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MasterClass Announces First-Ever Class on Holistic Fitness and Wellness – PRNewswire

"Joe is recognized as one of the most influential individuals in the world of fitness and sport," said David Rogier, founder and CEO of MasterClass. "His unique system transcends the focus on physical appearance and offers a more holistic approach to health. In his MasterClass, he challenges the current narrative around fitness and wellness by diving deep into physical training techniques, nutritional insight and mental and emotional awareness."
For members looking to start their journey into holistic wellness, Holder's MasterClass provides the building blocks for a personalized plan. Demonstrating simple takeaways that members can incorporate into their daily lives, he shares how to get the maximum value out of simple workouts, including high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and conditioning and mobility, that require little to no equipment and can be done at home without the need for a gym. He also shares his signature philosophy, The Ocho System, which blends elements of mindful eating with pragmatic mental models coupled with positivity and effective workouts to promote an elevated, healthy lifestyle in an approachable and accessible way. Holder's class goes beyond helping members look good and focuses on the "why" of working out, rooted in scientific observations of what actually works. He also provides fun food insights for members to get the most out of what they eat, outlining recovery strategies and emphasizing the importance of listening to their bodies. Holder's foundational approach to health will leave members feeling confident in their own skin and motivated to kick-start their fitness journey.
"I want everyone to have access to the core fitness and wellness principles that I have used to help countless individuals on their journey towards better health." Holder said. "I am lucky to team up with MasterClass to provide the tactics I've refined over the years in a condensed, usable and accessible format to put you in a better position to take care of yourself and those around you."
As a celebrity fitness coach, Nike Master Trainer, fitness and wellness columnist for GQ magazine and consultant to some of the top companies in the world, Holder and his broad approach to wellness have been key factors in changing the lives of people around the world. Holder began his ascent in the wellness space while attending the University of Pennsylvania. As a member of the three-time Ivy League Champion football team, Holder was no stranger to experiencing muscle fatigue and chronic injuries. With the persistence of these issues, Holder began self-healing and researching training protocols which he channeled into The Ocho System philosophy. He also understood that these strategies should be made simple and accessible to everyone regardless of economic status. Challenging traditional notions of contemporary fitness, this innovative system underscores the value of understanding exercise, diet, mentality and social impact as interrelated facets of wellness. With the growing popularity of The Ocho System, Holder has been named one of the most influential individuals in the world of fitness and sport.
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Download stills here: Credit: Courtesy of MasterClass
ABOUT MASTERCLASS:Launched in 2015, MasterClass is the streaming platform where anyone can learn from the world's best. With an annual membership, subscribers get unlimited access to 100+ instructors and classes across a wide range of subjects, including Arts & Entertainment, Business, Design & Style, Sports & Gaming, Writing and more. Step into Anna Wintour's office, Ron Finley's garden and Neil Gaiman's writing retreat. Get inspired by RuPaul, perfect your pitch with Shonda Rhimes and discover your inner negotiator with Chris Voss. Each class features about 20 video lessons, at an average of 10 minutes per lesson. You can learn on your own termsin bite-size pieces or in a single binge. Cinematic visuals and close-up, hands-on demonstrations make you feel like you're one-on-one with the instructors, while the downloadable instructor guides help reinforce your learning. Stream thousands of lessons anywhere, anytime, on mobile, tablet, desktop, Apple TV, Android TV, Amazon Fire TV and Roku players and devices.
Follow MasterClass: Twitter @masterclassInstagram@masterclassFacebook@masterclassofficial
Follow Joe Holder: Twitter @JoeHolder_ Instagram @OchoSystem
Media Contacts:Alyssa Bergerson, MasterClass[emailprotected]
Leigh Wolfson, R&C/PMK[emailprotected]
Daniel Coffey, R&C/PMK[emailprotected]
SOURCE MasterClass
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MasterClass Announces First-Ever Class on Holistic Fitness and Wellness - PRNewswire
RUN INTO FITNESS – Daily Pioneer

ADIDAS Runners Captain ANKITA GAUR tells MUSBA HASHMI her experience of participating in marathons during pregnancy, how safe it is and her association with Hi-Energy Challenge
What do you expect from a five-month pregnant lady? Definitely not running marathons. Meet Ankita Gaur, a Bengaluru-based engineer, who is redefining the terms of pregnancy.
From running a 10K marathon in December last year to now becoming a part of ADIDAS Hi-Energy Challenge with a seven-month pregnancy, running comes naturally to Gaur. Running is not a big deal. It comes naturally to everyone, one just have to explore it, she says.
Not that Gaur was always interested in running. Swimming was her first love. My sister and I were always encouraged by our parents to take part in sports. I was initially into swimming. My sister was district level athlete, but I was never into running. It happened nine years back when my friend, who is now my husband, introduced me to long-distance running. He used to guide me as I was clueless about the sport. I was into a corporate job and hence, wanted to live a healthy life without having to invest too much time or money. That is when I thought of taking running seriously because it involved no expensive equipments and was easy. And like I mentioned before, it comes naturally to everyone. If you can walk, you can run too, she says.
It was in 2014 when Gaur ran her first race in Bangalore and finished podium that triggered her love for running. It was like a motivation for me. I have been running since then and theres no looking back, she says.
Running during pregnancy, contrary to the popular beliefs, she says, is healthy. If you have been a runner all your life, then running during pregnancy is healthy for you. I have been seeing my friends abroad who were runners and delivered healthy children. So, before participating in TCS World 10K Bengaluru, I took my doctors advice and she said if I am doing something for 10 years, I shouldnt stop it because it is like a part of my life. All one has to do is to cut it down or bring it down to a point where you are comfortable with it. A lot of doctors now suggest that pregnant women should do yoga or some kind of exercise because it is healthy for the child, Gaur tells you.
She adds that the only thing one has to keep in mind is to not be competitive. I told myself dont see it as a competition instead see it as a part of your daily routine. I was a marathon runner so I can easily run 42 km, but now keeping in mind my body, I have cut it short to 5 km. Also, I take breaks in between and start walking to not push myself beyond a certain point, she tells you.
It took Rai some time to convince her family and friends that running wont cause her any harm. My mother was apprehensive about it initially and told me that it was not a good option. My in-laws were also not sure about it. There were people on social media who asked me why I am not resting it out. But I explained to them that it was safe and I have been doing it under my doctors supervision. It took some time to finally make them understand that it was safe and was a part of my fitness routine. But the good thing was I got so many messages from women who were inspired and they told me that they will try to be fit as well, she tells you.
Ask Gaur, how she tide over days when she doesnt want to run even a single mile and she is quick to answer my friends convince me to come. There are days when I just dont have the motivation to go for a run, but here comes the role of my friends from the running club. They insist that I should join them for a while and once I do, I start enjoying it. Also, when you make friends you start looking forward to meeting them. That also helps, Gaur, who is given the title of ADIDAS Runners Captain, explains.
She tells you that they were the first people to start a run club in Bangalore in 2015. It was not ADIDAS Runners back then. We just started a club where people would join us for a run and slowly the community grew. In 2016, I was officially given the title of Captain, she tells you.
The Hi-Energy Challenge, she says, is about a virtual run where runners from all around the world can join and participate. The challenge is on till February 13, 2021. It requires people to walk or run for 120 minutes over the course of 14 days. If you are successfully completing this, then for every minute you run, ADIDAS India will donate `1 product to the young amateur athletes. This is our way of helping the talent of India in achieving their goals and making the country proud, Gaur, who has also participated in over five international marathons such as Berlin (three times), Boston and New York, tells you. For the remaining days of her pregnancy, Gaur plans to cut the distance to less than 5 km and focus more on walking instead of running and testing her will power.
RUN INTO FITNESS - Daily Pioneer
Local fitness centers struggle with COVID regulations – The Milpitas Beat

Google male CrossFit instructor, and you might get an idea of what Austin Begiebing looks like: tall and fit, sporting some stubble and some joggers. Its obvious he prepared to become a fitness instructor for a while before becoming one. What he wasnt prepared for like many others in his trade was teaching fitness during a pandemic.
But under the right circumstances, Begiebing like many other fitness center owners thinks he can operate indoors safely. This is despite directives from the state and county saying he cant.
If were going to lock down for a few months to eradicate this virus to prepare for the surge thats going to come, Im all for it, Begiebing said. But the longer it drags on, we have to look at risk versus reward.
Adding to the confusion: the county recently lifted its stay-at-home order after it reported increased ICU capacity at its local hospitals. The move has led to a patchwork layout of opened and closed businesses across county lines. While the shift to the purple tier has been welcome news for dozens of local businesses, indoor fitness centers remain excluded, and in the dark.
Equipment setup inside CrossFIt Milpitas before indoor classes were halted due to COVID-19 restrictions. Photo by Lloyd Alaban.
Governor Gavin Newsom is facing increased scrutiny after his many directives aimed at fighting the COVID-19 pandemic have been fraught with mixed messages and poor communication. Conflicting data has led to mass confusion and a massive backlog in vaccine distribution.
This has all led in part to a growing movement calling on Newsom to loosen restrictions on indoor fitness activities. Currently, the state and county have mandated that gyms and fitness centers move their operations outdoors.
Buying an adequate tent, faux grass mats, and other outdoor equipment has cost Begiebing over $1,500. Thats already on top of paying rent while less revenue comes in, federal aid notwithstanding.
Things were looking up in the summer of 2020, however: Santa Clara County gyms were finally given the OK to reopen in July. But just a day later, the state reversed course with its reopening efforts in response to a soaring COVID case count, which meant CrossFit Milpitas had to close yet again.
Gov. Gavin Newsom. Source: Los Angeles Times.
This took the wind out of our sails, Begiebing said. I was burnt out emotionally, spiritually just drained.
County leaders have pointed to the regions concerning COVID-19 numbers to justify mandating outdoor-only activities for nonessential businesses, saying Santa Clara County is experiencing very high rates of COVID-19 transmission, per a January 25 statement from County Health Officer Sara Cody.
As long as Santa Clara County remains in the Purple Tier of the States Blueprint, gyms and fitness facilities cannot operate indoors, a county spokesperson said in a statement.
But look closer, says former United States Surgeon General Richard Carmona, and fitness centers might not be the superspreader businesses most states believe they are.
California and Oregon are currently the only states that have not lifted their restrictions on indoor fitness centers. The 48 other states have mostly reopened indoor gyms, with many states mandating social distancing in them.
The science and data have demonstrated that indoor fitness can reopen safely and that the industry is of critical importance of mental and physical health, Carmona stated in his California State Fitness Plan.
Smash Gyms outdoor setup. Photo courtesy Rudy Ott.
But its data, Rudy Ott of Smash Gyms said, that has fallen on deaf ears.
I know we can be safe. We were saying this to the state and county since April, Ott said. Especially gyms like CrossFit gyms, martial arts gyms, and fitness centers like Smash that are group-instructor led. We have control over the environment.
With less equipment and clients than a traditional gym, fitness centers like Smash and CrossFit Milpitas say its unfair theyve been grouped with all fitness centers.
Rudy Ott, owner of Smash Gyms Milpitas. Photo courtesy Rudy Ott.
While indoor fitness centers still remain closed, both Ott and Begiebing have pledged to do whatever they can to keep their customers coming back. Thats if their reserve funds and mental health allow them to do so. For Begiebing, fitness is all hes ever known. And doing it in person, he said, forges a bond with clients that cant be replicated virtually.
If this continues, I might shift to an all-outdoor venue. Or buy some GameStop stock, he joked.
Local fitness centers struggle with COVID regulations - The Milpitas Beat
Advice for Making the Most of the WSJ Fitness Challenge – The Wall Street Journal

The response to the first-ever Wall Street Journal Fitness Challenge has been enthusiastic. Since its Jan. 19 launch, tens of thousands of readers have signed up for the six-week program. Havent signed up yet? You can join here.
A number of readers wrote in to ask if we could review the basics of the program. Here they are in a nutshell:
After signing up, you receive a welcome newsletter asking you to test in by seeing how many steps you can take up and down in 20 seconds, leading with your right foot and then your left foot. Up, up, down, down counts as one step. For an idea on what it should look like, check out this video.
Arnie Kander, the NBA sports performance coach who developed the workout, suggests using a step around 7 inches in height. One reader wrote in saying the stairs in her home are 8 inches high, too high for her knees. Does this mean I have to invest in a step platform? she asks.
Seven inches is what Mr. Kander suggests for a baseline height, but if that feels challenging, go lower. Anything that raises you off the ground and is stable will work, including a sidewalk curb or a low step stool. A lower height might skew your step count compared with other participants, but this program is about improving your movement patterns more than trying to beat other step counts.
Continue reading here:
Advice for Making the Most of the WSJ Fitness Challenge - The Wall Street Journal
Liams List Feb. 5: Guide To Fitness, Food, Fun, Staying Connected While Social Distancing – CBS San Francisco

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) KCBS reporter Liam Mayclem will be providing KPIX 5 users with a weekly tip list on how best to survive the current coronavirus outbreak.
SUPERBOWL: CULINARY KICK OFFSaturday 5pmJoin stars of food & football for the tastiest show on earth the 7th Annual Culinary kick off. The event goes virtual this year but promises to be equally fun. Chefs Charlie Palmer, Michael Mina, Adam Sobel & Michael Lewis will be cooking up a storm with NFL Hall of Famers Ronnie Lott, Marshal Faulks & Charlies Woodson. These legends of the food & football will be talking & eating up with legendary winemaker John Anthony of JaM cellars & John Anthony Vineyard. Hosts Sage Steele and yours truly. Log on, buy a ticket and support the Culinary Institute of America and All Stars Helping Kids and become a legend this Saturday at 5pm
FOOTBALL: BIGGEST SHOW ON TURFSUNDAY 3:30pmThis weekend Tom Brady leads the Bucks to SUPER-BOWL 55 up against Kansas City Chiefs. Will the Bay Areas Brady bring home his 7th Super Bowl ring ? The Weeknd performs in the half-time show and that we know will pop!!Watch On KPIX 5
MOVIE: THE DIGThe year is 1939 and Britain is on the verge of war, the RAF planes constantly buzzing past are reminders. Behind a large manor home in Suffolk, there are a number of earthen mounds that suggest the possibility of ancient artifacts buried beneath the soil. Edith Pretty (Carey Mulligan), a widow of some taste and renown, has hired a local excavator named Basil Brown (Ralph Fiennes) to help her locate any potential findings. Great story, and Oscar worthy performances make this a must watch on Netflix.
Join me for a one-of-a-kind virtual fundraiser for Winchester Hospice in the UK. Ill be making a special Valentines breakfast: ENGLISH MUFFIN HEART, HAM & EGGS. Ill share the recipe on my Instagram page @liammayclem
BOOK: MIKE NICHOLS A LIFEThis biography of one of Holywoods most brilliant and beloved directors by Mark Harris tells us many things: Nichols was an outsider who found his place, he lived large and as a director Mike Nichols defied categorization. From Whos Afraid of Virginia Wolf to The Graduate to Birdcage to Angels in America and his final film Charlie Wilsons War each movie in its own lane and the one constant from Nichols make the characters real. That was the mark he made above all others, telling great stories that the crowds & critics would connect with. A great book about about a great man who lived a rich, full life and made our lives richer in the process. Nichols died of a heart attack in 2014 aged 83.
CAUSE: WEAR RED DAYThe American Heart Associations Go Red for Women movement encourages people to take action through the month of February by: Wearing red on National Wear Red Day on this day Friday 5th to raise awareness about cardiovascular disease. Its the biggest killer of women in America.
Enjoy SUPERBOWL weekend.Email me:
Please follow me on socials @liammayclem
Group teams up with online platform to help fitness trainers who are veterans monetize virtual coaching – Fox Business

Vets reached out to FitOps Foundation for social support, guidance, and recommendations for referral to mental health providers.
An organization for veterans partnered with an online coaching platform that allows vets who are now fitness trainers to connect to clients virtually and to monetize their coaching platform during this unstable economic time.
FitOpsFoundation is now working with Verb, an accountability platform that, through machine learning and AI, helps people cope with everyday life.
The clients are connected to coaches that publish physical, mental and emotional support programming to provide a holistic approach to fitness.
Currently there are over two dozen FitOps graduates coaching on the Verb platform.
Mason McGuff, FitOps graduate and CVFO (Certified Veteran Fitness Operative), said,Verb has given me a platform to continue my personal training during these difficult times and generate income, in a safe, remote, and effective manner. Im grateful to FitOps Foundation for continually looking for ways to support their graduates, and finding innovative solutions."
FitOps Foundation is now working with Verb, an accountability platform that, through machine learning and AI, helps people cope with everyday life. (Courtesy, FitOps)
The partnership will be sustainable as long as there are veterans graduating the FitOps program. Verb has committed to hosting every FitOps graduate, at no cost, on itsplatform.
The generated revenue, which is owned completely by the graduate, depends on the amount of time and commitment made to the platform. Coaches range from earninga few hundred dollars a month to the top coaches on Verb making over $15,000.
Currently there are over two dozen FitOps graduates coaching on the Verb platform. The clients are connected to coaches that publish physical, mental and emotional support programming to provide a holistic approach to fitness. (Courtesy, FitOps)
FitOps goal of helping veterans find purpose through fitness aligns perfectly with Verbs mission, and demonstrates just how powerful fitness and wellness can be, said Vincent Miceli, Founder and CEO of Verb. For the 200K+ veterans who leave the military each year, the path forward can be daunting and uncertain. Our accountability platform provides these American heroes a way to earn a meaningful income, while working remotely and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Verb coaches can also earn their own revenue, by up-selling their own personal programs and services and keeping 100% of the profit. Were proud to work with FitOps to give flexible, meaningful opportunities to veterans.
As FitOpsadapted to the pandemic, it was important for the organization to give graduates a tool to succeed and hold themselves responsible.
FitOpsis a nonprofitall-expense paid training camp that uses the power ofwellness to transform the lives of veterans, giving them hope and purpose after serving America.
Participants graduate with a personal-training certification, business management skillsand a lifelong support network and community.
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic,and subsequent isolation of the country and veteran community, many vetsreached out to FitOpsfor social support, guidanceand recommendations formental health providers.
As FitOps adapted to the pandemic, it was important for the organization to give graduates a tool to succeed and hold themselves responsible. (Courtesy, FitOps)
John Martin, director of aftercare at FitOps, said,"Our findings suggest veterans who had pre-existing mental health difficulties prior to theoutbreak of COVID-19 may be at increased risk of experiencing common mental disorders as a result of thepandemic. Intervening to improve levels of social support and offering practical guidanceto better manage any additional stressors relating to the pandemic may provide strategiesto help reduce the burden of mental health symptoms. Our FitOps graduates access multiple weekly Zoom check-ins, individual support calls, and network with their brothers and sisters in arms to help each other as we all learn to live with this pandemic.
Many vets have found tremendous comfort in knowing their fellowFitOps graduates and staff are at the ready to assist them as they all navigate theseunprecedented times.
Coaches range from a few hundred dollars a month in their pocket to the top coaches on Verb making over $15,000. (Courtesy, FitOps)
Matt Hesse, founder ofFitOps Foundation, said,"What many people experience today during the pandemic is how vets feel every day. Many civilians aregoing through a transition creating uncertainty, insecurity and fear of what the future may hold.As we come out of this as a country, my hope is that those whove experienced the same kind of transitional struggle have a betterunderstanding of the challenges veterans face, more empathy, and create solutions to solve it like we have at FitOps."
Here is the original post:
Group teams up with online platform to help fitness trainers who are veterans monetize virtual coaching - Fox Business
Why Your EMS Agency Needs a Wellness and Fitness Program – EMSWorld

Well, that patient was a load! Maybe if theyd do something other than sit around eating fast food, it wouldnt be so bad!
I cringe every time I hear this from an EMS provider, which is more often than Id like. I bite my lip so I dont say, Have you looked in the mirror? Sadly, unless things change, who do they think will be that load on the litter in a few years?
If youre new to EMS, or even if youre not, you will quickly learn providers are expected to be in the very best of health, physically, emotionally, and socially. The public does not care if you dont feel well or are tired; when they call 9-1-1, you are their only hope and help, so you want to make sure you are healthy enough to handle that call.
I have heard many excuses:
I work 12-, 16-, 24-hour shiftswhen am I supposed to work out?
I need to spend time with my family.
Im too tired to exercise.
Gyms arent open when Im done with work.
Im thin, I dont need to exercise.
If the EMS agency you work for does not have a wellness program, ask it to consider a wellness and fitness plan for its providers. Wellness plans can help employees manage stress, remain engaged, and feel cared for by their employers. They may mitigate depression, could help reduce the risk of injury while working, and even improve overall health! A simple fitness plan could include a health risk assessment upon hire and annually. The agency could supply equipment, such as free weights, cardio equipment, mats, and medicine balls and allow its crews to exercise while on duty.
Often providers may think they are too tired to exercise, but even a simple brisk walk can add energy and produce healthy benefits. Find ways to involve families, too; workouts do not have to be at a gym. Bike rides, hiking, swimming, and playing active games like tag, baseball, or throwing a Frisbee will make everyone feel better and give you invaluable family time making memories together.
If you still feel like you can only get a good workout at a gym, simply go on your day offyou owe it to yourself to stay healthy. There is a common misconception just because a person is thin, they dont have to exercise. According to Everyday Health, not only does your heart benefit, but exercise can reduce stress and anxiety as well as increasing bone density. Plus it may help you sleep better.
Along with fitness plans, agencies should consider offering help with nutrition. Many times people look for a quick fix by following the latest diet craze, which could be harmful. Significant weight gain doesnt happen overnight or in a few weeks, so you cant expect to lose that weight in that time frame or maintain what you lose. Agencies could offer classes, provide healthy snacks in the vending area, have a wellness board that includes healthy recipes, encourage a healthy recipe exchange with samples, or even plan healthy potluck lunches. Some agencies sponsor weight loss and fitness challenges.
Another aspect of a wellness program should include smoking cessation. Some providers rely on tobacco to relieve stress. Companies can offer smoking-cessation support groups, reinforce the benefits of quitting, pay for medications needed to quit, or even offer a monetary incentives. According to a study by the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and Wharton School, employees who were financially compensated to quit were three times more successful than others who were not.
Lets talk about stress: Dealing with the things we do every day, we are bound to find some stress in our lives. Whether its the last call you just cleared, your boss giving you a hassle, your coworker talking nonstop, even family who dont understand why we arent home by 6:30 when our shift ended at 6. All of these could lead to physical problems like high blood pressure, stomach issues, eating disorders, mental health conditions like depression, and sleep deprivation. Since our work schedules are very different from the common 85 job, it is extremely important we get our rest. Agencies should also offer services that help deal with these issues as well.
As EMS providers we see the effects of poor physical fitness, bad nutrition, stress, and smoking. We should be role models to the people we serve. Being unhealthy isnt fair to your patients, your coworkers, and your family, and it is really unfair to you. In EMS we are taught to care for ourselves first, then our crews. Isnt it about time that happens?
Sandy Roth, EMT-P, CPT, is a paramedic with Wellspan Ephrata Community Hospital Advanced Life Support Unit in Ephrata, Pa. She is certified as a personal trainer, childrens fitness specialist, and Silver Sneakers and group exercise instructor. She teaches high-intensity interval training and Silver Sneakers classes as well as fitness classes for EMS and fire personnel specialized to the tasks they do on a daily basis.
Read more:
Why Your EMS Agency Needs a Wellness and Fitness Program - EMSWorld
Stay on top of your fitness goals with this Fitbit, on sale today – WJXT News4JAX

Its almost the second month of the New Year, and statistics show that, out of the 40% of Americans that make resolutions, only 10% of those people stick to them after the first month.
If youre in the group of Americans that made a resolution to exercise more in 2021 but you find yourself falling short due to lack of motivation and results, the Fitbit Ionic might be just what you need to kick you back into the exercise groove.
The Fitbit Ionic GPS Fitness Smartwatch, on sale now for 28% off the regular price, will give you everything you need and more to track your progress and stay on track.
The Fitbit Ionic is a feature-packed smartwatch that provides fitness guidance, health insights, music storage, and more. This sleek-looking timepiece offers both multi-sport functionality and traditional all-day activity tracking.
When youre sweating bullets at the gym, the Fitbit will track specific workouts in modes like running, cycling, or lifting weights and grab real-time data feedback to provide you with post-workout summaries. You can even pay for a drink at the gyms juice bar with the integrated NFC chip.
When youre at home or at work the Fitbit Ionic will be monitoring your steps, heart rate, distance, calories burned, floors climbed, active minutes, hourly activity, and stationary time.
Headed to bed? Take the Fitbit Ionic with you and it will provide you with insights on your sleep activity, too.
Complementing all these amazing modes is the Ionics sophisticated array of sensors, including an optical heart rate monitor, built-in GPS, 3-axis accelerometer and altimeter, all working to provide you with the most accurate health data possible.
Toms Guide, part of Future US Inc, a leading digital publisher, has nothing but praise for the Fitbit Ionic stating, With great battery life, sleep insights, mobile payments and a full slate of features coming with software updates, the Fitbit Ionic smartwatch almost has it all.
Available in three different colors-blue gray/silver gray, slate blue/burnt orange and charcoal/grey, the Fitbit Ionic GPS Fitness Smartwatch is just what you need to keep you on track and for only $179.99, you cant afford to miss out.
Prices subject to change
Original post:
Stay on top of your fitness goals with this Fitbit, on sale today - WJXT News4JAX
Island Recs February adult fitness… – Journal of the San Juan Islands

Submitted by Island Rec
Adult online fitness classes are open for registration! Sign up for the whole month of February, or choose one of our drop-in options. To register, visit,
Gentle Yoga and Destress Live & On-Demand Combo NEW!
Join yoga teacher, Katerina Wen and learn ways to deal with stress and anxiety. A great class to help you to stretch out your body and maintain your health and mobility during this shutdown period. You will learn holistic ways to balance and harmonize your body and mind. The class will include step-by-step, easy to follow yoga poses, plus breathing exercises that will take you to a meditative, calming space.
Along with having access to Katerinas Live classes, you will then also get access to a video library of pre-recorded classes for the month, so you can practice whenever you like! Ages 18+ Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:30-10:20am February $48 Drop-in, $6 (Drop-in option is live class only)
Gentle Yoga and Destress On-Demand Only NEW!
All the greatness of Katerinas Gentle Yoga class, but take the class whenever you want, and dont worry about missing live classes! Register for the month and receive a link to a fitness library. Take class when you want and as often as you want throughout the month. This library will have two classes loaded initially, and then as Katerina teaches live each week in the month, more classes will be recorded and added to the library. Ages 18-plus during the month of February for $34.
Balance and Stretch Live!
Balance is important for people of all ages. It tones the legs, strengthens your feet, ankle and knees. It is also one of the natural ways to firm up the core and your gluteus muscles. Balance is known as the best practice for fall prevention, but it is also a wonderful practice for your brain health. Stretching keeps your body healthy, increases the blood flow of your muscles, it is a great stress relief and can calm your mind. Ages 18- plus, from 11-11:45 a.m., Fridays during the month of January for $36 and $7 for drop-in classes.
Fit and Over 50! With Katerina Wen
Try a safe, heart-healthy exercise class to energize your active lifestyle from the comfort of your own home with Jacquelyn Reiff. This class will use easy to follow low-impact movements, increase core and muscular strength while working on balance and stretching to enhance your daily living. A chair can be used for standing support and exercises can be modified depending on fitness level. Register for the month and receive a link to an on-demand fitness library. Take class when you want and as often as you want throughout the month. For ages 50-plus during the month of February for $34.
Gentle Pilates & Movement On-Demand
This Pilates and Movement class is gentle and slow-moving with therapeutic influences. Emphasis will be on alignment, breathing, developing a strong core, and improving coordination and balance. This restorative class builds the basics that keep our backs strong and free of chronic pain and tension. It will require focus, attention, deliberate movement, slowing down, and staying aware of your body. Appropriate for all fitness levels and ages. This class is On-Demand. That means you will be given access to an on-demand fitness library of four classes. Take the classes, when you want, and as often as you want within the month. For ages 16-plus during the month of February for $34.
See the original post here:
Island Recs February adult fitness... - Journal of the San Juan Islands
Fitness with Averee: Weight transfer to create powerful tee shots –

By Averee Dovsek |January 29, 2021 1:00 pm
Many golfers lack proper weight transfer throughout their golf swings. Leaving too much weight on the back foot is a recipe for disaster when you have the intention to bomb your tee shots.
On the latest episode of Fitness with Averee, Averee Dovsek demonstratesa technique to help with proper weight transfer during the duration of your golf swing.
Combine what you learn through Fitness with Averee withSteve Scotts instruction seriesand you will be a different golfer on and off the course.
Watch this episode of Fitness with Averee above andcheck here for previous episodes.
Golfweeks latest newsletter, Get Better which covers everything Instruction and Fitness related, is up and running.Sign up for Get Better here.
Exercise, Fitness with Averee, Golf Exercise, Golf swing, Video, Instruction, Videos
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January 30, 2021 8:42 pm By: JuliaKate E. Culpepper
While the Farmers Insurance Open completed its third round on the South Course Saturday at Torrey Pines, the APGA Tour made use of the ()
January 30, 2021 8:08 pm By: Steve DiMeglio
SAN DIEGO Carlos Ortiz played the South Course at Torrey Pines during Saturdays third round of the Farmers Insurance Open. No, ()
January 30, 2021 7:52 pm By: Eamon Lynch
Its almost awe-inspiring how Patrick Reed can slough off rules controversies with the unruffled disdain that one imagines Uday and ()
January 30, 2021 7:42 pm By: Steve DiMeglio
SAN DIEGO On a bright Saturday by the sea, Patrick Reed suddenly found himself in the epicenter of a storm of controversy. After ()
January 30, 2021 6:55 pm By: Golfweek
The PGA Tours West Coast swing moves from the desert to the San Diego coast for this weeks 2021 Farmers Insurance Open. The North ()
January 30, 2021 6:23 pm By: Tim Schmitt
Patrick Reeds controversial move on the 10th hole at the Farmers Insurance Open in which he picked up his ball before consulting with a ()
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