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Fitness Corner: Learning from limitations – MLT News

Ask any of my clients and they will tell you that I am an expert in working around all sorts of physical and mental limitations. For example:
Client text: I tweaked my knee and so I dont think I should workout today.
Coach Pritam reply: We can do all kinds of things that dont involve your knee, Ill see you soon!
Client about to (safely) progress to lifting more weight than they ever have: I dont think I can do this
Coach Pritam reply: Oh, I know you can! (They proceed to successfully lift the weight and break through their own self-defined limits of their capabilities.)
Indeed, in all my years of training, I can count on one hand the times that Ive been unable to work around an issue that one of my clients or athletes has presented.
As this last year has humbly reminded me, though, I am not so good at applying those same principles to myself.
More than a year ago, I suffered a hamstring injury. There was no sharp pain or obvious cause, so it was hard to pinpoint, but something was indeed wrong. However, me being me, I was easily able to continue on with my normal workouts and activity. Eventually, however, the discomfort became impossible to ignore. Diagnosed as high hamstring tendinopathy, it evolved into a painful, chronic and persistent injury and a significant limitation in my workouts, mood, and even daily life. (Simply sitting, something we do repeatedly and for extended periods every day, causes pain and sets back the healing process.)
Im now one year into actively treating this painful issue and theres no telling how much longer it will take to heal. Meanwhile, Ive had a lot of time to reflect on my own limitations and how I handle them. Heres what my experience has taught me:
Do Your BestI defaulted to my proven methods of dealing with injury, including rest, stretching, foam rolling, Active Release Technique, reducing weight, sets and repetitions in my workouts as well as eliminating exercises that clearly aggravated my hamstring. I also researched this injury thoroughly and tried to rehab it on my own. Nothing that I attempted improved this injury. But we always have to give it our very best effort.
Accept Your RealityMy reality was that I was powerless to fix this or work around it. This was humbling to accept as a fitness professional. Even doing nothing it worse! Once I admitted this to myself, I could take the next step. Eventually, the reality of any given situation must be accepted before we can move forward.
Find the Right Kind of Support for YouI visited a highly-regarded orthopedic surgeon, who referred me to a physical therapist. But only after hundreds of dollars, months wasted, and additional problems brought on by the prescribed treatment, did it become painfully clear that I had not found the right support. That physical therapy practice was great for many people, but not for me. Frustrated, I went online to seek out an alternative physical therapist, where I found, after a brief search, an independent physical therapist who turned out to be a game-changer for me. Support is important. The right kind of support is crucial.
Change Your PerspectiveWhen I started working with my physical therapist, Steve, I was physically hurting and mentally beat down, too mired in my own frustration to see anything beyond my perceived overwhelming limitations. My outlook was pretty pessimistic but Steve provided a much-needed objective view of my situation. He didnt just prescribe me exercises, he helped me to change my approach, recommit to my rehab and exercise program and resume taking care of myself in areas I had let go. This is the role I have played for my clients but in this scenario, I was unable to do it for myself. It is totally possible to do shift our mindset on our own, but sometimes we need an objective reminder from outside of ourselves. Either way, if we cant change our thinking and approach, we cant move beyond our limitations.
My hamstring is far from healed. But I have resumed some activities and I can see more on the horizon, with a clearer mind and a renewed sense of confidence. Most importantly, I never entirely gave up hope. We must never give up hope.
Limitations are a part of our physical and mental selves; whether thoughts, beliefs or perceptions or physical issues, injuries or challenges. Its easy to focus on what we feel is missing and much harder to turn our attention to the many capabilities that we do have. I am humbled and grateful for this experience because it reminds me that once we find the correct path, there is always a way forward. Always!
By Pritam Potts
Coach Pritam Potts is a writer and strength coach. After 16+ years of training athletes and clients of all ages as co-owner of Edmonds-based Advanced Athlete LLC, she now lives in Dallas, Texas. She writes about health & fitness, grief & loss, love & life at
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Fitness Corner: Learning from limitations - MLT News
Boutique Fitness Studios Fight to Be Included in City Reopening Plans – BKLYNER

A pre-pandemic fitness class at Jaya Yoga in Windsor Terrace.
Restaurants can accept indoor diners starting today. The Barclays Center will reopen in less than two weeks. And large gyms have been open, albeit at a reduced capacity, since the fall.
But for boutique fitness centers around Brooklyn and across the city, there is no end in sight.
With coronavirus rates trending downward, Governor Andrew Cuomo is slowly allowing different sectors of the economy to reopen. But in New York City, small fitness centers are still prohibited from offering classes, leading to exasperation and anger from business owners who say the rules are misguided and unfair.
Now, nearly 80 such business owners, along with over a dozen elected officials and civic groups, have signed on to a letter by Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams calling on Mayor Bill de Blasio to allow indoor fitness, dance, yoga and pilates studios to operate indoors at 25% capacity.
If it has been deemed safe to eat and drink with no masks but with proper social distancing, it follows that exercising six feet apart while wearing a mask and observing all safety protocols should be as safe, if not more so, the letter reads.
The letter was signed by several other city and state officials from Brooklyn, including Council Members Justin Brannan, Robert Cornegy, Farah Louis and Alan Maisel as well as State Senator Diane Savino and Assembly Member Peter Abbate. Four Brooklyn business improvement districtsFlatbush Avenue BID, Park Slope 5th Avenue BID, North Flatbush Avenue BID and Atlantic Avenue BIDalso signed on.
Cuomo has permitted gyms and fitness centers across the state to operate since late August, initially at 33% capacity, now at a slightly lower 25%.
But Cuomo gave localities the ability to make their own decisions on when and how to reopen those sites, and though de Blasio allowed city gyms to open on September 2nd, he has not yet permitted classes with two or more people. Thats left the mostly small and midsize fitness centers that rely on such classes unable to generate enough revenue, even as monthly rent and other expenses pile up.
Thats directly affecting not just their business but their personal lives, said Charles Cassara from the United States Fitness Coalition (USFC), an industry group that represents about 2,000 fitness centers across the state. A lot of these people have had to foreclose on their homes, try to take money out, or get loans with high interest rates.
Nationwide, at least 15% of fitness clubs and studios have closed permanently.
Cassaras group filed a lawsuit against the city in the fall in an attempt to overturn de Blasios decision, arguing that there is no evidence fitness classes are more likely to spread coronavirus than regular gyms. Such classes are occurring elsewhere in the state, and Cuomo has presented data showing that gyms and fitness centers account for only .06% of infections with a known source.
But the city has continued to defend the decision; at a press conference this week, health commissioner Dave Chokshi said it was difficult to remain wearing ones mask or face covering, at such classes, and also said its more likely for the mask or face covering to become wet or moist, which also makes them less effective.
Fitness studio owners say that argument is ridiculous.
Theres just not an understanding of what goes on in a group fitness class, said Amanda Freeman, co-found of the Boutique Fitness Alliance and owner of SLT, a fitness studio chain with 26 locations, half of which are in New York State.
In SLT locations outside the city, where group classes are allowed, Freeman says shes introduced strict safety protocols, including reduced class sizes, more frequent cleaning, machines spaced six feet apart, contract tracing and, of course, a mask requirement. USFC has also published safety guidelines for members to follow.
SLTs nine locations in the five boroughs, meanwhile, have been limited to private sessions. Some, including a location in Park Slope, have simply remained closed entirely since the pandemic began nearly 11 months ago, forcing Freeman to lay off staff.
Theyve been able to collect unemployment, she said, but theyve all had to reevaluate their careers and futures and whats important, and some have left the city.
Freeman speculated that the citys distinction between large gyms and boutique fitness centers might have more to do with who the fitness centers serve.
I just believe there is some discrimination against us because we are largely women-owned and run, we employ a lot of women and our clientele is largely women, she said.
Cassara also believes that the power and resources of larger corporate gyms, many of them members of the global industry group IHRSA, have given them the ability to shape reopening guidelines in their favor.
Whereas the boutique fitness gyms are just sitting out here and were pushed to the side, he said.
Whatever the citys motivation, Adams and other elected officials say its time to change course.
It is time for the City to treat these small businesses equally, their letter concludes, and to allow them the same chance at recovery as all the others.
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Boutique Fitness Studios Fight to Be Included in City Reopening Plans - BKLYNER
Fitness and Nutrition Companies to Combine in $3 Billion SPAC Merger – The Wall Street Journal

Fitness-and-nutrition business Beachbody Co. Group LLC plans to merge with a blank-check company affiliated with former TikTok Chief Executive Kevin Mayer in a deal that values the combined company at nearly $3 billion.
Known for its streaming fitness content and nutritional meal plans, the Beachbody Company will combine with Forest Road Acquisition Corp. and trade on the New York Stock Exchange once the deal closes, according to the executives involved in the deal.
As part of the deal, Myx Fitness LLC, an at-home connected cycling provider, will merge into the blank-check company and become part of The Beachbody Company.
Beachbody, which according to Chief Executive Carl Daikeler has more than 2.6 million paid digital subscribers, will own and operate three online fitness businesses after deal closes in the second quarter: Myx, Beachbody on Demand and digital streaming platform Openfit.
The combined company, which will operate under the Beachbody name, is expected to generate more than $1.1 billion of revenue this year, according to a Beachbody spokeswoman. She added that Beachbody had around $880 million in revenue for 2020.
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Fitness and Nutrition Companies to Combine in $3 Billion SPAC Merger - The Wall Street Journal
Three ways to stay accountable and keep up with your fitness goals: Fitness Friday –

Nearly 80% of people who make New Years Resolutions have dropped them by the second week of February. AWOL Fitness expert Lynch Hunt shows you how to stay on track.
GREENSBORO, N.C. We're now a month and a half into 2021 and if you started the year with a goal of working out, you may be feeling some burnout already.
Fitness expert Lynch Hunt says that's not unusual. He says nearly 80% of people who make New Years Resolutions have dropped them by the second week of February.
Hunt, who owns AWOL Fitness in Greensboro offers three ways to stay motivated, stay on track and focused on your goals.
1. Accountability:(friend, community, coach, or an app that logs or tracks your activity)
"We are able to keep people moving towards their goals this time of year because we use the right accountability. You need a friend, you need a partner, you need a coach, you need a community or even an app to keep you on track. This type of accountability is going to make you 80% more active," said Hunt.
"Action changes things and 20% of the right action is going to take care of 80% of your results. So the right accountability will have you doing the right action for you to get the right results or the right accomplishments," said Hunt.
3. Accomplishment- or small wins:
"Accomplishments or achievements lead to small wins. And small wins give you the confidence that gives you the ability to believe in your own abilities to perform well. Ultimately, that turns into empowerment and that keeps you going and growing in the direction of your goals."
If you have a Fitness Friday question you can reach out to Coach Lynch Hunt at AWOL fitness on social media or by clicking here.
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Three ways to stay accountable and keep up with your fitness goals: Fitness Friday -
Zwift racing vs Base Building: Which is the best way to build fitness over winter? – Cycling Weekly

The virtual world of Zwift has offered a much-needed outlet to cyclists stuck in their homes during this years lockdowns. It has filled the gap, providing opportunities to ride, train and race with others around the world. Provided you have a turbo-trainer, all you need to do is sign up to the service, log in and select your event. Whereas the vast majority of real-life races have been cancelled, the action on Zwift never ceases easily fitted into your schedule. Hardly surprising, then, that this form of cycling has provided the impetus to stay fit. But, given the high intensity of most Zwift races, are we inadvertently pushing too hard when we should be backing off and building a base?
Unlike real-life racing, Zwift competition happens throughout the day and year, with no pre-defined seasons or built-in precautions to stop you burning out. How much Zwifting can you get away with without taking liberties with your fitness and overdoing it? In short, is it really OK to race all year round? We asked a selection of training experts including Zwift specialist pro racer Ashleigh Moolman Pasio for their guidance.
As with all the best practices, planning ahead rather than deciding what to do on the spur of the moment ensures you get the best possible outcomes. If you dont decide what youre going to do until you turn on Zwift, youre more likely to choose an unsuitable event. Youre better off saving your racing legs for when they can do the most damage to your competitors, while preserving your long-term form.
Pick one race series at a time and stick to your decision. Look at the racing calendar and see which race series suits you best. Plan a rest or base period between that and the next Zwift series you do. How much racing you can do without burning out, or even just getting stale and plateauing rather than improving, really depends on your pedigree as a cyclist and how fit you are. How much racing would you typically do in real life? If youve never done a season of racing before and are relatively new to cycling, doing multiple Zwift races each week is quickly going to tire you out and be counter-productive. If youre a seasoned racer, youll know how to spot the signs of dwindling form turning into stale legs.
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Perhaps more important when it comes to a long winter of Zwifting, is maintaining your mental form. Keep yourself motivated for racing by limiting the amount you do each week, and build in rest weeks. Plan for harder blocks of racing, knowing youll have a well-deserved rest period afterwards.
Zwift group rides tend to turn into races, but that doesnt mean you have to go with the lead pack. These events are a great way to motivate yourself to do longer rides on the turbo, but should be used as endurance rides, not junk miles. Have a pre-planned average power or heart rate, or a threshold heart rate you wont go over, and stick to it. A group will form further back from the leaders; that may be the best one to ride with. There are, quite literally, no medals for winning the group ride.
As with racing outdoors, you need to listen to your body. If youre really not feeling it, dont race. A huge advantage of Zwift is there will always be another race to do. Delaying racing by a few days could be the difference between going stale and still feeling sprightly in a month or threes time.
Key signs of burnout? You just dont feel like racing. You cant hold the power you should be able to based on your current threshold. Youre getting worse, not better. Initially you may need a few days off. If you keep going despite the early warning signs, things could get serious. If you feel your sleep quality is getting worse, you dont feel refreshed when you wake in the morning and getting on the bike is more of a drag than a desire, its time for some time off.
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You might feel like racing is keeping you fit, but base training still has its place. Next summer, we may be allowed to race outside again, and if that is the case, you dont want to have missed out on those winter miles. Zwift races tend to be short and intense meaning youre missing out on the physiological benefits of base training. Do some long, steady miles outside over the winter and reap the rewards come spring. Plan now for a period where you wont race on Zwift at all, and instead will focus on long, endurance-pace miles.
Having said that, you could swap in some Zwift races to replace high-intensity interval sessions, i.e. if youre more motivated by racing than a pure training session. Just make sure youre replacing like with like the intensity, and total duration of that intensity, should match.
The good news is, Zwift racing can certainly improve your overall fitness and, provided you dont let your outdoor skills grow too rusty, that fitness will transfer seamlessly to the real world at least in certain types of racing. But just like in the real world, youll only get fitter if youre intentional with your time on Zwift and it forms part of a holistic plan. Schedule races thoughtfully, stick to your goals for each event, and enjoy the benefits once spring arrives. Ride on!
This featureoriginally appeared in the print edition of Cycling Weekly,on sale in newsagents and supermarkets, priced 3.25.
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Zwift racing vs Base Building: Which is the best way to build fitness over winter? - Cycling Weekly
More reopenings in the Kingston area: some recreational facilities and fitness centres – Global News

This was the first weekend since the lock down and stay at home orders were lifted in the Kingston-area.
Many businesses are continuing to come to life, as are some recreational facilities; everything from hockey to hair cuts. Reentering the green zone seems to bring some sense of normalcy and for those who are used to spending their time in arenas, a welcome reprieve. Dan Graham is convenor of the U-9 division with the Kingston Hockey Ice Wolves.
The girls seemed really excited theyre happy to see each other. They had a lot of enthusiasm they got tried a little quicker but it was all smiles going on and all smiles coming off the ice and thats the primary goal, he said.
MORE:Covid lockdown officially ends in Kingston-area meaning businesses can reopen
And while a Global News camera wasnt allowed to show what was happening on the ice because of privacy issues, it was busy with both figure skating as well as hockey. Graham said it was nice to get back on the ice after several weeks away.
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I think being physically active really helps the mental health of everyone involved. I think it also raises the mental health of the parent to see your kid out there having a good time theyre excited to be on the ice.
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Queen Street Fitness is reopening on Tuesday. Storm Patterson, co-owner and coach of the facility, agrees with Grahams take on mental health.
Some people maybe took for granted the mental aspect of training I think this really hit home for them. Even for myself personally training at home just is not the same.
And thats why Patterson and others at the downtown gym cant waiting to once again welcome patrons.
When we found out that wed have an opportunity to reopen again it was super exciting to put the community together be able to see old friends, see old members that we were instructing prior to the lock down. Its nice knowing that people are going to be able to do what they love day in and day out in a safe way.
Saturday was return equipment and clean-up day at Queen Street Fitness. Even though the facility was closed during the lock down it rented-out equipment to those that wanted to continue to train. Co-owner Callum Owen says it was a way to keep the cash flowing.
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We had I would say maybe like 70 80 per cent of our equipment got rented out. Most of the stuff that we could actually can transport out of the gym got rented.
Just really happy to be able to do that because obviously its good for the gym because were able to bring in a bit of money but equally its great for our members to be able to have equipment at home to work-out with.
MORE:Kingston-area movie theatres open their doors, again
With this latest reopening hitting the gym will actually mean hitting the gym an important part of many peoples normal routine.
2021 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.
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More reopenings in the Kingston area: some recreational facilities and fitness centres - Global News
Hip hop and hops with Space Three and Warped Wing –

SWERK is the most fun youll having working out, Deck said. Anyone who loves to dance, or really just have fun, will love this class.
Deck likens it to Zumba in its overall concept but with one major difference.
The main difference is the music type - SWERK is primarily hip hop, Deck said. All bodies and all ages are welcome.
Social distancing, mask wearing and limited class sizes have made operating a fitness studio in the COVID-19 era difficult.
I would be lying if I said this past year has not been a challenge but, like anything, its been worth it, Deck said. We have really tried to brainstorm different revenue streams for the studio.
Space Three recently began offering private classes for small groups in the studio during off hours.
People have been really receptive to this concept, Deck said. Its so important to stay physically active, even during a pandemic, and we will continue to offer our services in a safe environment to keep our clients happy and healthy.
The challenging environment has also made community connections, like the one with Warped Wing, invaluable.
Events like this allow us and another business to cross promote, she said. We see new faces that perhaps dont know about us, but they follow Warped Wing and vice versa. It ends up benefiting both small businesses, and we get to meet new people. It really is a win-win.
What: Heart-pumping hip-hop dance workout followed by a refreshing Warped Wing brew of your choice.
When: Feb. 28, 10 a.m.
Where: Warped Wing Brewing Company, 26 Wyandot St., Dayton
Cost: $20 includes class and one drink ticket. Tickets available through SWERK & Sip event page on Facebook. Information at
More: Class size limited to 20 due to social distancing requirements. Masks required when moving to and from your spot.
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Hip hop and hops with Space Three and Warped Wing -
This Power Tower workout station is the only fitness device you need – SFGate

Stop buying into late-night infomercials, folks.
Gianni Jaccoma
Feb. 10, 2021Updated: Feb. 10, 2021 11:59a.m.
Everyday Essentials Power Tower is $112.99 at Walmart
Between the Shake Weights, Simply Fit Boards, and Abdomenizer 8000s, theres a ton of fad exercise equipment out there. Does some of it work? Sure, maybe. Are you more likely to use it once and donate it to the nearest landfill than retain it as a staple of your personal fitness routine? Almost certainly.
Instead of buying five gimmick devices for the low low price of $19.99 (plus S&H), why not throw down the same amount for a piece of equipment youll actually use? Case in point: this Everyday Essentials Power Tower. Its $112.99 at Walmart right now, and it gives you a no-nonsense way to perform essential upper body and core workouts on a piece of gym-quality equipment.
Everyday Essentials RS 100 Power Tower with Push-up, Pull-up and Workout Dip Station for Home Gym Strength Training -
Push-ups, pull-ups, and dips are some of the best, simplest exercises around, and the Power Tower gives you a sturdy, comfortable place to do all three. Yes, it takes up more space than a Shake Weight, which means youll probably need a garage to store it in, but youre missing the point: it actually works.
If youre looking to make real gains, and youre not afraid of putting the work in to improve your strength, this is a great option.
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This Power Tower workout station is the only fitness device you need - SFGate
A Facebook Smartwatch is in the making with emphasis on Messaging, Fitness: Report – gizmochina

Recently, rumors are swirling around that Facebook is developing a clone version of the popular Voice-based app Clubhouse. Now, a new report by The Information says that the Californian giant is also entering into the world of Smartwatches.
According to the report, Facebook is making a Smartwatch with emphasis on Messaging and Fitness. It may be called the Facebook Watch but its just a guess and not confirmed yet. We already know that the company isnt new to the world of Smart devices. In fact, it has launched a VR headsetunder its subsidiary Oculus VR.
Anyway, the company is said to focus on Message interaction in the Smartwatch. Users will be able to communicate with their friends on platforms like WhatsAppand Messenger. Now, you might wonder if it will require a Smartphone for integration and sync.
For this, Facebook seems to have a solution. The Watch will reportedly come with Cellular connectivity support so you dont have to barge into your phone every time. This also suggests that the company is going to revamp the social media Apps for the tiny Wearable screens more.
Speaking of which, the report says that although the Watch will run on an Open-source version of Googles Android, Facebook is working on its own Operating System. And the OS could debut in 2023 along with the Second-Generation of this Watch. In that year, the company is also reported to bring an AR Glass.
That said, apart from Messaging, Facebook is also said to be focussing more on Health features that will be present in the Smartwatch. Some of them are extensive Workout plans/Data, Track workouts, interact with Trainers, and integrate with Fitness services like Peloton.
The wearable segment is said to get a big boon in 2021 and beyond. Just like the report says, Facebook seems to have found the right choice of segment to venture into as Smartwatches are becoming equally important like Smartphones.
Going by the trend, we can also expect other features like Heart rate monitoring(PPG), Blood Oxygen(SpO2) and Stress monitoring, aggressive pricing(maybe around $399 to rival Apple Watch 6).
Facebooks Smartwatch will reportedly go on sale sometime next year i.e., 2022 so we will have to wait for a few months to start seeing leaks about it.
See the article here:
A Facebook Smartwatch is in the making with emphasis on Messaging, Fitness: Report - gizmochina
Fitness campaign launches in North Carolina, schools have chance to win $100,000 gym – WECT

Childhood obesity is a serious problem that can follow a child into adulthood. Ive declared war on this preventable disease and its inspiring to see elected leaders like Governor Roy Cooper immediately jump on board to join the battle and welcome us into the great state of North Carolina. Every governor weve partnered with recognizes that obesity is neither a Democratic nor Republican issue, its a kids issue and all have vowed to do everything possible to help, said Chairman of NFGFC Jake Steinfeld. So far weve delivered DONT QUIT! Fitness Centers to 36 states and Washington, DC and this year we are adding four more states to our family including North Carolina, Mississippi, New Hampshire and Maine. The response from every state weve visited has been awesome. Kids are excited about working out and being physically active and, as a result, their academic performance and self-esteem have skyrocketed. Now, North Carolina schools have an opportunity to make a change that will have a lasting impact on kids well into their future.
Original post:
Fitness campaign launches in North Carolina, schools have chance to win $100,000 gym - WECT