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Finding The Perfect Health Diet – Good Herald

Going on a perfect health diet will work wonders for you. It will provide you the kind of body you always wanted to acquire. A health diet will also work towards keeping you healthy and stay away from several health related problems such as obesity, bad cholesterol levels and build up of toxic elements.
However, finding out a perfect diet for yourself is a hard nut to crack. It requires a good amount of hard work on the part of individual to find out the perfect diet that suits his or her body type. This has become all the more difficult with hundreds of companies claiming to provide best of health products and thousands of health clubs promising to provide you the best health diet chart. Dont worry you can find out what suits and works for you with some easy tips.
Here are some great tips to find out a healthy diet that works for you:
a) Research
If you have decided to go on a diet, the first thing you need to do is to research. You should carefully consider all the options available. Visit libraries, websites and read up on almost all kinds of diet options available. Since, there are a hundreds of diet options to opt from. You need to know the differences between all the diets. This will provide you great help for finding out the best diet that suits your specific health requirements.
b) Diet varies
Everyone is different and every persons diet requirements vary according to a number of factors. Each person has different height, weight, health and level of activity. All these factors play a great role in the type of diet that will suit a person. You need to look for a diet thats meant for your body type.
c) Consult a professional
This is very important if you want a diet that works for you in possible way. A doctor is the best person to provide you the diet chart according to the health state you are currently in. You may also visit a specialist or a nutritionist prior to going on a diet.
d)Nutritional Diet Plan Make sure that you dont go for a crash diet. The health diet you adopt should be nutritional and capable of providing you all the vital ingredients required to keep you healthy. Going on a health diet doesnt mean that you require to torture your body with hunger pang. Nourish your body with nutritional elements minus the fat.
e) Tasty meal plan
Going on a health diet doesnt mean that you kill your taste buds. A lot of people think that one needs to eat tasteless food when going on a weight loss program. It is not easy to ask a person to abstain from streets or anything that has been exciting his task buds for a long time. It just means that you require to reduce the amount of calories you take instead of giving up on your favorite food items totally. Try to create a food plan that includes your food preferences. It will make it much easier for you to succeed on the diet.
f) Physical activity
Once you have chosen a health diet plan for yourself, you can be sure that you are on the road to weight loss soon. However, you also require to make sure that you work out to make your plan successful.
For more Articles, News, Information, Advice, and Resources about Diet please visit GET WELL and FIT and NUTRIENT BASICS and TOP FIT with EXERCISE
Photo By goranmx from Pixabay
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Finding The Perfect Health Diet - Good Herald
Best Diet 3 Key Features Your Diet MUST Have For Weight Loss Success – Good Herald

So youve made the resolution that THIS is the year youre going to lose weight and get in the best shape of your life. Youre not going to settle for second best youre going to achieve that dream body youve always wanted.
Great news this is actually the best time to make that commitment. Why? Because you can take advantage of the powerful momentum and energy a New Year brings to achieve your weight loss dreams.
But theres nothing worse than committing to lose weight, only to get lost among the 5 gazillion diets out there. It can get confusing you may end up wasting a lot of money and effort. You may end up wondering which diet is really the BEST diet for you.
In order to have rapid weight loss success, you have to find the best diet for you (a.k.a. the diet that will speed you towards your dream body at lightning pace). There are millions of diets but only a few that are best for you and your lifestyle.
The best diet for you will have the 3 key features listed below. Choose your diet with these 3 key features in mind and youre already halfway to your weight loss dreams.
#1 Proven Success Rate
Are there before and after pictures of people who have lost weight with that particular diet? Are there customer testimonials? Have there been independent studies done on the diets success rate?
The diet you choose doesnt have to have all three of these but try to find at least some kind of proven success rate before choosing that particular program.
Finding a diet with a proven success rate not only lets you know that the diet works but it also helps give you the confidence that the diet will work FOR YOU.
Confidence is one of the most underrated factors in a successful weight loss program. If youve tried and failed with diets before you especially need that extra boost of confidence to carry you through the more difficult times in the diet. By reminding yourself that this diet has been proven to work youll be able to keep going and reach your weight loss goals.
A related feature that gets extra points is if the diet has been recommended by an expert or a physician. Again this boosts your confidence that the diet is safe and effective.
#2 Affordable.
Losing weight should not cost you thousands of dollars (unless were talking about surgery here and thats an entirely different article). The best diet will be affordable for the average person.
If the diet costs too much, be very suspicious and look elsewhere. There are too many shady diets out there and as a consumer, it pays to be cautious.
Ill give you an example of what I mean:
A close friend of mine went to a well-known weight loss clinic in our area and was told she had to pay the yearly fees up front (around $ 1000 NOT including food). They also told her she had to buy their food in bulk (like $ 500 for a years worth of chocolate). When the chocolate gave her heart palpitations and she had to take it back, they told her it was non-refundable. She was out the money for the chocolate. Plus, she feels she cant leave the program because shes paid the yearly fees (which, you guessed it, are also non-refundable).
She unfortunately made the mistake of ignoring her instincts and paying way too much money for a diet program. If you notice youre being asked for hefty fees right out of the gate, warning lights should be flashing in your mind.
Now on the other hand, the best diet WILL cost you something. It actually is better if you put some cash on the table for your diet program. Why? Because when we invest in something were more likely to stick with it. When we invest in something we are more likely to follow through and get the results we want.
For example I did a liver detox several months ago. Im not really into liver detoxing but I read an article and figured Id try it.
The detox kit cost me a whopping $ 50 and when I opened the instructions they told me I had to give up junk food for two weeks. In any other universe I would have laughed and simply forgotten about detoxing my liver. But because Id shelled out $ 50, I was invested I decided that I hopefully wouldnt starve from lack of junk food over two weeks and suffered through it.
If Id gotten the detox kit for free theres no way I would have followed those instructions. But because I was invested, I followed through and now have a healthier liver thanking me for it.
So when searching for the best diet, putting out some money on yourself and your dreams of a better body is actually a healthy thing. Just keep in mind that you shouldnt have to spend thousands of dollars on it.
#3 Compatible with Your Tastes and Lifestyle
This is THE most crucial step however its the one where most people go wrong. When choosing a diet, they simply pick one and go, without considering if it is compatible with their tastes and lifestyle.
For example, if you hate feeling deprived or empty you might want to choose a program that lets you eat many times during the day so you dont feel hungry. If you get bored easily you want a diet program that gives you tremendous variety and flexibility. If you dont do a lot of cooking or food preparation, youll want to look at a program where the food is pre-made for you.
Diets are like cars there are hundreds of different models out there, each with their own unique features. And they can get you where you want to go. But your personality might fit better with certain features than others.
Dieting is hard enough. Dont make it harder on yourself by choosing a diet not compatible with who you are. Setting yourself up for success will also guarantee that youll stick it out until you reach your goal.
And one other thing, the best diet will be one that you can get excited about. Choose a diet that you enjoy, that you believe in, that may actually be gulp fun.
Emotional excitement will fade in time, yes. But it can give you enough of an emotional push to get you over the initial hump. By that time your first few pounds will have come off and will serve as your continuing motivation.
So those are 3 key considerations when looking for the best diet. Keep them in mind and you will progress in leaps and bounds towards your dream body. Remember, planning now may seem boring but its the key to your future weight loss success.
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Photo By PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay
Original post:
Best Diet 3 Key Features Your Diet MUST Have For Weight Loss Success - Good Herald
What you need to know about CSIRO’s Flexi Diet – The New Daily

The CSIRO has, perhaps surprisingly, launched a new diet that includes intermittent fasting three days a week.
It might sound counterintuitive, as fasting diets have traditionally been considered about as ineffective and nutritionally inadequate as the much-maligned Atkins or cabbage soup diets. But research now shows that they can be just as effective as standard, calorie-controlled diets.
The weekly Flexi program, which is available in pharmacies and offers a recipe book along with online resources, comprises three fasting or control days where dieters consume 40 per cent of their energy requirements, three kilojoule-controlled classic days and one free flexi day where there are no dietary restrictions.
Meal-replacement shakes, soups and bars are consumed on control and classic days in addition to whole, food-based meals and snacks.
The program is based on comprehensive research by the CSIRO which saw participants following a fasting diet in the 16-week trial lose an average of 11 kilograms each and see improvements in cholesterol, insulin, glucose and blood pressure levels.
CSIRO research dietitian Dr Jane Bowen says the diet offers an alternative to traditional, calorie-controlled diets because it focuses on routine and energy intake over a full week.
This is something a bit different that will suit some people because the routine of the meal replacement can really help people know what they need to do, and a lot of people respond to that level of structure and prescription, she says.
Theyre able to vary their energy intake, so some days they eat less, which enables them to eat more on other days. We know that life gets in the way and often people will fall off the wagon [of a typical diet] if they have a wedding or a party.
Associate Professor Amanda Salis, from the University of Sydney, says a growing body of research shows that intermittent fasting stacks up against more typical approaches to weight loss.
Whether youre doing a diet that involves continuously restricting the amount of kilojoules you consume from one day to the next or whether you do an intermittent fasting diet, the research is showing that at the end of three, six and now even 12 months that your weight loss will be similar, she says.
And even though meal-replacement products may sound like they belong with the fad diets of old, the experts agree they are an essential component of the Flexi program.
The fasting days are much more likely to be nutritionally incomplete its pretty hard to have a fasting day that meets nutrition requirements without using meal replacements, says dietitian Melanie McGrice, a spokesperson for the Dietitians Association of Australia.
Crucially, however, the control group in the CSIROs research consumed an energy-restricted diet every day of the week and also lost 11 kilos, so nutrition research scientist Dr Tim Crowe says its important not to discount traditional approaches to weight loss.
The results look impressive, but the control group who were on a more traditional calorie-controlled diet for seven days a week, consisting of two meal replacements and one healthy meal of vegetables and protein, also had the same amount of weight loss, he says.
Fasting diets do work for weight loss, but not everyone has the same success. And when you compare them to more traditional diets, they dont offer an extra advantage for long-term weight loss.
See the article here:
What you need to know about CSIRO's Flexi Diet - The New Daily
Ayesha Curry Shares How She Lost 20 Pounds Without Going on a Diet – POPSUGAR

Chat with us on Facebook Messenger. Learn what's trending across POPSUGAR.
"Since January, I lost 20 pounds," Ayesha Curry told me after she stepped off the BottleRock culinary stage this weekend. "Once my daughter was 1 and a half, I was like, 'I don't have a baby anymore. I need to step it up. I don't have an excuse.'" If you follow Ayesha's Instagram Stories, she has posted herself working out in spite of her busy work and travel schedule. If she's not boxing, she's tossing around a kettlebell, planking like a badass, or hitting a SoulCycle class.
"I've been working my butt off, but I'm not a dieter," Ayesha told me. "I'm not a nutritionist, but I don't think people should go on diets and alter their lifestyle. It's about balance and not depriving yourself of the things you love." Ayesha held up the cocktail she had in her hand, "I'm here drinking these today, but it's about portion control. My trainer taught me it's about densely nutritious food. I eat a lot of beans, smoked fish, light proteins, and avocados. I'm eating a lot, but I'm not eating bad foods. I do enjoy an occasional butter cake when I'm craving it. I think the key to a happy, healthy lifestyle is being happy and healthy in your mind."
Ayesha did share that she's had one big setback, but she's not letting it stop her from staying on track. "I just pulled a hamstring," she lamented. "It was so devastating. It's almost Summer. It's like prom night, and you find a zit on your face. I was like, 'No! Not the hamstring!' But I've been doing a lot of ab work."
Travel and expenses for the author were provided by Alaska Airlines for the purpose of writing this story.
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Read more from the original source:
Ayesha Curry Shares How She Lost 20 Pounds Without Going on a Diet - POPSUGAR
Fitness Fridays: Anowa Adjah On Fitness After Having Twins And Being 200 Pounds Of Muscle – MadameNoire

So its no longer May, which was National Physical Fitness and Sports Month as well as Womens Health Month. However, we had so much doing Fitness Fridays. Its been a treat to profile Black women who have transformed their bodies and health and are showingthousands of other women how to do the same through their social media platforms. Therefore, were going to keep it going.
With that being said, meet Anowa Adjah. Shes known as being the first full-figured fitness phenomenon because of the fact that while shes over 200 pounds (and 510), shes all muscle. Oh, and a lot of curve. Through hard work and a very protein-centered diet, Adjah has been able to lose thegut and keep the butt. Shes showing other women how to do that with her workout videos, nearly 250,000 followers on Instagramand fitness challenges. On June 5 shes starting a new 21-day challenge that thousands of women have already signed up for (more on that below). She manages to do all of this, and train extensively, while balancing being the mother of 4-year-old twin boys. We talked to her about her fitness journey, working to get her body back after her C-section and the advice she has for fellow mothers trying to work out while focusing on parenthood and career.
MadameNoire: How long has fitness been important to you? Have you been an athlete most of your life or is it something you made a priority after having children?
Anowa Adjah: Well, I was blessed. I was surrounded by fitness. My mother was a former athlete. She was a gym rat, so I learned how to be active and be healthy from my mother. Unfortunately, she got pregnant when she was going to try out for the Nigerian Olympic track team. So fitness runs in my family. Every single one of my siblings I have one brother and two sisters who are all athletes. We were all athletes. I played basketball, I did track and field, I did field hockey, and I also was a dancer. My parents were very forthright with having us involved in those type of activities and Im very grateful.
I was reading that you were worried about how your body would bounce back after having your twins via C-section. So what was the process for you during and after pregnancy to get back to where you wanted to be?
Im going to be honest with you. I admire all these people who have a quick snapback [laughs]. But for me, I was carrying twins. So after my fourth month pregnant, I decided to and at that moment I had just finished shooting my first DVD workout series. I remember right after that I wasnt feeling too great. So I made the decision not to train or do anything too strenuous for the rest of my pregnancy. I did regular cardio, but I didnt do too much during the pregnancy. After I had my sons, I got clearance to work out at eight weeks. I waited it out to about nine weeks to start training and I started really slow. I engaged in a lot of cardio activity. I did treadmill, Stairmaster I just tried to shed the fat off first. It wasnt really about weightlifting at first. Because after you have a pregnancy, and especially with me having the C-section, I had to be very careful with some of the exercises I would do because I didnt want to reopen the incision or put myself in a bad situation. So I really eased my way back into the gym. Thats how I started. As far as what I was eating, I was breastfeeding also at the time with supplements and everything else. I had to eat. It was a process. I shed the weight but my abdominal region was a whole other monster. Its easier for the uterus to go back to its normal size when you give birth vaginally. But with a C-section, its an abdominal surgery, so that process is a lot more grueling and it takes time. Youre basically trying to heal and recover while also shrinking that uterus back to size.
Although I was exercising and shedding weight, it took some time for my abdominal region to somewhat look normal. And even from that, I had a hernia, I had abdominal separation, so I knew at that moment, I couldnt do basic exercises and do what Id done before to get back in shape. This was a completely different monster. And so, through that, I just started to do my research about people with similar conditions and I just started to test out exercises to see if I could fix the issue myself. Because my doctors told me I would need surgery. And through that process I sort of got it down and I created Lose the Butt, Keep the Gutt, which was my third workout DVD series and it was very helpful. But theres this hype now about a resurgence and explosion of women who have a snapback within weeks of having babies. Thats very unrealistic for many other women. If this is your first pregnancy, some women they snapback because theyre younger. But people need to take into account the very different circumstances theyre in. Theres age, which is a factor. Theres of course prior health history, the type of birth you had, multiples theres so many things that play a factor. I was in the best shape of my life at the moment, I was an athlete, and I struggled. It took some time for me to get back into shape. But through me having that experience, which was very humbling, I learned a lot about my body. I also learned a lot about how I can also help other women in their journey of having children.
What kind of meals do you consume? It has to be hard when you raise kids and you have them to keep in mind but you have your own diet you want to keep in check.
I do a high-protein, low-carb diet. Im very big on toning and muscle development and sculpting the body, not just shedding unhealthy fat. With so many people now, theres these crazes, these cleanses they can do within weeks to shed the fat. However, theyre shedding the fat while losing elasticity because theyre not training those muscles. So what I learned is that by having a high-protein diet, it also helps with muscle development and muscle growth. With my diet, I eat more fish than of course regular meat, and I eat a lot of leafy greens. Nuts. Sometimes I eat some vegan things but people also need to remind themselves, because I think people automatically think that because something is vegan its healthy, but not everything thats vegan means its healthy in terms of what your goals might be. There are things that are vegan that are high in calories, so you have to just do your research. So thats what I do, and Im very adamant about consuming protein within a designated amount of time. I always tell my challengers or clients, eating every two to three hours is important in quickening your metabolism, which is going to help for a higher calorie burn and greater weight loss. So thats the diet that I practice and its been effective for many people. I promote curves and embracing yourself, but I also embrace health. With that muscle growth, youre still able to sustain your figure, but its a healthier version of you.
So how have you been able to Lose the gut and keep the butt as your merchandise says? Because a lot of people want to get in shape but dont want to lose their curves.
Its about being informed. Im doing my research as a fitness professional. And the way Ive designated these exercises, it really attacks the fat. But at the same time, I also address building the muscle. Im very big on legs. A large amount of my exercises will be contingent upon lower body exercise. Im also a huge fan of HIIT. Im a huge fan of burning the highest amount of calories in the lowest amount of time. Also, I always try to tell women, Look at a sprinters body and look at a long-distance runner. And then theyre like, Oooh. Theyre getting it. Im not totally against the long-winded cardio because if youre trying to lose a large amount of weight, you definitely want to incorporate that style. And HIIT is not the ideal exercise for someone whos 300 pounds. But Im definitely not against HIIT for people trying to shed 15 to 20 pounds. And for women trying to push themselves a little more, Im a fan of that. Youll see greater results.
Can you give me your top three strength moves?
People are going to hate me: Burpees. Burpees are a total body workout. Theyre a cardiovascular monster! Im a huge squat girl. And I can definitely say right now that Im huge on core, so Im really big on planks. If you just do those three moves repeatedly for a workout, I swear to God, it will feel like you worked your butt off [laughs]. But you did work your entire body.
Tell us more about your upcoming 21-day challenge!
Its going to challenge you, its going to push you. I alwayssay to participants, Think about the one thing youve always wanted. They think about. Then I say to them, How hard was it to get it? Thats life. This is not going to be a walk in the park. Thats why so many of these fad diets where people shed weight in a dramatic amount of time end up gaining it back. Its not teaching you how to change your life, its just telling you that you can do this and get this in this amount of time. Quicker results! But think about it. Theres nothing in life thats easy. Theres always a cost to everything that you do. So my program is very big on that, especially with these challenges.
When people gain a lot of weight or have a lot of weight on them, a lot of the time its traumatic. Theres something that has gone on thats caused them to emotionally attach themselves to food. Im not a psychologist, but Ive always believed that by getting to the root of those issues and addressing them, it helps prevent people from relapsing, teaches people to appreciate their life and their body and appreciate the process to obtain it. So, I challenge you, I push you, but I wouldnt have it any other way. Because if you really want this body, youre going to push yourself more and youre going to appreciate it more and not want to go back to that place.
How have you been able to juggle training others, working, working out, doing these challenges and videos and being a mom of two?
Im going to give people this piece of advice that my therapist gave me [laughs]. I remember I was just overwhelmed. I had the babies, everything, I was telling myself, I just gotta get it done. And I sat down with a therapist and he said to me, Youve got a lot going on. Your life, whether you realize it or not, whether you accept it or not, is stress induced. Its because you have such a demanding life. And he encouraged me. He said, With your life, you need to have an outlet almost every week. You need to treat yourself every week to balance that out. So what I do now is pretty much this: Moms, we create the order of how we would like our day to go. But if something is thrown off because of something with the kids, there has to be a level of acceptance that children are very unpredictable, having kids is unpredictable. So you sort of have to just rock with it and go with the flow. Withmy business, Im an entrepreneur, so I dont normally have the 9 to 5 sometimes. But what Ive learned to do now is draw out pockets of time where I can not work and not even address things. I have business partners overseas and sometimes they hit me on a Saturday. I know there are emergency situations and once in a while you address them, but Ive said to them, Listen, let me handle what I need to handle during the week because on the weekends I have to shut down. Womenhave to allow themselves a minute to shut down. I think that so many times were like, Oh I have to get this done! No, not really.There are things we can always put off until a better time. Ive learned to organize my life a lot better and really reassess my priority list. What can be done the next day? Does this have to be done today? Does this have to be done with my children? And taking young children out while youre trying to handle business is a stressor. So I also encourage a lot of women to handle a lot of the responsibilities that they can without their kids so they can think with a clear mind and be able to fully address and focus on your children.
I believe that having that block of time where youre pampering yourself or giving yourself a moment is necessary. I used to just sit in Starbucks with my green tea and look out into the sky. That was so peaceful for me. Those moments are extremely important for moms and I dont want them to apologize for those moments because your children need you whole.
Follow Anowa Adjah on Instagram, Twitterand Facebook, and visit her website, Check out our other Fitness Friday profiles here.
Images courtesy of Anowa Adjah
Follow this link:
Fitness Fridays: Anowa Adjah On Fitness After Having Twins And Being 200 Pounds Of Muscle - MadameNoire
Autism Symptoms Not Aided By Special Diets, Supplements – Psychiatry Advisor

Psychiatry Advisor | Autism Symptoms Not Aided By Special Diets, Supplements Psychiatry Advisor HealthDay News There is no solid evidence that any diet changes or supplements to ease symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) work, according to research published online in Pediatrics. The new review findings were based on 19 clinical trials. |
See the original post:
Autism Symptoms Not Aided By Special Diets, Supplements - Psychiatry Advisor
Professor who campaigned to ban trans fats dies at 102 – Washington Post

Fred Kummerow sounded equal parts relieved and content on that Tuesday afternoonin June 2015. The Food and Drug Administration had decided to ban artificial trans fats from the U.S. food supply, finally eliminating a key culprit in the rising rates of heart disease in the nation.
Kummerow, then a 100-year-old University of Illinois professor, had spent nearly six decades warningabout the dangers of the artery-clogging substance and fighting an often lonely battleto ban it, and he was finallyseeing his work vindicated.
Science won out, Kummerow, who sued the FDA in 2013 for not acting sooner, told me that day. It's very important that we don't have this in our diet.
Kummerow died Wednesday at his home in Urbana, Ill., knowing that his research likely has saved thousands andthousands of lives.
Professor Kummerow was a maverick and a trailblazer, and his vision and persistence are, to this day, transforming the American diet, the university's chancellor, Robert Jones, said in a statement. We are lucky that he chose to use his intellectual gifts in this way, and that, in spite of decades of opposition and hardship, he never gave up.
He was nothing if not persistent.
As a young university researcher in the 1950s, Kummerow persuaded a local hospital to let him examine the arteries of people who had died from heart disease. He was startled to find that the tissue contained high levels of artificial trans fat, a substance that had been discovered decades earlier but had become ubiquitous in processed foods throughout the country.
He later showed that lab rats developedatherosclerosis after being fed artificial trans fats. When he removed the substance from their diets, the atherosclerosis all but vanished.
Kummerow first published his research warning about the dangers of artery-clogging trans fats in 1957. He soon began to detail the massive amounts oftrans fat in the shortening and margarines lining grocery shelves, and he worked to persuade food companies to lower the content of trans fats in their products.
But despite his growing body of research and his repeated warnings, Kummerow spent decades as a sort of lone voice in the wilderness. His recommendations largely were ignored. Artificial trans fats remained a staple of processed food for decades. Even into the 1980s, many scientists and public health advocates insistedthat partially hydrogenated oils were preferable to more natural saturated fats. The food industry was slow to move away from its embrace of artificial trans fats, which were cheaper than natural ingredients, offered longer shelf life and an appealing taste and texture in food.
Bythe 1990s, more and more studies revealedthat trans fats were a a key contributor to soaring rates of heart disease in the country.The advocacy group Center for Science in the Public Interest petitioned the FDA in 1994 to require that the substance be listed on nutrition labels a move the agency put into place in 2006.
As the dangers of trans fat became unmistakable, public opinion also shifted, and food companies increasingly removed the substance from products voluntarily, though it remained in a broad range of foods, from cake frostings to baked goods.
Frustrated by the lack of action, Kummerow at age 94 filed a 3,000-word citizen petition with the FDA in 2009, requesting that it ban partially hydrogenated fat from the American diet. His 3,000-word petition citedthe mounting body of evidence against trans fat.
Everybody should read my petition because it will scare the hell out of them, he said at the time.
Four years after filing his petition and hearing nothing, Kummerow suedthe FDA and the Department of Health and Human Services in 2013, with the help of a California law firm. The suit sought tocompel the agency to respond to Kummerow's petition and to ban partially hydrogenated oils unless a complete administrative review finds new evidence for their safety.
Three months later, the FDA announced its plans to effectively eliminate trans fats by saying that the substanceno longer would be assumedsafe for use in human foods. In June 2015, the agency finalized thatinitial proposal and gave manufacturers three years to reformulate products or to petition the agency for an exception.
Kummerow, who maintained his university lab until the age of 101 and who was knownto dip into his own pocket to pay the scientists who worked with him, was more than just a scientist. He also was an outspoken citizen.
A recent Chicago Tribune article detailed how archivists going through his 110 boxes of papers found a man interestednot just in studying lipid biochemistry in his lab, but engaged in everything from the national debtto wars to clean energy:
In addition to one book and 400-plus scientific papers he authored in his career are letters to five U.S. presidents, members of Congress and other people of distinction on topics such as the national debt, the Vietnam War, nuclear weapons and energy. University officials plan to include these letters in the archives because they are indicative of the times in which Kummerow worked and show his personal commitment to the well-being of the people and his country.
I don't know if it made a difference, Kummerow says in retrospect. But it might have.
There's little doubt that hemade a difference. Tom Frieden, the former head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, tweeted Friday that Kummerow's work had sparedhundreds of thousands of lives.
As for his own diet,Kummerow never was convinced that cholesterol was a major factor in heart disease. Into his 100s, he ate eggs and drank whole milk. He avoided french fries, margarine and other fried foods. At his 100th birthday party, he even passed on the store-bought cake someone brought after he noticed it contained trans fat.
I threw it out, helater recalled.
There was plenty else to eat.
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Professor who campaigned to ban trans fats dies at 102 - Washington Post
Diet Doc Works to Address Underlying Cause of Weight Gain; Emotional Eating –

Houston, TX, June 01, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) Many people who struggle with weight loss believe that the solution can be found by simply changing what they eat. Fad diets are constantly changing or repackaging certain strategies that dont often tackle the common underlying issue, emotional eating. In our daily lives, there are a number of overt and hidden stressors bombarding us; whether they be job related, financial, health related, relationship-based or otherwise. Even when one doesnt feel emotionally stressed out, symptoms of stress can be sneaky, as managing and coping with ongoing stress can feel commonplace. A major symptom of stress emotional eating/food addiction, and this is what derails many dieters without them even realizing it.
The simple truth is, you may eating emotionally and not even know it. Many symptoms of emotional eating can seem quite benign, while others are more harmful. Some of the most common symptoms are:
Not only can emotional eating be a sign of larger issues, it is also very unhealthy, leading most commonly to:
Fortunately, Diet Doc has created a collection of great medical weight loss programs focused on helping individuals overcome the real problem, stress-based emotional eating. By tackling the true underlying cause Diet Doc is helping lose weight faster, and move towards long-term habit changing activities. Our doctor created and supervised medical weight loss plans combat emotional eating in many different ways, ranging from simple doctor supervision and evaluation to powerful prescription weight loss aids specifically designed to address the causes of emotional eating.
These medications can range from our Low Dose Naltrexone, which helps reduce appetite between meals and reduce stress levels in the body, our prescription Appetite Zap, a simple appetite suppressant designed to safely and effectively curb hunger.
Our clients who utilize our unique medical weight loss system experience:
Improvement in mood and a sense of wellbeing
Simply give us a call orsend us a messagefor a free, no-obligation consultation, and ask about our medically-supervised weight loss plans. Well get you on the path towards a better you! Diet Doc offers a team of doctors, nurses, nutritionists and motivational coaches, Diet Doc products and individualized coaching help individuals lose weight fast and keep it off. Existing patients are losing up to 20 pounds per month safely and effectively. New patients can get started immediately, with materials shipped directly to their home or office. They can also maintain weight loss in the long-term through weekly consultations, customized diet plans, motivational coaches and a powerful prescription program. With Diet Doc, the doctor is only a short phone call away and a fully dedicated team of qualified professionals is available 6 days per week to answer questions, address concerns and support patients.
Getting started with Diet Doc is very simple and affordable. New patients can easily visit to quickly complete a health questionnaire and schedule an immediate, free online consultation.
About the Company:
Diet Doc Weight Loss is the nations leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support. For over a decade, Diet Doc has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long term weight loss.
Diet Doc Contact Information:
Providing care across the USA
San Diego, CA
(800) 581-5038
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Diet Doc Works to Address Underlying Cause of Weight Gain; Emotional Eating -
Eat only every other day and lose weight? – Harvard Health (blog)

Posted May 31, 2017, 10:30 am
The alternate-day fasting thing is very popular right now. This gist of it is, basically, feast and famine. You starve one day, then feast the next. Proponents claim that this approach will lead to weight loss, as well as a number of other benefits.
As a physician researcher, this annoys and alarms me. I preach sensible intake of real foods as part of a lifelong approach to health. I also depend on scientific evidence to guide my counseling. So, I welcomed this yearlong study comparing alternate-day fasting with more common calorie restriction.
Researchers divided 100 obese study volunteers (mostly African-American women, without other major medical issues) into three groups:
The two diet groups received counseling as well as all foods provided. This weight loss period was followed by another six months of weight maintenance and observations.
Both diet groups lost about 5.5% of their body weight (12 pounds) by month six, and both regained about 1.8% (four pounds) by month 12, and had significant improvements in blood pressure, blood sugar, insulin, and inflammatory proteins when compared to the people who ate their normal diets.
At the end of the 12 months, there was only one difference between the two diet groups: the alternate fasting day group had a significant elevation in low density lipoprotein (LDL), an increase of 11.5 mg/dl as compared to the daily calorie restriction group. LDL is known as a risk factor for heart attacks and strokes, so thats not good.
This was a very small study to begin with, and, more importantly, there was a fairly significant dropout rate. Only 69% of subjects stayed to the end, which decreases the power of the findings. Twelve people quit the alternate-day fasting group, with almost half citing dissatisfaction with the diet. By comparison, 10 people quit the daily calorie restriction group, and none cited dissatisfaction with diet, only personal reasons and scheduling conflicts (eight quit the control group for the same reasons).
Its not surprising that people disliked alternate-day fasting. Previous studies have reported that people felt uncomfortably hungry and irritable on fasting days, and that they didnt get accustomed to these discomforts. Interestingly, in this study, over time people in the fasting group ate more on fasting days and less on feasting days. So basically by the end of the study they were eating similarly to the calorie restriction group.
The authors note more limitations. The control group did not receive food, counseling, or the same attention from the study personnel, potential factors that could affect their results, besides how they ate. And this study cant tell us about the potential benefits for people who have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes because the study didnt include individuals with those conditions.
Usually at this point we say something like more studies of this approach are needed, but I wont. Theres already plenty of evidence supporting a common-sense lifestyle approach to weight loss: ample intake of fruits and veggies, healthy fats, lean proteins, and plenty of exercise. From apples to zucchini, there are over a hundred real foods you can eat endlessly, enjoy, and yes, still lose weight.
I would advise against spending any more money on fad diet books. Or processed carbs, for that matter. Rather, hit the fresh or frozen produce aisle, or farmers market, and go crazy. Then go exercise. Do that, say, for the rest of your life, and you will be fine. No one got fat eating broccoli, folks. (That said, if you tend to binge or stress-eat sugary or starchy foods, and you feel like you cant control your habit, talk to your doctor, because that is a separate issue to be addressed.)
Effect of Alternate-Day Fasting on Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance, and Cardioprotection Among Metabolically Healthy Obese Adults: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Internal Medicine, Published online May 1, 2017.
Alternate-day fasting in nonobese subjects: effects on body weight, body composition, and energy metabolism. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, January 2005.
See original here:
Eat only every other day and lose weight? - Harvard Health (blog)
4 Obvious Metaphors to Show Why Diets are Freaking DUMB! – The Good Men Project (blog)

When a baby is learning how to crawl, its parents dont say, Thats not good enough; you have to walk! And when that baby does start to walkafter countless failed attempts without any loss of enthusiasmthe parents dont say, Not good enough! You must run!
When you want to get fitter, you dont run a marathon straight away. That would be insane and you could seriously injure or exhaust yourself. Instead, youd start by running for 10 minutes. Thats enough.
Its the same if you want to start lifting weights. You dont put the heaviest weight on the bar and try to lift it; you should load the lightest amount that seems a minor challenge, see how you do, and adjust from there.
Ditto forwhen someone starts playing basketball. If they tried shooting three-pointers right away, theyd probably miss every single one because theyd have no idea what they were doing; their only strategy would be to throw and hope. Then theyd feel discouraged, figure that basketball just wasnt for them, and probably give up (especially if they have a fixed mindset.)
How would this approach ever lead to success? How would this not lead to failure?
And yetthis is exactly how weve been told to diet.
By going from one extreme to the other.
One day, youre eating anything you want and completely over-indulging. Pizza, cakes, sweets, chips, caramel macchiatos. The next day, youre expected to not only cut all those things out, but to starve yourself. Because, supposedly, thats how you lose weight.
For some reason, most of us have accepted this reality. Weve accepted that this is the way to diet and lose weighteven though when we see the metaphors above we immediately know they lack any kind of strategy, are as close to impossible as you can get, and will inevitably lead to failure.
A baby isnt born with the skills to crawl or walk. A baby has to learn them. A baby has to invest in its many, many, many inevitable failures in order to learn how to even crawl, let alone walk. A baby cannot be forced to crawl or walk. It just doesnt work that way.
If you want to get fitter and increase your endurance, you dont start by running a marathon. You run for 10 minutes for a few days a week. 15 the next week. Then 20. Then half an hour. In other words, you practice getting fitter. And, eventually, a marathon would be a realistic goal. A challenge, yes, but a realistic one.
When you start lifting weights, you start small. You start with something thats a little bit uncomfortable but still doable. You dont walk into the gym, try to lift the heaviest weight, fail miserably, and then get angry and sad and start crying because you cant do it; it would be outrageous to expect that you could. Eventually, though, after practicing for long enough, you will easily lift weights you couldnt even pick up before. Its inevitable.
Same with basketball. Youd start working on your shot by going as close to the basket as possible and getting your technique rightyour footwork, where you hold the ball, how you release it. Whether you scored or not at the beginning wouldnt even matterit would only be about developing your technique, and ingraining it through practicing it over and over.
And yetAnd yetAnd yet!
I mean, you can see it, right? This is exactly what dieting is. You expect, with no practice whatsoever, to change years (and probably decades) of eating habits literally overnight, and then keep this up forever.
And you wonder why dieting doesnt work? Why you hate going on a diet?
Going on a diet is exactly why going on a diet fails.
Well, thank goodness theres another way.
A way that involves not starving and restricting yourself, but eating enough of the good stuff. A way that involves practicing making healthy choices, thats all about developing a healthier relationship with food.
Let me be clear: you are making it SO hard for yourself, and it doesnt need to be.
None of them happen overnight and youre totally OK with that concept. You understand it, you get itto be frank its f*cking obvious!
Your relationship with food is the same. Its a practice, not some arbitrary result you measure on a scale.
Isnt it time to treat it as such?
Photo credit:Getty Images
Daniel is the CEO of EvolutionEat, where he'll teach you how to master your diet, stop overeating, and take control of your health.
Daniel is exceptionally good at high performance coaching, as it pertains to diet and lifestyle. As a world class motivator, lifestyle designer, and dietary strategist, he specializes in unpacking motivation, disentangling emotions and distractions from intentions, and getting to the bottom of what really influences our choices.
Sign up today to access his free, 3-hour online training program designed to help you master your diet once and for all. Follow him on Facebook and Instagram.
Go here to read the rest:
4 Obvious Metaphors to Show Why Diets are Freaking DUMB! - The Good Men Project (blog)