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‘I Counted Calories And Stuck To The 80-20 Rule To Lose WeightAnd I’ve Lost Over 150 Pounds’ – Women’s Health

My name is Amber Clemens (@amber_clemens). I am 29, born and raised in Wisconsin. I currently live in Green Bay and work for a local construction company as an administrative assistant. I lost 150 pounds without fad diets or any gimmicks.
I can't remember a time in my life (until now!) when my weight wasnt an issue for me. The first time I remember actively trying to lose weight was in middle school. I was diagnosed as borderline pre-diabetic, and my doctor told me to start keeping a food journal and to be active for at least 30 minutes a day. I think I stuck to that for maybe a week.
Being that young, I found it hard to make that kind of change while watching my friends eat whatever they wanted. After that, I tried to lose weight so many times throughout my life but I would always end up in a repetitive cycle of over-restricting my food intake, bingeing, and falling back into old habits. I was the *classic* yo-yo dieter.
I live in an upstairs apartment, so I often have to take multiple trips up and down the stairs to get everything. This particular night I had only taken two tripsand halfway up on my third trip I had to stop because I was so out of breath and tired. In that moment I realized I was done living that way. I was 27 years old, somewhere around 300 pounds, and I was having trouble doing basic life things all because of the way I was treating my body.
I made myself a promise that this time had to be different. I was tired of feeling trapped in my own body and I finally felt mentally ready to make this commitment to myself. I began my weight-loss journey two weeks later, on May 30, 2018.
I wasnt focused on a specific caloric deficit and I was not following a specific weight-loss program. I lost 20 pounds in the first month.
After that, I started to do more research and reached out to the resources I had available in my life to make sure I was doing things in a healthy, sustainable way. Thats one thing I knew had to be different for me this time around in order for this to work; I had to make healthy and sustainable lifestyle changes that I could actually stick to long term.
Ultimately, this all led me to calorie counting, which is the simple tool to which I credit my weight loss. For me, counting my calories worked because I never had to completely cut out any certain foods if I didnt want to. If I really wanted something, I could still have it, I just had to learn how to incorporate it into my daily caloric allowance.
Before, when I would try and lose weight, I always categorized food as good or badand now my outlook has totally changed. I realize now that there are foods that are more nutritious and make my body feel better when I eat them, and there are foods that are less nutritious but just taste really good.
Ive found that what works best for me is focusing on fueling my body with foods that are nutritious and make me feel good when I eat them 80 percent of the time, and incorporating those other foods 20 percent of the time. Over-restricting never worked for me before, so Im thankful Ive found balance.
My friend had a gym at her apartment complex and we went there together. I had no idea what I was doingall I knew was that I was determined to move my body for at least an hour.
We did all cardio that first night. I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes. I also tried the elliptical but couldnt last longer than 30 seconds. I switched to the stationary bike and did that for 15 minutes, too. We finished with some bicep curls.
That night, I went home and looked up gym routines that incorporated cardio and strength training and I stuck to those routines I found online (e.g., workouts on PopSugar Fitness on Youtube), while making adjustments to push myself as I lost weight.
TBH, physically going to the gym five nights a week became unrealistic for me, which is how I developed a love for home workouts. I could still get three to five workouts in per week, and it was much more convenient.
Currently I workout three to five times a week at home but I am going back into the gym in the new year. I am going to start focusing more on strength trainingand being in a gym with tons of equipment will allow me to accomplish that better than I can through my home workouts. I am seriously so excited to get back in the gym and challenge myself.
I went from never working out to running a 5k this past August. If you had told me that I would run a 5k before the start of this journey, I wouldnt have believed you.
From May 2018 until now, I've lost 150 pounds. Im *so* much happier and stronger today than I ever thought was possible.
I am not a nutritionist. I did not study exercise science in school. I am just a woman who had a poor relationship with food her entire life. I used to eat fast food every day, sometimes multiple times a day. I was a secret binge eater. I would sneak food into my room/car/pockets and eat alone so no one would see. I knew I was harming myself but I didnt understand how and wasnt ready to change. Until one day, I was.
I started slow, made simple changes, and things started to click. I am the epitome of, "If I can do it, anyone can do it." I changed for me and no one else. I embraced all the changes, both mental and physical, that this journey has brought me, and Im healthier and happier than ever before.
There were times I wanted to quit and go back to my old lifestyle. But on my worst days I would remind myself of why I started and how miserable I felt that night on the stairs bringing in groceries.
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'I Counted Calories And Stuck To The 80-20 Rule To Lose WeightAnd I've Lost Over 150 Pounds' - Women's Health
How to lose weight without going on a diet – and you can still eat pizza – Mirror Online

The last of the mince pies have been scoffed and there's no more fizz in the fridge.
It's that dreaded time of year again, when all we've done for the last weeks (OK, month) is eat everything in sight and drink ourselves silly.
But rather than embarking on the latest fad diet, Instagram sensation Graeme Tomlinson, AKA the Fitness Chef, insists there's another way.
That's right, you can shed the pounds without going on a diet.
Not only that but you can still eat your favourite foods, including pizza, chocolate and ice-cream.
Graeme, from Aberdeen, has hundreds of thousands of followers on Instagram and has even launched his own book in a bid to get his message out as widely as possible.
He wants to make losing weight as easy to understand as possible and demystify the diet industry.
Graeme explained: "I wanted to break it down so people can understand it.
"There is so much rubbish out there and I wanted to tell them that there's only one way you can lose weight and that's with a calorie deficit.
"People feel deprived and that's when they give up and start to binge - but you don't need to feel deprived."
So, what's the secret to losing weight without going on a diet?
It's super simple - just eat fewer calories than you use.
And, insists Graeme, it doesn't matter where you get these calories from.
So gone are the grim January's, eating nothing but lettuc, you can still tuck into your favourite pizza.
Worried about going out for a curry? Don't be, just make sure you eat fewer calories in the days leading up to your treat.
But the absolutely vital thing you have to be able to do to make this work for you is to know exactly how many calories there are in the foods you eat.
The former professional cricketer admits this can be tricky at first as some so-called 'health foods' can actually be laden with calories.
And the calories in every day treats, like your morning coffee or that office biscuits or even sauces, can soon add up.
But Graeme says as soon as people start to make themselves aware of how many calories are in most of their food, it becomes easy very quickly.
He explained: "The best diet for people to follow is the one they can stick to.
"People need to be more aware of the nutritional aspect of the food they are eating.
"It does time initially to work out how many calories are in what you are eating but eventually it will come naturally and you'll be able to tell just by looking."
Before launching his hugely successful social media carer, Graeme worked as a personal trainer.
It was the sheer volume of companies selling diet products and plans that inspired him to offer his own advice on his own page.
His inspirational posts cover everything from how many calories are in your favourite fast foods, to coffees to so-called super foods.
Graeme makes it clear that nothing is off limits - from chocolate and ice-cream to bread and burgers - as long as you know how many calories they contain and adjust your diet to make sure you're in a deficit.
He explained: "People start looking at eating chocolate as bad but if they know it's 250 calories and they know what their calorie allowance is for that day and they know it's not great nutrition, they can eat something more nutritious later in the day."
Graeme won't classify any food as bad for your but he does sadmit the protein rich foods will fill you up for longer and make you less likely to eat too much.
These include lean meat, chicken or fish, eggs, beans and legumes and seeds and nuts.
Exercise can also help burn extra calories and burn off what you've put into your body.
Greame said: "Exercise and any movement is key but that doesn't mean you have to join a gym or get a personal trainer.
"Walking 10,000 steps a day is a great way to burn calories and you also burn calories just by breathing a talking and sleeping - everything you do requires energy."
To follow Graeme on Instagram, click here, and to buy his book, or visit his website, click here.
How to lose weight without going on a diet - and you can still eat pizza - Mirror Online
How to lose weight like this guy who lost 18 kgs by avoiding these 12 foods – GQ India

If youve vowed to yourself that 2020 is going to be the year you lose weight and commence your journey towards a fitter future then 21-year-old Naman Govind Varshneys inspiring weight loss journey and dos and don'ts will be of great help to you. He lost 18 kgs and trimmed from 83 kgs to 65 kgs.
Says Naman, there's this thing with the people who are overweight and they may or may not accept it but they just know that there's a parallel line (more like a problem) running in their life, which continuously bothers them in everything they do. It always subconsciously reminds them that they have to lose weight. But the people who are fit, don't get to experience this. They are free.
I wanted to get out of this vicious circle and live in a free world, where I don't have to constantly remind myself that Naman you need to lose weight, he adds. Thus, to be able to live in this free word Naman created the below weight loss plan.
I started working out in the gym, and followed a basic exercise routine. To give you a gist: I used to workout 6 days/week.
Each day my workout included 20 mins jogging on the treadmill with periodically increasing the speed from 8 at the starting to 15km/hr in the end. Notably, this didn't happen in one day!"
"I reached at this point after a couple of months. I used to push myself to the extremes. To give you an example: if at day 1, I ran at the speed of 11km/hr in the last 5 mins; on day 2, I used to give myself a target that I will run at the speed 12 km/hr in last 5 mins. I consistently set targets for myself in every exercise I did. It helped in building my stamina.
Jogging on the treadmill was followed by 15 mins of cycling and 20 mins on the Cross trainer. This cardio routine was followed by basic stretching exercise.
QUICK READ: The best cardio machine for every type of workout
Interestingly, I only counted my calories as a part of my weight loss plan, I learnt what works best for my body and consequently eliminated these 12 foods from my diet.
QUICK READ: How many calories should you eat every day to lose weight?
Packaged food
Street food
Juice (eat fruits avoid juice)
Cold drinks
Milk (you can have toned milk if you like)
Any kind of sugar
"The one basic thing you can do before eating/putting anything in their mouth is just Google the amount of carbohydrates and protein it has. Because protein > carbohydrates. So when you are counting calories to create a calorie deficit and lose weight, ensure that you get it from protein and not carbs. The more protein you include in your diet, the faster you will lose weight. I was able to do the same by avoiding the above 12 foods.
A calorie deficit is a specific diet pattern that revolves around the number of calories you consume in a day. According to Healthline, the concept is based on the idea that as long as you eat fewer calories than you burn, youre bound to lose weight.
This diet pattern requires you to calculate the number of calories your body needs to consume to function smoothly without feeling hungry, and how much deficit you need create without harming your health. Keep in mind that the number of calories required to create a deficit is different for different body types. You can calculate yours online via a calorie calculator.
No magic pill or sauna belt can help you lose weight. It requires picking yourself up and doing rigorous exercises. Also, don't blindly follow health fads and diet trends, Find out what works best for you. All the best. If I can do it, you can too!
Disclaimer: The diet and workout routines shared by the respondents may or may not be approved by diet and fitness experts. GQ India doesn't encourage or endorse the weight loss tips & tricks shared by the person in the article. Please consult an authorised medical professional before following any specific diet or workout routine mentioned above.
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More here:
How to lose weight like this guy who lost 18 kgs by avoiding these 12 foods - GQ India
Ask the Expert: Have 2020 vision of your weight loss goals – The Star Press

Jessica Roseberry Published 9:00 a.m. ET Jan. 1, 2020
Being obese or overweight is more than just an increase in the numbers on the scale;obesity is a disease that can lead to high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, fatty liver and even cancer. Losing weight will help improve your blood pressure, blood sugar and energy levels.
What can I do to lose weight?
Weight management is complex, but a good first step is to focus on what you can control such as decreasing the number of calories that are eaten and increasing physical activity. Try planning ahead to ensure you have a meal plan each week. Keep healthy foods and snacks available at home and at work. If you know you are going to be on the go, plan to have a healthy snack available such as a whole piece of fruit or one ounce of nuts.
Why can I not lose weight and keep it off?
There are many things that can affect your weight loss that are out of your control such as appetite signals in your body, genetics and your environment. When you lose weight, the body will increase your hunger hormones and decrease your fullness hormones. Additionally, your genetics can determine how much weight you gain. Lastly, your life might be busy, and you may not feel you can get enough sleep, have time for physical activity or you may not have easy access to healthy foods.
How can I stick with a weight loss plan?
Set realistic, achievable goals. Try to focus on getting healthier and not just getting to a certain number on the scale. It also helps to identify non-scale victories;for example, instead of saying that you want to lose twopounds this week, set a goal of walking for 20 minutes twice this week. If you stay focused on those small goals, each achieved goal will feel like a victory!
What if I constantly say, Im going to start my diet on Monday"?
Stop making excuses and make the decision to start making healthy changes today! When you notice that you are feeling hungry, pause for a moment to see if your stomach is really growling, or if youre actually just stressed, tired or bored? It might be healthier to go for a walk, take a nap or sit and read a book instead of eating.
What are the options to help me lose weight?
The key to long term success with weight loss is committing to healthy behaviors. There are a number of diets that help cause you to lose weight quickly, but in order to lose the weight and maintain, you must make behavior changes that you can maintain for the rest of your life. Some people can lose weight by meal planning and/or logging food intake along with physical activity, but often, people continue to struggle with their weight. That is when it is important to consider weight loss medications, behavioral counseling or weight loss surgery as a tool to support achieving and sustaining a healthy body weight.
Am I a candidate for weight loss surgery?
Adults with a BMI greater than 40 or BMI greater than 35 with health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, etc. usually meet insurance requirements to have weight loss surgery. Contact your insurance and ask if it is a covered benefit in your plan.
If I have weight loss surgery, can I ever eat normal foods again?
Yes! You will work with a registered dietician before and after surgery to develop healthy eating habits. You will follow specific diet instructions after surgery while you heal, but eventually you will be able to eat regular foods in smaller amounts.
Where can I get help with non-surgical or surgical weight loss?
The IU Health Ball Memorial Bariatric andMedical Weight Loss Center offers weight loss support through the following options: gastric bypass, gastric sleeve, adjustable gastric band surgery or a physician supervised non-surgical medical weight loss program. Patients work with a comprehensive bariatric and medical weight loss team throughout their weight loss journeys. The team includes surgeons, a nurse practitioner, registered dieticians, an exercise specialist, a behavioral health specialist, an insurance navigator and nursing staff.
How can I learn more?
For more information on any of these options call 765-747-4410 or go to to register for a free information seminar either onsite or online.
Jessica Roseberry, MS, FNP-C, is a nurse practitioner at the IU Health Ball Memorial Bariatric & Medical Weight Loss Center. For more information, visit
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Original post:
Ask the Expert: Have 2020 vision of your weight loss goals - The Star Press
How to lose weight like this guy who lost 21 kgs by following this free exercise plan – GQ India

The key to lose weight without ever stepping foot inside a gym is actually not as complicated as people and most trainers make it out to be. You can lose weight in a sustainable manner by ensuring that you are eating healthy and torching that stored body fat by indulging in some form physical activity daily. This activity can range from anything to swimming, skipping, aerobics and even just walking.
Now, the latter really worked like a charm for Uday Gupta. He tell us that he was able to lose 21 kgs in a span of just 5 months by walking daily and eating healthy. At my heaviest, I weighed a whopping 100 kgs. My t-shirt size was XXXL and waist size was 46 inches these are very big numbers! What made matters even worse was the fact that I was constantly teased by my friends for being overweight it was a nightmare! he adds.
As a result of all of this, I actually started wearing very loose clothes to hide the fat. But, one day, someone I knew told me that I was the most obese person. This one statement pinched me but it also made me realise that I needed to get in shape which I did by following the below weight loss plan, he adds.
My weight loss plan to trim from 100 kgs to 79 kgs included eating healthy and just walking daily. Yes, I never went to the gym at all. Below is the gym-free schedule that I followed to lose weight.
- Walking for 100 minutes or 10,000 steps
- 15 minutes of jumping jacks, planks, squats and working out with a dumbbell at home
QUICK READ: 5 ways to lose weight by walking
Gupta reveals that while walking helped immensely, he also switched his normal diet with the below 5-meal plan.
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 glass of milk or 2 slices of bread with paneer
Lunch: 2 chapatis and 1 bowl of sabzi or dal and 1 egg or 1 chapati with two eggs. I have a cup of green tea after lunch or after any heavy meal
Pre-workout: 1 cup of black coffee
Post-workout: 1 banana
Dinner: 1 bowl of soup or a portion of fruits like guava, apple, pineapple or papaya
I have been able to maintain my weight by making it a point to never consume more than 1000 calories in a day. I also ensure to burn 400 calories every day.
QUICK READ: How many calories should you eat every day to lose weight?
Even though I am happy with my current weight, in the coming years, I aim to be stronger and fitter.
I have realised that to lose weight you need to have a great amount of dedication and willpower. You need to also stay disciplined and motivated to achieve it.
Disclaimer: The diet and workout routines shared by the respondents may or may not be approved by diet and fitness experts. GQ India doesn't encourage or endorse the weight loss tips & tricks shared by the person in the article. Please consult an authorised medical professional before following any specific diet or workout routine mentioned above.
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How to lose weight like this guy who lost 21 kgs by following this free exercise plan - GQ India
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If one of your New Years resolutions is to lose weight and keep it off, experts say strategies like the ones Ebony Freeman of Greenport usedoffer the best chance of success.
The 30-year-old woman didnt lose 115 pounds through a fad diet, but by eating more vegetables and fruit, cutting back on sugar and fat, limiting portion sizes and exercising more. In other words, doing what doctors have been telling us to do for decades, along with tailoring the diet to her own preferences.
Freeman continues to focus on healthy foodshe enjoys rather than grudgingly eatingthings she doesnt. Sheallowsoccasional indulgences, and doesn't let herself get frustrated. And she said she's been realistic.
It wasnt that I started doing all of these things in one day, Freeman said. I would change little things over time. You cant say, Oh Im going to wake up on January first and Im going to go to the gym six days a week, Im not going to have this, Im not going to have that. You dont want to make a drastic change because youre not going to stick to it.
More than 71% of U.S. adults are overweight, according to 2015-16 data from the federal National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Nearly half of adults are trying to lose weight, the survey found.
But the vast majority of people, even though they may in the short term lose weight, in the long term they regain it, said Dr. Silvana Obici, chief of the endocrinology and metabolism division of the Stony Brook University Renaissance School of Medicine.
Highly restrictive crash diets may lead to quick weight loss early on, but theyre typically not sustainable in the long term and more quickly activate the bodys natural inclination to fight weight loss, she said.
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The general advice for weight loss has remained the same for many years: Eat less and exercise more, said Dr. Donald Hensrud, director of the Rochester, Minnesota-based Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program and author of The Mayo Clinic Diet.
But, he said, Just giving the same old advice is not going to do it for most people.
People have different goals, different challenges, different likes and dislikes, so personalizing a weight-loss program so it works for that individual is critical for success, he said.
Any plan must be geared toward foods that are enjoyable, because if people are enduring something just to get through it, that doesnt really work, he said.
That means making room for mindful indulgence of a favorite decadent food, as long as its only occasional and the portion is reasonable, said Stefani Sassos, senior clinical dietitian at St. Francis Hospital in Flower Hill.
If youre restricting yourself too much, then later on when presented with that food, you may not be able to control yourself and overeat, she said.
Sassos also recommended healthier preparation methods for foods that you like, such as baking instead of frying, or using an air fryer.
Stephanie Bruno, 32, of Glen Cove, who lost 27 pounds in late 2017 and early 2018, still eats favorite foods like cheeseburgers. But she buys lean cuts of meat and, when, for example, she cooks sausages and peppers, she uses the oven rather than the frying pan and sprays on olive oil rather than drizzling it out of a bottle.
Bruno, who follows WW, formerly Weight Watchers, a diet that has more flexibility than most fad diets, also pays more attention to portion sizes, and she measures food, so she is aware of how much she is eating.
I eat everything that I ever wanted, Bruno said. Every meal that I eat, Im genuinely looking forward to it.
Freeman also focuses on food she enjoys, sometimes with variations from what she used to eat. Acertified nursing assistant, Freeman grew up with a lot of heavy and fried food and was overweight from a young age, peaking at 315 pounds at age 20, in 2008. She ate relatively few vegetables as a child, and when she ate healthy produce such as collard greens, it was often cooked with pork.
After her doctor said she was prediabetic at age 21 and prescribed blood pressure medication, she became more worried about her health and became determined to lose weight. She began her diet in September 2012 and fell to 182 pounds by the early spring of 2014, a weight she said wasn't sustainable for her, so she eventually settled at what has become her typical weight of 200 pounds.
The first thing she did was cut out sugary sodas and fruit drinks. She switched from canned to fresh vegetables, which she found tastier, and ate more of those and less heavy food. She began reading labels and was shocked to find out how much sugar is in products like ketchup.
Over time, her palate changed. Now, she rarely eats fried food, because it makes her feel weighed down. She exercises at least five days a week.
At one point, Freeman tried a trendy low-carb diet for a few months, but she realized it wasnt sustainable and quit it. She created a website to share healthy recipes and workout techniques.
Freeman said switching to a healthier lifestyle is partly mental. Be patient with yourself and dont get frustrated, she advised.
Dr. Raymond Lau, medical director of the NYU Winthrop Hospital Weight Management Program, said if one weight-loss strategy isnt working, switch to something else.
You have to think of weight loss as a marathon," he said,"and constantly think about it and adapt.
Here are experts tips to lose weight and not gain it back.
SOURCES: National Institutes of Health, Mayo Clinic, Stefani Sasso of St. Francis Hospital
Originally posted here:
Want to shed some pounds? Cut the sugar, fatty foods - Newsday
In Losing Weight, What is More Effective, Exercise or Fewer Calories? – American Council on Science and Health

Of course, anyone that has used these measures will tell you that at some point, the weight doesnt continue to be lost, we plateau, and our bodies adjust to their new circumstances. That adjustment reflects the other science of energy expenditure, the constrained energy model simply put, our bodys metabolism redistributes its energy resources seeking to maintain a set energy level.
A new study in Science Advances seeks to identify which is correct, additive, or constrained.
Some quick background
Our total energy expenditure serves to fuel our growth, reproduction, body maintenance, repairing cells and fighting off infections, and physical activity. Physical activity is active energy expenditure (AEE); all the other energetics can be summed as our resting energy expenditure, REE.
REE can be measured by our oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production while resting. TEE can be measured using double-labeled water (DLW), water that uses heavier isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen that can be traced. [1]
The study
The researchers studied 14 children, age 5 to 12, without medical problems, of an indigenous hunter-gatherer tribe, the Shuar, of Ecuador. Their homes are not accessible by road, there is no running water or health clinics, and electricity is both limited and intermittent. Energetics of children from high-income countries came from published DLW studies of 20 children, ages 5 to 6 in the US, and an additional 20 children, age 7 to 9, from Northern Ireland. Accelerometers, think Fitbits, were used to capture the activity of the Shuar children, the movement of the Western cohort was obtained from studies of Canadian children.
These findings are supportive of a constrained model; you cannot efficiently and equally exercise away what you swallow. The Shuar children spent 72% of their energy on their resting needs, compared to 58% for the control kids. Neither the active energy expenditure nor physical activity were reliable measures among these active children. Where did that additional resting energy go?
It was not a difference in body composition, nor were there high thermoregulatory expenditures; after all, the Shuar were in the tropics. Much of the difference went to fueling the immune system. They found that higher environmental pathogenicity, as exemplified by elevated levels of IgG, the most common class of circulating antibody in humans, could account for some of the resting energy expenditure. Other factors could include the energy cost of movement; it takes more energy to move a fat child than a thin one, as well as circadian alterations in resting energy expenditure, which are higher in industrialized cultures.
There are many pieces of the study that can be picked upon, but the data moves us towards an energy-constrained system, and constraints with adaptation are the hallmark of evolution.
Exercise is essential for our health, so that remains in the mix. But what the study suggests is what we eat has a greater effect on our energy balance than how active we are. So, if you are looking for a new years resolution, consider decreasing portion size as a higher priority than the 500 additional calories you burn walking 10,000 steps especially if those steps take you past the donut shop. After all, you are exercising more and deserve a treat.
[1] For those who want a more satisfying explanation, see thisWikipedia entry.
[2] That would equate to walking at 4mph or riding a bicycle at 10-12 mph.
Source: Constraints and trade-offs regulate energy expenditure during childhood Science Advances DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aax1065
Excerpt from:
In Losing Weight, What is More Effective, Exercise or Fewer Calories? - American Council on Science and Health
How to lose weight without going on a diet – Herald Planet

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The last of the mince pies have been scoffed and theres no more fizz in the fridge.
Its that dreaded time of year again, when all weve done for the last weeks (OK, month) is eat everything in sight and drink ourselves silly.
But rather than embarking on the latest fad diet, Instagram sensation Graeme Tomlinson, AKA the Fitness Chef, insists theres another way.
Thats right, you can shed the pounds without going on a diet.
Not only that but you can still eat your favourite foods, including pizza, chocolate and ice-cream.
Graeme, from Aberdeen, has hundreds of thousands of followers on Instagram and has even launched his own book in a bid to get his message out as widely as possible.
He wants to make losing weight as easy to understand as possible and demystify the diet industry.
Graeme explained: I wanted to break it down so people can understand it.
There is so much rubbish out there and I wanted to tell them that theres only one way you can lose weight and thats with a calorie deficit.
People feel deprived and thats when they give up and start to binge but you dont need to feel deprived.
So, whats the secret to losing weight without going on a diet?
Its super simple just eat fewer calories than you use.
And, insists Graeme, it doesnt matter where you get these calories from.
So gone are the grim Januarys, eating nothing but lettuc, you can still tuck into your favourite pizza.
Worried about going out for a curry? Dont be, just make sure you eat fewer calories in the days leading up to your treat.
But the absolutely vital thing you have to be able to do to make this work for you is to know exactly how many calories there are in the foods you eat.
The former professional cricketer admits this can be tricky at first as some so-called health foods can actually be laden with calories.
And the calories in every day treats, like your morning coffee or that office biscuits or even sauces, can soon add up.
But Graeme says as soon as people start to make themselves aware of how many calories are in most of their food, it becomes easy very quickly.
He explained: The best diet for people to follow is the one they can stick to.
People need to be more aware of the nutritional aspect of the food they are eating.
It does time initially to work out how many calories are in what you are eating but eventually it will come naturally and youll be able to tell just by looking.
Before launching his hugely successful social media carer, Graeme worked as a personal trainer.
It was the sheer volume of companies selling diet products and plans that inspired him to offer his own advice on his own page.
His inspirational posts cover everything from how many calories are in your favourite fast foods, to coffees to so-called super foods.
Graeme makes it clear that nothing is off limits from chocolate and ice-cream to bread and burgers as long as you know how many calories they contain and adjust your diet to make sure youre in a deficit.
He explained: People start looking at eating chocolate as bad but if they know its 250 calories and they know what their calorie allowance is for that day and they know its not great nutrition, they can eat something more nutritious later in the day.
Graeme wont classify any food as bad for your but he does sadmit the protein rich foods will fill you up for longer and make you less likely to eat too much.
These include lean meat, chicken or fish, eggs, beans and legumes and seeds and nuts.
Exercise can also help burn extra calories and burn off what youve put into your body.
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Greame said: Exercise and any movement is key but that doesnt mean you have to join a gym or get a personal trainer.
Walking 10,000 steps a day is a great way to burn calories and you also burn calories just by breathing a talking and sleeping everything you do requires energy.
To follow Graeme on Instagram, click here, and to buy his book, or visit his website, click here.
Continued here:
How to lose weight without going on a diet - Herald Planet
Best cars for achieving your New Years resolutions – Boston Herald

A new car to fit a resolution is a huge commitment, but it might just be the thing to (sometimes literally) drive you to your goal.
Here are the cars Edmunds believes will help achieve some of the most popular New Years resolutions.
LOSE WEIGHT: 2019 Mazda MX-5 Miata ($26,650)
Shedding those pesky holiday pounds is a common resolution, and few things inspire losing weight more than a tight fit. Thats especially true for cars, which is why we recommend the 2019 Mazda MX-5 Miata. The Miata is a small roadster that recently underwent a diet of its own. When the engineers designed this Miata generation, they wanted it to weigh the same as the first model from 1990.
Nimble handling and a peppy engine make the Miata fun to drive, but its the compact cabin that provides the primary motivation for hitting the gym. The Miata is also well suited for resolvers tackling their weight loss journey with a buddy since the cramped two-seat interior will cause wider passengers to rub shoulders.
BE MORE SPONTANEOUS: 2020 Jeep Wrangler ($29,790)
Those looking to add more off-the-cuff adventure to their lives need a vehicle that is similarly ready to go at a moments notice. The 2020 Jeep Wrangler embodies that spirit more than any other vehicle on sale today. Even though its on-road manners are unrefined compared to modern crossover SUVs, the Jeep Wrangler offers unsurpassed capability when pavement turns to dirt.
Every Wrangler comes standard with four-wheel drive and plenty of ground clearance to aid with off-road adventure. Specialty models such as the Rubicon are equipped with specialized features to enhance the Wranglers abilities further. Five passengers can get in on the muddy fun thanks to the four-door Wrangler Unlimiteds ample rear legroom.
TAKE MORE FAMILY VACATIONS: 2020 Kia Telluride ($32,785)
It can be difficult getting the entire family on the same page for much-needed rest and relaxation. Even then, choosing the right vehicle to shuttle everyone around presents a challenge. Edmunds suggestion is the 2020 Kia Telluride.
Most adults will have no problem fitting in the third row of the Telluride, unlike many SUVs in the midsize class. Theres also room for everyones luggage because the Telluride offers a useful amount of cargo space, even with the third-row seat deployed.
The Telluride can further incentivize you to head out for a trip thanks to its easy-driving nature. It doesnt feel overly large or bulky, and its V6 engine has no problem with launching you into quick-moving highway traffic. Your new family hauler wont cost an arm and a leg, either, because the Telluride is less expensive than similarly equipped competitors.
SAVE MONEY: 2017 Hyundai Elantra
Reducing expenses is one of the most popular resolutions, and shoppers looking for a new ride can save quite a bit by going with a slightly used car. In general, you can save 30% to 40% by going this route. Small cars, in particular, offer strong value. One of our favorites is the current-generation Hyundai Elantra, which was introduced for the 2017 model year.
Highlights include an unusually spacious cabin, comfortable seats and a user-friendly infotainment system. The 2017 Elantra comes in a number of trims, starting with the SE. High-mileage used Elantras can be had for under $10,000. Models with moderate mileage and the desirable Popular Equipment package list for about $12,000.
Youll save on fuel costs, too, since the standard 2.0-liter engine sips fuel at a rate of 32 mpg in combined city/highway driving, according to the EPA.
Originally posted here:
Best cars for achieving your New Years resolutions - Boston Herald
The 15 inspiring Devon people who have achieved phenomenal weight loss – Devon Live

We all know what should be doing to be fit and healthy, but the thought of having to lose weight or start exercising is often so daunting that it's easier to put it off.
Millions of people in 2020 will be making new year's resolutions to lose weight and get healthy and to give you the motivation you need, Devon Live has chosen 15 inspiring people from across the county who have achieved incredible goals.
They range from a family who have lost 15st between them to a woman who not only battled cancer but conquered her weight demons and got married.
Chris, Gareth and Aimee Pridham
Struggling to get in an airplane seat four years ago was the turning point for Chris Pridham.
His experience at the airport "set the tone" for the whole holiday and due to his 24 stone weight, he could not partake in all of the activities with his partner and old friends.
After two weeks back at home he ended up in hospital with an infected mosquito bite and got sepsis and cellulitis.
He then joined his nearest WW workshop in Saltash and lost more than six stone.
Chris said: "Basically, I was given a daily budget of smart points and every food had a value. It was up to me to balance my budget which I did and in a short space of time, I lost two stone and went to New York with my partner to visit my daughter.
"I could walk around and thought, this is brilliant.
I love bread and before joining WW would have three or four slices of thick white bread with lashings of butter and marmalade for breakfast, a big sandwich for lunch and a huge dinner. I now start the day with fruit and yoghurt; at lunchtime I have two slices of granary bread with a boiled egg and salad; dinner is stir fry veg with left over roast meat.
"I eat a lot of salad and am never hungry! I dont deny myself anything and have realised you have to have a bit of what you fancy otherwise you dont stick to it."
Research carried out by WW has identified what is known as the ripple effect.
This shows that when somebody joins a weight loss programme, the other members of the family can lose weight too without even trying as they are influenced by the new healthy habits they see.
Chris's nephew Gareth and his wife Aimee watched his transformation and were so impressed they joined the same WW workshop. Between the three of them they lost 15st.
Bonnie Stainer
Had someone told Devon DJ Bonnie Stainer four years ago she would be crowned UK Glamour Awards Model of the Year she would never have believed it because back then she weighed more than 16.5st.
Despite being a single mum of two girls, aged five and four, the 35-year-old, of Saunton, North Devon, has found the time to exercise six days a week and eat healthily to lose an amazing 8.5st.
Bonnie, who is 5ft 7, has seen her waist shrink by an incredible 30 inches from 56 to 26 inches, and now weighs 9st.
She had been considering quitting her DJ career because she had lost her confidence to get up on stage when she was overweight, but is now getting more work than ever and is also working as a model.
Bonnie recalled: I hadnt been overweight until I fell pregnant with my first child. I just ate literally whatever I was not meant to, which I enjoyed at the time, but I pilled on the pounds. The last time I weighed myself I was 16.5st.
After I gave birth I tried to lose the weight and feel like me again, but within six months I was pregnant with my second daughter and it happened all over again.
I need an incentive to get myself into the right state of mind so I decided to raise money for Cancer Research by signing up for the London Marathon in 2017.
I was down to about 12st when I did it and just kept going with exercising and eating healthy.
Bonnie added: The key is being in the right frame of mind, along with routine, exercise, eating well and drinking water.
I workout six days a week and try to rest one day a week, but Im still active running around after the kids. Sometimes I get up at 6am and do 30 minutes on the cross trainer wearing 27 kilos of weights. People think that sounds a lot but I was carrying a lot more than that when I was overweight.
I also go to the gym, run and I have two horses so I enjoy horse riding. Sometimes I do look at my cross trainer and think I cant be bothered, then all I do is just think about what Im trying to achieve and after Ive done it I feel so much better."
Tracey May
An inspirational slimmer who has lost nearly 5st in less than six months has told how she has gone from barely ever leaving her home to finding a new zest for life at the age of 53 years old.
Tracey May, of Exeter, saw the pounds pile on after undergoing spinal surgery three years ago to remove a tumour.
Her recovery took many months and it began a pattern of living an inactive lifestyle which she struggled to break the heavier she got.
However, since completely changing her lifestyle in March she has lost almost a third of a body weight. She has gone from 15st 10lbs to 11st, and dropped from a size 20 to almost a size 12.
The mum-of-three joined Wonford Sports Centre in March, and has gone from struggling to do two minutes on the cross trainer on the lowest setting, to doing an hour easily.
She goes a couple of times a week, has joined a Back to Netball team and a running club, and also goes swimming if she finds the time during the week.
Traceys initial goal was to lose 3st in a year, but she has done so well that she has doubled her target.
She said: I want to be 9st 10 and that will be exactly 6st I have lost. I havent been on a diet as such but what I have done is switch everything from full fat to low fat and sugar free, and have swapped coke for water.
Ive always now got fruit and vegetables in the house, and I cook everything from scratch. I also dont eat fast food, but I do have the odd treats.
She said: I only went out if I had to which was maybe twice a week, if that, because it was just so painful. Everything hurt because of how heavy I was.
I got depressed and thought this is it. My confidence was so low. I now feel 100 per cent better. I used to take a lot of painkillers but dont take any now, and Ive also come off anti-depressants. It really has changed my life."
Mandy Coles
A Tavistock mum who lost more than 12 stone believes there's a simple solution to weight loss - taking time out - and now she is urging parents to take time for themselves to change their lives too.
Mandy Coles reached 24 stone at her heaviest weight but astonishingly she managed to shed the pounds and drop to an impressive 11.5st in just 14 months, after joining Slimming World.
Since losing the weight, Mandy' slife has changed dramatically and she is now helping others as a Slimming World consultant and whilst working with other slimmers.
She says she often meets parents who would just love to lose weight and lead a healthier lifestyle, but they feel that their life as a busy parent is preventing them from making those changes.
Mandy explained that one of the greatest gifts she has gained as a result of her weight loss is the drive and physical ability to play with her six-year-old son.
She said: "Actually having the energy to be the mum I have always wanted to be is priceless and taking that time for me to go to group each week was worth every moment".
She added: "Taking that one hour a week to attend a group is an investment in your and your familys future happiness.
"It is also an hour of you time which you do deserve. Sometimes I hear parents say they cant get that time for themselves, so I want to urge them to find that time.
"It is something you never regret as you and your family will benefit from a much healthier and happier you and that is priceless.
Dr Katie Giddy-Pannell
A Plymouth GP lost a whopping 5st 2lbs and is now able to motivate patients with her lose weight.
Due to her profession, she said she "should know better" but with a vegan diet, a supportive exercise class, and Slimming World online, she has managed to shed some weight and control her lupus, a chronic health conditon.
The 41-year-old underwent the dramatic transformation in just over a year and has seen drastic improvements to her health.
She said: "I was getting terrible debilitating back pain, out of breath, swollen legs. Just generally felt unhealthy, especially in the heat.I had no energy, no get up and go.
"Now, my health is better, less back pain and other joint pain, I have a chronic health condition called lupus, which is better controlled with my diet now, and the exercise."
Katie advises anyone who wishes to lose weight to find an eating plan that suits them and to ensure that they do not make something up, as planning is key.
She said: "I would advise others to find an eating plan that suits them and stick to it, don't try to make it up, a small under-calculation in calories could mess up a lot of hard work. Eat loads of veg and group exercise is also important."
Katie credits her weight loss to RockFit, which has kept her "motivated" and has meant that she has formed life-long friendships, some of which encourage her to attend classes on days where she feels "exhausted" after work.
She added: "I've lost five stone by doing Slimming World online, RockFit and a bit of running, but it is RockFit that's kept me motivated and help change my body shape."
couple fromBrixhamlost a staggering nine stone between them after realising they were both unhappy with their weight.
Joanne and Scott Mason
After a combined weight loss of 13.5lbs with the help of their local Slimming World group inBrixham, Joanne and Scott Mason reached the semi-finals of the organisations Couple of the Year 2019 competition along with only 17 other couples from across the UK and Ireland.
JoanneandScottbelieve the secret of their success was getting support from one another at home, as well as each week at their Slimming World group.
Joanne,48, who slimmed from15st5lbs to9st, said: I knew that my weight was an issue and I was becoming more and more uncomfortable in my own skin, but I didnt really know where to start when it came to losing weight.
"The lightbulb moment came whenScotttold mehewas unhappy withhisweight too. Wed heard great things about Slimming World, and it seemed to be the perfect fit for us.
"We knew that we needed the encouragement of a group each week and that wed support each other along the way too."
Scott,45, who downsized from16st3.5lb to12st9lbs, added: It came as a huge relief once I realised thatJoannewanted to lose weight too, because I knew that by supporting each other to make healthier choices it would give us both a brighter future and it absolutely has we have a whole new lease of life.
"Losing weight also made us think about how active we were. Weve started walking regularly now and we love it!
"Joining Slimming World is one of the best decisions weve ever made. We feel great and we know that we have a long, healthy, happy life to look forward to together.
Elly Dickinson
No one was more surprised by Elly Dickinson's amazing weight loss, and she says she doesn't even recognise the person in old photographs now.
As she is only 5ft 2in tall, Elly says her 31lbs weight loss shows more on her than it would on a taller person.
And she admits that she found if difficult to track down old 'before' pictures to demonstrate her weight loss because she would never stand in front of a camera and always deleted 'horrible' pictures of herself because she didn't like how she looked.
Now 31-year-old Elly, who works as a relationship executive for Newcross Healthcare in Torquay, says her confidence has soared and she's happy in her own skin - eating and exercising healthily.
She said: "With Weight Watchers - or WW as it's now called - you don't ever feel like you are losing out. I have managed to keep it on track without much effort. You always know where you are without getting obsessed about food because it's so maintainable.
"It's been great for my confidence - amazing!"
Laura Gilpin
An overweight grandma, who temporarily lost the site in one eye at a celebratory barbecue, has gone on a mammoth diet after being told her weight contributed to her having a mini stroke.
Laura Gilpin, of Newton Abbot, had her out of the blue health scare while celebrating her grandchilds football team in 2015, but still continued to pile on the weight.
It wasnt until last year that she finally decided to get fit and healthy and set herself a target of losing a stone a month.
The 62 year old joined LighterLife last July, and succeeded by losing an incredible 5st 2lbs in just five months. Her weight dropped from 17st 6lb to 12st 4lb.
She said: Losing 5st has been life changing in so many ways. Im no longer on blood pressure medication, I have the energy to keep up with my grandchildren and Im now enjoying cooking for the first time. It feels amazing to have my zest for life back."
Fern Parkin and Jacqui Blackman
A mother and daughter from Barnstaple who both beat cancer have also had their lives transformed by an incredible weight loss.
Fern Parkin, 32 and mother Jacqui Blackman, 68, lost 5st 5lbs between them. Fern was diagnosed with liver cancer at the age of six months, while her mother beat ovarian cancer in 2004 aged 54.
Fern thanked the team at WW (formerly Weight Watchers) for her newfound self-confidence. She added that she is no longer afraid to show her scars from surgery when she was a baby.
She said: I love the fact that I can roll over my points and add them to my weekly points. I have lost all my weight through WW, and I love that I can eat what I like as long as it's within my points. My mindset has changed completely, and I've never lasted this long on a diet. This is me for life now, being careful what I eat.
Jacqui added: After starting the program in January 2018 when a group opened up near me, I have never looked back, only forward to losing the next pound. I have found the plan so easy to follow, and there was no need to change my shopping habits greatly.
The app is an invaluable tool which keeps you on track, and weekly meetings are an inspiration. Even my health has improved as I no longer require tablets for high blood pressure which is huge.
My husband has also benefited just by eating smaller portions which the plan helps you to do. I have dropped two dress sizes and now able to wear more fashionable clothes.
I have been able to enjoy holidays and not gain more than 1lb which has always come off the following week."
Sharon Foxhall
A woman who lost weight in honour of her mother has been able to once again wear the wedding dress she made for her.
Sharon Foxhall, 47, from Hawkchurch, married in September 1993 after a five year courtship. At the time it was the lowest weight she had ever been.
She said: My mum made my wedding dress along with the bridesmaids. We decided to have a party for our 25th as its such a big milestone but then I lost both my parents within months of each other four years ago.
Sharon vowed to get to her target weight after her mother died in 2015 as she had always struggled with her weight. After 18 months she had lost three stone after joining WW (Weight Watchers).
She said: I joined WW as I had issues with my knees and I though losing weight would help them. As I lost weight my knees started to improve along with my self-esteem and confidence. It totally changed my life and wanted to give that feeling to others, so I became a coach to help others achieve what I had. It has been the most remarkable work I have ever done, seeing lives unfold and change over the weeks and months.
We booked our party in January 2018 for that September and decided I wanted to wear my dress again. I lost a further stone and got into my dress as if Id only just stepped out of it, it was amazing.
"I hadnt seen the dress since the day we got married and so was a very emotional moment opening the case and seeing it for the first time in 25 years, the dress my mum made.
More here:
The 15 inspiring Devon people who have achieved phenomenal weight loss - Devon Live