with enough resolve could. There are no shortcuts to completing it, as drinking less lemonade to consume fewer calories just ups the odds of quitting altogether, butif you give it a good college try, you truly will reap what you sow.
Original post:
I tried Beyonc's strangest diet trick and it actually kind of worked - The Tab
Editorial: No Trp, no B: surprising connectivity of diet, microbiome, aging, and adaptive immunity – Journal of Leukocyte Biology (subscription)

Ben Franklin quipped: In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes; whereas todays polymaths might shudder in attempts to explain modern politics, interest abounds in current efforts that are starting to move the needle on lifespan. Modern medicine and public health practices have contributed an increase in life expectancy of >2-fold in the United States since Franklins era, as well as an increase of 8 y in the past 50 y and a 44% increase in the number of U.S. centenarians from 2000 to 2014 [1]. Can specific interventions that target aging push this progress even further?
Insights from biomedical research as to the molecular basis of aging have been used to generate treatments designed to slow aging or increase healthspan (i.e., healthy golden years). For example, clinical trials of nicotinamide mononucleotide are underway [2], and metformin, used to treat diabetes, is being tested in the Targeting Aging with Metformin study [3]. CR as an anti-aging intervention predates testing of these compounds and has been studied extensively in rodents and other model organisms. Clinical studies are in progress [4], but the jury is still out as to whether CR might be effective for humans.
The featured paper (Tryptophan restriction arrests B cell development and enhances microbial diversity in WT and prematurely aging Ercc1/7 mice) by van Beek et al. [5] reduces the complexity of CR interventions by feeding mice a diet only lacking Trp, as TR also delays aging of mice. This study breaks
No More Bland Diet Food! – KRMG

While President Donald Trump has been active in churning out executive actions to follow through on some of his campaign promises, his legislative agenda in the Congress has not jumped out of the starting gate on Capitol Hill, as he continues to look to chalk up his first significant legislative achievement. Here is where we stand on a number of fronts in Washington: 1. GOP health care overhaul remains in limbo. The one major issue where Republicans have tried to take action is on the Obama health law, but those plans remain bogged down in the Congress. Yes, there was a lot of noise in the halls of the Capitol this week about Republicans making another big try at finding agreement on health care, but there was no real evidence that an agreement was near, as the GOP remains short on votes, but filled with internal finger pointing over who is blame for the failure. President Trump has tried to use the bully pulpit to get more conservative Republicans in line, but it hasnt worked so far, as members of the House Freedom Caucus have said repeatedly that they arent going to sign on to a plan that is Obamacare Lite. The Freedom Caucus will hurt the entire Republican agenda if they don't get on the team, & fast. We must fight them, & Dems, in 2018! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 30, 2017 2. Trump Tax Reform plan not ready for prime time. While there was talk of moving quickly on to tax reform in the immediate aftermath of the Republican troubles on health care, the White House made clear this week that there is no plan ready to be rolled out just yet. The team is weighing the best option to develop a plan that will provide significant middle-class tax relief and make American businesses more competitive, said spokesman Sean Spicer. Treasury Secretary Stephen Mnuchin said last week that he believes a plan could be passed by the House and Senate by August but that prediction was met with raised eyebrows in the halls of Congress, where its been over 30 years since the last tax reform package made it through the House and Senate. Theres a simple reason why its not easy. Spicer says #tax reform will take several months, but there are 'lots of tracks,' people now working on health care, tax & infrastructure Cheryl Bolen (@cherylbolen) March 30, 2017 3. Money for the border wall seems to be on hold. While President Trump has long talked about building a wall along the southern border with Mexico, squeezing money immediately out of the Congress for that might not happen. The White House wants $1 billion in funding in a measure that will fund the government for the rest of the current fiscal year, through the end of September. But Democrats have made clear they will filibuster any bill that has money for the wall, which could lead to a government shutdown. Key GOP lawmakers have made clear that money for the wall may have to wait until later this year, and they especially dont like one part of the Trump plan, which would make cuts at the National Institutes of Health as part of that spending package. The wall sounds great but there are a number of Republicans who dont feel its a funding priority. R-Roy Blunt told reporters that GOP leaders do not want to include Trumps spending for the border wall in the spring we go americafirst (@americavetsnow) March 30, 2017 4. The Congressional schedule and a government shutdown. Also standing in the way of quick action on any Trump legislative agenda items is the schedule for Congress, which will be in session next week, and then take two weeks off for an Easter break. Once lawmakers return on April 17, they will have eight scheduled legislative business days to figure out how to avoid a government shutdown on April 28. April 29 will mark the 100th day of President Trumps time in office; Republicans dont want to have to mark that day with a government that is not open for business. We could well repeat the whole government shutdown threat at the end of September as well. It will be interesting to see how the President handles that, plus the need to raise the debt limit later this year. Washington running out of money April 28 2017Another Government Shutdown JW Branding (@JW_Branding) March 30, 2017 5. White House notes renaming of VA clinic in Pago Pago. During Fridays White House briefing, something from Press Secretary Sean Spicer caught my ear, as he was rattling off bills that the President would be signing. Most of the new laws approved so far by Mr. Trump have been special resolutions that repeal certain rules and regulations of the Obama Administration but this one was much more limited, as Spicer noted, H.R. 1362, naming a VA outpatient clinic in Pago Pago, American Samoa. That clinic was renamed for the late delegate Eni Faleomavaega, who died recently he was a popular personality in the House for many years. But lets get down to business VA clinics in Pago Pago werent at the top of the Trump Legislative Agenda, and probably wasnt something you thought you would hear mentioned at the White House Briefing. Passing of colorful,Eni Faleomavaega, long friend of EWC. Widow says life with him was never dull. Charles E. Morrison (@charmorrison) February 25, 2017 6. Continued signs of White House friction with some GOP lawmakers. This last week, President Trump used Twitter to take multiple jabs at the House Freedom Caucus, and several specific Republicans in the Congress, urging them to get on board with his agenda, including the GOP health care bill. Rep. Mark Sanford (R-SC) said it was made plain to him that the President would try to knock him out of office in 2018. And then there was a top Trump aide who urged a primary challenger in 2018 for Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI). One thing I noticed in the hallways of Congress in recent weeks is those type of threats dont scare more conservative GOP lawmakers. Trump admin & Establishment have merged into #Trumpstablishment. Same old agenda: Attack conservatives, libertarians & independent thinkers. Justin Amash (@justinamash) April 1, 2017 Yes, its still early for President Trump. But it is not obvious when he will be able to celebrate a big legislative success in Congress. And like in sports, momentum is always important in politics.
Excerpt from:
No More Bland Diet Food! - KRMG
Writer Rachel Khong Is ‘Probably 50 Percent Pho’ – Grub Street

At Pho Tan Hoa in San Francisco. Photo: Sheila McLaughlin
In the coming months, Rachel Khong has not one but two books hitting stores first, on April 4, All About Eggs, a collaboration with the editors of Lucky Peach (where she worked as the managing and then executive editor for five years); and then, in July, Goodbye, Vitamin, her first novel. She spent the past week, in her home in San Francisco, cooking a Turkish poached-egg dish called ilbir, and eating several servings of chicken katsu and all kinds of pho (even egg-drop soup made with leftover pho broth). Read all about it in this weeks Grub Street Diet.
Thursday, March 23Thursday starts with me running to my car in my pajamas because I forgot it was street-cleaning day. Im hoping for a miracle. No miracles today, only heartbreak. I owe the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency $71 and am sad.
Last night, I posted to my @all_about_eggs Instagram account a picture of beautiful, fluffy scrambled eggs, with the caption, Dreaming of breakfast. (At one point, while working on the book, I started an all-eggs Instagram account, and now its basically my job.) But I do not eat scrambled eggs for breakfast. Instead, I have a roasted Japanese sweet potato the kind with purple skin and yellow flesh, like the emoji with butter and flaky salt. I eat it, skin and all. To be clear, I eat these sweet potatoes because I love them, but also because Im trying to get out of the house to start writing ASAP. Be regular and orderly in your life, so that you may be violent and original in your work is something Flaubert said. Sometimes, its good to think about that while youre feeling undignified, scarfing down a sweet potato.
At Charlies Cafe, my office for the morning, I drink a mug of Obama blend, a bean mix of one-third Kenya, one-third Indonesia, and one-third Kona. I make pitiful progress on my new long thing (a novel I cant jinx yet by calling a novel) because its hard not to think about my parking ticket or self-worth.
Lunch is at Rintaro, a Japanese izakaya that recently started serving lunch. I get a hojicha. I try my friend Cassandras melon creamy soda, a drink thats crazy green and tastes compellingly like candy. We order two teishoku lunches to share: A tuna don with shredded egg that comes with freshly grated wasabi on a shiso leaf; and their pork katsu, which I always get because its out-of-control good layers of pork, breaded and fried, and topped with black-hatch miso sauce, alongside a mound of thinly sliced cabbage and watermelon radish. The side dishes are delightful: miso soup with hen-of-the-woods mushrooms; green onion and vegetably stalks; and a Tokyo turnip-wedge koji pickle; crab and cucumber sunomono; and an innocent little fried smelt thats the perfect bite.
At home, more work, and its accompanying snacks: first, two tangerines. Then, a couple hours later, Castelvetrano olives and prosciutto draped directly into my mouth. The olives and prosciutto are from Luccas Ravioli, an old-timey Italian grocery store in my neighborhood that I particularly love. They sell housemade ravioli, yes, but also fancy tuna and not-fancy wine, obscure pasta shapes, and all manner of cured meat your heart could desire.
My friend Sandra is having a dress pop-up on the other side of town. Shes come from Nairobi, so the least I can do is travel to Presidio Heights. I have a glass of wine there, and ooh and aah over everyone trying out dresses. I cant buy any because I already own three, including one with eggs on it that Im planning to wear on my book tour next week. Sandra explains that theres a feminist message to my dress: There are the eggs and hens, but also roosters, which are decapitated. I love this dress.
Back at home, I drape more prosciutto into my mouth while prepping leftover chicken pho. Yesterday, I made the Classic Chicken Pho recipe from Andrea Nguyens new pho cookbook, aptly titled The Pho Cookbook. The recipe says its eight servings of pho, but it looks like it will be four servings for me. Humans are 60 percent water. Im probably 50 percent pho.
Friday, March 24 I wake up beside a bodylike mound of books. Theyve replaced my roommate, Eli, who left me for New York on Monday, to work on season two of the podcast Homecoming. (Tony Danza drinks Metamucil, and I endorse Homecoming from Gimlet Media.) Its a wonderful show! Eli and I just got married at City Hall, so I still feel weird about calling him my husband. My training wheels are spouse. The judge said, I now pronounce you spouses. Anyway, thats a disclaimer for why I will be the way I will be this week. Not getting a separate bowl for my olive pits, et cetera. Just throw your pits in the same bowl where your olives are hanging out, and save a dish!
Its raining, which is enough to make me want to stay home this morning. I brew some coffee, and toast a fat slice of Tartine country loaf. I cook a half-recipe of ilbir, a Turkish egg dish the writer Laura Goodman turned me onto, which is now in my regular breakfast rotation. The recipe is in All About Eggs (page 102), so you can make it, too! Ill tell you how to do it anyway: Basically, you pound a tiny clove of garlic in a mortar with some salt, then mix yogurt into that. Poach two eggs (I do it the Jacques Ppin way). Melt a couple tablespoons of butter with a few shakes of paprika and a pinch of chili flakes. Put the yogurt in a plate, slide the eggs on, drizzle with the hot chili-butter, and garnish with mint leaves, if you have them. On my egg Instagram, I keep using the hashtag #cilbir like its going to catch on. Maybe this is how it happens via Grub Street. The bread is important for sopping up the yogurt mingled with yolk mingled with butter. Its such a good breakfast! It fuels a solid morning of writing. Then the UPS guy comes while Im in a phone meeting. Its boxes of finished copies of All About Eggs, and Im so happy. Eggstatic even.
I have some chicken-pho broth left, so I make a quick egg-drop soup, loosely based on the stracciatella recipe in All About Eggs: Italian egg-drop soup with spinach and cheese except with thinly sliced Chinese broccoli instead of spinach, and chicken instead of cheese. It surprises me by being really good. Pho-broth egg-drop soup! You heard it here first, folks. I refrigerate the rest because I have to run out for a meeting at Sightglass Coffee. There, I have some of what they have already brewed: something delicious from Colombia.
Old friends from college are coming over for dinner. I drink some also-old Zinfandel (old vine and old because I opened it Monday!) while cooking a roughly Marcella Hazanesque chicken cacciatore with capers and olives. I serve it with rice, alongside a green-leaf lettuce and arugula salad with grana padano that was on sale at Luccas, and lemony roasted broccoli. Dessert is a blood-orange cake thats a Paul Bertolli recipe from Cooking by Hand, a perfect cookbook. The recipe intrigued me because its called bitter orange cake, and involves blending whole blood oranges peel, pith, and all. Just how bitter, Paul Bertolli? I mutter to myself while baking it, all alone at home. Each slice gets served with a compote made of orange peel, sugar, and segments of blood orange all the syrupy stuff soaks lusciously in. It seems bonkers, but the cake is edible! And not only edible, but a hit! As it turns out, everyone can have this superpower to eat whole oranges disguised as delicious cake.
Over the course of dinner, we somehow get onto the topic of mukbang, the YouTube videos of Korean women eating alone. I guess the idea is, you watch these videos when youre eating alone, so you feel less alone. After everyone leaves, I watch a few: riveted, aghast, then riveted again.
Saturday, March 25 Breakfast is Sightglass coffee from Rwanda, which is acidic and perfect with leftover cake and compote nuked for 45 seconds in the microwave. The cake might be even better today. Then I head to the Alemany farmers market, my favorite farmers market in the city because its huge and festive and glorious. I try slices of a few different kinds of grapefruits and oranges. Honestly, today Im here for the butt-shaped kiwis, which I buy from this one farm that seems to only grow kiwis not all of them butt-shaped. I seek those out.
For lunch, Im meeting my friend Vicki at Souvla, a Greek spot that does good souvlaki and these fries soaked in chicken fat that I totally forget to order. We split a pork gyro and a lamb gyro cut them right down their centers with butter knives a foolhardy but ultimately prudent decision. The pitas are fluffy and perfect, like pot holders but bread. In a good way! We get back in line to get a cup of frozen Greek yogurt with Cretan honey and share that, too.
Cut to: the afternoon. Sometimes in the Mission, where I live, theres a white van parked on 22nd Street that opens its (car) doors to vend snacks, like fruit in quart containers or cut-to-order coconuts. I notice the vans doors are open and ask for a coconut. Usually, its a guy van-manning, but today its a lady van-womanning. She has long, bright orange nails. With a cleaver, she hacks the coconut deftly. Im humbled and charmed. She hands the coconut juice to me in a zip-top baggy with a straw, and the flesh in a separate baggy, mixed with salt, lemon, chili, and hot sauce. The chili-covered coconut pieces are good weirdly reminiscent of Micheladas.
Dinner is leftovers: stewy chicken, rice, stracciatella. I also steam a bundle of asparagus from the farmers market, and season it simply with salt, pepper, and lemon juice. I put a pat of butter on my asparagus and watch it melt. All in all, a wild Saturday night! I eat the asparagus like fries, and wind up eating all of it, also like fries. For dessert, a butt-shaped kiwi. Naturally, its juicy.
Sunday, March 26 What would a Californian Grub Street Diet be without avocado toast? My favorite trick is to rub a clove of garlic over the hard toasts surface, which sucks up the garlic somehow (really scientific terminology Im using here!). Then I smush avocado on (correct ratio is one avo to one big piece of toast), and drizzle with olive oil, salt, black pepper, and chili flakes. Today, I top the whole thing with a poached egg. It isnt pretty to eat, but it is good and hearty.
Im getting my photo taken for this article at Pho Tan Hoa, my regular pho spot in the Tenderloin. You might even call it a pho-to. (Sorry.) I pose with my regular pho order, the No. 12, rare-beef pho, and an iced coffee. I suck down all the condensed coffee, and after the photographer leaves, I eat the room-temperature prop because thats how my mama raised me.
Lunch is at my friend and former Lucky Peach co-worker Chris Yings house. I left the magazine just this past fall, after five years of living and breathing Lucky Peach. The news of its shuttering is something that, yes, Im feeling pretty emotionally weird about, but that Ive compartmentalized just like Ive compartmentalized the fact were all going to die someday. Anyway! Chris has made katsu don! Eggy katsu and katsu with sauce for dipping, perfect donabe-cooked rice, cabbage lightly dressed with Meyer lemon, and miso soup. We wash it all down with ros. (Inadvertently, Im having a double-katsu, multi-pho week.) Chriss daughter Ruby tries to eat my book, a very good sign.
A couple hours later, were back together: Aralyn Beaumont (also a friend and former co-worker, also in attendance at lunch), Chris, and I have tickets to a Filipino pop-up a kamayan meal well be eating entirely using our hands. Were seated at a long table covered in banana leaves. The rice gets placed down the middle, like an enormous line of cocaine for a giant with a car tiresize nostril. The rice line is adorned with bok choy and shrimp and mangoes and chicken thighs. We convey all the food to our mouths using only our hands. The dinner is BYOB and we BYOed ros. My wine glass, which Ive been pawing at with my food-covered hand, is not surprisingly covered in food. Our friendship has been forged in the fire of magazine deadlines. Now, better slept (well, except for Chris, who has a baby), we polish off two bottles and have a good time. Dessert is a pleasant little Manila-mango tartlet with a peanut crust.
Monday, March 27 Its two regular and orderly butt kiwis for me this morning, then to the caf! Eating two butt kiwis is sort of like eating four normal kiwis because you get two for the price of one (not literally; obviously, theyre sold by the pound). My regular method of peeling kiwis is to cut off both ends and run a spoon around the fruit, where the flesh meets the skin. But its a challenge when theyre butt shaped. I have to peel them over the sink, but the skin comes off in patches. My spouse typically laughs at the wreckage because it looks like a raccoon got into some trash. Thats generally how I eat things, like a raccoon attacking trash.
I have a cup of black coffee at Borderlands, a caf I like for its lack of music, while I type some words. By 11 a.m., Im hungry. At home, I scarf more snacks: prosciutto and olives.
Guess what lunch is? Its pho! Back when we were a gang, the San Francisco Lucky Peach staff religiously went out for pho every Friday, which we staunchly still call Pho-riday. We always went to Pho Tan Hoa, and we still go for old times sake. Last Friday, Aralyn was vacationing in Thailand, so today is a Monday thats an honorary Pho-riday. I cant bring myself to order another beef pho, after the one I ate yesterday: I get seafood, plus a salted plum soda. Theres always a small part of me that wants a No. 41, vermicelli with barbecued pork and nuoc cham, which I could drink daily and never get sick of. So another regular thing is, I force us to share a No. 41. Chris orders it for the table like a dad buying us toys. Our server calls him big guy.
I drink a bottle of stout while Im cooking dinner: fried rice to use up all the languishing things in the fridge. First, I crisp up some garlic and ginger in vegetable oil, so its crispy bits and nice-smelling oil. Then, I fry old rice with kale and herbs and two egg whites leftover from making Paul Bertollis cake. Last, I fry two eggs in butter. The eggs go on the fried rice, and the garlic-ginger-bits oil goes all over. On the side, some steamed Chinese broccoli with oyster sauce and that same garlic-ginger stuff.
Tuesday, March 28 Breakfast is a regular and orderly piece of toast topped with a very ripe avocado that needed to be eaten, and a cup of Sightglass Rwandan coffee.
Im meeting my friend Kate for lunch at the Alamo Drafthouse, the Texan import to San Francisco, because were also watching Beauty and the Beast. Efficiency! Im tempted to order a boozy milkshake, but I havent done enough work today to deserve it. I definitely deserve a beer, though, so I get a HenHouse Saison to go with a Cobb salad because, as Kate correctly puts it, All the other salads seem to be missing one thing. We also share a giant mixing bowl of kimchee-dust popcorn. As for Beauty and the Beast, Im disappointed they dont show Gaston eating five dozen eggs (every morning to help him get large). For dessert, a slice of scone loaf baked by Aralyn a Molly Yeh recipe.
Dinner I have to work for: Im shadowing a class at 18 Reasons called Poories & Punjabistyle curries because I might be teaching one on eggs. Teachers Simran and Stacie teach us to make poories, magical bread that puffs into balloons when you deep-fry it, and an aloo sabzi (tomatoey potato curry), and chana masala (chickpea curry darkened with steeped tea). At the end of class, we eat all our handiwork, plus wine. Everything is spicy, so I eat lots of it. I realize its not a great idea; its just, somehow, what happens. For dessert, carrot halwa with ice cream and chai tea.
Now, Im home, feeling defeated, full, and in mild gastrointestinal pain, nursing a quart container of water. Theres one last butt-shaped kiwi left, and its beckoning me to eat it. Im gonna make some tea, eat my last kiwi. Lets just call that my nightcap.
This Bonkers New Coffee Has 300 Percent More Caffeine Than Your Morning Starbucks
Your food agenda for the month.
The owner says they were making his classy Italian spot feel like the local pizzeria.
Yes, you can buy them whether theyre legit is another question.
Owner Danone has to dump it in order to acquire WhiteWave Foods.
Test yourself.
This is a mai tai where all the attributes are cranked as hard as they can go
A Texas start-up is selling them in flavors like Texas BBQ and Sour Cream & Onion.
The traditional dishes are small in size, numerous in number, and best enjoyed with a glass of wine, or three, at the bar.
Find out where to eat in our weekly ranking of the citys most important restaurants.
Im getting my photo taken for this article at Pho Tan Hoa, my regular pho spot in the Tenderloin, so you might even call it a pho-to.
First it was ramen burgers, but this seems like it just goes too far.
Were assured these will be crime-free establishments.
Quarter Pounders will get fresh beef by mid 2018.
Smart move.
Stunt or no, the experience is surprisingly fun (and tasty).
In an unusual move, Tom Cat Bakery employees have taken the fight public.
The all-day restaurant opens tomorrow with flaxseed chilaquiles in the morning and pambazos for lunch.
Twisted Ranch in St. Louis has officially gone viral.
Original post:
Writer Rachel Khong Is 'Probably 50 Percent Pho' - Grub Street
Teams reportedly concerned about Kaepernick’s commitment, diet –

Getty Images
Another day, another effort to throw water on the notion that Colin Kaepernick is being blackballed by the NFL.
Earlier this week, a report emerged that Kaepernick wants $9 million or $10 million per year plus a chance to compete for the starting job. The only problem with that report is that no one knows what Kaepernick wants because no one has expressed sufficient interest in him to even get to the point of talking terms.
Now comes another report that tries to explain the crickets when it comes to Kaepernick. Via Matt Maiocco of CSN Bay Area, teams are concerned about his commitment to football and his vegan diet.
Although we dont question whether one or more people from one or more teams have expressed that viewpoint to Maiocco, we do wonder aboutthe veracity of the claim. If teams have questions about Kaepernicks attraction to football and/or his aversion to animal products, they can ask him. Given that no one has shown any interest in Kaepernick, chances are those discussions havent happened.
So as the NFLs teams continue to repeatedlypress the button onthe Reasons For Kaepernicks Unemployment generator in the hopes of the final outcome being something other than Owners Dont Like His Political Views, the effort to pin his status on something other than the obvious serves only to make the obvious even more obvious. Obviously.
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Teams reportedly concerned about Kaepernick's commitment, diet -
The top 5 sources of salt in US diet (potato chips didn’t make the list) – CBS News

You probably know that Americans consume way too much salt, but a new U.S. government report points the finger at some surprising sources of salt in the diet.
The report said the top 5 culprits were:
Surprisingly, potato chips, pretzels and other obviously salty snacks didnt make it into the top five, though they did ring in at number 7.
Most Americans are consuming too much salt and its coming from a lot of commonly consumed foods about 25 foods contribute the majority of salt, said lead researcher Zerleen Quader. Shes an analyst from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Knowing which foods contribute the most salt is important for reducing your salt intake, she said.
Sodium is an essential mineral that helps the body maintain fluid balance, according to the American Heart Association. But, too much in the diet increases the risk for high blood pressure, which in turn boosts the risk for heart attack and stroke. Table salt contains about 40 percent sodium. One teaspoon of table salt has 2,300 milligrams (mg) of sodium, which is the maximum amount recommended by health experts.
The new CDC report found that in 2013-2014, Americans consumed about 3,400 mg of salt daily. That far exceeds the recommended amount, and is more than double the American Heart Associations ideal intake of 1,500 mg daily.
And, clearly, all that salt doesnt come from the salt shaker. Most comes from packaged, processed and restaurant foods, the report said.
Many of these foods contain moderate amounts of salt, but are eaten all day long, Quader said. Its not necessarily that foods such as bread are high in salt, but eating several slices a day quickly adds to the total amount of salt you consume.
One way to reduce salt is to pay attention to food labels when shopping and choose the lowest salt option, Quader suggested.
When cooking at home, use fresh herbs and other substitutes for salt. When eating out, you can ask for meals with lower salt, she added.
Quader said the food industry can help by lowering the amount of salt it adds to its products. Gradually reducing salt in foods can help prevent high blood pressure (hypertension) and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and wont even be noticed by consumers, she said.
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A new study finds that nearly 75 percent of pre-packaged meals and snacks for toddlers have too much salt. A big concern is children who eat a hi...
The CDC researchers found that 44 percent of the salt people eat comes from just 10 foods. These include bread made with yeast, pizza, sandwiches, cold cuts and cured meats, soups, burritos and tacos, salted snacks, chicken, cheese, eggs and omelets.
Seventy percent of salt in the diet is from 25 foods, the report said. Some of the foods included in the top 25 are bacon, salad dressing, French fries and cereal, the researchers found.
In addition, 61 percent of the salt consumed daily comes from store-prepared foods and restaurant meals. Restaurants have the saltiest foods, Quader said.
Processed foods not only raise blood pressure, but may also increase the risk for cancer, one nutritionist said.
Samantha Heller is a senior clinical nutritionist at New York University Medical Center in New York City.
Processed meats such as bologna, ham, bacon and sausage, and hot dogs have been classified as carcinogens by the World Health Organization, Heller said.
In addition, these and other highly processed foods are huge contributors to the excess salt in the Western diet.
Parents need to understand that feeding hot dogs, fries, and ham and cheese sandwiches to their kids (and themselves) is significantly increasing their risk for certain cancers, hypertension and heart disease, Heller said.
Lowering salt in your diet is as simple and as difficult as cooking at home and using fresh ingredients, as often as possible, she suggested.
This can save money and time in the long run, and certainly is better for our health, Heller said. It may take some time to re-pattern your shopping and eating habits, but your health is worth it.
The report was published March 31 in the CDCsMorbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
See the rest here:
The top 5 sources of salt in US diet (potato chips didn't make the list) - CBS News
Zac Efron’s ‘Baywatch’ Diet Helped Him Stop Craving Junk Food – SELF

One view of the new Baywatch trailer will probably have you saying, "Holy buff Zac Efron !" The actor plays an Olympic swimmer-turned-lifeguard in the film, and he looks more toned and muscular than ever. We found out his body transformation didn't come without hard work. Last year, Efron told Men's Fitness magazine that he trained for 10 weeks for the film, working out five or six days a week, and sometimes twice a day. He paired his intense fitness regimen with a strict low-carb, low-sugar diet, too. He shared some of his healthy meals on Instagram , and they actually looked downright delicious. And Efron said sticking to healthy #eeeeeats helped to curb his junk food cravings.
"After a while your body stops craving junk food and you look forward to these meals," he told the magazine. "You go, 'Holy cow, I want kale and vinaigrette shredded with beets and a little bit of sweet potato!'"
He's right: Eating healthy for a sustained period of time can turn us off from our unhealthy cravings. Tanya Zuckerbrot , M.S., R.D., founder of the F-Factor Diet, tells SELF that studies support Efron's statements. "Theres science that supports why the cravings minimize, and there are studies that support that when you start eating healthier, you start craving healthier foods," Zuckerbrot says.
Related: What You Need to Know Before Starting a Low-Carb Diet
Let's explain junk food cravings. When you eat any type of carb , whether it's a complex carb (found in foods like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables) or a refined carb (like white bread, cakes, pasta, and white rice), your body breaks it down to its simplest formglucose, a form of sugar. When glucose enters the bloodstream, insulin gets secreted to carry the glucose to cells for energythat's the body "burning carbs" for energy, which is the primary fuel for the body. Complex carbs break down slowly, but refined carbs flood your system with this glucose (often with more than you can use at one time). If you eat refined carbs regularly, your body starts to expect a pattern of glucose. "The one day you choose not to have carbs, the body has secreted the insulin anywaythats the vicious cycle," Zuckerbrot says. The insulin is there, and your body is begging for all those carbs you promised it. "When people stop eating carbs or sugars or some of these refined foods or junk foods, the first few days they go through withdrawal. They dont feel wellthey feel weak, tired, shaky, cranky."
On top of this, sugar itself is seriously addictive. When you eat it, you get a hit of the feel-good brain chemicals dopamine and seratonin. It's the same basic brain response elicited by cocaine. "You then become addicted to that feeling, so every time you eat it you want to eat more," Gina Sam, M.D., M.P.H., director of the Gastrointestinal Motility Center at the Mount Sinai Hospital, previously told SELF .
The good news: Zuckerbrot says you can kick those cravings in a few weeks by sticking to a diet that's high in fiber and low in refined carbs. (Efron says it took him two to three weeks to get his sugar cravings to subside.) When your body is experiencing "withdrawal" symptoms, it's in a state of very low blood sugar and trying to get back to a stable level. High-fiber foods, like complex carbs, take your body longer to digest, meaning glucose will be released more gradually and evenly. "When that blood sugar spike isn't experienced, the subsequent cravings aren't experienced either," Zuckerbrot says.
Even your taste buds will change to accommodate your new habits. Taste buds regenerate about every 11 days , so by the end of your withdrawal period you'll actually have a tongue that's more used to eating less sugary food, and you'll lose your taste for the sweet stuff (at least to some degree).
And as your body gets used to how good it feels running on healthy fuel, you might find yourself jonesing for kale and beets just like Zac Efron does.
Check out Efron's results below:
h/t Men's Fitness
Watch: Healthy Egg and Avocado Sandwich Under 300 Calories
Zac Efron's 'Baywatch' Diet Helped Him Stop Craving Junk Food - SELF
Remember When Leonardo DiCaprio Was In That Cheesy Diet Cheese Ad? – Huffington Post

Before Leonardo DiCaprio stole teenage hearts in movies like Romeo + Julietand Titanic, he was trying to steal something else: His television fathers gross-looking diet cheese.
The throwback ad for fat-free Kraft American cheese singlesis making the internet rounds again, much to our Leo-loving hearts desire. Its safe to say this cheese product was made with artificial ingredients, but our love of footage of young Leo is all too real.
The Oscar winners plea for a processed cheese slice is almost convincing, as is his TV moms reminder that theyre supposed to be saving it for his his figure-watching father.
But ma, they make a good sandwich! he cries.
Of course, since no one can say no to DiCaprio, the mom [SPOILER ALERT] eventually gives in and allows wee Leo all the fake cheese his heart could want.
Catch us watching this on repeat all day if you can.
Read the original post:
Remember When Leonardo DiCaprio Was In That Cheesy Diet Cheese Ad? - Huffington Post
Here’s Exactly How I Lost 50 Pounds Doing The Keto Diet – Delish

All of this is useless if you don't accompany it with a high-intensity strength training regimen. After all, your body needs muscle to burn fat. I recommend an 80/20 strength-training-to-cardio ratio.
To give you an idea of what that looks like, at the peak of my keto journey, I was weight training for an hour every morning (with one or two rest days per week) and doing about 30 minutes of high-intensity cardio twice a week. I emphasize "high-intensity" because the higher your heart rate, the more fat you're burning. Good cardio exercises include sprinting intervals, spin classes like Soulcycle, and good old-fashioned swimming. Bad (or less efficient) cardio activities include long-distance running or anything that maintains a moderate heart rate.
Now here's where things get tricky: Ketosis is a pretty fragile state, and it's not the same for everyone. You have to figure out the exact cocktail of macronutrients you need to hit every day. There are a few tools online that should help I used the Ketogenic Calculator. These calculators take a number of things into account like age, height, activity level, and your own personal goals. The most important thing to remember is that you want your carb intake to be no more than 5 percent of your total caloric intake. Based on what I've read, 20g is a safe daily carb threshold to shoot for. The other thing to remember is that you have to hit a relatively small protein window every day. Eat too little or too much protein, and you risk kicking your body out of ketosis.
You're probably wondering how I kept track of all of this on a daily basis. Fortunately, like any millennial, I turned to a smartphone app for help. There are a few of them out there, but my favorite one is Lose It! It lets you search a user-generated database of almost every food and drink known to the internet, log what you ate, and it breaks down everything from caloric intake to macronutrients to exercise.
Ramy Zabarah
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One of the most helpful things I used during keto was a food scale. Since this diet requires you to know every ingredient going into your body and exactly how much of it, dining out wasn't really much of an option. Therefore, you have to be prepared to cook everything. To make it easy, I did most of my cooking on the weekend and saved leftovers for during the week. With each meal, I'd weigh out the ingredients and log them in the app. That way, I could accurately track exactly how many carbs, fats, and proteins I was taking in.
For me, an average day in meals usually included some sort of variation of bacon and eggs in the morning (substituting bacon with avocado from time to time), a fatty salad or some lamb over lettuce from the halal cart for lunch (or even a bunless burger), and weekend leftovers for dinner. If I had the energy after work, I'd occasionally make pork chops or a steak.
Ramy Zabarah
If you haven't already figured it out by now, arguably the biggest downside of this diet is that you don't get cheat days. If you cheat (miss your protein window or eat too many carbs, for example), you have to start all over again. Keto only works as a constant state; It's more of a lifestyle change than a diet. Another bummer is that since you're taking in a lot of fat and not a lot of fiber, constipation can be a problem. This can be alleviated by taking fiber supplements like Metamucil or psyllium husk.
The good news is once you're in ketosis, you'll notice a lot of changes and not just in appearance. When I was on keto, my skin cleared up, my mood brightened, and I found the energy I was getting from fat to be cleaner and a lot more reliable. I woke up feeling clear headed and had enough energy to sustain me throughout the day. I rarely even needed coffee!
After 5 to 6 months of full-on keto, I hit my target weight (160), and decided to ease myself out of it. To start, I basically continued eating according to the diet's guidelines, but stopped logging and tracking my food, choosing to use my own judgment rather than have the diet dictate my life. Then, little by little, I re-introduced some carbs back into my system, like fruits and some vegetables. I still eat a lot of fatty food and try to stay away from grainy carbs like rice, bread, and pasta. To be honest, I don't know if those will ever be a regular part of my diet again. You really don't notice all the negative effects of sugars and carbs until you quit them completely.
There's a common misconception that fat is the primary cause of obesity, which explains society's obsession with low-fat products (yogurt, milk, desserts, etc.). But that claim is being proven wrong every day. I'm no nutritionist, but from what I've learned, fat is definitely not the boogeyman I grew up conditioned to believe. The issue is most of our fat is hidden behind a lot of carbs, which make it really hard for some metabolically challenged people like myself to burn it efficiently.
It's been about 7 months since my body was last in ketosis, and I'm happy to say I've maintained a healthy lifestyle and have still been able to lose even more fat just by working out and knowing what I'm eating. One great benefit from this diet is that it cuts your portion sizes. If, like me, one of your problems is portion control, nothing will train your body to eat less like filling it with meat, cheese, and butter for a few months. That alone will help you keep the weight off after keto (as long as you don't go straight for the carton of ice cream).
My weight now fluctuates between 155 and 160 pounds (down from 207 last February) and has been that way since last June. I look better, I feel better, and any time I feel myself slipping into old habits, I like to get back into it for a few weeks just to re-center myself. That or I head to the barber shop for more advice and moral support.
Follow Delish on Instagram.
Read more here:
Here's Exactly How I Lost 50 Pounds Doing The Keto Diet - Delish
First Listen: Diet Cig, ‘Swear I’m Good At This’ – NPR

Diet Cig's new album, Swear I'm Good At This, comes out April 7. Shervin Lainez/Courtesy of the artist hide caption
Diet Cig's new album, Swear I'm Good At This, comes out April 7.
Alex Luciano is a guitar-slinging human tornado on a Pixy Stix bender. As the singer, guitarist and one half of the undeniably charming duo Diet Cig, Luciano is known to bop, flail and high-kick around the stage. And that boundless exuberance is infectious, coaxing crowds into pop-punk sock hops. It's also emblematic of the joyful musical bond between Luciano and drummer Noah Bowman, who can frequently be spotted sharing a glance and a wide grin in the split seconds before Luciano leaps off the front of his bass drum. What began as a chance meeting at a house show in the Hudson Valley-based college town of New Paltz, N.Y., has sparked a vital collaboration and friendship.
Diet Cig brilliantly bottles Luciano's energy on the duo's debut album, Swear I'm Good At This. Every track here is a frenetic showcase for Luciano's thrashing guitars and cooing harmonies and Bowman's pounding drums. The record benefits from a tour-honed chemistry that yields sharper hooks and fuller production than any of Diet Cig's previous singles: Listen for the little synth phrase floating up from the distorted fray of "Maid Of The Mist", or the softly strummed guitar that opens "Bath Bomb." And with every taut banger comes the kind of candy-coated melodies that dare you to resist shouting along in unison.
For all the fizzy fun Diet Cig uncorks, those irresistible dynamics cloak the intimacy at the the album's core. Writing with revealing honesty and searing wit, Luciano shows an innate knack for lyrics that reflect equal parts wide-eyed wonder, earnest vulnerability, and a fearless, "doing it on my own terms" ferocity. Frequently harvesting from her own past formative romances and breakups, it's Luciano's tiniest details that prove the most relatable. Luciano is capable of capturing the flittering giddiness of a new crush on "Leo" and "Apricots" ("I wanna kiss you in the middle of a party / I wanna to cause a scene"); depicting relationship-status conversations on "I Don't Know Her" ("I don't want you to feel nostalgic for something that never happened"); and even derives cringe-worthy humor from an awkward fling with someone who shares her name on "Sixteen." Similarly, "Barf Day" revisits the sadness of being ignored on her birthday ("I'm sick of being my own best friend / Will you be there in the end?"), only to stave off loneliness with a satisfying kiss-off: "I just wanna have ice cream on my birthday! / I know that you're sorry, I just don't care!"
Yet Diet Cig is at its most potent when deploying Luciano's experiences to wrestle with bigger ideas, like consent, identity and flipping gender roles. "I don't need a man to hold my hand / That's just something you'll never understand!" Luciano proudly proclaims on the invigorating closer "Tummy Ache." Elsewhere, "Maid Of The Mist" addresses past exes ("I am bigger than the outside shell of my body and if you touch it without asking then you'll be sorry") while turning her assurances into an empowering mantra: "I'm fine / You're alive / You'll be O.K. in some time." And on "Link In Bio," Luciano voices her frustrations over how women are all too often singularly defined or silenced for being too outspoken: "They say speak your mind / But not too loud / I'm not being dramatic / I've just f had it with the things that you say you think that I should be / I'm done with being a chill girl / I'm trying to take over the world."
Swear I'm Good At This all adds up to a snapshot of a young songwriter navigating through the yearning and boredom, ambition and insecurity that accumulates along the rocky path from adolescence to adulthood. The power of Diet Cig comes from the way Luciano and Bowman bolster these themes with affirming positivity in the form of delightful, explosive anthems. These songs will surely give anyone weathering their own tough moments the confidence to pick themselves up and dance.
Swear I'm Good At This is out April 7 on Frenchkiss Records.
Here is the original post:
First Listen: Diet Cig, 'Swear I'm Good At This' - NPR