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Diet must get to work

Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2012
Although both the ruling Democratic Party of Japan and the No. 1 opposition Liberal Democratic Party have chosen their new party leaders, the ruling and opposition forces still cannot agree on when to start an extraordinary Diet session. The primary responsibility rests on Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda. He must fulfill his promise to then LDP chief Mr. Sadakazu Tanigaki to dissolve the Lower House "in the near future" by clearly showing when he will do so. If he does so, the ruling and opposition forces will easily agree on when to start the Diet session. A delay in the start of the session will have a great negative impact on the people's lives.
Two months have already passed since Mr. Noda made his promise on Aug. 8 to Mr. Tanigaki. New LDP leader Mr. Shinzo Abe pointed out that Mr. Noda's promise is one with the people. Komeito chief Mr. Natsuo Yamaguchi said that voting in the next Lower House election must come on or before Dec. 9.
If the Diet session fails to start early, the government's execution of the fiscal 2012 budget will become difficult because the last Diet session failed to enact a bill to float bonds to cover about 40 percent of the budget funds. The government has already started to cut back on budget spending. The Finance Ministry says that the budget funds will run out at the end of November. The Diet must start deliberations as soon as possible.
Because the next Lower House election must be held within a year, the Diet should immediately enact a bill to rectify the disparity in the value of a vote between depopulated rural areas and populated urban areas. If the next Lower House election is held without a rectification of the vote-value disparity, the Supreme Court may find the next election results to be unconstitutional and nullify them.
A bill submitted by the DPJ to rectify the vote-value disparity is too complicated. The ruling and opposition forces should quickly agree to pass a bill to reduce the number of single-seat constituencies by one each in five prefectures as this would be the easiest way to rectify the disparity.
For the sake of smooth Diet deliberations, the opposition, which controls the Upper House, should refrain from the practice of trying to force the ruling camp to accept its demands by refusing to deliberate on important bills, including one on social welfare reform.
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Diet must get to work
NCBI ROFL: Pilot study of the effect of diet on the mutagenicity of human faeces.

A healthy non-smoking man, consuming a normal western diet (meat, vegetables, bread and alcohol) collected five consecutive complete bowel movements. He then added an extra 150 g of fat (from butter, cheese, milk, chocolate, peanuts, bacon and eggs) to his daily diet for 2 weeks, and collected four further consecutive bowel movements in the second week. After 6 months on his normal diet, he added 30 g of wheat bran to his daily diet for 3 weeks, and collected four complete stool samples in the third week. Aqueous faecal extracts were prepared and assayed for auxotrophic growth-enhancement and bacterial mutagenicity (using fluctuation tests with Salmonella typhimurium TA100 and Escherichia coli WP2uvrApKM101). There was no significant difference in faecal wet weight between normal and high-fat collections, but addition of 30 g bran was associated with a 1.8-fold increase in stool weight, in good agreement with published data. Fluctuation tests showed that normal and high-fat samples were mutagenic to S. typhimurium TA100 and to E. coli WP2uvrApKM101. There was considerable variation in mutagenic activity between consecutive bowel movements. However, there was no significant difference in mutagenicity between normal and high-fat samples. Faecal samples collected during the course of the high-fibre diet were significantly less mutagenic to both bacterial strains. Changes in auxotrophic growth-enhancing activity could not account for these changes in mutagenicity, since the pattern of change in growth-enhancement was very different from that seen for mutagenicity.
Photo: flickr/timtak
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NCBI ROFL: Pilot study of the effect of diet on the mutagenicity of human faeces.
Great White Shark Diet Is More Than Seals

Late last year, while on a tour of CaliforniasAo Neuvo State Park, I saw a shark attack victim lying on the beach. She was a Northern elephant seal, and looked quite placid despite the gaping, crescent-shaped hole in her neck. She bore the traumatic hallmark of the great white shark.
Years of watching Discoverys Shark Week taught me that seals and sea lions are the preferred prey of Carcharodon carcharias. Nothing like blubber to fuel the body of a constantly-swimming predator with a physiology that runs hotter than that of the average shark. I remember one researcher likened baby elephant seals, in particular, to hot dogs the bread of the snack corresponds to the fat content of the young pinnipeds, making the weener seals easy-to-catch and energy-rich mouthfuls for the sharks.
When the sensational documentaries werent showing awful re-enactments of great white shark attacks on humans, they brought their cameras in close to seal kills. The programs took a philosophy similar to the fictional marine biologist Matt Hooper in JAWS all great white sharks do is swim and eat. (Yes, yes, and make little baby sharks, but I have yet to see that on basic cable.) If they arent chomping people, then they strip the fat from seals. We think of them in the typological way that we approach many species. Great white sharks eat seals and sea lions. Thats all that there is to it.
But great white sharks dont live on a strict diet of marine mammals. Study sites situated near pinniped colonies, as well as nature films, have restricted our view of what great white sharks feed on. In actuality, great white sharks consume different prey based upon age, size, and location. When they are just pups, for example, the leviathans-to-be seek out a wide variety of smaller fare before graduating to more difficult menu options. And, as a new paper indicates, many sharks retain their cosmopolitan tastes as they age.
In a PLoS One study published this week, University of Wyoming researcher Sora Kim and colleagues used chemical clues in great white shark vertebrae to track feeding preferences among fifteen individuals collected between 1957 and 2000. The logic behind their technique is simple, and has been used on a variety of other creatures living and extinct to outline diet. As an animal feeds, chemical tracers in the form of carbon and nitrogen isotopes become incorporated into their teeth and bones. There is a correspondence between certain carbon isotope ratios and particular food sources. Match the chemical signature in the consumer in with the isotopic profile of whats being consumed, and you can reconstruct an animals diet.
Even better, shark vertebrae contain long-running records of these isotopes. As great white sharks grow, their vertebrae accrete new rings on a yearly schedule. Each ring, therefore, holds a chemical snapshot from a year in the sharks life. By comparing the isotope ratios in different vertebral bands, Kim and collaborators were able to follow how the diets of individual sharks shifted during their lives.
Contrary to assertions that pinnipeds are a great white shark staple, the fish sampled in the study were highly variable. Both age and individual variation were at play in their diets. For example, five sharks in the sample showed the expected shift from a diet of fish and small prey to marine mammals and other more substantial fare at about age four. But this wasnt true of all sharks. Five other sharks in the same sample showed no difference between juvenile and adult diet. These sharks may have scavenged pinniped carcasses or fed on large squid while young, giving them an adult feeding profile at a young age. There are some possible confounding factors with this hypothesis such as young sharks inheriting an adult isotope signal from their mothers but the researchers appear to favor the idea that some sharks were more precocious in their prey choices than others of their kind. Not all great white sharks follow the same life history.
While Kim and colleagues point out that some sharks followed the expected dietary switch, the change was not the dominant signal in their results. Many of the Pacific great white sharks they sampled were generalists who took different prey in varying locations. Some sharks were nearshore marine mammal specialists, but others had more flexible foraging approaches. And even though the isotopic data are not refined enough to tell us exactly what species the sharks were eating, the cataloged chemical traces are enough to detect distinct dietary patterns.
The study raises new questions about great white shark biology. For one thing, why did the sharks have such individualistic diets? Competition may be the key, Kim and co-authors hypothesize. Imagine if all adult great white sharks were seal specialists who congregated at the same beaches. There may not be enough food for all, and swimming in the same waters as bigger, more experienced sharks would be risky for smaller novices who could wind up as meals themselves. By being flexible able to tackle elephant seals as well as squid, tuna, and other food sources great white sharks may lessen competition with their own kind.
As the researchers behind the new study state, further isotopic studies and satellite tracking programs may help marine biologists better understand the ecology of their prodigious fish. For now, though, one thing is clear. The sharks werent all cruising near shore, looking up for seal silhouettes. Great white sharks have much more varied tastes than blood-spattered basic cable shows would have you believe.
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Great White Shark Diet Is More Than Seals
hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Diet Plans Announces Their Saffron Extract Formulated Prescription …

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc Weight Loss Diet Plans announced their saffron extract formulated prescription weight loss pills that trigger fast weight loss and address the problem of emotional eating.
Jackson, MS (PRWEB) October 08, 2012
hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans announced their saffron extract formulated prescription weight loss pills that trigger fast weight loss and address the problem of emotional eating.
hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans announced their saffron extract formulated prescription weight loss pills whose active ingredient is in prescription form. Pure saffron acts on the same category of chemical transmitters in the brain that trigger food cravings and cause people to overeat. Saffron stops the cravings and makes people feel fuller by working with the bodys natural chemistry to and brings about a natural modulation of this response.
This new saffron extract formulated weight loss pill from hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans eliminates the problem of emotional overeating that throws all weight loss programs off course and prevents people from achieving their weight loss goals.
As an exciting new appetite suppressing formula from hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans to help maximize potential weight loss, the effectiveness of using highly-concentrated saffron extract in the form of this weight loss pill has been demonstrated by a number of recent clinical studies. These include eliminating most food cravings and promoting weight loss without resorting to crash dieting or other prescription weight loss pills. This proprietary extract of saffron is clinically shown to create satiety and helps prevent snacking, which supports reduction of both weight and inches with diet and exercise. Its unique mechanism helps improve and maintain levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which increases the satiety state while decreasing appetite.
Snacking primarily affects the female population and is frequently associated with stress. This uncontrolled eating behavior, predisposing weight gain and obesity can reduce snacking and enhance satiety through its suggested mood-improving effect, and thus contribute to weight loss. Healthy, mildly overweight women who participated in a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study that evaluated the efficacy of Saffron Extract supplementation on body weight changes over an 8-week period experienced a 100% reduction in the desire to snack, 50% fewer instances of between meal snacking, reduction in weight and inches, and improved mood and energy. No subject withdrawal attributable to a product effect was reported throughout the trial, suggesting a good tolerability to Saffron Extract and participants taking 88.25 milligrams twice daily of a standardized saffron extract lost body weight even though they were allowed to eat whatever they wanted and the majority of users reported success in the form of reduced cravings and weight loss, without side effects.
Twice a day, enrolled subjects consumed 1 capsule of Saffron Extract and the study suggests that a combination of an adequate diet with Saffron Extract supplementation might help subjects engaged in a weight loss program in achieving their objective. The results of this clinical study also spurred Dr Oz announcing Saffron Extract as a miracle appetite suppressor and serotonin mood booster. hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans is the only weight loss organization that uses the purest and a highly concentrated saffron extract called Saffron Extract in their prescription weight loss pills. Users also reported a mood improvement, which influences their food choices and promoted eating after they tried this new weight loss pill. Anything that is over-the-counter is a fraction of what dieters should be taking to enjoy the maximum benefits that these saffron extract Saffron Extract formulated prescription weight loss pills offer that includes suppressing appetite, curbing hunger, and improving the mood.
Julie Wright hCGTreatments / Diet Doc 888-934-4451 Email Information
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hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Diet Plans Announces Their Saffron Extract Formulated Prescription ...
hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans Announces their App for the iPad and the iPhone

Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss announces the creation of an app for the iPad and the iPhone. This represents the use of the latest and the most advanced technology to make the Diet Doc hCG Diet easier to log foods eaten and how to do the modern-day version of the Diet Doc hCG Diet Plan.
Dallas, TX (PRWEB) October 05, 2012
hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans announces their app for the iPad and the iPhone. Through their weight loss diet that promotes effective, safe, and fast weight loss averaging a pound a day, the company is helping millions of patients achieve their target weight loss besides ensuring that they have all the resources that enable patients to keep the weight off permanently. This app for the iPad and the iPhone is the newest technology that has been developed to make their customized and sophisticated weight loss diet even stronger.
With technology becoming an inseparable part of everyones lives, there are a number of simple, intuitive, and user friendly apps that are available for everything. Apart from making products and services more accessible to the public, these apps have also made things a lot faster and easier. Technological advancements in health care have made reliable and trustworthy medical treatment easily accessible to users across the globe. hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans has harnessed the incredible reach and potential of this kind of technology and incorporated into their weight loss diet to assist dieters in their weight loss journey.
Telemedicine can be used Telemedicine and it not only improves access to medical services that would often not be consistently available in distant rural communities but also helps eliminate distance barriers and saves lives in critical care and emergency situations. The use of telecommunication and information technologies in order to provide clinical health care at a distance is integral to the weight loss program that has been created by hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans. They offer all their patients plenty of information and support through a wide range of technology that includes, but is not limited to their online resources such as their websites, online chat and video software, and even simple telephone calls. With this extensive range of technology offerings, they ensure that there is a solid support system in place for each and every patient who signs up for their weight loss diet irrespective of their technology skills.
The app from hCGTreatments /Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans that is an effective weight loss solutions enables dieters to reach their weight loss goals quickly. Right from guiding their diet by planning the daily food intake from the beginning all the way through to the maintenance/life phase to helping them plan their breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks and even adjusting their desired portion amounts, this app has a host of amazing features. Progress photos and journal notes can all be saved in one convenient place either on the iPhone or the iPad and users also have the ability to set up alerts and notifications to remind them with it's time to drink water, eat lunch and have snacks. Jam packed with tons of great and robust features such as weight or measurements adjustments, result display in different formats such as graphs or other easy to read charts, and a database with over 5000 food items to select from, demo and help videos, health tips, etc, this easy-to-use app that has been developed by hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans complements their weight loss diet by helping people make healthy decisions.
Julie Wright hCGTreatments / Diet Doc 888-934-4451 Email Information
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hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans Announces their App for the iPad and the iPhone
Diet Chef comments on the news that junk food diets dramatically increase stroke risk

Diet Chef is reminding people of the importance of a healthy diet following new research that has shown eating junk food diet could increase the risk of stroke or death at a younger age.
(PRWEB UK) 5 October 2012
A study conducted by the Heart and Stroke Foundation Centre for Stroke Recovery in Canada suggested people who eat so called cafeteria diets, which are high in calories, sugar, fat and salt, are more likely to suffer a stroke or even die at a younger age.
To conduct the research, rats were given unlimited access to both nutritional food pellets and junk food items like cookies and sausages. They could also choose between water and a 30 per cent sucrose solution, similar to soft drinks.
It was discovered that the majority of rats preferred the junk food and, as a result, they suffered from high levels of cholesterol, blood sugar, obesity and blood pressure after just two months. They presented a combination of these symptoms, often referred to as metabolic syndrome, which is thought to increase the risk of suffering from a stroke.
Dr Dale Corbett, scientific director of the Heart and Stroke Foundation Centre for Stroke Recovery, said: I think we'll soon start to see people in their 30s or 40s having strokes, having dementia, because of this junk food diet. Young people will have major, major problems much earlier in life."
Caron Leckie, Diet Chef nutritionist, comments: The junk food style cafeteria diet is one more example of excess; high calories, high sugar, high fat and high salt. With growing public health concerns such as stroke and metabolic syndrome it is important now more than ever to encourage moderation and balance in our food choices
Diet Chef is a specially designed, delivered meal plan that helps people to lose weight, while ensuring they get all the vitamins and nutrients they need to stay fit and healthy. All meals are prepared by an expert chef, meaning they are calorie and portion controlled, allowing individuals to shed the pounds the healthy way.
Diet Chef carefully counts the calories of all meals so dieters on the plan will be averaging less than 1,200 calories per day. The daily menu allows you to get delicious home delivered food, as well as offering a tasty and varied, healthy balanced plan encouraging dieters to lose weight at a healthy pace.
Those on the diet looking to check their own progress can do so using the weight loss calculator as well as sharing their weight loss success stories via the website or Diet Chef social media channels.
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Diet Chef comments on the news that junk food diets dramatically increase stroke risk
The James Bond diet

5 October 2012 Last updated at 09:48 By Michelle Warwicker BBC Food
In 50 years of James Bond films we are left with no doubt about the hero's love of vodka martinis. In Ian Fleming's books Bond's passion for good food was also apparent. But could 007's diet really sustain his high-action lifestyle?
Bond is a true action man, with a high-energy job, and he needs to fuel the furnace.
Those fit and active on a similar level include royal marines, who get through up to 6,000 calories a day.
But does Bond eat enough of "the right stuff"?
It is 50 years since the first Bond film Dr No was released, and in the recent film Casino Royale, Bond's taste for caviar emphasises the character's world of luxury and fine dining.
But his passion for good food, described in sumptuous detail in Ian Fleming's novels, has never been fully translated in the movies.
So what does he eat in the books?
"He's a great red meat eater," says Edward Biddulph, author of Licence to Cook, a book of recipes inspired by the Bond book series.
"Lamb especially, and beef."
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The James Bond diet
Diet Doc Announces New Weight Loss Recipes Added to hCG Diet Cookbook that Offer Healthy Meal Plans in Less Time Than …

Phoenix, AZ (PRWEB) October 04, 2012
Diet Doc announces new weight loss recipes added to hCG diet cookbook that offer healthy meal plans in less time than takeout.
New addition of no-guilt weight loss recipes deliver full flavor without compromising a customized, Diet Doc Diet Plan.
Diet Doc hCG weight loss solutions has added a number of easy-to-make weight loss recipes to the hCG Diet Cookbook. The new recipes offered give dieters more choices to create simple, healthy, low-calorie meals everyday. CEO and Founder of Diet Doc says our nutritionists have been creating and testing weight loss recipes that are not only delicious but simple to make yet still compatible with our hCG diet plan. Low-fat versions of classic recipes like cabbage rolls, beef stew and shrimp scampi as well as more exotic recipes like ceviche, jambalaya and curried shrimp were added to the revised hCG diet cookbook.
Diet Doc hCG weight loss recipes follow a strict formula for weight loss that is low-glycemic and low-carbohydrate and has benefits for those with any weight related health conditions. Using a heart-healthy alternative for fat, the recipes use MCT oil, derived from the coconut, in dressings, entrees and desserts. This oil is found to have many health benefits along with being easily digested and used as energy unlike butter or olive oil that are stored in the body as fat. Stevia, a natural sweetener with no calories, is also used as a healthy replacement for sugar giving the cookbook a varietal dessert section.
Diet Doc hCG diet cookbook now has over 100 weight loss recipes and is included in the weight loss essentials package that comes with any of the hCG weight loss programs. Ranging from 23 to 60 days, the programs are designed to fit any weight loss goals. Dieters on the Diet Doc hCG weight loss program claim to see dramatic results in the first to weeks with some losing 14 pounds in that time-frame. Free weight loss recipes for the Diet Doc hCG diet can also be found on
About Diet Doc Weight Loss: Diet Doc / hCG Treatments is a medical hCG weight loss solutions company that creates personalized diet plans. Using an integrative team of medical professionals that specialize in diet and weight loss, Diet Doc is considered the leader in medical weight loss who offer affordable diet plans and weight loss products. Find out more about Diet Doc products and services at
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Diet Doc Announces New Weight Loss Recipes Added to hCG Diet Cookbook that Offer Healthy Meal Plans in Less Time Than ...
hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans Announces a Unique hCG Drops as Part of Their Weight Loss Diet …

Diet Doc is pleased to announce the addition of hCG drops that are prescription strength and require a doctors prescription. The wnique weight loss diet drops promote fast weight loss were announced by hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans. These drops offer the combined goodness of acai berry, hoodia and green tea in a single drop.
Jackson, MS (PRWEB) October 04, 2012
Diet Doc is pleased to announce the addition of hCG drops that are prescription strength and require a doctors prescription. The wnique weight loss diet drops promote fast weight loss were announced by hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans. These drops offer the combined goodness of acai berry, hoodia and green tea in a single drop.
hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans announced their unique hCG drop that require a prescription. The weight loss diet drops that promote fast weight loss. With a cocktail of powerful ingredients such as acai berry, hoodia and green tea, these weight loss diet drops are a perfect addition to their medically supervised program weight loss diet that has been modified over the years by experienced and qualified doctors, physicians and nutritionists.
Used by hunters in Africa to stave off hunger during long hunts, Hoodia gordonii is renowned for its appetite suppressant property and while it does not promote fast weight loss unless combined with diet and exercise, it is extremely safe to use.
A component of green tea (Camillia sinensis), epigallocatechin gallate, (EGCG) is a well known potent antioxidant that stimulates an enzyme specifically involved in breaking down triglycerides (the form of fat stored in the body). Studies have shown that green Tea extracts reduce appetite and boost metabolism. Additionally, the polyphenols in green tea are known to increase the duration of the workout time in dieters. Green tea also has antioxidants with anti-cancer and anti-aging capabilities and studies suggest that it is more beneficial than black tea.
Scores of people have experienced the numerous benefits of adding Acai extracts to their weight loss regime for fast weight loss. Loaded with an extraordinary variety and quantity of antioxidants, amino acid complexes, and EFAs (essential fatty acids), Acai improves cellular health and cellular membrane integrity, which in turn acts on neurotransmitters, insulin receptors, and hormones for their increased efficiency and production. Apart from its anti-aging benefits, mineral-rich Acai is also works excellently for muscle regeneration.
These three components have been specially combined and formulated by hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans to promote fast weight loss and they have been chosen for the synergistic benefits that they offer. All the three key ingredients that are extracted in their purest form are produced in a laboratory based in the U.S in order to maintain optimum potency, safety, and the highest efficacy possible.
These weight loss diet drops contains no sugar, starch, salt preservatives, corn, wheat, soy, milk derivatives, artificial colors, artificial flavors, or additives. hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans recommends combining these drops with their hCG drops for optimal and fast weight loss as well as other benefits. These weight loss diet drops that are manufactured using the latest and the most advanced technology help dieters in their weight loss journey.
Diet Doc hCG Diet Plan provides medical weight loss nationwide. The Diet Doc Doctors developed a unique diet that speeds up the process of shedding those extra pounds when combined with the doctor designed, physician managed, and medically supervised weight loss diet from hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans speeds up the process of shedding those extra pounds.
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hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans Announces a Unique hCG Drops as Part of Their Weight Loss Diet ...
Diet Chef comments on the news that junk food diets increase stroke risk

UNITED KINGDOM, Oct. 3, 2012 /PRNewswire-iReach/ -- Diet Chef is reminding people of the importance of a healthy diet following new research that has shown eating junk food diet could increase the risk of stroke or death at a younger age.
A study conducted by the Heart and Stroke Foundation Centre for Stroke Recovery in Canada suggested people who eat so called 'cafeteria diets', which are high in calories, sugar, fat and salt, are more likely to suffer a stroke or even die at a younger age.
To conduct the research, rats were given unlimited access to both nutritional food pellets and junk food items like cookies and sausages. They could also choose between water and a 30 per cent sucrose solution, similar to soft drinks.
It was discovered that the majority of rats preferred the junk food and, as a result, they suffered from high levels of cholesterol, blood sugar, obesity and blood pressure after just two months. They presented a combination of these symptoms, often referred to as metabolic syndrome, which is thought to increase the risk of suffering from a stroke.
Dr Dale Corbett, scientific director of the Heart and Stroke Foundation Centre for Stroke Recovery, said: "I think we'll soon start to see people in their 30s or 40s having strokes, having dementia, because of this junk food diet. Young people will have major, major problems much earlier in life."
Caron Leckie, Diet Chef nutritionist, comments: "The junk food style 'cafeteria' diet is one more example of excess; high calories, high sugar, high fat and high salt. With growing public health concerns such as stroke and metabolic syndrome it is important now more than ever to encourage moderation and balance in our food choices"
Diet Chef is a specially designed, delivered meal plan that helps people to lose weight, while ensuring they get all the vitamins and nutrients they need to stay fit and healthy. All meals are prepared by an expert chef, meaning they are calorie and portion controlled, allowing individuals to shed the pounds the healthy way.
Diet Chef carefully counts the calories of all meals so dieters on the plan will be averaging less than 1,200 calories per day. The daily menu allows you to get delicious home delivered food, as well as offering a tasty and varied, healthy balanced plan encouraging dieters to lose weight at a healthy pace.
Those on the diet looking to check their own progress can do so using the weight loss calculator as well as sharing their weight loss success stories via the website or Diet Chef social media channels.
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Diet Chef comments on the news that junk food diets increase stroke risk