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Get Exercise and Fresh Air at Local Conservation Areas – Kingston Herald

Cataraqui Conservation has announced steps it has taken to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 while also reminding the community that its own properties and access to the Cataraqui Trail remain open for physical and mental health benefits of being out in nature.
In addition to the 104-km rails-to-trails Cataraqui Trail, its own areas include Little Cataraqui Creek, Mac Johnson Wildlife Area, Lyn Valley, Marshlands, Lemoine Point, Parrotts Bay, and Gould Lake. Do a search for TRAILS on the CRCA website for more information about individual areas.
Also related to COVID-19, the agency listed pro-active steps it has taken to help mitigate the spread of the virus, in addition to cancelling Maple Madness and all public activities:
Note: Be sure to continue social distancing by ensuring you keep two metres / six feet between you and other visitors.
Community members are asked to phone or e-mail if they need to contact or correspond with staff. Permits or other hard copy documents can be dropped in the mail slot at the Administration Office, emailed to the appropriate staff member, and payments can be taken over the phone at 613-546-4228 ext. 0.
Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority will continue its important responsibilities in the area of water level and water quality monitoring, and this work along with other core business requirements will continue.
Visit for updates and links to social media accounts
Photo: Pexels (cc)
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Get Exercise and Fresh Air at Local Conservation Areas - Kingston Herald
State’s tennis facilities begin week open, but proceeding with caution – Kennebec Journal & Morning Sentinel

AUGUSTA It was just after noon Monday at the A-Copi Tennis and Sports Center, and on the back court there was one pickleball game going, with one player waiting his or her turn to play.
Usually, at mid-day on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday, there would be dozens either lined up or on the court. But not now. Not with the coronavirus pandemic dominating the news.
Normally, thered be 20 to 25 people here, Augusta resident Wayne Saucier said. And here its just the five of us.
Still, it was something, which has been hard to find since sports on all levels started screeching to a halt last Wednesday in response to the spread of the coronavirus. While five players played pickleball Monday afternoon, the remaining A-Copi courts were occupied with tennis players, providing one example of sports continuing to shoulder on.
I do think its important, because we do our best job to try to make this place a safe environment that people can come to, and people love coming here and getting some exercise, A-Copi manager Alex Stern said. Being active, I think, is still a huge part of staying healthy.
That said, Stern knows the situation, and while its business as usual at the club, its done with safety in mind and an eye on the news in case anything changes.
Were making sure that we sanitize everything that people touch. Lockers, for example, were spraying down, sanitizing. Were wiping down tables, benches, he said. Thats been the mind frame. Open, but cautious. If we need to close down, I have no problem closing down. Its a day-by-day thing.
Its a similar approach taken by other facilities across the state. Maine Pines Racquet and Fitness in Brunswick was open Monday, a staffer said, but only to adults, while kids and exercise programs have been suspended. Apex Racket and Fitness in Portland postponed group activities, but had planned to open for individuals looking to use the courts.
Late Monday afternoon, however, came a recommendation from the city that fitness centers close for five days, and Apex owner and general manager Stephan Woods said his club was obliging.
We had been in contact with pretty much all the other tennis clubs throughout the state, and we were all sharing information, he said. What we were hearing was that a lot of tennis clubs in Maine were going to be staying open, so we were adhering to that.
The health and safety of our clients are of utmost importance. Its certainly going to create a severe hardship, for not only the employees but the business itself.
For the centers that remain open however long the players who use them are happy to still have the resource.
Its great to have this facility open at this time, Saucier, 69, said. Probably wishful thinking that it will remain open. It was good to hear (they were open) because we get to stay active. We dont have to stay locked up in the house.
Its excellent, said Augustas Joy Lanzilotta, 74. Because I do think its important at our age that we do stay physically fit. I think if youre taking 10 to 14 days off, that your body will feel that and notice it, and it wont be healthy.
Some players were skeptical about going to the courts, given the news from the past several days.
I had serious doubts about even coming today, Gardiners Greg Kaloust, 69, said. Im not sure its a good idea, but I figured thered be a handful of people here, so Id volunteer for it. But I had concerns.
Others werent worried.
I dont think people should be in panic mode, Winthrops Dianne Pinto, 50, said. If youre not sick, I dont see why you cant go out and continue to live your life and be careful. Just like you would if you had the common cold. Wash your hands. If youre sick, stay home. This is nice, that they actually came out and they played.
None whatsoever, Lanzilotta answered when asked if she had reservations about playing. And as I said to one of my friends who is staying home, you will probably go to the grocery store. You will touch something. How do you know (its clean)?
Like their clubs, some players are taking their participation day by day. Kaloust, for instance, said he felt better Monday about being with players he knew and with whom he had already been in contact.
Its a calculation, he said. Its good to get out. If on Wednesday I come and there are 60 people here waiting to play, Ill probably go home.
Its anyones guess how long that option will be there.
For right now, were going to stay open, but we may end up closing as well, Stern said. Were keeping a very close eye on whats going on.
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State's tennis facilities begin week open, but proceeding with caution - Kennebec Journal & Morning Sentinel
From yoga to CrossFit: the 10 best online home workouts – The Guardian

With offices shutting down and more people working from home, its important to consider your physical fitness: exercise has proven benefits for mental wellbeing, and can be a welcome break from other daily stress. Also, bluntly, you may be about to have a lot more free time on your hands, so whether you have never trained before or you are a gym veteran looking to add some moves to your repertoire, there has never been a better time. We have assembled the best free online resources for at-home fitness for every level of dedication so, whether you want to fix a dodgy hip or master your first handstand, nows the time.
GMBs founders are gymnasts and martial artists with intimidating levels of coordination and bodily control, but their speciality is simplifying their expertise down into things that anyone can attempt including mobility routines that will redress all the imbalances you have been cultivating from years of hunching over your phone. The larger programmes are paywalled, but resources such as the eight-move hip mobility routine are a fantastic way to make yourself more limber during even the most intense Boss Baby: Back in Business binge. If you are feeling more ambitious, there are programmes to start you down the path to (re)learning moves such as the handstand or cartwheel from the comfort of your home.
The quality of information on Reddits various communities is variable, but bodyweight fitness is one of the best, with a wiki that features FAQs and advice on technique, as well as progressions to nudge you towards tough exercises such as the L-sit and single-leg squat. Theres also plenty of helpful discussion, with regular events such as Form Check Friday that let you upload your efforts via video for more experienced users to critique. Start with the Recommended Routine, which includes dynamic stretching, strength work and mobility or, if youre pushed for time, the Minimal Routine. A word of warning: if you dont want to invest in a pull-up bar, youll probably want a sturdy kitchen table.
Old-school, but thoroughly modern. The boxing coach Ross Enamait has been banging the drum for DIY training since before YouTube was invented. Now in his 40s, hes a chiselled living advert for training in a garage with gear that has been duct-taped together. His blog is full of inspiration for quick workouts such as the infamous deck of cards, where you assign each card suit a movement and then run through them as fast as possible but its also worth checking out his Instagram for inspiration on making your own sandbags and ab wheels. Watch him skipping in deep snow and forget about about every excuse you have ever even considered.
YouTube has more aspiring yoga gurus than downtown Los Angeles so the real trick is finding one that doesnt want to make you dry-heave during your downward dog. Yoga empress Adriene Mishler is certainly worth a shot, but Cole Chance is the connoisseurs pick, offering simple, useful routines and form advice alongside anatomical insight and just the occasional hint of dry humour. She also offers deeper tutorials on movements such as the crow pose or wild thing pose, so you will (hopefully) go back to your regular class ready to show off. The only downside? Being interrupted by cryptocurrency ads just when you are getting in the zone.
Youve heard of CrossFit, of course because the first rule of CrossFit is you have to talk about CrossFit but with workouts increasingly involving rowing machines, barbells and shuttle runs, they are not always small-space suitable. Fortunately, the main site now offers an entry-level home alternative on training days you will still need some outsize water jugs while spinoff sites such as allow you to search for workouts that use specific items of kit (kettlebells, say) or just your own bodyweight. The Hero WODs, named after deceased members of the uniformed services, are the toughest of all worth a shot if you fancy a challenge, but make sure you do the approved warmup first.
tre fort pour tre utile be strong to be useful was the philosophy of the pioneering French physical educator Georges Hbert, the spiritual forefather of MovNat. It is something the modern iteration of his mthode naturelle certainly encourges. MovNat encourages instinctive, adaptable movement, with gimmicky animal-style drills ignored in favour of the sort of crawling, rolling and leaping we bipeds find most efficient and core skills such as efficient breathing, carrying and getting up off the ground covered before vaulting, climbing or heavy lifting. Some content is paid-for, but a free ebook gives you plenty of ground to cover before you will need to reach for your wallet. Bonus, extremely relevant fact: Hbert was originally inspired to create his system after being part of the rescue effort following a 1902 volcanic eruption, and cautioned that any athletic skill is useless if not paired with altruism.
Mobility expert Nielsen active on YouTube and Instagram is a specialist in snackable workouts, serving up short drills and skill practice soundtracked by soothing folk music. Your knees will twinge at some of his more advanced progressions but moves such as thehouse cleaning drill and his squat series are the perfect antidote to three hours on the sofa playing Fifa, while his advanced quadrupedal patterns offer something to do with your eight-year-old when shes bouncing off the walls after a week in the house. Its also worth checking out his valslide series use duster cloths or old socks for a more affordable version.
There are a lot of paid programs on Cori Lefkowiths relentlessly enthusiastic website, but drill a bit deeper than the homepage and she has put together some of the best free resources online. Even if you arent interested in outgrowing all your jeans, her bodyweight glute exercise series will get those all-important rear engines firing, making you more efficient in everything from squats to running. And if youre not averse to working up a sweat, shes got HIIT workouts for every amount of commitment from five minutes to 30.
The presentation isnt going to be for everyone do you really want a shirtless American promising you pec-pulsing moves on a grey March morning? but get past the exclamation marks, and the terrifyingly ripped Jeff Cavaliere is a very informative coach, drawing on a background in physical therapy and athletics to offer science-backed training that doesnt skimp on the tough stuff. Whizz through his Master Tip series to learn about the mistakes most people make in their training, then head to his bodyweight workouts to put it all into practice. Be honest, the first thing you click will be Abs Like Stallone!
Need a serious project to take your mind off things in self isolation? Want to go back to work able to crank out a one-armed pull-up, or do a handstand while teetering on a chair? Beast Skills offers up the toughest challenges on this list, but breaks them down into entirely manageable progressions, theoretically allowing you to go from never-worked-out-indolence to your first muscle-up in ... well, however long this all takes. If you have got something suitable to hang them from, this might be the time to invest in a set of gymnastics rings it will drastically increase your options, and might improve your shoulder health.
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From yoga to CrossFit: the 10 best online home workouts - The Guardian
YMCA to reduce classes and programs, reduce child care hours and postpone youth activities – The Daily Nonpareil

The Charles E. Lakin YMCA in Council Bluffs will have reduced group exercise classes and programs, while also postponing youth sports games and practices and canceling swimming lessons and youth enrichment classes.
In a Facebook post, the nonprofit organization, These are truly unprecedented times, and here at the YMCA of Greater Omaha we strive to provide you with the best and safest health & wellness experience possible. As the COVID-19 situation continues to unfold, we have been diligent in our outreach and communications with other YMCAs across the country, as well as state, school, health and public officials, to ensure were charting the appropriate course of action for our daily operations moving forward. As such, with all of our staff and members in mind, we want to communicate the following operations updates, so you can plan accordingly.
Effective immediately, per the post:
As were all well aware, situations and decisions are changing hourly, based on facts and incoming updates from school, health and public officials, the YMCA said. We appreciate your support of these updates, and we will continue to communicate any changes to our operating plans moving forward.
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YMCA to reduce classes and programs, reduce child care hours and postpone youth activities - The Daily Nonpareil
Sticking to cardiac rehab boosts survival chances after a heart attack – Medical News Today

In the months after a heart attack, those who stick most closely to their cardiac rehabilitation program are much more likely to be alive years later, a new study has found.
After a person has had a heart attack, their care team routinely offer them cardiac rehabilitation. Rehab programs include advice on exercise, health education, medication, and lifestyle, in particular, quitting smoking, eating a healthful diet, and reducing stress levels.
In the first study to investigate the cumulative effect of sticking to multiple recommendations in cardiac rehab, researchers found significant benefits with every additional goal achieved.
The study identified that people who managed to meet all the recommendations had a mortality rate of up to 43% lower than the least conscientious.
This runs counter to the idea that there may be diminishing returns from cardiac rehab, with no additional improvement in survival once a person achieves a certain level of compliance.
The research appears in the Journal of the American Heart Association.
Scientists and doctors at Kaiser Permanente Northern California analyzed the medical notes of 25,778 people recorded 30 days after discharge from the hospital following a heart attack.
They repeated the study for 24,200 of these people who were still alive 90 days after discharge.
For each time point, the researchers checked whether the individuals were taking the following types of medication:
And also whether the people:
The researchers then correlated the data with patients subsequent survival, tracing them for an average of 2.8 years and a maximum of 7 years, depending on available records.
They found that every additional guideline a person met was associated with an 811% lower risk of death. Patients who met all the guidelines had a 3943% lower risk compared with those who followed the fewest recommendations.
The findings reinforce the value of cardiac rehab programs and the importance of patients commitment to their recovery and leading a healthful lifestyle.
While modern-day cardiac care may seem quick and simple such as receiving medications and stents to clear a blockage its still vital that patients take follow-up care seriously, says lead author Dr. Matthew D. Solomon, a cardiologist with Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, CA.
People often think they are fixed after they are treated for a heart attack. But our findings show that following all the recommended treatments after a heart attack is critical to long-term health and wellness. Doctors and patients must work to ensure every single evidence-based recommendation is followed. Following most of the recommended treatments is not enough.
Dr. Matthew D. Solomon
The authors concede that as an observational, retrospective study, their work had some limitations.
They were unable to ascertain the effectiveness of other important behavioral measures, such as improvements in diet and exercise, for increasing survival because these factors were not in the medical records.
Other unmeasured factors may have confounded their results. People who were generally more healthy at the start of the study may have found sticking to the guidelines easier, for example.
Also, because reliable death records were not always available, the researchers used figures for mortality from all causes in their analysis. This means that some people will likely have died from causes unrelated to their cardiovascular health.
Sticking to cardiac rehab boosts survival chances after a heart attack - Medical News Today
Health Care Instead of Military Exercises – Pressenza, International Press Agency

With the recent WHO declaration ofCOVID-19 as a pandemic, concerns are higher than ever about the rapid global spread of the disease with precautions being taken to limit travel, large gatherings, and panic. Nonetheless, one of the largest military drills in Europe since the Cold War is still set to unfold in the coming months,Defender 2020 Europe. The exercises planned to bring together 37,000 soldiers and 7,000 national guardsmen from NATO countries for exercises across Europe to simulate a wartime scenario.
Criticism of the drills are plentiful: putting a stress on European transportation systems, which will prioritize military relocation over civilians and risks damaging roads and the surrounding environment, as well as contributing to climate change; raising the alarm and directing threats toward Russia in the East, including drills near their border in the Baltic countries; and the further militarization of Europe, which takes resources away from social programs to fund forces that make the continent more dangerous, rather than safer.
Recently, however, one concern has risen above the rest: the spread of Covid-19. Similar military exercises have already been cancelled: the remainder of the Exercise Cold Response 20 in the Arctic Circle was cancelled this week by theNorwegian Joint Headquarters, as has the remainder of the Exercise Juniper Cobra 20 between the US and Israel (the second such exercises between the two states to be cancelled).
As of March 12, the US has decided to reduce its participation in Defender 2020 due to COVID-19, admitting that the virus has already forced the Army Europe commander,Lt. Gen. Christopher Cavoli to self-quarantineafter possibly being infected. Nonetheless, the scale of this reduction remains unknown and the primary focus remains on their highest priority training objectives. Meanwhile, Polands Chief of General Staff has tested positive for COVID-19 following hisreturn from an army gathering in Germany.
It is clear that these military exercises go against the advice of national and international health institutions as well as governments themselves. The large gatherings of military forces not only risks spreading the disease between soldiers, but also the larger population of Europe, given that the soldiers will not be completely isolated from the rest of the population. There is nothing about Defender 2020 that distinguishes it from similar military drills that have already been cancelled in fact, the larger scale of the drills and involvement of a greater number of countries only risks increased exposure and cases of transmission across Europe.
Similarly, the resources committed to the Defender 2020 drills could be much more effectively used to combat the actual threat to Europe the spread of the pandemic. Imagine if governments could commit the money they would have spent to run ineffective drills to strengthening their health systems, providing testing equipment, investing in research to fight the virus, and ensure health institutions have the necessary equipment to treat those already infected.
If the case against Defender 2020 wasnt already strong enough, the COVID-19 virus should be the final nail in the coffin. It is time to cancel the exercises and look for alternative, more effective strategies to maintain peace in Europe.
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Health Care Instead of Military Exercises - Pressenza, International Press Agency
Cure Your IRA Tax Infestation with a Roth – Nasdaq

Roth IRAs have been around for more than 20 years, yet I regularly meet retirees and pre-retirees who haven't even considered using one as part of their financial plan.
After years of speaking with seniors and other savers at educational workshops, this seems to me a symptom of a bigger problem: A lot of people just aren't receiving proper tax planning from their financial professional. Maybe it's a lack of good training, overall apathy or, worse, negligence on the part of the person who is giving them advice, but these folks often aren't aware that without proactive planning, taxes could take a sizable chunk from their retirement funds.
For years now, people have been conditioned to invest most of their money in tax-deferred retirement accounts (IRAs, 401(k)s, 403(b)s, etc.) or, as I like to call them, tax-infested accounts. People are never pleased when they're reminded that when they retire, they'll be handing over a portion of their savings to Uncle Sam, who's been waiting eagerly to get his hands on the money they've accumulated over the years. Not only that, but if they go over a designated income threshold, determined by their filing status, it could trigger a tax on a portion of their Social Security benefits. Medicare premiums also increase for those with higher incomes.
Of course, if your income will be lower when you retire than when you were pumping money into your savings, and if tax rates are the same or lower when you retire, you might not have a problem. But that's a gamble. The national debt is more than $23 trillion, and we know the Social Security and Medicare trust funds will need more money to continue paying benefits at their current levels in the future. The money to set those things right has to come from somewhere, and most experts predict it will come from you -- through higher taxes. Meanwhile, you'll likely lose some big tax deductions as your children grow up and you pay off your mortgage.
But let's talk about now. Right now, and through 2025, tax rates have been lowered by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. As a result, savers who put their faith -- and their investment savings -- in a tax-deferred account have an opportunity to take back control of their retirement by moving some or all of that money to the nontaxable world.
One great way to do that is with a Roth account. Contributions to a Roth are made on an after-tax basis, so it will cost you more upfront, but your investment savings can continue to grow without the burden of taxation.
Another reason to consider converting: The new SECURE Act has eliminated the popular "stretch" IRA, and non-spousal beneficiaries now have only a decade to empty an inherited IRA. If you plan to leave all or part of your tax-deferred retirement account behind, a Roth conversion now could save a loved one from a scary tax bill later.
Each type of Roth is a little bit different, and you should take the time to find the strategy that best suits your needs. Here are a few basics:
Whether you're just starting to save for retirement or nearing the finish line, there are many advantages to including a Roth account in your overall financial plan.
For young people, it's about paying tax on the seed instead of the harvest. For older savers who've been kicking the tax can down the road, it's an opportunity to diffuse a ticking tax time bomb. Either way, a Roth account can provide added flexibility when it comes to managing your tax liability in retirement.
Kim Franke-Folstad contributed to this article.
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Cure Your IRA Tax Infestation with a Roth - Nasdaq
Hugh Jackman reacts to Kumail Nanjiani’s transformation into Wolverine: ‘That is so cool’ – The Union Journal

New York City Hugh Jackman bid farewell to Wolverine in 2017 however has actually claimed he will certainly bring the personality with him constantly simply not the diet plan or exercise regimen.
In a homage to the precious personality and also Jackmans remarkably shredded body, The Eternals celebrity Kumail Nanjiani impersonated the X-Men personality in one of the most current problem of Mens Health, which highlighted just how the star changed his body for the upcoming Marvel film.
Jackson shared his response to Nanjianis tribute in the publication with Fox News while at the launch of Montblancs first-ever Smart Headphones MEGABYTES01 in New York City.
Wow! That really looks like the set, he grinned. That is so cool.
Jackson enhanced Nanjianis specialized to packaging on the muscular tissue If youve done all that work, get your shirt off!
Kumail Nanjiani paying homage to Hugh Jackman as Wolverine..(Emily Shur for Mens Health)
The Emmy, Grammy, and also Tony- champion invested 17 years of his life having fun Wolverine in the X-Men world. During that time, he got on and also off extreme diet plans and also exercise programs to obtain him in the very best, most shredded form feasible to depict the mutant activity hero.
I do heavy weights in the morning for about an hour, and then I do 45 minutes of higher-volume lifting in the afternoon. My least favorite is the legs I do quite a few chin-ups and rows. I do mostly old-school lifting with a lot of squats. I actually do more front squats than I do back squats, and I do a lot of deadlifting, Jackman informed the LA Times in 2014.
Besides striking the health club for hrs a day, the Broadway celebrity would certainly not just consume even more however consume in an extra tactical method.
There were times when I would essentially consume with the way of thinking of exercising. One more mouthful, one more, come on, come on, you ve obtained to coating this dish,' he informed Mens Journal in 2013.
Nanjianis physical fitness trip really did not come simple, either. The 41- year-old star exposed on Instagram in December, I learnt a year ago I was going to remain in Marvels Eternals and also chose I desired to change just how I looked. I would certainly not have actually been able to do this if I really did not have a complete year with the very best fitness instructors and also nutritional experts spent for by the greatest workshop worldwide.
I rejoice I resemble this, however I likewise recognize why I never ever did in the past. It would certainly have been difficult without these sources and also time, he included.
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Hugh Jackman reacts to Kumail Nanjiani's transformation into Wolverine: 'That is so cool' - The Union Journal
Here’s what’s closed, canceled and postponed in Burlington County due to coronavirus – Burlington County Times

Municipalities and public agencies across Burlington County have started taking preventative actions to protect residents from the coronavirus outbreak.
This list will be continuously updated. Cancel an event? Email
Municipalities and public agencies across Burlington County have started taking preventative actions to protect residents from the coronavirus outbreak. Heres a compiled list of all closures, cancellations and postponements.
Burlington County Library System
While all Burlington County Library System locations are open and operating under regular schedules, the library system has postponed all auditorium and large scale programs through the end of April. This includes Sundays on Stage performances, Live at the Library series and Makers Faire.
If program partners decide to cancel or postpone their program, that change will be indicated on the library systems online calendar.
The library is cleaning and sanitizing its libraries and practicing social distancing at all locations.
Burlington County Sheriffs Department
The Burlington County Sheriffs Department has canceled all of the departments scheduled events through the end of April.
Events included are all child safety seat checkpoints held at the Burlington County Complex on Wednesdays, defensive driving classes at the Emergency Services Training Center, the Egg Hunt for Children with Special Needs, and all Youth/Junior/Senior Police Academies. The department will post updates on its website and facebook page.
Bordentown Township
The township senior center has been closed for at least two weeks, however, there is no definitive timetable for the centers re-opening.
Residents who visit the municipal building will be greeted from behind glass partitions. If paperwork or payments need to be exchanged or made, it will be through the slots in the glass.
Edgewater Park
Breakfast with a Bunny scheduled for April 4 at Magowan School has been canceled.
All township-sponsored events have been postponed until the end of March, including informational seminars, neighborhood meetings, community policing events, recreation programs/classes, community cleanup events and events for senior citizens.
Postponements do not apply to any of the official governmental meetings currently scheduled for the Evesham Township Council, Evesham Township Planning Board or Evesham Township Zoning Board.
The Evesham Board of Fire Commissioners has canceled all public events that were scheduled in its facilities through Friday, April 3, including the Toy and Train Show scheduled for March 29. Board of fire commissioner meetings will be held as scheduled.
The township has postponed all recreational activities through and canceled all community activities, including events at the townships community center and fire department, until April 6.
It has also closed its library until April 6.
All township planning board, special committees, special commissions and senior organization meetings have been canceled until April 6.
Township council meetings will be held, and while residents are still welcome to attend, township officials urge residents to send in any complaints and concerns by email or by calling the township offices. The municipal office will also remain open, however, residents should look to pay bills online if possible.
The borough has canceled its council meeting on Monday, its land use board meeting on Wednesday, and municipal court cases scheduled for March 26 will be postponed until April. Borough hall will remain open, however, borough officials urge residents to use the drop box located outside the front door for any payments or to mail them, as well as any other correspondence.
The borough also closed the public restrooms at Legion Field indefinitely.
The township committee meeting on Wednesday March, 18, has been canceled. A special meeting has been scheduled for 9:30 a.m. on March 23 to approve the payment of township bills and to approve a budget transfer for the 2019 budget year.
The township has also canceled its planning board meeting on March 23.
Medford Township
All activities except for the exercise programs at the townships Cranberry Hall Senior Center have been suspended for at least the next two weeks.
The Medford Arts Center has canceled Family Fun Day on Sunday.
The Moorestown Department of Parks and Recreation has closed all programs, all athletic facilities/fields and the North Church Street and New Albany Recreation Centers until further notice. All lights at the athletic facilities/fields will be off.
The Moorestown Library has canceled all library programs through April 9, however, it will remain open for the time being. Visitors are asked to practice social distancing.
The township has also recommended all advisory committees to cancel all meetings through April 20. All official township meetings will still be held.
Mount Laurel
The townships senior luncheon scheduled for March 19 has been canceled.
The Mount Laurel Municipal Utilities Authority has requested customers refrain from visiting its offices in person and to mail payments in the envelope provided with your invoice. Payments can also be made online via the following link;
The Mount Laurel Democratic Club has canceled its March 17 meeting.
All programs scheduled during March at the Mount Laurel Library have been canceled. The AARP Tax Help program will continue by appointment. The library will remain open, and asks visitors to practice social distancing.
South Jersey Pops
The South Jersey Pops has canceled its Sunday concert Burlington County Institute of Technologys Medford campus.
The township senior citizen center at the Kennedy Center is closed until further notice.
The township has also canceled all events at the Kennedy Center through April.
The township council will still hold its March 17 meeting, however, is asking residents to stay home. The meeting will be livestreamed, and for those without the technology to watch online, a telephone conference call-in number will be provided to listen over the phone.
The Willingboro Parade of Champions scheduled for March 28 has been canceled.
Original post:
Here's what's closed, canceled and postponed in Burlington County due to coronavirus - Burlington County Times
8 Ways to Relieve Coronavirus-Induced Anxiety, According to Psychologists –

Earlier this week, the World Health Organization officially declared COVID-19 as a pandemic. All of Italy has gone into lockdown to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus. Universities, theaters, and events around the world have shuttered. Grocery stores are lined with empty shelves. Confirmed cases continue to rise across the United States. In short: Youre probably feeling overwhelmed right now.
Theres no question that people are on edge, says board-certified psychologist David H. Rosmarin, Ph.D., assistant professor in psychology at Harvard Medical School and founder of the Center for Anxiety. People who have preexisting anxiety disordersand there are a lot of themseem to be seeing increasing severity of anxiety, and people who dont have a disorder seem to be suffering from those crippling symptoms, too.
Its completely normal to feel more anxious than ever in the middle of a COVID-19 outbreakbut understanding that fact might not make coping any easier. However, experts say there are plenty of strategies that can at least reduce your fears. Heres what psychologists and psychiatrists from around the country recommend for alleviating coronavirus-induced anxiety.
During a crisis, you can easily forget to take care of yourself while only focusing on negative thoughts. Your first priority, however, should be making sure youre taking self-care seriously. Get enough sleep, exercise, eat well, says psychiatrist Beth Salcedo, M.D., medical director of the Ross Center and immediate past president of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Do everything you can to take care of your physical health, which is helpful for your mental health. Self-care is deeply personal and takes many forms, but staying active, doing hobbies you enjoy, listening to music, and calling loved ones all help.
Cant fall asleep? Try the breathing video below to help you relax:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) currently recommends keeping a distance of about six feet from others when possible. But even with social distancing and self-quarantines in effect, you still have access to the outdoors, which can do wonders for your mental and physical health, says clinical psychologist Jonathan Horowitz, Ph.D., certified cognitive therapist and director of the San Francisco Stress and Anxiety Center.
Getting outside right now is so, so important, he says. As long as you avoid big groups, theres nothing harmful indicated about going for a walk outside. We still have that. Bonus points if you can find some greenery: One 2015 study found that people who went for a 50-minute walk in a natural environment more effectively decreased their anxiety and overwhelming thoughts compared to those who went for a similar walk in an urban area.
People need to be really careful about how much news theyre watching, how much time they spend on this issue, and where theyre getting their information, Dr. Salcedo warns, noting that too much information can be just as harmful as too little.
One boundary to set in place: I dont think people should be checking any electronic devices an hour before bedtime, Rosmarin says. Nothings going to change that you need to know about between 10 p.m. and whenever you wake up in the morning. This will not only keep your mental health in a good place, but youll sleep more soundly, too.
As human beings, we have a tendency to catastrophize, or to receive bad news and concoct worst-case scenarios in our heads. You hear about coronavirus and you start to think, Oh, what if I end up in the hospital, what if I lose my job, what if my business closes, Horowitz says. Our minds are like threat detection systems, but its really important to be able to use that power in a constructive way.
He suggests jotting down your worst fears about the future and addressing them one-by-one, possibly even discussing them with someone you trust who is calm. This can help you form strategies for how to deal with each one realistically. What you dont want to do is get stuck in that mode where youre just thinking and thinking about the worst possible outcome, Horowitz says. We can work ourselves up to where its almost like that actually happens. Planning for the future is greatits panicking that will hurt your mental health.
Im a big believer in meditation, Dr. Salcedo says. And studies support its stress-busting benefits: After Johns Hopkins University researchers looked at 47 trials (which included more than 3,500 people), they found that mindfulness meditation programs could help improve anxiety, according to a meta-analysis published in JAMA Internal Medicine.
Heres how to start:
Meditation apps and YouTube can be great resources for beginners. Practice it every day, twice a day, if you can, Dr. Salcedo says. Thats a great way to reset a very anxious body and mind.
Even with a lot of people in isolation, it doesnt mean we have to live in isolation, Rosmarin says. I think people should still be getting together, so to speak, as much they can, whether its just one-on-one, having people come over, or using electronic means to stay interpersonally connected. There are plenty of ways to stay in contact, even while under quarantine, whether its a funny Slack conversation with your coworkers, a phone call with your parents, or a video chat with your best friend.
Theres no easy way to accept a lack of controlbut its a good idea to start trying. What really has to happen here is an acceptance and understanding that were not in control; thats the reality, Rosmarin says. We can do certain things to prevent the disease from spreading, but we cant guarantee it.
The best thing to do, in this case, is to understand that uncertainty over COVID-19 doesnt mean a lack of options. This is a time of uncertainty and people feeling like nothings in their control, so they should focus on what is in their control, Dr. Salcedo says, like whether they spend time with friends or not, whether they get their exercise for the day or not, and trying to engage in things that will keep them from thinking about the issues that make them anxious.
All things in your control? These prevention strategies from the CDC:
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Originally posted here:
8 Ways to Relieve Coronavirus-Induced Anxiety, According to Psychologists -