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I tried following a vintage-inspired workout routine for a week, and only some parts have aged well – Business Insider

The 1950s marked a decade when Americans became really interested in exercise and fitness.
Television programs, the government, and new social norms created an environment where staying in shape was not only encouraged, but also expected.
With the recent return of 1950s workout staples like Bongo Boards, Hula-Hoops, and other calisthenic-focused exercises, I decided to spend a week trying out moves from the decade to see how they stack up against more modern routines.
To guide me in my vintage-fitness journey and provide some insight into what types of workouts were popular in the 1950s, I spoke to Conor Heffernan, assistant professor in the departments of kinesiology and health education at The University of Texas at Austin, and personal trainer Chris DiVecchio.
Heres what it was like to follow a vintage-inspired workout routine for a week.
Many women in the 1950s sought to stay or become slender through their new exercise routines, but they were seemingly not nearly as concerned with building strength or staying healthy, something many of the weight-lifting and cardio workouts I do today emphasize.
I also found that many workouts of the time seemed pretty simple and low-energy. For example, one popular fitness tool in the 1950s was a Bongo Board, which is designed to help improve ones balance.
Although some early iterations of this balance board debuted in 1952, it is still useful today, according to DiVecchio. He said it can stabilize muscles, which can act as a foundation for strength and power and help prevent injuries.
With this in mind, I began my workout by trying to stay upright on a Bongo-style balance board, which turned out to be a lot harder than expected.
After trying to stay upright for about 30 seconds, I did 30 jumping jacks followed by 10 minutes of Hula-Hooping, an activity that has unclear origins but was especially popular in the 1950s.
I actually felt myself smiling while hooping, and I was happy to hear that, according to DiVecchio, using this childlike piece of equipment can help shrink your waist size, burn calories, and increase your bodys mobility even if it doesnt build muscle.
Next, I decided to try and use dumbbells (which have been around for centuries) and a rowing-style machine (which have been around since the 1870s) to imitate some of the equipment that those in the 1950s would have had access to.
Although stationary bikes didnt gain mainstream popularity in the US until the 1960s, theyd been around since the early 1900s, so I decided to include some pedaling in my routine to finish off my workout.
Honestly, I didnt really feel like I got much of a workout on the stationary bike, and I was bored after just five minutes.
According to Heffernan, yoga found a resurgence of popularity in the 1950s, so I decided to dedicate a couple of days of the week to it.
During that decade, women would likely have been attempting yoga poses that were taught at community centers or salons from cosmetic pioneers, like Helena Rubinstein or Elizabeth Arden, who emphasized that yoga could help a woman take control of her physical beauty.
Im not one to choose yoga over a high-intensity workout, but I have to admit that I enjoy the calming and relaxing benefits from the practice.
I do 30 seconds of each pose, starting with mountain, standing bow, tree, eagle, triangle, leg lifts, camel, bow, and chair, as well as a few rounds of downward-facing dog.
I feel less stressed and more energized when Im finished.
Treadmills really started to gain popularity in the 1960s, but some US advertisements for them date back to the 1930s, so I figure they were probably part of some 1950s routines. I decided to incorporate this machine into my day-two workout.
After warming up with the balance board and one minute of jump rope, I put on one of my favorite workout playlists and start running. Im bored within 10 minutes, but it feels really good to get some of my extra energy out, and Im able to stay on the treadmill for around 30 minutes.
Ive finally broken a sweat, which is a relief. One of the most frustrating things for me so far this week is that I havent really felt like Ive gotten my heart rate up during any of these exercises.
It feels weird having such a relaxing workout planned for the day, but part of me feels happy about it because its been a stressful week at work, and Im looking forward to zoning out and concentrating on my breathing for at least 20 minutes.
To start things off, I decide to try to focus on balancing on the board. For some reason, its even harder than it was the first day, and Im having a hard time concentrating on keeping it steady.
After about five minutes of that, I return to my yoga moves. I again move into my mountain, standing bow, downward-facing dog, tree, eagle, triangle, leg lift, camel, bow, and chair poses.
Im surprised to admit it, but I wish my yoga session was longer so I didnt have to get back to being productive.
Although a part of me is enjoying taking the week kind of easy, I miss doing exercises that really get my heart rate up as well as strength-building moves.
To start, I crank up some music as I try to balance on the board for 45 seconds and then do 40 jumping jacks. I feel like Im getting a lot better at balancing and I am having some fun with it.
After doing 15 minutes of Hula-Hooping, I grudgingly head over to the stationary bike and set a timer for 45 minutes. Its weird how easy it is to zone out, and even though I stay on the bike the whole time, I dont really feel like I broke a sweat.
DiVecchio echoed my thoughts, saying that stationary bikes can create a false sense of action, adding that its typically not a good source for burning calories. However, he said that its a helpful workout tool for people who have back issues or knee, hip, or foot injuries.
When Im done with my workout, I check my abs, and am surprised to see a hint of definition, but its hard to tell if its from Hula-Hooping or from my previous core-centric workouts.
Even though theres something about Hula-Hooping that makes me feel like a kid again (in a good way), the minimal results make me feel like its not as effective of a workout as my regular ab exercises.
I know that plenty of people do yoga several times a week, but Im having a hard time getting excited about putting aside 20 minutes in my day for a yoga routine.
Today, I decided to switch up my routine by adding burpees to the list. Although Im not sure whether women in 1950s-era yoga classes would have done them, I just needed something to get my heart rate up a little.
Again, I warm up with a mountain pose, followed by tree, standing bow, downward-facing dog, eagle, and triangle poses. I then do 30 burpees until Ive worked up a sweat, and then I do some leg lifts, spine twists, and camel, bow, and chair poses.
I finish off with a relaxing happy-baby pose to stretch everything out.
I wake up feeling pretty excited to put this week behind me. Ive definitely had fun with some of this 1950s-era exercise equipment, but Im ready to start lifting weights and go back to focusing on more intense moves to help me build my strength and get my heart rate up again.
I begin by attempting one minute on my balance board followed by one minute of jump rope. Once Im warmed up, I head to the treadmill and decide to finish the week off strong with 45 minutes of it.
Im not full-on sprinting the whole time, and I definitely take breaks, but it feels like a good workout, and Im covered in sweat at the end of it.
There were a few things that I really loved about the 1950s-inspired workouts, including the fun attitude and the way that certain moves focus on balance and stability. DiVecchio said that this is actually something that modern workouts are lacking, and that weightlifting alone, without focusing on stability and balance, can actually lead to injuries.
It also can hold people back from being as powerful as they could be.
In order to be optimal in the strength and power, youve got to have good stabilization, so you sell yourself short with how strong and powerful you could be without it, he said.
However, I really didnt feel like I gained a lot of strength or muscle definition while doing these workouts, which makes sense since many 1950s-era exercise routines for women were focused on creating and maintaining an idealized slim figure.
I wont be following all of these moves and routines again, but I might just incorporate a balance board and Hula-Hoop into my next workout.
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I tried following a vintage-inspired workout routine for a week, and only some parts have aged well - Business Insider
Fitness Streaming Experts Offer Solution for Fitness Clubs to Stay Connected to Members During COVID-19 Shutdown – Yahoo Finance

Endorphinz will waive the upfront fees and deploy its team to assist with planning, program management, content, production, publishing and more.
TAMPA, Fla., March 19, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Fitness studios and gyms are closing their doors in an effort to bridle concerns over the spreading of coronavirus, while opening their screens in search of streaming opportunities. Endorphinz, a fitness streaming agency with integrated services, content, production and publishing, is deploying resources and teams to help fitness organizations continue offering exercise programs and fitness classes to members while they are practicing social distancing.
The Endorphinz team has worked with industry-leading brands for over 15 years and serves as a reliable streaming partner and fitness streaming expert.In support of finding a solution for the industry during COVID-19 public gathering closures, the company has joined together a majority of the streaming platform providers currently hosting fitness streaming brands to collectively assist club operators in deploying the right solution in a timely manner.For the next 30 days, the platform partners listed below will work hand-in-hand with the Endorphinz team to deploy viable solutions. Endorphinz will waive the upfront fees and deploy its team to assist with all program management, content production, publishing, and more.
"We have been servicing select partners in the fitness streaming market, and we were planning to roll out the full-program service model at IHRSA.In light of everything, I called all of the platform providers and asked them to band together to help our industry because people are going to need fitness at home through these tough times.I have opened up our resources and staff to assist brands in deploying the appropriate fitness streaming solutions, to provide education on the best practices and to assist in creating content," says Endorphinz partner, Mike Hansen.
In addition to fitness streaming program management, Endorphinz has built up one of the largest knowledge bases with fitness streaming research, consumer surveys, and best practices.The company is actively working on putting together educational guides and DIY services offerings to connect with professionals via a virtual model to support those who are in isolation.
"The team at Endorphinz is a great resource for insights and a reliable source of information and services for the industry," says Garrett Marshall of Xponential Fitness.
For organizations who require resources, setup or assistance with their fitness streaming programs and content, call 1-833-227-4469 or visit The company will also begin to release educational content via
For more information on the commercial content and streaming platform providers who are actively serving the fitness industry, please visit their websites and call Endorphinz for expedited service and procurement.
"Clubsneed to be thoughtful about what decisions they make today with their online content and the strategy they deploybecause the long-term and viable brands will require one of these commercial platforms while using social channels for top of funnel and promotion," says Endorphinz partner, Mike Hansen.
About Endorphinz
Endorphinz is building the fitness services company of tomorrow, to empower brands and artists in the digital age.The company offers the first fully integrated services of media production, publishing and talent fully dedicated to fitness streaming. For more information on Endorphinz, visit
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Name: Ann Marie Barbour
Phone: 833-227-4469
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Staying active during quarantine "a great benefit for the body and the mind" – Volleyball Magazine

OC Fast Twitch at-home workout of the day
IN QUARANTINE Sara Hughes was doing yoga. JM Plummer was doing an upper-body workout using resistance bands in his living room. Mark Burik and his girlfriend attempted to pepper in his living room before it went terribly awry. Eric Beranek was doing well, nobody is entirely sure what Beranek was doing, but he was running, sort of, in his apartment.
Going a little crazy.
We are all going a little bit crazy these days.
Offices are off limits. Gyms are closed. So are the beaches, if youre an entirely law-abiding citizen and you listen to the releases by the city (Hint: Not everybody is).
But people are going to find ways to stay in shape, because thats what athletes do. In times of stress and discomfort, as these are, that is precisely what people must do.
Moving is huge, said Chelsea Ortega, who is a trainer and clinical director at Evolution Physical Therapy in El Segundo, California. Keeping moving, especially if youre an athlete, is huge. If you dont do that, depression can set in. Youre already not playing your sport, youre missing your teammates, theres all these other components. If you keep moving, we get so many other positive reactions from our body naturally just by working out. Moving as much as you can in the meantime is huge.
Ortega has seen this strange stretch of mandated work at home and quarantine hours as an opportunity to mix things up. Change the workout routine. A former runner, Ortega competed in the Los Angeles Marathon two years ago and hadnt run up until a few days ago. But with no gym to go to, she put in a 25-minute at-home workout circuit and then went for a five-mile jog.
Im looking at this as an opportunity to do a more metabolic and endurance phase, doing more (high interval training) workouts or endurance runs, things like that that are outside, just building that into your overall training program is a positive thing, she said. Just thinking of it as an opportunity to access new systems that you wouldnt normally have the opportunity to use and doing things that your body might not normally do.
Emily Day is doing much the same.
One of the fittest players on the AVP Tour, Day is a regular at the USA Volleyball gym in Torrance. When USA Volleyball shut its doors earlier this week, she asked trainer Christian Hartford for an at-home program. For the next few weeks, you will be able to find Day in her living room doing jump squats on a yoga mat, tossing a medicine ball in her driveway, running hills behind her house.
I think having a schedule and scheduling in a workout is important because I feel like you can get lost in the day and time slips by and then you dont have time, Day said. I think its important to schedule in time to move, whether its walking around the block, listening to a podcast, getting fresh air, because thats important. Make little circuits. Pick a leg exercise, arm exercise, ab exercise. Go through it for three rounds then pick another three to do.
Hartford has sent USA Volleyball athletes individualized workout programs to stay in shape during the mandated quarantine. He even sent a few home with equipment from the facility. But if youre not a USA Volleyball player, and you do not have access to kettlebells or medicine balls, Hartford said its still vital to move, to work out with what you have.
The biggest thing right now, the hormonal response that you get after exercise helps so much with stress, Hartford said. Its very important to keep up with that during these times. Even if you are stuck at home, get some kind of physical activity just to balance those hormones.
Its a good chance to get back into general movement. You dont really need a plan if you move or just go on a walk outside. As long as youre moving and being active and not just sitting on the couch all day, every day, it has a great benefit for the body and the mind.
OC Fast Twitch is a partner of p1440, and is putting together at-home workouts via Instagram that anyone, regardless of equipment or resources, can follow. Below is the first. Simply scroll through to follow along.
Staying active during quarantine "a great benefit for the body and the mind" - Volleyball Magazine
Fitness Trail: Lateral motion training tips for all sports, activities – Sky Hi News

While we always include lateral motion training during our winter sports preparation programs, lateral motion training is an excellent training modality for just about every sport and activity. Lateral motion training, or LMT, takes place predominately with the frontal plane of the body moving side to side.
Due to the frontal plane demands of sports such as alpine and Nordic skiing, ice hockey, snowboarding, soccer, volleyball, baseball, basketball, football, golf, tennis, waterskiing, wakeboarding, paddle boarding and more, LMT provides the body with the movement pattern preparation and muscular strength and endurance training required to perform safely and effectively.
One of the fitness tools that we utilize is a slide board or LMT board which allows the client to slide from end to end, with slide booties over the shoes, training the body in the frontal plane.
Not only do you train the movement pattern, strengthen the lower body muscles and the entire nose to toes core, when performed continuously, this activity is an excellent form of cardiovascular endurance exercise and may also include HIIT.
We utilize LMT with the slide board, Gliding Discs, BOSU Balance Trainer, step platform and Bongo boards, to name a few of the LMT tools available. The beauty of LMT is that you are able to combine sagittal and transverse plane movement patterns with the frontal plane patterns to train all three planes of the body simultaneously simulating many sports performance patterns effectively.
This week, check out the LMT tips below and consider integrating LMT into your training program. As always, prior to beginning any exercise program, please consult your physician.
Tip No. 1 Always wear the sliding booties over your shoes when performing on the LMT boards. These booties allow the body to smoothly slide from one end of the board to the other. You need to be able to push off with the hip/leg in contact with the bumper side with enough force production to propel your body to the opposite end bumper.
Tip No. 2 On the LMT board, you must fully contact the end bumpers and close the legs together when contacting the bumper. Therefore, the trailing leg must come in contact with the opposite leg. There are many LMT drills/skills that do not require you to close the trailing leg, but you must be proficient on the board first.
Tip No. 3 With Gliding Discs, visualize how a speed skater appears when in the midst of a race. They are low, hinged from the hips, torso long and arms and legs working in bilateral opposition to propel the body down the ice. With the balls of your feet on the discs, lift one heel so that you are able to glide, then as you move laterally, bring the trailing leg in to meet the opposite leg and drop the heel of the leading leg to serve as a brake or bumper.
Tip No. 4 Bongo boards are great LMT tools. If you have never used one before, set it up next to a stable support and on a non-skid surface and take your time getting accustomed to the lateral action before attempting without support.
Tip No. 5 Using the BOSU Balance Trainer or step platform, you may perform LMT across the top drills/skills on these tools.
Jackie Wright is the owner/manager of Mountain Life Fitness in Granby. She may be reached at her website at and her email at
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Fitness Trail: Lateral motion training tips for all sports, activities - Sky Hi News
Home exercise equipment: where to get treadmills, indoor bikes, weights & more – TechRadar India

Stay in shape without leaving your house with these cheap home exercise equipment deals from retailers like Amazon, Walmart, and Best Buy. We've found a selection of workout equipment in stock that includes discounts on treadmills, indoor bikes, weights, yoga mats, and more.
Our top home exercise equipment picks include deals on best-selling stationary bikes like the NordicTrack GX 4.7 on sale for $379, the Fitness Reality exercise bike on sale for $139 and the Schwinn Upright Bike Series on sale for $199.99. Perfect for small spaces, Amazon has the OppsDecor Folding Treadmill on sale for $279.99 and a $49 price cut on the XTERRA Fitness TR150 Folding Treadmill.
You can also find bargains on workout accessories like a set of dumbells on sale for $8.45, the Life Energy yoga mat on sale for $29.98 and GoFit resistance bands on sale for $14.95.
Shop more home exercise equipment deals below, and keep in mind these discounts are limited-time offers so you should take advantage now before it's too late.
Athletic Works Speed Jump Rope: $8.99 $6.46 at WalmartA great cardio workout, get the Athletic Works Speed jump rope on sale for $6.46 at Walmart. The nine-foot jump rope features a slim handle design and smooth rope rotation for faster spins.View Deal
BalanceFrom GoFit All-Purpose Dumbbells: $8.45 at AmazonAvailable in multiple sizes, the BalanceFrom GoFit dumbells includes a set of two high-quality solid cast dumbbells encased in color-coded vinyl.View Deal
GoFit Power Loops Resistance Bands: $14.95 at Best BuyGet a full-body workout with the GoFit Power Loops exercise bands that are on sale at Best Buy for only $14.95. The versatile stretch loops come in three different levels of resistance and are perfect for low impact workouts, stretch and mobility, resistance, and more.View Deal
Garren Fitness Maximiza Pull Up Bar: $55 $38.98 at AmazonPerfect for at home strength training, get the Garren Fitness pull bar on sale for $38.98 at Amazon. The safe and secure pull up bar comes with 2 sets of heavy-duty and 1 set of medium-duty door mounts and features non-slip extra-long foam grips for extra comfort.View Deal
XPRT fitness 50 lb. Vinyl Kettlebell Set: $59.99 $52.99 at WalmartGet the XPRT fitness Vinyl Kettlebell Set on sale for $52.99 at Walmart. The vinyl-coated set comes with four bells in varying weights to give you the full effect that you want.View Deal
Weider Ultimate Body Works Bench: $199 $149 at WalmartScore a $50 price cut on the Weider Ultimate Body Works Bench. The versatile bench features an inclined platform with wheels that adjust to your desired position to suit your workout goals, body size, and existing strength level.View Deal
Theragun G3 Premium Handheld Percussive Massage Device: $399 $349 at Best BuyAccelerate recovery after an intense workout with the Theragun G3 Percussive Massage Device that's on sale for $349 at Best Buy. The popular massage device targets each muscle with the appropriate intensity for faster results and provides a full hour of battery life.
BalanceFrom GoFit Pilates Yoga Mat: $19.99 $14.78 at AmazonThe BalanceFrom pilates mat is made of high-density foam material and features double-sided non-slip surfaces and is available in several different color choices.View Deal
Life Energy EkoSmart Cork Yoga Mat: $49.99 $29.98 at WalmartGet the Life Energy Yoga Mat on sale for $29.98 at Walmart. The 5mm yoga mat is made of thick Cork & TPE material for the perfect amount of cushion and comes with a convenient strap.View Deal
Fitness Reality R4000 Recumbent Exercise Bike: $199 $139 at WalmartGet the best-selling Fitness Reality R4000 bike on sale for $139 at Walmart. The compact bike includes a workout goal setting computer that features an odometer, time, speed, distance, calories, and RPM.View Deal
Schwinn Upright Bike Series: $249 $199.99 at AmazonYou can save $50 on the Schwinn Upright Bike Series at Amazon. The stationary bike features a backlit DualTrack LCD screen that tracks speed, time, RPM, distance, calories, results, and heart rate and features seven preset programs.View Deal
Sunny Health & Fitness Indoor Cycle Bike: $299 at AmazonIf your looking for a budget bike, the Amazon's Choice Sunny Health & Fitness indoor cycle bike is a fantastic option. The 49-pound bike features a 4-way adjustable seat and 2-way adjustable handlebar and the resistance system gives you a realistic experience.View Deal
NordicTrack GX 4.7 R Exercise Bike: $499 $379 at Best BuySave $120 on the NordicTrack Exercise Bike at Best Buy. The GX 4.7 R features a 5-inch backlit display so you can conveniently stream on-demand workouts from your tablet or phone.View Deal
Nautilus Upright Bike Series: $479.99 $449 at AmazonSave $30 on the Nautilus Upright Bike Series at Amazon. The stationary bike features Bluetooth connectivity so users can set, track and monitor progress with popular app-based tracking tools.View Deal
Best Choice Products Portable Folding Treadmill: $190.99 $114.99 at WalmartIf you're looking for a budget treadmill, this Best Choice option from Walmart is a terrific option. The folding treadmill doesn't need any electrical outlet or motor, and instead it uses a flywheel and a 40 x 14-inch runway.View Deal
OppsDecor Folding Treadmill for Home: $299.99 $279.99 at AmazonPerfect for compact spaces, save $20 on the OppsDecor Folding Treadmill when you apply a limited-time coupon. Easy to fold and store, the treadmill includes time, speed, distance, calorie, heart rate, body fat and features an iPad/mobile phone holder.View Deal
XTERRA Fitness TR150 Folding Treadmill: $399 $349 at AmazonGet the XTERRA Fitness TR150 treadmill on sale for $349 at Amazon. The folding treadmill features 12 preset programs and the folding deck design is quick and easy to use.View Deal
ProForm 965 CT Treadmill: $999 $599 at Best BuyThe ProForm 965 CT Treadmill gets a massive $400 price cut at Best Buy. The treadmill features a multi-window LED display, which allows you to stream a variety of personal trainers with your included one-year membership to iFit.View Deal
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BalanceFrom GoFit All-Purpose Dumbbells: $8.45 at AmazonAvailable in multiple sizes, the BalanceFrom GoFit dumbells includes a set of two high-quality solid cast dumbbells encased in color-coded vinyl.View Deal
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Home exercise equipment: where to get treadmills, indoor bikes, weights & more - TechRadar India
Fitness Corner: Exercise in the age of coronavirus – My Edmonds News

The novel coronavirus has upended our lives in a way that few of us have ever experienced. With seemingly no end in sight, its an unsettling and frightening time. As we socially distance and isolate ourselves at home more, combined with the loss of control that many of us are feeling, its easy to lose sight of what keeps us grounded.
As I always have in times of stress and instability in my life, I am clinging even more fiercely to exercise. I encourage you to do the same. Please make the decision today to keep moving for stress relief and to help keep yourself calm in the face of endless uncertainty. A balanced fitness routine includes at least some strength training and some cardiovascular training, but anything you can do to keep yourself moving right now is enough. Some ideas:
Create a routineIf you are stuck at home, now is the time to create and stick to a routine. Use whatever calendar works best for you to lay out your daily agenda, not just for you but for your family, especially if you are all at home together. Prioritize time for exercise. Implementing and following a routine is very stabilizing.
Personal trainingOn March 16, 2020, Washington State mandated that, among other establishments, health and fitness clubs must remain closed until March 31. This will seriously impact your trainer (if you already work with one) and/or your gym (if you go to one) most especially if your trainer is independent and your gym is independently owned (small local business). Please consider reaching out to your trainer or your gym for remote training, even if it is not something they normally do they are most likely looking into doing it right now. With video-calling options such as Facetime, Skype and Facebook Messenger, you can train remotely at home while simultaneously supporting them. If you dont have a trainer, this is a good time to find one. Ask your social network for referrals or search online. Every little bit we can do to support others counts right now, and we are all figuring out ways to adapt to this new reality.
Strength training at homeIf working with a trainer remotely isnt an option for you, the online resources are endless. This is a great time to explore YouTube for ideas. (I really like Fitness Blender they are based in North Seattle, and offer a lot of free programs.) Instagram and Pinterest also have a wealth of workout ideas. There are some good apps out there too, many with free trials. You do not need any additional equipment, there are lots of effective and challenging bodyweight-only exercises. Anything you already have at home is icing on the cake: bands, a stability ball, dumbbells, kettlebells. If you are just getting started, ease into any new workout look for programs and exercises labeled beginner. Give yourself two days of recovery between workouts and keep it very light to start, regardless of whatever program you decide to follow. Take any existing injuries or joint pain into consideration. The last thing you need right now is an injury.
Cardio at homeIf you have a treadmill, elliptical machine, stationary bike or a connected piece of equipment with classes included (Peloton) this makes your cardiovascular routine much easier to maintain. If not, go outdoors. You can walk and/or run with only a pair of supportive shoes required. Its fine to stop and chat with neighbors, but stay 6 feet away. Being outdoors is proven to boost our mental state and immune system but dont overdo it, and as always dress for the weather. However, you do what feels right for you, especially if you are in a higher risk category. When in doubt, dont go out.
Fitness as a familyWhether or not you are exercising solo or you have your kids or other family members at home right now, any kind of movement will do. For families, there are lots of options. An outdoor walk. A family dance party. A friendly competition (who can do the most pushups kids get a head-start, that kind of thing.) Maybe dig out those old fitness DVDs or find something on YouTube. Video games with movement or dance games are great for the entire family. Mix in a group yoga session. Make it fun for the kids and for yourself. And repeat every day or most days for maximum physical and mental health benefits.
Fuel your bodyAs much as possible, choose nutrient-dense foods, including protein, whole grains and fruits and veggies in any form. Avoid processed foods and excessive alcohol, neither of which supports the immune system. Dont eat too little (or too much.) But if you are stocking up for some time at home, its okay to grab a treat or two to break out when morale is low. Everything you can do to support your body (and mind) to optimally function counts.
If my gym is open, should I go?When in doubt, or if you are higher-risk, stay home. I can tell you from experience as a longtime gym owner that most people simply dont, or arent very thorough at, wiping down the equipment they have just used. This may or may not be the case even with everyones new widespread awareness of virus transmission. I can assure you that your gym owner and staff have definitely stepped up sanitizing and cleaning procedures at your facility, but its a good idea to be extra cautious. If you have any doubts, wipe down equipment or mats prior to using and make liberal use of hand sanitizer (also just go into the bathroom and wash your hands, often). And please, thoroughly wipe down your equipment after using it, including your phone if it is a part of your workout. Its the considerate thing to do as well as good gym etiquette.
These are unprecedented circumstances in which we find ourselves, and we must do everything in our power to stay healthy and optimistic. If there is one thing that I have learned in this life, personally and professionally, its that exercise supports and lifts us up in challenging times. Keep moving, everyone. Just keep moving.
Coach Pritam Potts is a writer and strength coach. After 16+ years of training athletes and clients of all ages as co-owner of Edmonds-based Advanced Athlete LLC, she now lives in Dallas, Texas. She writes about health & fitness, grief & loss, love & life at
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Fitness Corner: Exercise in the age of coronavirus - My Edmonds News
Organization offers childrens program in music and arts – Morganton News Herald

The Outreach Center offers many programs to benefit disadvantaged individuals in Burke County and the surrounding counties in western North Carolina.
TOC is a 501(3) nonprofit organization that assists with hunger relief, job training, education and the arts to break the cycle of generational poverty.
Its newest program, Wishes, Opportunities and Wonder, referred to as WOW, began in July 2019. Children in the program, ages 5 to 18, are provided with nutrition classes, exercise programs, tutoring and education in art, music and culture. Basic needs of food, clothing and school supplies also are provided.
This program is to help children find their voices and work boldly exploring their passions and interests, said Bianca Moses, director of community relations for The Outreach Center. Its important to understand this is not about giving children free activities. Accountability and investment are very important.
The WOW program provides opportunities through the organizations Arts and Cultural Program through partnerships with other community businesses, allowing extracurricular activities to children in poverty.
Our program provides music lessons, currently in guitar, ukulele, banjo, piano and violin; art lessons through collaboration with TOSS; and soon, performing arts, launching this summer, Moses said. We are also working to provide voice lessons by a classically trained opera singer.
Todd Greene, developmental director of The Outreach Center, teaches guitar, ukulele and banjo. Kathy Learner teaches piano and Mary Ervin teaches violin.
Another program in WOW is The Earned Instrument Program, developed by Greene. Each child taking music lessons has the opportunity to earn an instrument after completing 20 consecutive lessons within a five- to-six-month period.
Local artists started TOSS, an afterschool program, to teach painting, drawing, ceramics, sculpture, printmaking, textiles and photography to students at affordable rates to open them up to creativity and critical thinking.
The center also partners with Tumblemania, Tabers Black Belt Academy, Bone Breaker Gym, The Dance Factory of Morganton, Sherris School of Dance, Burke County 4-H, Pony Palooza, the Morganton Parks and Recreation Department and Burke Heat Basketball for extracurricular activities for WOW participants.
Some teachers volunteer, but most of the opportunities require sponsorship from members of the community, Moses said.
The children in the WOW program learn eight core values:
Gratitude: Always be thankful for something and remember to say thank you
Honesty: Being truthful with yourself and others
Kindness: Treating yourself and others well and putting others before yourself
Diligence: Putting a lot of effort into your work
Curiosity: Excitement when learning
Perseverance: not quitting or giving up when things get hard
Commitment: being invested and dedicated to someone or something
Compassion: concern for others when they are having a hard time
We hold monthly Breakfast Club meetings where we introduce one of our eight core values, Moses said. In March, we are working on Gratitude. We will be reading books on gratitude, kids are given a 30-day gratitude journal and we have discussions on demonstrating gratitude. In April, we will learn Kindness.
In spring and summer, Nicki Carpenter, an agent with the North Carolina Cooperative Extension-Burke County Center specializing in 4-H and youth development, will teach classes on seed germination, plot planning, soil testing, vermicomposting and hay bale gardening in the community garden plot at Catawba Meadows Park.
A portion of the garden will be The Giving Garden, Moses said. Food grown will be donated to hunger relief in Burke County.
The center needs volunteers for music, after school tutoring, community events, the backpack program, the thrift store and end-of-the-month food distribution.
Sponsors also are needed to fund the programs.
WOW is designed to empower children to dream about a future where anything is possible, Moses said. It is a very holistic program that embraces the entire child and their family. Children only know what they know, and we want them to know a lot.
The Outreach Center is located at 512 E. Fleming Dr. in Morganton.
Barbara Jolly-Deakle is a News Herald correspondent and a member of the Morganton Writers Group. She can be reached at
Read the original here:
Organization offers childrens program in music and arts - Morganton News Herald
[Up-and-coming medical startups of 2020] CES 2020 award-winning startup Exosystems unveils ‘exoRehab’ – Korea Biomedical Review

Exosystems is a startup specializing in developing healthcare wearables and digital therapeutics, providing a new platform for a healthy life in this era of population aging.
The company participated in Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020 with its wearable exoRehab, which provides rehabilitation training for people who have difficulty in walking due to muscular dystrophy from aging and the aftereffects of a stroke. Exosystems received two CES Innovation Awards.
ExoRehab, registered as a second-class medical device, which measures and analyzes biosignals and sends the user an exercise program. Also, the device gives electrical stimulation to help rehabilitation.
The difference between exoRehab and existing similar products is that exoRehab measures and analyzes the surface electromyography to fit the individual's condition and send exercise programs according to their musculoskeletal data.
When the user moves, the avatar presented on the screen induces the user to make some movements. Also, the solution can be played as a game. These aspects were not available in previous products.
"Our exoRehab is not yet commercialized to the public, but we have distributed it to some people. We distributed our products to 20 people for the beta test, but a far larger number of people wanted to participate in the tests," Exosystems CEO Lee Hoo-man told Korea Biomedical Review recently.
The participants were divided into two groups. One is composed of patients who suffered from the aftereffects of stroke or Parkinsons disease in their cerebral nervous system. The other group was made of orthopedic patients who had an operation on their knees or cruciate ligament tears.
"The major difference between exoRehab for business to business (B2B) and that for business to consumer (B2C) is in the software. We think B2B exoRehab is for users who belong to institutions. Our product's application can link and display the user's information on screens," he said.
Lee said his company won the approval of equivalence trial for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) in 2018, and Exosystems are taking clinical trials to switch the permit to Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES).
FES and TENS have different standards, and FES focuses more on the electrical stimulation to cause muscle contraction by stimulating motor nerves to induce joints to function.
The first clinical trial was conducted at Seoul National University Bundang Hospital. CEO Lee described the test as a joint development to reflect physicians opinions in the early development period. The trial subjects were patients who had surgeries on knee.
The second clinical trial is going on in 40 patients, in partnership with Pusan National University Hospital. Exosystems has secured the data of 10 patients, but the trial needs 40.
The clinical trial used Time Up and Go (TUG) test to measure the patients' clinical data. CEO Lee said that elderly patients' muscle flexion has improved by using exoRehab. He expected that the company would obtain more data for modification.
"In terms of function, the FES device has a wide range of parameters that can be adjusted in any FES treatment. The difference in parameters is due to the intensity of stimulation from the device," Lee said. "We do not currently have FES guidance to control exoRehab for users, but we are planning to provide the solution with guide by adding our developmental data."
Unlike simple electrical muscle stimulation products and massagers, the company is trying to help those who cannot work out actively have a similar effect through electrical stimulation, Lee added.
< Korea Biomedical Review, All rights reserved.>
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[Up-and-coming medical startups of 2020] CES 2020 award-winning startup Exosystems unveils 'exoRehab' - Korea Biomedical Review
Goodwill Industries of Kentucky to temporarily close locations – WMKY

In response to the ongoing novel coronavirus pandemic, Goodwill Industries of Kentucky will close its retail stores and education and employment centers to shoppers and workforce services participants, effective Sunday, March 22, for a two-week period.
During this two-week period, Goodwill will regularly assess the status of the pandemic and determine what or if any additional steps need to be taken to further protect employees, career services participants and shoppers before potentially reopening on Monday, April 6.
Retail employees at Goodwill will be paid their normal salaries during the two-week shutdown.
This situation was unimaginable a month ago, but now public health issues are top priorities for everyone including our team at Goodwill, said Amy Luttrell, CEO of Goodwill Industries of Kentucky. For the time being, it has become necessary for everyone at Goodwill to live and work differently.
During the shutdown, Goodwill will continue to accept donations at all its 66 stores throughout the state from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays and noon to 6 p.m. on Sundays.
Goodwill associates will exercise recommended social-distancing protocols by unloading items from donors without requiring them to exit their vehicles. Donors will also be welcomed to bring items to Goodwill donation doors but will be asked to take special precautions to maintain safe distances between Goodwill employees and one another.
The unprecedented circumstances will most significantly impact the population of jobseekers that Goodwill serves through its workforce development programs. As a result, Goodwills career coaches across the state will maintain important working relationships with their workforce services participants by using remote operating techniques like teleconferencing, videoconferencing, email communication and text messaging to exercise safe social-distancing practices during the two-week shutdown.
Although our education and employment facilities will be closed to the public, were doing everything we can to maintain services to our participants, said Luttrell. Doing our part to prevent the spread of the coronavirus and preserve Goodwills ability to continue to offer free services to people who need a hand up are now our top priorities.
(provided by Goodwill Industries of Kentucky)
Goodwill Industries of Kentucky to temporarily close locations - WMKY
4 home exercise programs to get fit without heading to the gym – L’Officiel – Malaysia

As we start to practice social distancing, in light of the recent health issues and the latest restricted movement initiative in Malaysia, going to the gym might not be the best idea (even if it is the shared facilityin your apartment residences).
Switching to a home exercise program could be your solution to the daily pull between sweating it out at the gym or lounging in your sweats at home. It's even more helpful at times when you're working from home, allowing you to accomplish your workoutroutine without having to go outside.
The art of the home exercise programhascome a long way, and now popular boutique studios are offering digital subscriptions to studio devotees and exercise novices alike. Whether you are looking to wind down in the evenings with a yoga flow or get in a sweat session while your laundry is in the dryer, theres a home workout out there that fits your goals.
Read on for the best home exercise programs to try now.
Go here to read the rest:
4 home exercise programs to get fit without heading to the gym - L'Officiel - Malaysia