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What Happened When I Stopped Trying To Bounce Back – Yahoo Lifestyle
My wellness journey began about three months after my son was born. I was so in love with this new little life that relied on me for everything and I reveled in caring for him. It was exhausting breastfeeding every two to three hours and his colic made for some trying days, nights, weeks yet it was all worth it for his first smile, rolling over, staring into my eyes, and every marvel in between.
Even though this exhausting little bundle of joy was all-encompassing, I still had time to dwell on the leftover baby weight from my pregnancy. For a while, I believed that those last stubborn ten pounds would fall off if I breastfed, but the weight clung to my frame in rolls around my waist line and they were just as unwelcome as uninvited guests. It was incredibly frustrating that my body felt so foreign to me. Places that were once smooth now were dimpled. Parts that had wide gaps now rubbed together uncomfortably. Not to mention the fact that almost none of my pre-pregnancy clothes fit because of my larger frame. I was desperate to shed this extra weight in an effort to find the body that I once knew. Apparently this thought was shared by many women.
During one of my many late night perusals of mommy forums, I stumbled upon an ad for a mom-focused workout. It advertised that I could fit my workouts easily into my day and they only took 20 minutes. I decided then that I could be like all of these celebrities and women just like me and began my weight loss journey. Heck, I might even look better than before I had the baby. I mean, every testimonial was accompanied by a picture of a mother with washboard abs, a thigh gap, mysteriously large, perky breasts, and a spray tan. Maybe I could also look as good as the multitude of women who had tried this program.
Before I began the hard work of losing the remaining baby weight, I decided to do some research into what would work best for losing weight and toning up. After all, I am a teacher, and I like to thoroughly research before starting a project. The minute I hit the search button, my screen was inundated with articles, blogs, and Instagram posts all boasting that they had the key to weight loss. I could go keto and remove essentially all carbs from my diet. Or I could eat like a caveman on the Paleo diet. Maybe I should try the Whole30 to see if I had any food intolerances? Sure, the grocery bill would be astronomical, but I would learn so much about myself or so I was told. It would be the perfect experiment to kick off my clean eating.
Once I settled on a combination of paleo/clean-eating, I needed a workout that fit me. One article said that I should do yoga five days a week, so I dutifully twisted myself like a pretzel five days a week. Another touted the benefits of running three to four days a week, so I laced up my shoes for four. I also shouldnt forget weight lifting, so I literally brushed the dirt and cobwebs off my weights.
Alexandra Sandu/Reshot
By the time I had assembled my hodgepodge program, I found myself working out multiple times a day and restricting food to hit my macros. Each day I consulted my schedule to see what workout I needed to do that day, then I would grab one of my rigorously researched meal preps that hit my calories and macros, grab my water, and get to my fabulously healthy lifestyle. I was the working poster girl for wellness until I wasnt.
Throughout my regimented wellness endeavor, I still had to juggle motherhood and my return to teaching. My mornings began around five oclock for my morning run then Id nurse my little guy, and get us fed, dressed, packed up, and out the door. My days consisted of teaching teenagers, eating my meal-prepped lunch at my desk while I pumped, running to meetings, fielding parent phone calls, and prepping lessons. I would then pick my son up and we would return home around 5:00 p.m., where I would spend my few precious hours with my baby either feeding, bathing, and getting him into bed. Then I would do my second workout.
The days began to feel overwhelming, especially because my son still wasnt sleeping through the night. Not even close. It soon became clear that I was headed for a major burnout: I could barely get out of bed, I was chugging coffee like it was air, I was short tempered with my students, and I felt like I couldnt keep up with my baby.
It seemed I could not give 100% of my energy and focus to even one thing and frustrated me to no end. It did not matter how much I scheduled, prepped, multitasked, or meditated on my problems. I was pulling myself in too many directions in name of wellness, and the bags and purple crescents under my eyes were beginning to betray me, and my I woke up like this, no need for makeup when I drink five gallons of water a day, eat clean, journal, meditate, bathe in unicorn tears, and consult Oprah five times a week front.
Even through all of this, my husband and I knew that we wanted more children and we wanted them to be close together in age. So we decided to start trying for another baby around our sons first birthday. There was just one problem: I couldnt remember the last time I had my period. Aunt Flo hadnt knocked on my door in months. As we began trying, I grew to regret the days when I would curse and bemoan the fact that I was retaining water like a sinking ship and going through boxes of tampons. Now, I would have welcomed my period with open arms, flowers, a five-course meal, and anything to show my appreciation. However, my period was elusive.
Finally, I consulted my OBGYN and was referred to a fertility specialist where I was diagnosed with unexplained infertility. This diagnosis frustrated me because I am Type A and need answers and solutions. I stewed over this enigmatic diagnosis. It ate at me while I taught, when I brushed my teeth, and kept me awake as I was trying to fall asleep well, that and Netflix. After enough frustration, I began to you guessed it research. Yes, if the answer is not forthcoming my default is to consult the almighty Google and scholarly journals.
The more I looked into my situation, there seemed to be one glaring answer to my problem: hypothalamic amenorrhea. This issue generally affects athletes and women with eating disorders. Basically, women dont put enough fuel in their tank for their bodies to run on. Eventually, the body stops nonessential functions to compensate for this lack of energy, which results in the reproductive system shutting down. Women will not ovulate or have periods, which makes getting pregnant essentially impossible. If one were to embody hypothalamic amenorrhea it would look like those marathon runners whose bodies just begin to shut down while they are racing: knees buckling underneath them, pale skin barely covering their sinewy limbs, and their eyes unfocused and staring longingly towards the finish line that they would never reach.
My specialist agreed that hypothalamic amenorrhea was most likely what was going on with my body. It explained my meager hormone levels as well as my anovulation (not ovulating) and the resulting lack of a period. Desperate to add to our family, my husband dutifully injected hormones into my abdomen, I swallowed all of the pills, underwent an IUI (intrauterine insemination), and invested thousands of dollars in the hopes that all of this would result in a pregnancy. We were incredibly lucky that (1) we had the money for the procedure and (2) I was pregnant after just one cycle. We were so fortunate. But all I could think about was how I put us in this position because I wanted to lose ten pounds.
The more time that has passed since my fertility treatments, the more I realize that I was the perfect target for the wellness industry. I was easy to take advantage of because I was vulnerable, desperate, and the perfect student who would do all my homework. My social media feeds were inundated with picture after picture of incredibly fit women selling their miracle nutrition or exercise programs thanks to click algorithms. Post after post of testimonials told me that the average woman could achieve these results if they stuck to these plans. Yet, here I was exhausted, sick, and unable to finish the workouts. Why was I so weak? Was I alone in not only failing the program, but also left with impaired health?
The wellness industry is just that an industry. It is meant to make people money, no matter the cost. Even if that cost is the health of its consumer. In fact, the industry generated $4.2 billion dollars in 2017. Too often men and women alike fall prey to this idealized image that if we are fit, then we can finally be happy. Just like if we buy the perfect wardrobe, we will be happy and confident. Or maybe if we buy just the right product, we can finally achieve that goal we have been longing to meet.
Wellness is a product that many are trying to sell and everyone is trying to buy. It is also designed so people will fail. When people fail, they blame it on their willpower and the program that they invested in. Then they decide to move onto the next big trend that promises big results, thus perpetuating the cycle of self-loathing for failing and vowing to stick to the next big thing, no matter the cost. This constant scramble for the right program is what generates so much revenue. People hardly bat an eye over a $100 program, but lose their mind when their favorite coffee shop increases their prices a half percent.
The reason so many of these diets and exercise regimens fail is because our bodies are not designed to function this way. We need to meet so many calories in a day and these calories need to come from a wide variety of sources. Eliminate a source, and your body will eventually begin to crave it. Eventually, many people end this elimination diet with a binge, usually on calorically dense foods because it craves that energy (i.e. cookies, burgers, candy, etc). After these binges, people feel so guilty about cheating on their diets that they begin the cycle all over again by sticking to their new diet until they inevitably binge again. I was very much one of these people. Oreos barely made it into the house, cake couldnt be shoveled into my mouth fast enough, and forget about leftovers of anything that was fried. When I took inventory of the damage I had done to my body, I would feel shame and guilt and vowed to adhere to my diet.
Vladislav Muslakov/Unsplash
Since my diagnosis and fertility troubles, Ive begun to be kinder and more gentle to my body. Part of this has to do with my pregnancy, but the majority of this self-care is that I have found a happy medium. I have discovered intuitive eating, thanks to the podcast FoodPsych with Christy Harrison and the help of a nutritionist. I listen to what my body wants and needs. More often then not, it wants fresh veggies and fruits, but I still crave fast food or a piece of cake, and I eat that too! Im just more aware of my hunger and fullness cues. I no longer feel like the perfect apparatus to eat cake with is a shovel.
I still exercise, but only when I feel up to it. If my son was awake all night, then I dont hit the gym that following day. In the gym, I do exercises that feel good to me, like walking instead of running, yoga instead of HIIT, and lifting lighter weights. Since this change, I feel so much better. I am no longer overwhelmed and my mind is not preoccupied with exercise and diet.
The wellness industry cost me my health and the health of so many others. It is time for people to speak out against it and embrace their bodies. Mothers do not need to lose the baby weight, but they might want another piece of cake. Young girls and boys do not need to look like celebrities; they need to be focused on school, friends, and family. Men and women do not need to look like influencers and may have other important matters to attend to, rather than obsessing about their diet or exhausting themselves at the gym.
I am not saying that diet and exercise dont belong in our daily life; in fact, I would be lost without it. However, I do think that it is important for people to think about what actually serves them. If you dont like running, then dont do it. If you like it, go for it! It is about finding what works for you. If it causes undue stress and worry, maybe find something different. If you look forward to your workouts, then it sounds like youve found something that works for you. In the end, only we know what is right for our bodies not Instagram, not Facebook, not your best friend who swears this diet helped her lose 30 pounds. It is time we take back the wellness industry and get well.
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What Happened When I Stopped Trying To Bounce Back - Yahoo Lifestyle
Korean startup Sleek Corporation all set to transform and revolutionize the Asian fitness market KoreaTechDesk Korea’s Leading Tech and Startup…
The year has just begun, and for most of us, the New Year resolution is to get healthier, lose weight and become fit. Many of us rush for a gym membership, but sadly 70% of members quit membership within five weeks of joining! Personal coaching is another option but works out to be very costly for many. The result is perhaps a dip in morale and guilt.
Korean startup Sleek Corporation is all set to change that! The fitness company, founded in 2017, offers both online and offline group workouts through the Sleek Project. The three main components of the project are offline group training, online coaching, and community. The company also used big data analysis to provide accurate and appropriate guidance. The client receives fitness and nutrition guidance with gamified programs on nutrition mission and workout mission. The users have to pass every mission to reach a level up in their journey to fitness. The exercise programs are designed to be fun, which easily become a part of your daily routine and become a habit. The coaches are highly trained professionals and come with thorough experience.
Fun, effective and affordable
Compared to other programs, the Sleek Project costs 30% less. At $20 per class or $150 per month, it is far cheaper than pilates, Crossfit and other programs. The company, founded in 2017, started with 214 clients and had already reached 15000 members as of January 2020! There is a 65% retention rate, which suggests fitness is an achievable target and not just a month-long New Years resolution. About 95% of users have noted positive body change and are happy with the program.
High growth Korean market
While the fitness market in the US is large, the Asian market remains to be explored to the fullest. South Korea especially has the highest growth potential (about $6 billion) in Asia and Sleek Corporation, plans to utilize the opportunity. The company received the first funding of $50000 in January 2019 and has received the second funding of $4 million in January 2020. It plans to raise $50 million by the end of 2021 and expand to Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore. Its strategic partner, GoTo, is the biggest fitness club in Korea.
What Is Progressive Overload and How Does It Help You Get Stronger? – LIVESTRONG.COM
No shade to the mood-boosting benefits of strength-training. But if you're slinging around weight and not getting any stronger, at best it's a bummer, and at worst it's interfering with said happy-making perks.
In order to get stronger, you need to continually challenge your muscles over the course of time.
Credit: RuslanDashinsky/iStock/GettyImages
If this sounds familiar, it's probably because your strength plan lacks something called progressive overload. Never heard of it? Below is a cheat sheet on everything you might want to know about progressive overload, including what it is and how to incorporate it into your current training program so you can get back to being a Happy Hulk.
The key to gaining strength and building muscle, "the progressive overload principle says that in order for our muscles to change and get stronger, we need to work them harder," says exercise physiologist Pete McCall, CSCS, CPT, host of the All About Fitness Podcast.
That probably makes sense to you intuitively, but to understand physiologically why and how this works, you need to understand how muscle growth happens. McCall explains: During a workout, your muscles fibers actually begin to breakdown. After the workout, your body calls upon something called satellite cells to help fuse the damaged muscle fibers.
Once fully repaired which October 2016 research published in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science says takes three days these muscles fibers are thicker and stronger than were there before. And if the muscle fibers are stronger, you're stronger.
But (and this is important!), "In order for that process muscle growth and breakdown to happen, you have to challenge your muscles fibers," McCall says. You have to push them past the threshold they've previously adapted to. "Simply put, your body will not change until your force it to," says founder and CEO of NOVA Fitness, Jackie Wilson. And that's where progressive overload comes in.
If you're on the hunt for a way to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of your workouts, all experts agree: Progressive overload is it. McCall explains: Progressive overloading involves intentionally planning your workouts so that every single session maximizes its strength-building potential. Typically, that means manipulating the weight, rep scheme, tempo or intensity of a movement, he says.
Could you, in theory, manipulate these factors at random in order to make your workout harder and get stronger? Sure. In fact, chances are, if you're a regular in the weight room but not following a specific training plan, this is what you're already doing. And likely, if you're still pretty new to the gym, you'll have decent success doing so. But that's not the most efficient, or smartest way to get to work toward your fitness goals.
"Progressive overload allows you to continually make gains by continually making your muscles work harder than they're used to," Wilson says."Your body is constantly forced to adapt to new challenges, which mitigates the risk of plateau in the way less intentional programming does not."
Beyond maximizing efficiency, there's another pretty convincing reasons to train with progressive overload in mind: it gets you stronger without overtraining your muscles, which White says is a common fault of folks who hit the weight room without a plan.
As obvious as it might sound: If you're getting stronger at a faster rate, you're also reaping the perks of being stronger, faster. These include: stronger muscles and bones, a faster metabolism, boosted calorie burn, improved mobility and reduced injury risk, to name a few.
There's also the mental benefits that accompany a progressive overload program. For starters, you're not doing the same workout every single day, which keeps the routine from becoming a snooze fest. Second, because training programs written with progressive overload in mind are planned weeks (and sometimes even months) in advance, you'll walk into the gym knowing exactly what you're supposed to be doing.
And of course, there's the euphoria of feeling/knowing/seeing yourself get stronger a happy side effect that'll have carry-over into all parts of your life.
But be warned: These benefits disappear the second you prioritize lifting heavier over lifting with good form. Proper progression means proper form. "You need to challenge your muscles in order for them to grow," McCall says, "but that does not mean challenging them by lifting incorrectly." Lifting with improper form can exacerbate muscle imbalances, lead to overuse injuries and ultimately interferes with your bottom-line: getting stronger.
Unless you're a certified trainer, the very best way to incorporate progressive overload training is to work with an expert who can write you a program that takes your goals, schedule and current fitness level and lifts in mind.
But if that's out of your price range or you're do it yourself-er, McCall explains the best way to incorporate progressive overload into your workout. The answer is simple: Go heavier. "If you want to get stronger, you need to add weight and not be afraid to challenge yourself," he says.
Work within the 5 to 8 rep range, McCall says. Pick a rep count for the day, warm up, load up the bar and get lifting. If the first set you can do more than 8 reps, add weight. Continue doing so until you've found a weight that you couldn't squeeze out even one more rep at. Complete 5 sets at this weight, resting at least two minutes between sets. "After each set you'll feel your muscles shaking, which signals that you're activating those muscle fibers," he says.
Follow this protocol once or twice a week, and six to eight weeks from now, if you add more weight (McCall suggests 5 pounds), chances are, you'll be able to hit it. If you've run out of change plates or simply don't want to lift heavy, then you might also incorporate progressive overloading by adding more reps, going at a slower tempo or ramping up the intensity.
Adding more reps is pretty self-explanatory. If 5 reps at a certain weight has gotten easy and you have more reps left in the tank, increase the number of reps! Just note that once you get into the 12 and up rep range, you're working on muscle endurance, not strength, Wilson says.
Slowing down the tempo for instance, lowering into a squat at a 3-second tempo or pausing in the hole for a 2-seconds is another option. "Going slowly increases the time your muscle-fibers are under tension, which increases the mechanical damage," McCall says. More mechanical damage leads to stronger muscles (after repair, of course).
As for ramping up the intensity, there are a few ways to do it. You might combine the move with that works the same muscle groups to create a compound superset workout. You might compound the movement with exercises that work opposing muscle groups and create an AMRAP. Or, you might minimize rest by going every minute on the minute (aka EMOM).
What Is Progressive Overload and How Does It Help You Get Stronger? - LIVESTRONG.COM
After a string of base tragedies, Navy force protection exercise kicks off –
The annual Citadel Shield-Solid Curtain 2020 exercise will take place at Naval District Washingtons installations from Feb. 3 to 14, with an emphasis on protecting personnel from terrorists and internal threats, the Navy announced this week.
While officials say the drills are not in response to current events or specific dangers, recent incidents like the shootings at Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard in Hawaii and Floridas Naval Air Station Pensacola demonstrate their continued importance.
The exercises will stress different areas of the Navys anti-terrorism and force protection programs to enhance the training and readiness of Naval Security Force personnel to respond to real world threats, said Naval District Washington spokesperson Chatney Auger
We will conduct training based on realistic scenarios including active shooter, unauthorized base access, and hostage situation.
For the first week, Navy Installations Command will lead Citadel Shield. U.S. Fleet Forces Command will run Solid Curtain the following week.
Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, Naval Support Activity Bethesda, Naval Support Activity Annapolis, Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Naval Support Activity South Potomac and Naval Support Activity Washington will all participate in the exercise, according to officials.
After the mass shootings in Florida and Hawaii, U.S. Northern Command directed bases and their tenant commands to immediately assess force protection measures and implement increased random security measures appropriate for their facilities.
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The advisory also told leaders to remind their workforce to remain alert and if they see something, to say something by immediately reporting to appropriate authorities any suspicious activity they may observe, NORTHCOM spokesman Lt. Cmdr. Mike Hatfield told Military Times at the time.
For the upcoming Citadel Shield-Solid Curtain, officials highlighted scenarios based on internal threats.
I think weve done a really good job of protecting our fence lines, but unfortunately, some of the incidents that have occurred recently have taken place inside the fence lines, Matthew Brown, Naval District Washingtons training and exercise director, said in the release.
Were taking a new look at that, how to prevent those incidents from occurring and how to react to them if they do.
The drills will assess a bases response procedures, how commands operate with each other and outsider agencies, their cooperation with emergency operations and medical facilities and the overall readiness of their personnel to an unfolding crisis.
The recent events provided us a new opportunity to help people to understand that these exercises are extremely important because these scenarios, unfortunately, could unfold and if they do, we want to know what to do and our people to know how to react, Brown added.
Officials stated that measures have been taken to minimize disruptions within local communities and to normal base operations" and advanced coordination has taken place with local law enforcement."
Naval personnel are advised to register with the Wide Area Alert Network to remain updated on developments linked to the exercises.
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After a string of base tragedies, Navy force protection exercise kicks off -
Why Muay Thai Training for Boxing in Thailand is the Best Way to Spend a Weekend – ChartAttack
If you are passionate about fitness, want to improve your health or you are an adventurous at heart, then a holiday filled with combat sport activities, can help you achieve your goals. Muay Thai and high intensity exercises have grown in popularity because it helps all persons reach their performance objectives faster than any other workout.
The fast and intense pace makes for an exceptional physical and mental challenge that even seasoned athletes put through their paces. If you are looking for an exciting way to spend your next holiday, then these travel tips can help you with lasting and rewarding experiences.
Sparring on the weekend is a great way to burn extra calories for weight loss and improve your fitness in no time. When you plan a fitness holiday, you do not have to worry about lazy days on the beach or overindulging as your training program will definitely keep you in shape. To prepare for a holiday of fast paced activities, it is important to work on your basic fitness before leaving for your program.
Cardiovascular and strength training will help you keep up with your class if you are not accustomed to high intensity exercises. High intensity workouts are created to burn fat, build muscle and improve endurance fast. During your holiday, your exercise program will focus on engagement in short bursts of activity that drastically improve your cardio, strength and stability.
Research has shown that participation in dedicated exercise programs involving higher level activities can help you burn twice as many calories compared to prolonged activities when performed at least 3 times weekly. It is a great way for women to achieve weight loss and physical goals without adding bulk. During your holiday, you can benefit from the relaxation of being away from the stress of work and lifes responsibilities, helping you dedicate your time and your focus to improving your health.
The peace and tranquility of an exotic destination such as Thailand, makes it easier to concentrate on goal achievement without distractions. All men and women can benefit from participation in the fast paced and endurance training while on vacation.
Planning for a fitness holiday depends on the types of activities you are going to perform. For Muay Thai or Thai boxing and mixed martial arts, you will need specific gear from straps to protect your wrists and ankles to flexible and lightweight clothing. It is important to prepare the essentials to perform at your best before leaving your home destination.
This can prevent delays having to seek the necessary apparel and training accessories when abroad. Travel to an international destination will require preparation of the correct documentation. A travel Visa for a few weeks can provide the time you need to train and to see a visible change in your body shape and in your health. Learn where the consulate for your country is located so you are prepared should a problem with your Visa or travel documents occur.
Once you have ensured that all formalities are completed, you can best enjoy your fitness holiday experience in a beautiful country. The new way of enjoying a holiday focuses on improving your health. When you are relaxed and the stress of city life removed, it provides the focus you need to dedicate to your health. Thailand is a popular vacation destination because it also provides incredible sightseeing opportunities across its urban and rural landscapes. Combining the beauty of Thailand with high intensity exercises will support your fitness goals.
Muay Thai is a fast paced and high intensity program that is introduced at a Muay Thai training camp in Thailand. From fitness programs on the weekend to sparring and events held during the week, you can combine your exotic holiday goals with a fitness plan like no other. At a Muay Thai training camp, all participants are introduced to a structured program guided by experienced and professional Muay Thai instructors.
Muay Thai fighters have been performing mixed martial arts from a young age and dedicate their lives to the sport. They are fit and focused requiring only the very best standards from their students. During your stay you will be required to spend a few hours of each day performing jump rope activities, jogging, engaging in sit-ups and various cardio challenges. This is only the warm-up stage. Once you have completed your set of high intensity movements, your Muay Thai training will begin.
Your holiday will focus on refining your footwork, punches and kicks while packing power behind every action. A Muay Thai training camp in Thailand also offers the best accommodation with modern comforts to ensure that you can relax and rejuvenate when you are not exercising. The training camp is located in the lush surroundings of Thailand providing exceptional scenic views and the chance to achieve your fitness goals in a beautiful tropical destination.
You can extend your training activities to warm-ups on the beach on the weekend where you can enjoy the true beauty of the tropical country. A Muay Thai training camp in Thailand atSuwit Muay Thaifor example is an affordable choice for holiday. Experience the excitement of the fast-paced action sport while saving on the costs of an international vacation. The reason a Muay Thai holiday has become so popular is because it delivers results for all.
Participation in the combat sport with a group of dedicated fitness enthusiasts provides the motivation you need to push through challenges and achieve your health and fitness goals. Be sure to plan at least a 2-week vacation so you can learn life changing routines and healthy lifestyle habits you can easily integrate back home.
A Muay Thai training camp in Thailand is certainly one of the best ways to experience the beautiful country while working on your weight loss, fitness and wellness goals. Be sure to plan a Muay Thai holiday in Thailand with the very best fitness instructors. Experience a new way to travel and enjoy a fast paced fitness vacation with Muay Thai.
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Why Muay Thai Training for Boxing in Thailand is the Best Way to Spend a Weekend - ChartAttack
Bioelectric Detoxification at Beyond Harmony – Magazine of Santa Clarita
Lets face it, we all over-indulge during the holidays and our skin and bodies show and feel the effects of alcohol, fatty foods and too much sugar. Your skin may look dull and dry, your energy level is flagging and you feel tired and run down. Thats why we make so many resolutions to improve at the beginning of a new year. Diet and exercise will help get back on track, but the toxins that have built up in our systems are there to thwart our best intentions; thats where detoxifying comes in to help. Many of us will fast and go on drastic programs to get the toxins out of our system, but there is an easier way to clean-up our insides.Bioelectric Stimulating Technique is a natural health device that helps your body to strengthen and balance itself. The human body functions by electro-magnetic signals which travel from the brain to each part of the body and back to the brain. When cells have enough energy they are able to function properly. When they are bogged down with toxins, however, all functions of the system are impaired, leading to fatigue and eventually illness and disease. Blood cells that are filled with toxins also tend to clump together and become congested and slow moving. Live blood analysis using the bioelectric detox method show that after a session, the blood cells flow more freely. That means that our organs are nourished more efficiently and we are better able to fight illness and disease.The Bioelectric Stimulating Technique is a simple procedure in which the energy spa energizes water (in which your feet are soaking) and charges your body. This allows the system to absorb vital energy on a cellular level, creating cellular balance. Once the body receives the energy, it begins its natural process of detoxification. The process is different for everyone, but the results are always dramatic in the way that you feel after the session. It is safe for everyone except those individuals with pacemakers.Not only does the body release waste and toxins more readily during treatment, but it continues to release waste products naturally during regular elimination for the next several days. We have been using it with great results on Candida, Fibromyalgia and other diseases, and have found that it is also helpful in the treatment of acne. Another outstanding benefit is the relief it provides from joint pain. It also helps to boost the benefits of cellulite reduction treatments like VelaSmooth and Ionithermie (both available at Beyond Harmony) and good nutrition and exercise programs.For more information or to schedule an appointment for this or any other treatment, call Beyond Harmony Med Spa 661-298-8008.
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Bioelectric Detoxification at Beyond Harmony - Magazine of Santa Clarita
2 Sentara hospitals selected to participate in grant-funded Violence Intervention Program –
NORFOLK, Va. (WAVY) A local hospital system is starting a new program aimed at taking back the community.
Sentara Norfolk General Hospital and Sentara CarePlex Hospital are among seven hospitals in Virginia that received a big grant from the state Department of Justice.
Each hospital will receive $400,000 per year for two years to implement programs to help break the cycle of violence and help survivors achieve positive long-term recoveries, according to Dale Gauding, spokesman for Sentara Healthcare.
Violent crime victims are rushed into Sentara Norfolk General nearly every single day. Their staff treated 327 gunshot wounds last year. Most of the victims, 281, were men between 20 and 29 yeas old. That number is up from 300 the previous year.
They know how to stop the bleeding, but they havent been able to stop the revolving door.
Its very sad when you see somebody thats come in and they already had an operation for a gunshot wound and now theyre back with the exact same thing, said Dr. Jay Collins, Chief of Trauma.
Dr. Collins likens trauma and violence to a disease like diabetes that must be managed. If you come to the heart hospital with a heart attack we teach you how to live a healthy lifestyle; stop smoking, exercise, do all that.
Sentara would like to do the same for victims of violence.
Trauma Service Manager Valeria Mitchell told 10 On Your Side, Im raising an African American young man myself and so Ive always been interested and I have brothers and I am part of the community, so it does impact the African American community.
Mitchell is leading the charge on a new hospital-based Violence Intervention Program. They will hire and train staff for patient outreach. Workers will go into patients homes and connect them with community resources for help, including:
Virginias HVIP Collaborative will focus on serving patients who need treatment for gunshot wounds, stabbings, or assault as well as sexual and domestic violence.
(I) wanted to be part of the solution versus just identifying the problem, Mitchell said.
Dr. Collins said sending patients back home currently is scary. Ive seen people here afraid cause other people are coming after them or people trying to finish off the job.
However, with a prescription for prevention theyre hopeful for healing.
This program has reduced community violence and repeat patients at hospitals across the country, including at VCU Medical Center in Richmond.
The $800,000 grant will fund it for two years. If its successful they hope to keep it going.
In May 2019, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam announced the award of $2.45 million in Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) grant funding to support the implementation of the HVIP model at select Virginia hospitals.
This program will serve as a guiding light to those trapped in the darkness of violence, said Kapua Conley, president of Sentara CarePlex Hospital in Hampton.
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2 Sentara hospitals selected to participate in grant-funded Violence Intervention Program -
Shaped by Faith: Theresa Rowe’s faith-based exercise program airs to nearly 300 million people in 200 countries – messenger-inquirer
Five Christian networks NRB TV, Upliftv, Parables TV, Global 7.TV and Inspiration TV now air Shaped by Faith with Theresa Rowe.
The McLean County womans faith-based fitness program is available to nearly 300 million viewers in 200 countries.
This week, Rowes living room has been turned into a television studio while a local film crew records the shows second season.
Linen-colored couches and rolled rugs have been pushed into the dining area to clear the living room floor.
The set is simple: a black yoga mat on shiny hardwoods and a large Shaped by Faith sign propped up on Rowes fireplace mantel. Family photos flank both sides of the fireplace.
For the episode taped on Tuesday, Rowe looked like a soccer mom with her long, blond hair pulled back in a ponytail. She wore a lime green Shaped by Faith T-shirt and black leggings.
Is everybody ready? Im rolling, a member of the film crew said.
On cue, Rowe picked up her 3-pound weights and started the segment with curtsy lunges.
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go, she said, looking at the camera. ... Sometimes, when you feel a little lost, look up. God is there for you.
Rowe writes the format for each show. She uses a teleprompter for Bible verses and to remind her of the exercise routine she wants to follow. She ad-libs everything else.
She reminds viewers of the correct posture for exercises. In between directions, she serves as part pastor and part life coach.
During Tuesdays taping, Rowe asked viewers to hold a lunge. Sometimes, its in the waiting that you grow stronger.
Her audience often sends emails and posts Facebook messages, thanking Rowe for the show.
You have made a tremendous impact on me and my well-being, one viewer wrote. Thank you for everything you have given to me and shared with me.
Rowe feels at home in front of a camera.
From an early age, she was drawn to a career in television. At one time, she taught runway models and cut a few TV commercials.
She started teaching fitness classes when she was 19 years old and living at Offutt Air Force Base near Omaha, Nebraska.
Rowe was born with three holes in her heart and has had two open-heart surgeries during her life. Through exercise, she has remained fit and is in good health.
Besides her work on TV, Rowe leads senior citizens exercise programs at the Daviess County Public Library, Owensboro Christian Church and Heritage Place. She writes a column for the Messenger-Inquirer titled Shaped by Faith, and she hosts a local radio program under the same name on WOMI and on WGBF in Evansville.
She has produced three faith-based DVDs. Many fans may remember Rowe from a fitness program that aired for at least 14 years on a local TV channel through Time Warner Cable.
I think that was a training process for this, she said. (Shaped by Faith) is so different from other exercise programs. The word of God is in every show. Hopefully, it will draw viewers closer to Christ.
See the original post here:
Shaped by Faith: Theresa Rowe's faith-based exercise program airs to nearly 300 million people in 200 countries - messenger-inquirer
Detoxification and Rejuvenation with TempleFit – ThurstonTalk
The New Year energizes people to move ahead with goals for improved health, weight loss and exercise programs. It is essential to have clear intentions, yet it is even better to get support along the way to nurture your success. People begin with high hopes and become demoralized when the demands of work, family, and life allow junk food diets to creep in and exercise time to slip out the back door. Enter Maxine Johnson of TempleFit. Her nutrition therapy practice, along with her body training experience, can make her a powerful ally on your path to greater health.
Its not hard to find, admits Maxine, about the countless detox programs available on the internet. She agrees that your body can benefit, appreciating the chance to rest from its usual daily activities with a cleanse. However, Maxine wants to make sure you and your body are ready to do your detox and then continue to move forward. What does that mean?
According to Maxine, a detox is about pulling toxins out of our organs. The parts of the body working hard during this process are the kidneys, intestines, spleen and the lymphatic system. They need to be in top shape if you are going to tax them, she explained. Therefore,
it is important to get them in optimal condition before you detox. Maxine can help you determine your current state of health and ready your body for an optimal cleanse.
TempleFit uses products fromStandard Process, whose supplements come from whole foods. There are detox programs for 10, 21, or 28 days. Maxine prefers the 21-day program. The first 10 days eliminate dairy products, starchy carbohydrates, meat, grains and sugar. That leaves lots of vegetables, leafy greens, fruits, nuts and seeds. The eliminated foods are common irritants to bodies, but people dont recognize the symptoms. Bloating, gas, stubborn weight, sluggishness, poor sleeping and skin problems to name a few. After 10 days, foods are slowly introduced one a time. That way you can see the ways your body reacts and how you feel. Some allergic reactions to food happen immediately, which makes it easier to identify. Unfortunately, other foods dont really cause much of reaction until 24 36 hours pass. This detox program can help you get clearer on what foods agree with you and which ones do not.
Many people find that eating in a more plant centered way is easier than they expected. This detox does not require eating this way permanently, but it gives you the chance to experiment with more vegetables in your everyday eating. The Standard Process detox programs include supplements to aid you in your detox voyage. TempleFit will assist you with your specific needs.
Many people feel lighter and clearer after the detox. It is not necessarily a weight loss program, but it is a powerful tool to delineate your former way of eating to a newer, healthier style of eating. Maxine recommends undergoing a cleanse two to three times a year.
Here are a few more components for of a successful detox.
Moving your body
The body is meant to move, emphasized Maxine, who has dedicated a good portion of her life in the gym. Of course, you dont have to go to the gym to work out. Walking is excellent and other outdoor activities are healthful and brain boosting, too. Exercise moves your organs and muscles. Perspiration is another way a body cleans itself out.
Dry Brushing
A natural, boars hairbrush can be used on your skin. Start with circular motions at your feet and work your way up your legs and torso and include your arms and back. It feels great and stimulates the skin.
The wet or dry heat of a sauna is relaxing and supports your detox efforts. TempleFit has a TheraSauna, which adds the benefits of infrared light.
Epsom Salt Bath
You can soak away your cares at home. Epsom salts are inexpensive and easy to find.
People are usually detoxing from over-eating sugar, processed foods, and alcohol, but you might also consider that we live in a toxic world. Exposure to hair dyes, nail salon fumes, plastics, cleaning products and other environmental products take a toll on our health. Detox is meant to address these issues, too.
Many of us are searching for ways to optimize our health, adding both quality and quantity to our lives. TempleFit cares about your well-being. Maxine is ready to accompany you along your wellness path. Discover awesome health.
Templefit605 11th Ave SE Suite 202, Olympia260-276-3534 voice/text360-338-0481
Read the original post:
Detoxification and Rejuvenation with TempleFit - ThurstonTalk
Five Tips to Help You Achieve Your Health and Wellness Goals in 2020! – BKLYNER
Photo credit Da Ping Luo, courtesy of YMCA.
Its the time of year for New Years resolutions. Here are five tips to help you achieve your health and wellness goals in 2020!
Make your goals a reality with the support of a community like the YMCA! For a limited time, stop by the Prospect Park YMCA or Park Slope Armory YMCA to sign-up for our free 7-Day Group Exercise pass. Bring a friend and try as many different classes as you can! Visit to learn more.
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Five Tips to Help You Achieve Your Health and Wellness Goals in 2020! - BKLYNER