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Town of Tonawanda Aquatics & Fitness Center to remain closed, until further notice – Buffalo News

A view inside the Town of Tonawanda Aquatics and Fitness Center.
The Town of Tonawanda Youth, Parks and Recreation Department announced Monday that it will not be reopening its Aquatics and Fitness Center until further notice, despite Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo giving gyms and fitness centers across the state the green light to reopen this week.
The recent directive requires such facilities to operate at a 33% occupancy rate and practice social distancing. It requires them to complete heating, ventilation and air conditioning or HVAC system upgrades and meet new state health code mandates, which will generate new costs for the town.
Town of Tonawanda Parks and Recreation Superintendent Mark Campanella Sr. in a statement Monday said the town will be installing new filters to the facility's existing HVAC system.
Campanella said that under the new rules, which are aimed at preventing the spread of Covid-19, the fitness center would be limited to only staff and 39 patrons at any given time, which will make it difficult to operate the fitness room and accommodate its membership.
The aquatics component of the center is tentatively set to reopen Oct. 1.
The Parks and Recreation Department is looking to restructure its membership rates and is finalizing a refund plan for its members, Campanella added.
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Town of Tonawanda Aquatics & Fitness Center to remain closed, until further notice - Buffalo News
I’m A Fitness Instructor. Here’s How Food Delivery Helps Me Live A Balanced Life In Quarantine – HuffPost

Like many of us, I could never have imagined how my life would change in so many significant ways throughout the past five months.
I was the VP of talent development and innovation at a popular boutique fitness company, where I had been teaching classes, creating fitness content and leading expansion for nine years. And, although I had been thinking about what was next for my career, the way my life was about to shake up and turn upside-down was well beyond my imagination.
In early-March, when COVID-19 started to become more prevalent, I was still teaching weekly fitness classes, riding the subway, seeing friends socially and enjoying eating out on the weekends. I remember a distinct turning point here when, in a matter of days, I went from life as normal to second guessing my day-to-day activities and wondering what and how soon I should start eliminating items from my weekly routine.
With gyms being a controversial topic and extremely high on the list of places to avoid, my perspective quickly shifted, and by March 15, it was clear that my fianc, Kate, and I needed to temporarily stop teaching. We obviously couldnt see beyond that decision and could never have predicted the series of events that began to unfold in the coming weeks.
The very next day, our company decided to temporarily close for the foreseeable future, laying off the majority of employees. With the future of fitness unknown, Kate and I knew we needed to move quickly to provide an alternative to in-studio classes for our clients. Within a week, we launched our digital fitness business, KKsweat, right from our living room and our lives are forever changed.
Courtesy of Kara Liotta
Teaching together for the first time ever, we dove in head-first, worked around the clock to figure out how to run classes on video conferencing, built a website in two days and shoved our furniture into corners of our apartment to allow for optimal filming space every day.
Without ever needing (or wanting) to leave our apartment, our schedules flipped entirely to programming virtual fitness classes and training private clients. Each day was a new challenge and we found ourselves needing to pivot and adapt quickly in order to manage the overwhelming positive response and demand for our new workouts.
Insert our quarantine mega time-saver: food delivery apps like Grubhub! When we factored in meal prep, cooking and cleaning, it was simply not realistic to think that we could also devote multiple hours each day to prepping lunch and dinner in addition to running a home business. We needed to optimize our time for the success of KKsweat and our mental health, as well.
Courtesy of Kara Liotta
And for those who think eating from restaurants isnt compatible with a healthy lifestyle, here are a few tips I offer my clients:
If you want to make meal delivery options healthier, stick to your regular meal schedule and order in advance. Many apps include a pre-order function so that your food arrives when youre hungry and not hangry (when were hangry, were less likely to portion control). Always ask for dressing or sauce on the side. Ask for whole grain options or brown rice when applicable, and skip the side of fries. Add an extra protein instead, and be sure to tell the restaurant to skip the plastic utensils!
These tips will make you feel better about your food choices, open up time in your day and help reduce your use of plastic. And, when apps like Grubhub offer deals or Perks, its less stressful on your mind and wallet. I consider that a quadruple win!
I think that Kate and I have a long (and exciting) road of virtual classes and training sessions ahead of us, and relying upon the convenience of food delivery apps will remain a part of our new always healthy quarantine lifestyle.
Courtesy of Kara Liotta
Download the Grubhub app to discover Perks: always on deals, free food and rewards from local restaurants and national favorites. With over 300,000 restaurants nationwide, you can discover something new wherever you are and see which of your favorite restaurants are offering Perks. Click here to learn how to make every delivery more rewarding with Grubhub Perks.
This article was paid for by Grubhub and co-created by RYOT Studio. HuffPost editorial staff did not participate in the creation of this content.
Anytime Fitness gyms in Grand Blanc Twp ordered to close – WNEM Saginaw

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Anytime Fitness gyms in Grand Blanc Twp ordered to close - WNEM Saginaw
Global Health and Fitness Apps Market:Lucrative Regions for the Manufacturers in 2020 | Nexercise, Aaptiv, Nike, Asana Rebel – The Daily Chronicle

LOS ANGELES, United States: QY Research as of late produced a research report titled, Global and China Health and Fitness Apps Market Size, Status and Forecast 2020-2026. The research report speak about the potential development openings that exist in the worldwide market. The report is broken down on the basis of research procedures procured from historical and forecast information. The global Health and Fitness Apps market is relied upon to develop generously and flourish as far as volume and incentive during the gauge time frame. The report will give a knowledge about the development openings and controls that will build the market. Pursuers can increase important perception about the eventual fate of the market.
Key Companies/Manufacturers operating in the global Health and Fitness Apps market include: Nexercise, Aaptiv, Nike, Asana Rebel, ClassPass, Fitbod, 8fit, Keelo, Keep
Get PDF Sample Copy of the Report to understand the structure of the complete report: (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) :
Segmental Analysis
The report incorporates significant sections, for example, type and end user and a variety of segments that decide the prospects of global Health and Fitness Apps market. Each type provide data with respect to the business esteem during the conjecture time frame. The application area likewise gives information by volume and consumption during the estimate time frame. The comprehension of this segment direct the readers in perceiving the significance of variables that shape the market development.
Global Health and Fitness Apps Market Segment By Type:
YogaRunningInstrument ExercisesOthers Health and Fitness Apps
Global Health and Fitness Apps Market Segment By Application:
Competitive Landscape
Competitor analysis is one of the best sections of the report that compares the progress of leading players based on crucial parameters, including market share, new developments, global reach, local competition, price, and production. From the nature of competition to future changes in the vendor landscape, the report provides in-depth analysis of the competition in the global Health and Fitness Apps market.
Key questions answered in the report:
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1 Report Overview1.1 Study Scope1.2 Market Analysis by Type1.2.1 Global Health and Fitness Apps Market Size Growth Rate by Type: 2020 VS 20261.2.2 Yoga1.2.3 Running1.2.4 Instrument Exercises1.2.5 Others1.3 Market by Application1.3.1 Global Health and Fitness Apps Market Share by Application: 2020 VS 20261.3.2 Men1.3.3 Women1.4 Study Objectives1.5 Years Considered 2 Global Growth Trends2.1 Global Health and Fitness Apps Market Perspective (2015-2026)2.2 Global Health and Fitness Apps Growth Trends by Regions2.2.1 Health and Fitness Apps Market Size by Regions: 2015 VS 2020 VS 20262.2.2 Health and Fitness Apps Historic Market Share by Regions (2015-2020)2.2.3 Health and Fitness Apps Forecasted Market Size by Regions (2021-2026)2.3 Industry Trends and Growth Strategy2.3.1 Market Trends2.3.2 Market Drivers2.3.3 Market Challenges2.3.4 Market Restraints 3 Competition Landscape by Key Players3.1 Global Top Health and Fitness Apps Players by Market Size3.1.1 Global Top Health and Fitness Apps Players by Revenue (2015-2020)3.1.2 Global Health and Fitness Apps Revenue Market Share by Players (2015-2020)3.2 Global Health and Fitness Apps Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3)3.3 Players Covered: Ranking by Health and Fitness Apps Revenue3.4 Global Health and Fitness Apps Market Concentration Ratio3.4.1 Global Health and Fitness Apps Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI)3.4.2 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Companies by Health and Fitness Apps Revenue in 20193.5 Key Players Health and Fitness Apps Area Served3.6 Key Players Health and Fitness Apps Product Solution and Service3.7 Date of Enter into Health and Fitness Apps Market3.8 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 4 Health and Fitness Apps Breakdown Data by Type (2015-2026)4.1 Global Health and Fitness Apps Historic Market Size by Type (2015-2020)4.2 Global Health and Fitness Apps Forecasted Market Size by Type (2021-2026) 5 Health and Fitness Apps Breakdown Data by Application (2015-2026)5.1 Global Health and Fitness Apps Historic Market Size by Application (2015-2020)5.2 Global Health and Fitness Apps Forecasted Market Size by Application (2021-2026) 6 North America6.1 North America Health and Fitness Apps Market Size (2015-2026)6.2 North America Health and Fitness Apps Market Size by Type (2015-2020)6.3 North America Health and Fitness Apps Market Size by Application (2015-2020)6.4 North America Health and Fitness Apps Market Size by Country (2015-2020)6.4.1 United States6.4.2 Canada 7 Europe7.1 Europe Health and Fitness Apps Market Size (2015-2026)7.2 Europe Health and Fitness Apps Market Size by Type (2015-2020)7.3 Europe Health and Fitness Apps Market Size by Application (2015-2020)7.4 Europe Health and Fitness Apps Market Size by Country (2015-2020)7.4.1 Germany7.4.2 France7.4.3 U.K.7.4.4 Italy7.4.5 Russia7.4.6 Nordic7.4.7 Rest of Europe 8 China8.1 China Health and Fitness Apps Market Size (2015-2026)8.2 China Health and Fitness Apps Market Size by Type (2015-2020)8.3 China Health and Fitness Apps Market Size by Application (2015-2020)8.4 China Health and Fitness Apps Market Size by Region (2015-2020)8.4.1 China8.4.2 Japan8.4.3 South Korea8.4.4 Southeast Asia8.4.5 India8.4.6 Australia8.4.7 Rest of Asia-Pacific 9 Japan9.1 Japan Health and Fitness Apps Market Size (2015-2026)9.2 Japan Health and Fitness Apps Market Size by Type (2015-2020)9.3 Japan Health and Fitness Apps Market Size by Application (2015-2020)9.4 Japan Health and Fitness Apps Market Size by Country (2015-2020)9.4.1 Mexico9.4.2 Brazil 10 Southeast Asia10.1 Southeast Asia Health and Fitness Apps Market Size (2015-2026)10.2 Southeast Asia Health and Fitness Apps Market Size by Type (2015-2020)10.3 Southeast Asia Health and Fitness Apps Market Size by Application (2015-2020)10.4 Southeast Asia Health and Fitness Apps Market Size by Country (2015-2020)10.4.1 Turkey10.4.2 Saudi Arabia10.4.3 UAE10.4.4 Rest of Middle East & Africa 11 Key Players Profiles11.1 Nexercise11.1.1 Nexercise Company Details11.1.2 Nexercise Business Overview11.1.3 Nexercise Health and Fitness Apps Introduction11.1.4 Nexercise Revenue in Health and Fitness Apps Business (2015-2020))11.1.5 Nexercise Recent Development11.2 Aaptiv11.2.1 Aaptiv Company Details11.2.2 Aaptiv Business Overview11.2.3 Aaptiv Health and Fitness Apps Introduction11.2.4 Aaptiv Revenue in Health and Fitness Apps Business (2015-2020)11.2.5 Aaptiv Recent Development11.3 Nike11.3.1 Nike Company Details11.3.2 Nike Business Overview11.3.3 Nike Health and Fitness Apps Introduction11.3.4 Nike Revenue in Health and Fitness Apps Business (2015-2020)11.3.5 Nike Recent Development11.4 Asana Rebel11.4.1 Asana Rebel Company Details11.4.2 Asana Rebel Business Overview11.4.3 Asana Rebel Health and Fitness Apps Introduction11.4.4 Asana Rebel Revenue in Health and Fitness Apps Business (2015-2020)11.4.5 Asana Rebel Recent Development11.5 ClassPass11.5.1 ClassPass Company Details11.5.2 ClassPass Business Overview11.5.3 ClassPass Health and Fitness Apps Introduction11.5.4 ClassPass Revenue in Health and Fitness Apps Business (2015-2020)11.5.5 ClassPass Recent Development11.6 Fitbod11.6.1 Fitbod Company Details11.6.2 Fitbod Business Overview11.6.3 Fitbod Health and Fitness Apps Introduction11.6.4 Fitbod Revenue in Health and Fitness Apps Business (2015-2020)11.6.5 Fitbod Recent Development11.7 8fit11.7.1 8fit Company Details11.7.2 8fit Business Overview11.7.3 8fit Health and Fitness Apps Introduction11.7.4 8fit Revenue in Health and Fitness Apps Business (2015-2020)11.7.5 8fit Recent Development11.8 Keelo11.8.1 Keelo Company Details11.8.2 Keelo Business Overview11.8.3 Keelo Health and Fitness Apps Introduction11.8.4 Keelo Revenue in Health and Fitness Apps Business (2015-2020)11.8.5 Keelo Recent Development11.9 Keep11.9.1 Keep Company Details11.9.2 Keep Business Overview11.9.3 Keep Health and Fitness Apps Introduction11.9.4 Keep Revenue in Health and Fitness Apps Business (2015-2020)11.9.5 Keep Recent Development 12 Analysts Viewpoints/Conclusions 13 Appendix13.1 Research Methodology13.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach13.1.2 Data Source13.2 Disclaimer13.3 Author Details
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See the original post:
Global Health and Fitness Apps Market:Lucrative Regions for the Manufacturers in 2020 | Nexercise, Aaptiv, Nike, Asana Rebel - The Daily Chronicle
Gym-lovers flex their right to work out – Newsday

The line at Bev Francis Powerhouse Gym in Syosset snaked into the parking lot before 6 a.m., a legion of mask-wearing, muscle-bound members anticipating the moment theyve waited for since March. Inside, sanitation stations and temperature checks awaited.
But so did barbells, punching bags, treadmills and bench presses.
Monday marked the first day that gyms in most of New York State were allowed to reopen, and for many fitness-minded Long Islanders, it was a day of celebration, despite many restrictions that have changed the way people work out. In order to remain open, gyms must adhere to the 18-page list of guidelines released by the state Department of Health last weekthat included filtration systems, frequent sanitizing, widely spacedequipment, and mandatory mask wearing at all times. Gyms are also only being allowed to operate at 33 percent capacity. Local health department authorities are required to inspect gyms by Sept. 2 to ensure theyre adhering to guidelines, and inspections were to begin Monday.
Its been nerve-wracking, but the response has been overwhelming, so Im happy, said Steve Weinberger, president of Bev Francis, before showing a photo of the line outside his gym earlier that day. Being shut down for so long, he said, was very, very depressing. Its like your freedom has been taken away from you.
Like many gym operatorswho were able to open on Monday, Weinberger already had most of the needed precautions in place and just had jbeenwaiting on a date. By noon, Bev Francis had already reached capacity multiple times, with members being made to wait outside until it was safe to enter. He hired three extra workers to do temperature checks and sign in guests, and has someone on site sanitizing 24 hours a day (the gym is generally open from 4 a.m. to midnight).
Similar readiness was seenat CrossFit Impervious, in Riverhead, where owner Terri DeFilippis said theyve long been prepared for this moment. And when the doors opened, the people came.
Everybody was very excited to come back, said DeFilippis, who is also co-owner of Hampton Bays' CrossFit Warrior Legion, which opened Monday as well. And a lot of my athletes and this is what made me sad to be closed theyre overweight or they have cholesterol issues or diabetes. Its not all of them, but we have some special-needs people, and it was very hard to turn your back on them. Not being able to help them was very, very hard.
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Her CrossFit gym, she said, "is like a family."
Monday was definitely a little odd [with the] gym closed for so long and then to see people coming through, said Nick Orlando, co-owner of Golds Gym in East Northport. But its been great to see faces and get everybody back into a routine. And were hearing positive feedback from people about what a great job weve done and that all our hard work has paid off, and how they feel great exercising again, so its very rewarding.
Orlando said some clients have frozen their accounts, but he expects many to return as people get more comfortable with the idea of working out in a gym. DeFilippis said about 60 percent of her clientele was ready to go, and though shes still waiting to hear back from 40 percent of her members, shes not too concerned they wont come back. Weinberger said that, so far, no one has canceled a membership because of COVID-19 concerns.
That doesnt mean financial concerns have disappeared, Weinberger said. Operating at one-third capacity while paying more to maintain the gym and staff it will take its toll. DeFilippis said itll take a long time to dig out of the hole created by the pandemic. I dont want to say its horrible, but theyre making it hard to stay in business, Weinberger said. I dont know whyits a third [capacity]? Why couldnt they give us half?
Either way, Weinberger was determined to live up to the guidelines. Machines were marked off with signs, gym goers werent allowed to cluster, and everyone was wearing a mask even on the cardio machines.
Im so glad to be back, said Joe Palumbo, a retired NYPD police officer, former SWAT team member and retired professional bodybuilder whos been coming to Bev Francisfor over three decades. When it was closed, everybody was lost. Im happy to be back and I keep saying it, because I am. You cant tell underneath this mask, but Im smiling.
Laura Albanese is a general assignment sports reporter; she began at Newsday in 2007 as an intern.
Read the original:
Gym-lovers flex their right to work out - Newsday
How wearable fitness devices can give early warning of possible COVID-19 infection – The Next Web

The difficulty many people have getting tested for SARS-CoV-2 and delays in receiving test results make early warning of possible COVID-19 infections all the more important, and data from wearable health and fitness devices shows promise for identifying who might have COVID-19.
Todays wearable device gather data about physical activity, heart rate, body temperature and quality of sleep. This data is typically used to help people track general well-being. Smartwatches are the most common type of wearable. There are also smart wrist bands, finger rings and earbuds. Smart clothing, shoes and eyeglasses can also be considered wearables. Popular brands include Fitbits, Apple Watches and Garmin watches.
Several studies are testing algorithms that assess data from wearable devices to detect COVID-19. Results to date show that the concept is sound. However, wearables can be expensive and sometimes challenging to use. Addressing these issues is important to allow as many people as possible to benefit from them.
Because wearables are excellent tools for monitoring general health conditions, researchers began studying ways of using them to detect illness before the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, researchers used Fitbit data to identify people who could have an influenza-like illness from their resting heart rate and daily activity patterns. An elevated resting heart rate can be related to an infection.
Most Fitbit models measure and record heart rate, so the devices can be used to spot periods of increased resting heart rate. They also measure and record activity, so they can identify reduced levels of daily activity. Combining these two measures allowed the researchers to better predict who had an influenza-like illness.
Its not possible to determine if a smart device wearer has a particular illness from just these data measures. But seeing a sudden change in these conditions can prompt people to isolate themselves and get diagnostic tests, which can reduce the spread of communicable diseases like COVID-19.
Fever and persistent cough are the most common symptoms of COVID-19. This has sparked widespread screening using thermometers, most commonly contactless infrared thermometers.
Despite the ubiquity of thermometers, temperature sensors in wearables are uncommon. This is due in part to how complicated it is to obtain true body temperature from skin-based measurements. Skin temperature varies depending on environmental conditions and stress levels, sweat evaporation can lower skin temperature, and temperature sensors sometimes have less-than-ideal contact with the skin.
There are wearable temperature patches that communicate with smart devices and record temperature continuously. But body temperature isnt 100% predictive of illness, and its impossible to diagnose a particular infection, such as COVID-19, using body temperature alone. Nonetheless, a fever alert could lead to earlier intervention.
Research into sensing technology continues to expand the possibilities for wearables as health monitoring and diagnosis devices. The COVID-19 outbreak is likely to influence the direction of this research as well as accelerate it.
Sweat rate can also be measured, which can be used as an indicator of temperature, so these sensors are being examined for use in helping detect COVID-19.One approach is to create sensors that detect compounds in sweat from the skin. These compounds can provide a lot of information about a persons health. pH, sodium ions, glucose and alcohol content are just some of the things that emerging sweat sensors can detect. Tears also contain compounds from the body, so researchers are investigating chemical sensing using contact lenses and smart lenses.
The drawback of many existing wearable sensors is that they cant actually detect the presence of a virus such at SARS-CoV-2. To do this, they would have to detect virus-specific RNA.
RNA detection typically involves several steps, including extracting RNA from a sample, making many copies of the RNA and identifying the RNA. Although there has been a lot of progress in miniaturizing RNA detection equipment for use in rapid, point-of-care testing, theres still a ways to go before it can fit in wearable devices.
Much of the ongoing research on developing rapid, point-of-care pathogen detection uses lab-on-a-chip technology. Lab-on-a-chip refers to the goal of shrinking laboratory tests that once required many large pieces of equipment to the size of a computer chip or microscope slide.
An example is a COVID-19 diagnostic test undergoing clinical trials. The tests sensor is a specialized ion-sensitive field-effect transistor (ISFET) that is designed to respond to the presence of the virus RNA. The device can perform a test in less than one hour, but requires a sample collected by nasal swab.
While this technology is not wearable, it could become the launching point for future virus-detecting wearables because these can be made small and use little power. A wearable device that continuously monitors a person and indicates that theyve contracted or been exposed to the virus would allow the person to seek treatment and isolate themselves to prevent further spread.
Fans of Dr. Who know the sonic screwdriver, and Star Trek followers know the tricorder. The ideal wearable of the future would be similar to these wondrous fictional devices. It would be able to detect the presence of the virus in the environment around the wearer, providing the opportunity to leave before becoming exposed.
But airborne virus detection requires significant equipment to collect air samples and analyze them. Other methods, such as the plasmonic photothermal biosensor, provide promising results, but still require the user to perform the analysis. It will be some time before a smartwatch will be able to alert its wearer to the presence of a dangerous virus.
For all the promise of wearables as tools to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic, and future pandemics, there are barriers to widespread use of the devices. Most wearables are expensive, can be difficult to learn to use by non-native English speakers, or are developed without data from a broad population base. Theres a risk that many people wont accept the technology.
Continued development of broadly accepted health-based wearables should include community input, as outlined in a National Academies Workshop Summary. By ensuring that everyone has access to wearables, and accepts them, the devices can help keep people healthy in the midst of a global pandemic. Ongoing research should result in improved technology that, with care, will benefit all of society.
This article is republished from The ConversationbyAlbert H. Titus, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, University at Buffalo, The State University of New Yorkunder a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
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Published August 24, 2020 11:35 UTC
Here is the original post:
How wearable fitness devices can give early warning of possible COVID-19 infection - The Next Web
Faithful-2-Fitness hosts health and wellness 5K run – WREX-TV

LOVES PARK (WREX) More than 150 people came out Saturday morning to the Fight Obesity 5K run or walk.
For some people, like Esmeralda Alvarado, this was the start to their fitness journey.
"This is my first ever 5K," said Alvarado.
After some encouragement from her friends, Alvarado hit the pavement, running in the 5th annual Fight Obesity run.
"This is a step forward to encourage people to get out there," said Dr.-Kim Doan Katrina, Director of Faithful-2-Fitness.
Faithful-2-Fitness is an organization focused on helping people become healthier.
"Not being able to do as much there is a higher risk of eating more, being sedentary, and not being active," said Dr. Kim-Doan Katrina.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic has hit our area, she says she has seen the rate of obesity increase.
Because the virus has cancelled many outdoor running events this year, she says cancelling her event was not an option.
"My goal was that this is the one event that we are going to do that we have to make it in-person. Even if we have 50 people! But then we had 164," said Dr. Kim-Doan Katrina.
An achievement she hopes will inspire people like Alvarado to continue to workout and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
"This is kind of opening my eyes that I should get to the gym," said Alvarado.
Originally posted here:
Faithful-2-Fitness hosts health and wellness 5K run - WREX-TV
Gyms and fitness centers prepare to open their doors again –

Gov. Andrew Cuomo said gyms can reopen as soon as Monday with 33% capacity, and they have until September 2, if they need more time.
BUFFALO, N.Y. For months, gyms and fitness centers across New York State have sat empty during the COVID pandemic, but soon, that's changing.
Todd Schifferle, the general manager at the Jewish Community Center in Getzville said, "We are just running around excited, just putting everything down, getting ready for Monday."
That's the earliest Gov. Andrew Cuomo said gyms can open their doorsagain, as long as they followstrict guidelinesfrom the state.
"If it's not done right, it can be a problem and we've seen that, so I wouldn't say exactly it's the hardest, but it is an area of concern. That's why we went slow on it," Cuomo said.
The governor also said that masks must be worn at all times and gyms must have the HVAC ventilation, similar to what malls were required to have before reopening. Also, members must sign in and out each time they attend to make it easier if contact tracing becomes necessary.
At the Jewish Community Center in Getzville, you'll notice changes right away. For example, a temperature check and survey when you walk in the door and new signage throughout the facility.
Schifferle added, "Our members are making a one-hour appointment to come in. When they come in they're gonna have hand-sanitizers available and also they're gonna have cleaning stations throughout and the after the hour we actually close the facility. Our dedicated floor staff is gonna open up and sanitize it, CDC guidelines."
Preparations are also underway at Absolute Performance, inside the Eastern Hills Mall.
"Technically, we've probably been ready for the first of July or a little before that," said Tom Corradino, the head performance coach at Absolute Performance.
Corradino said their athletes will likely notice changes in spacing and class sizes.
"Where on a given night we might have as many as 150 athletes through our doors for training, including teams. Now we'll be more towards the 30 or 40 mark total in the evening," he said.
One of the most notable guidelines from the state is that facilities are limited to 33 percent occupancy.
"We're a large facility. We have 100 pieces of cardio so we kinda did the numbers, and we should be great," Schifferle said.
Corradino added, "Each individual person will have their own individual rack, or if it's on the turf, a five-yard-space. Athletes will have their own bikes, rowers, kettlebells, barbells."
Of course, there are still challenges ahead for gyms and fitness centers and several mandates to adhere to, but the people we spoke with told 2 On Your Side they're heading in the right direction.
"Overall, from the perspective of our athletes, our coaches and our owners, we're just happy to be open and happy to be able to do what we love," Corradino said.
Schifferle added, "Smile and have fun, and welcome back."
Gyms and fitness centers prepare to open their doors again -
Save on cheap Fitbits with this weekend’s fitness tracker sales – TechRadar

If you're looking to get moving this weekend then you're shopping for cheap Fitbit deals at the right time. We're seeing the cheaper models receive some excellent discounts in both the US and UK right now, often back down to their lowest prices yet.
The Fitbit Inspire is available for just $49.95 in the US this weekend, a drop back down to its lowest price ever and a cost we haven't seen since the start of July. If you're shopping in the UK you'll find a similar discount available, putting the cheapest model up at a price of 48.17 at Amazon. That's a 20 discount bringing the streamlined starter fitness tracker down to within 10 of its cheapest ever price.
You'll find more discounts on a range of cheap Fitbit deals this weekend, from the Inspire HR to the Ionic. We're rounding up these offers in full just below, but you can always check out more prices from around the web at the bottom of the page as well.
From the cheap Fitbit Inspire to the more sophisticated Fitbit Ionic, Best Buy is the place to be for fitness tracker deals in the US. You'll find our top picks below.
Fitbit Inspire: $69.95 $49.95 at Best BuyIf you're after a super cheap Fitbit to start off with, the Fitbit Inspire offers up a streamlined experience with an incredibly simple interface. You're getting more than the baseline of activity and calorie tracking features here as well, with sleep monitoring, smartphone notifications all under $50 (its lowest ever price).View Deal
Fitbit Inspire HR: $99.95 $69.95 at Best BuyOr, spend $20 more and pick up the HR version with added heart rate monitoring features, enhanced sleep tracking and more exercise features as well. You're saving $30 on the Fitbit Inspire HR at Best Buy this week.View Deal
Fitbit Ionic: $249.95 $216 at Best BuyYou'll also find a $33 price drop on this Fitbit Ionic at Best Buy as well. There's a bit of a price jump here, but if you're after a Fitbit deal on a more feature-rich device capable of more sophisticated tracking this is your best bet.View Deal
If you're shopping in the UK, Amazon is currently offering the lowest prices on these cheap Fitbits. However, you'll find that John Lewis has matched some of the cheaper models' prices as well as offering a two year guarantee on top. The only drawback here is a lack of colour options.
Fitbit Inspire HR: 89.99 74.80 at AmazonIf you're after a little more power in your cheap Fitbit, the Inspire HR model is definitely the way to go as it boasts enhanced fitness tracking features like heart rate monitoring. You'll also find less colour options but a two year guarantee with this 74.99 price tag at John Lewis.View Deal
Fitbit Versa Lite: 149.99 119.66 at AmazonThe Versa Lite is also included in Amazon's Fitbit deals right now, sitting at a sales price of just 119.66. If you're after a larger screen for smartphone notifications, you'll find the Versa Lite brings the fitness tracker range more in line with a conventional smartwatch as well.View Deal
Fitbit Ionic: 249.99 158.90 at AmazonSave 91 on the Fitbit Ionic at Amazon this weekend, an excellent saving on a more sophisticated fitness tracker. You're getting onboard storage for 300+ songs, built in GPS and personal coaching straight from your wrist here.View Deal
If the offers above don't quite fit the bill, you'll find more cheap Fitbit prices just here. The comparison table below will show you the lowest costs for each model from around the web, so you know you're always getting the best deal.
Today's best Fitbit deals
Fitbit Inspire Double Leather...
Fitbit Inspire Hr Heart Rate...
Fitbit - Charge 3 Special...
Fitbit - Versa Lite Edition...
Fitbit Charge 4 Fitness and...
Fitbit Versa Smart Watch,...
Fitbit Versa 2 Smartwatch,...
Fitbit Ionic GPS Smart Watch,...
Check out the best smartwatch deals and sales available right now, or take a look at the latest Apple Watch prices if you're looking for a more iOS friendly device. We're also rounding up the latest Garmin fitness tracker deals if you need a more serious GPS system as well.
Read more:
Save on cheap Fitbits with this weekend's fitness tracker sales - TechRadar
Savannah McCaskills offseason commitment to her fitness opens up a new level of play for the young forward – Chicago Sun-Times

Red Stars forward Savannah McCaskill finished the 2019 NWSL season with a sour taste in her mouth.
The Red Stars 4-0 loss to the North Carolina Courage in the NWSL Championship was far from the teams expectations, and for McCaskill, the entire match felt like a blur.
I never showed myself for a single moment in that game, McCaskill said. I let the game be bigger than me, and I let the moments pass me by.
The hangover from that match is all McCaskill had heading into the offseason, and it sparked a desire in her to refocus and reshape her game.
McCaskill was traded to the Red Stars midway through the 2019 season, and her main goal when she joined the team was meeting the expectations of her new head coach, Rory Dames.
Dames wanted his new forward to make up for an offensive lapse the Red Stars were experiencing with their national team players competing in the World Cup. The young forward fell short, with only one goal in 18 games.
Looking back, I didnt do a great job of [coming in and making an immediate impact], McCaskill said. Which is another reason I wanted to come into this season and really help contribute.
The 2019 season concluded the last week of October, and by early November, McCaskill was in Metuchen, New Jersey, training at AP2T, a gym focused on soccer-specific training.
McCaskill wanted to restructure the way she approached her fitness.
Up until that point, McCaskill said she was able to get away with her lack of physical fitness because of her technical skills and ability to see the game. She realized to become the player she wanted to be, thats what needed to change.
From November until the end of February, McCaskill was working out between five and six days a week. She spent four days in the gym at AP2T, rotating between speed and strength training with Mike Olim and technical skill work with Matt Nigro. On the fifth day, McCaskill was playing pickup with the other professionals training at the gym. The sixth day of the week was dedicated to hot yoga, and on the seventh, McCaskill would relax and recover.
We had a really great group of NWSL players training there but also USL and MLS guys, McCaskill said. You showed up every day, and you definitely didnt want to get outworked.
McCaskill returned to Chicago ready to show her growth as a player, but after a week of training, she was back in her home state of South Carolina because of the coronavirus pandemic.
She kept up with her fitness in the offseason by running on her parents treadmill and lifting. By the time the team returned to training and the NWSL Challenge Cup rolled around, everyone saw a whole new player.
One highlight during the Challenge Cup where McCaskill proved her value to the Red Stars countless times was the full 90 minutes she played against the Portland Thorns.
Her coaches back in New Jersey were watching from the facility.
Her investment in the offseason paid off, Nigro said.
The Red Stars will resume group training on Monday, McCaskill said, after players return negative COVID-19 tests.
McCaskills goals have changed slightly.
Going forward, I want to continue to stamp myself onto games, McCaskill said. Whether that be getting on the ball or playing more through balls. Now that a focus on my fitness is underway, I think the more that I can do to show myself in games is going to be my next goal.
Go here to read the rest:
Savannah McCaskills offseason commitment to her fitness opens up a new level of play for the young forward - Chicago Sun-Times