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Mother of three Claudia absolutely delighted with incredible weight loss with Slimming World – Offaly Express

As a young mother with four years old twin girls and a baby boy of eight months Claudia Murray decided to change her life following words that made her stop and think of how her weight and health was affecting her life with her precious little ones.
Why cant you mammy? Why cant you come play? her girls asked her.
At 24-years-old Claudia felt the time to change is now.
Lets start my story, with 17 stone very unhappy with myself me, Claudia said. I was tired all the time, always angry, upset, feeling down which in turn made me eat anything most of which were high calorie, fatty foods. I would order takeaway nearly every night for myself and my family. It got to the point where I wasnt even enjoying it, I just wanted it Claudia told us.
My kids use to ask me every day to go out and go jump on the trampoline with them or play football with them. My answer was always no sorry, mammy cant, they would always reply asking me why cant you mammy?. I never gave them an explanation as I was always so embarrassed. Eventually, it got to the point where they stopped asking me, I assume because they didnt want to be rejected again. That absolutely broke my heart.
Claudias mother and sister were already members of Slimming World and so decided she would tag along to group and see how she got on, and what it was all about. Not having any faith in herself that she would actually stick to it due to failing before with other plans.
That feeling completely changed when I walked in the doors and was met by a very friendly consultant who instantly made me feel relaxed and reassured me that I 100% could reach my dream weight.
Tina, my consultant told me that at Slimming World I would never be hungry and that I would not have to stop eating my favourite meals. I was delighted to hear that I could choose my own personal weight loss target, which I set straight away, although I didnt have to. My first weigh-in came around and I was delighted to see I had lost 4lbs, Claudia beamed.
I was so scared to talk in group but I soon realised how lovely and supportive all the members are. It's such a safe place to share the good weeks and most importantly to share the struggles of a not so good week, said Claudia.
Fast forward to seven months later Claudia has lost over four and a half stone. MORE BELOW PICTURE.
My weight loss target is five stone and I can not wait to reach it. With Slimming World when you achieve your target you become a free member for Life with incredible support of Slimming Worlds unique Slim For Life programme.
I was blown away to be nominated my groups Mr .Slinky 2019 as it really boosted my confidence and made me realise that I can do it! I can lose the weight I want Claudia told us.
Slimming Worlds Food Optimising is absolutely amazing and is so family-friendly. You can enjoy all your family favourites - chicken curry, burger & chips even our firm family favourites spaghetti bolognaise, taco chips and roast dinners Claudia said.
Claudias fiance James has really benefited from her joining Slimming World too as he has lost over three and a half stone. With losing weight Claudia can now go play with her kids and is the first one to jump on the trampoline. The children love getting involved with cooking and love making their pizzas from scratch.
I amm so delighted to think that I am passing on healthy eating habits to my little family and we can all enjoy our meal times together alongside being more active as a family, Claudia said with pride.
A scary statistic shows that 27% of under 10-year-olds will be morbidly obese by the year 2030 so this is life-changing for us all.
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Mother of three Claudia absolutely delighted with incredible weight loss with Slimming World - Offaly Express
Watch: The Best And Worst Diets For The Year 2020 Revealed! – NDTV Food

With every passing year, we see new diets making inroads in the world of health. Some diets just manage a fleeting moment of recognition, and some prove their worth with their positive outcomes. Some diets even go to gain much fame after being backed by celebrities. Reforming your food intake can make a significant effect on your weight, fitness and overall health. If you have started the New Year 2020 with the resolution of imbibing healthy eating habits, you must be looking for that perfect diet you should follow. The U.S. News And World Report released its 10th annual ranking of diets for 2020, based on their viability and effectiveness.
The recent times saw Mediterranean Diet gaining traction as it contains a lot of fresh fruit, meats, and vegetables. Mediterranean foods are usually light on the stomach too. All these factors led Mediterranean Diet grabbing the top spot in this list, that too for the third year in a row! According to Yale University Prevention Research Center - "The hallmarks of the best diet include balance, maintainability, palatability, family-friendliness, sustainability along with healthfulness." The Mediterranean Diet meets all these criteria perfectly.
(Also Read:How To Make 2020 Your Healthiest Food Year So Far)
Weight loss diets may help you achieve your fitness goals.
Tailgating Mediterranean, were two diets - Flexitarian Diet and Dash Diet - which came a close second in a tie. Flexitarian Diet is all about plant-based proteins, and Dash Diet proposes limited salt intake. Surprisingly, Keto Diet, which was immensely popular for the past couple of years, ranked at the bottom of the chart, along with Dunkan Diet. Both these diets aim for the body to reach ketosis state to lose weight quickly.
Healthy eating is important to achieve ideal weight and fitness level. With a slew of weight loss diets around us promising similar results, it's best to consult your dietician or nutritionist to zero in on the diet that would suit you best.
About Neha GroverLove for reading roused her writing instincts. Neha is guilty of having a deep-set fixation with anything caffeinated. When she is not pouring out her nest of thoughts onto the screen, you can see her reading while sipping on coffee.
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Watch: The Best And Worst Diets For The Year 2020 Revealed! - NDTV Food
Average person will try 126 fad diets in their lifetime, poll claims – The Independent

The average person will try 126 fad diets over the course of their lifetime, a new poll has claimed.
A poll of 2,000 participants found that the average person will embark on at least two fad diets a year, which was then typically being abandoned after just six days.
Among the most common quick fix methods were revealed as the Atkins Diet, the 5:2 and the Cabbage Soup Diet, while others opted to eliminate key food groups by trying the Keto, South Beach or Juice diets.
Sharing the full story, not just the headlines
At least 52 per cent of admitted they were really confused about which diets were sustainable, while a fifth didnt know where to go to get reliable and truthful information.
January tends to be the month when people embark on fad diets as a quick fix, said Nick Marston, chairman of Love Fresh Berries, who commissioned the poll.
This golden oldie has been around since the 1930s and was a favourite among classic Hollywood stars, like Marilyn Monroe. It involves eating half a grapefruit before every meal and is based on the idea that grapefruits contain a fat-burning enzyme that boosts the metabolism.
Based on the French concept of breatharianism, the idea that air alone can keep our bodies active, the air diet involves sitting in front of food, placing a piece onto a fork, holding it up to your mouth But not eating it. Instead, you are to subsist on water and salt soup only. Madonna is apparently a fan of pretend eating.
She did look good in Dream Girls, didnt she? But the lengths Beyonc went to to achieve her svelte frame were a tad extreme. Instead of solid foods, she survived on liquids famously a mixture of lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water for 14 days. Apparently, this helps to detoxify the body (a process it actually does every day, naturally and unaided by weird diets) and stimulates tissue growth. The dieter is also encouraged to drink laxative tea twice a day. Glamorously.
Renee Zellweger apparently fills up on ice to stop her piling on the pounds from non-water based foods. Which is, of course, totally ridiculous.
Liz Hurley once revealed that she regularly subsists on a six-cup-a-day diet of watercress soup when she wants to lose weight for a role. The low-calorie leafy green is also a diuretic, helping to combat water retention. Its also a completely mental thing to do.
When January Jones gave birth to her son Xander, she had her placenta dried and crushed and stuffed into pills, that she then took as a supplement to lose weight. No idea if it worked or not, but it successfully made us feel queasy reading about it.
If youre crazy and, you know, called Adriana Lima or something then this diet, usually undertaken nine days before a runway show, is for you. It involves omitting all solid foods entirely and subsisting only on protein shakes, supplements and vitamins. You also have to work out twice a day, consult a nutritionist, and, 12 hours before a show, stop drinking liquids entirely to drain the excess fluids from your body and dehydrate as much as possible.
Victoria Beckham apparently adopted the Five Hands Diet technique after she gave birth to baby Harper. That means eating only five handfuls of high energy and protein foods a day. So, nuts then.
Yep. No real food. Just baby food. And 14 jars of the pap a day at that. Jennifer Aniston loves it. Allegedly. As (also allegedly) does Reese Witherspoon.
This was invented by Lady Gaga, who once eschewed her evening meals for a swig of whiskey but adhered to a strict exercise plan, even when hung over.
Drinking apple cider before every meal seems like a terrible idea. But Megan Fox does it as a metabolism booster, which helps to rid the body of excess water weight and burn calories faster. Apparently.
Nicole Kidman was asked to shed as much weight as possible for her role in Cold Mountain, so she went on the Hard Boiled Eggs diet: Thats an egg for breakfast, and two or three for dinner. And thats it.
This diet, apparently beloved by Christina Aguilera, at least has some nutritional merit. In order to get the correct balance of nutrients, eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables across the colour spectrum is a wise idea. But the Seven-Day Colour Diet says you should only eat one colour of food per day of the week. Monday = white food. Tuesday = red food. Wednesday = green food and so forth. Bonkers.
Does what it says on the tin. You can apparently consume unlimited supplies of cabbage soup (lucky you), as well as some low calorie fruit and vegetables. Sarah Michelle Gellar is apparently an advocate.
Getty Images
Not to be confused with The Grapefruit Diet, this involves sniffing grapefruit oil in the vain hope that the aroma alone might trigger liver enzymes into calorie-burning, detoxifying gear. Jennifer Lopez is rumoured to partake in this lunacy.
Gwyneth Paltrows love of all things Macrobiotic is well documented. It involves a strict, mostly vegetarian plan with grains as the staple food, avoiding highly processed or refined foods and most animal products. She also has a 21-day GOOP cleanse, that involves eating just one meal a day and chewing each mouthful at least 13 times.
This golden oldie has been around since the 1930s and was a favourite among classic Hollywood stars, like Marilyn Monroe. It involves eating half a grapefruit before every meal and is based on the idea that grapefruits contain a fat-burning enzyme that boosts the metabolism.
Based on the French concept of breatharianism, the idea that air alone can keep our bodies active, the air diet involves sitting in front of food, placing a piece onto a fork, holding it up to your mouth But not eating it. Instead, you are to subsist on water and salt soup only. Madonna is apparently a fan of pretend eating.
She did look good in Dream Girls, didnt she? But the lengths Beyonc went to to achieve her svelte frame were a tad extreme. Instead of solid foods, she survived on liquids famously a mixture of lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water for 14 days. Apparently, this helps to detoxify the body (a process it actually does every day, naturally and unaided by weird diets) and stimulates tissue growth. The dieter is also encouraged to drink laxative tea twice a day. Glamorously.
Renee Zellweger apparently fills up on ice to stop her piling on the pounds from non-water based foods. Which is, of course, totally ridiculous.
Liz Hurley once revealed that she regularly subsists on a six-cup-a-day diet of watercress soup when she wants to lose weight for a role. The low-calorie leafy green is also a diuretic, helping to combat water retention. Its also a completely mental thing to do.
When January Jones gave birth to her son Xander, she had her placenta dried and crushed and stuffed into pills, that she then took as a supplement to lose weight. No idea if it worked or not, but it successfully made us feel queasy reading about it.
If youre crazy and, you know, called Adriana Lima or something then this diet, usually undertaken nine days before a runway show, is for you. It involves omitting all solid foods entirely and subsisting only on protein shakes, supplements and vitamins. You also have to work out twice a day, consult a nutritionist, and, 12 hours before a show, stop drinking liquids entirely to drain the excess fluids from your body and dehydrate as much as possible.
Victoria Beckham apparently adopted the Five Hands Diet technique after she gave birth to baby Harper. That means eating only five handfuls of high energy and protein foods a day. So, nuts then.
Yep. No real food. Just baby food. And 14 jars of the pap a day at that. Jennifer Aniston loves it. Allegedly. As (also allegedly) does Reese Witherspoon.
This was invented by Lady Gaga, who once eschewed her evening meals for a swig of whiskey but adhered to a strict exercise plan, even when hung over.
Drinking apple cider before every meal seems like a terrible idea. But Megan Fox does it as a metabolism booster, which helps to rid the body of excess water weight and burn calories faster. Apparently.
Nicole Kidman was asked to shed as much weight as possible for her role in Cold Mountain, so she went on the Hard Boiled Eggs diet: Thats an egg for breakfast, and two or three for dinner. And thats it.
This diet, apparently beloved by Christina Aguilera, at least has some nutritional merit. In order to get the correct balance of nutrients, eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables across the colour spectrum is a wise idea. But the Seven-Day Colour Diet says you should only eat one colour of food per day of the week. Monday = white food. Tuesday = red food. Wednesday = green food and so forth. Bonkers.
Does what it says on the tin. You can apparently consume unlimited supplies of cabbage soup (lucky you), as well as some low calorie fruit and vegetables. Sarah Michelle Gellar is apparently an advocate.
Getty Images
Not to be confused with The Grapefruit Diet, this involves sniffing grapefruit oil in the vain hope that the aroma alone might trigger liver enzymes into calorie-burning, detoxifying gear. Jennifer Lopez is rumoured to partake in this lunacy.
Gwyneth Paltrows love of all things Macrobiotic is well documented. It involves a strict, mostly vegetarian plan with grains as the staple food, avoiding highly processed or refined foods and most animal products. She also has a 21-day GOOP cleanse, that involves eating just one meal a day and chewing each mouthful at least 13 times.
We know that it isnt a sustainable or even healthy approach. Instead, nutritionists advise that we follow evidence-based nutritional advice and look for a well-balanced diet that does not cut out any food groups.
When asked where they go to get their information, nearly half said that they turned to Google. Another 10 per cent also said they would research what their favourite celebrity did.
Social media and self-help books are referred to by 15 per cent of people, but only 27 per cent say they would consider consulting a GP.
Worryingly, a significant amount of people said they would try more extreme dieting methods. At least 16 per cent admitted they would consider drinking up to 12 glasses of lemon juice a day to lose weight quickly.
One in twenty would even be happy to intentionally ingest a tapeworm to burn calories.
Other drastic and unhealthy methods respondents would consider trying include eating ice every day, drinking olive oil between meals and consuming jars of baby food.
Even though research suggests that the elimination of certain foods is not sustainable for any period of time, many are opting to cut essential food groups, believing this will encourage faster weight loss.
Western diet now killing more than smoking and high blood pressure, study suggests
Loving food topped the poll of reasons why dieters found these plans impossible to stick to while a quarter said food and drink were integral to their social life.
The poll also found that some had to abandon their diet after it clearly affected their health, with fatigue (21 per cent), weakness (29 per cent) and headaches (26 per cent) putting an end to quick weight loss plans.
Confusion about whether fruit should be eaten a limited amount, with 45 per cent believing sugar content in these items are too high.
Concerns about sugars and carbohydrates are largely unfounded, said Dr Emma Derbyshire, a nutritionist speaking on behalf of Love Fresh Berries. The benefits that fruits bring in terms of micro and phytonutrients far outweigh any potential sugar concerns.
She continued: Such confusions are worrying and clearly further myth busting is needed to help correct these misconceptions.
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Average person will try 126 fad diets in their lifetime, poll claims - The Independent
‘I Never Expected Keto and 16:8 Intermittent Fasting To Be The Post-Baby Weight-Loss Tools I Needed’ – Women’s Health

The basics: My name is Sarah Stewart (@sarahiously.transformed), and I'm 31 years old, from Rome, Pennsylvania. I'm a mom of four children ages 8, 6, 4, and 2. After four children, I knew I wanted to hit the reset button and get healthyand I've lost over 100 pounds with keto and fasting strategies.
I was an athlete in high school and never struggled with my weight. As a tall female (511), even at my thinnest I felt like the big girl but at 165 pounds. I was fit and in the best shape I could be in. However, once I decided not to continue my athletics into college, my weight started to creep up. By the time I graduated college, I was around 230 pounds and was about to marry my high school sweetheart.
We started having children right away, and my weight kept going up. I breastfed each of my children and would continue to gain weight while nursing. It was a huge mental hurdle to feel like I needed to nourish my children, but I couldnt even be healthy for myself.
A couple months after having my fourth (and final) baby, my weight was 279 pounds, and I continued to gain while breastfeeding. I finally decided to try my best to get healthy and still be able to feed my last newborn.
I had great success with keto. It was exactly what I needed to get into the mentality of yes I *can* lose weight. I wasnt counting calories. I wasnt stressing. I was eating delicious food and I was still successfully nursing my infant. I was seeing the scale number continuously go down and knew that I could keep the momentum going.
I stayed keto for a year, then decided to eat low carb instead, with less focus on being high fat in addition to low carb.
I found out I had Hashimotos disease (a thyroid disorder), so I started IF to attempt to control my symptoms, I started adding in intermittent fasting (where I would not eat for 16 hours and consume food within an 8-hour eating window). And after a short time, my Hashimotos symptoms were gone. (Important to clarify: Intermittent fasting has not been proven to cure or improve thyroid issues. But dietary changes can impact thyroid disorder-related symptoms. If you're curious about trying IF and also deal with a thyroid disorder, you should speak with your doctor before you try fasting.)
Now, I still fast intermittently but I play around with the windows in which I choose to eat and fast, so I might do an 18-hour fast with a 6-hour eating window, eat one meal a day (OMAD), or just give myself a day off from fasting completely and eat on a more typical schedule.
Here's what a typical day of eating looks like for me.
As for physical activity? My kids keep me busy and active. But, to be honest, I totally wing it with a real exercise routine. Some weeks I find Im not very active, but other weeks I add in resistance band training or I use the stationary bike.
Women's Health Keto Made Simple
As someone who used to struggle with binge eating, it really helped me to have a set time when I could eat to avoid going overboard. I had a hard time with the typical "calories in, calories out" mindset which caused binging and quitting. Just find what works for your lifestyle.
And if I slipped up or felt like I fell off my path, I made sure to keep at it. I had so many days where I was feeling like I was taking steps back, but I never let it set me back long term.
I also had to learn to ride out plateaus. Its hard not to get frustrated when weight loss slows down, but its not going to speed up if you quit. So keep going, and the weight loss *and* health benefits will come.
So Ive lost around 110 pounds. It took me about 18 months to lose 100 pounds, and Ive been maintaining the same weight for almost a year.
I want other women to focus on loving yourselves before you embark on a weight loss journey. You can love yourself and your body and still want to lose weight and be healthier.
For more amazing beauty, fitness, and weight loss transformations, check out the rest of our Transformations Week collection.
Here is the original post:
'I Never Expected Keto and 16:8 Intermittent Fasting To Be The Post-Baby Weight-Loss Tools I Needed' - Women's Health
Brits try 126 fad diets in lifetime and abandon them after just six days – Mirror Online

The average British adult will try 126 fad diets over the course of their lifetime - and typically abandon them after just six days.
A study of 2,000 adults found each person will embark on at least two trendy diets a year in a bid to quickly shed weight.
The most common 'quick fix' methods are the Atkins Diet, the 5:2 and the Cabbage Soup Diet, while the Keto, South Beach and Juice diets are also popular.
Unsurprisingly, the typical fad diet is abandoned after an average of just six days.
But, when wanting to lose weight, 52 per cent of those polled admitted they were really confused about which diets were sustainable and which were not.
One fifth don't know where to go to get reliable and truthful information, and more than half are baffled about which foods can and can't be cut out.
Almost one third of adults even believe consumption of fruits such as berries, apples and bananas should be limited.
Nick Marston, chairman of Love Fresh Berries, which commissioned the study, said: "January tends to be the month when people embark on fad diets as a quick fix.
"However, we know that it isn't a sustainable or even healthy approach.
"Instead, nutritionists advise that we follow evidence-based nutritional advice and look for a well-balanced diet that does not cut out any food groups.
"Incorporating lots of fruit and vegetables is important, including berries as they have many important nutritional benefits."
The study also revealed that when deciding to 'emergency diet', almost half of those polled would turn to Google as their first port of call for information, while 10 per cent would find out what their favourite celebrity does to look good.
Social media and self-help books are referred to by 15 per cent of people, but only 27 per cent say they'd consider consulting a GP.
Key motivations for Brits to take up a crash diet include having a big event on the horizon (18 per cent), preparing for a holiday (21 per cent) and wanting to feel happier with appearance (24 per cent).
But some of the methods of dieting proved even more extreme than others, with 16 admitting they would consider drinking up to 12 glasses of lemon juice a day to lose weight quickly.
And one in twenty would even be happy to intentionally ingest a tapeworm to burn 'extra' calories.
Other drastic - and unhealthy - methods respondents would consider trying include eating ice every day, drinking olive oil between meals and tucking into jars of baby food.
The apparent confusion about what works and what doesn't means many Brits are opting to cut out essential food groups, believing this will encourage faster weight loss.
And with the majority of adults admitting they experience more than five food cravings a day when trying to crash diet, the research indicates the elimination of certain foods is not sustainable for any period of time.
Loving food topped the poll of reasons why dieters found these plans impossible to stick to while a quarter said food and drink were integral to their social life.
Among the chief diet breakers are chocolate, bread and pasta, but for one in 10 fruit juice and bananas prove hard to resist.
Some Brits have even had to abandon a diet after it clearly affected their health, with fatigue (21 per cent), weakness (29 per cent) and headaches (26 per cent) putting an end to quick weight loss plans.
The study, carried out via OnePoll, also revealed just under half are confused about whether fruit should be limited when dieting, due to fears the food is too high in sugar (45 per cent) and carbohydrates (13 per cent).
More than one in 10 are convinced fruits are too calorific, while another tenth believe they contain worrying levels of fat.
Dr Emma Derbyshire, a nutritionist speaking on behalf of Love Fresh Berries said: "It seems there are still ongoing confusions about how much and what form fruits should be eaten.
"Concerns about sugars and carbohydrates are largely unfounded.
"The benefits that fruits bring in terms of micro and phytonutrients far outweigh any potential sugar concerns.
"Sugars naturally occurring in fruits are intrinsic and not 'added' sugars, also known as free sugars.
"Fruits such as berries are naturally sweet so there is no need to add extra refined sugar to these.
"In terms of calories and fats in fruit, this is rather concerning.
"When put into a larger context fruits contain far fewer calories, sugars and fat than refined snacks such as crisps, biscuits and cakes.
"Such confusions are worrying and clearly further myth busting is needed to help correct these misconceptions."
1. Atkins diet
2. The 5:2
3. Cabbage soup diet
4. Keto diet
5. Juice cleanse
6. Salad diet
7. Juice diet
8. Grapefruit juice diet
9. Paleo diet
10. 3-Day diet
11. Raw food diet
12. Alkaline diet
13. South Beach diet
14. Negative calorie diet
15. 3 hour diet
16. Macrobiotic diet
17. Zone diet
18. Brazilian diet
19. Tapeworm diet
20. Pioppi diet
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Brits try 126 fad diets in lifetime and abandon them after just six days - Mirror Online
Fat twin who gorged on takeaways four times a week sheds an incredible five stone and is now the thin siste – The Sun

A WOMAN who thought of herself at the fat twin looks unrecognisable after shedding five stone and is now slimmer than her sister.
Kelsey Daniels, from Staffordshire, ballooned to 15st 9lbs after gorging on takeaways four times a week, and polishing off an entire pack of biscuits in one sitting.
As her weight slowly crept up throughout her teens, her twin sister, Jodi, remained a size 10 to 12.
She said: They always thought of me as the big one and I hated that.
"I wished they were thinking shes the thin one about me and not my twin, the Mirror reported.
The retail assistant said she was eating all the wrong things, and didnt know when the put the fork down.
Shed have her dinner with her sister and her mum, then keep on snacking.
Kelsey would eat one or two biscuits, and before she knew it the entire pack would be gone.
As her sister was still slim, their mum would buy sweet treats for her but hide them from Kelsey but shed always find them.
Fast food was also her downfall, as after she started working Kelsey would resort to a quick fix of a takeaway for dinner.
She said: Mum would always cook us all healthy meals to encourage me, but Id have those and still eat rubbish on the side or Id still order myself a takeaway, three or four times a week."
The turning point came for her last year, when she came across a photo of herself taken at her boyfriends house.
She saw the photo as she scrolled through her boyfriends phone, and says she couldnt believe how she looked.
Kelsey said she barely recognised herself, and knew she had to change.
She joined Slimming World, and was able to lose an incredible five stone in less than a year, now weighing a healthy 10st 9lbs, and wearing a size 10.
Kelsey said shes finally able to wear the clothes her sister wore and for the first time shes slimmer than Jodi.
She said: My sister could always wear the clothes I wanted to wear which really upset me and it definitely affected my confidence.
"Now Im always buying clothes and taking photos of myself to post on social media and lots of people dont recognise me anymore.
When they see me, and how much weight Ive lost, its such a shock to them.
"And having spent most of my life being the fatter twin, Im actually the thinner one at last."
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Plus Kiss legend Gene Simmons divided fans by revealing he puts ice in his cereal to keep it cold.
Meanwhile, we revealed how theQueen is said to love eating kippers for breakfast after becoming fond of them during the war.
And thiswoman saved 1,600 in one year by only buying essentials but still allowed herself some mascara.
Ahn Jae Hong says he was embarrassed by the attention he received after losing weight for a role – gotech daily

Ahn Jae Hong recently sat down for an interview to promote his new comedy film, We Wont Hurt You (literal translation).
During the interview, he was asked if he had recently been on a diet. He replied, It was just something I did for the role. about 22 pounds).
He continued, Many people ask me about my weight loss and it makes me cringe. I cant talk about it anymore. Like other people, I lost weight in a healthy way by controlling what I ate and exercising. It was just part of the normal preparations to get into the character. With each new production and each new character, there is an image that you must realize. It is part of your job.
He continued, Tae Soo is a character very different from the characters I have played before. That is why I was ambitious to play him. He has a sensitive nature and desperately yearns for something. He has a strong sense goal as well as an inferiority complex, and I wanted that to also manifest in its outward appearance.
He concluded that he was not particularly invested in dieting currently. I maintain my weight, and its embarrassing that people say that I lost weight when I didnt even lose that much. If I take a character who has more weight, I will probably recover it very quickly. If necessary, I think I could also lose more.
We Wont Hurt You is a webtoon-based film about a lawyer who unexpectedly becomes the director of a failing zoo and orders employees to pretend to be the animals that were sold and returned.
Catch Ahn Jae Hong in Melo Is My Nature below!
Watch now
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Ahn Jae Hong says he was embarrassed by the attention he received after losing weight for a role - gotech daily
Joe Wicks on why you shouldn’t try restrictive dieting this January – Irish Examiner

January usually happens like clockwork: a slew of new self-help books, articles and slimming blogs encourage you to be your best self, often by adopting a radical new diet that promises to blitz those spare inches around your waist for good.
The problem is, many crash diets encourage periods of miserable fasting and cutting out sometimes entire good groups overnight, and demonise food to the point where youre whole relationship with eating can be under threat.
According to fitness guru Joe Wicks who has successfully helped thousands of people to lose weight staying on these restrictive diets for a long period of time is often unrealistic and unhealthy. Even if you do lose weight initially, its not unusual to gain it again (plus even more, in some cases) before the spring comes around.
Thankfully, attitudes around diet culture are changing. A new survey commissioned by recipe box company Gousto ( has found two-thirds (68%) of UK adults believe the one-size-fits-all model just doesnt work.
So, how can you shed those excess pounds in a safe and effective way? We asked Wicks to give us some quick tips
Why should people avoid restrictive diets in January?
Its the time of year now where everyone wants to make changes to their life, whether thats with exercise or food, but the last thing you want to do especially if youre someone who really loves food is to go on a low-calorie diet, says Wicks, 33.
Sure, it will work in the short-term and youll probably lose weight on the scales, but emotionally its going to absolutely ruin you. Youre going to be so exhausted, you wont enjoy it and its not going to be a sustainable approach.Joe Wicks is urging people to avoid jumping on the crash-diet bandwagon (Gousto/PA)
Try to think about a long-term vision, as opposed to a quick crash diet. Incorporate it with exercise and cooking with fresh ingredients at home; youre much more likely to succeed throughout the year.
Why do people fail at New Years diets?
Because theyre awful, arent they? Dieting is normally all about how little you can eat and how much exercise you can do. When you combine those two things, it effects your sleep, your mood and your energy levels.
If I could give you one tip, its to focus on getting yourself moving instead. I always tell people to start with 15-20 minutes a day of exercise at home; this will get your energy levels up and your self-esteem boosted. Exercising is going to have a massive effect on your food choices and your ability to go into the kitchen and cook yourself something healthy.
Trying to do everything all at once is a bit much, he adds. Focus on fitness first, and the rest will hopefully follow.
What other tips do you have for those looking to lose weight this year?
Have a look at your portion control. Im not saying to count calories, but to keep your plate to a healthy size. The good thing about exercise is that it elevates your mental health and your mood so much that you dont want to go and put junk food in your body afterwards.
Meal prepping is one of the best things you can do too. If you leave the house without food, youre going to grab options on-the-go, which will likely be unhealthy convenience food.
Thats fine to do once or twice a week, but if youre doing it a lot, youre never going to truly know exactly how much youre consuming. The simple act of making some overnight oats for breakfast, or a salad for lunch can make a huge difference over time when it comes to staying lean.
What are you favourite ingredients for healthy eating?
I really think its great to have chopped tomatoes, coconut milk, curry powder, spices and tins of lentils, pulses, grains and beans in your cupboard. With these key ingredients, you can make really amazing veggie curries, or you could throw some chicken in there for some extra protein. Rice is also a great staple for making quick stir-fries after work.
Theres no magic fat-loss food; its all about getting a good balance of everything and getting lots of fruits and veg in your diet.
Its good to be a bit intuitive with it ask yourself what foods make you feel energised and healthy? Dont think you have to jump onto a certain diet because everyone else is doing it.
Do you follow a flexitarian diet yourself?
Yes. I eat a lot of veggie meals and with Gousto, I get four recipe boxes delivered per week that I can make at home. Three of those will be vegetarian and one will be meat-based.
Thats a massive step for me. During the process of researching and writing my veggie cookbook, Veggie Lean in 15 (16.99, Pan Macmillan), I realised that you can get really amazing food as a vegetarian. Im still not fully committed to going hardcore vegan though.
Many people feel like they dont have time to cook healthily, do you think thats untrue?
I really think you have to remove that time barrier from your mind. We know full well that we can smash a Netflix series in a couple of days or watch our soaps, so we can all find half an hour to exercise or cook well if we prioritise it.
It doesnt need to be hours in the kitchen either. My whole philosophy with my Lean in 15 series is that you can make a really healthy and nutritious meal in just 15 minutes, and have some leftover for lunch the next day.
Its that kind of mentality of prepping in advanced and being organised that works in the long-run.
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Joe Wicks on why you shouldn't try restrictive dieting this January - Irish Examiner
January is the perfect time to purge | News, Sports, Jobs – Alpena News

What do you see in your home, office, or other living spaces that does not make you happy? What are things you put up with because they have always been there? January is a time for new beginnings, time to make changes in your life for the better.
Look around at how you are living. Sometimes we just stay in our same ruts when our lives could be so much better. We dont bother to make any changes as they involve effort on our part.
Take a look in the kitchen at your drawers and cupboards. Are they overflowing with things you never use? Think of the satisfying feeling you could have if you take everything out and put back only what you use, donating the rest. Then make a place to keep what you have so that you can easily find everything.
What about your bathroom? Do you keep samples of beauty products that you have had for years or colors of lipstick that you would never wear again? Maybe there are lotions, soaps, and shampoos that have been setting there for years. Purge them out of your closets and shelves so you just have the products you enjoy using, even if you once spent a lot of money acquiring them. It feels so good to start fresh.The same could be done with cleaning supplies.
Go from room to room and remove worn items that no longer make you feel content. How about your pictures on the wall? Sometimes no picture is better than an old, faded picture that no one is enjoying. My latest purge was an old TV in our basement that once was used for video games. When that went out the door, it created a large open space and gave me an ah feeling! It was a matter of getting the heavy thing up the stairs (one of my sons did so) and taking it to the dump. Everything takes some effort.
Magazines are something that can easily accumulate. When I get a new one I want to set aside time to sit and enjoy it. The month passes and I still have my magazine with the holiday they were featuring already passed. I just purged my December magazines by paging through them quickly and ripping out one item I want to read later. It felt good to toss them in recycling. New ones will soon arrive anyway.
What is in your closets and drawers? Perhaps it is time to donate clothes that no longer fit or that do not make you feel good when you wear them. I recently did so and do not miss a single item. What is fun is that I now can wear all the clothes in my closet. Keeping clothing that you might fit into after you lose weight can be depressing. If you lose weight, you deserve new clothes anyway.
What about gifts and memories of loved ones? Do you like them? Do they bring you joy or are you saving them out of guilt and maybe even put them out only when the person is coming over? Time to let things go. People are important, things are not.
Get rid of the stuff in your life that drags you down. This might even include unhealthy relationships you know are not right. It could be activities or organizations you no longer enjoy but put up with. Once you have dealt with saying no to unhealthy things, you can start doing what you really love doing.
January is the perfect month to make changes in your life. We can all think of things to purge if we look around at the way we live.
Happy 2020! Make it a year of positive changes!
Doris Puls, of D & O Decluttering and Organizing, is a professional organizer whose mission is to make a difference in the lives of the people she works with in homes and businesses. Contact her at or at 989-356-9545.
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January is the perfect time to purge | News, Sports, Jobs - Alpena News
4 Life Hacks to Lose Weight in 2020 – KTEN

Obesity is a major problem in the US. To give you a better idea, it affects nearly 40% of the populationthats over 93 million people!
As it is, it can increase your risk of certain conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. In fact, its one of the leading causes of death in the country.
Fortunately, its preventable. It might take some effort, but its definitely possible to shed the excess body fat.
Looking for some life hacks to lose weight? If so, youre on the right page! Well be going over a few tips below.
To lose weight, you have to create a calorie deficit by consuming less than you burn. The opposite is also truethat is, eating more than you burn can lead to weight gain.
As far as maintaining your body weight goes, that happens when you consume the same amount of calories that you burn.
There are a number of things that you can do to lose weight. Here are some of them.
Reducing your sugar intake can help you lose weight. For one thing, youll be consuming fewer calories.
Not only that, but you wont get hungry as quickly (changes in blood glucose can increase hunger). As a result, youll eat less throughout the day, which will help with your weight loss efforts.
Given that, it may be hard to stay away from some of the snacks that you see on You can still have them; just eat them in moderation!
Studies have shown that those who keep food diaries are more likely to lose weight. It doesnt matter whether you use a paper journal or an appthe goal is to record everything you eat each day.
That way, youll be more aware of what, when, and why youre eating. You can also use it to track and measure your weight on a weekly basis.
Regular exercise is one of the best things that you can do for your body. First and foremost, itll help you burn extra calories, which will help you shed the fat.
Not only that, but itll lower your risk of various diseases such as osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers.
How often should you exercise? Aim for at least one hour of moderate-intensity activity per day.
Weight loss doesnt occur overnight; it takes time. So dont be discouraged if the numbers arent dropping as quickly as youd like them to.
The key is to stay positive. The last thing you want to do is to lose sight of your goal!
And there we have itfour life hacks to lose weight. If anything, the most important thing is to make a plan and stick with it!
Do you have any other tips that youd like to share? Let us know in the comments below!
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4 Life Hacks to Lose Weight in 2020 - KTEN