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Diet and disease: what's the link? Save

Oct. 3, 2012, 9:20 a.m.
Carole Hungerford might be a GP, but she is not a fan of the way the business of medicine works. Not even close. ''Mainstream medicine is run by the drug companies. Doctors are driven by the pharmaceutical industry,'' she says. ''There's a renegade group of us where we try to understand that good health isn't about how many clever pills the drug manufacturers can make for us.''
Hungerford acknowledges the importance of medicine, but her focus is on putting things right before people need it, and that starts with the soil in which we grow food. She is keynote speaker at a seminar for GPs, Are You What You Eat? being held at the Mulloon Creek Natural Farm near Bungendore on October 6, a setting chosen to match the theme of the event - the link between soil, food and health. The public is invited to the dinner that night prepared by Janet Jeffs, when the speakers will hold a question and answer session.
Hungerford believes mineral and vitamin deficiencies play a key role in many health problems. She points to pre-eclampsia in pregnancy, a dangerous spike in blood pressure, which she suggests is linked to magnesium deficiency. Australian soils are low in magnesium and Hungerford recommends magnesium to pregnant women, and to patients with high blood pressure, preeclampsia, anxiety disorders, and chronic fatigue syndrome. ''A healthy woman on a good diet shouldn't be getting eclampsia.''
Selenium is also missing from Australian soils, and Hungerford refers to a study by Professor of oncology at Flinders University Graeme Young suggesting selenium supplementation could dramatically cut the risk of bowel cancer. Hungerford says such findings never get the funding necessary for large randomised controlled trials, because ''no drug company is going to fund a study on something so cheap and that they can't make money out of''.
''Mainstream medicine is run by the drug companies and it's only the drug companies that seem to be able to find the money to get the mega trials,'' she says.
Hungerford, who has GP practices in Sydney and Bathurst, where her husband runs an organic farm, and is author of Good Health in the 21st Century: A family doctor's unconventional guide, is vocal on the need to improve the health of soils. In the meantime, she takes supplements - selenium, zinc, fish oil, magnesium, vitamin D (she believes more people die of vitamin D deficiency by a factor of 10 than of melanoma), and a multi vitamin. ''If we don't clean up our act, clean up our environment and start eating clean foods, we're stuffed,'' she says. ''If you need any evidence at all that we've got something badly wrong in our paradigm, the sperm count of men is falling at a geometrical rate; it is scary.''
The conference is organised by the Mulloon Institute, whose general manager, Elisabetta Faenza, says GPs fall into two camps - those who think diet has a minimal impact and those who are convinced of its importance. She too, stresses that ''you can't fix a car accident with diet'' and medical intervention is one of the hallmarks of increased longevity, but she says many chronic conditions are less successfully treated with medicine. Diet and lifestyle more generally have an important role, she says, in arthritis, type 2 diabetes, autism, asthma, heart disease and cancer.
Many of the speakers agree that health people start with healthy soil. But while Hungerford turns to supplements where soil is deficient, Faenza says unless the body recognises a supplement as food, it is little use. ''If our food was better we wouldn't need to supplement, we are designed to get nutrients from food and sunshine and water,'' she says.
You could do a lot worse than look at what your ancestors ate. Not your grandparents. Much further back. Professor Neil Mann, head of food science at RMIT, studies the hunter-gatherer diet before agriculture about 10,000 years ago, which began the switch from wild, foraged plants and meat, to grains.
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Diet and disease: what's the link? Save
Diet Makeover: 7 Days of Healthier Meals

Healthy Meals An Easy Overhaul of Your Familys Meal Plan
If there were ever a good time to revamp your familys diet, its now. According to recent estimates, most Americans may be obese by 2030 if current trends continue.
To help Americans figure out how to build a better diet, theU.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) last year retired the well-recognized, but confusing food pyramid and adopted a new healthy-eating icon: the colorful MyPlate, which is divided more clearly and simply into the basic food groups. The MyPlate guide, which is based on the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, looks like your standard dinner plate, quartered into sections:fruits, vegetables, grains and protein. A smaller circle appears next to the plate, representing dairy.
(GUIDE:The 31 Healthiest Foods of All Time (With Recipes))
Here are some general MyPlate eating tips:
For a typical 2,000-calorie diet, the government recommends daily 2 cups of fruit, 2.5 cups of vegetables, 6 ounces of grains, 5.5 ounces of protein and 3 cups of dairy. But, if youre like most people, you probably dont know how much a cup of fruit is exactly or 6 ounces of grains. So, we asked nutritionexperts to interpret the guidelines for us, and provide a weeks worth of healthy sample menus for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
The meal plans that follow not only meet the MyPlate guidelines, but they also incorporate foods from Healthlands 31 Healthiest Foods of All Time guide. Use these menus as inspiration to give your weekly meals a nutrition makeover. You can also check out more healthy foods on ourPinterestpage.
MORE:The Sad State of American Kids Food Environments
Next: Day 1: Eat More Whole Grains
By Sashertootie / Getty Images
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Diet Makeover: 7 Days of Healthier Meals
hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans Integrates Gluten Free, Low Glycemic Diet Foods As Part of The …

Billings, MT (PRWEB) October 02, 2012
hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans integrates gluten free low glycemic diet foods as part of their personalized Diet Doctor designed weight loss diet.
hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans integrated low glycemic gluten free foods as part of their personalized doctor designed weight loss diet.
A new line of low glycemic gluten free diet foods were integrated into the personalized doctor designed weight loss diet offered by hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans. These diet foods contain as little as 20 calories per serving are now an integral part of their weight loss diet that is doctor designed and medically supervised. The doctors and nutritionists created this line of foods to offer patients a number of choices that are not only healthy but are also convenient and this has boosted the demand for the weight loss program offered by hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans.
The Diet Doc Weight Loss Program is tailored to each person with the goal of providing rapid, safe, long term weight loss averaging 30 pounds per month. The addition of the new diet foods of tasty, nourishing, and healthy gluten free foods that offer plenty of variety has made it easier for dieters to stick with this physician managed low calorie diet. There are also a number of healthy diet recipes that are available in the diet cookbook designed by hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans that combines an exhaustive list of lean proteins, fruits and vegetables. These diet recipes that are extremely simple and easy to follow also enable dieters to maintain the perfect work-life balance, which makes following the weight loss diet hassle-free even with the busiest of work schedules or a never-ending list of chores at home.
The new line of low glycemic gluten free diet foods also includes the addition of healthy fats in the diet such as Diet Doc MCT oil that is derived from coconuts, and Diet Doc is the only formulator of 100% pure MCT that is clinically proven to burn fat. Compared to other types of fats, healthy fats like these are easily digested and metabolized.
To address the problems of unhealthy snacking, emotional eating, and craving for comfort foods, hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans has also introduced a number of dessert options such as carrot cake and chocolate banana flavored dessert bars that contain organic ingredients. Protein shakes, dressings, marinades, noodles and soups and a wide array of other pre-made diet foods options are readily available for easy snacking and meal conversion. This weight loss diet is not only effective in helping people address their weight loss issues but it also helps those who are diabetic or are afflicted with other medical conditions such as hypothyroidism that demand continuous calorie monitoring along with restricted food intake.
hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans encourages people to pick the right foods and this new line of low glycemic gluten free diet foods helps dieters keep the weight off permanently and improves their health. The integration of these foods into the program that involves the administration of prescription grade hCG through sublingual tablets, drops and injections has further enhanced its effectiveness as well as the convenience factor associated with their weight loss diet. Dieters neither experience fatigue nor do they complain of hunger pangs when they follow the modified version of this weight loss program that has been tweaked over the years to optimize it for all dieters while offering them a number of nutritious and tasty food choices.
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hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans Integrates Gluten Free, Low Glycemic Diet Foods As Part of The ...
Diet Doc Announces Women’s Weight Loss Diet Plan in Recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Salt Lake City, UT (PRWEB) October 02, 2012
Diet Doc announces Womens Weight Loss Diet Plan in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Diet Doc offers an hCG weight loss diet plan that targets a number of womens health related issues, including breast cancer.
October is breast cancer awareness month and Diet Doc is taking a part in recognizing the month-long event by offering a weight loss diet plan that addresses womens weight related issues that are found to lead to degenerative diseases. According to the National Cancer Institute, weight gain and obesity is associated with increased risks of cancer types including: thyroid, pancreas, colon, breast, kidney and gallbladder. The report also states that fat tissue produces excess amount of estrogen, high levels of which have been associated with the risk of breast, endometrial and other cancers. And, with over 200,000 women in U.S. diagnosed with breast cancer as reported by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, women, especially those who are considered overweight or obese, are urged to take preventative measures to avoid the risk of joining the thousands who are already diagnosed with this life-threatening disease. Founder and CEO of Diet Doc Julie Wright says, most of our dieters are female and we are working to help shed light on this disease that threatens the life of every woman. Our new diet plan includes nutritious foods that are most beneficial for a womens health and works to help prevent a number of weight-related diseases.
Diet Docs womens weight loss diet plan combines a personalized diet plan with daily treatments of the hormone hCG, known for its fat-burning, muscle-preserving and appetite suppressing abilities. Although hCG is considered the center of the diet plan, it it also found that the personalized diet plan created by a nutritionist is what really puts the weight loss and good health in motion.
A recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that a high glycemic load diet and carbohydrate intake were positively associated with an increased risk of developing breast cancer. Diet Docs diet plan for womens health is low-glycemic and low carbohydrate with a strong emphasis on antioxidant-rich foods and essential vitamins and minerals. Pharmaceutical-strength vitamins, like vitamin D, that are known to prevent breast cancer are also prescribed by an in-house doctor along with hCG treatments after a thorough health evaluation is given.
Diet Doc has been creating medical weight loss solutions for almost a decade and are always working to prevent a number of weight related diseases. Now offered online, the hCG weight loss diet plan can be accessed by anyone from the comfort of their homes. Dieters are no longer required to go into a clinic for weekly evaluations and weight-ins and are given the tools necessary to achieve any weight loss goals. All of Diet Docs weight loss programs come with an essential weight loss package that vary depending on the type of program and can include: a diet journal, food scale, medical supplies, flaxseed fiber, protein shakes, ketone test strips and other necessary tools to get started on a new diet. Each dieter is ensured success and is managed by a weight loss coach with weekly follow-up calls who also has unlimited access to the whole medical staff at Diet Doc.
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Diet Doc Announces Women’s Weight Loss Diet Plan in Recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Reducing the Rice in Your Diet

The recent Consumer Reports article on the high content of inorganic arsenic in rice created quite an understandable stir. Inorganic arsenic is a known carcinogen (cancer-causing substance), and the possibility that we may be inadvertently consuming more of it than we realize is concerning.
Arsenic is a metal that occurs naturally in soil in trace amounts, but its concentration can be increased significantly from a variety of environmental pollutants. The use of arsenic-containing fertilizer, for example, can cause soil to have higher concentrations of arsenic, and adjacent groundwater can be contaminated with runoff from these soils. Here in the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency sets limits for arsenic content in public water, but no government agency monitors or regulates arsenic content in food.
While excessive arsenic levels in rice are of concern to everyone, they may be particularly problematic for people on a gluten-free diet for whom rice is arguably the staple grain. It's used in place of wheat for everything from breads and cereals to pastas and pancake mixes. Depending on which brands of rice-based products you're consuming and in what quantities, you may be getting more than you bargained for.
Scientific research on the potential health risks associated with excess arsenic consumption focuses on exposure from tainted water; it is not yet known to what extent dietary exposure to arsenic may pose a comparable risk. Until the science catches up, however, it's not unreasonable to take precautionary measures toward reducing exposure to arsenic in the diet. Indeed, this latest scare is a good reminder as to why we should never put all of our proverbial eggs into one, single basket. Just as a diversified financial portfolio helps protect you from overexposure to losses from a single economic sector or stock, so too a diversified nutritional portfolio helps protect you from overexposure to a contaminant found in a single food. Of course, dietary variety also helps ensure you get the range of necessary nutrients. If your diet is seriously bullish on rice, consider the latest headlines an impetus to start diversifying your diet.
Here's how:
The rice: Gluten-free brown rice pasta
The alternative: Ancient Harvest gluten-free quinoa/corn pasta
Why it's a great swap: Quinoa is a higher-protein, higher-iron alternative to rice, which, when combined with corn, produces a delicious and well-textured gluten-free pasta. The garden pagoda shape is my personal favorite!
The rice: Iron-fortified infant rice cereal
The alternative: Iron-fortified infant oatmeal
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Reducing the Rice in Your Diet
Diet Coke to Style One Lucky Chicagoan with Couture Refreshment

Youre never fully dressed without a smile or now a Diet Coke. A lucky Chicagoan will win a new fall look and a chance to meet couture designers from around the block and across the country at Chicagos Art of Fashion event on October 19 at Millennium Park courtesy of Diet Coke, The Shops at North Bridge and 101.9fm THE MIX.
Starting today through October 7 aspiring fashionistas and Diet Coke fans alike can tune into 101.9fm THE MIX and listen for a chance to text-to-win a makeover and VIP experience for two at Chicagos Art of Fashion event. Valued at $2,500, this prize package includes:
Diet Coke and Chicagos Art of Fashion Event bring together the best of whats possible when you push the limits of design and fashion, said Michael Dulin, Vice President, Commercialization, Coca-Cola Refreshments. This event recognizes both young and established designers and reinforces the positive power of ambition. Supporting our fans and their dreams is just one more way Diet Coke celebrates those who stay extraordinary.
Art of Fashion is the culmination of Fashion Focus Chicago a week-long celebration of Chicagos fashion industry. In partnership with Style Chicago and presented by the City of Chicago's Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events (DCASE), Fashion Focus Chicago showcases some of the citys top designers, and features three headlining runway shows in Millennium Park. This is Diet Cokes inaugural year sponsoring Art of Fashion.
The iconic Diet Coke can is also getting a makeover this fall. Diet Coke has re-introduced its stylish cropped logo design for its aluminum can and launched a new, refreshed ad campaign. The campaign is the latest evolution of Diet Cokes iconic Stay Extraordinary platform and features a modern, bold look on the Diet Coke can and a series of new print and out-of-home ads. The refreshed packaging design features a section of the Diet Coke logo, cropped to feature the "D" and the k, set against the brand's signature silver backdrop, creating a sleek, modern look for the brand.
For more information on this contest please visit: or follow on Twitter @DietCokeUS.
About The Coca-Cola Company
The Coca-Cola Company (KO) is the world's largest beverage company, refreshing consumers with more than 500 sparkling and still brands. Led by Coca-Cola, the world's most valuable brand, our Company's portfolio features 15 billion dollar brands including Diet Coke, Fanta, Sprite, Coca-Cola Zero, vitaminwater, Powerade, Minute Maid, Simply, Georgia and Del Valle. Globally, we are the No. 1 provider of sparkling beverages, ready-to-drink coffees, and juices and juice drinks. Through the world's largest beverage distribution system, consumers in more than 200 countries enjoy our beverages at a rate of 1.8 billion servings a day. With an enduring commitment to building sustainable communities, our Company is focused on initiatives that reduce our environmental footprint, support active, healthy living, create a safe, inclusive work environment for our associates, and enhance the economic development of the communities where we operate. Together with our bottling partners, we rank among the world's top 10 private employers with more than 700,000 system employees. For more information, please or follow us on Twitter at
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Diet Coke to Style One Lucky Chicagoan with Couture Refreshment
'Cafeteria diet' is short-cut to stroke

Toronto, Oct 1 (IANS) 'Cafeteria diet,' rich in fat, sugar and sodium, is often a short-cut to stroke or death at a younger age, said a Canadian study and warned that people in their 30s or 40s may even suffer from dementia due to this junk food diet.
Researchers found that such a diet induced most symptoms of metabolic syndrome - a combination of high levels of cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure and obesity - in rats after only two months.
The animals were as old as a 16 to 22 years old human being at the time of disease onset, says Dale Corbett, scientific director of the Heart and Stroke Foundation Centre for Stroke Recovery (Canada), who led the study.
"I think we'll soon start to see people in their 30s or 40s having strokes, having dementia, because of this junk food diet," says Dr. Corbett. "Young people will have major, major problems much earlier in life," Corbett added, according to a Heart and Stroke Foundation statement.
Researchers gave sedentary rats unlimited access to both nutritional food pellets and a daily selection of common junk food items including cookies, sausage and cupcakes.
Animals were also given access to both water and a 30 percent sucrose solution designed to imitate soft drinks. Like humans, the animals greatly preferred to consume the treats.
Corbett highlights the importance of preventing metabolic syndrome with regular exercise and a balanced diet.
"We're not sure whether metabolic syndrome can be reversed. If it can't, and we continue to live and eat like this, then we're each a ticking time bomb of health problems."
These findings were presented at the the Canadian Stroke Congress.
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'Cafeteria diet' is short-cut to stroke
'Cafeteria diet' hastens stroke risk

Public release date: 1-Oct-2012 [ | E-mail | Share ]
Contact: Cathy Campbell 613-852-2303 Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
The fat- and sugar-rich Western diet leads to a lifetime of health problems, dramatically increasing the risk of stroke or death at a younger age, according to a study presented today at the Canadian Stroke Congress.
Researchers found that a high-calorie, high-sugar, high-sodium diet nicknamed the 'cafeteria diet' induced most symptoms of metabolic syndrome a combination of high levels of cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure and obesity in rats after only two months.
The animals were at an age roughly equivalent to 16 to 22 years in humans at the time of disease onset, according to lead researcher Dr. Dale Corbett, scientific director of the Heart and Stroke Foundation Centre for Stroke Recovery.
"I think we'll soon start to see people in their 30s or 40s having strokes, having dementia, because of this junk food diet," says Dr. Corbett. "Young people will have major, major problems much earlier in life."
Researchers gave sedentary rats unlimited access to both nutritional food pellets and a daily selection of common junk food items including cookies, sausage and cupcakes. Animals were also given access to both water and a 30 per cent sucrose solution designed to imitate soft drinks. Like humans, the animals greatly preferred to consume the treats.
Dr. Corbett highlights the importance of preventing metabolic syndrome with regular exercise and a balanced diet. "We're not sure whether metabolic syndrome can be reversed. If it can't, and we continue to live and eat like this, then we're each a ticking time bomb of health problems."
"Metabolic syndrome and stroke are huge health concerns for the public," says Dr. Mark Bayley, Co-Chair of the Canadian Stroke Congress and Medical Director of the Neurological Rehabilitation Program at Toronto Rehab. "We cannot afford to continue making poor nutritional choices. Our diet is killing us."
In addition to warning the Canadian public about the health dangers of a poor diet, the researchers' study opens the door to further research. "Laboratory models often use relatively young animals who are healthier and on better diets than we are," says Dr. Corbett. "However, it is important to remember that for many people, the consequences would be even worse, since a lot of people with stroke also have pre-existing health problems."
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'Cafeteria diet' hastens stroke risk
New Natural Diet Plan Says “No Exercise!”

The HCG Diet is one of the few out there that actually discourages exercise!
American Fork, Utah (PRWEB) September 30, 2012
Exercises that are considered safe to perform while on the HCG diet includes low-stress activities like Pilates and yoga, says founder Dave Sherwin. People have been wishing for years that they could lose weight without exercising and they actually can. In fact, the average weight loss with HCG diet drops is between one and three pounds each day with no exercise at all.
The diet is a natural diet, and whereas early versions of the HCG diet required individuals to inject themselves with the HCG, it is now available in oral drops. Individuals simply place the drops under their tongue and the product absorbs into their body. Clinical trials showed that HCG was most likely to target stubborn fat deposits like those in the thighs, abdomen and waist. In addition, average weight loss in 30 days was more than 28 pounds.
HCG EZ Drops offers a money-back guarantee as well as an on-staff doctor available to answer questions and provide tips on how to utilize the diet in the best possible way. Men and women who are interested in the HCG diet drops plan are invited to visit to learn more about the diet and to determine whether its the best route for them or not.
John Pilmer Ez Wellness 888-385-7750 Email Information
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New Natural Diet Plan Says “No Exercise!”
hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans Announces a New Saffron Extract Formulated Diet Pill

Austin, TX (PRWEB) September 28, 2012
A new saffron extract formulated diet pill was announced by hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans. This prescription weight loss pill promotes fast weight loss and eliminates emotional eating.
hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans announced a new saffron extract formulated diet pill that eliminates the problem of emotional overeating that sabotages most diet and weight loss goals. Pure saffron has been used for centuries by the Persian and Indians for the health benefits that it offers. It acts on the same category of chemical transmitters in the brain that trigger food cravings and cause people to overeat. Saffron works with the bodys natural chemistry and brings about a natural modulation of this response which stops the cravings and makes people feel fuller. Users also reported an improvement in their mood, which motivated them to improve their eating habits that promoted healthy weight loss after they tried this new diet pill from hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans.
In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group study consisting of 61 healthy, mildly overweight women between the ages of 25 to 45, the researchers divided the participants into two randomized groups. Prior to the random division, at least 50 % of the women were identified as having some compulsive snacking behavior, but not suffering from complicating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia nervosa, excessive anxiety and/or depression or other mental disorders. The average weight of each woman was approximately 162 pounds. Twice daily during an 8-week period, one group was given a Saffron extract supplement and the other group an identical appearing placebo. Each dose of Saffron was approximately 88 milligrams and had been isolated from the stigmas of the mature saffron flower (Crocus sativus L; Iridaceae).
At the end of the study period, 60 participants31 receiving the extract, 29 receiving the placebosuccessfully completed all tasks and their data were statistically analyzed. What the researchers found was that in a group by group comparison within the first two weeks of the study, the Saffron extract group began to show statistically significant weight loss as a group in comparison to the placebo group. Furthermore, the weight loss trend for the Saffron extract group continued throughout the remainder of the 8-week period. The baseline snacking behavior of all the participants at the beginning of the study was approximately one snack per day. By the end of the 8th week, the Saffron extract group participants were snacking about half as much as they had at the beginning of the study.
As an exciting new appetite suppressing formula from hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans that contains the purest saffron extract available to help maximize potential weight loss, the effectiveness of using highly-concentrated extract called Saffron extract in the form of this diet pill has been demonstrated by a number of recent clinical studies that demonstrate the unique properties of the rare spice to eliminate most food cravings and promote weight loss without resorting to crash dieting or other diet pills. Participants taking 88 milligrams of saffron extract lost body weight even though they were allowed to eat whatever they wanted and the majority of users reported success in the form of reduced cravings and weight loss, without side effects. Saffron extract is useful only when the active ingredient is in prescription form and hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans is the only weight loss organization offering saffron in prescription form through this new diet pill.
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hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Plans Announces a New Saffron Extract Formulated Diet Pill