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Jan 10

The 5 fad diets that DO help you lose weight fast and its good news for keto fans – The Sun

IT seems that just about every week there's a new diet craze.

And like many fads, they will go out of fashion just as quickly as they came in.


Usually, a fad diet will promise rapid weight loss and other health benefits, without any scientific evidence to support them.

But one dietitian has admitted that there are a handful of diet trends that shouldn't be ignored.

In fact, Sydney-basedSusie Burrell says that when followed the right way they can even provide long-term results.

Here, she reveals the five fad diets she believes are the most effective...

Over the last couple of years, droves of celebrities have credited the keto diet for keeping them in shape.

But the high-fat, low-carb isn't actually anything new.

It was originally developed in the 1920s to help patients suffering from epilepsy.

Writing on her blog, Susie said:"A keto approach requires followers to reduce their carbohydrate intake to an extremely low level so that ketosis or fat burning is induced as the body breaks down fat stores directly to be utilised as fuel.

"A keto approach requires followers to replace carbohydrate intake with fat."

A keto approach requires followers to replace carbohydrate intake with fat

She explained that the diet requires followers to break up their food intake to 10 per cent carbs, 70-80 per cent fats and just 15-20 per cent protein.

"This is why you see a lot of avocado, butter, eggs and cream utilised in keto diets," she says.

"The reality is that most diets that claim to be keto are actually just low in carbohydrates as opposed to achieving these ratios of fat, protein and carbohydrate.

"In real life, achieving these ratios in your diet is somewhat challenging but if you can, and do follow it, it will work very effectively."

The paleo diet is often dubbed the "caveman diet" because it promotes a diet similar to that of our stone age ancestors.

Before modern agriculture developed around 10,000 years ago, people typically ate foods that they could hunt or gather, such as fish, lean meats, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

Susie writes: "The focus on fresh, unprocessed food naturally supports weight loss, as does the complete avoidance of processed carbohydrates.

"The only down side tends to be an especially low intake of dietary calcium and while fibre intake from vegetables and fruit may be adequate, a number of followers find the lack of insoluble fibre intake from grains and legumes can result in constipation."

A very low calorie diet (VLCD) is a clinically supervised diet plan that involves eating about 800 calories a day or fewer.

It usually involves replacing normal food with low-calorie shakes, soups, bars, or porridge containing milk.

It's not an easy diet to follow and it's not generally recommended without the supervision of a doctor - but it does work.

VLCDs work extremely effectively but the issue is that once they are ceased most if not all weight tends to be regained

Susie explains: "Very Low Calorie Diets that generally utilise meal replacement products and diet shakes to achieve an extremely low calorie intake of just 800 calories per day have again been used for many years in clinical settings to achieve weight loss.

"Now commonly utilised by weight loss surgeons prior to surgery, VLCDs are extremely effective in reducing fat stores in the liver whilst also inducing ketosis as overall calorie and carbohydrate intake is extremely restrictive.

"VLCDs work extremely effectively but the issue is that once they are ceased most if not all weight tends to be regained unless underlying eating habits are significantly altered long term."

The 5:2 diet is a type of fasting diet based on the idea of scoffing what you like five days of the weeks and severely restricting for the other two.

The part-time aspect appeals to many people because there is no restriction on what youeat for five days of the week.

On the fasting days, dieters are meant to eat 25 percent of their recommended calorie total - 500cals for women and 600cals for men.

Susie says they've been shown to be effective in supporting relatively slow weight loss at between 1kg and 2kg a month.

She added: "It appears that significantly restricting calorie intake for brief periods has a number of metabolic benefits in the body which in turn support fat metabolism.

"The biggest issue is that you will not lose weight as quickly as many desire."

The last diet approach Susie highlighted is the low card diet.

She explains that like the keto diet, carbs are restricted to about 10-20% of your overall intake.

But as it's not as high fat, it leaves you with more room for protein that keto does.

Susie adds: "Low carbohydrate diets, or diets that require followers to eliminate virtually all bread, rice, cereal, pasta, fruit and starchy vegetables are extremely effective in achieving fat metabolism, at least in the short term.

"The issue for most is that as soon as any of these high carb foods are reintroduced weight tends to be rapidly regained and becomes more and more difficult to lose in subsequent attempts."

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The 5 fad diets that DO help you lose weight fast and its good news for keto fans - The Sun

Jan 10

Weight loss: Expert reveals the best fat-busting foods to banish belly fat fast – Express

As always, diet can play a big part in reducing excess weight, whatever area of your body.

According to Terri-Ann, there are other factors that could be at play when it comes to belly fat. These include:

Menopause: As we age our metabolism slows down and our total body fat percentage starts to increase as a result, she said. Body fat distribution also changes with age, which could, unfortunately, mean more weight around your tummy area.

Stress: This can cause body fat around your middle. Exposure to cortisol, a hormone produced in response to stress, has been found by several studies to lead to an accumulation of fat around the stomach area, she added.

Bloating: This could be making your stomach appear larger than it actually is, she said. Drinking lots of water, doing exercise and ensuring youre eating a diet filled with foods rich in fibre such as whole grains, fruit and vegetables can help avoid constipation and stomach problems, which often lead to excess stomach bloating, she explained.

Read more from the original source:
Weight loss: Expert reveals the best fat-busting foods to banish belly fat fast - Express

Jan 10

‘I Did Whole30 After Having My Son And Got My Body And CrossFit Strength Back’ – Women’s Health

My name is Simmy Hassan (@barbellebeautyy). Im 30 and I live in Dallas. I wear many hats, but my most important job is being a mom. I'm also currently a client relations manager and slowly working my way into the fitness industry. I did Whole30 to lose the weight I gained during pregnancy and got hooked on the healthy lifestyleand I've lost 70 pounds.

Before my weight-loss journey began, I was probably in the best shape of my life. I played volleyball in college, and then after college, I started doing CrossFit. I attended CrossFit sessions at least six times a week, and my gym (or "box," as we call them in the CrossFit community) was basically my second home.

Then, life happened. I got married and had a baby. In my head, I always pictured myself as that pregnant lady working out and still hanging out at CrossFit. Boy, was I in for a rude awakeningbecause that was absolutely *not* my experience.

I did manage to work out at least three to four times a month during pregnancy but my diet was pure trash. I quickly fell into the eating-for-two mentality. I thought I could just splurge and eat whatever I wanted. I had my baby on September 13, 2018.

I weighed 252 pounds after I had my son. I knew I wanted to lose the pregnancy weight. But at first, I fell back into the trap of making excuses. Friends and acquaintances would tell me things like, "Oh, if you are breastfeeding you can still eat whatever. It just falls off!" I would listen without questioning because it sounded easy.

I ate whatever I wanted, I didnt meal prep, and I was dealing with a lot of change being a first-time mom. I was not happy with how I looked even though I felt like the same person on the inside.

The next time I weighed myself wasn't until December 10, 2018, and I was at 243 pounds. I had lost some weight, but I knew I needed to come up with a real plan to get down to business and return to a body I felt like myself in.

I kept working out but not consistently, and my diet was still not up to par. It took me a while to find a plan that made sense for me, but eventually the Whole30 plan sort of fell onto my radar right when I needed it.

I did some research on Whole30 after stumbling upon it online and decided to document my journey so that I could hopefully inspire others, and also to remind myself to keep pushing forward. I started my first round of Whole30 on February 17, 2019.

I had to mentally prepare myself by reading the books and creating a meal plan ahead of time so that I would successfully complete a round Whole30. I knew the plan was very strictit's essentially an elimination diet that cuts out grains, sugar, and dairyso I wanted to go into it with contingency plans. But Whole30 has worked so well for me.

I didnt even lose that much weight that first round! I started Whole30 when I was 230 pounds and ended up losing only 5 pounds. And for a quick second, I almost felt upset by the numbers, but then I realized that I felt amazing and I could see the results in my before-and-after pictures. It lit a fire in me and gave me the tools I needed to eat clean and practice discipline long term.

Walking soon enough turned into me wanting to try to doing much tougher stuff (I'm competitive even with myself!). I remember trying to do a jump-rope workout with double-unders, and I was quickly humbled. I had to go back to doing single-under jump ropes. I wasnt seeing progress, so I changed up my cardio. I ran my first mile on January 19, 2019, clocking in at 17:26.

I realized then that I had a ways to go with my fitness. I eventually signed up for a program called Street Parking because I was not ready to jump right back into a CrossFit box. Because I am a very competitive person, I didnt want to go back until I built up some type of strength. I also joined a cycle studio for one month, and that help me out tremendously because I enjoyed it so much that it made me want to keep going back.

In July 2019, I joined Strong Fitness in Dallas, and Im absolutely in love with it. Im back to going into the gym at least four times a week and Im starting to incorporate even more running. Im proud to say my mile time is now at 13:23 (!). I have a long way to go, but I am so happy with what I have already achieved.

I have to find types of exercise that I actually enjoy doing. For me, anything CrossFit or any cycle studio keeps me going when it comes to working out. A lot of people who approach me and ask about how I stay motivated to go to the gym every day, and I tell them that I love lifting as well as the happy, satisfied feeling I have after a workout.

My husband even knows that if I dont work out, my day is thrown off. So go out and try different studios in your area, and I promise you that you will find something you enjoyand a tribe that will hold you accountable.

The truth is, there are going to be sacrifices that you have to make to lose weight. But the results make it so worth it.

For instance, I wake up before everyone in my home every day and Im at the gym by 5 oclock in the morning. I then have to get myself and my little one ready for the day. I admit, its a lot of work. Its not just the working out, but the meal prepping too. I just say to everyone who asks that you must make your health a priority. That's it.

I'm also a big fan of treating yourself as you go after your goals. Buy new workout gear. Pay for a class you love. You will feel like a new woman, and it will help you feel good about yourself as you work out.

I definitely know that throughout my next pregnancy, Im going to keep up with this lifestyle that I am thriving in. This journey has helped me find my purpose.

I didnt want to stay where I was, in a place where I didnt feel so great physically. I wanted to be able to keep up with my baby and lift heavy weights again. Once I showed up for myself, everything fell in place.

But at first, I also wanted things to happen fast and quickly realized that I just needed to be patient to get to where I wanted to go. My journey has changed and is still changing my life for the better. Im finally stepping out of my comfort zone and making moves so that I can start a career in the fitness industry as a personal trainer.

To everyone: Become your own permission slip and do what makes you happy. You got this.

For more amazing beauty, fitness, and weight loss transformations, check out the rest of our Transformations Week collection.

Read this article:
'I Did Whole30 After Having My Son And Got My Body And CrossFit Strength Back' - Women's Health

Jan 10

Weight loss story: This guy shed 16 kilos in 5 months. Here is his diet and workout – Times of India

When Saurav Kumar Panda couldn't compete in a marathon, he realised he needed to pay attention to his health and lose weight. To know how he did it, read his transformation story below:Name: Saurav Kumar PandaOccupation: Strategy AnalystAge: 29 years

Height:5 feet 8 inches

City: Bangalore

Highest weight recorded: 91 kilos

Weight lost: 16 kilos

Duration it took me to lose weight: 5 months

The turning point: I always wanted to be lean and muscular but couldn't keep track of my fitness levels. Soon enough, the sedentary lifestyle made me put on the kilos at a rapid pace. I tried to run the TCS marathon in 2019 and I was barely able to finish the 5km mini-marathon run (timing lagged too). I actually felt that I waa aging too fast because of my health. That was the time I decided to make the necessary changes.

My breakfast: This is generally my post-workout meal, and hence it comprises whey protein shake (1 scoop whey protein, 1 banana, 200 ml skimmed milk, one-ounce almonds, some dried cranberries, and cinnamon powder).

Sometimes, I eat a bowl of fruits, nuts, and seeds with whey protein (mixed in water). This helps me maintain a healthy mix of protein, carbs, and fats.

My lunch: 1 bowl of daal (or rajma or channa) with 2 chapatis.

Evening Snack: Coffee and boiled eggs or roasted peanuts.

My dinner: I take a minimal-carb meal at night. Omelette/boiled eggs/scrambled eggs (5 egg whites + 1 whole egg) and vegetable salad to match up the fiber intake.

Pre-workout meal: I work out on an empty stomach.Post-workout meal: Same as my breakfast

I indulge in: I go for 1 very high carb day a week. This helps me maintain the glycogen level and perform better at the gym. Since I do not eat rice and sweets on regular days, my cheat meals are mostly biryanis, burgers, and gulab jamun.

My workout: I work out for six days a week. It comprises of 45 minutes of dedicated weight training and 10 minutes of post-workout cardio/abs training for 5 days and, one day of dedicated 35 minutes cardio and 15 minutes abs training.

Low-calorie recipes I swear by: Homemade tava chicken and tava fish and desserts like fruit shakes and parfaits.

Fitness secrets I unveiled: Weight loss (or fat loss) is mainly done in the kitchen. Training is important for sure but if one does not change his/her lifestyle and eating habits, weight loss can be a lost cause. With small tweaks to your lifestyle and nutritional knowledge, one can make huge changes.

Weight training is also important. It helps in achieving a systematic weight loss. Once things are in place, consistency is the key.

How do I stay motivated: My motivation is the person standing on the other side of the mirror every morning. When I see that person making progress, it is what keeps me going.

How do you ensure you dont lose focus? I have divided my transformation into stages. That helps me to stay focused and work towards it. One can create a goal-based approach and stick to them. Some examples could be 'lose x kgs' or 'drop y% body fat'. You can also choose to work on a long term goal.

In our sedentary lifestyle, at least an hour of intense physical activity is very much required to stay fit and disease-free.

Whats the most difficult part of being overweight? Weight problems took a toll on my health. I was less agile than before, could not focus well, sweat more and used to run out of breath even while performing small talks or walks. I lived in the constant fear of developing chronic diseases like cholesterol, diabetes and blood pressure shoot up.

What shape do you see yourself 10 years down the line? I would like to see myself with similar energy, focus, and fitness while maintaining a lean look.What are the lifestyle changes you made? There are quite a few:- Drink 3.5-4 liters of water daily- No or minimal carbs at night (this solves half of the problems)- Keeping a track of my caloric intake (it is important to maintain a caloric deficit in order to lose fat)

More here:
Weight loss story: This guy shed 16 kilos in 5 months. Here is his diet and workout - Times of India

Jan 10

Nadia Sawalhas delayed fat theory how long does it really take to gain weight? – goodtoknow

Of course, we've all overindulged during the festive period. As soon as youve finished your Christmas roast dinner you cant help but think youve immediately gained a few kilos in weight.

But, how does overindulgence affect your body and how long does it take for your extra calorie intake to cause weight gain.

Loose Women presenter Nadia Sawalha revealed yesterday to the Loose Women panel that shed had such bad news gaining delayed fat from Christmas.

Nadia said, Id got such bad newsIve got really bad news. The day before yesterday I put some trousers on, right, and did them up. This morning I put them on and I could not do them up at all. So Id gone into makeup and I was telling Donna and Simone. Donna said, Well you know what that is, its delayed fat from Christmas.

So basically, I could get those on the day before yesterday. Apparently what happens, well I thought Id reached optimum, but apparently its still coming. Its backed up and its arriving right until the end of net week.

Carol McGriffin in disbelief replied, That is impossible, where is it then? Youve already eaten food.

Nadia responded, Yeah but the food hasnt turned into lumps of fat yet.

Im going to use that line every week, its delayed fat baby, Judi Love joked.

So, does this mean what you eat or dont eat makes you instantly gain weight, or is there such thing as delayed fat?

As with anything relating to the human body, the amount of food we eat before it turns to additional body weight gain depends on the individual person. But, youll be please to know that what you eat does not immediately turn to additional weight gain, rather how much you consume over a few days can result in weight gain over time.

According to a newstudypublished in theAmerican Journal of Physiology, a short period of overindulging may register as more of a slight glitch to your body rather having a major affect on your weight. The study examined a group of eight men on a high-calorie diet for five days and then 28 days.

The five-day food binge didnt have much effect on their weight gain, and made no difference to their at fat mass. However, after 28 days of over-indulging, their fat mass increased by 3 pounds, and their weight gain was 3.5 pounds.

So, while the rate people gain weight differs for each individual, weight gain does not happen over night.

Nutrition experts Jenny Tschiesche from the Lunchbox Doctor told GoodtoKnow, It is possible to weigh more one day and less the next due to reasons unrelated to the quantity of food consumed. In theory you might think youve gained weight one day when you havent.

She continued, Simply consuming too much salt can lead to water retention for example. Not eating enough fibre or drinking sufficient water can lead to constipation which might also show up as weight gained.

The general rule is that you need to eat more calories than you burn to gain weight.

Weight gain simply happens when we have an imbalance between the kilojoules were eating and the kilojoules were burning off, dietician and nutritionistJemma OHanlontold HuffPost Australia.

Generally, an individual consuming an extra 300500 calories perdayabove theirideal dailyintakeofcalories will gain weight slowly. An individual eating an extra 700-1000 calories per day will gain weight faster.

A pound of fat is equal to about 3,500 calories, so if you consumer 3,500 more calories each week than your recommended calories intake, youll most likely gain a pound of fat.

This might be something youve thought about right after a day of going overboard on calories, but youll be pleased to know its near enough impossible to gain weight in just one day.

Jenny tells GoodtoKnow, There is a limit to how much we can even eat in a day due to stomach size and certainly how much we can digest due to the amount of enzymes we can produce to break down food.

Samantha Cassetty, R.D., M.S., nutrition director told Womens Health, Its virtually impossible to gain weight overnight, even if you really blew it on bar food.

The reason comes down to calorie math. Though its not 100 percent precise, the basic principle stands true: In order to gain weight, youd have to eat 3,500morecalories than you typically eat and burn off to maintain your figure.

So, a womans recommend daily calorie intake is 2,000, you would have to consumed an additional 3,500 calories (thats the equivalent of 25 slices of pizza from Dominoes) to gain one pound, and thats without taking your physical activity into account.

Jenny further explains, If you do gain weight in a day it will be mostly water but perhaps also some fat, certainly not muscle mass because that takes longer than a day to accumulate.

Unfortunately no. While we would love to tell you that you can lose weight just as quickly as you gained weight- this is not the case.

Weight loss depends on the person and their lifestyle, but its true youll gain the weight back a lot faster than you originally lost it.

Nutrition scientist, Dr Tim Crowe, told Cosmopolitan that the reasons we gain weight quickly after losing weight is because of the hunger we expose our bodies to while we are consuming fewer calories.

Dr Crowe explains,The influence of hunger on weight regain is three-times stronger than a slowing of metabolism. Add the two together it appears almost inevitable that the lost weight will creep back on again for most people.

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Nadia Sawalhas delayed fat theory how long does it really take to gain weight? - goodtoknow

Jan 10

What is the DASH Diet? Guidelines for Losing Weight on the DASH Diet – Parade

The DASH diet, now regularly recommended by doctors, was founded in the 1990sbut this diet wasnt created with the goal of weight loss. DASH was actually based on research funded by the National Institute of Health with the goal of determining which lifestyle choices were most effective in reducing high blood pressure. Originally, it was high in carbohydrates, with an emphasis on eating a lot of fruits and vegetables and only lean meats. Since it was first developed, it has been adjusted to take into account newer research on eating the right carbs, meats and healthy fats.

Read on for everything you need to know about the DASH diet.

The DASH diet is an acronym that stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. It was created with a specific group of individuals in mindthose who need to lower their blood pressurebut has also been shown to help with weight loss.

Individuals on the DASH diet will be instructed to eat plenty of vegetables and fruit. Theyre also encouraged to eat whole grains, lean meats, and some healthy fats. Since its conception, the DASH diet has been adjusted to allow individuals to pursue weight loss and reduce blood pressure at the same time.

Related: What Is Whole30 and Should You Try It?

The most obvious benefit of the DASH diet is its ability to reduce hypertension significantly. It has been found to reduce blood pressure by eight to 14 points. That isnt all this diet can do, it has also been found to improve the health of individuals with type 2 diabetes and chronic heart disease.

Additionally, since the meal plans have been adjusted, individuals on this diet may lose weight. The increased protein intake along with the replacement of processed carbohydrates with whole grains has been associated with weight loss while maintaining lean muscle mass, according to the DASH website.

Dont use scrubs or brushes to treat arm bumps. Those tiny pimple-like bumps are called keratosis, and its totally harmless and super common. Treat it with over-the-counter products that contain ceramides, urea, or ammonium lactate.

The DASH diet is a well-balanced diet that focuses on helping individuals eat the right amount of each food group. At its core, it isnt focused on weight loss and so it may be possible to follow it without the negative consequences associated with low-calorie, restrictive, weight loss diets.

The only known risk of the DASH diet is too little sodium. The human body does need sodium for healthy functioning, and it isnt recommended that individuals adopt the extreme restriction of this mineral. Instead, theyre encouraged to reduce their sodium intake to a moderate amount, between 1,500 and 2,300 milligrams a day.

There are different types of DASH diets that were created to address certain goals and lifestyle choices. For example, their website provides meal plans for vegetarians who wish to glean the benefits of the diet without eating meat. There are also specific plans for individuals who want to lose weight and there is a cookbook that combines the principles of the Mediterranean diet with the principles of the DASH diet since the two share many similarities.

Related: 26 Things You Should Know Before Starting an Anti-Inflammatory Diet

On the DASH diet, you are instructed to eat the most servings of fruits and vegetables. The recommended amounts are five servings of vegetables and five servings of fruit each day. Beyond that, carbohydrates are fully embraced on this plan and seven servings of whole grains are recommended each day. Meat is eaten in moderation, with lean options suggested two times a day and low-fat dairy is the same. Nuts and seeds are recommended, but only two to three times a week.

While the serving suggestions are pretty specific, there is actually a lot of flexibility once youve grown accustomed to monitoring your servings of each food group. With a good cookbook, youll quickly learn that meat and dairy play second fiddle to the many delicious produce and whole-grain options you can cook with each day.

All protein should be lean, so stick to white-meat chicken, turkey, and fish while youre shopping. Other appropriate sources of protein could include low-fat yogurts and legumes.

The great news about cooking on the DASH diet is that many recipes can be adjusted to fit within the guidelines. For instance, a salad recipe featuring a creamy dressing could be changed to a low-fat dressing instead. Some of our favorite recipes are featured on, and include a Mediterranean Chicken Salad with a lemon and olive oil dressing and Vegetarian Chili. We also have a creative and nutritious Raspberry-Ginger Stir Fry made with chicken breasts and fresh vegetables.

If youre accustomed to reaching for potato chips or a candy bar when youre craving a snack, it might feel difficult at first to adjust your munching to the DASH guidelines. With enough creativity, youll soon discover there are plenty of delicious options for addressing hunger between meals.

Fresh vegetables and a tasty dip are a great way to squeeze in extra vegetable servings each day and one of our favorite dips is a red pepper dip made with light sour cream. Low-fat yogurt topped with fruit and granola is a good option any day and can be adjusted to fit your tastes or to add variety each day.

Instead of focusing on what is off-limits, breakfast is a great time to think of ways to eat more of the good stuff. For example, vegetables can be difficult to squeeze in at breakfast time but these eggs in pepper cups make sneaking in a serving a delight. For an easy on-the-go recipe, that will keep you clear of the drive-thru line, keep some basic breakfast muffins on hand.

Theres no reason to worry if you have a sweet tooth, desserts are totally allowed on the DASH diet. When selecting desserts, be careful about what fats are in the ingredient list, so many are made with full-fat milk and butter. For a quick and easy dessert, we love this creamy grape and marshmallow dessert made with just a few, simple ingredients. For dieters looking for a high protein dessert, this Cranberry Banana Parfait is made with low-fat Greek yogurt.

Learn more about how you can lower your blood pressure

Read the original here:
What is the DASH Diet? Guidelines for Losing Weight on the DASH Diet - Parade

Jan 10

Watch out for these diet types in 2020 to lose weight – The Indian Express

By: Lifestyle Desk | New Delhi | Published: January 10, 2020 12:30:12 pm Look out for these five types of diets. (Source: File Photo)

Healthy diet trends have been around for a while, and 2020 is no different. The new year is set to be about staying in shape, while eating right to fuel the bodys ability to do more. Here are the five types of diets to watch out for in 2020, as per nutritionist and diabetic educator, Harshita Dilawri, Know Your Nutrients, and nutritionist Ambika Tyagi, Healthy Souls.

This diet is sustainable and with many people converting to vegetarianism or preferring to eat veggies over meat, this will be a big part of the year 2020. A plant-based diet, as the term suggests, is mainly composed of vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds, soy and whole grains. People who follow the plant-based diet majorly consume these food groups to fulfill their need for essential vitamins, fibre and minerals.

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Need something to balance all the festive eating. Mediterranean chickpea salad. Its versatile and goes with everything. We had it with falafels today. swipe up in stories and for recipe. More winter salads on swipe up. . . . Heres the recipe. 2 cups cooked chickpeas. about 1 can drained and rinsed, or freshly cooked 3 Persian cucumber, chopped, about 1-1/2 cups 1 jalapeo, finely chopped (optional) 2 1/2 cups baby/ cherry tomatoes sliced in halves if large or leave whole if small ones 1 medium sized red onion, sliced 1/2 cup pomegrate arils or an orange or your choice of fruit, chopped 1/2 cup sun-dried tomatoes, drained, olive oil preserved preferred 1 cup pitted Kalamata olives and green olives sliced ( I like to mix it up) 1/2 cup freshly chopped mint, dill or basil leaves ( I like to use all three together) 1 cup freshly chopped parsley leaves For Dressing 2-3 tablespoons your best cold pressed extra virgin olive oil 3-4 tbsps lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon Sumac 1/2 teaspoon red chili flakes 1 teaspoon Aleppo pepper (optional) 1/2 teaspoon zaatar 1 garlic clove, minced Sea Salt and black pepper For directions swipe up on stories. . . . . . #vegetarianrecipes #salads #f52grams #makesmewhole #beautifulcuisines #asparagus #prettyfood #fromabove #eatmoreplants #eatmoreveggies #imsomartha #nytcooking #bhgfood #foodandwine #f52grams #whp #mediterraneandiet #foodstyling #veganrecipes #eattheworld #whpcolorplay #thrivemags #thevegansclub #madefromscratch #vegan_veganfood #nourishdeliciously #easy recipes #

A post shared by Meera (@nourish_deliciously) on Dec 18, 2019 at 8:58pm PST

Another diet that is common in countries that surround the Mediterranean Sea, such as Greece, Italy and Spain, is the Mediterranean Diet. The main components of a Mediterranean diet are daily consumption of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and healthy fats, weekly intake of fish, poultry, beans and eggs, moderate portions of dairy products and limited intake of red meat. In this diet, people are allowed to have wine, tea and coffee as per the suggested quantity.

The blood type diet is all about eating according to your blood type which helps in reducing the fat from your body and also keep away the food allergies. The blood type diet has been popular since the past two decades.

In this diet, one eats uncooked, unprocessed and mostly organic food. Nutritionists say heating food destroys its nutrients and natural enzymes. The raw food diet believes that cooking makes food toxic. It also helps in losing a significant amount of weight as what we eat is low in calories, fat and sodium, while being high in fibre. Also, one can get nutritional perks such as vitamins and minerals.

Periodic fasting periods have been popular religious tools for centuries. Now, a growing number of non-religious dieters are trying their hand at fasting for health and weight loss. There are dozens of different ways of doing intermittent fasting, but all involve splitting the day/week/month into distinct eating and fasting periods. During the fasting periods, the dieter eats nothing (or very little, depending on the version). These are the three most popular intermittent fasting types right now:

*The 16/8 method (most popular)

Dieters restrict their daily eating period to a strict eight-hour block (noon-8pm), and fast the other 16 hours (8pm till noon the following day). Mostly, this means skipping breakfast and cutting off food strictly post-dinner.


Dieters eat normally except for 1-2 days each week during which they eat nothing.

*The 5:2 diet

Dieters eat normally five days of the week and severely restrict calories on the remaining two days (eating just 500 calories or so on each of the fasting days).

By reducing your calorie intake, all of these methods should lead to weight loss as long as you dont compensate by eating more during the eating periods. Ultimately, all fasting diets aim to cause weight loss through caloric restriction.

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Watch out for these diet types in 2020 to lose weight - The Indian Express

Jan 10

AROUND TOWN: Revisiting those resolutions – Leavenworth Times


What was that again? Lose weight? That was my thought as I made my way around the drive-thru at Burger King. Hovering between guilt and hunger, I hastily adjusted my order to an undressed cheeseburger, no fries, no drink. I made do with cold coffee. My current weight is 187 pounds. I have found that weight control works best when shared with someone who can remind me that I intended to go down from there, not up. Just an aside, I lost 20 pounds two years ago when I had total replacement of both knees. I do not recommend that particular weight loss program unless it is absolutely necessary.

This time of the year is a real challenge for weight control. There are lots of tasty leftovers, including candy. The weather is not usually good for walking. Football and basketball games abound with their halftime extravaganzas of fast food and snacks, beer and soft drinks. I have yet to see a bowl of Brussel sprouts and mineral water offered as a healthy choice. Being a healthy, food conscious person is difficult.

There are some interesting things about fast foods which may lead you to eat less, according to Chew On This, by Eric Schlosser and Charles Wilson. About that hamburger patty: One small burger weighing 102 grams has about 3.6 grams of saturated fats. While some fats are necessary for our body health, excesses may lead to unhealthy cholesterol changes, produce insulin resistance or accumulate around the belly or other places. Colas? We have heard enough about both regular and diet colas to know that neither one helps with weight control. Then there are fries. Increase the size, you say? Until 1962, potatoes were peeled and sliced in the store and fried fresh. The process took a lot of the employees time. Along came J.R. Simplot, who patented his process for making frozen french fries and sold his idea to fast food restaurants. The rest is history. Boiled in oil fries quickly became the money maker for the fast food industry. Fattening? You betcha.

So the bottom line here is not abstinence but moderation mixed with healthy food choices, most of the time, and exercise. For the latter I recommend the Riverfront Community Center and Great Life Golf facility on Eisenhower Road. Both have lots of exercise equipment and programs at reasonable prices. The Great Life facility has tread mills with a nice view of the golf course. See you on the treadmill.

Jim McKinney lives in downtown Leavenworth.

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AROUND TOWN: Revisiting those resolutions - Leavenworth Times

Jan 10

Why We Eat (Too Much) by Dr Andrew Jenkinson; Downsizing by Tom Watson reviews dieting, fast and slow – The Times

Tortoise and hare methods of weight loss could both work, says Phil Hammond

New year, new weight-loss books. In this seasons crop the bariatric surgeon Andrew Jenkinson and the former MP Tom Watson go head to head with Why We Eat (Too Much) and Downsizing. They both advocate a familiar approach: improving sleep, reducing stress, cutting back on alcohol, keeping muscles active, shunning sugary food and drink and learning to cook nutritious and delicious meals from a variety of whole foods with a predominance of vegetables but no industrial vegetable oils (which, Jenkinson reminds us, we used to use for candles and lantern fluid).

The key difference is speed. Jenkinson, who has spent two decades operating on those whose repeated cycles of diets and exercise programmes have failed, advises a steady approach that slowly lowers the bodys genetic

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Why We Eat (Too Much) by Dr Andrew Jenkinson; Downsizing by Tom Watson reviews dieting, fast and slow - The Times

Jan 10

Tatler’s 12-Week Countdown To The Junk Season 2020 – Hong Kong Tatler

By Pearl Yan January 10, 2020

Its safe to say that winter is behind us, which means summer is fast approaching. If youre already looking forward to the junk season but the holiday has left you with a few extra kilos on the scale, fret notheres a 12-week fitness plan to help you get right back on track before summer 2020

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Set yourself up for success with SMART goals: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely. Are you looking to lose weight? If so, how many kilos? Is the number realistic for a 12-week time frame?

Lets get this straightif you have little to zero experience with fitness, seeking help from a professional is the best way to start. The right personal trainer will take away the guesswork and put you in a fitness programme that works for you. Plus, its always nice to have someone who can hold you accountable along the way.

Meal prepping can be time-consuming, but having the habit of cooking for yourself gives you full control of what you eat and how much you eat.

If you dont feel ready, consider one of these healthy meal deliveries in Hong Kong that will save you time from grocery shopping and cooking.

Before you hit the beach, make sure to avoid cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage, kale, garden cress, bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts as they tend to cause bloating.

We know that joining a gym can be intimidating. Before you decide to sign up for a membership, ask yourself what you are looking for in a gym. Is it the location? What kind of facilities do you need? Are you looking for a community?

Asking the right questions will help you find a gym that makes you feel motivated to stick to your fitness routine in the long run.

We get itthere are days when hitting the gym feels like a workout in itself. If you decide to stay at home this week, its worth investing in a cardio machine like the Peloton or a pair of dumbbells so you can keep moving even on your least motivated days.

Believe it or not, a slimming massage can help you lose weight by stimulating blood and lymphatic circulation, which reduces excess water in your body.

Margy's Monte Carlo collagen firming body treatment at The Peninsula Spa is idea to complement fitness program using spa products with anti-ageing properties to keep you skin firm and toned.

Its never too late to start training for a marathonyou can as little as 10km. The upcoming Standard Chartered Marathon on February 9 is a well-organised event that will give runners of all fitness levels to participate in a city-wide sporting event.

If youre up for the challenge, the new HK360 is a 6-day trail race that will take you in and around Hong Kong in 360km, which starts from from Tin Hau Temple and ends on Shek O Beach. If that sounds like a lot, try yourself with a 180km Half HK run.

Itd be a waste to not take advantage of Hong Kongs hiking trails to get your bikini body ready. Check out our guide to the most scenic hiking trails for a bit of inspiration, or choose a route that will lead you to a restaurant after.

Plus, some of these trails end at a beach anyway, so you can start scouting for the best spots for your Instagram-worthy bikini shots.

We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but alcohol is a big no-no when it comes to losing weight. If months without booze sounds challenging, try to avoid alcoholic drinks for a day or two each week to see how you feel before committing to a longer period.

See also: Reset Your Body With These Hong Kong Fitness And NutritionChallengesIn 2020

Whether youre someone who gets bored of the workout easily, or curious about the latest workout trends, theres plenty of fitness classes to choose from. From boxing to megaformer to indoor cycling, Hong Kong has no lack of fun and challenging group classes to fire up your core.

See also: The Hottest Fitness Classes In Asia To Help You Shape Up In 2020

Youve been working so hard in the past 11 weeks, its time to slow down and listen to your body. Dont forget that our body is connected to our mind, so keeping your mind zen and relaxed can help you feel more at ease about your body. Try these yoga and meditation classes that will give your body that much-needed break.

Congratulations! Youre only one week away from your bikini body. Now, give it a final push with an outdoor challenge. Whether its an outdoor workout with Sunday Shred or wakesurfing with your crew, just have fun and embrace your new body!

See also: 7 Hong Kong Activewear Brands To Take Your Fitness Goals To The Next Level In 2020

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Tatler's 12-Week Countdown To The Junk Season 2020 - Hong Kong Tatler

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