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South Beach Diet Pros and Cons Decide Your Diet Carefully – Good Herald

South Beach Diet created by cardiologist Arthur Agatston and dietitian Marie Almon is originally a diet to prevent heart disease. Dr. Agatston see the danger of low fat diet suggested by American Heart Association in 1980 which increase the risk of heart disease, not reduce it; so he create this diet as its substitute.
There are no complicated theory behind this diet; the principle are simple: replacing bad carbohydrates and bad fats with good carbohydrates and good fats:
1. Replaced foods that contain heavily refined sugar with relatively unprocessed foods such as vegetables, beans, and whole grains.
2. Eliminate trans fat and saturated fats which contribute to LDL cholesterol and replace it with unsaturated fats and omega 3 fatty acids which will contribute to HDL cholesterol.
The diet is not consist of one golden session to solve all your problem. Instead, it will divide the process into 3 phases where the first two phases are aim to make you familiar with the concept and lose weight at the same time. The 3rd phase is a maintenance phase which will be last for life where you are expected to understand the basic principles and apply it in your every days life.
1. The diet is originally created to prevent heart disease; weight loss in only one of its side effect.
2. Low saturated and trans fats; most diet author, nutritionist, or physician will suggest you to minimize consumption of these kind of fats. South Beach Diet food list will help you do that.
3. Fast weight loss feature; up to 13 pounds in the 1st phase.
4. All the foods in this diet is selected based on low Glycemic Index (GI), thus restrict junk food consumption.
5. When you finish 1st phase, the food selection will be broader and doesnt erase certain food groups.
6. Simple; no calories counting or portion control, just choose your foods from the food list provided.
7. With no portion restriction and complemented with 2 snacks time, hunger definitely is not part of the process.
1. The 1st phase is very strict, limiting the consumption of all carbohydrates completely. Some people believe that the weight loss gained during the phase is all water loss, not fat loss; this will cause you to gain weight again after you resume your carbohydrates intake.
2. Various side effects; during the strict phase 1, there are lots of side effects, including fatigue, dehydration, lack of vitamins and minerals, and weakness.
3. Using GI to determine good and bad foods is not approved by all the experts in medical community. This method is still controversial because it will remove any food with high GI even when the food is nutritionally beneficial.
4. The diet doesnt include proper instruction on exercising; this make some dieter wondering about the importance of exercise in South Beach Diet.
5. The diet will make your kidney work harder since it contain high protein intake.
6. Require extra cost; especially on the first phase since the high protein foods are more expensive than the carbohydrates foods.
7. This diet doesnt put vegetarian or people who cant eat dairy products into consideration; it forbid soy for the first two weeks and we all know that vegetarian use soy product as meat substitute. Most of the snacks suggested also contain of dairy products.
8. The fist and second phase consist of very limited food choice that can make you get bored really quickly if the cook is not creative.
9. Preparing the meals using the suggested recipes usually takes a lot of time and complicated process.
South Beach Diet is only one of many alternatives when you decide to pick a weight loss program. Put the pros and cons into consideration, you should have known whether it is good for you or not. The main issues I want to focus here is the diet offer lifetime maintenance, which is great; but it is not put consideration into the importance of exercise in a healthy diet, which is bad.
Selecting a diet that suit you is not an easy task; before you decide anything, visit Diets That Work to get a great guide regarding selecting a diet wisely and healthy diet to found out criteria that a good diet should have diet by Stefan Vincent. Hopefully by read both of them, your task will be easier
Photo By WikimediaImages from Pixabay
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South Beach Diet Pros and Cons Decide Your Diet Carefully - Good Herald
The Gymnastics Kitchen With Betsy: The Dieting Controversy – FloGymnastics

The Gymnastics Kitchen With Betsy: The Dieting Controversy
I advocate proper fueling with complex carbs, proteins, healthy fats, and anti-inflammatory foods that help repair, restore, and support the needs of agymnast.
That being said, as I travel around doing my fitness and nutrition camps, I continue to get a similar question over and over from gymnasts and parents:
Guess what? Any "diet" you go on, will work--but only temporarily!
Now, many of these diets DO have some great principles and support clean eating -- so I'm not saying they are all bad or don't have some good components.
Anytime you restrict calories and increase activity, you will lose weight. But no gymnast should be on a restricted, unbalanced, or extreme diet. Nor should they be focused on "losing weight." Most diets restrict calories and encourage eliminating or increasing certain food groups. So people think these diets work, but most of the time they are a temporary fix for a bigger problem.
The only food sources I really recommend eliminating are processed foods, which are filled with too much sodium, trans fats, and sugar (dangerous stuff). I advocate a clean eating lifestyle for my athletes and families.
Most people who eliminate gluten or sugar or fat are eliminating highly processed and higher calorie foods such asmuffins, cakes, packaged snacks, and sauces, and they increase lower calorie foods such asfruits and veggies. So of course they will lose weight.
Now, for someone who needs to kick-start weight loss or who has special medical needs or allergies --and is recommended by a physician to go on a special diet --that is a separate story. I am talking mainly for the general gymnastics population that is looking for good health andhigh performanceand to be able to power through four- to six-hour workouts and feel light and tight!
In my experience, once gymnasts starteating clean and changetheir lifestyles, results often follow. I recommend gymnasts begin by cutting back on unhealthy, processed foods and increase foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals. A healthy diet must include a balance of complex carbs, healthy fats, protein, and dairy.
2. Support fellow gymnasts during peer pressure moments You are a kid, so enjoy life and have fun and treats -- but not every single day should you be eating ice cream and french fries. No one should! It's often challenging in social situations, so just make the best choices and keep your goals in mind. This is a lifestyle -- not a diet!
3. Dig deep You are a gymnast and spend hours and hours in the gym. Do you really want a bag of M&M's for a pre-workout snack? Is that going to help you reach your goals? Make good choices for your athletic career and you will benefit from the results. Betsy McNally-Laouar is a personal fitness and gymnastics trainer certified in Sports Nutrition. She works with gymnasts all around the country online and through camps. If you need more help with gymnastics recipes, meal plans and fitness, check out her website, and email her at or her Facebook page Betsy McNally Laouar Gymnastics Nutrition and Fitness Specialist
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The Gymnastics Kitchen With Betsy: The Dieting Controversy - FloGymnastics
This Is the Most Popular Healthy Eating Plan in AmericaNo, It’s Not the Mediterranean Diet – Reader’s Digest

casanisa/ShutterstockYou might not normally associate takeoutfood with clean eating, but Grubhub, a leader in the takeout marketplace, knows that plenty of people aim for healthy options, especially with summer right around the corner. The company recently announced the results of a study of the top trendinghealthy eating plans in the United States.And its not what you might think.
For their work, Grubhub analyzed orders related to the most popular healthy eating plans in the United States: Paleo, raw diet, juice cleanse, vegan, gluten-free, low-fat, Mediterranean, and ketogenic diets. Reviewing data from 2016, Grubhub looked at a combination of dietary tags and an in-depth analyzation of foods aligned with the specific eating plans. Their analysts were then able to pinpoint the most popular eating plans across the nation, and the preferred plans by city and gender.
Their main findings:
Paleo is the most popular healthy eating choice across America, with orders increasing by 370 percent in 2016. The Paleo diet, which is the most popular eating plan in Dallas, Houston, Austin, and Philadelphia, is designed to mimic foods from our hunter-gatherer ancestors, and involves meat, fish, and other animal products, along with fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. There are no processed foods or sugar allowed. Nicole Osinga, a registered dietitian, can understand why Paleo reigns supreme among the healthy eating plans. I think the Paleo diet promotes some good conceptslots of veggies, whole foods, adequate healthy fats, and proteins. Following a Paleo diet can assist people with weight loss, as you feel full quite quickly and carbs are limited. (Theres some evidence that a Paleo diet can also help with chronic pain.) But Osinga noted that legumes are a healthy foodthat shouldnt be restricted from ones diet. In addition, excessive red meat intake can increase your risk for different types of cancers. If it were up to me, she adds, I would swap in some legumes for protein instead of some red-meat based Paleo meals.
Seattle residents ordered takeout tailored to different diet plans more than any other major city in the country, making it the most health-conscious city from the perspective of this survey. The preferred plan in Seattle was found to be a gluten-free diet, which excludes gluten, a protein found in grains such as wheat, barley, rye, and a cross between wheat and rye called triticale. Gluten-free was also the eating plan of choice in Atlanta, Phoenix, Minneapolis, and Portland, Oregon.These are thegluten-free foodsnutritionists love.
Men and women across the nation were found to have very different preferences on food. Fitness-focused men preferred a low-fat diet, which is up 21 percent from previous yearsand very popular in New York City, Boston, and San Francisco. A low-fat diet features plant foods along with a moderate amount of lean and low-fat, animal-based food.
Women favored a juice cleanse, a fasting method and a detox diet in which a person consumes only fruit and vegetable juices, abstaining from food consumption anywhere from a few days to several weeks. The popularity of juice cleanse orders soared by 89 percent over the previous year, according to the study, and was most popular in Miami and Nashville, Tennessee. If youre thinking about doing a juice cleanse or otherdetox diet, read this first.
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Raw diets saw a 92 percent increase in orders in 2016 compared to the previous year. A raw diet involves uncooked, unprocessed, and mostly organic foods with staples like raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and sprouted grains. Food may be slightly warmed but not above 118 degrees.
Vegan diet foods are on the rise, especially in Chicago, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and San JoseGrubhub saw a 58 percent increase in vegan diet orders in 2016 compared to the year before. A vegan diet is comprised of only plant-derived foods, with no animals or animal products, including flesh (land or sea animals), milk, eggs, or even honey. There are manyhealth benefits to going vegan.
You might think the Mediterranean diet, credited with amazing cardiovascular benefits, would be one of the more popular types of takeout, but in fact, orders of Mediterranean diet foodwhich featuresfruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and olive oil, and prioritizesfish and poultry over red meatincreased only 7 percent over last year. Heres how to make your diet more Mediterranean, which could help you lose weight.
Grubhub found a slight uptickjust 5 percentin takeout customers ordering food tailored to a ketogenic diet, essentially a low carb diet where the body is put into a state of burning fat instead of blood sugar for more fat loss. Heres how one woman used the ketogenic dietto drop 15 pounds in six weeks.
Did you just get hungry for some fresh, delicious restaurant food? Here are 20 tricks to eating healthy while eating out.
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This Is the Most Popular Healthy Eating Plan in AmericaNo, It's Not the Mediterranean Diet - Reader's Digest
Five questions for a serial diet book author – ABC Online

Posted June 08, 2017 12:14:06
The diet book industry is a global behemoth that has spawned hundreds of titles over the years.
From the Atkins diet to the paleo diet and lemon detox diet, there is no shortage of suggestions for how to lose that unwanted weight.
Dr Michael Mosley has built a career out of presenting TV shows on medicine and biology and in the last few years has turned his attention to diet books.
He popularised the 5:2 diet which calls for minimal calorie intake for two days a week and having unrestricted eating for the other five and more recently he has released books titled The Fast Diet, The 8-week Blood Sugar Diet and the Clever Guts Diet.
Read an edited Q&A about his growing body of work.
Absolutely not. They're all based on the latest science.
So the 5:2 diet is based on more than 40 years of research and the guy who inspired me most was Professor Mark Mattson, who is probably the world's most famous neuroscientist.
The blood sugar diet was different, it was an extension. That is based on the work of Professor Roy Taylor, who is one of the world's foremost diabetes specialists.
And this new thing, the Clever Guts Diet, is not really a calorie restriction diet, it's more about how you can look after your gut. And that in turn is based on conversations with some of the world's leading specialists, microbiome specialists.
So what I do in these books is I give you 40 or 50 scientific references. You will see a lot of endorsements from scientists including one or two Nobel Prize winners.
If they are fad diets, they are well supported by the scientific community.
Unfortunately, when people say eat healthy and exercise that doesn't mean anything.
It's like saying the way you win at footy is by scoring more points than the other side. It's true, but it's not a very healthy or helpful way of dealing with life.
You actually need to know what healthy means. So once upon a time healthy meant low fat, now we know that's almost certainly not true.
What is healthy now is probably the Mediterranean diet. Well what is the Mediterranean diet?
If you actually look at the science, what scientists describe as the Mediterranean diet is completely different to what, for example, the Department of Health in the UK would describe as one, because the Department of Health in the UK still describes the low fat diet, which has been tested and tested and tested to death.
Same is true of exercise. Yes, exercise is good for you, but what sort of exercises?
You need to do heart and lungs but you also need to do strength, and you absolutely have to put a bit of oomph into it, because just jogging along or indeed just going for a walk is not going to do a huge amount of good.
The first three worked brilliantly. They're extensions, they're for different things.
So the 5:2 diet was a kind of a starter out the gate. It was kind of intended for anyone who was a bit overweight and wanted to lose some weight and generally improve themselves.
The Fast Diet was obviously completely different, it was about what is the optimal way of exercising to get the most benefit in the least amount of time.
The Blood Sugar diet was much more aimed at people who had type 2 diabetes or who had pre-diabetes.
Clever Guts is about something different. Clever Guts is about how to improve your gut bacteria so they work with you rather than against you.
I did a degree at Oxford in politics, philosophy and economics and I was a banker.
Then I was a doctor, then I was doing psychiatry and I went into television.
Indeed, I am not a nutritionist and indeed at medical school, like most doctors, I learnt almost nothing about nutrition.
My education in nutrition began pretty much five or six years ago.
The things that qualify me to do so are, I suppose, partly I do it on myself. And partly I get access thanks to my reputation to all the world-leading experts.
So none of these books are based on my original research, they are based on the work of people who have been in the field for a decade, sometimes more, and they've very generously shared their time.
So they know what I'm doing, I'm not stealing their work, and they endorse it.
Absolutely. So the reason I did the 5:2 diet in the first place is because I discovered I was a type 2 diabetic.
And I didn't want to start medication, which is what my doctor was offering me, so I went and looked for alternatives.
I came across intermittent fasting, I made a film about it with myself as the subject. I lost 10 kilos, reversed my type 2 diabetes and that was five years ago.
With Clever Guts diet, my freezer is stuffed with poo samples.
It's gross, and I send them off to be analysed.
So these days you can get your microbiome analysed your poo analysed within a few weeks.
Topics: diet-and-nutrition, health, arts-and-entertainment, australia
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Five questions for a serial diet book author - ABC Online
People Gorged On Bread For Two Weeks To Poke Holes In Diet Wisdom – Vocativ

Which is healthier for you: bagged, processed white bread, or artisanal wheat sourdough? It might seem like the answer is obvious, yet a small new study suggestsotherwise. It might not be the nutritional content of food that determines whats good for you, but rather the microbes in your gut.
Researchers at IsraelsWeizmann Institute of Science had 20 participants spend a week eating either the white or the wheat bread as 25 percent of their entire diet, then had them switch breads. As they explain in the latest issue of Cell Metabolism, they measured a bunch of potential health effects including fat and cholesterol levels, inflammation and tissue damage, and levels of essential minerals in the participants to see how they changed when on the two bread-heavy diets. They expected the sourdough would show greater nutritional value, but the initial results showed neither bread had any effect whatsoever.
Even that wasnt quite right, thoughthe researchers had to do a bit of digging to find out the truth. About half the participants bodies showed better responses to the white bread, while the other half responded more favorably to the wheat. Taken as a whole, it looked like switching between the twobread diets made no difference at all, but considering each result individually suggested 20 unique dietary responses.
According to the researchers, the different responses are driven by whats known as the microbiome, the teeming universe of microbes inside peoples guts.
No two humans microbiomes are exactly the same, and these tiny companion organisms can have a profound and still largely not understood effect on how our bodies respond to different foods. Whats healthy to one person might be less healthyto another, because of these bacteria. The paper argues this study illustrates why universal dietary guidelines dont really work. Even if one type of bread is theoretically healthier than another, all other things being equal, the massive variation in peoples microbiomes means that all other things are never equals.
The results are intriguing, but they shouldnt be taken as proof of much of anything. After all, this is a tiny study, with just 20 participants gorging ontwo different types of bread for a week each. Nutritional science has plenty of holes, but a study like this can at best only take the tiniest of first steps in filling them in.
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People Gorged On Bread For Two Weeks To Poke Holes In Diet Wisdom - Vocativ
John McClaughry: The Real Health Care Issue – Promoting Wellness – Caledonian Record

The news media are reporting the battle in Washington over the future of ObamaCare, and its proposed replacement American Health Care Act, as mainly a debate over coverage.
This is understandable, but the national debate over health care policy ought to be far more broad. We need to look more closely at why, aside from accidents, people need health care.
Paul Jarris MD was Vermonts exceptionally able Health Commissioner in 2004. At a Snelling Institute conference I attended, Paul told us that 51% of Vermonters suffered chronic illnesses, and 78% of our health care dollars were spent on them. Other estimates of the contribution to health problems of personal lifestyle choices tobacco, alcohol, drugs, obesity, inactivity etc. are in the 40-50% range.
If 40-50% of our health care spending results from poor patient choices, how can we find more effective ways to influence patients to make better choices, and so reduce the enormous expenditures that they are causing?
At a health policy conference in Texas last spring I listened to a persuasive talk by John Mackey, founder and CEO of Whole Food Market. Much of his talk is included in his new book The Whole Foods Diet, coauthored with two MDs.
In it Mackey describes the conference that Dr. David Katz of Yale organized, with 21 well-known advocates for various healthy diets. While differences in emphasis remained, all of the experts agreed that a healthy dietary pattern is higher in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low- or nonfat dairy, seafood, legumes and nuts; moderate in alcohol (among adults), lower in red and processed meats, and low in sugar-sweetened foods and drinks and refined grains.
Add to that regular physical activity, avoidance of tobacco, drugs, and liquor, and a positive and rewarding social environment, and you have a consensus path to lifelong health.
Mackey himself is a vegan (no meat, fish, eggs or dairy) but he stops short of promoting that plan. His recommendation is simple: eat whole foods instead of highly processed foods, and get 90% or more of your calories from plant foods.
Mackey tells how Whole Foods Market offers free weeklong wellness immersion programs to its employees. Often these men and women started out overweight or obese, diabetic, or suffering from high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, and other life threatening conditions. Many have seen dramatic results in even just one week, and have gone on to lose weight and in some cases have completely reversed their diseases.
Why does Whole Foods Market do this? Partly to illustrate the benefits of a whole foods diet along with other positive choices, and partly because Whole Foods Market wants to keep its employees healthy and control their companys health care costs.
The company is far from alone in doing this. In the 1990s Quad/Graphics in Wisconsin organized its own employee wellness subsidiary QuadMed that now manages programs in hundreds of locations. Marathon Health, headquartered in Winooski, provides onsite and near-site health centers and wellness programs for employers at over 130 locations in 40 States. Last month it won the Deane C. Davis Vermont Business of the Year Award.
Creative private sector programs like these can and do influence employees to make good health choices. For people who dont work for enlightened employers, civic and religious organizations like the Napa County (CA) Community Health Improvement Plan and the Blue Zones Project exist that work along the same lines.
Congress needs to make decisions about coverage, to be sure. Any next generation Federal health care policy ought to include income-tested support for catastrophic insurance that reduces the role of third party payments, tax equity for individual premium payers, expanded Health Savings Accounts to pay for ordinary medical expenses, preventive care and wellness programs, state-level innovation for Medicaid acute-care coverage, high risk pools to cover uninsurables, and improved price and outcome transparency to facilitate increased provider competition.
It should also recognize and support private sector health and wellness programs like Whole Foods, and effective motivational efforts that help people from grade school on to identify and avoid the poor choices that will cause them misery, and cost the taxpayers countless billions of dollars each year.
John McClaughry is vice president of the Ethan Allen Institute (
John McClaughry: The Real Health Care Issue - Promoting Wellness - Caledonian Record
Tutu’s House 6-6-17 – West Hawaii Today

Tutu's House 6-6-17 West Hawaii Today Aston Fitness Floor Work will be held from noon-1:30 p.m. June 14 with Judith Aston, developer of this program, and a pioneer in the field of movement education and bodywork. This class welcomes new and previous students of the Aston sampler, Senior ... |
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Tutu's House 6-6-17 - West Hawaii Today
Marysville to consider ‘road diet’ for Huron Blvd. – Port Huron Times Herald

One of the 300 semis that travel every day to and from the Daimler Chrysler plant in Marysville drives along Huron Boulevard.(Photo: Times Herald.)Buy Photo
Marysvilles Huron Boulevard could look a little different after its reconstruction begins next year, and officials hope the change will calm the roadways traffic.
The city is planning a three-phase rebuild of the roadway between M-29 andGratiot Boulevard at a cost of roughly $1.8 million. Construction is expected to start in 2018 and last two years.
The project, however, would not only reconstruct the road, as announced earlier this year, but also change its layout. Officials said the adjustment comes after the engineering firm hired to design the project surveyed the road and traffic volumes this spring.
Vehicles travel along Huron Boulevard Friday, June 2, 2017 in Marysville. The city is planning a three-phase rebuild of the roadway between M-29 and Gratiot Boulevard, reducing it from a four-lane road to one lane in each direction with a center left turn lane.(Photo: JEFFREY M. SMITH, TIMES HERALD)
Huron Boulevardis currently a four-lane road with two lanes heading each way. Barry Kreiner, Marysvilles director of public services, said after construction it will bethree lanes one travel lane in each direction and a left-turn lane down the middle. Intersections would get right-turn lanes.
Its a safety factor. Theres a lot of activity around the schools. Thats one of the main concerns, Kreiner said, pointing tothe area near Marysville High School. Its safety for kids. A lot of people come across 14thStreet and try to zip across four lanes into school parking lots. There are accidents there.
Marysville planning to rebuild Huron Blvd.
Federal funds will pay for 75 percent of the work, and with each year, a different section will be reconstructed.
City Manager Randy Fernandez said the change likely is more cost effective, but safety trumps that.
Patrick Phelan, of firm BMJ Engineers and Surveyors, previously explained the study of the roadway to the City Council. He called the new design a road diet, that would calm traffic by encouraging lower speeds.
Huron Boulevard has a traffic count of more than 4,000 vehicles a day,according to the Southeastern Michigan Council of Governments. The roadway between Gratiot and Michigan also sees an average of four crashes a year.
Vehicles travel along Huron Boulevard Friday, June 2, 2017 in Marysville. The city is planning a three-phase rebuild of the roadway between M-29 and Gratiot Boulevard, reducing it from a four-lane road to one lane in each direction with a center left turn lane.(Photo: JEFFREY M. SMITH, TIMES HERALD)
Kreiner said engineers still have to turn their designs into the state for approval. For road diets to work, he said roadways have to carry 20,000 or fewer vehicles daily.
The only thing is if youre around 15,000, they require you to do an extra study just to support what youre proposing, but were so far below, we dont have to do that, he said.
Kreiner, also a member of the Marysville school board, said the city has met with some school officials, who support the measure. He said the full board will also get the BMJ presentation at its June meeting.
Additionally, now that council members have had a chance to ask questions, Fernandez said planning commissioners will too.
They will also hear about this proposal in case they want to weigh in, he said. One action item to approve or disapprove. We dont need to get their approval, but its just us doing our due diligence to include as many partners as we can in the process.
Contact Jackie Smith at (810) 989-6270 or Follow her on Twitter @Jackie20Smith.
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Marysville to consider 'road diet' for Huron Blvd. - Port Huron Times Herald
You Should Know How Your Diet Is Supposed To Work – Good Herald

The vast majority of people start dieting in order to lose weight. Losing weight can be accomplished in a number of ways. A diet is simply a specific method for accomplishing that task.
When one decides that they need to lose weight, the first thing that must be considered is the reason for wanting to lose weight. Is the weight loss going to be directed at a way to gain better health or is it more of a vanity reason? The reason for dieting is as important as the method used to lose the weight.
If attaining a more healthy lifestyle and striving for better health is the reason, it should not be of any concern how long the dieting takes to achieve the weight loss goal, if in fact there is a goal. If good health is the main objective, length of time should not be an issue because the diet should simply be a part of a life-style change in which the dieting change would be a long-term part of the life-style anyway.
If, on the other hand, vanity is the reason and the dieting person is hell bent on losing a significant amount of weight in a short period of time in order to fit into an object of clothing or simply to look great at the class reunion in a month, the method chosen for dieting will be completely different and, most likely, quite unhealthy.
Long term lifestyle type diets are usually of the type that occur in small increments of weight loss and continue as exercise is slowly increased and more healthy food, in smaller portions is consumed. These are usually quite simple diets that dont cause a significant amount of suffering as long as the dieting person is committed to the long-term goals.
The vanity type diet is usually a quick but very self-denying diet in which the dieting person eats very little or eats foods that do not tempt the pallet as far as taste or attractiveness go. Often, very large amounts of water are incorporated into these diets and most people do not drink enough water to begin with. When they are confronted with the need to increase their water intake significantly, they hesitate or they are not very compliant. Water, when one is not thirsty, simply does not taste very good.
The vanity diet also usually requires a substantial increase in activity in the form of exercise and most people have a strong aversion to that form of activity.
There are also diets that are not in either the lifestyle change nor the vanity dieting lists but are really a forced lifestyle change that is completely necessary for the dieting person to continue to live. Once such diet is the diabetic diet. If one ignores their diabetes and continues to eat large amounts of carbohydrates, as most Americans do, they will eventually suffer serious health deterioration. So, the necessary-for-life diets are not the ones we are really concerned with in this article.
There are a number of different diets available for each of the non-necessity diets. The basic lifestyle change diet has already been described though some of the latter day fad diets are also appropriate for long-term dieting if the person doing the dieting is indeed dedicated to the lifestyle change. Some specific fad diets that would work for this person are the Atkins or low-carb diet, The Zone diet or the South Beach diet.
The extreme vanity diet person can also use the low carb diet for fast weight loss or they can try starvation or if they really want to lose weight fast and suffer a bit more but at least retain some type of decent health, they can attempt the Lemonade Diet.
The lemonade diet is highly effective but is more a fast than a diet and a special mixture of water, cayenne pepper, lemon juice and syrup are required. One must be highly dedicated to losing weight for this diet to work as no food is allowed for a period of at least ten days and the Lemonade dieter will feel worse before they feel like a million dollars. The diet is extremely effective for losing ten pounds or more in ten days though. The added benefit of this diet is that it does a thorough job of cleaning the colon.
Each one of the above mentioned diets should be highly suspect and not just accepted for its reputation or the current fad. One who is considering dieting should, at the very least, buy the book that is written about the diet in order to learn how the diet works with the body and effects the different body systems. Each of the authors has a lot of information included in their book about these concerns.
The main point of this article is to point out to anyone who is considering dieting that they should be very careful and choose a diet that meets their goals and health concerns. Dont blindly go into any diet without knowing how its supposed to effect you, what youre supposed to eat while on the diet, how much weight you are expected to lose in a specific period of time and what are the benefits and health concerns that attach to that diet.
In fact, it is a very good idea to discuss any diet plans with your health care professional prior to starting or even considering one of the above diets.
Gary Vaughn is a Master RN with many valuable years of experience. Marketing health care and dieting products is one of his specialties. His website can be located at Repair My Weight
Photo By chrystalizabeth from Pixabay
You Should Know How Your Diet Is Supposed To Work - Good Herald
Pre-wedding diets: trying to come to terms with my ‘bridal’ body – Metro

Metro | Pre-wedding diets: trying to come to terms with my 'bridal' body Metro Promising myself that one day I'll be thin is my life's work. Every January, this is going to be the year. Every Spring, this is going to be the summer. Every time we move flat, or I change job, each milestone of my existence is supposed to signify the ... |
Pre-wedding diets: trying to come to terms with my 'bridal' body - Metro