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Jan 19

Fasting, diets are fads that fail most people – The Daily Herald

In A 24/7 diet culture, we should all just say no to the latest fad

In response to a recent article by the APs Candice Choi about periodic fasting and weight loss, I just say, no.

No to diet culture. No to intermittent fasting. No to Paleo, Keto, WW, and all the other New diets that will work for a short period of time. Over 90 percent fail. The diets fail, not the people who try them.

Our bodies are doing what they should, and when you diet, your metabolism will slow. A quote from the article, On fasting days, people may allow themselves 600 calories, if needed. Whos body would not need 600 calories to function properly? Your brain alone needs over 500 calories from carbohydrates daily, just to basically function, never mind all of the body parts you depend on to get through the day.

If you listened to your body and ate when you were hungry, did not limit any food, you would not have disordered eating in your life. (That is what dieting is, disordered eating.) You would know that there are no inherently good or bad foods that need to limited or binged on.

Genetics play a big part in what our bodies look like, as does where we live, what we can afford, and whether we have time or knowledge to cook or bake what we want to eat. Weight stigma, how society treats fat people, also plays a big role in what we look like, and what our health is.

We all would do better to realize that all of diet culture, which is a $72 billion industry, is always promoting something new. Why? Because over 90 percent of all diets fail.

We need to find joy in our bodies and lives, eat when and what we want, and stop judging ourselves and others as to what size we are.

Faith Martian, registered dietitian


Continued here:
Fasting, diets are fads that fail most people - The Daily Herald

Jan 19

Keto diet isnt the answer for weight loss, experts say. Heres what is – USA TODAY

The keto diet. You've probably heard of it by now.

It's the low-carb, high-fat diet that caught on and spread quickly, leading some to label it as a fad, while others praised its effectiveness.

The new year brings in anannual flood of personalhealth goals, and for those trying to lose weight, the keto diet might have come into consideration. Is it effective? More importantly, is ithealthy?

Before making any commitments to keto, it's important to understand what you're getting yourself into.In addition to whatthe health professionals below have to say about keto, it's important to consult your doctor before embarking on any high-fat diets.

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Though there are slightly different versions of the ketogenic diet, it's primarily based on a low intake of carbohydrates coupled with a high intake of fat and protein.

Generally, this means people on the diet get70% to 80% of their daily calories from fat, about 20%from protein and about 5%from carbs.

The decreased intake of carbs forces the body into the state of ketosis,in which fat becomes the main provider of fuel for the body.

Though similar, keto is not the same as the Paleo and Atkins diets, which also feature low-carb routines.

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The diet has been associated with effective weight loss, but it doesn't necessarily get the approval from doctors.

"I wouldn't recommend the keto diet to anybody," Jeffrey Mechanick, medical director at Mount Sinai Heart's Marie-Jose and Henry R. Kravis Center for ClinicalCardiovascular Health,told USA TODAY.

When it comes to dissecting popular diets such as keto, doctors stress the importanceof knowing the difference between weight loss and genuine overall health.

Reducing your intake of carbs, as the keto diet does, goes hand-in-hand with reducing intake of whole grains, fruits and some vegetables, which raises red flags for health professionals.

"That's where Iget a little concerned about the keto diet," Vasanti Malik, adjunct assistant professor of Nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, told USA TODAY.

"You want to be mindful, because these foods whole grains, fruits and vegetables carry a number of beneficial nutrients vitamins, polyphenols, fiber that have been shown time and time again to be beneficial for cardiometabolic health."

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As the keto diet essentially nixes the body's intake of carbs, the bodysearches for an alternative source of fuel. Before long, the body breaksdown fat,muscle and tissues to sustain itself, Mechanick said.

"In theory, the keto diet basically mimics starvation," Mechanick said."If you don't eat carbohydrates but you eat an excessive amount of fat and protein, you're still going to waste tissue. Tissue is still going to burn off."

Yes, you might experience weight loss on the keto diet,but that might not actually be good for you, considering what you giveup.

"I don't feel particularly comfortable telling people to reduce intake of things that we know offer benefits for health," Malik said.

Diet-driven peoplemight find this part hard to digest.

Doctors are moving away from what we traditionally think of as a "diet," one with specific restrictions or calorie goals. Instead, theypromotea healthier overall lifestyle.

"The vernacular is changing," Mechanick said. "We try not to even use the word 'diet.' We try to use the phrase 'eating pattern.'"

There's a "rebound" issue with many fad diets such as keto, Malik said. You go on the diet, lose weight, but what happens after that? Most people struggle to stick with it.

"Without a realistic lifestyle change, the individual is going to regain the weight," she said.

The answer might not be a traditional "diet" at all,but there are changes you can make to shed weight while leading a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

The importance comes in the quality of the foods you eat, not necessarily the number of calories you consume, Malik said. She favors of eating patterns that don't abide by a restrictive calorie count, because they generally help people stick with the pattern longer.

Mechanick recommends minimizing your intake of two types of carbs sugars and starches while boosting another: fiber. High-fiber foods,including vegetables, low-glycemic index fruits, beans and nuts, are instrumental to a healthy eating pattern, he said.

"If you can get it up to seven to 10 servings a day, that's great," he said."You can't do that with the keto diet."

Malik urges people trying to lose weightto target foodssuch as whole grains, fruits, vegetables andnuts, while limiting saturated fat, added sugar and added sodium. Balance those practices with daily physical exercise, and you've established a solid base for weight loss and a healthy lifestyle.Althoughshe argues against daily calorie counting, Malik urges caution about portion sizes there's no use in overeating. Avoid appetizers andsnacks in front of screens, and limit meals to one plate of food, the American Heart Association advises.

Losing weight has its benefits, both in a physical and mental sense. But when striving to eat well and hit the treadmill, don't lose sight of what it means to be healthy.

"People have to be content,"Mechanick said."They have to be fulfilled. That's what being healthy and productiveis, and that's really the endpoint."

Follow USA TODAY's Jay Cannon on Twitter: @JayTCannon

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Keto diet isnt the answer for weight loss, experts say. Heres what is - USA TODAY

Jan 19

The 5 easy ways to lose weight fast in 2020 WITHOUT going on a diet – The Sun

MANY people believe that the only way to lose weight is through gruelling gym workouts and strict diets.

However, top dietitian Susie Burrell has now revealed that blitzing body fat doesn't need to be as taxing as that.


And, writing in her blog, she emphasises that extreme diets "rarely keep the kilos at bay long term".

Instead, Susie, from Sydney, Australia, says that there are five simple lifestyle changes you can make to maximise your weight loss in 2020 - without you having to work too hard at all.

Here, the diet expert reveals the approaches to your diet and nutrition which will support weight loss...

Limiting the amount of time you're eating throughout the day will help you shed those pesky pounds.

Susie says: "A growing body of research shows that when we limit our eating to just eight to ten hours each day, or not eating for 14 to 16 hours of each day is a strategy that appears to support weight control minus any specific calorie counting or dietary rules.

"Committing to longer periods of time minus any calories appears to help reset some of the hormones that regulate fat metabolism in the body.

Limiting the number of total hours we eat naturally controls calorie intake

"In real life terms this translates into having an early dinner, or having your first meal later in the day as to support a longer overnight fast.

"Here the only thing you need to pay attention to is what time you are eating each day, as limiting the number of total hours we eat naturally controls calorie intake."

Eating whole foods will help you slash your daily calorie intake and blitz body fat, according to Susie.

She says: "It has been shown that consuming whole foods such as a steak as opposed to mincemeat; or wholegrain bread rather than white results in a higher calorie burn than the more processed food alternatives.

"This means that the more natural the state of the food you eat, the better it is for metabolism.

"This means enjoying vegetables and fruit whole, with the skin intact; fillets of fish, meat and chicken and whole food snacks such as nuts, fruit and yoghurt rather than processed biscuits, bars and cakes.

"Choosing whole foods also tends to reduce calorie intake overall and we reduce our intake of processed foods that tend to have added sugars and fats."

Adding more fruit and vegetables to your diet can provide you with speedyweight losswith results that are much more likely to last than fad diets.

Susie says: "Diets are often focused around what we should not be eating; need to cut back on and depending on the diet the food groups to avoid.

"Focusing on what we should not be doing can often work in reverse, resulting in an increased focus on the tempting, higher calorie foods we ideally need to cut back on to control calorie intake.

5 reasons to avoid fad diets, according to the NHS

The NHS has shared five reasons as to why following fad diets may not be a good way to lose weight.

"When we focus on boosting our overall vegetable intake, the focus is on eating more, not less and the more salad and vegetables we eat, the lower our overall calorie intake tends to be, supporting weight control.

"Think about adding vegetable sides or a juice to your breakfast, salads and soups for lunches and at least two to three cups of mixed salad and vegetables with your evening meal to significantly boost your vegetable intake."

Susie firmly believes that allowing yourself to have a little treat every now and again will help you stick to your diet.

"Diets often fail because we are lured by our favourite sweet treat, glass of wine or fail to factor in eating out as part of our regular dietary regime," Susie says.

Diets often fail because we are lured by our favourite sweet treat

"When we factor these foods into our regular meal plan, in controlled volumes, you are less likely to experience the feelings of deprivation that can be associated with stricter diets and more likely to be able to stick to your healthy eating plan the rest of the time.

"This translates into enjoying a meal out regularly, factoring in a portion controlled sweet treat after dinner, or giving yourself permission to enjoy a glass or two of wine a couple of nights each week depending on your preferred style of indulgence."

Preparing your own food rather than buying it will help you cut down on your calorie intake - and ultimately lose weight.

"Whenever we buy a meal away from home a caf lunch; food court sandwich or a home delivered meal it is likely you will be consuming at least one/three more calories and fat than the equivalent meal you would prepare for yourself at home," Susie says.

"When it comes to weight control this meals that more you are in control of your calorie intake, the lower your calorie intake is likely to be.

"This means packing more lunches, ordering less dinners at home and eating breakfast at home rather than indulging in a caf treat more than occasionally as a general strategy that supports weight control."

For more of Susie's diet and nutrition tips and advice, you can visit her blog here.

See the original post here:
The 5 easy ways to lose weight fast in 2020 WITHOUT going on a diet - The Sun

Jan 19

Here’s Exactly How to Stick to Your New Diet, According to Experts and Research –

Donat SorokinGetty Images

Picking which meal plan to follow should be the easy partthere are so many different options out there. If you love fish and yummy olive oil, opt for the Mediterranean diet. More of a morning nosher? Intermittent fasting may just be your thing.

Actually sticking to a new way of eating? Now thats where things get tricky. According to research conducted by Strava, a social network for athletes, people start to falter with their New Years resolutions by January 12. And per the US News and World Report, 80% of people will ultimately fail at what they set out to do.

But considering that a healthy diet affects everything from cardiovascular and skin health to the quality of your sleep, healthy eating is one resolution that you should work extra hard to keep. Luckily, there is plenty of behavioral science that can set you up for success and help you stick to your goal even after that initial surge of motivation flees. Here, some science-backed tips that can help.

Making decisions can be exhaustingeven Barack Obama agrees. In a 2012 interview, he explained why he wore the same suits over and over. Im trying to pare down decisions," he said. "I dont want to make decisions about what Im eating or wearing. Because I have too many other decisions to make. Interestingly, Steve Jobs to Mark Zuckerberg have made similar comments.

These powerful people are onto something. Psychologists say that our decision making skills begin to deteriorate after long periods of, well, decision making. Its actually called decision fatigue and if you think about it, you can probably find some examples in your own life. For example, after a long day at work it becomes harder to make the right dinner choice. Suddenly, rather than grilling the chicken breast you have in the fridge, you find yourself reaching for the pint of cookie dough ice cream to stave off your hunger. Oops.

If you want to give your willpower a bit of a boost, try taking away as many decisions around food as possible. Instead, embrace the art of meal prepping. For some, that may mean spending your Sunday whipping up healthy staples that will last you through the week. Or, it could mean investing in an Instant Pot so that after long days, you can override the temptation to order pizza and make a hot meal fast.

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Eating steamed broccoli and salmon for dinner every night may make decision making easy and keep your calories in check, but eventually youre going to grow weary of having the same freaking thing. And, as your boredom grows, suddenly that chocolate cake becomes harder and harder to resist.

What should you do to keep that boredom at bay? In a study published in Neuron, researchers found that any type of novelty activates the brains pleasure centers. Be sure to try out different healthy recipes rather than always relying on your old favorites. Even simple things like passing over the pamplemousse for a different La Croix flavor can help you keep your taste buds entertained.

Keeping a diary of what you eat helps keep you on track. In fact, the more you log your food, the more weight youll lose. The idea is that when you write down what you eat, youre more likely to take stock of not-so-great choices and change that behavior going forward. And, according to one study, taking photos of your meals may work even better.

Dr. Lydia Zepeda, the head researcher on the study, explains: We generally process pictures more fully than words. Therefore, I found people were much more likely to notice unhealthy foods or lack of healthy foods in their photos than in their written diaries. Since awareness is necessary to change behavior, the photos help increase awareness.

In a 2017 study, people were encouraged to use the Eat Right Now app to practice mindfulness for 10 minutes a day. Amazingly, participants who completed the 28-day study saw a 40% reduction in food related cravings.

So, what gives? Experts say focusing on what youre doing when youre doing it can help you make more conscious decisions. Say you eat dinner in front of the television. If youre so engrossed in whats going on, you may polish off everything on the plateregardless of how satiated you are. But if you keep the TV off and instead focus on your hunger level as you eat, youre more likely to put your fork done when youre full. Some days that may mean finishing everything, but others it may mean leaving some extra food (and calories!) on the plate.

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Read more:
Here's Exactly How to Stick to Your New Diet, According to Experts and Research -

Jan 19

Keto diet: What is it and does it actually work? – The Irish Times

A recent survey of registered dietitians named the low-carbohydrate keto diet yet again as the most popular diet in the United States. In Ireland, it consistently ranks high in Google searches, with keto recipe books featuring high in the publishing charts particularly at this time of year.

Powering this diet is fat, and loads of it all the way up to a hefty 90 per cent of ones daily calories.

Its fans (and marketers) feed social media with before and after photos, crediting the diet for life-altering weight loss or other effects. They swirl butter into their coffee, load up on cheese, and eat lonely burgers without its bestie, the bun. Staples such as whole grains, legumes, fruit and starchy vegetables are being largely pushed off the plate as devotees strive for ketosis when the body begins to burn fat instead of glucose as its primary energy source.

The diet is hailed for dropping pounds, burning more calories, reducing hunger, managing diabetes, treating drug-resistant epilepsy, improving blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as triglycerides, the major storage form of fat in the body. People have reported improved concentration, too.

First, a word: choosing an eating plan or an approach to eating is very personal. Everyones body, tastes and background are unique. The best approach to food intake is one in which you are healthy and nurtured and matches your social and cultural preference. If you want guidance, its recommended you consult with a dietitian.

A typical ketogenic diet consists of at least 70 per cent of calories derived from fat, less than 10 per cent from carbs and less than 20 per cent from protein. The ketogenic diet, long used to treat epilepsy in children, calls for 90 per cent of daily calories to come from fat, with the amount of protein or carbs varying as long as its 4 grams of fat for every combined 1 gram of carb and protein, according to the American Epilepsy Society. That can mean chowing down on a lot of cheese, butter, eggs, nuts, salmon, bacon, olive oil, and non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, greens and spinach. For the arithmetic-challenged, apps and online programmes can do the math for you.

The goal of the ketogenic diet is to enter a state of ketosis through fat metabolism. In a ketogenic state, the body uses primarily fat for energy instead of carbohydrates; with low levels of carbohydrate, fats can be converted into ketones to fuel the body.

For ketosis, a typical adult must stay below 20 to 50 grams of net carbohydrates measured as total carbs minus fibre each day. Crossing that threshold is easy: a thick slice of bread adds 21 carbohydrates, a medium apple 25, and a cup of milk 12. Its not just bread and soda that are on the outs but high sugar fruit and starchy veggies such as potatoes, as well as too much protein. Also, dieters have to be on high alert for hidden carbs, often invisible to the eye, yet coating that seemingly keto-friendly fried cheese.

Yes. Certainly in the short-term, it appears that way. For the first two to six months, theres evidence that a very low carbohydrate diet can help you lose more weight than the standard high carbohydrate, low fat diet, according to a recent literature review of low-carb diets by the National Lipid Association in America. By 12 months, that advantage is essentially gone, said Carol Kirkpatrick, director of Idaho State Universitys Wellness Center, and lead author of the new literature review. After that, weight loss seems to equalise between those two popular diet regimens. She said keto is best used to kick start a diet, before transitioning to a carb intake that you can adhere to for the longer term.

For some, its the promised land of diets. Instead of cringing through carrot sticks, they can fill up guilt-free on chorizo with scrambled eggs. Indeed, some evidence suggests that people feel less hungry while in ketosis, and have fewer cravings. Thats why its become so popular for the general population, said Dr Mackenzie Cervenka, medical director of Johns Hopkins Hospitals Adult Epilepsy Diet Center. Because once you are in ketosis, its easy to follow.

Usually, it takes between one to four days to enter the state, doctors say, but it depends on many factors such as activity level: a runner, for example, may sprint there faster than a couch potato.

The keto diet appears to deliver fast results: The first pounds may seem to slip off. That can be seductive, but its likely water weight. Then, dietitians say, its back to energy in minus energy out.

There is some evidence that it can. The research is limited and conflicting here, too. It may be a very small effect, and not meaningful for weight control. Thats what one study found. In it, 17 obese or overweight volunteers moved into metabolic wards for two months and had every last spoonful of food monitored. (This recounting of the science uses definitional terms such as obese to be clear about the subjects of research studies.) For the first month, they consumed a high carb diet; for the second, they had a ketogenic one, with both plans equal in calories.

In the end, though insulin levels did decrease while eating the bunless burger, they didnt lose more fat than when they had bread. The study was limited, though, by having a small sample size, and not having a comparison group that wasnt on the back-to-back regimens.

For some, a low carb diet can be appealing.That doesnt mean that diet is superior, according to a study that followed 609 overweight adults on either a low carb or a low-fat diet for a year. In the end, both groups shed almost the same amount on average about 12 to 13 pounds, according to the randomised clinical trial that examined a low carb diet less restrictive than the keto.

Its not known yet. If you tell people to go on this diet forever and for a longer term, there is no evidence, said Carla Prado, an associate professor and director of the University of Albertas Human Nutrition Research Unit.

The diet does help children with epilepsy: Nearly a third to two-thirds of patients experience 50 per cent fewer seizures after six months on the regimen. (Even back in 400BC people fasted to treat epilepsy. And the ketogenic diet itself is nearly a century old, having been popular to help with seizures until the discovery of an anticonvulsant drug.) There are case studies on how 10 patients with a rare condition fared on the diet for a decade, but most well-designed studies in this field have not extended beyond two years.

Yes. Carbohydrate is the biggest driver of blood sugar, said Dr William Yancy, director of the Duke Diet and Fitness Center, who sees a lot of promise in the diet helping those with diabetes.

A new randomised clinical trial enrolled 263 adults with type 2 diabetes into group medical visits, with half receiving medication adjustment for better blood sugar control, and the others undergoing weight management counseling using a low carb diet. (All participants of the study had a BMI that fell within the range of overweight or obese.) Both groups experienced lowered average blood sugar levels at the end of 48 weeks, according to findings in the Journal of the American Medical Association Internal Medicine. However, the weight management group on the low carb diet slimmed down more, required less medication and had fewer problematic low blood sugar episodes.

For those with Type 2 diabetes, a low carb diet seems to improve average blood sugar levels better in the first year than the high carbohydrate, low fat diet. After that time period, the review by the National Lipid Association found that difference almost disappears but with a very important benefit: the low carb participants were able to use less medication. People like that because they dont like to be on diabetes medicines, Dr Yancy said.

When Dr Cervenka starts her patients with epilepsy on a low carbohydrate diet, she doesnt rule out saturated fats from animal products. She wants them to get used to the new way of eating. But if cholesterol levels climb and stay that way, she advises them to shift to foods and oils with mono- and polyunsaturated fats such as avocados or olive oil.

While the diets effect on LDL (bad cholesterol) appears to be mixed, the National Lipid Associations review found that a very low carbohydrate diet does seem to improve HDL (commonly known as the good cholesterol). Beyond a year, it seems these benefits dont last, much like in weight loss. Only lowered triglyceride levels seem to have any staying power. Other findings: the evidence on blood pressure is inconsistent, and the reports of improved mental clarity are not supported by controlled studies.

And what happens, for example, after cutting down fruits, legumes and whole grains all food that studies point to reducing cardiometabolic risk? Dr Neil Stone, a preventive cardiologist, worries about this, having seen the bad cholesterol levels of some of his patients on the keto diet increase drastically. (It doesnt happen to all but it does happen to some). Any diet that raises major risk factors for coronary heart disease puts patients at risk over the long term, he said.

There are many ways to interpret the keto diet. Some people will eat a salad with chicken, dressed in olive oil, while others will feast on stacks of bacon washed down by diet soda, the kind of diet known as dirty keto. Thats eating anything, including processed foods, as long as your carbs are low enough and your fat high enough to achieve ketosis.

The best diet is one that works for you, but if you want to try this, they recommend avoiding trans fats such as margarine, limiting saturated fat by consuming lean cuts of beef, skinless chicken breast, and incorporating fatty fish such as salmon into your diet. Reach for foods high in unsaturated fats like avocado, nuts, seeds and olive oil.

At first some can experience some stomach issues and gastrointestinal (GI) distress. Ninety percent of calories from fat is probably going to be a shock to the system, said Linsenmeyer. Its crucial, doctors say, to consult with a dietitian or physician, have cholesterol levels regularly checked, and replenish the fluids and sodium lost by increased urination and the severe restriction of carbohydrates. If not, within two to four days of beginning the diet, that depletion can bring on the keto flu symptoms such as dizziness, poor sleep and fatigue in some people.

Carbohydrates have a lot of nutrients that can help us maintain our body function, said Prado. On the diet, some people experience keto breath, a halitosis likely caused by the production of acetone, which is one of the ketone bodies.

Possible side effects for patients with epilepsy starting the diet include constipation from reduced fibre intake, vomiting, fatigue, hypoglycemia, worsening reflux, and increased frequency of seizures. The National Lipid Association review urges that patients with lipid disorders (like high cholesterol or triglycerides), a history of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (such as having a heart attack or stroke), heart failure, and kidney and liver disease take caution if considering the diet. People on blood thinners should take extra care.

Advice from the battling diet camps can be confusing.

Keto isnt the only way to lose weight or change your life, obviously. Dietitians say it is not essential to cut back on as many foods, since a moderate low carb diet may still hold benefits for diabetes or weight loss.

One thing is certain, any meaningful change starts with behaviour. Are you at a right point to make a change in your life? Dr Yancy suggests asking friends and family to support you, confer with a doctor, incorporate physical activity, and begin to think of it not as a temporary measure but more of a lifestyle change. New York Times

Keto diet: What is it and does it actually work? - The Irish Times

Jan 19

I eat only strangers’ leftover food and it’s the best diet I’ve ever had – The Guardian

My NHS dietician says that January is a dangerous month for diabetics such as me. The shops are full of Christmas leftovers: those high-calorie, nutrient-light foodstuffs, now for sale at massive discounts confectionery collections, deep-filled mince pies, presentation tins of chocolate biscuits. You exert all that willpower over the festive period, and just when you think its safe to go back into the supermarkets

But in the last year Ive pretty much stopped going into supermarkets. Or takeaways. Or fast-food joints. Not that Ive stopped eating their products Ive restricted myself to hoovering up what other people bring on to the streets and squander: my own personal Deliveroo, free of charge.

From quinoa salads discarded at farmers markets to pub grub abandoned by fellow diners, it can be quite a varied regime. Park yourself in a central London square on a nice day, and the pricey rice bowls from eateries such as Itsu or Benugo, often still laden with dumplings and prawns and spicy vegetables, pile up alongside overflowing bins. Once I ate my childrens leftovers. Now I eat leftovers from strangers.

Ive fought a lifelong battle with an urban environment that encourages unhealthy eating the obesogenic environment, as it has now been defined and, after being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, I seemed destined to be on the losing side. But after adopting a diet that friends and family and experts had deep reservations about, I feel transformed.

On a good day I often can take a surplus home my very own weekly shop

Friends dubbed me the Gutter Gourmet. My mum was horrified. My GP was concerned. It wasnt just that they felt I would pick up some dreadful lurgy. They were worried about my mental health this isnt what decent people did. Certainly a dose of indecency has been the most efficacious medicine I could have hoped for.

When I repurposed myself as the Gutter Gourmet, it was fuelled by anger at the criminal excesses of casual waste all around me (not as a way to save a few bob, as some who know me well contend). The governments waste advisory body, Wrap, estimates a colossal 10.2m tonnes of annual food waste. Of that the household contribution is 7.3m tonnes. My particular harvest restaurant plate waste and on-the-go squandering is more difficult to quantify. Yes, restaurants and cafes bin more than 300m meals a year. But thats before the consumers I clean up after get a chance to sink their teeth into the complacency industry. One telling survey by the environmental charity Hubbub estimated that our fast food habit generates a staggering 11bn items of mostly unrecyclable packaging waste a year, from cartons to napkins and plastic cutlery. According to my highly unscientific empirical survey, good food is binned in a third of these cartons, from Hawaiian sushi to garishly coloured meringues.

But I was also triggered by the theres nothing I can do apathy of individuals. A couple of years ago, when I was last in hospital with one of the many serious health issues Id chalked up since that diabetes diagnosis, the bloke in the next bed would order his hot meals for lunch and dinner and then ignore them when they were delivered, in favour of the grub his family brought in. I talked to him: how can you allow all these wholesome meals to go to waste, and all the effort that goes into producing them, and the nursing resources? It would be so easy not to order them every morning. All he had to do was not tick a few boxes on a form.

He was not interested. Did he not see a link between his behaviour and systemic waste? Why should he change, when it was the systems fault? It was his right to do with his food as he saw fit. Hed paid for it with his taxes. And what business was it of mine? For a minute I thought he was going to ask me if I liked hospital food. (I do.)

In that hospital stay I gave up on education and plumped for action. If I stopped ordering my own meals, could I eat the ones he ordered and left untouched? It was a deal. When I was discharged, I had an epiphany. All around me were versions of my ward mate, coming out of shops with on-the-go edibles, and discarding them after a few bites or gulps. The Gutter Gourmet was loosed upon the world.

I was diagnosed with diabetes on my 40th birthday. I tried to remedy the situation. I went jogging. I put vegetables in my morning porridge instead of sugar. Carrots. Broad beans. Spring onions. Broccoli. Kale. Spinach. If you persevere, they say your taste buds get used to anything. Mine refused to cast off the memory of crunchy brown sugar melting on hot oats. Every morning I fought the battle anew, and often lost.

I diligently swallowed the pills Metformin, Levothyroxine, Simvastatin and jabbed myself with insulin twice a day. What I needed was an injection of willpower. The iron resolve I woke up with to keep all those satanic carbohydrates and sugary treats behind me always seemed to evaporate by mid-afternoon, usually just as the refreshment trolley arrived at work. What harm can one more toffee-coated flapjack do?

Quite a lot, it turned out. Since the onset of diabetes, my compromised immune system has got me into one mess after another. The steady gain of bodily fat decommissioned my number one defence against diabetes exercise and weaponised its severity. In the past decade I have clocked up five bouts of pneumonia; recurrent raging episodes of cellulitis (a deep-tissue bacterial infection you can see racing up your legs); ulcerated shins; a general vulnerability to every opportunistic infection going; and intermittent erectile dysfunction.

A bloodstream full of sugar, as the top lung professor in my hospital trust put it, is a chemsex orgy venue for microbes. Then my GP weighed in. Unless I pulled my socks up, he warned, eyesight-robbing retinopathy, or peripheral artery disease leading to lower limb amputation, could be just around the corner.

It wasnt an idle threat there are about 7,000 lower-limb amputations in the UK each year. I recalled visiting a friend whod lost a leg in a car accident, years ago. The woman in the next bed on the amputation ward had diabetes. My doctor told me I had a choice, she cheerily informed me. Either the chocolate goes or a leg goes. And I couldnt give up my Cadburys.

If Id known as a child that my passion for Cadburys, and fry-ups and bakeries and condiments and cakes and puddings, would decades later have me hooked up to IV drips and emergency antibiotics, would it have made any difference?

Probably not. I am a child of the obesogenic revolution. Of course, they didnt call it obesogenic back in the early 70s. We still had early closing, shops were shut on Sunday, and you couldnt order so much as a pizza to be delivered.

But our local high streets were changing. In my part of south London, there was always a Wimpy bar or a greasy spoon caff around the corner.

The era of the microwave turned every corner shop into a takeaway. Vesta curries, Findus pancakes, Angel Delight for afters. Baby food for grown-ups, as we lounged in front of the TV.

The first layers of fat that would eventually entomb my pancreas and degrade its production of insulin the hormone that breaks down glucose into energy in the cells were being laid down. I am one of two and a half million people in the UK who would suffer. Boyd Swinburn, the New Zealand public health expert who gave the world the term obesogenic environment, concluded that the problem is not driven by greed or abnormal appetites, but is a normal response to abnormal environments encapsulated by the conditions he felt were responsible for the high rates of diabetes and obesity in the Arizona reservations of the Native American Pima people, whom he studied in the late 1980s.

My NHS dietician says Swinburn would have recognised similar issues in the south London I grew up in: the aggressive promotion of energy-dense but nutrient-light foods; the beginning of a discount, bogof (buy one get one free) checkout culture encouraging you to buy more than you need; high-street domination by takeaways and (relatively) fast food outlets; the ascendancy of sedentary screentime over outdoor exercise.

Although it is estimated that 60% of adults in England are now obese or overweight, we are not actually consuming more calories than we were back in the mid-70s. Indeed, there is evidence that sugar consumption is actually falling. Its the food we eat thats different. As George Monbiot pointed out, we eat five times more yogurt; three times more ice-cream; 40 times as many dairy desserts; a third more breakfast cereals; twice the cereal snacks; three times the crisps. All the things I love. Fat-, salt- and sugar-laden foods that in excess can play havoc with the bodys appetite-control systems.

If anything, after my diabetes diagnosis I found it tougher to shun these sugar-loaded foods and I was weakest when I was on my own. In company, the judgmental gaze of family or friends around the dinner table was a huge deterrent. Try helping yourself to ice-cream when your daughter insists that its going to harm you. So, as if I had a secret porn or drug habit, I would wait until everyone was asleep before guzzling digestives or a tub of flapjacks. Away from home, I would find myself slipping into shops, putting transgressive treats into my shopping basket and binge-eating them in bus shelters. At least I never had any leftovers.

Looking back at this furtive behaviour, with that pronounced element of lone gratification, it all seems very reminiscent of addiction. My willpower wilted in the face of all these temptations. All the guilt I felt about letting down all the people relying on me to stay healthy seemed to melt away. It was as if my brain had been hijacked.

Of course, many would argue that this is what the obesogenic environment does. It exists to drive addiction. What chance an individuals willpower when pitted against an industry that spends billions on coaxing us to overeat?

In London, in good weather, the food-wasters can be very generous. It helps that I work a few days a week at a very swanky magazine group, where very swanky takeaways are crammed, shockingly untouched, into the bins. Recently I extracted a punnet of soaked berry oats with peanut butter burn. Never had that before, and it made a great tea with the two doughnuts and a cucumber I found in a Puregym locker on the way home. I did wash the cucumber.

On a good day I often can take a surplus home my very own weekly shop. But not every day is a good day. Indeed, not every month is a good month. When the temperatures drop and the weather worsens, the outdoor street harvest withers. Cartons of pizza wedged into the bin slots a big summer staple lose their allure when theyve been marinaded into mush by an autumnal downpour. Its an opportunistic existence, and opportunity does not always knock. Occasionally I have to concede defeat and resort to cooking. Its a simple back-up plan: oats and bulgur wheat online. Most mornings start with porridge. One or two evenings a week, I rustle up a wholegrain mush. Its austere, but I like it. And so does my pancreas.

There are seasonal compensations. In the cold weather, people shoal under cover, clutching their comfort food and scrupulously observing the ultra-fashionable law that the real comfort lies in throwing away more food than you eat. My perspective is not very scientific. But it seems to me that people are more profligate than ever, often behaving as if the debate about waste and single-use plastics does not apply to them.

I have been accused of taking food from the mouths of homeless people. But maybe its a mark of how much surplus food there is that rough sleepers, who watch me searching for scraps, insist on passing on food items distributed to them by well-meaning shoppers. They wont take no for an answer. The regular outside my local Aldi says Im doing her a favour, because the stores food is so cheap she doesnt know what to do with all the stuff shes given.

The biggest compensation of all seems to be my health. For starters I have miraculously avoided all those forms of pestilence that my mother predicted would follow my unsanitary refuelling habits. Sorry, Mum. I feel rotten that I havent felt rotten. The real gains have been round my diabetes. Obviously Im happy that my GPs warnings that I might lose my eyesight, or a limb, have not materialised. I have lost a lot of weight a key objective for diabetics, and something I had been trying and failing to achieve for years.

How could I have done this on a diet leaning on the sort of carbohydrates white bread, white rice, pastries, noodles I am supposed to shun? My diabetic dietician had a theory. The idea that diabetics cant eat any carbs or sugary foodstuffs is misplaced. Whats important is moderation and minimising. Your exposure to over-consuming the wrong things has been massively reduced. You are generally eating a few small portions a day, and you have to work pretty hard to find your food. Thats a lot of steps you are doing, so in a way you have transformed yourself into a textbook patient.

Eureka! The Gutter Gourmet diet is actually beneficial for my diabetes: a daily regime of more exercise, smaller portions, reduced calorific input, reduced fat on the belly and abdomen. Without realising it, I have been making healthy choices. For more than a decade I had tried, and failed, to tackle my morbidity through willpower alone. In the past couple of years I have been empowered by a sense of protest. I align myself with all those people who wash their clothes, and themselves, less to save water. Who dont fly. Its all about busting consumerist norms. I dont feel enslaved, or intimidated, by food, or the food industry, any more. The Gutter Gourmet v The Obesogenic Environment? The tide has turned.

Go here to see the original:
I eat only strangers' leftover food and it's the best diet I've ever had - The Guardian

Jan 19

Low-FODMAPs Diet Not Working? An RD Shares 7 Possible Reasons Why + What To Do –

Histamine has important functions in the body such as promoting muscle contractions in the gut and stimulating the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. It also has an immune role as it's released by mast cells when exposed to foreign substances. Histamine is also found in certain foods.

A healthy body can keep histamine levels in check. There are two enzymes that help break down histamine, and one of them is mostly produced in the gut. For a variety of reasons, including certain medications, gut infections, and dysbiosis, these enzymes dont work properly, and your body loses the ability to get rid of excess histamine. The result is a condition known as histamine intolerance.

Histamine intolerance symptoms include redness or flushing in the skin, eczema, rashes, hives, sneezing, congestion, postnasal drip, low blood pressure, rapid heart rate, nausea, vertigo, dizziness, headaches, migraines, muscle and joint pain, insomnia, and other mysterious symptoms.

The low-FODMAPs diet can reduce histamine levels in the body. While this is a point in favor of the diet, if you have histamine intolerance, you're probably still taking in too much histamine from food without knowing it. Aged hard cheeses, vinegar, tomato, eggplant, spinach, bone broth, and canned tuna are high in histamine, despite being low in FODMAPs. And eggs, strawberries, oranges, banana, pineapple, some nuts, tomatoes, eggplant, spinach, and shellfish can stimulate your body to make more histamine. Leftover foods, even a day or two later, can accumulate enough histamine to trigger symptoms. On top of that, having food sensitivities means that your body is releasing histamine, along with other immune compounds, as a reaction to foods, regardless of their histamine or FODMAPs levels.

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Low-FODMAPs Diet Not Working? An RD Shares 7 Possible Reasons Why + What To Do -

Jan 19

Kylie Jenner Admits She’s Been Working Out More Than Ever — Here’s Why – Showbiz Cheat Sheet

The Kardashian-Jenner siblings care a lot about keepingup healthy lifestyles. The women spend hours each week working out, and theyfocus on eating healthy diets and only occasionally indulging.

Kylie Jenner has always been a bit different from her sisters in that area. She loves foods such as pizza and chicken tenders and doesnt seem to focus as much on working out or healthy eating. But the Kylie Cosmetics founder just admitted that shes been spending more time than ever in the gym.

Ever since Keeping UpWith the Kardashians first graced our TV screens back in 2007, theKardashian women have been obsessed with their bodies. Theyve become notoriousfor eating salads and exercising daily, and fans have long questioned how thewomen look the way they do. (Kim Kardashian West once hadan X-ray done of her butt to prove she doesnt have implants.)

While the women all do generally eat well and exercise often, its important to note that they have been open about using cellulite removal machines, filler, and other procedures to help improve their appearance.

The youngest member of the Kardashian-Jenner family doesnteat the way the rest of her sisters do. Kylie Jenner has always loved simplefoods, such as chicken tenders and pizza, and she hates dining at fancyrestaurants. Plus, she hardly ever posts videos working out, unlike the rest ofher sisters.

Jenner tends to eat a healthy breakfast (shes posted her shakes and breakfast dishes to Instagram in the past), but she also likes to indulge. Shes showed off many of her favorite junk food snacks, such as Fritos Twists, and has generally been more indulgent than the others.

In her recently Instagram story, Jenner told followers that she has been working out more than ever. The reason? Summer is coming. Been working out every other day, she wrote on her story. Lets go summer 2020.

Jenner definitely isnt overweight and still has a very healthy looking body, and with all that money, she likely has a massive gym and a personal trainer. But still, she doesnt seem to make a rigorous workout as much a part of her lifestyle as the rest of her family.

Though Jenner has millions of fans who adore her and want toemulate her every move, there are also some who have voiced concern about herappearance. Jenners body and face have changed drastically since she wasyounger, and some fans think she is only becoming more and more plastic.

Jenner has admitted to having facial filler, though she saysshes never had any true plastic surgery. But fans recently criticized her forher massive rear end, which doesnt appear to be natural, either. One fancommented on a video suggesting Jenner was puttingherself in danger by receiving butt filler. However, the beauty mogulclearly doesnt mind what the haters say and has still apparently been workinghard in the gym.

See the original post here:
Kylie Jenner Admits She's Been Working Out More Than Ever -- Here's Why - Showbiz Cheat Sheet

Jan 19

Fitness Revolution is helping me achieve my goals – Lake Placid Diet by Andy Flynn – | News and information on the Lake Placid and…

Start (Dec. 31): 447 lbs.

This week: 437 lbs.

Lost in 2020: 10 pounds

I hate starting over again when it comes to my physical fitness, which isnt very good at the moment. Gone are the days when I was training for and competing in the Lake Placid Half Marathon in 2014 and 2015, but Id love to rekindle that level of fitness so I can walk the race again. This year? No promises; I can only try.

In order to get fit, I need to get back to the gym, specifically to the Fitness Revolution gym in Lake Placid, which has been a key ingredient of the Lake Placid Diet for the past six years. I began with the weight-loss classes for the first two years and then graduated to working out on my own.

With the weight-loss group, certified personal trainers taught us how to use a variety of machines and do many different types of exercises. That tutelage helped me get into good enough fitness to walk my first half marathon in June 2014, and current Fitness Revolution owner Jason McComber wrote up a special training regimen in the spring of 2015 that helped me walk one hour faster during that years Lake Placid Half Marathon.

After a couple of years, I was able to write my own workouts based on my level of fitness and needs at the time. Thats what Im doing now.

But its been tough. First of all, just getting to the gym seems to be a feat unto itself. Last year, with the many hours spent working multiple jobs and some physical issues, I was unable to go to the gym most of the year. This year, Ive been better so far, even though its only been two weeks.

Im starting with the basics. Walk on the treadmill for 10 minutes, about a quarter of a mile, do some stretching, 10 to 20 squats and about 25 modified jumping jacks. Its not much, but its a start. Every time I go back, I add some more exercises, and eventually Ill get back to where I was in 2015. Thats the plan, anyway.

Im eternally grateful to Jason McComber and the Fitness Revolution crew for their ongoing support over the past six years with the really high ups and the really low downs. Having that opportunity to get myself stronger is a major part of losing weight.

Read more from the original source:
Fitness Revolution is helping me achieve my goals - Lake Placid Diet by Andy Flynn - | News and information on the Lake Placid and...

Jan 19

High blood pressure: Cut back on this popular food to lower your reading – Express

High blood pressure is a common condition in which the long-term force of the blood pushing against your artery walls is consistently too high. While this mechanism may not present any outward signs initially, a consistently high blood pressure reading can lead a number of potentially fatal complications in the long run, such as heart disease. To ward off the threat posed by high blood pressure, it is therefore important to avoid the triggers.

Diet plays a prominent role in regulating blood pressure, with certain dietary decisions having a direct impact on your reading.

Foods with a high salt content are the worst culprits because salt makes your body hold on to water.

Blood Pressure UK explains: If you eat too much salt, the extra water stored in your body raises your blood pressure. So, the more salt you eat, the higher your blood pressure.

Furthermore, eating too much salt may mean that blood pressure medicines (such as diuretics) don't work as well as they could, adds the health site.

READ MORE:High blood pressure: Three healthy snacks to help lower your reading

The researchers found that four or more servings a week of baked, boiled, or mashed potatoes was associated with an increased risk of high blood pressure compared with less than one serving a month in women, but not in men.

Higher consumption of French fries was also associated with an increased risk of high blood pressure in both women and men. However, consumption of potato crisps was associated with no increased risk.

One potential explanation is that potatoes have a high glycaemic index compared with other vegetables, so can trigger a sharp rise in blood sugar levels, and this could be one explanation for the findings.

The Glycemic Index (GI) is a relative ranking of carbohydrate in foods according to how they affect blood glucose levels.

Foods with a high GI are those which are rapidly digested, absorbed and metabolised and result in pronounced fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

After further analyses, the researchers suggest that replacing one serving a day of boiled, baked, or mashed potatoes with one serving of a non-starchy vegetable is associated with a decreased risk of high blood pressure.

Leafy green vegetables have been touted for their blood-pressure lowering benefits because they are rich in nitrates, which help to manage blood pressure.

In fact, some research suggests that eating 12 servings of nitrate-rich vegetables every day can reduce hypertension for up to 24 hours.

Examples of leafy greens include:

According to the NHS, in addition to slashing salt intake and upping vegetable intake, eating a low-fat diet that includes lots of fibre, such as wholegrain rice, bread and pasta, will also help to lower blood pressure.

Eating a low-fat diet will also help you manage your weight, this is a key preventative measure.

The NHS explains: Being overweight forces your heart to work harder to pump blood around your body, which can raise your blood pressure.

Continued here:
High blood pressure: Cut back on this popular food to lower your reading - Express

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