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Could this be the last diet you’ll ever need to do? – The Times

No banned foods, no recipes, no fads psychologist and addiction expert Shahroo Izadis weight-loss book is all about changing the way you relate to what you eat. Can it really work? Well, as she tells Stefanie Marsh, it certainly did for her
The Times,January 4 2020, 12:01am
Shahroo Izadi used to weigh 19st and now that shes thinner she says its as if shes gone undercover. The people who dont know that I used to be overweight treat me completely differently. They treat me with respect. Its unsettling. My body might have changed, but Im seeing through the same eyes.
Izadi is 35, a not irrelevant age given that so many of her clients are of her generation, with formative experiences to match, she says. They come to her because they want to lose weight. This will seem trivial to some readers. It seemed trivial to me. When I was asked to interview the author of a new book called The Last Diet I was circumspect. The fact that she sees her
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Could this be the last diet you'll ever need to do? - The Times
Are Japanese Mint Patches the Weight Loss Miracle Weve All Been Waiting For? –

Stick-on weight-loss patches infused with Japanese mint are the newest get thin quick gimmick buzzing around the internet. The ads make them seem irresistible Have you tried to lose weight? This is a dream solution for you! But are these a true scientific breakthrough or another way to simply separate you from $7.99 plus tax and shipping?
According to some dubious-looking sites, these patches were supposedly developed by a Japanese doctor (different web sites give different names for this mysterious genius, but none provide any links to any research, nor do they even give a first name so you can look up the doctors credentials on your own), and they claim to eliminate all the pesky work of eating nutritious foods and exercising. You simply slap on the sticky patch, and within hours it will trigger fat cells to reduce body fat by a magical mechanism without making the skin loose, according to the very scientific description on one site.
Well, magical fat-reducing slimming patches are a dream solution, if by dream you mean a complete fantasy that evaporates as soon as you wake up.
If the solution to obesity were as simple as wearing a patch, then there would be no obesity epidemic with a whole field of science devoted to working on it, points out Rekha Kumar, M.D., medical director of the American Board of Obesity Medicine (ABOM) and an assistant professor at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City. Dr. Kumar does sympathize those who are curious about these products, however: The proven methods to lose weightcalorie-restricted dieting and exerciseare very challenging for so many people. You get hungry, you dont have the time to exercise, or youre scared about getting started, so the concept of a quick fix is very attractive.
You may be thinking, so, even it doesnt work, whats the harm in trying? Before you press checkout, heres what you should know:
Known by the scientific name mentha canadensis, Japanese mint is found, yes, in Japan, as well and other Asian countries such as China and Javabut its also found all over North America, where its called Canada mint or American mint. So, basically, this is a very common, very international variety of mint.
Mint has been used for centuries to treat all kinds of ailments, from nausea to bad breath to IBS, with limited research to back it up. But there is no evidence that mint can do anything on its own to speed up metabolism or melt away pounds. If you really want to try using mint as part of your weight loss plan, there is one surefire way: Replace all your calorie-laden caramel lattes and colas with calorie-free peppermint tea.
So here is where it gets interesting. Transdermal patches are used for many health reasonsbirth control, smoking cessation, and pain management. They release medication through the skin, where it enters the bloodstream. And there are also FDA-approved medications that are injected under the skin for weight loss, says Dr. Kumar. So, in theory, a transdermal patch could help with appetite control and weight loss, she says. However, Dr. Kumar points out, there are no clinically proven, FDA-approved patches on the market. And not only are the weight-loss patches you can order on the web not approved, there is absolutely zero evidence that any of the herbal ingredients in them can do a thing for weight loss. If you look at some of the ingredients listed in these patches, such as mint, aai berry, and green tea, they have all been touted for weight loss before, but none of them have been proven to be effective, she says.
If you cut calories and increase exercising while youre wearing the patch, sure, youll lose weight. But that will happen whether you slap on a Japanese mint weight loss patch or a sticker with a cute kitten on it from the dollar store. If you wear the patch and dont make any lifestyle changes, well, youll just have a very sweet-smelling decoration.
Once again, Dr. Kumar points out that none of these products are regulated, which means you really have no idea whats actually in that patch youre slapping on your skin. You have to be concerned about two things: Is what theyre saying is in there actually in there; and are there harmful ingredients in there that are not listed?
In the end, you should follow this rule about any product you buy on the internet that claims to have medical or weight loss benefits: Be skeptical, ask your doctor, and proceed with caution.
Meanwhile, if you want to lose weight, find a healthy diet that appeals to you, hit the gym, and save the mint for your mojitos.
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Are Japanese Mint Patches the Weight Loss Miracle Weve All Been Waiting For? -
Easy tips to help you stick to your low carb diet – TheHealthSite

A low carb diet is the best option if you want to lose weight quickly. It is healthy and an ideal way to get fit. This diet can reduce your risk of diabetes, heart diseases and also help you maintain your body weight. It can also improve your cognitive abilities. According to a research at Ohio State University, a low-carb diet may have benefits for people at risk of developing type 2 diabetes even if they dont lose any weight. The Journal of Clinical Investigation Insight published this study.
But following a low carb diet for long may be a problem. This is because most people have carbs as a staple in their diet. If you avoid foods you have on a regular basis from your diet, it may not be possible for you to sustain the diet plan for a long time. It is for this reason that we have compiled a plan that will help you stay on course with your low carb diet. Let us take a look at how you can do it.
When you suddenly cut off carbs from your diet, you may face the problem of dehydration. To counter this, you need to drink more water. It will also give you more energy that you otherwise get from carbs. Have at least 3 litres of water every day.
You may get sudden cravings. Avoid giving in to temptations. Eat your fill at meal times and dont reach for snacks when you are not hungry. Most snacks contain carbs and you may end up making the wrong choice. Instead eat more filing foods that will fill you up for longer.
Eat lots of vegetables. In fact, heap your plate with it. These are rich in vitamins and minerals and very filling. Your bodys requirement of carbs will come from these veggies.
Add avocado and nuts to your diet. You can snack on almonds and walnuts. It will keep you full and these contain healthy fats. Have more of fatty fish to boost energy levels.
Published : January 4, 2020 3:46 pm
See the original post:
Easy tips to help you stick to your low carb diet - TheHealthSite
7 Tips to Make ‘Going-on-a-Diet’ Resolutions Obsolete – Thrive Global

By Deborah Kesten, VIP Contributor at Thrive Global
I was recently asked to write an article about hownotto overeat and gain weight during the holidays. I turned down the opportunity, because I believe that the holidays may be the perfect time to overeat. Friends. Family. Coworkers. Delicious, tasty food. Homemade meals. A celebratory atmosphere. What better time to perhaps overeat and to perhaps gain some weight? My opinion: Its what, how, why, where, when, and how much you generally, usually, sorta eat therest of the yearthat matters to your weight and well-being.
What if you never again need to make a New Years resolution to lose weight or go on a diet, because your most-of-the-time way of eating throughout the rest of the year empowers you to eat and weigh less? We have discovered that replacing the complex reasons you overeatwe call themovereatingstyleswith our scientifically sound Whole Person Integrative Eating (WPIE)TMdietary lifestyle(meaning, WPIE is a way of life; its not a traditional diet) may make weight-loss resolutions obsolete.
The Dietary Lifestyles:Overeating vs. Whole Person Integrative Eating
The 25 years of research on my Whole Person Integrative Eating (WPIE)TMdietary lifestyle1,2has revealed this: Overeating, overweight, and obesity may be halted, even reversed, by replacing our newly identified,statistically significant, new-normal overeating styles with the antidotethe ancient/new elements of our scientifically sound Whole Person Integrative Eating model and program.1-3
Here are the overeating stylesDo you see yourself in any of them?and the Rx for each: the elements of the Whole Person Integrative Eating dietary lifestyle.3
#1.Emotional Eating.If you turn to sugary, high-carb comfort foods to manage negative feelings such as anxiety or angerits likely the Emotional Eating overeating style is a key contributor of your overeating and weight gain.
Whole Person Integrative Eating Rx:Be aware of feelings and thoughts before, during, and after eating.
#2.Food Fretting.If you are often filled with thoughts about what you or others should or shouldnt eat, traditional dieting, the right way to eat, or how much is eaten, the Food Fretting overeating style may be a key contributor to your overeating.
Whole Person Integrative Eating Rx:Be grateful for food and its originsfrom the heart.
#3.Fast Foodism.A donut for breakfast; a McDonalds double burger with fries for lunch; and a pepperoni pizza for dinner with several soft drinks throughout the day. Not surprisingly, the Fast Foodism overeating style is strongly linked with overeating, overweight, and obesity.
Whole Person Integrative Eating Rx:Eat fresh, whole food in its natural state as often as possible.
#4.Sensory Disregard.Do you focus on the aromas, colors, or flavors of food? Do you appreciate the presentation? The life-giving gift inherent in food? Eating with your senses may lead to less overeating, overweight, and obesity, and enjoying food more.
Whole Person Integrative Eating Rx:Savor and flavor food with loving regard.
#5.Task Snacking.If you often eat while working, driving, or watching TVin other words, while doing other thingsits likely that the Task Snacking overeating style is increasing your likelihood of becoming overweight.
Whole Person Integrative Eating Rx:Bring moment-to-moment nonjudgmental awarenessto every aspect of the meal.
#6.Unappetizing Atmosphere.Both thepsychologicalandaestheticatmosphere when you eat can contribute to overeatingor not. The psychological element refers to emotions when you eat; the physical atmosphere includes your dining environs.
Whole Person Integrative Eating Rx:Eat in a positive psychological atmosphere and in pleasant aesthetic surroundings.
#7.Solo Dining.If you eat alone more often than not, the Solo Dining overeating style is part of your dietary lifestyle. Our Whole Person Integrative Eating research revealed that typically eating by yourself can contribute to overeating and ensuing weight gain.
Whole Person Integrative Eating Rx:Enjoy food-related experiences with others.
The Takeaway
The weight-loss power of Whole Person Integrative Eating (WPIE) was what research scientist and naturopathic physician Erica Oberg, N.D., M.P.H., experienced in her medical practice when she conducted published research on WPIE with her diabetic patients, many of whom were overweight. Overeating and obesity simply resolved as side effects of practicing Whole Person Integrative Eating, says Dr. Oberg.3
Indeed, that is the key takeaway of the Whole Person Integrative Eating dietary lifestyle: weight loss occurs as a side effect based on what and how you eat, not because youre on a diet. In other words, if your most-of-the-time way of eating includes some or all of the overeating styles, you are following a dietary lifestyle that increases odds of overeating and weight gain. Conversely, turning the elements of Whole Person Integrative Eating into your most-of-the-time way of eating means overeating lessens and odds of weight loss increaseas side effects. In this way, the WPIE dietary lifestyle may make going-on-a-diet New Years resolutions obsolete.
Read the original post:
7 Tips to Make 'Going-on-a-Diet' Resolutions Obsolete - Thrive Global
Too terrified to eat after heart attack at 38 – Kent Online

A woman who used to drink a bottle of wine a night and devour cheese boards was left too terrified to eat after suffering a heart attack - aged just 38.
Jenni Saunders had been feeling poorly at work and was rushed to hospital when her arm went numb.
Doctors later warned her she had to lose weight, so she made dramatic changes to her diet.
And she has since shed an impressive 3st 9lbs and now weighs 12st 2lbs.
Jenni, whose family have a history of heart conditions, said: I was at work in London and I felt unwell.
Luckily the girl at reception asked, did you say you couldnt feel your arm? I was rushed to hospital and it was a bit of a shock to the system when I found out I had a heart attack.
I actually lost quite a lot of weight at hospital because I was terrified to eat anything.
Soon after leaving hospital she joined Slimming World in Seasalter, on the recommendation of the British Heart Foundation.
And she quickly realised what changes she needed to make in her life to lower the risk of another heart attack.
I was eating loads of butter, cream, takeaways, processed food, great big sandwiches and ate out a lot, the 43-year-old says.
Cheese and wine has always been my weakness. I would get home from work and crack open a bottle of wine a night - then hack into some cheese.
Jenni has now incorporated more fruit and vegetables into her diet - and has stopped skipping breakfast and dodging carbs.
Now I have porridge with fruit or a fry-up - with lots of eggs, ham, Linda McCartney sausages and I can have unlimited homemade chips, she says.
For years I have stayed away from carbohydrates but now I dont. I always take a lunch into work which could be coq au vin, lasagne, curries and lots of stuff with vegetables now.
She praised the team at Slimming World and the members who have given her the motivation to lose weight.
It is just an incredible experience, she said.
I used to have quite bad back problems and I was taking lots of tablets.
But now I have a dog who I take out for walks, I feel happier and I have better mental health. The nice thing about it is you meet loads of nice people.
She still wants to lose more weight this year and has set a target of 11st 7lbs.
Read more: All the latest news from Whitstable
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See original here:
Too terrified to eat after heart attack at 38 - Kent Online
Blown your resolutions already? Tips for getting what you really want. – Seattle Times

The holiday decorations have been stowed away (right?), and now its time to look ahead to 2020. Entering the new year is an excellent opportunity to start with a clean slate and adjust some of our behaviors.
The most common New Years resolutions are wellness-related, like getting more exercise, losing weight and giving up that nightly glass of wine.
The problem with these broad resolutions is that they can feel overwhelming, and its easy to get discouraged and give up entirely when we dont see immediate results. If, instead, we opt for more specific, attainable New Years resolutions, were more likely to stick with them throughout 2020 and beyond.
We asked local experts for their tips on how to replace the common, overwhelming resolutions with more realistic ones that set us up for success. Heres what they had to say about diet, exercise and dipping into our vices in moderation.
One of the most common New Years resolutions is to start a diet, and the goal is often weight loss. But rather than focusing on a number on the scale, Christy Goff, a registered dietitian at Pacific Medical Centers in Seattle, suggests eating for energy instead. After all, each calorie is a unit of energy and eating enough calories per day is crucial to maintaining the stamina we need to go about our daily lives and engage in the physical activities we enjoy.
To eat for energy, you want to choose nutrient-dense foods to make sure your body is well-nourished, says Goff. This means maintaining a diet that includes protein, fats and carbohydrates.
Eating regular meals and snacks will regulate your blood sugar and ensure that youre consuming enough calories. Goff also recommends choosing foods that are rich in B vitamins and magnesium, such as vegetables, whole grains and nuts. Try to incorporate these foods into each meal. [They] assist in the energy production process in our bodies, she says.
Make sure youre drinking plenty of liquids throughout the day because, as Goff notes, dehydration is a common cause of fatigue and sleepiness.
Lastly, she suggests avoiding added sugars, excess caffeine and alcohol, and pre-packaged foods. Not only do they zap your energy, but they can also interfere with your sleep.
Another reason to shift your focus away from the number on the scale is because weight simply isnt the best indicator of health. We know that with healthy behaviors and lifestyle choices, we can be healthy at many sizes, says Goff. Health can be gauged more by how we feel emotionally, as well as what our blood labs and energy levels are telling us.
Furthermore, people who are not looking for a specific weight outcome tend to stick to their healthy diet habits for longer.
Getting in shape and striving for a rigid exercise regimen is another common New Years resolution. Rather than thinking of exercise as a way to lose weight or get killer abs, Cedric X. Bryant, the Redmond-based president and chief science officer at the American Council on Exercise, suggests thinking of exercise as a way to feel better mentally and emotionally especially because we kick off our resolutions during the dark and gloomy winter months.
A major benefit of exercising to boost your mood is that you feel the results almost immediately. Bryant says that youll quickly notice that youre better equipped to handle stress, youre sleeping better and your mood has improved. Getting that reinforcement so early in the process means youll be more likely to keep up your fitness regimen. In contrast, if you exercise with the goal of losing weight, it takes at least several weeks before you see any results and its easy to get discouraged and throw in the towel.
Whether its a glass (or three) of wine or eating a few cannabis edibles, its common to have a vice that we turn to after a rough day. If you feel guilty about your intake, it may seem like resolving to give up all your sinning is the perfect New Years resolution. But a more realistic resolution is to be mindful about your intake rather than attempting to give up everything forever.
Carolyn Watson, a Seattle-based mindfulness expert and certified pilates instructor at Balanced Body, explains that our vices typically trigger dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter that gives us pleasure and makes us feel good. The reason most vices are labeled as such is because many of them have potentially negative side effects if theyre frequently used.
Mindfulness is easier to maintain when people understand how much power they have to choose how they get their dopamine release, says Watson. Especially when the days are short and our region is engulfed in a perpetual blanket of gray, it can be challenging to feel good without actively seeking some type of stimulating activity.
Watson notes that in the winter months, many of her clients have an increased consumption of caffeine and alcohol, drinking coffee all morning and then switching to alcoholic beverages after dark. But she recommends diversifying the ways you get your dopamine fix. Exercise, food, water and kind touch all cause the release of dopamine, says Watson.
This is where mindfulness comes in rather than consuming three cups of coffee and two glasses of wine, and eating a cheese plate for dinner, make the conscious decision to engage in a healthier activity that also releases dopamine. For example, Watson suggests taking a 30-minute walk, cuddling with a pet or having a few ounces of chocolate. Eliminating all the vices can make many people feel depressed and quite unwell, says Watson. A better strategy would be to aim for diverse and moderate dopamine triggers.
Blown your resolutions already? Tips for getting what you really want. - Seattle Times
How to lose weight fast: get in shape with these 10 strategies for your 2020 new year resolutions – T3

If youre trying to lose weight fast, it can be easy to get caught up with fad diet or other 'quick fixes' that promise a flat stomach in days.That's especially true in January when you've just eaten your own bodyweight in poultry, or a vegan alternative, and are now thinking of next summer's beach holiday. Don't worry about it though; there are ways to lose weight that are tried and trusted. It might not be the easy and quick weight loss of your dreams, but it's very doable. We have nothing against the keto diet, for instance but a lot of people will find it is difficult to fit into their lifestyle. We've tried to keep these diet, workout and weight-loss tips as simple as possible so you can get fit and in shape, in 2020.
So, if you're serious about losing weight, you've come to the right place. We won't promise you'll get a six pack in as many hours, but we can guarantee expert advice and key tips for losing weight quickly, but in a healthy and sustainable way.Weve also got the lowdown on the best exercise for losing weight fast, and all the gear youll need to get started.
The best way for you to lose weight fast will depend on your starting point, your end goal, and your lifestyle. In this article we lay out ten strategies that are applicable to everyone, whether you're a fitness novice looking to shed several stone, or you simply require motivation to keep going.
Generally speaking the best way to lose weight quickly, and maintain that weight loss, is to follow a steady, manageable plan. Dont try to take on more than you can reasonably fit into one day, unless youre willing to make the sacrifice. Most likely sleep or your social life.
The NHS recommends that you aim to lose no more than 2 lbs (1kg) per week; anymore than that and you risk burning out and giving up.With that in mind, here are ten strategies to get you losing weight quickly.
Best abs workouts for (mainly) women
(Image credit: Pixabay)
The short answer to the question of how to lose weight fast is to achieve a consistent calorie deficit. That is, burn more calories than you consume.
If you eat 2,500 calories a day the recommended daily amount for a man, although of course this can vary wildly depending on your height, weight and frame and burn 3,000, you are in a calorie deficit.
If, however, you burn 3,000 but have consumed 3,500, youre not in a calorie deficit, even though you've almost certainly been working out a lot have burned that much energy.
What you need to do is ensure youre eating the right food and doing the right exercise so that youre sufficiently full and satisfied even when consuming fewer calories than you burn. Here's how...
(Image credit: RitaE from Pixabay)
As we alluded to above, a common pitfall that many people experience when trying to lose weight is that as they start exercising more, they feel like they need to eat more to keep their energy levels up and consequently fail to see results.Instead, we recommend adapting your diet to get the most out of your calories.
All foods have different energy densities. Foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains have low energy density, which means you will get fuller faster when eating these than you would high energy density foods.
Nutritionist Jenna Hope explains: Proteins and healthy fats promote more stable blood glucose levels, keeping you fuller across a time period and less likely to crave sugar or over eat, and so these are the kinds of foods you should get the majority of your calories from.
Consuming the same amount of calories as you are now (or fewer if possible), but getting more nutritional value from them will help you feel fuller for longer and lose weight more quickly as a result.
Cutting down on sugar will help reduce your waistline
We all know that some foods and some food groups are healthier than others, and that we need every type of food in our diet. The problem is that many of us arent getting the right balance.
Spoon Guru nutritionist Isabel Butler (MSc, ANutr) recommends that the best way to reduce weight and maintain the weight loss is by simply eating a balanced and healthy diet, without refusing yourself particular foods If you do cut out foods, you need to make sure your diet is still balanced and you are getting the nutrients your body needs from other sources.
For example, unless you're training to become a weightlifter, there's nothing wrong with carbs per se despite what keto diet fans might tell you but the biggest food culprit when it comes to hindering weight loss is the simple carbohydrate.
Could complete meal replacement product Huel help you diet effectively?
Compared to complex carbs like beans, whole grains and vegetables, which break down and release energy slowly, thereby keeping you full and energised, simple carbs such as sugar and starchy foods which break down into sugars such as pasta and spuds give you a shorter boost of energy, then leave you wanting more.
The likelihood is that the more simple carbs you eat, the more youll end up eating overall, harming the balance of your calorie deficit.
One easy trick if you're a carb fan is to swap out white pasta or rice for courgetti, or noodles made from other vegetables like butternut squash. This can make an arrabiata, curry or stir fry much lower in calories. Youll hardly notice the difference when youre eating it, but youll be fuller for longer despite consuming fewer calories.
Spiralizing vegetables is a great alternative to pasta
(Image credit: Pexels from Pixabay)
Sometimes its a real struggle to reduce the calories you take in, or even just to track them. If youre constantly on the move and dont have the time to count calories, or you have the best intentions and are cooking fresh with ingredients that arent all labelled with their nutrition info broken down, then accurately tracking calories can be a nightmare.
To ensure youre getting a good mix of nutrients, as well as all-important protein, you could try a food substitute such as Huel.
This is not marketed as a dietary aid, but it is highly nutritious, and makes calorie counting a lot easier. A word of caution though: Huel may replace meals from a nutritional standpoint, but slurping a cool, slightly slimy milkshake instead of getting your teeth into a warm, healthy paella isnt for everyone.
Some people thrive on intermittent fasting, which means significantly cutting calories or completely fasting for a portion of the day or week, and then eating normally for the rest.
The most popular form of intermittent fasting is the 5:2 diet, where you eat normally for five days a week but then eating no more than 600 calories two days a week.
Theres also the 16:8 diet, which is a bit different. With this diet you can eat anything for 8 hours a day, but can only drink water during a 16 hour fast. The recommended time to eat is between 10am and 6pm, although this can be flexible depending on what time youd prefer to start or end eating (as long as you stay within an eight hour window).
The benefits of intermittent fasting is that during the fast period the body will run out of carbohydrates to run on, and so start to take energy from the bodys fat stores, thus starting to burn that belly fat once and for all.
Drinking water will also rehydrate during exercise
(Image credit: rawpixel from Pixabay)
Drinking more water especially before a meal can help us to feel fuller, thereby helping us to stop eating sooner and consume fewer calories than we otherwise would have.
What's more, few of us consider what we drink when we total up our daily calorie count and so potentially hundreds of extra calories can sneak into our bodies. Replacing fruit juices, fizzy drinks and even tea and coffee with water means we can save up our calorie allowance for the good stuff: the food that fills us up.
Top tip: keep a reusable water bottle with you at all times and restrict what else you drink. This can feel like a hard habit to break at first, but is surprisingly easy to maintain once you have a zero calorie drink to hand 24/7.
Read more: These are the best reusable water bottles
Reducing the amount of alcohol we drink also comes with benefits. Most obviously, alcoholic drinks are often very calorific, so drinking less alcohol means consuming fewer calories. Simple.
Secondly, drinking alcohol increases our appetite, so were more likely to eat more than usual and more of the bad stuff when weve been drinking. Cheesy chips, Im looking at you.
Lastly, we all know how we feel after a night of heavy drinking. Ready for a session and the gym and a day eating fruit, veg and simple carbohydrates? We didnt think so. Drinking alcohol not only means we take in more calories at the time, but can affect our ability to function well and make healthy choices the next day.
(Image credit: Victor Freitas from Pexels )
Now weve tackled diet and nutrition (calories in), its time to look at exercise (calories out).
Even if you're eating healthily and are reasonably active in your daily life, its unlikely youll be able to lose weight quickly without additional exercise, whether that's running, gym, crossfit, team sports, cycling or any of the other myriad activities available.
What's more, working out will make you look and feel better and in our view, once you start looking and feeling better, it gets a lot easier to find the will power needed to improve your diet.
When it comes to choosing what type of exercise you do, the most important thing is that it's something you enjoy and will stick to. Don't force yourself to run if chances are you'll be walking ten minutes in.
(Image credit: Pexels)
There are two main types of exercise: cardio training and weight or resistance training.
Both burn calories, the difference is that whilst cardio burns a lot of calories upfront, weight training continues to to burn calories post workout.
This is because weight training builds muscle, and muscle burns more than fat as you carry out day-to-day tasks. In short, the greater your muscle:fat ratio, the more calories you burn even when you are standing still.
Weight training may seem daunting, but you dont have to join a gym and face up to the squat rack right away. There are so many weight exercises you can do at home with simple bits of equipment from dumbbells to kettlebells, and balls to ropes.
Were not going to cover all the exercises you can do with weights here, so why not pick the body part you want to start burning fat from and toning up, and check out one of our guides below:
All of this aside, dont neglect cardio, as cardio workouts are important for fitness and stamina, and will still burn calories.
Kettlebells are a very powerful weightloss tool
As well doing both cardio and weight training, if you want to lose weight its also important to vary the intensity with which you exercise.
In any given week, and within any given workout, you should exercise both aerobically (a little out of breath but not gasping) and anaerobically (going flat out, like when running for a bus).
Aerobic exercise needs oxygen to give muscles energy and generally requires moderate exertion. Examples include gentler running, cycling and swimming.
Its a crucial part of losing weight quickly because it uses both sugar and fat as its energy source, but to burn fat you need to do it for long enough that youve burned through your sugar stores first.
Anaerobic exercise, on the other hand, primarily uses sugar as its fuel. This doesnt mean that its not good for weight loss, though. Anaerobic exercise helps build muscle, and as we explained above, this will help you burn calories even when youre resting. Anaerobic exercises are generally high intensity, for example sprinting and weight lifting.
A running watch or fitness tracker will help you to know what intensity exercise you're doing. As they either have built-in heart-rate trackers or pair with ones you strap to your chest, they can show you how hard you're working out and let you know when you need to push it harder.
Find out more about heart rate zone training
Keep track of your weight loss and fitness goals with a running watch
Its important to decide how you want to measure your success and keep track consistently, understanding that you will see daily fluctuations due to things like digestive contents and water retention.
Running watches are the easiest way to track your progress, remain motivated and keep weight off. Depending how fancy you go, you can track pretty much any metric that works for you, certainly way beyond whether youve achieved your 10,000 steps. Whether its weight, BMI, resting heart rate, calories burned or activity level, the best running watch will track it all.
Many wearables branded as fitness trackers also have a stab at these more advanced metrics nowadays, but we'd always recommend a watch over a band.
Another way to keep track of your progress is the old fashioned method of weighing yourself. The great thing about modern bathroom scales is they don't just tell you your weight; they also let you know your body fat percentage.
The best bathroom scales to monitor weight loss
This is a much, much better metric to track than weight alone. If you're working out while dieting you can easily put on weight, even when running a calorie deficit, just because muscle is denser than fat so there can be less of you, yet weight more.
Now, although the calculations of body fat percentage scales produce are based on sound science, accuracy can vary. The key thing to note is that if the overall trend is going down, you're doing well.
We can't stress enough the importance of giving your body time to lose weight. You can lose weight faster by using the right gear and having the right knowledge and attitude, but you'll likely need to redefine what 'fast' means to you.
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How to lose belly fat: 5 ways to lose weight and reveal your abs in 2020 – T3

If your new year's resolution is to lose belly fat and get fit, don't be caught out by the numerous 'quick fixes' that promise a flat stomach in ten days.The unfortunate truth is there are no shortcuts, so put away that weird ab-blaster thing you saw on QVC. However, there are ways to lose weight that are tried and trusted. Not easy and quick, perhaps, but achievable.
If you're serious about losing weight, you've come to the right place. We guarantee expert advice and key tips to lose belly fat quickly, healthily and sustainably, developing habits to ensure you'll stay trim for good.Weve also got the lowdown on the best exercises to lose belly fat, and all the gear youll need to get started.
There's no hard-and-fast rule for slim-down success: the best way for you to lose belly fat is the one that works around your lifestyle. If you follow an unsustainable plan, you won't last: it's as simple as that. In this article we lay out ten principles that are applicable to everyone, whether you're a fitness novice looking to shed several stone, or you simply require motivation to keep going.
These guiding lights will keep you on the straight and narrow, whether you've got time to hit the gym every day or a shift worker looking to manage your schedule. Dont try to take on more than you can reasonably fit into one day. With that in mind, here are ten strategies to get you losing weight quickly.
(Image credit: Getty Images)
The short answer to the question of how to lose belly fat is to burn more calories than you consume on a regular basis. In the fitness world, this is known as achieving a "calorie deficit".
If you eat 2,500 calories a day the recommended daily amount for a man, although of course this can vary wildly depending on your height, weight and frame and burn 3,000, you are in a calorie deficit.If, however, you burn 3,000 but have consumed 3,500, youre not in a calorie deficit, even though you've almost certainly been working out a lot.
If this sounds like a waking nightmare, there's a trick to it: what you need to do is ensure youre eating the right food and doing the right exercise so that youre sufficiently full and satisfied even when consuming fewer calories than you burn.
But before that, you'll need to find a good way to track your calories burned and calories taken in. The free MyFitnessPal app is one of the best ways to record your calorie intake, but to track your calories burned, you'll need a dedicated fitness tracker. If you already own a smartwatch, most will offer calorie tracking as standard, but for those yet to make the plunge, the Fitbit Versa Lite is the best activity tracker you can buy right now. Check out the deal below.
Oh, and staying hydrated is crucial, as well
Fitbit Versa Lite | was 149.99 | now 116.38 at AmazonThe Fitbit Versa Lite is the best fitness tracker/smartwatch you can buy.It tracks deep and light sleep, steps, distance and calories, but that is barely scraping the surface of its capabilities. Via Fitbit's excellently presented app and sprawling ecosystem, you can use it as the basis of a complete fitness and diet programme. You can also enter your meals to log calories consumed, so you can have all your dietary data in one place.View Deal
S'Well Marble Drinking Water Bottle | now 25.00 at John LewisIn this case beauty is more than skin deep. This bottle is vacuum sealed, which means it should be able to keep liquids warm for 12 hours and cold for 24 hours. Its stainless steel, has a capacity of 500ml and requires handwashing, and its definitely one for one-upping your co-workers boring flasks and supermarket specials.View Deal
BEEFit Biltong, 10 x 30g bags | now 16.99 on AmazonLooking for a calorie-dense but highly nutritional snack? Swap your bag of crisps or chocolate bar for biltong, a cured meat snack now in handy 30g bags, to keep yourself fuller for longer. It's packed full of protein to help build muscle after a workout, and comes in either BBQ or chilli flavour.View Deal
OXO Good Grips spiraliser | was 14.99 | now 12 on AmazonHand-held spiralisers can suffer from a teeny weeny little problem: if youre not careful you can end up spiralising your own flesh. The Good Grips spiraliser solves that by having a plastic food holder that you can use instead of having your fingers anywhere near the blades.If youre only spiralising for yourself its a simple and effective tool. Its dishwasher safe and easy to clean in the sink too.View Deal
Spiralizing vegetables is a great alternative to pasta
(Image credit: Flickr)
Intermittent fasting is becoming more and more popular. Hugh Jackman's method of choice to get lean for Wolverine, it means significantly cutting calories or abstaining from food altogether for a portion of the day or week, and then cramming all your calories into a much shorter time window.
The most popular form of intermittent fasting is the 5:2 diet, where you eat normally for five days a week, then scoff no more than 600 calories two days a week.
Theres also the 16:8 diet (Hugh Jackman's strategy), which is a bit different. With this diet you can eat anything for 8 hours a day, but can only drink water (and maybe some black coffee, if you're feeling naughty) during a 16 hour fast. The recommended time to eat is between 10am and 6pm, although as long as you stay within an eight hour window, you can start at any time of the day.
The benefits of intermittent fasting is that during the fast period the body will run out of carbohydrates to run on, and so start to take energy from the bodys fat stores, thus starting to burn that belly fat once and for all. The big negative is the adjustment period: if you're used to a big breakfast or an early dinner, a 16-hour fast feels tough at first, especially if you're exercising.
Soylent Nutrition Shake, Cacao (Chocolate), 12 Pack | was 35.00 | now 24.00 on AmazonMarketed as a 'complete meal in a bottle' soylent is a perfect on-the-go quick feed for breakfast or lunch. With 20g of plant protein - to keep you going and slow-burning carbs to help you stay full, Soylent is vegan, gluten free, nut free, dairy free and low GI. At just 2 a shake, it's an ideal replacement to your usual hurried, bland supermarket meal deal.View Deal
Weight training is a great way to tip your muscle-fat ratio the right way
(Image credit: Getty Images)
There are two main types of exercise: cardio training and weights, otherwise known as resistance training.Although cardio burns a lot of calories upfront, weight training continues to to burn calories after your workout has finished.
This is because weight training builds muscle, and muscle burns more than fat as you carry out day-to-day tasks. The greater your muscle-fat ratio, the more calories you burn even when you're standing still.
Weight training may seem daunting, but you dont have to join a gym right now. There are so many weight exercises you can do at home with simple bits of equipment from dumbbells to kettlebells, and balls to ropes.
Were not going to cover all the exercises you can do with weights here, so why not pick the body part you want to start burning fat from and toning up, and check out one of our guides below. One you've done that, grab one of the best dumbbell sets on the market. They're not just for arms: you can use a dumbbell to work your core, shoulders, and even your legs with combination movements. Once you're comfortable in your own home, you can move on to more advanced equipment at the gym.
York Fitness 20 kg Cast Iron Spinlock Dumbbell | now 54.99 from AmazonYou just can't beat a good old pair of cast iron weights, and a testament to this is the fact they can be found under the beds of dads and granddads up and down the country. Get your own and they will last a lifetime and for all of their noisy, palm-chafing downsides, there is a kind of nostalgic loveliness to the spin collar set-up.View Deal
All of this aside, dont neglect cardio, as cardio workouts are important for fitness and stamina, and will still burn calories.
Electric Muscle Stimulation can help your muscles recover faster
(Image credit: PowerDot)
It may seem gimmicky when you unwrap your new six-pack vibrating belt, complete with a picture of Ronaldo on the box, but don't roll your eyes just yet. While you can't just sit there eating crisps and expect to get ripped, Electric Muscle Stimulators can help as part of a controlled dietary and exercise plan.
EMS can cause the muscles to contract, essentially tensing and untensing rapidly. During downtime post-workout, you can continue to encourage muscle growth with EMS, while the right bit of kit can also encourage faster recovery, allowing you to get back in the gym all the quicker. According to the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, EMS stimulates the muscle in the same way as a massage, prepping it for the next go-round.
It's not a bona fide shortcut to a six-pack, but it can speed up the muscle-building process with regular use. Check out our choice below: the PowerDot 2.0, a smart muscle stimulating solution you can control from your phone.
Thanks to the physical improvements wrought by SixPad, Ronaldo can lift suitcases with ease
(Image credit: American Tourister)
Alternatively there is always SixPad as used by Christiano Ronaldo, a man who takes great pride in his body. Perhaps a little too much pride, the unkind or jealous might say. Amazon also sells all manner of abs belts by brands we have never heard of, for about 20. Needless to say we dont recommend these.
PowerDot 2.0 - Smart Electric Muscle Stimulator | now 185 at AmazonThis neat muscle stimulator works from your phone, allowing you to control intensity, stimulation and goal. Reduce your recovery time and increase muscular performance, as the PowerDot working to support your gym schedule. This model has two stimulators, but you can scale up to four for 325View Deal
Planks are a tough abs workout and a great end-of-workout finisher
(Image credit: Taco Fleur from Pixabay)
As well doing both muscle-building and cardio exercises, if you want to lose belly fat its also important to vary the intensity of your workout.
Every time you workout, you should exercise both aerobically (a little out of breath but not gasping) and anaerobically (going flat out, like when running for a bus) to torch your abdominal fat.
Aerobic exercise needs oxygen to give muscles energy and generally requires moderate exertion. Examples include steady-state running, cycling and swimming.Its a crucial part of losing weight quickly because it uses both sugar and fat as its energy source. However, to burn fat, you need to do it for long enough to go through all your sugar stores, as that's the energy that will be consumed first.
Anaerobic exercise primarily uses sugar as its fuel due to exercising in short bursts. This doesnt mean that its not good for weight loss, though: anaerobic exercise helps build muscle, and as we explained above, this will help you torch fat even when still by improving your muscle-to-fat ratio. Anaerobic exercises are high intensity exercises like explosive weight lifting, sprinting or even spin classes.
A running watch or fitness tracker will help you to gauge the intensity of your workout by monitoring your heart rate. For overall fitness trackers, check out the Fitbit Versa Lite above, but for a dedicated running watch, you can't beat the Garmin Forerunner 645, the best on the market right now.
Find out more about heart rate zone training
Garmin Forerunner 645 | now 274 at AmazonGarmin dominates the running/fitness watch category so totally, it's almost embarrassing for the competition. The most recent addition to their premium line, the Garmin 645, incorporates GPS and wrist heart-rate tracking, which is good for monitoring your resting and all-day rates. The 645 crunches a lot of data to suggest recovery times, make a decent stab at estimating your VO2 Max, tell you how optimal your training load and lots, lots more.View Deal
FitBit Aria 2 smart bathroom scale | was 119.95 | now 79.88 on AmazonThis clever scaletells you your weight, BMI and body fat percentage which is all a lot of people want. It then reports this to your Fitbit account, so you can monitor your weight trends and use it alongside your Fitbit wearable's daily calorie-burn estimates. Add MyFitnessPal or Fitbit's own dietary features and you can then sync your meal-plans, daily calories consumed and weight goals, if you want.View Deal
The most important thing to bear in mind is this: losing weight takes time. You'll have setbacks and slip-ups, but if you stay committed to your goal, you'll be fitter and healthier in 2020, building up great habits for many years ahead.
Need some help to get started? Check out all the latest deals on the kit you'll need to get fit in 2020.To start with, you'll need a killer playlist and a good set of workout headphones to listen to it on:
Beats By Dre Powerbeats Pro | now 219 on AmazonPowerbeats Pro are a 'game changer' for Beats; the quality of them is over and above anything the brand has produced before. Designed for workouts and running, the clever design of these true wireless buds means they stay still in your ears during even the most arduous physical jerks. Battery life is way better than most true wireless buds at 8-9 hours and they recharge incredibly fast.View Deal
View original post here:
How to lose belly fat: 5 ways to lose weight and reveal your abs in 2020 - T3
This Is Your Body On Intermittent Fasting – HuffPost

Its no surprise that intermittent fasting is one of the most popular types of eating plans. You dont need to measure out food or buy any prepackaged shakes. There are no required weigh-ins or calorie counting. All you really have to do is not eat during certain hours. Its pretty simple.
There are different ways to go about it, of course. Most people do the 16:8 diet, in which you fast for 16 hours and then eat within an eight-hour window. Theres also the 5:2 diet, where you drastically cut back on calories just two days a week, and there are 24-hour fasts, where you dont eat anything one day each month.
Regardless of the method, significantly restricting when you eat can throw your body for a loop and cause a handful of odd side effects. Intermittent fasting may not be suitable for everyone. (People with a history of disordered eating, for example, should definitely avoid it.)
Its important to know what to expect before you jump into any new eating habit. Heres what happens to you mentally, physically and emotionally when youre fasting intermittently.
You might lose weight.
Many health experts, including personal trainer Jillian Michaels, say that intermittent fasting actually isnt that great for weight loss. Thats because youre not necessarily eating less or cutting back on calories. There are just longer gaps in your day when youre not eating at all.
That said, many people do lose weight because they consume fewer calories during those restricted food hours.
Eating for only eight hours a day also makes it less likely that youre having a big meal right before bedtime. Our metabolism goes down when we sleep and we burn fewer calories. Nighttime eating has been linked to both obesity and diabetes.
Intermittent fasting really does keep you from doing some really bad things, which is to eat a big meal before you go to bed, said Dr. John Morton, a bariatric surgeon with Yale Medicine. Big meals before bed are probably the worst thing you can do when it comes to weight loss, he added.
You could get super hungry.
A lot of people who fast experience hunger pangs, mainly when they start the program. Thats because our bodies are accustomed to using glucose a sugar that comes from the food we eat for fuel throughout the day. When its deprived of food (and, therefore, glucose), the body will essentially send signals saying, Hello, arent you forgetting something here?
Once your body gets into the groove of fasting, it will start burning stored body fat for energy rather than glucose. And as you spend more time in a fasted state, your body will get increasingly efficient at burning fat for energy.
In short, those hunger pangs should dissipate and your appetite will level out, Morton said. He added that fasters will ultimately have fewer cravings and hunger pangs the more consistently they fast.
In the meantime, that hungry feeling may drive some people to overeat. The natural tendency is when you havent eaten breakfast, you go, Since I didnt eat breakfast, Im going to eat more [for lunch], Morton noted.
If the hunger pains are bad enough to interfere with your daily life, get something to eat. The idea is not to starve yourself.
jakubzak via Getty Images
Your energy levels and moods will fluctuate.
Research has shown that fasting can cause some people to feel fatigued, dizzy, irritable and depressed.
In the beginning, your energy levels might be low because youre not getting the proper nutrients that you need, said Sharon Zarabi, a registered dietitian and bariatric program director at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York.
As your body gets used to intermittent fasting, your energy levels will pick back up. Your body becomes more efficient at using energy and this helps improve mood, mental ability and long-term performance, Zarabi said.
Theres even some evidence that suggests intermittent fasting can ultimately help fight depression and anxiety. The body releases a hormone called ghrelin when youre hungry or fasting, which in high amounts has been associated with an elevated mood.
Your gut health may improve.
Many people who partake in intermittent fasting note improved gut health. Fasting gives your gut a chance to rest and reset as your digestive system doesnt have to deal with uncomfortable effects of eating like gas, diarrhea and bloating.
Anytime you fast, youre giving your body a break from trying to metabolize what you just ate, Zarabi said. By fasting, we let the gut microbiome refresh, which in turn improves our overall digestive pathway.
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You could cut your risk for chronic diseases.
Intermittent fasting has been linked to a lower risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
According to recent research from Mount Sinai, this is because fasting reduces inflammation and reducing inflammation helps our bodies battle various chronic inflammatory diseases like diabetes, heart disease, cancer and inflammatory bowel diseases. Researchers are still working to figure out how and why this happens, but the evidence so far suggests that the fasting body produces fewer of the subset of monocytes, a kind of blood cell, that are known to damage tissue and trigger inflammation.
This is a big reason why people who fast intermittently may live longer and stay healthier.
Your heart health could improve.
Intermittent fasting can help lower your blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides the type of fat in our blood thats associated with heart disease. That is, if you lose weight in the process.
As long as youre losing weight, youre going to improve all those things, Morton said.
Before you start an intermittent fasting program, health experts recommend meeting with a dietitian or physician. Theres a critical distinction between fasting and starving, and if you ignore that, you could wreck your organs and immune system.
The bottom line: pay attention to your body and eat in a way that works best for you.
See more here:
This Is Your Body On Intermittent Fasting - HuffPost
If Your New Year’s Resolution Is To Lose Weight, Then Make Losing Weight Easy – Coach

We all wish it was easy to change and rid ourselves of bad habits, but most peoples experiences are that change is hard. But what if we were looking at it the wrong way all this time? What if the key to change was to make it stupidly easy? Thats one of the revelations from BJ Foggs Tiny Habits, a new book that shares a model of behaviour many at Silicon Valleys biggest companies have known about and been using for more than a decade.
Coach to spoke to Fogg, the Stanford University behaviour science expert, about that, as well as how his method can be applied to weight loss and New Years resolutions.
Im a behaviour scientist, but Tiny Habits didnt come out of academic lab experiments. I did it in my own life for a year or so and then I started teaching others anywhere from two to 400 people a week, some in person but mostly on email for seven years. Week after week I was measuring and testing, then it became more of a research project.
Tiny Habits is radically different. Pick what you want, not what you should do. The old-fashioned way was like pick something you should do and then just figure out a way to stay motivated. In Tiny Habits, you dont have to set a goal or track your behaviour. You can, but you only do those two things if they help you feel successful.
The old-fashioned way really focuses on repetition, like if I just suffer for 66 days in the gym then I will magically have this habit, but thats not how it works. In Tiny Habits, its not about suffering, its about feeling good. What I figured out and now its so obvious, but it wasnt then is you wire in the new habit by feeling a positive emotion.
I teach the technique I call celebration. You focus on feeling positive as youre taking a drink of water or getting out your dumbbells. You can wire in habits really fast through emotion.
I figured out a whole bunch of different eating behaviours that were really easy to do, but also, that I wanted to do. Its the combination of finding new habits you want and then making them really easy to do. And in this case for weight loss, I finally figured out that so much was about nutrition, so I focused on nutrition primarily, but I also did resistance training. For me, that combo works.
Number one, it helps you see its really easy to get started. And its no big deal. Youre not making this dramatic overhaul of your life and you can do it on the sly. I found out that for some people this matters. Somebody will try to eat differently and their spouse will sabotage them because they dont want to eat healthy foods too.
The other thing is you can start succeeding immediately. Thats not to say you succeed on the scales, but you can start succeeding in developing good nutrition and exercise habits immediately and you accumulate them.
Not everything will work and thats OK. I have an orange tree and it always has oranges on it, so I thought eating an orange every day for lunch would be a good habit. I started and it just wasnt working, it was too much orange for me. So even though it sounded like a good idea and I could make it a habit, as I got going I was like No, this is not the right habit for me. So I stopped. Part of the method is try stuff. If its not the right habit for you, stop, no big deal. Do something else.
At New Years, you want to do big hard things and you feel capable of doing big hard things. What humans are terrible at is looking ahead and understanding our motivation is going to drop. When our motivation drops, we can no longer do the hard thing. So in some ways, the whole excitement about New Years resolutions sets you up to fail. One thing Tiny Habits does so well is make change really, really, really tiny so you dont have to have lots of motivation.
Lets talk about the psychology here. The pattern [in social media platforms] is, and this totally maps to the book, help people do what they already want to do. Thats what every successful social media platform has done and that is my first maxim in the book: do what you already want to do. Pick new snacking habits you want, but also make it healthy. Dont force yourself to eat kale if you dont like kale.
Then next is to make it really easy. One of my former students is the co-founder of Instagram. The idea for it started in my class at Stanford. We talked a lot about how to make things really easy. That was the point. Simplicity changes behaviour.
And then Ill just add one more the next is to help people feel successful. With Instagram, I think what they did brilliantly is that when you take a picture, you apply a filter. And as you apply a filter youre seeing not just your picture, youre seeing an artistic creation, and thats like, Wow. That is sparking the emotion of success which then wires in the habit. Theres more, but I would say those are the primary ones. Help people do what they want to do, make it simple and help people feel successful.
Buy Tiny Habits on Amazon | 14.99 (currently reduced to 10.29)
Read the original post:
If Your New Year's Resolution Is To Lose Weight, Then Make Losing Weight Easy - Coach