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Yoga For Relaxing – Video

20-02-2012 09:21 SpaFinder Wellness Week: March 19-25: Leave a comment below to enter our Giveaway telling us how you like to reward yourself! We will select a winner on February 29th, 2012. Looking for a few relaxing yoga poses to reduce stress and massage the spine? Try this relaxing yoga sequence with Erica and Sarah either right before bed or during the day to combat a stressful situation. Visit Today for healthy recipes! Be a Fan on Facebook - Follow us on Twitter - Check out's Sample Meal Plans and Exercise Plans: Sarah's YouTube channel - Visit For More Videos!
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Yoga For Relaxing - Video
Soy diet prompts prisoners' lawsuit

Prison grub never had a high culinary reputation, but now some inmates say its not just the taste they dont like.
Illinois convicts have gone to court, claiming that too much soy in their diets has left them with severe health problems, including heart issues and thyroid damage, along with allergic reactions and gastrointestinal distress.
Eddie Martinez, 50, was released in September after 4 1/2 years in the Illinois Department of Corrections, where he says his claims of gastric distress - belching, pain, cramps and constipation - and his fear that they were connected to his soy-rich diet there, were not taken seriously. He continues to see doctors for problems that he says will not go away, though he takes many medications.
At my age, my health is a concern, says Mr. Martinez, a native of Puerto Rico who came to the U.S. when he was 8. I keep reading about cancer risks, and obviously this is upsetting.
Now, Illinois is the target of a lawsuit filed by attorneys for the Washington, D.C.-based Weston A. Price Foundation on behalf of several Illinois inmates.
The foundation argues that inmates in the Illinois Department of Corrections regularly consume about 100 grams of soy protein, when just about 25 grams is recommended as part of a healthy diet. The lawsuit seeks to stop the use of soy in prison recipes, a common tactic that cuts food costs at many correctional facilities around the nation.
Sally Fallon Morell, the foundations founder and president, said prison diets in Illinois changed under then-Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich in 2003. While meat patties served to inmates used to be filled with very nutrient-dense organ meat, the new burgers changed to 70 percent soy protein and about 30 percent actual meat.
They started using soy cheese on macaroni and cheese, soy nuggets in spaghetti sauce, soy flour added to all baked goods, she said. The first thing that shows up is digestive disorders. Soy is extremely hard to digest, so you get vomiting, chronic constipation and horrible gas. You can imagine the effects in close quarters after eating this.
In recent years, the $4 billion soy industry has seen its products receive acclaim as part of a healthy diet, helping to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, relieve symptoms associated with menopause and reduce certain cancer risks.
But scientists acknowledge that many people suffer from soy allergies that can contribute to gastric symptoms similar to those described by Mr. Martinez, including abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea.
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Soy diet prompts prisoners' lawsuit
Yoga for Weight Loss – Video – Video

27-02-2012 09:52 SpaFinder Wellness Week: March 19-25: Leave a comment below to enter our Giveaway telling us if you have ever been to a spa! We will select a winner on March 6th, 2012. Try this yoga sequence for weight loss featuring Erica and Sarah. Visit Today for healthy recipes! Be a Fan on Facebook - Follow us on Twitter - Check out's Sample Meal Plans and Exercise Plans: Sarah's YouTube channel - Visit For More Videos!
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Yoga for Weight Loss - Video - Video
Diet changes helping more couples conceive

AURORA, Colo. One in six couples has a hard time getting pregnant, some with no real explanation as to why.
Now some are looking at their diet, because doctors say what you eat can affect your chances of having a baby.
The Wootens are believers. The Aurora couple went through three rounds of in vitro fertilization before they got pregnant, and they think their diet may have been what finally did the trick.
I think it played a huge factor, said Kelly Wooten. She bought a book called The Fertility Diet by Sarah Dobbyn, and she followed the advice of her doctors at the Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine.
Dr. William Schoolcraft, the director of the clinic, says diet can affect fertility in both good and bad ways. He says first make sure you avoid smoking, alcohol and caffeine, and stay away from saturated fats.
He says do not go on a high protein-low carb diet if youre trying to get pregnant. Weve done a study showing that impairs fertility, he said.
Dr Schoolcraft says women should eat lots of vegetables, and fruits with antioxidants like blueberries. He also suggests taking supplements to boost nitric oxide levels and improve blood flow.
Blood flow to the testicles and ovaries would improve sperm and egg production, he said. Lean meats will help boost iron levels, and while some experts suggest giving up dairy, Dr. Schoolcraft suggests two servings a day.
Kelly Wooten ate a lot of nuts, avocados, and sweet potatoes, paying attention to the omega-3 fatty acids. She also ate a lot of lean organic meats, grains, vegetables and fruit. Now she has a beautiful baby girl named Ava, and she is glad she made the effort.
I think you have to take care of your body first, so that your body can take care of a baby, she said.
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Diet changes helping more couples conceive
Diet soda may up heart attack, stroke risk

Published: Feb. 28, 2012 at 8:27 PM
MIAMI, Feb. 28 (UPI) -- People who drink diet soft drinks daily might have increased risk of vascular events such as stroke, heart attack and vascular death, U.S. researchers said.
Study leader Hannah Gardener, an epidemiologist at the University at Miami, and colleagues at Columbia University Medical Center in New York, said artificially sweetened soft drinks are marketed as healthier alternatives to sugar-sweetened beverages, but their long-term health consequences remain unclear, she said.
Gardener and her team examined the relationship between both diet and regular soft drink among 2,564 participants in the Northern Manhattan Study, designed to determine stroke incidence, risk factors and prognosis in a multi-ethnic urban population.
After taking into account pre-existing vascular conditions, including body mass index, diabetes, high cholesterol and hypertension, the researchers found individuals who drank diet soft drinks daily were 43 percent more likely to have suffered a vascular event than those who didn't drink any.
In addition, those who drank diet soft drinks irregularly -- between one a month and six a week -- and those who chose regular soft drinks were not more likely to suffer vascular events.
"Our results suggest a potential association between daily diet soft drink consumption and vascular outcomes," Gardener said in a statement. "However, the mechanisms by which soft drinks may affect vascular events are unclear. There is a need for further research before any conclusions can be drawn regarding the potential health consequences of diet soft drink consumption."
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Diet soda may up heart attack, stroke risk
The Stars Turn Out for Jimmy Kimmel; Diet Coke Celebrates Movies and Soda

We realize there's only so much time one can spend in a day watching new trailers, viral video clips, and shaky cell phone footage of people arguing on live television. This is why every day The Atlantic Wire highlights the videos that truly earn your five minutes (or less) of attention. Today: Jimmy Kimmel's post-Oscars special now features more star power than the actual Oscars, a Diet Coke about movies made us tear up, and revisiting Sacha Baron Cohen's red carpet ash-throwing.
RELATED: Scorsese's Lush, Confusing 'Hugo'; Will Ferrell's Night at the Kennedy Center
As with the actual Academy Awards, your appreciation for Jimmy Kimmel's annual post-Oscars special depends in large part on how forgiving you are of leisurely paced, star-packed television. Case in point: the centerpiece of last night's show was a 9-minute-long parody trailer for a movie called Movie: The Movie. Nine minutes! But it also had the likes Matt Damon, Meryl Streep, Helen Mirren, Tom Hanks, George Clooney, Jessica Alba, Charlize Theron, Jason Bateman, and Gary Oldman showing what good sports they could be. On a night in which a black-and-white silent movie from France won Best Picture, we were willing to swap brevity for an extra dose of star power. [ABC]
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Considering that Sacha Baron Cohen spent a major chunk of last week in character promoting The Dictator and showed up on the red carpet last night carrying an urn, it's remarkable how much being covered in the purported ashes of Kim Jong Il seemed to frazzle Ryan Seacrest. What did he think was going to happen? More pressingly, what did Seacrest think was in the prop urn? If you're going to be talking with Sacha Baron Cohen on live television, these are really questions that are worth asking, especially if you're going to get upset when your suit is covered in soot. [E!]
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Despite swearing never to be moved by a Diet Coke ad, we were moved by the Diet Coke ad that aired during the Oscars last night. It's all about Diet Coke and how much people who make movies like to drink it, but it wormed its way into our heart with a lovely orchestral score and a behind-the-scenes look at how what Martin Scorsese would call a picture is made. [Co.Create]
There was a major event in astronomy over the weekend, when Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and the moon lined up to form a "triple conjunction" that was visible on both Saturday and Sunday night, assuming you live in a place where light pollution isn't too severe. If you live in a place where the view of the night sky is fuzzy at best, Stephen Ramsden of took some of his slides from Saturday's sky and turned them into a jaunty, timelapse video that made us jealous of what we missed. [Stephenramsden]
We mentioned earlier that Monday marks John Steinbeck's 110th birthday. To cleanse the palate -- and keep the awards show theme alive -- here's what the East of Eden author had to say about what literature means to him after he received the Nobel Prize in 1962. [GuyJohn59 via Open Culture]
Continued here:
The Stars Turn Out for Jimmy Kimmel; Diet Coke Celebrates Movies and Soda
Diet Soda: Bad for the Heart?: DNews Nuggets

Feb. 27
Diet Soda-Bad for the Heart?: Diet soda may not be great for your diet after all. A 10-year study published online in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, found that the daily drinking of diet soda was linked with a higher risk for stroke, heart attack and death. Even after controlling other risks, including diabetes, the researchers found that drinking diet soda daily could still be linked to heart problems and death. (7:11 p.m.) via New York Times
Exercise Your Fish: We've heard that nurse sharks are the Labradors of the sea, but now we have a cat of the aquarium. Check out this video of a puffer fish chasing a laser across its aquarium floor. Guess it won't have to worry about gaining weight! (6:55 p.m.) via Digital Journal
New Eggs for Women?: Dr. Jonathan Tilly is at it again, proposing that women have the biological capability to replenish their eggs, much the way men do sperm. He presented his earlier findings on the subject in 2004 without success, as other scientists could not verify his work. Now Tilly, director of the Vincent Center for Reproductive Biology at Massachusetts General Hospital, says he and his team have identified stem cells in adult human ovaries, possibly enabling the growth of new eggs. At DNews, we have our doubts and will wait for further tests before putting any of our eggs in his basket. (6:00 p.m.) via i09
Rough Seas: As we approach the 30th anniversary of the Falklands War, the Argentine government is ratcheting-up tensions in the South Atlantic region after denying the docking of two cruise ships at Tierra Del Fuego, on the country's southern tip. The reason? The ships had paid a visit to the Falkland Islands, an archipelago that remains under the protectorate of the United Kingdom (around 3,000 Brits live on the islands), yet the Argentines claim as their own. Tension has been rising in recent months as the UK dispatched its most advanced warship to the islands and Argentina has prevented any Falkland-bound supply ships from docking in its ports. (5:45 p.m.) via BBC News
Anchor Kills Internet: The Internet is not as infallible as we have come to believe. A ship dropping anchor off the coast of Kenya pierced an underwater cable in the harbor cutting off speedy internet access for Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Ethiopia, and a piece of South Sudan. Just how did that cable get down there? Check out the old newsreel below. (5:02 p.m.) via The Atlantic
$100 Tablet: Swiss designer Yves Behar, one of the influential folks behind the $100 Laptop venture, is proposing a $100 tablet. Like the laptop, the tablet will be rugged, solar-powered, and designed for children in the world's poorest countries. The organization showed off their tablet, the X0-3, at this year's Consumer Electronics Show. Behar has also designed customizable eye glasses that could be given free to students in Mexico. (3:08 p.m.) via CNN
Pretty Princess: The Swedish Royal Court has released the first close-up pictures of the Nordic country's newborn princess, AP reports. Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel's daughter Estelle Silvia Ewa Mary is second in line to take the throne, which is primarily just for ceremonial events. Princess Estelle was born last Thursday. (12:40 p.m.) via Swedish Royal Court and AP
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Diet Soda: Bad for the Heart?: DNews Nuggets
Honest Diet Pills Announces New Website Design to Improve User Experience

Founded in 2010 as a diet pills ranking and recommendation site, Honest Diet Pills has since developed a reputation as a trustworthy place for consumers to find the most effective diet pills that work in a number of categories. In order to improve user experience and simplify navigation, Honest Diet Pills has modernized its website design and page layout.
(PRWEB) February 27, 2012
Honest Diet Pills announced today that it has redesigned its website in order to enhance visitor experience and simplify navigation and maneuverability. Honest Diet Pills new layout offers guests easy access to the top 3 diet pills in a convenient sidebar. From here, visitors can either read product reviews or access a product's lowest price. Additionally, Honest Diet Pills has added a diet pills categories tab to its main menu to allow visitors to navigate to the top weight loss guide products in select categories.
"Our new website design will make it simpler for visitors to quickly find exactly what they're looking for. The best diet pills are easily accessible from the right column, whereas a diet pills categories drop down is easy to get to from the top navigation," says Dana Howard, founder and CEO of Honest Diet Pills. "This means that guests looking for appetite suppressants can find the top 2 choices with the click of a mouse. They can easily determine that Hoodoba Pure Hoodia diet pills are the most effective appetite suppressant and quickly place an order."
Along with its new website design, Honest Diet Pills would also like to announce that it is now providing users with a "Worry out the Window" guarantee. This assurance means that any products that do not arrive in perfect condition will immediately be replaced. This incentive combined with a 30-day money-back guarantee ensures that customers feel safe and secure placing an order from Honest Diet Pills.
To view Honest Diet Pills' top selections or to place an order, please visit
Editor's Notes: Honest Diet Pills rates and ranks diet pills based on 6 crucial factors to determine the top diet pills that work in a variety of categories. Honest Diet Pills evaluation system incorporates elements that consumers look for when buying diet pills – weight loss power, weight loss speed, long-term results, product safety and cost-benefit ratio are all examined.
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Dana Howard
Honest Diet Pills
Email Information
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Honest Diet Pills Announces New Website Design to Improve User Experience
Diet v surgery: Curing UK obesity

26 February 2012 Last updated at 19:46 ET
With one in 30 of the UK population now classed as morbidly obese, the NHS is spending increasing amounts on weight-loss stomach surgery.
Figures released by the NHS Information Centre last week showed there had been a 30-fold increase in bariatric surgeries in a decade - up from 261 in 2000/01 to 8,087 in 2010/11.
While some NHS trusts continue to fund such surgeries for people with life-threatening obesity, others prefer to take a different approach.
In Leeds, teenager Emma Jane Money has recently undergone a gastric bypass operation.
She lost more than two stone in weight in the two weeks since the NHS paid for her to have the surgery at the private Thornbury hospital in Sheffield.
'Potentially dangerous'
The 16-year-old, who weighed more than 21st (133kg) before the operation, said she had tried to diet and exercise more but had been unable to lose weight on her own.
She told the BBC's Inside Out programme: "With constant images of rib cages and bones and bony elbows and things like that it is hard and people do get this idea in their head that this is what every person is meant to be.
"It's really hard when someone then looks at me and thinks 'they're not right, that's not normal'."
Continue reading the main story “Start Quote
People shouldn't be desperate to have bariatric surgery, they should be desperate to change their life around and to work to lose weight”
End Quote Dr Tim Allison NHS East Riding of Yorkshire
Emma said she was "excited" about losing weight.
"I will get to wear all the new fashion trends with my friends. I will get to go anywhere and I don't have to worry about people saying things or judging me."
About 1% of patients die after weight-loss operations but consultant surgeon Roger Ackroyd, who operated on Emma, said the benefits of the surgery far outweighed the risks.
"It's extreme, it's potentially dangerous but it really does work," he said.
"People come to me and say... you are spending hard-earned taxpayers' money treating people who basically all they need to do is eat less and exercise more. That's a very valid argument.
"The only thing I would say is these people such as Emma would in time go on to need a hip replacement, knee replacement, she'll go on diabetic medication, she'll go on blood pressure medication and cancer is much more common in overweight people.
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Mandy Bennett is going through the Live Well programme
"If we can invest in this type of surgery now then it saves the NHS money in the long term."
In the East Riding of Yorkshire, people with a body mass index of more than 45 are being referred to a programme where they are given a personal trainer and nutrition advice.
Mandy Bennett, from Driffield, is one of nearly 50 patients signed up to the Live Well scheme and has lost three stone.
She said: "I have been maintaining my weight for three or four months now which is a big part of it. Learning to maintain your weight is as big an issue as losing the weight."
She said that without the help of her personal trainer she would "still be sat in front of the TV eating the wrong things, getting bigger, getting more unhealthy and probably not anywhere near as happy as I am".
Dr Tim Allison, NHS East Riding of Yorkshire's director of public health, said: "We have seen the number of surgical operations drastically go down by about 80%.
"The levels of bariatric surgery had been increasing quite considerably and we didn't have the services in place to give people the opportunity to have that dedicated six to nine months of intensive diet and physical activity.
"We felt it would be far better if we could put that in place rather than simply have people go forward to surgery.
"People shouldn't be desperate to have bariatric surgery, they should be desperate to change their life around and to work to lose weight."
Inside Out Yorkshire and Lincolnshire is broadcast on Monday 27 February on BBC One at 19:30 GMT and nationwide on the iPlayer for seven days thereafter.
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Diet v surgery: Curing UK obesity
The Diet Solution Review | My Personal Review – Video

28-07-2011 18:50 - Here is my friend Ally giving her little review of using the diet solution program, trust me when I say she looks great and more healthy then she did 2 months ago, It's amazing how great this program is.
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The Diet Solution Review | My Personal Review - Video