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Brain food: How your diet can longer your life –
If someone promised you could live to 100, would you want to? Most of us would probably say yes but only if they could guarantee wed be in a fit state to enjoy those extra years. Geneticist Dr Preston Estep isnt exactly promising this, but he does think he has discovered the key to a longer life and a healthier brain in old age by studying cultures in the world where its not that unusual to reach 100.
Hes spent 25 years examining the diets of this mindspan elite and thinks we can all extend our lives, and most crucially our brains health in old age, by following some simple rules.
The longest-lived people in the world are in Okinawa, Japan, and the Mediterranean regions of France and Italy, plus communities of Seventh-Day Adventist Christians in California (teetotal vegetarians). In all three places, rates of dementia and old-age mental decline are also low. Globally, deaths from dementia have risen threefold on average in 20 years.
So how have they managed to keep their rates low while also living longer? Estep, author of The Mindspan Diet and director of gerontology at the Harvard Personal Genome Project in the US, believes its mainly to do with their diet.
At the moment, its impossible to prove which influence cognition more genetic or dietary factors but I believe diet has a substantial and possibly greater capacity to either increase or decrease mindspan, he says After all, we eat 40 tonnes of food in a lifetime.
And guess what? When Okinawans adopt a Western diet, their rates of Alzheimers disease increase and lifespan shortens.
Diet has a substantial and possibly greater capacity to either increase or decrease mindspan
Too many of us wrongly believe longevity and dementia are in our genes (which were born with and cant change). In fact, research has shown that only 20-35 per cent of extreme longevity is genetic, and the rest is due to environmental factors such as diet, sleep, mood, mental stimulation and exercise.
Your genes are not your fate, Dr Estep says. They have the equivalent of volume-control knobs, controlled by nutrients in our food, which can turn them up to full blast and therefore increase our risk of Alzheimers or keep them turned down.
The difference isnt a few years, he argues, but 15 to 20 years of good-quality life. There are no guarantees: some people will get dementia whatever they eat or do, but we can all give ourselves the best possible chance.
Of course, the Japanese and the Mediterraneans have very different diets but its what they have in common that provides the key, he argues. And it isnt what youd expect.
These are his eating recommendations for a healthy brain in midlife and old age
Dont eat too much iron
Adolescents and pre-menopausal women need 14.8 milligrams a day, but men and older women need far less (8.7mg, says the NHS). Yet the recommended daily amount youll see on food labels gives the higher amount. Because governments after the Second World War worried about lack of iron, it was added to flour and breakfast cereals (and still is). But between the 1950s and now, meat consumption has rocketed, so many older adults get too much iron.
Excess consumption can lead to iron deposits in the brain, says Estep, who points out that the top five genes associated with dementia are the ones also involved in trafficking iron. Studies in animals show that high iron diets shorten lifespan, and in 2015 a study of those who ate a Mediterranean diet (less meat, more fish) had larger brains and less neural atrophy than frequent meat eaters. The difference was equivalent to five years of brain ageing.
Estep, 55, now eats red meat only twice a month and no fortified breakfast cereals.
He makes his own bread using non-fortified flour. (In Britain, all flour is fortified except some wholemeal flour and imported French bread flour). Drinking tea and coffee with meals or a small glass of red wine (which the Japanese and Mediterraneans do) stops the body absorbing so much iron, as does eating a small amount of cheese with a meal.
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Paleo, Durkin & Atkins, the most popular diets explained
Eat good carbs and not too much protein
Weve come to think of refined carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta and rice as the enemy. So its surprising to discover that the world leaders in longevity Japan and Mediterranean Italy have traditionally high white-carb diets.
Estep says pasta and white rice have had an unfairly bad rap over the years: they are fairly low on the glycaemic index (how fast they hit your bloodstream after eating), which is good. Converted rice, which has been parboiled as part of the processing, is the best, followed by basmati. Look out for rice with a high amylose content, as it slows digestion. When buying pasta, look for Italian-made that isnt fortified with iron.
The Western fashion is for high-protein, lower-carb diets but this is the opposite of long-lived cultures, where protein intake is low, particularly animal protein. More of their protein comes from fish (Japan), and grain/beans and legumes (Mediterranean). His mindspan elite cultures eat about a third less protein than the mindspan risk populations.
Try to get at least half your proteins from plant sources such as grains, rice, beans and veg. Eggs and cheese are better than meat.
Slow down and start with soup
Both Japanese and Mediterranean cultures eat slowly and meals are a social experience. That means you eat less, and digestion is spread over a longer time. The Japanese have a traditional saying, hara hachi bun me, which translates as eat until you are 80 per cent full. Both cultures also tend to start a meal with soup, which Estep believes prepares the body gently for the rise in blood sugar to come, and the resulting sugar spike isnt as high.
Get a good balance of fats
Ideally we should be getting about equal amounts of the two fats omega 6 (in sunflower oil, meat) and omega 3 (in nuts, oily fish, green leafy veg). But in Western diets, its more like 10:1 in favour of omega 6. This imbalance is linked to inflammation, heart disease and shorter lifespans.
Avoid vegetable oils such as corn and sunflower and opt for rapeseed/canola, which has a better balance of omega 3 to 6 fats, plus olive oil. Look for cold-pressed oils the darker the oil, the better. Snack on nuts: walnuts, pecans, macadamia, hazel, almonds (keep them in airtight container to prevent oxidisation). And go for free-range eggs, with more omega 3 and less omega 6.
Eat fish (but not too much)
Fish (especially oily fish such as sardines, fresh tuna, wild salmon and anchovies) is wonderful brain food because of the omega 3 it contains, which builds up brain membranes. But its important not to overdo it:
95 per cent of Japanese people eat it once a day or less and dont eat large quantities in a single meal. Go for small portions a few times a week: for example, a bite-sized piece of pickled herring several times a week plus one dish with sardines or anchovies once a week. These kinds of small fish tend to have lower levels of mercury and they are favourites of the mindspan elite, says Estep.
Eat fermented foods
Mindspan elite diets are rich in fermented foods (pickled vegetables, vinegar, yoghurt, soft cheeses and alcohol in moderation) or foods that the body is able to ferment such as greens, leeks, garlic, onions, beans and chickpeas. The French and Italians lead the world in the consumption of vinegar and wine, and in Japan miso, soy sauce, rice vinegar, sake and fermented vegetables are staple foods.
Why are they so good? They feed our microbiome the millions of microbes that make up our gut, and which is vital for brain health (the gut produces two thirds of the bodys neurotransmitters) and the immune system. Fermented foods also slow digestion of starches and sugars, softening the sugar spikes, and can keep weight low. Estep pickles his own vegetables and starts every day with a cup of miso soup with a teaspoon of vinegar.
The Mindspan Diet (Oneworld, 14.99) is out now. See Express Bookshop
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Brain food: How your diet can longer your life -
Does Changing Your Diet Help With Fibromyalgia? – Pain News Network
By Lana Barhum, Columnist
Having lived with fibromyalgia most of my adult life, I know my diet may worsen or improve my pain and other fibromyalgia symptoms. I am not alone in this belief, but the research disagrees.
Most studies have not shown any specific evidence that fibromyalgia patients should avoid certain foods or add any to their diets to manage symptoms. Nonetheless, it is still a good idea to take a look at how some foods influence how you feel.
MSG, Gluten and Vitamin D
At least 42% of fibromyalgia patients have reported worsening symptoms after eating certain foods, according to a study in Clinical Rheumatology. Other studies on fibromyalgia and diet have focused on food additives, gluten, and vitamin D, and found some evidence that they may affect fibromyalgia pain.
A 2012 study published in Clinical Experimental Rheumatology, assessed fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients who had excluded monosodium glutamate (MSG) and aspartame from their diets. After four weeks, 84% of the study participants reported their symptoms had improved by about a third. Adding MSG back into their diets resulted in a return of symptoms.
The researchers concluded that MSG did, in fact, have an adverse effect on some fibromyalgia patients and removing it from their diets was an easy solution.
"This novel research implicates glutamate as a major adverse excitotoxin in some FM (fibromyalgia) patients. Dietary manipulation is a relatively simple and low cost non-pharmacological intervention that warrants further exploration," reported lead author Kathleen Holton, PhD.
But another study, published in Rheumatology International, found no relationship between MSG and fibromyalgia pain and symptoms. The researchers reported no symptom improvement in the group that removed MSG and aspartame from their diets and the group that did not.
While there has been little specific evidence pointing to gluten as a fibromyalgia trigger, some research shows patients respond well when they avoid eating gluten. Spanish researchers reported in Rheumatology International that fibromyalgia patients who removed gluten from their diets showed notable improvements in pain and symptoms.
There may also be a link between fibromyalgia pain and low levels of vitamin D, according to a 2014 study out of Austria. That research, reported in the journal Pain, found that study participants who took vitamin D supplements experienced less pain and morning fatigue.
A 2015 report from the journal Pain and Therapy, also makes a case for a link between Vitamin D deficiency and pain. "Significant improvements in assessment of sleep, mood, pain levels, well-being, and various aspects of quality of life with vitamin D supplementation have been shown, said researchers Elspeth and Edward Shipton.
More research is needed to further determine if diet and fibromyalgia are actually related. But doctors do agree eating healthy foods can help patients to feel better and tweaking your diet may improve symptoms.
Making Diet Changes
Here are some ways to help you figure out which foods help and which ones hurt.
Keep a Food Journal. Many people with fibromyalgia have food sensitivities, but specific trigger foods will vary from person to person. A good way to identify which foods worsen fibromyalgia symptoms and pain is to keep a food journal. If you find your symptoms consistently worsen after eating certain foods, try eliminating those foods from your diet and see if your symptoms improve.
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Does Changing Your Diet Help With Fibromyalgia? - Pain News Network
Ask the Anytime Gal: What is the best diet to stave off heart disease … – Jacksonville Daily Progress
Question: With it being American Heart Month, Im curious what dietary changes I should make in order to stave off heart disease? Just trying to be proactive rather than reactive!
Answer: First of all, kudos for focusing on prevention! As far as diet is concerned, there are definitely some modifications you can make, but to be honest, they arent all that new. For starters, you could try following the DASH diet, which stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. This diet focuses on specific amounts of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, and lean proteins. I follow a Whole-Food Plant-Based diet for disease prevention. The WFPB way of eating has even reversed heart disease in numerous studies. It focuses on whole grains, legumes (beans, lentils, and peas), vegetables, fruits, dark leafy greens, daily multivitamin, vitamin B12 supplement, and ground flaxseed. Sounds pretty healthy, right? In fact, the diet has been shown to reduce hypertension, and can also decrease the risk of heart disease and stroke over time. But even if you dont follow a comprehensive diet, you should still try to limit your sodium intake, reduce your intake of saturated and trans fats, moderate your alcohol consumption (no more than 2 drinks per day for men and 1 drink per day for women), and increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids. All of these changes will go a long way in helping to protect your heart, and the rest of your cardiovascular system. If you want additional information, check out the American Heart Association website,, or consult with a registered dietitian.
Andrea Ivins is the club manager and Zumba Instructor at Anytime Fitness in Palestine, TX. To submit a question for future articles, please contact the author at and
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Ask the Anytime Gal: What is the best diet to stave off heart disease ... - Jacksonville Daily Progress
Mediterranean diet could lead to lower child obesity rates | –
(CNN) The so-called Mediterranean diet has gained lots of followers because of its perceived health benefits; but what about having your children making the switch to its regimen of natural foods?
The Mediterranean diet is heavy in vegetables, fruit, unrefined grains, and other foods that are good for you. Its been linked to a host of benefits, including longer life, and better bone and heart health.
There are many positive aspects of this style of eating for adults. Nutrition experts say the Mediterranean diet is good for kids too, with some caveats.
The diet calls for skim or low-fat dairy products; pediatricians call for little ones to consume whole milk until age two.Nuts are also included in the diet, something doctors say could be a choking hazard for children under age four.
The Mediterranean diet calls for a moderate amount of wine, which is illegal to consume until age 21 in the United States. Apart from that, signs are emerging that the Mediterranean could be beneficial for children.
A study presented to the European congress on obesity in 2014, found that children who followed it were 15 percent less likely to be obese.Other studies have suggested the diet could lower rates of asthma and wheezing in children.
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Mediterranean diet could lead to lower child obesity rates | -
So here it is: Don’t diet on the days leading up to a date. Drinking, dieting and dating is a terrible idea. – Elite Daily
Greetings, sweet kittens. It's me, Zara, your digital big sister.
While I love the weekend as much as the next free-wheeling, high heel-wearing, winged liner-sporting, booze-swilling, red-lipsticked PARTY GIRL, 99.9 percent of the mistakes I've made in my life have taken place during the weekend. I've spent one too many Mondays spiraling down the dark vortex of weekend guilt, regret and shame.
But hey, don't fret. Because I'm going to be here every Friday to stop you from the awful weekend fuckups that are screwing up your life. Here's this week's Very Important PSA.
Lets not waste time. This weekend PSA is so painfully real and happens all too often, so I feel VERY strongly about it.
So here it is: Dont diet on the days leading up to a date. Drinking, dieting and dating is a terrible idea.
Look, if youre one of those amazing girl creatures who has an authentically ~positive relationship~ with her body and would never THINK to diet before a date or skipa meal because she wanted to feel prettier and who has never tugged at her flesh in the mirror repeating, I hate myself. I hate myself. I hate myself, then please feel free to click out of this article. It will probably irritate you.
For the record, Im very happy girls like you exist. But Im not a girl like you, even though Ive spent thousands of dollars in therapy and yoga to emulate your wellness. I guess Im just damaged goods or something.
However, I know Im not alone. I happen to know a lot of girls who do (or have done) this kind of destructive shit, too. And it always ends in a total, epic, shame-spiraling disaster.
Now, kittens, the time has come to close your eyes. Its (horror) story time.
A million years ago (OK, maybe like five), I was going to go on a date with a girl I was super excited about. I had been lusting after her from afar for years. When I was still closeted, I had sex dreams about her.
But finally, I was an out-and-proud lez, and eventually, I told a friend, who told a friend, who told her, that I was, uh, interested.
And apparently, she was down for a date!
My little gay boy compatriotMax* came rushing up to me during Drag Queen Bingo one night.
She says youre her type! he gasped.
My heart fluttered. Really?
Yes. Shes going to text you.
I felt sick with excitement. Thats cool, I said, puffing on casually on my ciggie. (Never let them see you sweat, girls.)
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Two nights later, Lana* sent me a text. Hey, Zara. Its Lana. Do you want to grab a drink after work Tuesday?
Bile roseup in my throat. I quickly called my best friend Ruba and screamed, WHAT THE HELL DO I TEXT HER BACK? I WANT TO SEEM CASUAL, BUT ALSO INTO IT BUT CASUAL BUT INTO IT.
Ruba and I agonized over thisuntil we finally crafted the perfectly calculated, seemingly effortless text to send to Lana.
This is sort of like beach waves isnt it? I said to Ruba as Isent the message.
What do you mean beach waves?
Like, when you style your hair into beach-y waves. You spend two hours trying to make it look like you just stepped off a beach on a windy day. So, you spend twice as long trying to make your hair look effortless and messy than you do when you try to make it look styled and sleek.
Oh yeah, Ruba agreed. Beach waves.
Anyway, Tuesday night the night of my date with Lana was only four days away. That was nothing!
So I did what I always do when Im nervous: I went to take a good look at myself in my bathroom mirror and engaged in what my shrinks call negative self-talk.
Youre so hideous. Look at your skin; its full of zits. Massive, open pores. How are you going to clear your goddamn skin up in time for this date? my negative self said to me.
I cant, I whimpered back.
Well, you know what you can do?
You might not be able to clear up your skin by Tuesday, but you can TOTALLYlose weight by Tuesday. Youre looking a little thick.
I pinched the flesh on my upper arm. I am?
Yes. Its OK, though. Just be really strict for the next few days, so you can look good for this date with Lana.
Oh, God. Youre right. Ill only eat fruits and vegetables for the next four days! And Ill go running, too. I promised.
Maybe even throw in some hot yoga? That will get rid of your water weight.
Good idea. I nodded at my negative self in the mirror.
Look, I dont have the best track record when it comes to self-control, but when Im determined to do something, I do it full force, babe.
So for the next four days, I practically starved myself. At work, I would watch my co-workers gorge on pizza and donuts, my mouth watering as I sadly ate my lonely carrot sticks.
Finally, Tuesday came around. I slipped on my deliciously slutty, Courtney Love-looking slip dress, fishnet stockings, patent leather Doc Martin boots and stared at my reflection. I ran my hands across my stomach I had definitely lost some weight.
Well done. My destructive negative-self was pleased.
I looked at my phone. It was 9:00 pm, and I was set to meet Lana at 11:00 pm.
Confession: Im one of those idiots who completely loses her personality when shes attracted to someone.
Im a sassy, talkative bitch most of the time. But when I find you physically beautiful, I completely shut down. I forget words. Im not exciting. I do weird things, like let out horrible tinkles of hysterical laughter at things that arent even remotely funny.
But sometimes, I believed alcohol wouldhelp.
Ill just have a personality drink! I thought to myself as I poured a giant glass of white wine before my date.
And having no food to hold the wine, I felt tipsy off half a glass. I giggled to myself as I slid into a taxi to meet Lana downtown.
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The next morning, I woke up with my heart pounding outside of my chest and a head full of steel nails. I struggled to open up my eyes, asthey felt like they were sealed shut.
Literally, my lashes were stuck together from gobs of sticky mascara, I had to peel them open with my fingers.
OH GOD! I shrieked.
I had a hazy memory of Lana texting me that she was going to be a little late and another hazy memory of ordering a glass of wine and stumbling into the bathroom to apply lipstick.
Then, I had a traumatic, ugly, vile flashback: I remembered beingso wasted, I was holding on to Lanas jean pockets. Then, my memories went right to black.
Yup, thats right. I had a total blackout on my dream date. I couldnt remember a damn thing.
After hours and hours of beating myself up, I finally mustered up the courage to call Lana.
Im so sorry was all I could say.
Yeah, its OK. I just hope youre OK. You were really bombed.
I know. Im sorry. I didnt eat a lot that day. This doesnt usually happen, I lied. I had blacked out from not eating more times than I could ever count. It always ended horribly.
But this was the worst. I had totally blown it with someone I had liked because I had over-dieted and drank too much booze. My radical methods of achieving perfection had backfired once again.
That sleepless night, I really thought about my life. It seemed I was always doing things like this trying too hard to be thin, trying too hard to be liked and trying too hard to be pretty.
In turn, I was destroying myself and scaring away the healthy things I so desperately wanted.
And Lana was a healthy person. Thats why I liked her. Thats why I wanted to look good for her and impress her to begin with.
But healthy people arent drawn to unstable peoplewho starve themselves and black out on first dates.
Some people are drawn to that, like the people I had been attracting before. But those people were toxic energy vampires whogot off on rescuing helpless shits like me.
Two days later, I called Lana again. Look, Im so sorry. That was a huge wake-up call. Can I please have a do over?
Lana hesitantly agreed. And this time, I didnt listen to my negative-self talk. This time, I told her to shut the fuck up because her advice wasnt helping it was hurting me.
So, I ate a solid meal before our date and only had one drink over the course of five hours.
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Yes, I was awkward because Im an awkward person when Im sober, and yes, I felt bloated because I always feel bloated when I eat. But I was aware of everything that was going on.
I didnt realize that not only was booze putting a hazy filter over my feelings, but starvation was, too. When youre hungry, you have a desperation about you. And you cant tell what youre ravenous for another person or a cheeseburger.
And just so you know, Lana and I ended up dating for, like, two years.Though,we wouldnt have ever had a relationship had she not been so kind.
But I dont want you to put yourself in that position.
So eat,girl. Not only do you need to eat so you wont make a fool of yourself on the date, but you also need to eat to be safe.
My blackout that night with Lana was so bad, whoknows what couldve (or DID) happen to me? In fact, I think a lot of terrifying things have happened to me in my life as a result of not eating and drinking too much and then blacking out.
Sometimes, I get weird nightmares of hands grabbing at me and strange flashes of being pulled into cars, and I dont know if theyre a figment of my imagination or if theyre traumatic memories my subconscious is still tortured by.
But Ill never know, which is the most terrifying part.
And all of this is a result of me DIETING (or shall I say starving myself) so I could be prettier.
Really, Im not even pretty when Im dieting.You cant be pretty when youre not giving your body what it needs. And when youre not giving your body what it needs, your body doesnt give your brain what it needs.
And our brain is really the most beautiful part of ourselves. Our thoughts, our feelings, our perspectives on the world they all come from our brains.
Dont screw with your brain. Its too stunning to starve away.
So if youre getting ready for your date tonight, and you skipped dinner in an attempt to feel pretty, I want you to imagine me standing in your doorway.
Im holding up a gorgeous, silver platter from somewhere really bougie, like Tiffanys. On it is a gorgeous plate full of beautifully grilled vegetables, wild rice and sweet potatoes. Its healthy, but its hearty, like us, baby!
Eat this before you go out, honey, I say to you.
You take the plate from steady hands. You notice how happy and healthy I look. Ive been eating fucking MEALS! I say to you, reading your mind.
You eat the meal, and you feel fabulous. You feel ready for your date.
You took care of yourself, and when you take care of yourself, you radiate a really different, attractive energy. Its not needy. Its not desperate. Its balanced, self-aware and independent, and those are all qualities that draw in positive things and people.
And if you feel like you still wantto skip the meal, message me. Your internet lesbian big sister wont let you go on that date without eating. Promise.
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Zara Barrie is a senior writer for Elite Daily. She's consumed by style, sexuality, women, words, fashion and feelings. She identifies as a "mascara lesbian" and lives beyond her means on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.
Newall: The pony of Port Richmond goes on a diet –
The construction workers arrived at Kazs Tire Center in Port Richmond in need of some Goodyears and an answer to a burning question: Wheres the pony?
Coco. The pony of Port Richmond. The delight of East Somerset Street. The chestnut gelding rescued from an abusive fairground who lived behind the tire shop and grew fat and happy from 15 years of love and attention lavished by Kaz Nabavi and his wife, Sedighah.
Too fat, unfortunately.
Kaz and the construction workers sat in the wood-paneled waiting room he keeps decorated with a shrine to his hero, John Wayne.
He would tell them the whole story. He always does.
The horse, said Kaz, solemnly, had to go on a diet.
I first met Kaz a few years ago on a whim. I heard a pony was living behind a tire shop. I met Coco. More importantly, I met Kaz, who is 72 and about as close to a living embodiment of joy as a human being can be.
An Iranian immigrant, he left his homeland in the early 1960s, fleeing the brutality of the shah. He loves his life in America. He loves Sedighah and their two children a doctor and a lawyer. He loves The Duke, and Teddy Roosevelt cowboys, he said. He loves working the polls on Election Day, with his carefully selected slate of candidates, both Republicans and Democrats. He loves the tire shop and the animals he keeps on his land behind it. His Chilean chickens that lay green eggs. His gorgeous peacock and dearly departed rescue goat. The parrot that liked to ride on Cocos back.
Sometimes, Kaz and I discuss politics. And sometimes when all the ugliness makes even Kazs smile fade, well talk about his pony. Kaz always returns to his pony.
Sitting under a portrait of the Duke, Kaz regaled his guests.
One afternoon in late summer, the story goes, Sedighah hurried into the shop. Coco had fallen. Or at least, lay down very fast. She wasnt sure. Kaz went to Coco. There was no just denying it anymore. The horse was too fat.
For months, he had been telling his wife as much.
One lap of hay in the morning, hed remind her. One lap of hay in the evening.
The horse doesnt like that, his wife would say, leaving Coco a feast of a whole bale.
At the market, for every piece of fruit his wife bought Kaz, shed buy two for Coco.
Watermelons and cantaloupes. Apples and carrots. Bananas even.
This is not a monkey, Kaz would say. This is a horse.
And exotic fruits that Kaz had never tasted, let alone name.
Who is the boss of this house? Kaz said. Is it the horse or me?
He tried spreading the hay out so Coco would walk for it.
The horse doesnt like that, Sedighah would say
Then there were the endless snacks from the neighborhoods kids who ignored Kazs sign: Please, do not feed the animal (Horse). Thank you.
Once, Kaz would ride Coco from Port Richmond to Penn's Landing, stopping along the way to give kids rides. Sedigah would ride him, too, with the parrot on the back.
But now, Coco was growing old and round enough that Kaz could no longer fit his legs around him.
He called a doctor.
Give him less food, otherwise hes going to die, the doctor said, prescribing a year of exercise.
Sedighah wasnt impressed.
The doctor doesnt know what hes talking about, she said. The horse likes to eat, give him food.
Kaz thought of a friend who owns a farm, near a lake, with a cozy barn and roomy paddock. Coco could get the exercise he needed.
We put it to pasture, Kaz said. Its the best thing. Of course, I miss him."
Kaz has visited Coco twice. He doesnt look like hes lost any weight. But they take good care of him. And that makes Kaz happy.
But without a pony things werent the same on East Somerset. Sedighah was sad. So was Kaz. And all the kids missed him, said Danny Beck, a roofer across the street, who liked to feed him apples despite the sign.
You got rid of my Coco, one little girl told Kaz, who tried to make her smile. I said, I didnt get rid of him. You did. You fed him too much food.'
Kaz knew what had to be done.
On Thursday, once the snow ended, Kaz put on his jacket and began to clean Cocos old stall. He wants it to be nice when he brings home the brown and white painted pony he bought for himself and Sedighah and East Somerset Street.
Beautiful, he called him. Hell bring him home when the weather breaks. He showed me a picture. It looked a little fat.
Published: February 10, 2017 6:57 PM EST | Updated: February 10, 2017 8:31 PM EST
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Newall: The pony of Port Richmond goes on a diet -
Joe Coffee’s Jonathan Rubinstein Splurges on Pie and Cake for Birthdays – Grub Street
At Lilia one of his favorite restaurants. Photo: Miachel Breton
Its an exciting time for Jonathan Rubinstein, the owner of Joe, a highly respected coffee chain that has shops in New York and Philadelphia: Danny Meyers Union Square Hospitality has invested in his company, which means that Joe, which roasts its own beans in Red Hook, will soon pop up in additional cities across the country. This week, Rubinstein mixed business with pleasure eating a hazelnut doughnut at a strategy meeting, birthday cake for an employees birthday, and lamb rag at Lilia, where he collaborated on the coffee program. He also treated his daughter, Sally, to pie, chicken sandwiches, and homemade pasta with butter and Parmesan.
Thursday, February 2My morning coffee routine is definitely a ritual, and as a total morning person, I usually jump out of bed because I cant wait to take my first sip. By 6 a.m. I start boiling water in my kettle and eat a piece of fruit and have half a piece of toast with some peanut butter to put something in my stomach before coffee. Once the water boils, I make a pour-over coffee with beans from one of my Joe shops. Today it is a Brazilian coffee from Santa Ines that we just released. I sit on the couch and savor each sip before my 8-year-old daughter, Sally, wakes up and the day has officially begun. Sally jumps on the bus to school in Red Hook, and I leave our apartment in Brooklyn Heights and catch the train to our office in Chelsea.
By 8 a.m. Im at the office, but today I have an all-day strategy meeting with our new investors, Union Square Hospitality Group. Knowing the way they exceed expectations I have high hopes that they will feed me well. Exceed they do. When I walk into the conference room, there is a gorgeous spread of freshly baked sweet and savory pastries including a passion-fruit danish, a salted hazelnut doughnut with spiced sugar, a tomato-and-olive tart, and a baklava danish with orange blossom.
We have barely finished the pastries when lunch is served: Union Square Events family meal of mushroom, carrot, and fava-bean salad, salmon tartines, and hake with sweet potato pure. Some family meal!
We end the day with drinks and snacks at Porchlight, where I wind down with a pint of Other Halfs IPA, an amazing smoky beef jerky made in-house, and peanut hummus with vegetables.
I am pretty satiated from a full day of eating, so my late-night dinner is a pint of raspberries.
Friday, February 3 My morning routine is exactly the same as yesterdays, except my coffee of choice today is our Papua New Guinea from the Baroida Estate, roasted just yesterday at our roastery in Red Hook.
On my way into work, I stop by Daily Provisions for opening day. We are the wholesale partner working on their coffee program, so I wanted to stop by and taste for quality, which is spot-on. I also have a scrambled-egg-and-spinach gougres, which is super yummy, and they also send me off with a fresh loaf of rye bread by baker Justin Rosengarten, which my staff devours as soon as I step in the office.
At noon, I run to a meeting in the Village and take a quick detour on the way, to Citarella, which in my opinion has the best salad bar and is the best deal in the city. I know people are very into the designer-salad trend, but I still like making my own and only spending $6 on it.
At 2 p.m., Im back at Joe HQ. Today is our director of retails birthday, so we gather in our Pro Shop space for a quick celebration. He doesnt eat sugar or carbohydrates, basically just meat and vegetables, so we grill him a steak and the rest of us have vegan chocolate cake from Whole Foods.
Dinner tonight is at one of my favorite restaurants, Lilia. Missy Robbins has been a friend and a customer for many years and its incredible to see her vision turned into a reality, not to mention one of the most celebrated restaurants in the country. We collaborated on her coffee program for Lilia and I stop by the Caff whenever Im in the area. Tonight, for dinner with a friend, we go all-out: two glasses of wine, a grilled radicchio salad, roasted trumpet mushrooms, scallops, Missys famous and incredible lamb-rag pasta, and of course, an olive-oil cake with soft serve for dessert.
Saturday, February 4 Coffee ritual on repeat with a side of blueberries and raspberries. A few hours later, I have one scrambled egg and half an avocado, both of which have been rejected by Sally. Her birthday party is this afternoon so she cant think about anything else and I have to threaten to cancel it if she doesnt agree to eat breakfast. In between birthday-party errands, which take us to downtown Brooklyn, we grab lunch at Hill Country Chicken a chicken sandwich for Sally and a kale salad with grilled chicken, sweet potato, and pine nuts for me.
Sallys birthday party is at Karaoke Cave, which is connected to Le Midi, a classic-style French bistro near Union Square, which randomly also has karaoke rooms in the basement. Over the course of the party, while 24 8-year-olds are belting Taylor Swift, I am fairly sure I ate two full plates of their delicious bistro-style French fries and half of the chicken fingers I ordered for the kids.
Birthday cake is literally my favorite dessert and I could eat an entire cake from One Girl Cookies on a daily basis. Sally has never liked birthday cake and always insists on pie for her birthday. I know her birthday is supposed to be about her, but I cant help but indulge the child in me we splurge and serve both.
After the party, we drive out to New Jersey to for a sleepover with two families I have known since high school and who have kids that Sally loves. When we get there, my friends have ordered Mexican food from Tinga in Millburn and it is delicious.
Sunday, February 5 Naturally, I am on coffee duty and make four Chemexes of Joes house-blend for the parents who slept over. (Yes, I packed an entire suitcase of Chemexes, a grinder, a scale, an electric water kettle, filters, and a bag of beans.) For breakfast, I have both a bowl of cereal and leftover rice and beans.
When we get back to the city, Sally goes to see a play with her grandparents and I meet up with my friend Missy, who is in the process of expanding her new business, Fresh Coat Nails. I love talking with entrepreneurs about growth and new ideas. We have brunch at Soho House, and while Im really not a private club kind of guy, they do have the best brunch buffet on the planet. I have a little bit of everything: grain salad, oysters, shrimp, salmon, and vanilla layer cake. Yay, two consecutive days of cake, my favorite dessert!
Im too full to eat dinner tonight, but I make Sally the go-to meal that kids, and parents, love: pasta with butter and Parmesan cheese. I sneak a few bites.
Monday, February 6 Coffee ritual Grind. Brew. Repeat.
On my way to work, I stop by Pret a Manger for a Southwestern egg-white wrap, and after catching up on emails, I head out late morning to visit a few Joe shops. I have a taste of our house coffee at our Union Square shop on 13th Street between 5th Avenue and University Place, then I continue onto the West Village for a straight shot of espresso at our Waverly Place shop, the original Joe. The shop always feel like coming home to me.
Sallys favorite weekend hobby is playing store I pay her a $1 an hour and shell bus tables, give them refills on their water, wash dishes. Shes very proud of Joe and feels like she has ownership.
Lunch today is broiled chicken with sweet potatoes and roasted cauliflower from Whole Foods I do my best to keep my diet lean and clean during the week, and Whole Foods has so many tasty but healthy to-go options.
Sally has a doctors appointment in Park Slope, the last appointment of the day, and we are both famished when we arrive. I think I may be the only person in the history of the world to order ramen delivered to a doctors office, but I do it. Its my first time ordering from Wasan, a Japanese restaurant on Bergen Street, but we will definitely add it to our list of delivery go-tos.
Tuesday, February 7 Coffee routine, of course.
Lunch from Whole Foods again: braised chicken, steamed broccoli, and some arugula.
I realize I havent been cooking as much as I should lately, so for dinner I make Sally some broiled salmon with soy sauce, maple syrup, garlic, and sesame oil, plus Brussels sprouts and mashed potatoes. Its one of her favorite meals and we both feel good about eating it.
My family situation is unique because Im a single father by choice. Im a gay dad who had a baby by surrogate, and I try to make our lives as normal as I can in a lot of ways, and cooking is a big part of that, especially in New York. My job is demanding and its a demanding time because we just closed on the investment and were expanding a lot and as a parent, I try to get as much quality time with her as I can.
Once she falls asleep, I open a bottle of cabernet and start to binge-watch Difficult People. I fall asleep on the couch soon after.
An industry insider calls it probably one of the biggest numbers Ive heard.
Birthday cake is literally my favorite dessert I cant help but indulge the child in me.
Waitrose says the vehicles can run 500 miles on biomethane, a by-product of rotting food.
Find out where to eat in our weekly ranking of the citys most important restaurants.
It give couples the chance to register for something they both truly love as much as their partner.
From the team behind Cheap Eats favorite El Atoradero.
Six straight quarters of sales declines are forcing the company to close nine stores.
Hint: a lot like other strawberries.
Featuring chefs from Russia, Peru, and a monastery in South Korea.
The event takes place on Wednesday, February 15.
Peanut-butter and chocolate milkshakes, ice-cream flights, and more.
Nebraska police say he compromised two 17-year-olds identities by tweeting their photos.
The bill goes to Governor Cuomos desk seven days before the fee starts.
Where to find the best buttered rum, hot toddy, and whiskey-spiked nightcap.
Baristas worried about the executive order have access to the free service.
Companies like Caviar and Maple promise to revolutionize lunch. We tested them all to see how they stack up.
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Joe Coffee's Jonathan Rubinstein Splurges on Pie and Cake for Birthdays - Grub Street
How Diet Affects Depression – Men’s Journal
Credit: Peter Dazeley / Getty Images
If youre part of the 10 percent of men who suffer from depression, theres more options than getting a prescription to Zoloft, Paxil, or Oleptro, drugs that all contain a laundry list of side effects. Among the well-studied all-natural things that may decrease depressive symptoms is Vitamin D, meditation, and old-fashioned therapy. But an even easier step? Change your diet.
While a junk-food diet has been previously indicated as a contributor to clinical depression, for the first time a healthy diet has been shown to actually improve mood. A newly published study shows that patients weaned off sweets, fried food, and refined meats and cereals in favor of fish, lean meats, nuts, whole grains, and veggies showed marked improvement more than a third of patients showed signs of pulling out of major clinical depression during a 12-week period.
"Empty calories in a lot of our foods means you aren't getting the vitamins and minerals needed to burn for fuel and deal with the waste; it taxes your body, says Columbia University psychiatrist and author of Eat Complete, Drew Ramsey. "And what you also get with a healthier diet are substances that help promote brain growth and resilience, he explains. For example, fish has omega 3 fats and magnesium, beans and nuts have zinc and phytonutrients.
While this research involved only 67 subjects, it gives us more reason to believe that diet plays a role in treatment for depression, and one that isn't tied to a prescription. We all know the common-sense answer: eat right, feel right, Ramsey says. But weve never had a randomized controlled clinical trial to show that diet can treat existing depression.
Even as evidence mounts that a nutrient-dense, Mediterranean-style diet shows success in preventing depression, these kind of lifestyle changes are never as easy as they may sound.
While the whole foodie movement has gotten men thinking and talking about what they eat, its still a challenge to get men to intake more seafood and to feel satiated eating plants, Ramsey says. A better diet doesnt require total deprivation, he adds. You can still have steak and potatoes it just has to be organic grass-fed and a purple potato from a farmers market.
The rest is here:
How Diet Affects Depression - Men's Journal
Seeking diet panacea – Ledger Independent
I know Democrats and progressives are going nuts over President Trump's first few weeks in office - I know the Middle East is a mess and that we have no small number of incredible challenges at home - but I have my own worries.
Like millions of other Americans, I'm on my annual February diet.
You see, it's not easy to be trim and fit in America. Our culture is saturated with an abundance of high-calorie, processed foods that turn into instant fat.
We work long and hard in sedentary office jobs, then eat our stress away, two or three fast-food treats at a time.
We've become so fat, to quote Rodney Dangerfield, that our bathtubs have stretch marks.
We know our increasing tubbiness isn't healthy. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, obesity-associated diseases such as diabetes have soared in recent years. Gallbladder diseases, sleep apnea, high blood pressure and heart disease are all caused by carrying too much weight.
And so we are on a continuous mission to lose weight. Our challenge is that the fad diets that promise to get us there go in and out of fashion faster than the white patent leather shoes and belts my father used to wear to church.
According to the website The Daily Meal ( ), the Mediterranean Diet - it features natural, plant-based foods, such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nuts - is in.
So, too, is the Paleo Diet, which apparently is similar to the Mediterranean Diet, except legumes are forbidden.
Which is a shame, too, because I just learned that legumes include alfalfa, clover, peas, beans, lentils, lupin beans, mesquite, carob, soybeans, peanuts and tamarind - which go well with the bourbon I am driven to drink as I try to figure out which diet to go on.
Volumetrics is another "in" diet. It encourages the consumption of low-energy-density foods, which make you feel full with fewer calories than high-energy-density foods. It also sounds like too much math is involved.
The Gluten Diet is on the outs, though, according to The Daily Meal. Apparently, it puts people at risk for "different deficiencies such as B vitamin deficiencies, calcium, fiber, vitamin D, and iron."
The Daily Meal no longer favors the Atkins Diet, either, which makes me sore.
Dr. Atkins said we could eat delicious steaks, pork, chicken and fish. He said we could eat as much eggs and cheese and other tasty no-sugar treats as we could stuff into our bellies. His diet was all the rage for years.
But now The Daily Meal says his diet is a "no go"? That it is not heart-healthy and that most users are not compliant over the long term?
Not so fast! Several prominent studies have concluded that old Doc Atkins was onto something. Low-carbohydrate diets may actually take off more weight than low-fat diets and may be surprisingly better for cholesterol, too.
One of my greatest dieting disappointments of the last 20 years, though, was the failure of the "exercise pill," which had shown promise at Duke University around 2002.
Researchers had located the chemical pathways that muscle cells use to build strength and endurance. With that knowledge in hand, there was hope that a pill could be created that would pump up muscle cells WITHOUT the need for actual exercise.
Dieting Americans could have sat on the couch, chomping potato chips and dip, while their biceps got as round as cantaloupes and their abs got as hard as stone - but this uniquely American dieting innovation wasn't to be.
Read more from the original source:
Seeking diet panacea - Ledger Independent
Hawkeyes face Spartan diet – The Daily Iowan
By Blake Dowson
The Iowa basketball team went on the road on Jan. 31 and put a beating on lowly Rutgers at the RAC, 83-63.
It was one of the Hawkeyes better performances of the season to date, even playing without Peter Jok.
It was also, and still is, Iowas only road win of the season.
It squandered a chance to get No. 2 Wednesday night in Minneapolis, giving away a 2-point lead with 20 seconds left and ultimately losing by 12 in double overtime, 101-89.
The cruel Big Ten schedule (or opportunistic, depending on how you look at it) gives Iowa another shot to get its second road win, when it travels to East Lansing to take on Michigan State at 5 p.m. Saturday in the Breslin Center.
Iowa head coach Fran McCaffery is not one for moral victories, and the loss at Minnesota was in no way one, but he did say he saw some encouraging signs from his team.
Theres a lot thats teachable, because there were a lot of really good things, he said. Yeah, its disappointing in a lot of ways, but I thought we showed tremendous fight. We were much better in the second half defensively. We had great activity level. We ran. We moved the ball, I thought, extremely well. Made good decisions, whether [it was] our dribble penetration, and so forth.
Jok was back to his old self against Minnesota, which is a tremendous boost to the Hawkeyes.
He was part of a lineup that has seldom been used by McCaffery this season in the second half but one that will likely see quite a bit of time together against the Spartans.
Jordan Bohannon, Brady Ellingson, Nicholas Baer, and Tyler Cook joined Jok on the court down the stretch in the second half and to start both overtime periods.
Its one of those things, sometimes, you have a lineup that clicks, McCaffery said. They clicked defensively, they clicked offensively.
And then they got tired, and that was unfortunate. Thats what happens.
Both McCaffery and Gopher head coach Richard Pitino noted the fatigue their players experienced in the double-overtime contest, and for good reason. McCaffery chose to shorten his bench considerably down the stretch, and the Gophers only go eight or nine deep on a regular basis.
Nate Mason and the Gophers made plays down the stretch, however, and the Hawkeyes wound up staring at Jordan Murphy as he dunked all over the Hawkeyes in the two overtimes.
Its those types of plays that Pitino said he stresses to his players, and its those plays that the Hawkeyes have failed to make all season long on the road.
We talk about making winning plays, Pitino said. We just talked about in order to win league games, rivalry games, border battle games, those are the types of plays you need to make. Youre going to be exhausted. Youre going to be tired. You just got to fight through it.
The Hawkeyes have more opportunities to pick up wins away from Carver-Hawkeye, but it doesnt get any easier to do so after dropping the Minnesota game. Trips to Wisconsin and Maryland loom after Michigan State.
Sitting at 6-6 in the conference, its not out of the question that the Hawkeyes could play postseason basketball. But that postseason will end up very short if the Hawkeyes dont learn how to make winning plays on courts that dont have an oversized Tigerhawk at center court.
That can change tonight, but the Izzone awaits.
Hawkeyes face Spartan diet - The Daily Iowan