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The #1 Unhealthiest Diet You Should Never Try, According to a Dietitian | Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

Atkins, Keto, Nutrisystem, South Beach, WWthe list of different types of diets is truly endless. But the question is: Which one, if any, is right for you?
Whether you're trying to lose weight or clean up your diet for other health reasons, picking a new diet to follow can feel overwhelmingand some are misleading. In fact, there are many fad diets that you shouldn't even bother trying because they could cause more damage to your physical and mental health in the long run. (Related: 15 Underrated Weight Loss Tips That Actually Work)
Alyssa Pike, RD and manager of nutrition communications at the International Food Information Council, explains what the unhealthiest diet may look like for you. Here are some of the potential red flags when picking out a new approach:
While there's no concrete definition of crash dieting, it's often described as a "quick fix" that only lasts for a week or so, Pike says. It may also involve extreme calorie restriction, omission of certain foods or even entire food groups, and even be marketed as a "detox." Not only is this type of dieting inconsistent, but it can also be dangerous.
Following a diet such as the Mediterranean style diet, for example, allows for a diversity of foods and doesn't call for major calorie restriction. Instead, it encourages the consumption of a range of healthy, calorie-rich foods, including beans, fatty fish (think salmon), and nuts. This type of diet can not only help you shed some pounds, but it also keeps your heart healthy, supports your immune system, and may even reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
"The opposite of crash dieting's often chaotic experience is a more flexible approach that focuses on long-term health and often has other goals in mind than just trying to reduce the number on the scale," Pike says.
The answer? There's not only one.
"Any rigid diet that relies on lots of external rules for when, what, and how much to eat and promotes a pass/fail mentality is the worst type of diet," Pike says. She also mentions how long-term consequences associated with fad diets include binge eating, disordered eating, intense fear and anxiety around eating, social isolation, and even the development of an eating disorder.
"Fad diets are not benign," she says. "What might start as an innocent attempt to lose weight can become isolating or obsessive, which is why engaging in dieting behaviors also increases the risk of eating pathology and eating disorders."
Again, there's no one right answer here. Instead, the healthiest diet to follow is one that makes the mostsense for you and isn't difficult to maintain long-term.
"Ideally, this way of eating is nourishing, satisfying, and contains a wide variety of foods that meet your calorie and nutrient needs," Pike says. "The bottom line is that nutrition is highly individualized. There is never going to be one diet that fits all."
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The #1 Unhealthiest Diet You Should Never Try, According to a Dietitian | Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That
Why diets don’t work in the long term, lifestyle changes do – The Statesman

For decades, diet conversations globally have ranged from the simple and straightforward to elaborate and convoluted, the latter sometimes even bordering on crazy. In todays digital age, before you can say cheese, a new diet would have garnered a global following, with everyone from a lay person to experts swearing by its efficacy.
However, just a few weeks or months later, the same experts have moved on to another miraculous weight-loss or diet program. That is what you get when you dont follow science, just fads. Health though, is not a fad. It is a lifestyle habit.
Amid all these fads, one cannot help but wonder if each of these programs are a sure-shot way to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle, why dont they survive the test of time?
According to a study published in the BMJ, most diets help with weight loss and lower blood pressure in the first few months, but the desired effects dont last. So, people keep returning to new fads. But fad diets can be damaging. They often lack essential nutrients and teach you nothing about healthy eating. Excessively restrictive diets also take pleasure out of eating and may lead to eating disorders, slow down your metabolism, causing more harm than good in the long run.
One of the reasons for crash diets to fail is because the body views dieting as a form of starvation. When you eat much below your desired energy intake for a long time, your metabolism slows down and tries to fight back. The hormones that regulate our hunger and satisfaction waver making it harder to sustain the diet and hence weight loss. Further, the idea of taking extreme steps such as quitting certain foods can often lead to one feeling low and disappointed. Sooner or later you bounce back to prior unhealthy eating habits. And a few months later, you are trying another new weight loss diet.
No wonder that the diet and weight loss industry around the world is growing leaps and bounds from $192.2 billion in 2019, expected to be over $295 billion by 2027. However, more and more studies show that if you are truly interested in losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle you need a more sustainable plan than a fad diet. We must also understand the difference between weight loss and fat loss. Not all weight loss might be healthy, you might just be losing muscle or water weight due to crash dieting and doing copious amounts of cardio.
To lose fat, a few components are proven to work: these are eating slightly less than your energy requirements, having adequate protein intake to preserve muscle mass, and strength or resistance training. Doing this regularly, will slowly help manage your weight in a healthy manner, and also boost your metabolism and tone your body.
Consider making these small, incremental changes to your lifestyle to embrace a healthy relationship with food and, indeed, life. Suggested by Habbit CEO and Co-founder Dhruv Bhushan.
Make healthy eating a daily habit
It is important to be in tune with your specific needs, and not feel deprived. The same plan might now work for everyone. Nutrition need not be complicated, and crash diets are not sustainable. Dont think about giving up the bad foods, instead focus on choosing foods that are holistic, nourishing, and pleasing for the palate. Dont be taken in by jargon-filled technicalities on nutrients. Opt for easy to use, nutritious products.
Play with your food choices, mix and match ingredients. Health and taste can go hand in hand. Even foods that you crave or are addicted to, have a healthier alternative out there. Ensure a balanced diet of fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables for vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. Balance these with whole grains and healthy fats. Meet your daily protein intake, whether from foods, or supplements using natural proteins. This cant be stressed enough since protein deficiency is one of the leading causes of lifestyle diseases, including obesity. Drink plenty of water.
Add physical activity into your regular routine
Make exercise, activity and movement a part of your daily routine, like brushing your teeth. In case you have very busy schedules, try and exercise first thing in the morning before the day consumes you.
Just like your food, pick activities that you can stick to, and not things that will peter out after a few weeks of initial enthusiasm. You dont need to be spending hours in the gym or hiring a personal trainer. Even a relaxing walk or jog while listening to your favourite music, a dance class or a yoga session can be a good starting point. Also, stay active throughout the day. Take stairs instead of the lift, walk around while on the phone, contribute to household chores, play with your kids or pets, enjoy a sport, have sex, walk or cycle to neighbourhood areas instead of driving there, just simple choices without the need to take out extra time also go a long way. And for more dedicated individuals looking to burn fat, lose kilos and tone up, research shows that strength or resistance training, and high intensity workouts offer more sustainable outcomes. More than how much or what you do everyday, what matters is that you do exercise everyday.
Start small and stay consistent.
Make sleep a priority
This is one of the most overlooked aspects of our well-being today. We should aim to get adequate restful sleep every night, which may range from 6 to 9 hours for different individuals. It is during this time that the body repairs and recovers. Essential hormones that also aid weight loss are at play only during sleep. Not getting enough sleep can have a detrimental impact on your physical, mental and emotional health.
If for some reason, you have trouble falling asleep, address it as a priority. Make time to sleep. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine. Unplug your digital devices before bedtime. Instead, unwind with a bath or some light reading. Create an environment that is conducive and free from distractions, with a bed and bedding that is comfortable..
Manage your stress levels
Stress might feel like a default response to the challenges of a modern lifestyle, but constant stress can pose serious health problems.
Stress causes an increase in cortisol and adrenaline levels which influences blood pressure, heart rate, eating habits, sleep patterns, blood sugar, fat metabolism, and immunity. Long-term stress can also increase your risk of heart attack or stroke and contribute to depression. You can manage stress by adopting some of the above healthy habits, and by making conscious efforts to relax. Breathe deeply, enjoy your favorite activities, spend time with your loved ones. And ask for help, by speaking to those who care for you, or a trained professional..
Eating and living healthy, or trying to manage weight should not be a punishment or a sacrifice. There is no one size fits all definition or path to good health. It is a combination of different small steps that add up to big results over time. Health is a lifestyle. Trusting your instincts with food and actions that feel good, go a long way towards overall well-being. Eat food you enjoy without the guilt, just maintain a balance. With the right mix of natural organic ingredients, an indulgent low calorie Blueberry Crumble wise cream will be better and more delightful than so-called magic fat burner pills.
The next time, someone tempts you with the next-best diet fad, show them your intuitive eating and healthy lifestyle plan. You will develop a better relationship with food when you tune in to your bodys needs and cues, and incorporate this into your everyday life.
Remember not to think of lifestyle changes as daunting behavioural changes. They are small steps on a journey towards good health ones that combine science, taste, and sustainability.
(Dhruv Bhushan is Co-Founder and CEO of Habbit aimed at building one of the largest full-stack nutrition ecosystem that makes everyday nutrition simple and rewarding)
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Why diets don't work in the long term, lifestyle changes do - The Statesman
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) diets and how to choose one – Medical News Today

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a condition that causes digestive symptoms, such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, or constipation. A person may find that what they eat has an effect on how IBS manifests.
However, symptoms of this condition are highly individual. People can react differently to different foods, and their other symptom triggers can vary as well.
As a result, there is no single IBS diet that will work reliably for everyone. Often, people have to try different options to find what suits them best.
In this article, we look at some of the IBS diets that could help, what they involve, and how to choose one. We also look at other factors that can cause IBS to flare up, and suggest when to contact a healthcare professional.
There is no single diet that can help all people with IBS. This is because a person with IBS may have specific foods that trigger their IBS symptoms.
The International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD) recommends a person keep a diary for 23 weeks to try to identify trigger foods or food groups.
People can use the diary to track:
People can also bring this diary to medical appointments with a doctor or dietitian.
If the diary does not help a person understand their IBS triggers, they may benefit from trying an elimination diet.
An elimination diet is one where a person removes specific foods or food groups from their diet for a period of time to see whether this improves their symptoms.
The IFFGD recommends trying elimination diets over a period of 12 weeks by following these steps:
The IFFGD suggests removing fiber from the diet first, as it can be an IBS trigger, even in those who experience IBS with constipation.
It is important to get supervision from a doctor or dietitian while trying this approach. Eliminating foods from the diet can make it difficult to get the required amount of nutrients. A medical professional can help ensure this does not happen.
FODMAP stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols. These are types of short-chain carbohydrates that are present in certain foods. Some people with IBS find that foods high in FODMAPs can trigger their symptoms.
Researchers from Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, developed the Low FODMAP Diet to help with this. The diet involves eating low FODMAP foods in the right portion sizes for a set period of time.
Research from 2016 reports that up to 86% of people with IBS found that a low FODMAP diet reduced their symptoms.
The following table provides some examples of foods that contain either high or low levels of FODMAPs. However, it is not a complete list of foods or portion sizes that are low FODMAP. People can find the full list on the Monash University website. Monash University has also developed a mobile app.
To try the diet, follow these steps:
After this period, people can balance low FODMAP foods with higher FODMAP foods that they may be able to tolerate.
For some people, increasing fiber intake can relieve IBS symptoms, such as chronic constipation.
There are two main categories of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and is present in foods such as fruits, oats, and beans. Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water and is present in whole grain foods.
Doctors often recommend soluble fiber to people with IBS. However, both forms of fiber can help with different IBS symptoms in some people.
Foods that are high in insoluble fiber can help add bulk to a persons stool, making bowel movements easier to pass. However, insoluble fiber may also cause diarrhea, bloating, or pain.
Soluble fiber can help reduce bloating and excess gas production. However, some sources of soluble fiber are also high FODMAP.
Generally, it is best to try this approach by gradually increasing fiber intake. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) recommends a person add 23 grams of fiber to their diet per day until they reach a level that works for them.
If increasing fiber intake makes symptoms worse, a person can try increasing the intake more slowly. If that does not help, they may wish to try a different approach.
There are other factors, aside from the foods a person eats, that can contribute to IBS symptoms. These include:
A person may wish to use a symptom diary to track these factors too. It may be that a combination of dietary and lifestyle changes can help. For example, people can try:
Chewing food slowly and thoroughly helps with digestion. It can also prevent a person from swallowing air, which may contribute to feeling bloated. It is advisable to avoid carbonated drinks, particularly at mealtimes.
A person should also get regular exercise, if possible. This can benefit both mental and physical health and may reduce constipation.
While IBS is a physical disorder, people with the condition are more likely to have experienced traumatic events in early life, according to the NIDDK.
A 2018 meta-analysis found that early trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder increased the likelihood of IBS across over 648,000 participants. Trauma can have a long-term impact on mental and physical health.
Some people may find it helpful to discuss this with a trauma-informed therapist. Reducing stress overall is also generally beneficial for digestion, even if it is not a direct IBS trigger.
Learn more about the effects of stress on the body here.
There are numerous IBS diets that people can try in order to manage their symptoms and gain better quality of life.
However, it is important to remember that what works for one person may not work for another. Sometimes, a combination of dietary and lifestyle changes are necessary.
Read this article:
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) diets and how to choose one - Medical News Today
10 Weight Loss Snacks That Actually Satisfy, Recommended By Dietitians | Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

Anyone who's ever tried a traditional "diet snack" knows that there's just something about those tiny snack packs covered in "low calorie!" and "low fat!" claims that always seem to leave you raiding your pantry for something else to take the edge offsending you on an overeating spiral sure to derail your weight loss efforts.
There's a reason many of these diet snacks aren't so satisfying. They lack the optimal amounts of nutrients like protein, fiber, and healthy fats, to help fill you upwithout filling you out. Plus, many of these snacks don't actually deliver the flavor or texture you're craving. But by opting for snacks that include the right mix of nutrients and satisfy your cravings, you can enjoy a delicious treat and lose weight, too.
Here are a few of our favorite snack-time staples sure to keep your taste buds and your stomach satisfiedwithout sending your diet on a detour (Bonus: Some even help give your metabolism a boost!). Read on, and for more on how to eat healthy, don't miss 15 Underrated Weight Loss Tips That Actually Work.
For a convenient, pocket-friendly weight-loss snack, opt for meat jerky. Research suggests bumping up your dietary protein while reducing the carbohydrate content in your diet can increase your metabolic rate while your body is at rest and when you're asleep. Meat snacks, in particular, are a great protein source if you're looking to lose weight because they're dried, which rids excess fat (and calories) and concentrates the protein.
Not all jerkys are created equal, though. Some are loaded with additives, chemicals, and sodium, all of which increase inflammationa condition that's associated with weight gain. Look for meat snacks that are low in sodium and have nothing artificial (fillers, flavorings, colors, or chemicals). Preferably, they should be made of 100% grass-fed, antibiotic- and hormone-free beef or chicken.
We're fans of Simply Snackin' jerky, which meet all of the aforementioned requirements. They come in exciting flavors, like Teriyaki Beef with Pineapple and Black Bean Chicken Salsa. With a whopping 11 grams of protein in one 60-calorie chicken snack (an excellent calorie to protein ratio), energy dips aren't in this wrapper, only satisfaction is.
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Move off the couch, potato chips. Chickpea snacks are the new tasty crunchy snack, and they may just give your waistline an edge. In one study, when calories were restricted, people who ate pulses (a fancy word for chickpeas, lentils, split peas or beans) four times a week lost 2.5 more pounds over eight weeks than their non-pulse-eating peers. And if you'd like to tighten your belt another notch, chew on this: chickpeas' protein fiber combo (which is MIA in potato chips) will help keep you feeling fuller longer, and prevent your blood sugar from spiking then crashing, which can leave you hungry and at risk of overeating.
To reap the weight loss-promoting benefits of chickpeas, we recommend Saffron Roads Bombay Spice organic chickpeas and Hippeas Vegan White Cheddar crunchy organic puffs. In a one-ounce serving of these snacks, you get four to six grams of organic plant-powered protein and three to five grams of filling fiberin just 130 calories.
Read more:The Worst Bags of Chips You Should Never Buy
Greek yogurt goes down on most lists as one of the healthiest snacks whether you're looking to lose weight or not. It's a good source of vitamins and minerals, is a great substitute for high-calorie ice cream, and its protein helps to keep you feel full for longer.
Because some Greek yogurts are high in sugar, low in protein, and lack beneficial probiotics, it's important to shop for better-for-you options. We recommend Chobani Complete, a lactose-free yogurt that is just 120 calories, contains a generous 15 grams of protein, and is free from added sugar. Instead, it's sweetened with real fruit like peach, mixed berry, and key lime. As a bonus, Chobani Complete packs in 3 grams of filling, prebiotic fiber. Prebiotic fiber supports weight loss since prebiotics block the hunger hormone, ghrelin and positively effect satiety hormones and gut microbiota, which can greatly reduce excess calorie consumption.
Pistachios are one of the lowest-calorie nuts, but that's not the only reason they're a great pick for those seeking a healthy weight. Research suggests that cracking open pistachio shells may actually help you eat more mindfully: Something about seeing those empty pistachio shells piling up caused subjects in one study to eat fewer calories than their peers whose shells were removed from view. But both groups reported feeling equally full.
The satiety benefits don't stop there. This sturdy on-the-go snack boasts 3 grams of fiber and 6 grams of plant protein. Plus, about 90% of the fat found in these pistachios is unsaturated (the "good" kind), for a trio of nutrients that may help keep you fuller longer with each little green bite. Crack into all the satisfying benefits of pistachios with Wonderful in-Shell Pistachios: They come in crunch-worthy flavors like Sweet Chili and Sea Salt and Vinegar, as well as Roasted & Salted, Lightly Salted and No Salt.
Time and again, research points to the benefits of consuming nuts when trying to lose weight. In fact, several studies have demonstrated an inverse association between higher nut consumption and lower body weight. Other studies have found that increasing nut consumption is associated with lower weight gain over relatively long periods of time. Experts contend that the healthy fats in nuts take longer to digest, which means you're less likely to need a second snack or a meal soon after consuming them.
Get in on the satiating benefits of nuts with the help of KIND. Their Dark Chocolate Nuts & Sea Salt Bars deliver 6 satisfying grams of protein and 7 grams of filling fibermostly from nutswhich means that they've got the right balance of nutrients to enable gradual digestion and leave you feeling fuller, longer.And chocoholics, you're in luck: These delicious bars are drizzled in just enough decadent dark chocolate to quell those sweet treat cravings, but with a portion-controlled, 180 calories and only five grams of sugar, they won't sabotage your slim-down.
The quintessential breakfast of champions also makes a great weight loss snack thanks to its low calorie count and high protein content. That's because eggs rank high on the satiety scale, meaning they do a great job of keeping you feeling full. Plus, researchsuggests that eating an egg with a meal can significantly reduce calorie intake over the rest of the day compared to eating a bagel.
While you can easily make your own hard-boiled eggs at home, for a precooked, pre-peeled version, we recommend Eggland's Best Hard-Cooked Peeled Eggs. Thanks to their proprietary all-vegetarian hen feed, Eggland's eggs have 25% less saturated fat, more than double the omega-3s and vitamin B12, and six times the vitamin D content than conventional eggs. This is of extra importance to those trying to slim down since research shows that getting adequate vitamin D canincrease weight loss while reducing body fat.
Whether your goal is abs that show or a leaner body, protein shakes can be an easy way to get a decent amount of hunger-fighting protein at snack time. You'll want to avoid protein shakes that are loaded with sugar, additives, chemicals and boatloads of calories that would sooner expand your waistline than shrink it, and opt for healthy protein shake options.
We recommend Orgain's Chocolate Organic Protein Grass Fed Shake. At just 150 calories and a whopping 26 grams of grass-fed protein, this tasty treat can actually help with your weight loss efforts. In addition to the great calorie to protein ratio, this snack dishes out 750 mg of calcium, which is 60% of the recommended daily value. This matters because research suggests that increasing dietary calcium while restricting calories can significantly enhance weight and fat loss. Interestingly in this same study, those who increased calcium intake while in a calorie deficit also experienced increased fat loss from the trunk region of their bodies.
Related:The Best Store-Bought Protein Shakes, According to Experts
It's salty, it's crunchy, it's delicious, and it can help you lose weight. Research suggests that popcorn is more satisfying than chips and that choosing this whole-grain, high-fiber snack over chips at snack time can actually help you consume fewer calories at your next meal.
Healthy popcorn options are going to be air-popped and have few ingredients. These tend to be lower in fat and calories than your typical microwave popcorn bag that's covered in saturated fat-laden oils. Our favorite pick is Lesser Evil's Himalayan Pink Salt Popcorn, which has two grams of protein and four grams of fiber per 3-cup servingall for about the same amount of calories you'll get in just nine potato chips.
Cottage cheese has been a staple of many weight loss diets for decades, and with good reasonit's packed with protein, low in carbs, and relatively low in calories. The predominant type of protein in cottage cheese is called casein; it's a type of dairy protein that is absorbed more slowly so it's better for stabilizing blood sugar levels, providing more sustained feelings of fullness and prolonging muscle protein synthesis after a workout for better growth of metabolism-boosting muscle. (Related:14 Best Foods for Better Workout Results, According to Experts.)
Get in on the weight loss benefits of cottage cheese with organic and low-fat Good Culture single-serving cups of low-fat cottage cheese. In each 120-calorie serving, you get an impressive 19 grams of satisfying protein, making this tasty snack a great option when you're looking to shed a few pounds. Especially since it contains probioticslive and active good-for-your-gut bacteria. Although the exact mechanism isn't completely understood, research suggests that probiotics can help with weight loss. The thinking is that probiotics positively impact the hormones that help to regulate appetite, fat storage and fat burning. Studies also suggest that probiotics may reduce inflammation, which is important since an inflamed body can lead to obesity.
If you've found yourself tearing through snacks feeling as empty as when you ripped open the first package, get ready to meet your match: lupini beans. Like all legumes, a diet that regularly includes lupini beans may help with weight control thanks to the fiber, protein, and slowly digested carbohydrates that they contain that have been shown to aid in satiety. And if you're really looking for the most filling bang for your bean buck, lupini beans really score with nearly twice the plant-based protein compared to most beansand more fiber too.
Lupini beans have made their delicious debut at snack time, thanks to BRAMI's delicious spin on the lupini bean. BRAMI's beans are marinated in delicious Mediterranean-inspired flavors like sea salt and vinegar, rosemary and garlic, hot chili peppers, and chili and lime, so there's something for everyone. And their appeal goes well beyond their flavor: In just one, 60-calorie serving, these super snacks pack in a whopping seven grams of satiating plant protein, and five grams of filling fiber. For more ways to lose weight, try these25 Best High-Fiber Snacks to Buy That Keep You Full.
Disclaimer: The Nutrition Twins have partnered with Simply Snackin', Wonderful, KIND, Eggland's Best, and Chobani. All thoughts and opinions are their own.
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10 Weight Loss Snacks That Actually Satisfy, Recommended By Dietitians | Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That
Should we rethink the role of carbs in obesity? – Medical News Today

For decades, the causes of obesity and the most effective way to lose weight have been the subject of fierce debate among scientists and healthcare professionals.
According to one theory, known as the carbohydrate-insulin model, food and drink that contain large amounts of carbohydrates cause a spike in circulating insulin levels.
The hormone drives fat cells, or adipocytes, to store the excess calories, which reduces the availability of these energy sources for the rest of the body.
This, in turn, increases hunger and slows metabolism, which leads to weight gain over time.
Dietitians often cite the carbohydrate-insulin model to explain the success of high fat, low carbohydrate diets such as the ketogenic diet.
Unlike carbohydrates, dietary fat does not cause a spike in insulin levels immediately after a meal.
On the other side of the debate, the energy balance model makes less of a distinction between fat and carbohydrates.
This model focuses instead on the balance between total calorie intake through eating and drinking, and total calorie expenditure through physical activity.
According to this model, if calorie intake exceeds expenditure, the result will be weight gain over time. But if expenditure exceeds intake, the eventual outcome will be weight loss.
Writing in the journal Science, two scientists argue that the carbohydrate-insulin model is overly simplistic.
John Speakman, from the University of Aberdeen in the United Kingdom, and Kevin Hall, of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases in Bethesda, MD, do not dispute the success of high fat, low carb diets for some individuals.
They also acknowledge that insulin plays an important role in body fat regulation.
But they question whether the effect of insulin on adipocytes after eating food high in carbohydrates is solely responsible for weight gain.
They write:
[W]e propose that the role of insulin in obesity may be better understood by considering its action on multiple organs that is driven by factors mostly independent of carbohydrate intake. Reconsidering the role of insulin may improve our understanding of the causes of obesity and its treatment.
They cite a 2020 study in mice that compared the effect of 29 different diets on body fat.
Of these, 16 diets maintained a constant intake of protein while varying the relative contribution of fat and carbohydrate to total calorie intake.
The carbohydrate-insulin model predicts that the more carbohydrates are in a diet, the higher insulin levels will climb after eating.
As a result, according to the model, the mice should lay down more fat and increase their total calorie intake.
However, after 12 weeks roughly equivalent to 9 years in humans mice that ate high carb diets consumed fewer calories and had gained less fat and overall body weight.
This was despite having higher circulating insulin levels following eating.
Acknowledging that studies in mice may not reflect what happens in humans, the authors cite research in people that produced similar results.
For example, another recent study compared the effect of two diets on people with excess weight.
Each diet lasted for 2 weeks. One comprised around 10% carbohydrate and 75% fat, while the other consisted of approximately 75% carbohydrate and 10% fat.
Participants were allowed to eat as much or as little as they wanted.
As predicted by the carbohydrate-insulin model, the high carb diet resulted in a larger spike in insulin levels following meals.
However, participants on the high carb diet consumed fewer calories and reported that they felt just as satisfied after eating compared with those on the low carb diet.
Only the high carb diet resulted in a significant loss of body fat.
Speakman and Hall argue that insulin affects many organs around the body, and not just after mealtimes.
They write that its role in regulating body fat is best understood as part of a dynamic network of factors controlling and mediating the effects of energy imbalance.
For example, they say high insulin levels, combined with signals from fat tissue, tell the brain to reduce energy intake when the amount of body fat rises above a critical threshold.
David Ludwig, M.D., Ph.D., professor of nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, MA, a leading proponent of the carbohydrate-insulin model, questioned the research cited in the article by Speakman and Hall.
He told Medical News Today that the study in mice was strongly biased because the low carb diets contained large amounts of saturated fat.
In rodents, saturated fat causes severe inflammation and metabolic dysfunction, precluding a meaningful test of the [carbohydrate-insulin model], he said.
He added that other studies have found that rodents on high carb diets rapidly develop obesity.
He also challenged the validity of relatively short studies in humans, such as the 2-week study cited by Speakman and Hall, which he said do not give the body sufficient time to adapt to the change in nutrients.
His own meta-analysis suggests that longer studies consistently show higher energy expenditure on low carb diets. Dr. Ludwig has also written an opinion piece as a retort to Speakman and Hall.
Several reviews of clinical trials have shown that low carb, high fat keto diets promote weight loss.
Prof. Naveed Satar from the Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Science at the University of Glasgow in the U.K. told Medical News Today that low carb diets can help people lose weight.
He believes the diets owe their success to lower total calorie intake as a result of reduced appetite, but not from how some experts envisioned the workings of the carbohydrate-insulin model.
People who go on low carb diets tend to eat less as they increase protein intake, which tends to suppress appetite a little, he explained.
He added that his own research suggests that the excess calorie intake of individuals with excess weight tends to come from fat rather than sugar.
This suggests that, along with reduced calorie intake, reduced fat intake should remain an important component of weight-loss diets.
Read more from the original source:
Should we rethink the role of carbs in obesity? - Medical News Today
The Keto Diet and Migraine: 8 Things You Need to Know – Everyday Health

If youve considered changing what you eat in the hopes of preventing migraine attacks, youre in good company. Many people subtract certain foods from their diets that they believe to be migraine triggers. Others look for a comprehensive, migraine-specific approach to diet, of which several have been proposed over the years.
One diet thats been the subject of a number of studies and reports in professional journals, as described in aJune 2020 article in Nutrients, is the ketogenic diet or keto diet, for short.
The keto diet calls for people to get about 70 to 80 percent of their daily calories from fats, by consuming foods such as eggs, grass-fed meat, full-fat dairy products, and nuts, and smaller percentages of calories from protein and carbohydrate. Low-carbohydrate vegetables, such as kale, broccoli, asparagus, mushrooms, and zucchini, are recommended for their nutrient and fiber content, while foods that are high in carbohydrate, such as fruit, grains, sugar, and other caloric sweeteners, must generally be avoided.
There is evidence that the ketogenic diet can have such short-term benefits as weight loss, lowered insulin resistance, and reduction of high blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides, according to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. But severely limiting carbohydrates can also come with health consequences; side effects including hunger, fatigue, constipation, headaches, and brain fog are common.
But can the keto diet help you manage migraine? Some experts believe that fueling your body and brain with more healthy fats and less carbohydrate could help reduce headaches and migraine pain, while others are more cautious about recommending low-carbohydrate diets.
Simply put, a ketogenic diet is a diet that produces ketone bodies, according to Angel L. Moreno, NP, at the UCLA Goldberg Migraine Program in Los Angeles, who spoke on the keto diet and migraine in 2019 at the annual Migraine World Summit.
Ketones are [acids that are released into the bloodstream] when we start burning for fat for fuel, when there is no readily available sugar or glucose from carbohydrates. Most people never form [measurable] ketones, because they usually eat too high of a carbohydrate load to ever allow the body to switch over to a different fuel source, he says.
While many cells in the body, particularly brain cells, prefer glucose as an energy source, the body can also use ketones as an alternative energy source if glucose is not available.
RELATED: Whats the Difference Between Ketosis and Diabetic Ketoacidosis?
In the early 1900s, researchers found that starvation was an effective way to stop seizures in people with epilepsy, with seizures typically improving after two to three days, according to a history of the ketogenic diet published in Epilepsia. Soon after, researchers began successfully treating some patients with the ketogenic diet and other carbohydrate-restricting diets, including the Atkins diet and the modified Atkins diet.
Migraine and epilepsy have a lot of overlapping mechanisms, says Moreno. We use antiepileptic medications for some people who have migraine, including Depakote (divalproex sodium), Topamax (topiramate), and Neurontin (gabapentin) these are all anti-epileptic medications, he says.
The causes of migraine are multifactorial, with one potential factor relating to metabolism, says Moreno.
This means the ability for the body to extract energy from the food that eat, the water we drink, the air that we breathe all of that has to be metabolized so that the brain can use it as a fuel source. If theres ever a deficit of energy thats being delivered to the central nervous system, one theory is that it can cause irritation in the nerves and then trigger migraine, he says.
Stress can trigger migraine as well, because when were stressed, our metabolic demand increases, says Moreno. Our heart beats faster, our blood rushes from our core to our extremities to either run or fight. Theres a lot of metabolic demand, he says.
If were burning carbohydrate as our only fuel source, the carbohydrate has to break down into glucose, which then gets transported into cells via the insulin transport process, he explains. Insulin takes the glucose and moves it from the outside of the cell to the inside of the cell, where it can be used for fuel, says Moreno.
The problem is that there is evidence that right before and during migraine our cells become insulin-resistant or less sensitive to the effects of insulin for a period of time, he says.
If were solely dependent on carbohydrates and glucose and other kinds of sugars, then were out of luck; our cells arent going to get nourished. But if we also have ketones in our system, ketones have three different pathways to passively go into cells and nourish them, versus only one path for glucose to go into cells, he says.
The path for glucose is solely dependent on insulin, and so if you develop any kind of resistance to that insulin, thats a problem, says Moreno. If youre resistant, you can be swimming in all the glucose in the world, but youre not going get it into where you need it.
Several small studies or case reports have described positive results when the subjects followed a ketogenic diet, but the cumulative number of participants has been very low.
A somewhat larger pilot study with 96 participants, published in the European Journal of Neurology, compared overweight women with migraine who followed a very-low-calorie keto diet for one month, followed by a standard, low-calorie diet for five months, with a similar group of women who followed a standard, low-calorie diet for six months. The study found that the keto diet was more effective at bringing about improvement.
In the first month of the trial, the keto group adhered to a restrictive diet of 800 calories and only 30 grams of carbohydrate per day. Their attack frequency dropped from 2.9 to 0.71, number of days with headaches went from 5.11 to 0.91, and acute treatment taken dropped from 4.91 doses to 0.51 doses per month.
After the keto diet was stopped, all of those measurements temporarily worsened, but then the group continued to improve through the end of the study.
In the standard-diet group, significant decreases in the number of days with headache and in medication use were observed only starting in month 3, and in attack frequency at month 6.
Theres evidence that the metabolic breakdown of carbohydrate is proinflammatory, and inflammation is associated with migraine, says Moreno. The standard American diet can cause a lot of metabolic harm to our bodies; some people need to be on a lower-carb or ketogenic diet to heal from eating an unhealthy diet.
Moreno often recommends a low-carb diet rather than a keto diet. I dont know that everyone needs to go into ketosis and stay in ketosis 24/7. I dont think thats how humans are meant to function, he says. Its been my experience that a lot of people get benefits just by reducing carbohydrates.
Moreno recommends following a diet of whole foods and real ingredients, which could include diets such as the Whole30, Paleo, or the South Beach Diet. A low-carb diet starts out at about 100 grams of carbohydrates a day, he says.
Its also important to note that not all carbs are created equal, he notes. If you eat a bowl of pasta, thats going to cause more inflammation than eating a bowl of veggies, he says.
A study published in January 2018 inAgri: The Journal of the Turkish Society of Algologyfound that a low-glycemic diet reduced the number of migraine attacks and headache intensity in 147 people with migraine without aura.
RELATED: The Ultimate Guide to Following a Low-Carb Diet
Headache experts are divided on whether the benefits of the keto diet outweigh the downsides. Although there is some evidence that using a ketogenic type diet can positively influence migraine, its not necessarily strong evidence, according to Elizabeth Leroux, MD, headache clinic director at Montreal University Health Center in Canada in her presentation at the 2020 Migraine World Summit.
The other problem is that the ketogenic diet is not necessarily safe for everyone, and it may have consequences on your health, says Dr. Leroux.
A keto diet can also be hard to stay on, she points out. If you have migraine and want to improve your diet, Leroux recommends trying something like the Mediterranean diet, which is healthier than the average diet but less strict than the keto diet.
Why not try a step that is a little bit easier and less extreme, and see how that works for you first, because it will be way easier to sustain not only for you, but also for your family, she says.
If youre considering restricting carbohydrate in your diet or following a full-fledged keto diet, its a good idea to work with your doctor or a dietitian to make sure you continue to get the right amount of nutrients and essential vitamins and minerals, including salt, says Morena.
One of the pitfalls I often see when people undertake a low-carb, ketogenic diet is not eating enough salt or replacing enough electrolytes, he says.
If you make the decision to make lifestyle changes in an effort to improve migraine, seek out the support of friends, family, or an in-person or online community, he suggests. Find ways to stay inspired; staying inspired can lead to a lot of wellness benefits, he says.
Migraine doesnt kill you, but it steals your life while youre alive. It forces you into a dark room and isolates you from social connections. Because of pain, migraine can keep you from realizing your ultimate potential, says Moreno.
It can be hard to cut carbs, because so many things that are high in carbs taste so good, but there can be a price to pay for what tastes good, he says. I think feeling good is better than anything that tastes really good. Being able to wake up and not have pain, or going about your day without a migraine attack there are a lot of benefits there, says Moreno.
Read this article:
The Keto Diet and Migraine: 8 Things You Need to Know - Everyday Health
Side Effects of Giving up Protein Bars, According to Science – Eat This, Not That

Whether you're using them as meal replacements or as a post-workout snack, protein bars are an integral part of many people's daily routines. However, for many people, those protein bars may be having some surprising effects on their wellbeing they don't even realize.
If you've been thinking of cutting these snacks from your meal plan due to digestive issues, want to switch to eating whole foods, or feel like you don't need them if you aren't working out as much, read on to discover the side effects of giving up protein bars, according to science. And if you're ready to improve your health, check out The 7 Healthiest Foods to Eat Right Now.
If you've been using protein bars to fend off those hunger pangs, don't be surprised if they return with a vengeance when you cut those protein-rich bars from your diet. A study published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that individuals who consumed a high-fat, high-protein bar in the morning ate five percent less at a subsequent meal than those who consumed a high-fat, high-carb snack bar.
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If you're prone to blood sugar crashes, you might want to keep protein bars on your meal plan for the time being. The aforementioned Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition study found that individuals who consumed the high-protein bars at breakfast had notably lower glucose and insulin responses than those who ate the carbohydrate-rich bars. However, when you cut protein bars from your diet, inevitably replacing them with something else (like the 15 Unhealthiest Fast-Food Breakfasts To Never Eat), you may negate these insulin-modulating effects.
That bad breath may be the result of more than just a missed flossing session or two. According to research published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences in 2020, high-protein diets can increase the amount of malodorous ammonia emitted orally, but reducing dietary protein may help. (Related: Warning Signs You're Eating Too Much Protein.)
Individuals dealing with kidney health issues may find that cutting protein bars from their regular routine may be a net benefit for their wellbeing. According to 2019 research published in the journal Nutrients, among individuals with reduced kidney function, eating no more than 0.8 grams of protein per day per kilogram of ideal body weight may have a protective effect against further deterioration of their kidney health. And if you want to protect those vital organs, check out these Popular Diets That May Cause Damage to Your Kidneys, Science Says.
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Side Effects of Giving up Protein Bars, According to Science - Eat This, Not That
The Best Vitamins for Brain Health – Do Brain Supplements Work? –

When it comes to keeping your brain healthy as you age, your diet plays a big role. Eating a variety of foods is critical to getting the vitamins and nutrients your brain needs to keep performing at its best.
A large body of literature has found that certain nutrients, flavonoids, unsaturated fats, and omega-3 fatty acids are associated with slower cognitive decline and reduced risk of dementia, says Puja Agarwal, Ph.D., a nutritional epidemiologist and assistant professor in the Department of Internal Medicine at Rush Medical College in Chicago.
Eating whole foods is the best way to get those nutrients. Thats because supplements dont work as well in a vacuum. When you eat a balanced diet, though, the combination of vitamins, minerals, healthy fats (and more) helps the body better absorb the nutrients it needs.
So, which vitamins support brain health? And which foods can you find them in? Ahead, experts share everything you need to know.
If youve ever wondered why fatty fish like salmon and tuna are always touted as part of a healthy diet, heres one reason: Theyre high in omega-3 fatty acids, a type of unsaturated fat that has a brain-protecting anti-inflammatory effect and is a building block of cell membranes in the brain.
Omega-3s have also been linked to lower levels of beta amyloid, a type of protein found in the brains of people with Alzheimers-related damage. Omega-3 fatty acids easily penetrate the blood-brain barrier and are essential for the brains structure and functioning, expalins Dr. Agarwal.
Where to find it: Besides fatty fish, good sources of omega-3s include nuts and seeds and some fortified foods such as eggs and yogurt.
This vitamin functions as an antioxidant in the body, and it protects cells from oxidative stress, a type of damage caused by free radicals (unstable molecules in the body), even in the brains of people with Alzheimers disease. The brain is particularly susceptible to oxidative stress, which increases during aging and is a major contributor to cognitive decline.
Where to find it: Vitamin E can be found in dark leafy greens, avocado, red bell pepper, asparagus, mango, pumpkin, and nuts and seeds.
When it comes to brain health, focus on the three Bs : vitamins B6, B12, and B9 (folate). These three types of B vitamins are necessary for the brains normal functioning, says Dr. Agarwal, and any deficiency in them may increase the risk of memory loss and other forms of cognitive decline.
The reason: These vitamins help boost the production of neurotransmitters, or brain chemicals, that deliver messages between the brain and body.
Where to find them: Beans are one of the best sources of B vitamins across the board. You can find B6 in bananas, oranges, papaya, cantaloupe, tuna, salmon, poultry, and dark leafy greens. Folate is found in broccoli, greens, whole grains, eggs, peanuts, and sunflower seeds.
Vitamin B12 is found solely in meat and fish products; for vegans and vegetarians, nutritional yeast is a good way to get your supply. People on a plant-based diet do have a much higher risk of a true B12 deficiency, so talk to your doctor or dietitian about whether or not a B12 supplement is right for you.
This antioxidant is known for its immunity powers, but vitamin C and other flavonoids also support the brain, potentially by taming brain-damaging inflammation.
In one study, by Rush University researchers including Dr. Agarwal, people who consumed vitamin C-rich strawberries at least once a week were less likely to develop Alzheimers over the course of the nearly 20-year study period.
Where to find it: Get vitamin C in abundance from kiwi, red and green bell peppers, citrus, berries, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and tomatoes.
Drugstore shelves are lined with countless vitamins and supplements that claim to support brain health, but do they actually help? Experts agree that youre better off spending your money on nutritious whole foods instead of popping capsules.
For one, theres a lack of regulation, which means theres no way to know whether the supplements actually contain whats promised on the bottle. And then theres the lack of science to confirm that brain health supplements actually help.
There is clear evidence that supplements and vitamins do not help unless you have a deficiency in certain nutrients, which happens but is rare, says Gill Livingston, M.D., a professor of psychiatry at University College London whose research focuses on dementia prevention, intervention, and care.
To keep your mind sharp, focus on eating healthy, nutrient-dense foods. And remember: Diet is just one piece of the puzzle. Keeping up with other healthy lifestyle habitslike exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and staying socially activewill go a long way in improving cognitive function and reducing your risk for Alzheimers and dementia.
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The Best Vitamins for Brain Health - Do Brain Supplements Work? -
Joe Jonas Keeps a Mobile Gym in the Back of His Tesla – GQ

This time last year, Joe Jonas tells me, the pandemic forced him into a much calmer way of life. The Jonas Brothers had to cancel an eight-date residency at the Park MGM, and while there were certainly downsides to downshifting on the heels of a major album release (the group released their fifth studio album, Happiness Begins, in mid-2019), Jonas tells GQ that the past year was an opportunity for him to really home in on his routine and embrace healthier, more mindful lifestyle.
Now I do a weekly meditation with a group of friends of mine via Zoom for like, 10 to 20 minutes on Sundays. One of them is a former monkhe leads it, he says. Its great because this isnt us just like getting together to play a game. Its us talking about our feelings and how we're doing and checking in with each other.
But his routine isn't completely monk-like it also involves a gin cocktail or two. GQ recently sat down with the middle Jonas as he promoted a new partnership with Tanqueray Sevilla Orange, to hear about his diet, go-to Los Angeles sushi restaurant, and being ready to work out a moment's notice.
For Real-Life Diet, GQ talks to high-performing people about their diet, exercise routines, and pursuit of wellness. Keep in mind that what works for them might not necessarily be healthy for you.
GQ: Lifes probably a lot different now than you expected, isnt it?
Joe Jonas: Well, for sure. The pandemic forced me into a routine, which Ive liked. Ive been able to figure out when to get up in the morning, and pick and be really intentional about how I get my day started, then pick and choose my own schedule.
When do you get up?
I usually wake up around 7:00 or 7:30, and I try to give myself an hour before I do anything, even a work out. The first thing I do with that time is meditate. I use Headspace. Even if it's like three minutes, sometimes Ill listen while Im brushing my teeth and getting ready. Its just about being mindful instead of starting any social media.
Then I do some Duolingo. Im slowly learning Italian. After that, I'm on a group text with a group of a few friends, and we write to each other what we're grateful for every day. So I do like seven to 10 things. It could be as simple as, I'm grateful that the sun is coming up, Im grateful for this delicious cup of coffee that's going to get me through my day, or Im grateful for my family, friends, loved ones. These days, I end it with Im grateful for the health and safety for my friends and family during these difficult times. Then, I listen to NPRs Up First while I make a pour over coffee, then a smoothie.
Whats in the smoothie?
It's all the greens you can possibly have. Superfoods, some prebiotics, probiotics, organic vegetables and fruits. I use kale and some ginger occasionally and some vegan protein powder.
Whats next?
Then I get a workout in. I'll work out for about 30 to 40 minutestypically something from my trainer Matt Blankand then probably hit the Peloton for another 20 or 30, then go to the sauna. I really like to boxcardio-based, high intensity stuff.
I even have a little mobile gym in my Tesla, which came in handy on set the other day. I'd rather be doing something, keeping my body moving, instead of just sitting around and playing on my phone or watching a movie when we have downtime.
Have you always been this big into health and wellness?
I think it's more in recent years, and it definitely comes in waves. I've realized that Im going 100 miles per hour every day, whether Im working or not. To maintain that health and to feel good about myself mentally, physically, emotionally, a lot of these routines are going to get me through the day, the week, the month. Thats why I try to protect my mornings. Thats my me time.
See the original post:
Joe Jonas Keeps a Mobile Gym in the Back of His Tesla - GQ
Diet Hacks That Will Reduce Stress, Says a Doctor | Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

There really is nothing worse than constantly feeling stressed. Especially if you're trying to focus on working toward any weight-loss goals, stress only ends up being more of a hindrance, as you simply aren't in the best headspace to be your healthiest self. And that constant state of stress can have many (not-so-great) effects on you, overall.
"In order to understand the effect stress has on the body, we need to understand our stress-related hormones. The primarystress hormone is cortisol.The primarycalming hormone is serotonin," explains Gretchen San Miguel, MD and Chief Medical Officer for Medi-Weightloss. "Stress increases cortisol, 'the stress hormone.' Whilethis cancauseyoutohave less of an appetite at first, long-term 'chronic' stress actually boosts your hunger."
So yes, that means you might end up eating more, and you're likely to eat the type of foods that aren't the healthiest options around.
"High levels of cortisol canincrease your insulin levels, causing your blood sugar to drop which in turn makes us crave sugary high-fat foods.Chronically, this can also lead to weight gain, high blood pressure, diabetes,fatigue,and difficulty concentrating," says Dr. San Miguel. "When we are stressed, wetend to turn tocomfort food, mostly because these foods, in turn, trigger counter-effective neuro-hormonal responses that have a direct calming effect on us, increasing serotonin."
But don't worry, not all hope is lost! That's where we come in. Thanks to Dr. San Miguel, she shared some of the best and easiest diet hacks you can adopt that will reduce stress, right now.
"Healthy lifestyle changes could ultimately ameliorate the impact that chronic stress can have on your body and lead to improved health, more energy, and less weight gain, thus improving your overall wellness," says Dr. San Miguel.
Check out the full breakdown of what you can do to reduce stress levels, and while you're making healthier habits, be sure to try out any of the 15 Underrated Weight Loss Tips That Actually Work.
"High sugar foods will lead you to crave more high sugar foods, creating an endless cycle," says Dr. San Miguel. "Consuming sugar is linked to higher cortisol levels in obese individuals."
But there is an upside, as Dr. San Miguel says munching on dark chocolate is something you should be doing!
"Studies showthat consuming dark chocolate reducescortisol response to a stress challenge," she says.
(If you need some help cutting back on sugar, here is the science-backed way to curb your sweet tooth in 14 days.)
That means raw veggies.
"Mostly for the stress relief that comes from chewing them, eating raw vegetables can help release clenched jaw and decrease cortisol levels as well," says Dr. San Miguel. "Veggies are very low in calories and are filled with essential nutrients and dietary fiber."
You'll also want to be sure you fill up on foods that increase serotonin. This includes eggs, cheese, pineapple, tofu, salmon, turkey, nuts,and seeds, according to Dr. San Miguel.
When in doubt, turn to a warm glass of milk. Sipping on it can help you get to sleep faster, and adequate, proper sleep is majorly important when you're trying to reduce stress.
"[Go ahead and] warm [some] fat-free milk. Certain compounds in milkspecifically tryptophan and melatoninmay help you fall asleep," says Dr. San Miguel.
"Simple carbs like sweets and sodas are digested quickly and lead to a spike in serotonin, making us feel quick stress relief, but itdoes notlast long and before you know it you will be craving for more sweets to replicate the feeling. As you can imagine, this leads to continuous elevated blood sugarswhich in turn eventually will lead to elevated cortisol levels,weight gain, and eventually many chronic diseases," explains Dr. San Miguel. "Since complex carbs take longer to digest, they tend to be the ones that release a steadier supply of our feel-good hormone serotonin."
Essentially, you're going to want to choose whole-grain breads, pastas, and breakfast cereals, including old-fashioned oatmeal.
"Complex carbs can also help you feel balanced by stabilizing blood sugar levels, controlling hunger spikes," Dr. San Miguel adds.
Water, that is!
"Adequate hydration, sleep, and exercise are also important to control hormones and stress levels," Dr. San Miguel says. "Dehydration increases cortisol. I tell my patients to drink half their body weight in ounces of water per day."
Along with getting your water fix, you'll want to make sure you "get enough quality sleep, [as] timing, length, and quality of sleep all influence cortisol," and "exercise consistently, but not too much," according to Dr. San Miguel.
"In general, most adults should aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day and two strength-training sessions per week. Mild or moderate exercise at 4060% of maximum effort does not increase cortisol and can actually help decrease cortisol," she says.
Diet Hacks That Will Reduce Stress, Says a Doctor | Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That