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The rise and fall of Saudi men and women’s fitness centers – Arab News

Until recently gyms and fitness centers were one of the few entertainment options for men alongside shopping centers and restaurants. In other words, it was the healthy choice of entertainment. When Saudi Vision 2030 was launched, it offered a complete transformation and a facelift to entertainment in the country. That being said, the highlight was increasing participation in physical activities among both genders from 13 percent to 40 percent.
This led to change in some regulations, such as allowing women to run gyms and fitness centers for women. This helped in various areas and ticked many boxes. For example, it created new job opportunities for women as it increased awareness among a large segment in society about the importance of exercising.
It helped patients who needed to exercise and couldnt find a place with reasonable prices at the hospitals gyms. And it encouraged women to enter the field of sports to learn and train professionally, and get certified with the help of Saudi universities and colleges physical education program. Now they can do something with their degree in the country.
And just as they say every rise has its fall, the COVID-19 global pandemic arrived and hit these businesses badly. Everyone was forced to shut down and wait until things improved.
Some stopped completely, while others kept offering classes for free through their online social network channels and I do believe that is so brave and noble of them.
But because of the financial crisis, an alternative option was offered to pay a small monthly fee and subscribe online with your favorite trainer or coach. This was one of the options to help the business from failing completely and was adopted worldwide as well.
According to a recent workshop conducted with cooperation between the General Investment Administration and the Leaders Development Institute, which both run under the Ministry of Sports, gyms and fitness centers are considered one of the biggest contributors to the local sport field, reaching SR3.5 billion ($930 million) in 2018.
The workshop highlighted that male membership reached 900,000 (SR2.9 billion market value), while women members reached 200,000 (SR650 million market price). They also claim that an increase has been witnessed in mens gyms and fitness centers from 485,000 in 2012 to 890,000 in 2017.
The speakers noted that the womens gyms and fitness center market is expected to increase due to the approval of allowing licenses for women gyms and fitness centers. The variation, they said, is huge due to previous restrictions in the country.
However, they pointed out that due to the pandemic lockdown, people are getting used to home training, the convenience of practicing sports at ease considering social distancing, suffering from less income due to jobs being terminated or put on hold, and considering the health and safety measurements to prevent virus spread.
All this will make it hard and costly for the fitness market to get customers back. In addition, there will be other challenging costs, such as safety precautions, cleaning of equipment, rent, water and electricity to ensure everyone goes back to their normal lifestyle and business in a safe and comfortable manner.
It is a worldwide challenge to see these fitness centers back on track, yet at the end of the day it is also an individual preference to choose whether to play it safe and exercise at home, or to take the risk and hit the gym.
Dr. Razan Baker is a directorof international communication at the Saudi Olympic Committee, a specialist in corporate social responsibility in sports, and a sports columnist/journalist. Twitter: @RazanBaker
Disclaimer: Views expressed by writers in this section are their own and do not necessarily reflect Arab News' point-of-view
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The rise and fall of Saudi men and women's fitness centers - Arab News
Opinion | The setu bandh (bridge) between yoga and financial fitness – Livemint

I dont know about you, but as an Iyengar Yoga practitioner, every time I see the weird distortions of yoga posture namescriss-cross applesauce or downward facing dogI cringe. Some Indians, who know how to perfectly pronounce words in English, Latin and French, mock at others who cant get the right accent and intonation of foreign language words, seem to be totally fine with not just mispronunciation of yoga postures like swastik asan or adho mukh svanasan, but with them being given totally new names. If calling a croissant a kekeda roti is silly, it is far sillier to distort names of asans that are a few thousand years old. Well, at least it feels silly and facile to some of us who are yoga purists.
But this was not meant to be a rant about what the postures are called by yoga wannabes, but about how yoga and financial fitness share the same lessons for our physical and financial fitness! Ive found great synchronicity between my yoga practice and financial planning and I want to share some of these with you.
Yoga and investing are similar because just as yoga does not give you a gym body with sculpted pectorals but low flexibility, investing is not about being a high-energy dealer and speculator, jumping from one win to another. Yoga is about flexibility, mindfulness, movement and subtle understanding of the body that gradually goes towards strength and fitness, while pumping iron is about watching TV or listening to pulsating music while you mindlessly do the cardio routine on an expensive machine.
Investing is about long-term balance, understanding of your own needs and goals, financial strength and empowerment, while trading and speculation are about short-term wins.
An average person needs the strength and flexibility that yoga gives and the financial stability that investing, and not speculating, gives. We need more mindfulness when it comes to both health and wealth rather than a mindless rush for results.
Being regular is the key to yoga and financial fitness. When you begin doing yoga, the body feels stiff and inflexible. Try doing gaumukh asan after working on a desk and computer for years and you realize that you have a hump between your shoulders and you can no longer sit on the floor. But with regular practice, not only do the hands latch behind the back, they even move an inch or two away.
Money is the same. Most people get into a stalemate with the conversation inside their headsI dont have the money to save, I will do it another time and anyway its in the bankand just dont begin breaking the habit of procrastination and fear.
The mistake that early yoga students makeof trying to do a shirshasan and cracking their necksis made by newbie investors who jump from saving deposits to crypto currencies. Just as a proper shirshasan needs various parts of the body to be in good shapebacks, upper body, shoulders that need to be worked on for months before the body swings up into a perfect asan, being financially fit needs plenty of things in place. For example, a good cash flow system that separates out your saving from spending, a good emergency fund, appropriate insurances of health and life, and then an understanding of risk and your own capacity for taking it. It is only then that you can target investing. All these lead to financial fitness.
Both yoga and financial fitness have a positive contagion on the rest of your life. Yoga teaches you to respect your body and not take it for granted. You begin to watch what you eat and drink, how hard you push it at work and travel. It gives you a balance in the other parts of your life. Financial fitness is similar. Once the money part of your life settles down into a definite plan, the security allows you peace of mind, which leads to less stress and better balance in life.
Just as a healthy body allows us to accomplish what we set out to do in life, financial fitness allows us the freedom to focus on the really important things we care about, rather than just worrying about income now and in the future.
On this International Yoga Day, as we celebrate physical fitness, lets see the parallels with financial fitness and bring both our health and wealth in balance and understand what yoga maestro B.K.S. Iyengar meant when he said: Yoga allows you to find a new kind of freedom that you may not have known ever existed." Go for both health and wealth to experience this freedom.
Monika Halan is consulting editor at Mint and writes on household finance, policy and regulation
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Opinion | The setu bandh (bridge) between yoga and financial fitness - Livemint
Promoting use, fitness and family | Reporter Times | –

MARTINSVILLE The Martinsville Parks and Recreation Department has a superintendent, Keenan Steinway, after being approved at a board meeting earlier this month.
Steinway, a Morgan County native, said hes always considered himself somewhat an outdoorsman and that taking the opportunity to run the local parks seemed to be a way to continue supporting the community he grew up in.
The park is a place Ive spent much of my life at whether its the basketball courts or the swimming pool or the hiking trails, he said. So Ive always enjoyed this was a chance to be outdoors, to kind of use my business degree a little bit.
Steinway was approved by the board following his completion of certain certifications required for the position of parks superintendent. He was approved by the board the day after he passed the exam.
One thing about the superintendents job for a parks and recreation is you have to be certified as a parks and rec professional, so there is a national exam that you have to study for an pass before you can hold this position, he said.
Before accepting this position, Steinway had a variety of jobs. Most recently he was a full-time minister for six years but also has a business degree, which he said is the basis for that exam. He was also a secondary education teacher for eight years and then taught business and public speaking at Franklin College for three years.
One of the things that changes with his position, he said, is that there is the impetus for him to create programming at the parks. He said there really havent really been many programs in Martinsville, which is something that he will change.
Part of my responsibility will be also creating programs for individuals and families, and that appeals to me, he said. I just enjoy seeing people have a good time.
The previous position at the park, Steinway said, operated more like a groundskeeper/maintenance person, which the department has replaced with a new groundskeeper named Steve Urban. Steinway said his position, though, is new and allows for the focus on the business-side of things and programming.
Regarding that programming, he said hes not quite ready to share specifics but does have a few ideas for some activities at the park.
Steinway said he does feel like there are many things about the park that are special and that people enjoy, things he wants to maintain.
I enjoy the enjoy part, he said. We are very blessed to have such a beautiful park. Theres 110 acres there, so thats something that went perhaps kind of untapped for many years. I just think theres a lot of room for things we can add to it.
Steinway said hes spent most of his life working in this community and that this position, having not existed before, is a lot to manage. Hes a quiet and private person for the most part, he said, but he said he hopes the programming he creates helps others enjoy the park as much as he does.
Were just hoping that this position will encourage people to one: use the park more often or use it at all and number two: promote fitness and exercise and three: would love to promote things like families and friendships and group outings or adventures, he said.
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Promoting use, fitness and family | Reporter Times | -
Im a HIIT-Loving 69-Year-Old Trainer, and These Are the Exercises I Swear By – Well+Good

Because of the changes your body goes through as you age, fitness over 50 can look different. But Marilyn Emanuel, a marketing professional and personal trainer in Texas, has only gotten stronger. Staying healthy has always been a priority for the 69-year-old, as she comes from a family with a history of health issues. And while shes always been passionate about fitness, becoming a trainer happened purely by accident.
I was consistent with my daily workouts before I went to the office. At that time, my employer had a gym on campus. I would train starting at 5:30 a.m. and be in the office by 7:30 a.m., and some of my colleagues found out. Soon, I was being asked to help them achieve their fitness goals, she says. I would always say yes, but Id let them know I wasnt certified. One of my clients replied, why not? Her question really stuck with me.
After doing some research, Emanuel became a certified trainer. Even years later, she still trains using her favorite method: HIIT, along with strength training and general cardio. HIIT is common now, but when I started using it nearly 10 years ago, most people hadnt heard of the method, she says. You can catch her doing 60- to 75-minute training sessions three to four times a week, as well as eating a clean diet free of processed foods and sugar, very little dairy, and lots of green leafy veggies, healthy fats, and fiber. Heres exactly what fitness over 50 can look like.
During her first workout of the week, Emanuel focuses on her upper body. I enjoy using dumbbells or barbells to work on my back (rowing, both upper and lower), shoulders (shoulder presses), chest, and arms (mostly bodyweight triceps and dips, along with bicep curlsboth regular and preacher curls), she says.
On day two, Emanuel says she mainly focuses on her glutes. I do this with both bodyweight (donkey kicks and clam lifts) and free weights. I love deadlifts and front squats, or using some bands, she says. My fitness goal is to build my glutes and keep lifted and toned, especially as I continue to get older and the law of gravity continuously takes over my body.
Emanuels third weekly workout consists of full-body weights. I do push-ups and combos with squats to standing rolls to a shoulder press, she says. I also work on my abs every time Im doing a workout. I love planking and doing different variations of planks, such as leg kicks or spider planks, as well as leg lifts and side twists in a V-shape position.
After a week filled with a countless number of squats, planks, and bicep curls, Emanuel dedicates her final workout to cardio of any kind.
Ready to sweat? Try this full-body HIIT workout:
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Im a HIIT-Loving 69-Year-Old Trainer, and These Are the Exercises I Swear By - Well+Good
The Hollow Body Position: Why Its So Important for Fitness Athletes – BarBend

The hollow body position is a bit like the foundation of a house: Without a well built foundation, good luck building that house.
This is especially true when it comes to learning gymnastics movements: Its much easier and safer to master skills like pull-ups, handstand walking, handstand push-ups and muscle ups when you can maintain a solid hollow body position.
A hollow body position happens when you contract your abs, thus shortening your torso, and tilt your pelvic to achieve a posterior pelvic tilt. Squeezing your glutes together helps achieve this pelvic tilt. This effectively puts your torso into a slightly rounded position, which is the key to the hollow body.
When youre in a hollow hold position on the ground doing a hollow hold, this means your lower back and bum must remain on the ground, while your upper back, shoulder blades and head will be a few inches off the ground with your arms extended straight over your head. Also, your legs and feet should also hover about six inches off the ground.
Lets consider a handstand or a handstand push-up, for example. Often what happens when athletes are pressing out of a handstand is that they end up extending their spine and effectively losing the hollow body position. This spinal extension puts a lot of pressure on both the spine and the shoulders.
Keeping a hollow body position throughout, on the other hand, ensures your shoulders, spine and hips are stacked nicely on top of each other in an anatomically safer position.
Not only that, when your bones and joints are stacked on top of each other, then the muscles dont have to do as much work.
Thus, the stronger your hollow body position is, the stronger your gymnastics movements have the ability to be.
Four common mistakes with a hollow hold I see include, sometimes due to laziness and other times due to weakness in the core:
Test yourself: How long can you hold a hollow body hold in a perfect position? What letter grade are you?
C + = 20-30 secondsB = 30-60 secondsB + = 60-90 secondsA = 90 seconds or more
If you werent able to hold the hollow body position for at least 30-45 seconds, here are two ways to log more time under tension while building your hollow body prowess.
Get into a hollow body position and then simply pull one knee toward you, ensuring your back and bum are on the ground. If this is still too challenging, then bend both knees.
Deadbugs are a great way to be able to log a lot more time under tension. I like wall pressing deadbugswhere you get into a deadbug position while simultaneously pressing against the wall with your handsas this allows you to build more tension through your body.
And, if you scored a B+ or an A on the max effort hollow hold challenge, here are two challenges to strengthen your hollow hold even more, and transfer the position to gymnastics movements.
Can you maintain a perfect hollow body position throughout?
Complete the following without resting:
Rest 1 minute and repeat 3 to 5 times.
Toes-to-nose handstand holds are a great way to ensure youre in a perfect handstand position.
Just like the name sounds, the only part of your body that should be touching the wall are your toes and your nose.
Focus on squeezing your abs to round out your torso, squeezing your glutes together, and pressing your hands into the ground and your feet to the sky to get as long as possible.
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The Hollow Body Position: Why Its So Important for Fitness Athletes - BarBend
Health and Fitness App Market 2020 Key Players, Share, Trend, Segmentation and Forecast to 2026 – Cole of Duty

New Jersey, United States,- The report is a must-have for business strategists, participants, consultants, researchers, investors, entrepreneurs, and other interested parties associated with the Health and Fitness App Market. It is also a highly useful resource for those looking to foray into the Health and Fitness App market. Besides Porters Five Forces and SWOT analysis, it offers detailed value chain assessment, comprehensive study on market dynamics including drivers, restraints, and opportunities, recent trends, and industry performance analysis. Furthermore, it digs deep into critical aspects of key subjects such as market competition, regional growth, and market segmentation so that readers could gain sound understanding of the Health and Fitness App market.
The research study is a brilliant account of macroeconomic and microeconomic factors influencing the growth of the Health and Fitness App market. This will help market players to make appropriate changes in their approach toward attaining growth and sustaining their position in the industry. The Health and Fitness App market is segmented as per type of product, application, and geography. Each segment is evaluated in great detail so that players can focus on high-growth areas of the Health and Fitness App market and increase their sales growth. Even the competitive landscape is shed light upon for players to build powerful strategies and give a tough competition to other participants in the Health and Fitness App market.
The competitive analysis included in the report helps readers to become aware of unique characteristics of the vendor landscape and crucial factors impacting the market competition. It is a very important tool that players need to have in their arsenal for cementing a position of strength in the Health and Fitness App market. Using this report, players can use effective business tactics to attract customers and improve their growth in the Health and Fitness App market. The study provides significant details about the competitive landscape and allows players to prepare for future challenges beforehand.
Health and Fitness App Market Segmentation
This market has been divided into types, applications and regions. The growth of each segment provides a precise calculation and forecast of sales by type and application, in terms of volume and value for the period between 2020 and 2026. This analysis can help you develop your business by targeting qualified niche markets. . Market share data are available at global and regional levels. The regions covered by the report are North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East and Africa and Latin America. Research analysts understand competitive forces and provide competitive analysis for each competitor separately.
Health and Fitness App Market by Type:
Health and Fitness App Market by Application:
Health and Fitness App Market by Region:
North America (The USA, Canada, and Mexico)Europe (Germany, France, the UK, and Rest of Europe)Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, and Rest of Asia Pacific)Latin America (Brazil and Rest of Latin America.)Middle East &Africa (Saudi Arabia, the UAE, South Africa, and Rest of Middle East & Africa)
The report answers important questions that companies may have when operating in the Health and Fitness App market. Some of the questions are given below:
What will be the size of the Health and Fitness App market in 2026?
What is the current CAGR of the Health and Fitness App market?
What products have the highest growth rates?
Which application is projected to gain a lions share of the Health and Fitness App market?
Which region is foretold to create the most number of opportunities in the Health and Fitness App market?
Which are the top players currently operating in the Health and Fitness App market?
How will the market situation change over the next few years?
What are the common business tactics adopted by players?
What is the growth outlook of the Health and Fitness App market?
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Upgrade your market research resources with this comprehensive and accurate report on the Health and Fitness App market
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Apart from hottest technological advances in the Health and Fitness App market, it brings to light the future plans of dominant players in the industry
Table of Contents
Market Overview: This section comes under executive summary and is divided into four sub-sections. It basically introduces the Health and Fitness App market while focusing on market size by revenue and production, market segments by type, application, and region, and product scope.
Competition by Manufacturers: It includes five sub-sections, viz. market competitive situation and trends, manufacturers products, areas served, and production sites, average price by manufacturers, revenue share by manufacturers, and production share by manufacturers.
Market Share by Region: It provides regional market shares by production and revenue besides giving details about gross margin, price, and other factors related to the growth of regional markets studied in the report. The review period considered here is 2015-2019.
Company Profiles: Each player is assessed for its market growth in terms of different factors such as markets served, gross margin, price, revenue, production, product specification, and areas served.
Manufacturing Cost Analysis: It is sub-divided into four chapters, viz. industrial chain analysis, manufacturing process analysis, manufacturing cost structure, and key raw materials analysis.
Learn More about this report @
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Health and Fitness App Market 2020 Key Players, Share, Trend, Segmentation and Forecast to 2026 - Cole of Duty
Solskjaer and Mourinho’s approach to fitness reflected in United and Spurs – The Athletic

Battle lines between Ole Gunnar Solskjaer and Jose Mourinho have been drawn before over player fitness and Friday night at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium felt like another clash of philosophies for Manchester United managers old and new.
Where many Tottenham players finished with fatigue all too evident, Uniteds energy was striking.
Only one team appeared capable of winning the contest after Bruno Fernandes equalised in the 81st minute and while that was in part down to Solskjaer utilising all five substitutions and Mourinho just two, it was a spectacle that could have been predicted by anyone who saw Tottenhams warm-up game with Norwich City at the same ground the previous Friday.
After taking the lead in that friendly, which was stretched to four lots of 30 minutes, Spurs succumbed to defeat to two goals in the final quarter. According to one source the conditioning of some Tottenham players caused surprise. It does not take a great leap into...
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Solskjaer and Mourinho's approach to fitness reflected in United and Spurs - The Athletic
Hawaii gyms and fitness centers reopen for those ready to work out – Honolulu Star-Advertiser

Bryant Powers, owner of CrossFit Oahu in Kakaako, is upbeat about reopening today the place has been deep-cleaned, the floor taped off into individual zones, and equipment is ready to go.
Weve done a lot, he said. We are changing the programming so that when people come, everything they use is going to be in that area.
Gyms, yoga studios and fitness clubs on Oahu shuttered since mid-March are allowed to reopen today, along with movie theaters, museums and bars, under Mayor Kirk Caldwells latest phase of reopening the economy for business.
Classes will be a little shorter, according to Powers, who started CrossFit Oahu 15 years ago, and participants will each get an 8-by-8-foot bordered area in which to work out. There will be an in-and-out flow, and people will be asked to bring their own personal water bottles.
But his 13,000-square-foot gym is spacious, and he expects to still be able to accommodate 15 to 20 participants in what he calls the back in shape program. His part-time trainers many of whom work other jobs as firefighters and physicians are also eager to get back.
Powers said he closed down the gym March 18, a week before the states formal stay-at-home order went into effect.
Ultimately, were a health business, so you want to make the healthiest decision for people, he said.
But it has been a tough three months, with the gym completely shut down and no revenue coming in. Before the pandemic, Powers had never missed a month of rent. Even with federal loans secured, he expects it to be an uphill battle in months ahead.
What CrossFit Oahu did during its closure is loan out equipment to its approximately 500 members in Kakaako and Pearl City, and offer daily workouts via email.
There were also a few online Zoom events, which included a plank-athon, where participants competed to see who could hold a plank the longest, as well as a deck of cards workout, which challenged members to a specific exercise depending on the card drawn.
Powers said he contacted every member to offer them the option of continuing their membership, donating it or pausing it until reopening time. He estimates about a quarter of members stayed on and that the most loyal ones will return, but he expects others to drop off.
Also, he does not expect to get additional revenue from out-of-state, drop-in members due to travel restrictions. He used to get more than 100 drop-ins a month from travelers, who would also buy logo T-shirts and merchandise.
It will be like starting up again, with all of the expenses, but without having had three months to recruit new members. Still, Powers is excited.
Theres a lot of people who cant wait to come back, he said.
Earlier this week 24 Hour Fitness filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and closed its Kahului location. But six locations on Oahu are expected to reopen today, with touch-free check-in via its 24GO app and other social distancing guidelines in place.
The fitness chain also launched its own 24 Hour Fitness YouTube Channel, and is offering more than 1,500 workouts on its app.
At Still &Moving Center in Kakaako, which offers a mix of yoga, dance and martial arts, the approach is a slower and more meditative one.
The center on Queen Street was getting ready to celebrate its ninth anniversary when the pandemic hit, and had to close down its facility in March.
Operations manager Neela Vadivel said that during the closure the center discovered a whole new world online in which it could offer classes to a global audience and bring in teachers from abroad.
It offered about 75 classes in person before the closures, and now offers about 60 interactive classes online.
What were planning on doing is a little more gradual, said Vadivel. We will keep our online classes. Our attendance has gone up since last year, and were really happy with our online classes. We will keep that going.
Eventually, some in-person classes might resume, with a limit of 10 who will practice physical distancing, she said, possibly in July. Scheduling would have to be staggered.
There could also be a class streamed online, with up to 10 attending in person.
In a survey of members, however, Vadivel said many indicated they were still going to wait another month or two to return even after the lifted restrictions on gyms. There are also classes that many kupuna take, and the risks for their demographic have to be taken into consideration, as well.
So the center will take a cautious approach and continue to offer its online courses.
Online, she said, people have a different connection from in person, and the energy is different, but surprisingly, it can work.
You cant replace whats in person, but theres still something special about it, she said, and people are connecting that way. Its surprising, but its this silver lining that came out of it.
The YMCA of Honolulu, which has approximately 25,000 members, including individuals and families, reopened facilities with fitness training equipment, machines and free weights today. The weights and cardio machines have been rearranged to maintain 6 feet of distance.
On Monday it had reopened its swimming pools but required advance reservations for only one swimmer per lane. Advance reservations will also be required for use of Y facilities, along with temperature checks and a health assessment screening before entering.
Members must also bring a face mask to wear when not actively exercising, along with their own towels and water bottles. Staff are also required to wear face masks.
Starting July 7, the Y will offer a modified schedule of group exercise classes. But locker rooms, showers, saunas and child watch will remain temporarily closed, and dance, martial arts and hula classes will be offered in later phases.
YMCA spokeswoman Lisa Ontai said surprisingly, a survey found 47.5% would return right away.
At the top of the list of activities people wanted to resume were free weights and cardio-training exercises, followed by group exercise classes. While classes will continue, there will be a limit of perhaps nine rather than 50 people due to safety guidelines, but they will be livestreamed for others, Ontai said.
The YMCA will also continue to offer more than 80 online, on-demand courses on Virtual Y, which it launched during its temporary closure.
We have filmed a whole bunch of on-demand video featuring our popular instructors, she said. And were really focusing a lot on active, older adults in case theyre not ready to fully come back to the Y.
Here is the original post:
Hawaii gyms and fitness centers reopen for those ready to work out - Honolulu Star-Advertiser
How to Save $2506 on Awesome New Fitness Gear – Gear Patrol

Thats the total value of all the discounts in this 29-item fitness deal roundup, FYI.
Adidas Save 20% off with code STRIPES (join the Creators Club for 30%)Competitive Cyclist Save up to 40% off select road bikes and framesLadder Save 30% with code BETTEREVERYDAYOakley Save 20% off sport performance eyewearNike Save up to 40% off select stylesReebok Loyalty members save up to 40% off by signing in and using code DAD40styles
Save 42%: This beautifully designed shoe balances cushioning and fit to make every stride as comfortable and smooth as possible.
Save 40%: Weighing in at just under 11 ounces, this shoe is light and breathable enough to keep you floating across the pavement, while the big discount ensures it wont lighten your wallet too much.
Save 44%: This plush, ultra-cushioned shoe makes it feel like youre running on clouds. Nice fluffy Simpsons ones, too.
Save 44%: Thousands of Dippin Dot-like tiny foam beads underfoot make the Joyride a one-of-a-kind recovery shoe and a $79 discount means theres no better time to grab a pair.
Save 25%: This stability shoe is breathable and supportive and as classy-looking as any weve seen lately. Its a performance tux for feet, basically.
Save 52%: A decoupled midsole for increased flexibility and a perforated knit upper for more breathability highlight this deeply discounted update.
Save 44%: Laces and a strap team up to lock down your foot while a raised heel boosts stability. The rest of that hefty clean and jerk is up to you. Enter promo code STRIPES for the full discount.
Save 37%: Love red? Pounce on these top-of-the-line Nike running shoes, which are deeply discounted in the shown colorway.
Save 38%: This classic cushioned running shoe is beloved by many a pavement pounder, and its on sale now in a range of sizes and colors.
Save 20%: The reduced offset in this shoes midsole provides optimal stability for running, workouts and just knocking around.
Save 19%: Slash $23 off the price of one of the best gym shoes when you choose this black and red colorway. Discounts available on other colorways too.
Save 20%: These beloved, super-cushioned sneakers are $60 off right now in some 21 colorways right now. Enter promo code STRIPES for the discount.
Save 20%: Designed to support multidirectional movement, these foot beasts are up for the toughest workouts. Enter promo code STRIPES for the discount.
Save 40%: This asymmetrical half-zip hoodie is so stylish, youd be forgiven for forgetting how perfect it is for working out in variable conditions.
Save 20%: Heavy duty on the outside, fleecy on the inside, these shorts are tough enough for the gym but comfy enough for just chilling.
Save 20%: These shades are as eye-popping as they come, which is fitting because Oakleys Prizm lens tech makes everything you see on your next bike ride pop too.
Save 30%: These ultra-comfy sunnies perform as good as they look, and you just cant beat the price. Update: the tortoise shell colorway shown is sold out, but three other varieties are still available.
Save 23%: With its ultralight carbon frame, internal cable routing, beefy WTB Resolute tires and SRAM Force 1x groupset, the Grevil is ready to tackle the gnarliest trails and this sale leaves a borderline insane $1,201 burning a hole in your jersey pocket.
Save 11%: Priority celebrates Fathers Day with this small-batch bike featuring a translucent custom Honey Gates Carbon Drive, custom rear rack, retro front light, vegan leather seat and seat roll bag. Nice touch: the included golf tee-holding bottle opener keychain.
Save 30%: Safety is not a matter to take lightly, but thats exactly how this exceptionally ventilated half-pound half-shell will sit on your noggin. The Team Shimano colorway is deeply discounted right now. Just make sure to wear it correctly.
Save 36%: This sweat-wicking, reflective pullover is perfect for staying comfy and visible on chilly evening runs.
Save 33%: Save big on some of the most comfortable joggers ever. (ABC stands for anti-ball crushing, after all.)
Save 15%: Heres a special deal just for GP readers. First-time Momentous users can score a $10 discount on this reliable, recovery-boosting sleep aid by entering the promo code GEARPATROL.
Save 20%: These awesome quick-dry shorts feature a moisture-wicking hydrophilic liner, making them your best friend during wet weather workouts.
Save 30%: Boasting a heart-rate monitor, 80 sport modes and 100-meter water-resistance, this watch lets you can train like a maniac anyway you want.
Save 21%: Good looking, quick drying, moisture wicking, odor fighting and comfy: what else do you need in a workout shirt, really?
Save 25%: Just another amazingly breathable and moisture-wicking running shirt for a song.
Save 17%: This loaded timepiece tracks your heart rate, steps, location and more, so you always know just how much progress youre making toward fitness fantasia.
Save 30%: Load up for your next 15 workouts with this package deal just make sure to use the code BETTEREVERYDAY to score the discount.
Steve Mazzucchi is Gear Patrols outdoors and fitness editor. Outside the office, you can find him mountain biking, snowboarding, motorcycling or sipping a dram of Laphroaig and daydreaming about such things.
Here is the original post:
How to Save $2506 on Awesome New Fitness Gear - Gear Patrol
TOP 5 fitness trends beyond lockdown, as predicted by fitness industry experts – T3

With the strict lockdown coming to an end soon in some countries it has already ended completely Reebok decided to ask fitness industry experts to see that the top trends will be in their opinion post-lockdown. The study dubbed 'Fitfluence' revealed the most popular types of workouts and diets among fitness enthusiasts from around the world.
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Not surprisingly and especially considering they can be performed anywhere using any type of home gym equipment, interest in HIIT workouts has seen a massive spike in search volumes in the last couple of months as people started looking for ways to keep fit at home.
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HIIT is revealed as the most popular workout trend for lockdown with a 57% increase in search interest, followed by Yoga, Crossfit and Pilates. People also searched for Zumba, martial arts, weight training, bootcamp and spinning more than before.
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As for dieting, intermittent fasting revealed as the most popular diet trend with a 32% increase in online articles during lockdown, followed by plant-based vegan diet, keto diet and paleo diet.
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(Image credit: Reebok)
Emma James, physiotherapist and founder of EJPhysio suggests "there will be a shift in how people exercise moving forward in a positive way, as exercising virtually helps to break down the barriers and fears that some people have about exercising in front of other."
Joe Mitton, Personal Trainer at MittFit comments, "lots of people are seeing the benefits of HIIT workouts and the ease of doing them from home combined with the abundance of great trainers offering incredible daily workouts across the world. The soar in popularity will continue post-lockdown now that people have seen the benefit and created the habits."
"HIIT can be super effective in getting your metabolic rate high, which lasts for hours after exercise, and it can be done anywhere - with or without equipment. For instance, you could do sprints, burpees or grab a skipping rope and give yourself a pretty extensive workout, for free, at your convenience." says Keith McNiven, Personal Trainer at Zone Body Fit.
George Pearse, Personal Trainer at Fresh Fit London comments, "yoga will continue to grow in popularity as people explore new, exciting methods of moving their bodies and calming their minds."
(Image credit: Reebok)
"The majority of people have adapted smoothly to virtual training. Armed with no more than a couple of dumbbells, perhaps a kettlebell and some resistance bands, people have been enjoying new ways of training outside of the big lifts." says George Pearse, Personal Trainer atFresh Fit London.
(Image credit: lululemon)
"Bodyweight training and running have been people's favoured ways of training this past 7 weeks. Yoga will continue to grow in popularity as people explore new, exciting methods of moving their bodies and calming their minds. Whilst gyms remain closed and social distancing measures stay in place, I can see a rise in the outdoor bootcamp market, as people begin to interact with one another once more." says George Pearse, Personal Trainer at Fresh Fit London.
(Image credit: Reebok)
"The lockdown has brought people together into fitness communities like never before and I think there will be a surge in people continuing with group training whether it be online or offline" says Joe Mitton Personal Trainer atMittFit.
"Personal training and boot camps in parks will see a big boom this year, as will small private studios and virtual one-to-one sessions." says Keith McNiven, personal trainer at Zone Body Fit.
(Image credit: Reebok)
"People will miss the gym, but the fact that they are adjusting so well to having intense, effective workouts at home and outside will change the mindset for many - plus, it will be a while before they feel safe in gyms again." says Keith McNiven, personal trainer and founder of Right Path Fitness.
(Image credit:
"The rise of Instagram live sessions has seen the public exposed to a huge range of different options." says Personal Trainer George Pearse, at Fresh Fit London
People have been really keen to keep training, despite the gym being out of bounds. The need to keep moving, even if it's not exactly like they were doing before. This raises interesting questions on the other side of lockdown - will people want to rush back to the gym floor? The customer is going to be a bit more discerning on the other side."
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See original here:
TOP 5 fitness trends beyond lockdown, as predicted by fitness industry experts - T3