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How to Go Vegan and Still Hit Your Fitness Goals – Greatist

The beginning of a new year is usually when people kick off one or more nutrition challenges Dry Jan. or #30DaysOfPaleo being the big ones in January. Another one thats gained popularity is Veganuary.
A challenge marked by carnivores going vegan for the month, Veganuary promises a number of benefits like increased energy, clearer skin, improved digestion, and reduced inflammation, to name just a few.
But is going vegan for 30 days a good plan for people who want to meet certain fitness goals or lose weight? Below, nutritionists tackle this Q.
Lets get this out of the way right now: It is absolutely possible to have a vegan diet and reach your fitness goals. And thats true whether youre going vegan for 30 days or life.
But regardless of length of time, it likely will require some tracking.
According to Esther Avant, ACE-certified personal trainer and certified nutrition coach at Esther Avant Wellness Coaching, most exercisers who adopt a vegan diet would benefit from tracking their calories, macronutrients, or, at least, protein intake.
One of the most important considerations on a vegan diet, especially if you have specific fitness goals, is protein intake, she explains. Protein is important for a multitude of reasons, not the least of which is to help with muscle growth and retention.
Because many animal products are very good sources of lean protein, eliminating those as an option often means a drastic decrease in total protein, she notes. Not ideal considering that active individuals generally need somewhere between 0.5 and 0.9 grams of protein per pound of body weight.
But it *is* possible to get enough protein while vegan.
Pairing specific foods with complementary amino acid profiles and using a plant-based protein supplement can help you get enough protein to support your fitness goals, she explains. (See 10 vegan protein sources here).
Yeppp, it is possible to be vegan and tackle your weight loss goals at the same time!
But (and this is important!), Going vegan is absolutely not necessary to lose weight, says Avant.
Actually, any weight loss you may experience while vegan has more to do with overall decreased calorie intake not cutting out animal products, according to Jaramillo.
Many experience a decrease in weight when vegan because the diet naturally limits saturated and trans fats, which typically contain a lot of calories, she explains.
However, she notes that some people who go vegan gain weight because their fat intake increases drastically, and fats are more calorically dense than protein or carbs.
Generally, tracking your caloric intake for the first 2 weeks as a vegan can help you become familiar with exactly how many calories are in all the new plant-based foods youre consuming.
Put simply, veganism is eating only foods *without* animal-based products.
Unlike vegetarians, vegans also avoid common ingredients like eggs, butter, cheese, milk, and honey. Yep, even though they arent meat.
Most vegan diets are high in the following:
However, what two vegans eat can be as varied as what two carnivores eat!
Registered dietitian nutritionist Shena Jaramillo MS, RD, founder of Peace & Nutrition explains, What someone eats while vegan really depends on their approach to veganism.
Some people will simply opt for pre-prepped convenience vegan items (like Oreos!), which contain a lot of sodium and sugar, she says. While others will choose to limit processed foods, and instead primarily munch on whole foods.
Heres what to keep in mind as youre stepping into your own personal vegan experience.
Some choose a new diet as a way of seeking accountability. Others might do it out of sheer curiosity.
As for why someone would choose a vegan challenge, specifically? Reasons range from caring about the environment and the animals to cutting costs to cutting pounds, says Avant.
And sometimes people do it because they watched a documentary, listened to a podcast, read an article, or talked to a friend or family member about it, she says.
Regardless, you should know your W-H-Y before the first day.
The more thought you give to what you actually want to get out of the experience, the more likely you are to be successful, says Avant.
There is no way to know exactly how your body is going to respond to ditching whole food groups, and replacing them with others. Still, there are a number of happy health and habitual side effects that can benefit your fitness or weight loss goals.
For instance, Veganuary encourages people to look at the food labels to make sure they are following a vegan diet.
This has the added benefit of showing someone what micro and macronutrients theyre getting, which can help them meet the macronutrient- or calorie-intake goals best suited toward their weight loss goals, Avant explains.
Going vegan also promotes meal creativity. What are you going to eat now that Meat Lasagna Monday and Turkey Taco Tuesday are on a hiatus? Youll have to get innovative.
Going vegan can be beneficial because it usually requires creativity and a lot of in-home meal prep, says Jaramillo. As it goes, homemade meals are usually more dense in micronutrients than restaurant items, which can support overall energy.
There are a handful of micronutrients that many vegans are often lacking, according to Avant.
These include:
Being aware of these possible deficiencies and planning for them can be incredibly helpful, because it allows you to choose to supplement or just choose foods high in them, she says.
And if youre already deficient in these nutrients? Talk with your healthcare professional before trying Veganuary they may recommend against it.
One of the biggest mistakes people make when going vegan for the month of January (or whatever 30-day window you choose) is having no idea what theyre going to do come February 1.
You want to go vegan for a month but what do you want to do after that?, asks Avant. A month is long enough for your body to adjust to this new way of eating, she says.
Reintroducing too many different foods (eggs, meat, butter, milk, etc.) at once can lead to uncomfortable GI symptoms.
Her recommendation: Think of January like an elimination diet. At the end of the month, systematically reintroduce animal products so you can learn as much as possible about how individual foods make you feel, she says.
Being strategic can help you pinpoint foods/categories of food that dont agree with you that you may choose to continue avoiding without arbitrarily deeming all animal products off-limits indefinitely.
True, this reintroduction phase may prolong the process, but it will help you get as much as possible out of this little experiment.
Bottom line: Trying Veganuary or any other 30-day vegan window does present its challenges. But you can succeed through proper planning, realistic adjustments, and proactivity for when its over.
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How to Go Vegan and Still Hit Your Fitness Goals - Greatist
Garmin Reports Last Year’s Top Fitness Activities – Front Office Sports

Garmins 2021 connected fitness report has provided insight into how consumers have stayed active amid a global pandemic.
From data collected through smartwatches, Garmin saw the number of indoor activities logged by its users double year-over-year. The Kansas-based company also reported a 9.5% uptick in outdoor activities in 2021 compared to the year prior.
Standout year-over-year growth for specific activities:
Consumers in North America participated in 34% more yoga activities and 28.5% more on bikes, while Eastern Europe saw an 85% uptick in yoga and a 66% increase in cycling.
South America reported a 125% spike in breathwork activities and an 87% increase in cycling.
Garmin posted $1.19 billion in revenue in Q3 2021, a 7% increase year-over-year. The performance was driven by the companys fitness segment, which generated $342.3 million in revenue during the quarter, up 4% compared to the same quarter a year earlier.
However, operating income was $283 million in Q3, an 11% decline compared to Q3 2020.
Garmin projects full-year revenue to reach roughly $4.9 billion, with growth in all segments.
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Garmin Reports Last Year's Top Fitness Activities - Front Office Sports
We have a new approach to the Army Combat Fitness Test grading scale –

A total of 340 pounds.
This is the weight that a soldier must deadlift to earn 100 points on the maximum deadlift ACFT event. Is this an attainable goal for a soldier who weighs 110 pounds? What about a 13.5 meter power throw? Is this an attainable goal for a 5-foot-3 Soldier?
As the Army continues to navigate challenges to fully implement its new physical fitness test, measuring soldiers individual levels of fitness is no longer at the forefront. Using the current ACFT grading scale a small 110-pound soldier could deadlift the same 170 pounds as a soldier weighing 170 pounds and earn the same score. Are these two soldiers equally fit? One could argue that the ACFT sets larger individuals up for success, while it remains an uphill battle for smaller individuals, regardless of their fitness level.
We wrote this article because we believe that the Army needs a scoring system that assesses minimal combat readiness while rewarding individual fitness.
If the Army wants to continue to score soldiers based on body weight capability and not fitness level, then the Army has accomplished its objective with its potential new evaluation system. According to an article on March 22, 2021, the potential new evaluation system may have five performance categories: green, bronze, silver, gold, and platinum. The categories will be developed based on ACFT performance by male and female soldiers.
We can do better! The new scoring system needs to be normalized by body weight and scored based on physiological gender differences.
U.S. soldiers conduct the Sprint-Drag-Carry exercise for the Army Combat Fitness Test at the Hohenfels Training Area in Germany, Oct. 18, 2019. (Spc. Julian Padua/Army)
Our goal is to offer some thoughts to move us closer to an effective solution to the ACFT scoring system. The Army needs a scoring system that is chartable and easily calculated. The Army needs a scoring system that motivates soldiers to improve their fitness level through attainable goals.
The friction begins with the ACFTs resistance exercises: the 3-Rep Maximum Deadlift, the Standing Power Throw and the Sprint-Drag-Carry events. The Army requires a soldier weighing 110 pounds to deadlift a minimum of 140 pounds to score 60 points on the ACFT. The Army requires the same minimum standard for a soldier that weighs 170 pounds. While both soldiers pass the event, the scores fail to provide soldiers and leaders at all levels with insight into individual fitness. Under the current system, there is little motivation for a 110-pound soldier to max the deadlift given the current scoring scale. Thats over three times the soldiers body weight. To put that performance into perspective, 340 pounds is only 30 pounds short of world record-tying 370 pounds for a 110-pound female at a one max repetition. Keep in mind, the Army asks for three repetitions at 340lbs for 100 points!
A common notion is mass moves mass. But how do we know which soldiers are pound-for-pound more fit? In the deadlift scenario, it appears that the 110-pound soldier is more fit, as that individual deadlifted 30 pounds more than their body weight. The heavier soldier receives a higher score, but only lifts their body weight. Something is amiss and seems unfair when leaders rack and stack based on the current evaluation system.
Our solution is a scoring system that accounts for both combat requirements and individual fitness levels. We propose splitting the resistance exercises 100 points into two categories: Combat Requirements and Individual Fitness Assessment. That method would allocate a portion of the 100 points toward combat readiness and a portion to a soldiers Performance to Weight Ratio (PWR).
The PWR is a coined term that describes the ratio of a raw measure and a weight. Mathematically, the PWR divides the soldiers weight lifted, distance thrown or time-to-complete by the soldiers weight. We believe the result is a fair assessment that addresses combat readiness and individual performance.
U.S. Army Reserve Command Sgt. Maj. Ted Copeland performs the Army Combat Fitness Test at Fort Eustis, Va., Oct. 25, 2019. (Master Sgt. Michel Sauret/Army)
The combat requirement score would be awarded as pass/fail. Soldiers should receive all points (50 points) for lifting a minimum required weight, or no points for failing to achieve the minimum standard. Soldiers would be awarded the remaining number of points (50) based on individual fitness. We recommend that aggregate ACFT data is used when determining fitness level percentiles which will result in points awarded for individual fitness. For purposes of our MDL example, we used the fitness industrys Strength-to-Weight Ratio standards to award individual fitness level points.
The deadlifts PWR scoring works as follows when comparing the fitness performance of the 110-pound soldier to the 170-pound soldier who both successfully complete the three-repetition deadlift at 170 pounds. Under the current scoring system, both score a 64/100. Our proposed scoring system awards 50 points for achieving the basic Army requirement of deadlifting 140 pounds, then distributes the remaining 50 points based on this proposed score chart.
In practice, a female, 110-pound solider with a MDL PWR of 1.3 now earns a score of 88 while the 170-pound female soldier with a MDL PWR of 1 earns a 73. Of course, this is just an example, but these scores are fair, pass the common-sense test and should, at the very least, be based on gender. Similar PWRs should be used for the Standing Power Throw and Sprint-Drag-Carry events.
Because of the score above, units can fairly rack and stack based more on fitness and less on the impact that a soldiers weight has on ACFTs weighted exercises. The new proposed score reflects readiness and individual fitness. In addition, soldiers may be more motivated to improve individual fitness by feasibly attaining a higher PWR on resistance exercises compared to the current one scale fits all sizes ACFT standards.
Lt. Col. Robert Craig is an Army infantry officer and operational analyst. He is a Level II CrossFit certified instructor and has been coaching functional fitness in military and civilian gyms since 2008. His operational assignments include platoon leader, company commander and combat analyst. His deployments include Operation Desert Storm, Operation Iris Gold, Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. He holds masters degrees in civil engineering and operations research.
Maj. Maria Smith is an Army finance and comptroller officer. Her operational assignments include detachment executive officer, brigade budget analyst, and detachment commander. She holds a masters degree in applied mathematics and is currently conducting research on body composition and the ACFT.
Capt. Shane Smith is an Army engineer officer and fitness enthusiast. His operational assignments include platoon leader, company executive officer, brigade assistant operations officer, and company commander. He holds a masters degree in applied mathematics.
The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not reflect the position of the U.S. Military Academy, the Department of the Army, or the Department of Defense.
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We have a new approach to the Army Combat Fitness Test grading scale -
The best fitness apps to help you hold on to your New Years resolution – SamMobile

Last updated: January 17th, 2022 at 14:26 UTC+01:00
New Years came and went, and boy does time fly! Were already more than two weeks into January, and as some of you may know, todays the day when many people drop their New Years resolutions and return to their regular lifestyles. Its why today is known as Quitters Day or the Ditch New Years Resolution Day. So, in case you find yourself walking down the same path again and lacking motivation, perhaps all you need is the right app, or set of apps, to keep you on the right track.
Below youll find a list of some of the best 3rd party mobile apps designed for fitness enthusiasts. Samsung Health should need no introduction at this point, but customers can complete their experience with the addition of apps such as Strava, RunKeeper, MapMyRun, Argus Mini Fitness Tracker, Workout Trainer, and Sworkit Fitness.
Save for the latter app, theyre all available for download from the Galaxy Store, and theyre compatible with Galaxy smartphones and/or smartwatches.
Below you can find download links and a short description for each app. Theyre available for free, so you dont have to spend a dime to stay in shape and get motivated.
Whats your New Years resolution, and if it has to do with fitness, have you held on to your promises? Has your Samsung device helped you do so? And whats your favorite fitness app to keep you motivated? Let us know in the comment section below.
Join SamMobiles Telegram group and subscribe to our YouTube channel to get instant news updates and in-depth reviews of Samsung devices. You can also subscribe to get updates from us on Google News and follow us on Twitter.
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The best fitness apps to help you hold on to your New Years resolution - SamMobile
Google TV exploring fitness, smart home control, and other new features for 2022 – The Verge

Google TVs director of product management Rob Caruso has outlined what the companys plans are for its TV operating system in 2022 in a new interview with Protocol. While Caruso stopped short of making any specific feature announcements, he said that the company is interested in offering fitness and video conferencing services though Google TV, and better smart home controls.
Caruso called fitness a big area of exploration, and cited Androids recent smart home control changes (which, for example, made them easily accessible from a phones power menu) as a clue for what might come to Google TV. Zoom was cited as a potential addition to the platform (Googles own Duo video calling service is already available), and he said Google is also interested in expanding the amount of free live programming available on its platform.
Caruso also spoke to the situation with Netflix on Google TV. Although the video streaming service is supported on Googles platform, it doesnt make use of some of its advanced features. Protocol notes that Netflix shows cant be added to Google TVs OS-level watchlist, for example. Caruso didnt promise that this will change, but said that he hopes the situation will improve as Google builds worthwhile new features into its OS.
Although Googles TV operating system doesnt typically get as much attention as its Android mobile OS, its still used by millions of devices around the world. As of this month, Google says there are around 110 million Android TV devices in use globally, and that seven of the top 10 smart TV manufacturers use its software. This includes both Android TV itself, as well as devices running the newer Google TV launcher alongside it.
The areas of focus are similar to what are available on competing smart TV platforms from Apple and Amazon. Apples Fitness Plus service allows you to stream workouts to an Apple TV, and Zoom is available on some of Amazons TV devices. But given the huge reach of Googles TV operating system, it would be good to see it reach parity with these other services.
No firm release dates for any of these new features were provided, but Caruso said that he hopes some might be introduced at some point later this year.
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Google TV exploring fitness, smart home control, and other new features for 2022 - The Verge
Planet Fitness CEO flexes on 0 gym closures as pandemic battered industry – Yahoo Finance

It has been a long and winding road during the pandemic for gym chain giant Planet Fitness, and its efforts to get through to the other side of the health mess shows.
"I am extremely happy to say we lost no gyms in the pandemic. The industry lost 22% of the gyms open, closed permanently. We lost none," Planet Fitness CEO Chris Rondeau said on Yahoo Finance Live.
Planet Fitness currently operates 2,254 locations in the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Canada, Panama, Mexico and Australia.
The same resilience can't be said for the likes of 24 Hour Fitness and New York Sports club owner Town Sports, which were forced to file for bankruptcy. Many smaller boutique gyms all the rage pre-pandemic have been forced to downsize or have vanished.
Rondeau is now stepping on the gas to plot Planet Fitness' post-pandemic life.
The company said this week it will spend $800 million to acquire its largest franchisee Sunshine Fitness. Sunshine will add more than 100 company-operated locations to the Planet Fitness portfolio, mostly in the South.
A customer wears a face mask as they lift weights while working out inside a Planet Fitness Inc. gym as the location reopens after being closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, on March 16, 2021 in Inglewood, California. - Los Angeles County is allowing fitness centers and gyms to reopen for indoor workouts at ten percent capacity with customers wearing face masks under Covid-19 public health guidelines. (Photo by Patrick T. FALLON / AFP) (Photo by PATRICK T. FALLON/AFP via Getty Images)
After the deal closes in the first quarter, Planet Fitness expects that 10% of its locations will be company-operated rather than francisee-led.
"Those franchisees have been some of our best-performing in the system," Rondeau said of the Sunshine deal.
By and large, the deal reinforced what continues to mostly be a bull case for Planet Fitness shares on Wall Street.
"We believe investors should appreciate that Planet Fitness has 1) a capital-light, low-risk, defensible model with attractive pricing, 2) a large and growing unit presence, 3) an advertising flywheel and expanding affinity network, and 4) enhanced digital strategies that reduce friction," said Jefferies analyst Randal Konik.
Konik rates Planet Fitness shares at Buy.
Brian Sozzi is an editor-at-large and anchor at Yahoo Finance. Follow Sozzi on Twitter @BrianSozzi and on LinkedIn.
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Planet Fitness CEO flexes on 0 gym closures as pandemic battered industry - Yahoo Finance
This Is Why Most New Year Fitness Plans Dont WorkAnd How to Ensure They Do –

If you havent, at some stage in your life, pledged your allegiance to grueling daily workouts at the start of January, youre in the minority. While our attitude to exercise has changed immeasurablyits now recognized much more as a tool to boost mental wellbeing, as well as physicalmany still make new years resolutions to get fit, hit the gym more, or shed some pounds.
But does it work? Personal trainer and performance specialist Luke Worthington thinks not, for the most part. When it comes to making genuine and sustainable improvements to health and wellbeing, the number one factor to consider is consistency, he says. A program that you can consistently follow three times a week, all year round, will yield better long term results than training every day for six weeks, then giving it up because it becomes too overwhelming. A new years fitness plan shouldnt be about what you can achieve in January, but rather something you can still see yourself doing in Novemberthe mistake many make. In fact, data compiled by Strava suggests that most people have abandoned their new years fitness resolutions by January 19.
Worthington says that bootcamp-style exercise and hardcore diets feed into the yo-yo relationship that many people have with healthy eating and exercise. When exercise plans are too intense and nutritional plans too restrictive, they become exhaustingand we either find ourselves yearning for the end or quitting them quickly. Taking a binary approach to our wellbeingbeing on or off a planmeans that when normal life kicks off, with all its meetings, dinners and other commitments, we cant keep up with the schedule weve set ourselves, and we give up. The trick is to build positive habits into our everyday lives, because a consistent fitness routine is an effective one.
Instead of creating a plan that focuses on just one aspect of your health and wellbeinglike losing weightand then neglecting others, such as mental health, the trick to sticking with your fitness plan is to set yourself tangible goals that help you feel like youre progressing. Human beings are task-driven animals, and we all require some sort of feeling of success and progress in whatever we are doing in order to feel fulfilled by it, says Worthington, adding that goals that are solely aesthetic (and subjective) tend to be less tangible than those that have a performance aspect.
Tie in a measurable performance aspect, whether its being able to run faster, move a heavier object or reduce back painsomething quantifiable should be your goal. Then, you experience a moment when you couldnt do it, and a moment you couldsuccess and progress improves your ability to be consistent, says Worthington.
Seek to understand what your non-negotiables are. That could be a Sunday roast with the family, weekly after-work cocktails, or a Friday night takeout, says Worthington. Then look at how much time you can realistically commit to purposeful exercise and when that may be. For example, if you have a tendency to be pulled into last-minute late meetings, dont schedule a workout for 6 p.m. Once your non-negotiables are in place, plan around themyour workout regimen should be complementary to how you live your life, rather than the other way around, otherwise you wont stick to it.
The other key thing to note is to find exercise that genuinely makes you feel happy and that you enjoy. You will be far more likely to want to do it. When it comes to cardiovascular exercise, consider skill or game-based activities, such as rock climbing, dance, netball or tennis; then the focus is on nailing a skill or winning the game, rather than how long youve been doing it for, suggests Worthington. He also recommends looking to increase the amount of non-exercise activity you do, such as walking up the stairs, cycling to work, or walking to the supermarket, which alone may not sound that significant, but performed consistently over time can have a dramatic impact.
It will be different for everyone, but Worthington says that a balanced health and wellbeing regimen should show success and progress, and address all five pillars of wellness: strength, cardiovascular fitness, mobility, body composition and emotional wellbeing. When it comes to choosing the activities to help address these five pillars, resistance training should form the basis of any exercise plan, and we then look to build our cardiovascular activity around that, he says.
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Joe Wicks Top 5 Health and Fitness Tips For Beginners – Muscle & Fitness

For many of us, maintaining optimum levels of health and fitness is far from a stable process. During the various stages of our lives and careers, we are constantly juggling workouts around family commitments, and so we find that our own wellbeing takes a backseat to stressful deadlines and a desire to put a quick fix on our emotions.
On top of all this, in the last few years, the relationship we have with our own bodies has been tested exponentially with global lockdowns and restrictions around gyms, providing the perfect excuse to fall off the fitness wagon altogether.
Enter Joe Wicks, the British Body Coach who became a social media phenomenon for launching his PE With Joe YouTube fitness sessions when the U.K. entered its first lockdown in March of 2020.
Wicks videos proved to be a great way for parents and their newly home-schooled children to connect and let off some steam. Wicks, who was already a respected trainer and author, gave a much-needed motivational boost to viewers from all around the world, earning him a well-deserved MBE, and a Guinness World Record for Most Viewers for a Fitness Workout Live Stream on YouTube after racking up more than 950,000 views on one video alone.
As a best-selling author, TV presenter, and fitness coach, Wicks interacts with many people of all different fitness levels, and appreciates that some of us need the motivation to start our initial journey into wellbeing, while others require the tools to pick up where they left off before life derailed their progress. Here, talking exclusively to Muscle & Fitness, the 36-year-old with more than four million Instagram followers puts things into perspective.
Theres a reason why sleep comes up time and time again when talking about our well-being, but getting enough shut-eye is a challenge for all of us. Even Joe Wicks himself, who sits down with us in LA, is navigating jetlag while trying to find time for a workout. Like the rest of us, hes often tempted to stay up too late, but changing his routine due to his travels has forced him to reassess his own relationship with sleep.
Ive gotten into a really good routine here, he says. Im getting up a lot earlier, like 5:30 or 6 a.m., going to bed earlier to try and start the day earlier. Its harder back home because Ive got my friends on Call of Duty, and we chat on WhatsApp, so I go to bed much later but when Im back home, Im going to prioritize my sleep because when you wake up before your alarm goes off its such a nice feeling. You feel energized.
Joe Wicks, who is a fan of Why We Sleep: The New Science of Sleep and Dreamsby Matthew Walker, reiterates that sleep is the foundation for everything we do. When you are getting a good nights sleep, your hormones are in-check, your stress levels go down, and you have more energy to exercise, says Wicks. Its quite a hard subject to talk about because it really triggers people. Especially those with kids, or with insomnia, so its a delicate subject, but Im always trying to promote this idea: Imagine if you just went to bed one hour earlier, how much better might you feel in the morning?
Its like a circle, isnt it? he adds. Sleep, food, energy, and exercise. It goes round and round and if one of those things fall out of sync, everything falls apart. I know from my own experience, when our babies came along, my sleep was broken and I felt like a zombie. I didnt want to exercise and then you gravitate towards high sugar, high carbohydrate foods, and its a vicious cycle. We have to accept that even though we are busy, and have kids, we can get more sleep. As humans we would rather distract ourselves and watch two hours of TV to have some me time but is that the sacrifice that you are willing to take to have no energy, to feel groggy and stressed and impatient with the kids and not being productive at work?
New Years resolutions and fad diets come and go, so your desire to be healthy shouldnt be tied simply to a number on the scales. Joe Wicks says that the motivation for moving your body should come from knowing that it makes you feel good, rather than allowing yourself to obsess over issues around body image. This will intrinsically bring you right back to the exercise, he shares. Because everyone wants to have energy, and wants to feel good, and wants to feel inspired and motivated but that only really comes after the exercise, when you get that positive feeling of completing a workout. Reshift your mindset around exercise being all about changing your weight and losing inches off your waist. That is a nice side-effect, but once you feel positive about your mental health, the body will follow.
The popular presenter understands that it may take more time for some to experience these positive effects than others. Very overweight, unhealthy people may get headaches when they first start [training], says Wicks. They may feel out of breath, but youve got to persevere through that initial two or three weeks because youre gonna have DOMS, and you may even feel a bit sick, but until you persevere through that, you are never gonna get to that feeling where your endorphins, and your brain start to feel amazing.
We all have our ultimate goals, whether its a target weight or a defined six-pack, but it is important to acknowledge the immediate wins that you can make as you head toward your long-term goal, so that you can be aware of the progress you are making with your healthier lifestyle. Break it down into small daily chunks, says Wicks. Today, I have a list of things in my head, so a 10-minute meditation would be a win for me, in my mind. I dont always do it, I struggle with (finding the time and space) for it, but even if I miss that, Ive done 20-minutes of stretching, so its still positive. I know that this is good for my joints and helps me to stay injury free. Sometimes its the smallest of things like can I avoid a meal out today and just make a recipe at home?
Relaxing your fitness efforts is almost inevitable, from time to time, but make a conscious effort so that you dont let those off-days lead to you abandoning the plan completely. You are not going to be perfect every day, says Wicks. So, you have to accept that, and allow yourself those days where you come home, you are stressed, the kids wind you up and you go and grab a beer or a chocolate bar and have a little blowout with some cookies. Its human nature but I always think, dont let that one decision, or that one moment, ruin the whole week or month.
Joe Wicks is passionate about connecting with the people that follow his workouts and nutritional guidance through his The Body Coach TV sessions or through his app. I still continue to share free content, he says. For those people who are stuck in hotel rooms, in quarantine, or dont have the funds to sign up to a plan or whatever. Im listening to, and reading messages every single day from people who have followed me, and its changed their life.
The coach has been told countless times that as his students have improved their bond with their own bodies, their relationships with children and loves ones has improved as well. I do believe that having a training partner or someone that you can talk to about your goals, like joining a Facebook group where you can talk to likeminded people thats a powerful thing. Ive got my community on Instagram, but my Facebook group has like 100,000 people and they motivate each other. Definitely speak to people who pick you up, and if anyone is putting you down, then you really shouldnt focus on that because its just going to derail you every time.
Through his app, Joe Wicks is able to share tailored plans and guides that take multiple factors into account, such as your daily energy requirements, age, and individual goals, but for anyone looking to make positive changes to their wellbeing, no matter how busy their schedule, Wicks overriding message is that, When you lose your excuses, youll find your success.
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Joe Wicks Top 5 Health and Fitness Tips For Beginners - Muscle & Fitness
Kareena Kapoor Khan is back to her post-Covid fitness routine; heres how you can, too – The Indian Express

The key to good health lies in being consistent with your fitness routine, one exercise at a time. And if you are taking your first few steps on this journey, heres some much-needed inspiration from Kareena Kapoor Khan who is back to her fitness routine after recovering from Covid-19.
The actor who was down with the infection in December 2021 has now resumed her yoga sessions, and also walking 10,000 steps every day.
Take a look.
Its just getting started, she captioned an Instagram Story in which she showed that she had already walked 10,321 steps. In another post, she wrote, Back at my most favourite spotMy yoga mat with my favourite girllong road ahead but we can do this.
The Veere Di Wedding actor trains with yoga trainer Anshuka Parwani.
Are you also thinking of getting back to your fitness routine post-Covid?
Rhea Singh Anand, co-founder, Flexnest shared in an earlier interview with that there is no one size that fits all.Each persons recovery is different and depends on their body, immunity levels, severity of the infection, and the various after-effects. This is the time to go slow and listen to your body. This is when you should relax and give your body the required time to heal and recover, she said.
The first few weeks post recovery are all about regaining lung strength for which breathing exercises are advised.To do so, practice basic exercises like diaphragmic breathing, blowing balloons, or using spirometers. You should focus on regaining your flexibility and mobility and can indulge in light stretches. Additionally, you can also start walking at a comfortable pace for 10 minutes twice a day, she said.
The intensity should only be increased post a substantial amount of time and once the body feels right.
In an earlier Instagram post, ayurvedic practitioner Dr Dixa Bhavsar said, One should start with slow walks, mild stretching and continue with breathwork. Pranayamas are best to practice during and post-Covid. It helps improve immunity and keeps your oxygen levels optimum.
She also shared a few diet tips.
*Eat only home-cooked, fresh and warm foods.*Dont eat raw foods as theyre difficult to digest.*Avoid sweet fruits. Favour sour over sweet and make sure you eat fruits before 4 pm so you can digest them well.*Drink herbal teas between meals.*Favour light (easy to digest food) and also nourishing foods like khichdi with spices.*Stay hydrated.
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Health and fitness coworking concept finds happy space near Scott’s Addition – RichmondBizSense

Bethany Watkins is the owner of Happy Body Space. (Jack Jacobs photos)
A local dietitian is giving the shared workspace concept a workout.
The Happy Body Space opened earlier this month at 4110 Fitzhugh Ave., renting space by the hour to counselors, massage therapists, personal trainers and other health professionals.
Owner Bethany Watkins likened her venture to a coworking space. The 2,700-square-foot storefront has four treatment rooms and a fitness studio available at hourly rates from $20 to $55.
The best way I can describe it is that we are the Gather for wellness professionals, she said, referring to the chain of local coworking spaces. I wanted a place where someone can bring their own members and operate their business out of a shared space.
Fifteen businesses operate out of the Happy Body Space, Watkins said, and its open to operators who need to host private sessions as well as small groups.
Happy Body Space, a coworking spot aimed at wellness professionals like massage therapists and personal trainers, has opened at 4110 Fitzhugh Ave.
Watkins said the idea was inspired by her own challenges in finding flexible and affordable space to conduct her nutrition practice, Happy Body Wellness. The practice had previously operated for two years above Commonwealth Law Groups office at 3311 W. Broad St. and is now headquartered at the coworking space.
It was solving a problem I had that I knew other individuals in the wellness space were dealing with as well, she said. I have always looked for a space where I not only could practice as a dietitian but also teach and coach, and also so I could provide an area for others to do it.
Watkins said shes spent less than $10,000 to outfit the business with office-related supplies. That figure does not include exercise or wellness equipment, which she collected over the course of a decade working first as a fitness instructor and later expanding into nutrition.
I have had really good luck with people selling me good quality equipment and passing it on to me, and getting it from other fitness studios that have closed, she said. That was the benefit of working for 10 years at six different studios.
Watkins new venture is the latest in the local health and fitness scene. Not far from Happy Body Space, yoga studio YogaSix plans to open another local outpost at The Ella on Broad Street. Further afield, local spa chain Scents of Serenity Organic Spa has inked a lease in Winterfield Crossing, where the local Cyclebar franchise opened a new location late last year.
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Health and fitness coworking concept finds happy space near Scott's Addition - RichmondBizSense