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COLUMN: Ring in the new year and get healthy – Tahlequah Daily Press

The holiday party buffet table may have required more than one trip, and decadent sweet treats may still be found. Now that Christmas is over, the ribbons and bows have been properly disposed of. However, all those special treats have left you with a special gift - an extra few pounds that you wish you could return as easily as that sweater from Aunt Sue.
Plus, we still have to ring in the new year with plenty more celebration and food.
There are some traditional New Year's foods that are thought to bring luck. Many cultures believe that anything in the shape of a ring is good luck, because it symbolizes "coming full circle," completing a year's cycle. For that reason, the Dutch believe that eating donuts on New Year's Day will bring good fortune. This tradition is not going to help shed unwanted pounds.
Many people in the U.S. celebrate the new year by consuming black-eyed peas. These legumes are typically accompanied by either hog jowls or ham. Black-eyed peas and other legumes have been considered good luck in many cultures. Pork is considered lucky because it symbolizes prosperity. Cabbage is another "good luck" vegetable that is consumed on New Year's Day by many. Cabbage leaves are also considered a sign of prosperity, being representative of paper currency. In some regions, rice is a lucky food that is eaten on New Year's Day.
It can be relatively easy to gain three or four pounds over the holiday season. You're thinking three or four pounds may not sound unreasonable, the bad news is that any extra weight gained during the holidays is typically not lost during the rest of the year. Research indicates that although the few pounds that many people gain between Thanksgiving and the beginning of the year will usually accumulate from year to year and can lead to serious health problems later in life.
Deciding to lose those unwanted holiday pounds by a eating healthy diet and exercising is the first step to getting in shape after the holidays.
It is important to take small and consistent steps to gain control over your weight and take charge of your health. If you are not normally an active person, do not start training like an Olympic athlete. Doing too much too quickly is just setting yourself up for failure. The best approach is to begin slowly and increase your efforts over time.
One great strategy to help you lose weight and improve your health is to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet. Fruits and vegetables are low in calories, but as an added bonus, they also supply your body with much-needed vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Another strategy to consider is cutting about 800 calories per week from your diet. This can be done either by eating less or exercising more.
Of course, the best thing is to combine less consumption with more exercise. When combined with exercise, eating smaller, healthier portions of food is a weight-loss method that is sure to pay off. Just 20 to 30 minutes of exercise performed three or four days per week is sufficient to achieve noticeable improvements in your health.
If time is a constraint, break that 30-minute block of time down into manageable blocks of 10 to 15 minutes. When performed regularly, small segments of exercise are beneficial. Remember, you didn't gain those extra pounds overnight, so they aren't going to disappear overnight. Small, consistent steps are the key to shedding those unwanted holiday pounds.
For more information, or to schedule a program locally about financial management, nutrition, health and wellness, parenting education, or Oklahoma Home and Community Education, contact the OSU Cooperative Extension Service in Cherokee County by phone at 918-456-6163.
Heather Winn is a family and consumer sciences educator for the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service in Cherokee County.
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COLUMN: Ring in the new year and get healthy - Tahlequah Daily Press
2020 New Year’s resolution: How to eat better and master your nutrition – Fast Company

Lose weight, eat less junk food, and stick to a diet top plenty of New Years resolution lists, but many experts say that these goals may set unrealistic expectations and set you up for failure before February even hits. Instead, doctors and registered dietician say that a more sustainable approach to managing weight, feeling good, and changing eating habits is to focus on identifying which foods nourish your body and give you the proper fuel you need to live a great life. So to jumpstart 2020, we rounded up some of the best products to help you eat well and feel your very best.
[Photo: courtesy of EverlyWell]Find your food sensitivitiesSome foods that are generally considered nutritious may not be good for you specifically, thanks to food sensitivities that can cause headaches, joint pain, fatigue, and digestive issues. To identify which foods might be the culprits, you can start elimination diet test from scratch, which can take months or years to execute properly. You can also jumpstart that process withEverlyWells mail-in food sensitivity test($159), which requires just a small sample of blood. The tests, which are reviewed and approved by independent board-certified physicians, measure IgG antibodies in your bloodstream when exposed to certain foods and ingredients. (Its important to note that this test is merely for food sensitivities, not more serious food allergies, nor can it identify is someone is lactose intolerant.) You can then use your test results to start a guided elimination diet.
[Photo: courtesy of Peter Pauper Press]Keep a food journalResearch shows that for people interested in learning more about healthy eating habits, keeping a journal is very effective tool. During onestudyof nearly 1,700 participants, those who kept daily food records lost twice as much weight as those who kept no records. Additionally, a food loglike this handy, self-guidedDaily Food Journal ($8)is crucial in helping to identify eating patterns and certain foods that dont make you feel good or cause bloating, digestive issues, headaches, and the like. If youre going to try an elimination diet, a food journal is key. The only time we wouldnt recommend using a food log is if you aresusceptible to obsessive eating patterns or food phobias; have a history of an eating disorder; or, if for any reason, a food log makes you feel guilt, shame, or fear. If thats the case, skip this step. Because keeping track of what you eat should make you feel mindfulnot bad about yourself.
[Photo: courtesy of Seedlip]Skip the boozeRegardless of how much (or little) you drink, anyone can all benefit from cutting back on alcohol, since consumption is linked to increased risk of cancer, heart disease, immunity issues, weight gain, muscle loss, and a slew of other not-so-fun side effects. But that doesnt mean your dry January needs to be joyless. The botanical spirits of nonalcoholic distillery Seedlip has become a hit with high-end mixologists. Now you can try them at home with theSeedlip Distilled Non-Alcoholic Spirits Sampler ($107.50, set of 3). With only three ingredients (water, natural botanical distillates, and citric acid), these spirits are good for your health and surprisingly enjoyable for the palate. Beer lovers also have more alcohol-free options available to them, such asWellbeing Brew Cosnon-alcoholic craft beer($12), which only has 68 calories and contains zero grams of sugar. You can also try the award-winningnonalcoholic brews($12) of the breakout Athletic Brewing Company.
[Photo: courtesy of Sun Basket]But dont skip mealsSkipping meals is a bad ideathat can spike your blood sugars and lead to overeating laterand wreak havoc on your metabolism and immune system. If you find youre simply too busy to shop for and cook your own meals and you want to avoid eating unhealthily on the run, consider a subscriptions service like the Sun Basket meal kit($11.99 per serving for 2 people, $10.99 per serving for 4 people, regardless of frequency), which brings you a weekly box of organic and non-GMO ingredients to prepare your own meat-free or vegan meals. For people who are even more pressed for time,Sakara(starting at $239/week) delivers fresh meals, teas, and supplements that are completely organic, plant-based, gluten-free, dairy-free, non-GMO, and contain no refined sugar. No prep or cooking required.
Looking for more goodies and gadgets? Check out our handpicked suggestions.
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2020 New Year's resolution: How to eat better and master your nutrition - Fast Company
6 intermittent fasting plans that one can follow to get into shape – International Business Times, Singapore Edition

Intermittent fasting is all the rage these days. From celebrities such as Terry Crews to Jimmy Kimmel to Halle Berry, all have publicly spoken about the benefits of this method of dieting. Studies have also proven that this form of dieting not just benefits the body in a multitude of ways, but also improves longevity.
One of the most significant benefits of intermittent fasting is its ability to aid in healthy weight loss and improvement of muscle tone. This makes it a viable form of dieting based on the outcome that is intended. We give you six methods or plans of intermittent fasting that you can try based on your convenience and threshold.
As the name suggests, it is literally fasting every alternate day. In principle, when one follows this plan, they eat only on alternate days.
However, some people give themselves a 500-600 calorie limit on fasting days as a complete denial of calories may lead to weakness and discomfort, and not feasible on a long-term basis. A benefit of this plan is that an individual is permitted to eat anything they want on the feeding days, and still lose weight.
This is a plan where one eats normally for 5 days of the week and fasts on two non-consecutive days. It is a relatively easy method, to begin with, as it helps in developing the capacity to fast systematically.
On fasting days, one is permitted to consume 500-600 calories, much like the alternate-day method. Picking two non-consecutive days within the week, and consuming two small meals that add up to 500-600 calories, can serve as a stepping stone towards other stricter forms of intermittent fasting.
When one chooses this plan, they fast for 24 hours at a stretch, from meal to meal. This means, if one has dinner at 8 PM on Tuesday, they do not consume food till 8 PM on Wednesday. This can also be done from breakfast to breakfast or lunch to lunch.
Much like the 16/8 method, solid food is not permitted during the fasting period, and only water and zero-calorie beverages are permitted. It is also advisable to follow this plan only twice a week. The sheer idea of a 24 hour fast can be intimidating, to begin with, and following it can be equally difficult. Beginning with the 16/8 method can ease one into this one gradually.
Following a strict plan may not always be necessary to achieve desired results, and this method of intermittent fasting is an example of that philosophy. Here, one simply skips a meal when they are not hungry or not inclined to whip up a meal for themselves.
Skipping meals may not cause any severe outcomes as the human body is equipped to handle a long duration of starvation. Therefore, a few meals are just an afterthought for the sophistication of human design.
It is one of the most common methods of intermittent fasting. As the name suggests, the feeding cycle during a day is split into two parts: A sixteen-hour fasting period and an 8 hour feeding period.
During the fasting period, only water or zero-calorie beverages such as unsweetened green tea of black coffee is permitted. When the 8 hour feeding period arrives, the entire calorie intake for the day must be consumed within this period.
"Fast and feast" is the underlying principle of this method. When one follows this plan, he or she is permitted small quantities of fresh fruits and vegetables during the fasting period. Following this, they have one big meal at the end of the fast. The feeding period is often a four-hour window within which the calorific requirements for the day are consumed.
Another accompanying principle is the stress on a paleo-style diet where the emphasis is on the consumption of whole grains and unprocessed foodforms of food that are closest to how they are found in nature.
Just fasting may not give you all the desired results. A nutritional diet enriched with all the vital nutrients that the body requires such as proteins, vitamins, and healthy carbohydrates and fats, among others, should form the core of the diet plan. Regular exercise coupled with a good diet, along with the intermittent fasting plan of choice, is the ideal way to derive the intended benefits for the body.
Decade-End Special: Top Diet Trends That Gained Momentum In The Past Decade – NDTV News

Decade-end diet trends: Intermittent fasting is one of the most trendiest diets at the moment
Dieting has become synonymous with fad diets. Following a diet has become similar to fashion, with trends changing every year. Practitioners across the globe keep coming up with something 'new' every now and then; mostly promising to help you shed weight magically. Most of the fad diets promise quick weight loss (often without any emphasis on lifestyle changes and regular exercises) but have more to their flipside. Also, mostly these are not sustainable. Thanks to the internet, the fad diet trends easily go viral very quickly. Let's that a look at some of the diet trends of the last decade.
These diets involve consuming only juices of fruits and vegetables and claim to detoxify the body. These diets are typically very low in protein and can lead to temporary weight loss in the form of muscle loss. These are not sustainable and are accompanied by increased risk of infections and diarrhoea. Also, these diets are not suitable for certain conditions like diabetes, kidney diseases, pregnancy etc.
Juice cleanse or juice detox diets gained popularity the past decadePhoto Credit: iStock
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This high-protein, low-carb diet is a favourite with weight watchers as it produces easy weight loss in a lot of people; also the protein keeps you satiated. Atkins diet is not new; it dates back to the 1960s. Most fad diets quickly lose popularity but Atkins seems to remain popular. It can produce side effects like headache, dizziness, constipation due to low carbohydrate content. It is also not suitable for certain conditions like kidney stones, kidney disorders etc. Usually such diets are predominantly animal food based and high in cholesterol.
A paleo diet is a cavemen's diet, typically consists of lean meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, food in ancient times collected by hunting & gathering. Though it helps cut out processed food, it also omits important food groups like beans, legumes and grains.
This diet has caught the fancy of many weight watchers. People have started believing that going gluten free is the one-stop solution to all their health problems. My take is you must avoid gluten only if you genuinely are sensitive or allergic to gluten. One of the side effects of going gluten free can be constipation since such diets are typically low in fibre. Though, if well planned, gluten free diets can be balanced and nutritious.
Many opted for gluten-free diet for weight lossPhoto Credit: iStock
Also read:Should You Try Gluten-Free Diet Or Not?
Vegan diet can be considered extreme simply because these exclude a number of food groups, some of which are actually healthy. A vegan diet excludes any food items which come from animal sources like dairy, eggs, poultry, fish, and meats. It includes fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds and grains all of which are healthy but still doesn't exclude some highly processed foods items. Also, vegans run a risk of nutritional deficiencies as these diets are typically low in Vitamin B12 & Vitamin D.
These diets considered to be a quick way to lose weight, have many short term and long term side effects. Short term side effects include excessive thirst, frequent urination, confusion, anxiety, tachycardia, shakiness, headaches and constipation. The long term side effects include higher cholesterol levels, kidney stones, increased risk of bone fractures and stunted growth in children.
This is one of the trendiest diets at the moment but not without its share of side effects. The starvation in the morning can eventually slow down metabolism, the long gaps can create an acidic environment which makes the body susceptible to many health problems. You may also feel lethargic, irritable, dehydrated and blood glucose levels can drop too. Though there are lots of people including some famous ones who swear by it and are raving about the transformation it has brought into their lives, yet it doesn't suit everyone.
Intermittent fasting is one of the most popular diet trends at the momentPhoto Credit: iStock
Also read: 10 Tips To Make Intermittent Fasting Work For You
To sum it up, no fad diet can beat the benefits of our traditional balanced meals which have been curated to provide balanced and adequate nutrition. Not all fad diets need be written off completely. Some of them can be used carefully on a short-term or long-term basis but remember, 'one size doesn't fit all. It's extremely important to listen to your body and be guided by biological cues. Diet plans need to be individualised to meet each individual's needs.
(Pooja Malhotra is a nutritionist based in Delhi)
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. NDTV is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information on this article. All information is provided on an as-is basis. The information, facts or opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of NDTV and NDTV does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.
Read more from the original source:
Decade-End Special: Top Diet Trends That Gained Momentum In The Past Decade - NDTV News
Is Weight Training Important For Women? You Will Be Surprised To Know The Answer! – NDTV News

Weight training is an important, inevitable part of weight loss and good health. In this article, we are going to bust the very popular myth that weight training is not important for women. Well, not only is it a part of fitness, weight training is also the most effective way to be stronger and fitter, and prevent onset of diabetes. While cardio exercises help you burn calories and boost stamina, weight training helps in speeding up fat loss, building muscles and toning up your body.
Celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar stresses on the importance of including strength training in your fitness routine for improving insulin sensitivity, bone strength and overall strength. Here are other reasons why strength training is important for you:
Weight training exercises can improve overall strength in both men and womenPhoto Credit: iStock
1. Helps you lose fat quickly: Weight training is considered to be more effective and time-efficient way to lose fat. As mentioned above, cardio exercises help in burning calories, but weight training comes with the added benefit building muscle tissues along with burning fat and calories. Muscle gain and fat loss can together help in giving you a more toned body.
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2. Helps in strengthening bones: Including strength training in your routine can help prevent inevitable signs of ageing like joint pain and weak bones. This is especially important for women as around menopause, they tend to lose their bone density. Studies have shown the doing weight training exercises can prevent bone loss and reduce risk of osteoporosis and diseases related to bone health.
Also read:These Are The 3 Most Important Minerals For Strong Bones
3. It can give a boost to your confidence: Lifting weights in the gym or doing strength training exercises can give a boost to your confidence. With regular practice, you get stronger and are able to lift heavy weights or dumbbells at ease. A lean and toned body can further help you feel fitter and more confident.
Also read:Try These 6 Tips To Give A Boost To Your Self-Esteem And Confidence
4. Beneficial for diabetics: Lifting weights improve body's insulin response. It helps in improving the way body uses blood sugar, which can be beneficial for diabetics. Regular strength training can even help in reversing type 2 diabetes.
Weight training or strength training can be beneficial for people with diabetesPhoto Credit: iStock
Celebrity fitness expert Kayla Itsines shared this video on Instagram. It includes some common weight training exercises and their substitute exercises using body weight. Watch video below to see how each exercise is done. Make sure you do each exercise with the right technique.
Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
Read more:
Is Weight Training Important For Women? You Will Be Surprised To Know The Answer! - NDTV News
Weight gain tips to healthily gain fat and muscle mass quickly – Republic World – Republic World

While most people struggle to lose weight, there are many people who are struggling to put on some weight. Weight loss can seem like a cakewalk when compared to weight gain. Healthy weight gain is never easy, but, what's worse is that people assume that eating unhealthy food is the best way to put on weight. They fail to remember that it can also have an adverse effect on their health. Any fast food item can be considered unhealthy, not only because it causes weight gain but, also because it harms the health in the long run. Gaining healthy weight can be very tough and for this, you need to start off with a strict diet and a very strict routine to follow through. It's essential to gain some healthy mass instead of unhealthy fat which does no good for the body other than deteriorating our health. Read ahead to know things that will help to gain healthy fat and muscles-
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Including dry dates and milk in your diet is a must for gaining healthy weight. It is rich in vitamins and thiamine, as well as sugar and proteins. These food items and very helpful ingaining weight and some muscles. They also give a boost of energy. You can also have bananas with a glass of milk, as they are rich in calories and protein.
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Having a spoonful of clarified butter mixed with a spoonful of sugar before having lunch is another technique of gaining healthy weight. Eating this on an empty stomach gives the best results. This helps you gain some weight, and muscle mass too.
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Mangos are very rich in carbohydrates, sugar, and proteins. These three things are just what you need to increase your body mass. Having some mango along with a glass full of milk is considered to be one of the best ways to gain weight. Have this three times a day for the best results.
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Peanut butter is extremely rich in fatty acids and proteins. It is also rich in minerals and vitamins. In fact, peanut butter is also high in calories.Adding some peanut butter to your meal is a good way to gain healthy weight. You can start your day with a peanut butter sandwich or simply have it for a midday snack.
Originally posted here:
Weight gain tips to healthily gain fat and muscle mass quickly - Republic World - Republic World
A New Year’s Resolution Shouldn’t Be Used As A New Start On Your Health – HuffPost

You spend the final weeks of December indulging in all that the holidays have to offer an extra glass of eggnog, delicious frosted cookies and lazy days curled up in front of the TV. You promise yourself that youre going to start on that health goal very soon. Come Jan. 1, you vow to be in the gym seven days a week, packing salads for lunch and drinking eight glasses of water a day.
But then it doesnt work. Why? While it can seem motivating to make a New Years resolution to revamp your lifestyle, experts note that this isnt always the most effective approach.
Here are some reasons why looking at January as the time to start a new health regimen can actually sabotage your goals, plus some advice on what to do instead.
The statistics are not in your favor.
Tero Vesalainen via Getty Images
Its a known fact that most New Years resolutions, while well-intended, dont get off the ground at least not for long. The failure rate is said to be about 80%. And according to Elise Auxier, a certified professional coach in Tampa, the majority of people that make January goals lose their resolve by mid-February.
We start out with such enthusiasm, vigor and fortitude, only to quickly realize that our shiny goals are apparently destined to be buried in the sandlot of broken dreams within six weeks, she said.
Your resolution might not have the right motivation attached to it.
The beginning of a new year comes with cultural and social pressure to get healthier in one way or another, noted Nick Frye, a behavioral counseling manager at health coaching company OPTAVIA. This usually means losing weight, hitting the gym or eating better.
The problem with this lies in the concept of intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation, he said. With intrinsic motivation, we are driven to achieve our goals because they reflect our most personal values, our truest aspirations and our most authentic selves. Extrinsic motivation means we base our goals on what other people think we are supposed to achieve.
The bottom line? If you arent embarking on a new health journey because it is meaningful and important to you, then its usually just a matter of time before the commitment fades no matter what time of year you started.
A January resolution can create an all-or-nothing mentality.
As adults, we have long-established behavioral patterns of health. Some of these patterns started as children, so to think that you will wake up on Jan. 1 and change everything is setting yourself up for failure, said Stephanie Burstein, a licensed marriage and family therapist in Boca Raton, Florida.
New Years resolutions also have a way of making you feel like you need to go full-force on a goal or you may as well not do it at all.
Putting all your eggs in the January basket and hoping that this year will be different can not only create undue stress but can also create an ultimatum in your mind to stick to it 100% or nothing, which creates the perfect cop-out for when life inevitably happens, said Tiffany Caplan, co-founder of the Caplan Institute of Health in Ventura, California.
There will be times when you will inevitably deviate from your health goal your work meeting ran late and you missed your yoga class, you were under the weather or traveling and unable to find a healthy lunch spot. If this happens, you might be more tempted to give up on a resolution entirely. Instead, focus on a goal day by day.
Your new year, new you goal may be too big to achieve.
Towfiqu Photography via Getty Images
Last year, you didnt work out at all, but this year you are going to work out one hour a day, five days a week. That seems overwhelming just to read, doesnt it? said Christine Kenney, a health coach in Nashville.
Kenney added that this is often why people are quick to abandon new healthy habits that are set for January.
We find ourselves taking on such big new habits that they dont stick because they are just so far from our normal routine, she explained, noting that the majority of tasks you do in your day are already habits, so when you apply a new habit, it needs to be small enough to be sustainable.
Kenney recommended starting small, adding that even tiny changes can have a big impact. Try taking a pilates class every Wednesday night or commit to making one healthy meal per day.
Often, people try to change everything about themselves at once: their diets, their activities, their social life, etc. All of the changes at once [are] hard to maintain; people quit after a few months and then dont change anything until the following new year, said Ashley Nash, a personal trainer in Bridgewater, New Jersey.
The January wellness movement is overwhelming.
So many people enjoy the holidays, then pack into the gym like sardines the first day of the new year. But this can add an extra layer of stress to your goal, according to Jeanette DePatie, a certified fitness trainer and instructor in Los Angeles.
Everybody else is doing the same thing, so the gym is full, the trainers are super busy and you wont get the personal attention you would get if you start your fitness journey in February or June, she said.
DePatie added that seeing everyone going full-throttle in the gym in January can also set you up to push yourself too hard.
I see it every year the gym is full in January, and the sports medicine guys waiting room is full by Valentines Day.
- Jeanette DePatie, certified fitness trainer
It encourages people to jump into fitness at a level that might be too hard or fast for them, DePatie said. Its all part of the new year magical new me syndrome. I see it every year the gym is full in January, and the sports medicine guys waiting room is full by Valentines Day.
Additionally, waiting until January means you are starting your health journey when toxic messages about how all bodies need to be perfect [are] at a peak, DePatie said.
In January, every potion, pill, abdominal exerciser and health voodoo company has their before/after magical thinking advertising going full-tilt, she said.
The problem, she explained, is much of this advertising makes promises that are simply not real. Youre probably not going to end up looking like that fitness model or 16-year-old runway star after using that product. And constantly being bombarded with those images not only bashes our self-esteem but also sets us up to fail.
Delaying your goals can make them even harder to obtain.
Luis Alvarez via Getty Images
Most importantly, by putting off your goal, you are cheating yourself out of time.
In general, the best time to attempt a health behavior change is right now, said Keith Humphreys, a psychiatrist at Stanford Health Care. And if you succeed, when New Years comes, youll feel proud of the fact that you are already well ahead of everyone else who is just attempting to follow their resolution to change.
Putting off your health goals until January also creates the idea that your health and well-being is something to put off, said Alysa Boan, a certified personal trainer at and RealFitnessMaven.
When we set a start date too far out, or allow too many obstacles to occur before we begin, we often set ourselves up for failure, Boan said.
In reality, there are ways you can enjoy the holidays yet still generally live a healthy lifestyle. (One big meal, for example, isnt going to derail you.) Begin now by taking small, daily steps that help your well-being. Try drinking more water, cutting back on alcohol or going for a walk after dinner.
Instead of waiting for a better day, or period of time, try shifting your mindset toward what you can do today to improve 1% in the area you feel needs attention, said Mike Clancy, a health and wellness expert and founder of Mike Clancy Training. This type of action-based behavior is built upon the success of consistency, rather than a sweeping change at a future date.
Read the original:
A New Year's Resolution Shouldn't Be Used As A New Start On Your Health - HuffPost
How to lose weight and get fit like this guy who lost fat by following this one genius diet hack – GQ India – What a man’s got to do

Nothing can kickstart your weight loss and fitness journey faster than a bout of self realisation. 22-year-old Pankaj Kumar tells us that he started hitting the gym to not just lose weight but also get ripped to overcome an inactive lifestyle. I wanted to invest my time in bettering my life, my confidence and also my mental well-being.
When I began my weight loss and fitness journey, I weighed 77 kgs with a fat accumulation of 27-30 per cent, he says. To build a ripped body, the first thing that you need to do is get rid of your bodys excess fat and then work towards building lean muscles, which Pankaj was able to do by losing 11 kgs, courtesy of one genius diet hack calorie deficit.
A calorie deficit is a specific diet pattern that revolves around the number of calories you consume in a day. According to Healthline, the concept is based on the idea that as long as you eat fewer calories than you burn, youre bound to lose weight.
This diet pattern requires you to calculate the number of calories your body needs to consume to function smoothly without feeling hungry, and how much deficit you need create without harming your health.
The deficit can then be created by cutting down empty calories and unhealthy fats. Keep in mind that the number of calories required to create a deficit is different for different body types. You can calculate yours online via a calorie calculator.
QUICK READ: How many calories should you eat every day to lose weight?
I am an eggetarian, my calorie deficit diet was a combination of vegetarian sources (mostly paneer, tofu, low-fat milk, sprouts, dal, nuts, low-fat curd, fruit salads, rice, fresh veggies, brown bread, peanut butter) and eggs.
QUICK READ: This is how eating eggs daily will help you lose weight without compromising on flavour
Since the number of calories one needs to consume will keep changing as per your goals, the quantity of the foods will also change, as it did for me. But these foods comprised my daily diet. The same is also true for your exercise regime, I followed the below exercise regime to lose 11 kgs before switching the routine again to build my body up.
I used to workout 5-6 days/week and the basic routine comprised Weight Training + HIIT/Sprints. More importantly, I used to train 2 body parts in a day and focused more on Compound Movements such as Bench press, Overhead press, Push ups, Deadlift, Pull ups and Squats.
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My body transformation has gone through whats popularly known as 'a weight recycle'. Simply put, I lost 11 kgs in 4months (77 kgs to 66 kgs) by following the above diet and exercise regime, which essentially also meant that I lost a lot of the excess body fat. So with the excess body fat gone, I became lean and then started to work on gaining healthy muscle mass. So, now I am 76 kgs with lots of muscle mass and very less fat percentage.
1. Follow a calorie deficit diet
2. Track your calories daily (if you don't want to do that then work on a trial and error method by reducing your portion size and checking your weight weekly, if your weight goes down then voila this is perfect portion size for you!)
3. Eat more vegetables and protein-rich food. Vegetables are loaded with minerals and vitamins. Protein-rich food will help retain muscle mass and also help burn calories.
4. Drink more water.
5. Do weight training. It helps shape the body and retain muscle while losing weight and also walk more (at least 10,000 steps). Walking strengthens the joints and also promotes heart health.
6. Be consistent and stay disciplined.
Disclaimer: The diet and workout routines shared by the respondents may or may not be approved by diet and fitness experts. GQ India doesn't encourage or endorse the weight loss tips & tricks shared by the person in the article. Please consult an authorised medical professional before following any specific diet or workout routine mentioned above.
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Read this article:
How to lose weight and get fit like this guy who lost fat by following this one genius diet hack - GQ India - What a man's got to do
10 Health Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting, Backed By Science – Women’s Health

ICYMI, fasting diets basically dominated 2019, turning phrases like eating windows and 5:2 versus 16:8 into normal parts of everyday conversation. As far as diets go, fasting looks to be one of the more long-lasting trends: it technically isnt a diet at all, focusing less on overall caloric intake and more on restricting your eating to specific windows of time each day. For the most part, thats just common senseand the health benefits can be huge if youre accustomed to eating all day (and night) long.
Since there are so many different fasting schedules to choose from, its probably worth checking out the actual benefits before you wade in to figure out which option is right for you. Until recently, there wasnt much research to work from; most of the studies were done on animals or small sample populations, making the purported benefits largely anecdotal.
But as fasting becomes more popular, more research is emergingand with it, the list of possible advantages seems to be growing. Here are 10 potential benefits to following your fasting schedule of choice.
Lets start with the biggie: Can a fasting diet really help you lose weight? It dependson everything from the type of fasting youre doing to the research being considered. Lauren Harris-Pincus, MS, RDN, author of The Protein-Packed Breakfast Club, says that some research has shown no real difference in weight loss between intermittent fasting and typical calorie-restricted diets. But newer studies are suggesting that earlier eating windows (like from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.) can assist with weight loss.
For example, Harris-Pincus points to a 2013 study in Obesity demonstrating that people who consumed a certain amount of calories eating a larger breakfast and smaller dinner lost two-and-a-half times as much weight in 12 weeks than people who ate the same exact calories but in reverse (with a smaller breakfast and larger dinner).
Obviously more research is needed to draw concrete conclusions about how and why fasting helps with weight loss (for any reason other than the fact that you might be eating fewer calories). Ultimately, we need to create a calorie deficit to lose weight, but it's not as simple as calories in versus calories out, Harris-Pincus explains, suggesting that the time of day you eat (or dont) may contribute to weight loss when combined with less calorie consumption overall.
New Jersey-based dietitian Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, author of 2 Day Diabetes Diet, says that in some studies intermittent fasting has been found to reduce blood sugar levels and reduce insulin resistance, which can be very beneficial to those at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
The results of a 2018 study published in Cell Metabolism are notable here: Researchers found that even without weight loss, early time-restricted fasting increased insulin sensitivity in men with prediabetes. (Most other similar studies cant definitively say whether insulin sensitivity improves because of the fasting schedule itself, or because most people lose weight when they fast, which also improves insulin sensitivity.)
Okay, the connection between fasting and your body health looks promising so far...but what about your brain health? Palinski-Wade notes that some animal studies have shown intermittent fasting to be protective to the brain by improving its function and structure, like in this 2018 study in Experimental Biology and Medicine, which suggests fasting may protect against Alzheimers disease by reducing the incidence of memory loss.
Obviously, more research is needed to see if this is also true in humans (because you're not a mouse, right?!)but at some point in the future we may see those results apply more broadly. TBD.
One of the reasons fasting can lead to weight loss is because youre eating during daytime hours, e.g., when your body naturally wants to consume calories.
When we eat according to our circadian rhythmmeaning we consume energy during our active hours of the day when the sun is up and eat less in the eveningwe metabolize our food better and see improvements in blood sugar and lipids including cholesterol and triglycerides, explains Harris-Pincus.
5:2 fasting, in particular, may improve cholesterol levels. As WH previously reported, a 2018 study showed that people who followed a 5:2 diet had a lower risk of heart disease than people who dieted by counting calories.
The science here is still emerging, but researchers have been studying the effects of food intake on sleep for years. Some research has shown that eating late at night can disrupt sleep or cause sleep disturbances, though sample sizes are usually pretty small.
Theres also not a lot of direct evidence that fastinginstead of eatingbefore the nighttime hours can have the opposite effect, but it does make sense. Plus, one study from 2003 found that a week of fasting resulted in less sleep arousals (though only 15 people were tracked and that study is fairly old, obviously).
At the root of many of fastings health benefits is a reduction in inflammation, and thats a connection being studied pretty closely by experts interested in the relationship between fasting and overall health.
In 2019, researchers at Mount Sinai found that intermittent-fasting cycles lasting less than 24 hours reduced the number of pro-inflammatory monocytes in the blood. High levels of monocytes have been associated with some chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.
Similarly, the Yale School of Medicine studied the effects of fasting and diets on the bodys macrophages, or inflammatory immune cells, and found that low-carb dieting, fasting, or high-intensity exercise may help to reduce that kind of inflammatory response.
Ever reach for a candy bar or bag of chips out of habit without even realizing what youre doing? Thats called mindless eating, and most of us do it to some extent. But do it often enough, and it can cause you to fall pretty out of step with your bodys hunger cues.
Many people eat emotionally, particularly at night when it's easy to sit in front of the TV and mindlessly consume extra calories, says Harris-Pincus. But fasting diets, which force you to establish clear eating windows, eliminate this absent-minded noshing and can help you take in fewer overall calories.
In the last two years, proponents of fasting have claimed that restricting caloric intake for even a short period of time can reset your immune system, giving it a much needed power boost.
This theory was born out of a University of Southern California study on both mice and humans, which suggested that fasting for 72 hours could allow your body to flush out damaged immune cells and regenerate new, healthier cells primed to help the body fight toxins. (The effects of fasting on patients undergoing chemotherapy were examined in this particular study.)
At this point, the connection hasnt been well-studied. But a little fasting probably cant hurt your immune system, either.
Can spending some of your week fasting actually add years to your life? Its a lofty claim and it hasnt been studied carefully enough in humans yet, but a 2019 study in Cell Metabolism found that alternate day fasting, specifically, did improve some of the more common markers of aginglike cardio health and fat-to-lean ratioin a small sample of healthy, non-obese people.
Elsewhere, the National Institute on Aging has reported that male mice that ate less frequent meals lived longer compared to mice that ate more frequently, with fewer liver diseases and metabolic disorders.
Weve known for a long time that what you eat can affect your skin health. The American Academy of Dermatology confirms that certain foods, like milk, white bread, and sugary snacks or beverages, can increase acne by spiking your blood sugar.
But can the time of day you eat affect your skin health, too? Maybe...but right now, the evidence is mostly anecdotal, based on what we know about the combined factors that can cause acne, like inflammation, high levels of insulin, and lack of restorative beauty sleep. Because fasting may help with some of these root causes of acne, it couldin theorybe a solution to common skin issues. But more research is needed here, too.
See the article here:
10 Health Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting, Backed By Science - Women's Health
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and what you can do to help – Marshalltown Times Republican

My husband has been diagnosed with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. His doctor told him to lose weight and he tries, but he ends up getting discouraged and goes off his diet. Im worried about his health, but what can I do?
Dear Lauren,
One of the most difficult things in life is watching someone struggle with a health condition. It is perhaps more difficult than when we struggle ourselves. Of course, you worry about your husbands health and you can offer love and support in a number of ways. If you do the cooking, prepare tasteful, healthy meals that fit into his health plan. Encourage him to join a support group, as these have been linked to increased success rates. These groups meet in-person and online, and you can find one near you at
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is a condition where fat builds up in the liver and it is estimated that about 100 million Americans are living with this disorder. At one time, fatty liver occurred almost always as a result of excessive alcohol intake, but with increased rates of obesity in society, the condition now occurs in non-alcoholics. If left untreated, it may lead to inflammation and damage to the liver, a condition known as non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Since these conditions often have no symptoms, it is important to have an annual physical exam where your doctor can order blood work to monitor liver enzyme levels.
Most people who have NAFLD or NASH live a normal life with a stable disease. However, it is possible that NASH will lead to cirrhosis, which increases the risks of liver failure and liver cancer.
Risk factors for NAFLD include obesity, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. While most of us are familiar with obesity and diabetes, insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome are lesser known conditions. Insulin resistance occurs when the pancreas secretes insulin, but it cannot make it into the cells where it is needed. This, in turn, leads to increased blood sugar levels. When blood sugar levels are high, fat cannot be broken down efficiently, leaving high levels of fatty acids in the bloodstream. These fatty acids make their way to the liver but cannot be metabolized effectively, so they accumulate.
Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of health conditions that increases the risk of cardiovascular disease (heart attack and stroke). In order to have this diagnosis, one must have three or more of following conditions: high blood pressure (or taking medication for this condition), obesity, insulin resistance, low HDL (good cholesterol) or high triglycerides (or taking medication for this condition).
Currently, there are no medications to treat fatty liver disease and NASH, but the conditions are treatable. The most successful plan is weight loss and exercise. A reduction of 7-10 percent of total bodyweight has been shown to improve outcomes. It is important not to lose weight too quickly as this can make the situation worse. Your husbands physician will have him work with a Registered Dietitian to develop a meal plan that will produce a slow, consistent weight loss. My blessings to you and your husband. Please let me know how things work out.
Until next time, be healthy!
Dear Dietitian
Leanne McCrate, RD, LD, CNSC,
aka Dear Dietitian, is an award-winning dietitian based in Missouri.
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Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and what you can do to help - Marshalltown Times Republican