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Weight loss: The 5 ways to burn fat while you SLEEP according to science – The Sun

WITH Christmas just around the corner, most people have resigned themselves to the fact they're bound to pile on the pounds.
However, winter doesn't have to be synonymous with weight gain.
With science on our side, there are some little things you can do to make to turn your body into an effective fat burning machine while you sleep.
In particular, small lifestyle changes like standing up more or drinking more water can make a significant difference to how many calories you burn each day.
Here, we take you through several simple steps to maximise weight loss - with proven research by scientists.
A recent study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology found that standing and sitting more frequently can lead to relatively fast, and low effort weight loss.
In particular, they found that standing versus sitting for six hours a day would help a ten stone person burn an extra 54 calories a day.
Add it up over the course of a year, and thats equal to nearly half a stone, the researchers say.
Plus, previousstudieshave shown that standing burns about nine additional calories per hour compared to sitting.
That said, researchers cautioned that you shouldn't rely on standing alone to shed pounds: "Whether such a small difference in [energy expenditure] will truly translate into long-term weight loss is yet to be proved."
Feeling stressed over a long period of time can increase the hormone cortisol, which directly influences fluid retention and water weight.
Scientists say it also increase a hormone, known as the antidiuretic or ADH, which sends signals to your kidneys telling them how much water to pump back into your body.
Managing your stress levels will help you maintain a normal level of both ADH and cortisol - vital for long-term health and disease risk.
A recent study revealed that short spurts of intense exercise are better for weight loss and burns more fat than workouts that takes double the time
Researchers found that 23 minutes of high intensity interval training was more effective than 41 minutes of aconventional workout.
It led to 29 per cent more weight loss than traditional gym sessions.
NHS tips for weight loss success
The NHS has shared six actions that will start you on your journey towards a healthy weight:
Steven Ward, CEO of fitness industry body UK active, said: These figures show the positive impacts of interval training on reducing weight and, with Britain battling a grave obesity crisis, this research should be welcomed.
Typically, HIIT involves 30 seconds of intense effort, such as sprinting, cycling or doing burpees, followed by short recovery periods.
It may seem a bit contradictory, but one of thebest ways to lose water weight is to actually drink more water.
That's because if you're constantly dehydrated, your body tends to retain more water in an attempt to prevent its water levels getting too low.
Water also boosts your metabolism, cleanses your body of waste and acts as an appetite suppressant, experts say.
Guidelines suggest about two litres per day, but it can vary from person to person, so simply drink when you're thirsty and stop when you feel well hydrated.
You can usually use your urine colour as an indicator of hydration - if it's light yellow or fairly clear then you're well hydrated.
When it's dark yellow or amber then you need to be drinking more water.
"Fail to prepare and you prepare to fail" - and that's totally true with dieting.
Spend one day a week working out what you'll eat for the other days and make batches of grub, so you're not having to bother with cooking when you come back from work.
Prep your breakfast and lunch the night before to take to work and you'll save a tonne of cash - and inches around your waist - on shop/cafe bought food.
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Sports nutritionist Scott Baptie also recommends dieters (and actually, anyone interested in healthy eating),should "prepare for an alien invasion", by stocking up on healthy food that you can access at all times.
"When faced with a dietary disaster, it can be all too common for people to throw in the towel and either order a greasy, calorie-loaded takeaway or just create a random concoction of bits they find in the cupboard like cheese and crackers with a side of toast, crisps and half an Easter egg," he wrote in his book,101 Ways to Lose Weight and Never Find It Again.
"However, if you've got an emergency food stash, then you can still cook up a tasty and healthy plate of scoff to tide you over."
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Weight loss: The 5 ways to burn fat while you SLEEP according to science - The Sun
UKs fattest cat, weighing over 9kg, goes on a diet – Malay Mail

The four-year-old tubby tabby was sent to rescue centre to help her lose weight. Picture via Twitter/ByLukeMatthews
KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 21 An adorable black-and-while tubby tabby dubbed Britains fattest cat has been put on a strict diet after she shocked rescue staff with her unusual weight.
The four-year-old Paisley weighs in at a whopping 9.5kg, double the weight of a healthy cat.
According to Metro UK, the chubby feline was sent to the rescue home after her owner couldnt cope anymore.
It was also reported that staff at the Cats Protections National Cat Adoption Centre in West Sussex have to help her clean herself as she has become too big to do it by herself.
The centres deputy manager Tania Marsh said she was shocked when she first saw Paisley.
When I saw her, it took my breath away. Shes the fattest cat Ive ever seen.
Ive been with Cats Protection for 13 years and we get some cats on the larger side sometimes but nothing of this extent, she added.
It's thought that Paisleys massive bulk comes from being overfed by her previous owner, combined with a lack of exercise and poor diet.
Marsh also confirmed that Paisleys former owners gave her up for adoption last month and she has already found a new owner.
Paisley is now on a stern vet-prescribed diet to help her slim down in a controlled way, which has already showed some results.
Despite the positive progress, Marsh said Paisley was still at risk of developing diabetes and needed to continue her diet.
When Paisley goes to her new home, she'll have to maintain the diet. No treats are allowed, she added.
Paisleys food is specially formulated to have less calories and it allows her to feel full for a longer period of time.
Regular checks with the vet will also be needed as we need to make sure she doesnt lose weight too quickly, otherwise she could develop a fatty liver, said Marsh.
Originally posted here:
UKs fattest cat, weighing over 9kg, goes on a diet - Malay Mail
Dieting Is Stressful. Making Small Healthy Changes Is More Effective – Thrive Global

If you want to lose weight, chances are you are going to go on a diet.
Well guess what, it isthe number 1 worst thing to dofor healthy and sustainable weight-loss.
So many people are being told to diet when that is the very thing that willwreck their bodies. The diet and weight-loss industry is around $72 billion. Of course people are going to tell you anything and everything to keep that flow of money going.
The problem is that when you are told to diet, especially by a health practitioner, you dont question it. You just do it, because it makes sense. Its what youve been fed for the past 20, 30, 40 years, so you assume that its true. That dieting will work.
And then you engulf yourself in thenever-ending spiral. You drastically reduce your calories. At first, youre motivated. You see the weight shedding off. You dont realize or care that its water weight, because youve always been told that the numbers on the scale are all that matters. Youre good at eating your veggies, your lean protein, and of course no carbs, because they are the devil. But you still treat yourself! Yes, Im talking about the tiny square of super bitter dark chocolate you nibble on after lunch.
And then, something happens.You go out to lunch with a friend. They order pizza, and you know you should order a salad, but oh what the heck. You order pizza as well. That pizza tastes so good, you gobble it down and finish it off with a brownie for dessert. The second youre done, you feel terrible. You feel disgusting.
When you get home, you realize that youve already screwed up for the day, so you might as well continue down that path. You eat an entire box of cookies and wash it down with a liter of soda, because you miss it so much. Andyour day of clean-eating is wrecked, anyway. Might as well eat hamburgers and fries for dinner while youre at it, and start again fresh tomorrow.
You wake up the next day,feeling like a failure. Why cant you just control yourself like everyone else? You weigh yourself, and see that youve gained three pounds. You feel miserable, like all your past efforts have been in vain. What even is the point of all of this? You laboriously have a healthy day of eating, trying to get yourself back on the right path. You weigh yourself again, and youve gained another pound. You decide this is all pointless, and give yourself a break.
A few months later, youre 10 pounds heavier. You decide to diet again. This time, youre going to stick to it. Youre motivated, its going to be beach season. You eat your salad with determination.
Flash forward a few months later. Youve gained 15 pounds.
THIS is the cycle that around 80% of the population will follow, because thats the way the dieting industry isdesigned. It works the first few weeks, so that you believe in it, then you gain the weight back and then some, but you keep coming back to the diet because you remember the initial weight-loss. Imagine if diets actually worked! People would diet once and then never again! Imagine the money loss!
If you want some scientific explanation behind this, you can check out some of these articles:*Why you shouldnt lose weight too fast
*Why the keto diet is bad for you
*Why you dont really need to lose weight
I feel like I need to make a few disclaimers on this previous section:-The information applies to the general population. OF COURSE, there are certain conditions where diets are crucial, and some people who need diets to be healthy/get healthier.-Just because YOU have been able to lose weight and maintain it by dieting (good for you!) doesnt mean that its right for everyone. Studies show that over 80% of diets actually dont work long term.
Now, for most people, the best way to lose weight is by operating alifestyle change. People dont like to hear this, because it isnt a quick fix. Its not going to make you lose 20 pounds in 10 days. You will have to change, and that is uncomfortable. But let me tell you,it will work.
You first need to start with your nutrition. I totally advise against counting and restricting calories and cutting out all the bad foods. This will only lead to frustration and binge-eating later on.
I suggest looking intoholistic nutrition. Holistic nutrition is a natural approach to eating healthily by taking into consideration all aspects of well-being, such as oneshealth history,lifestyle, current diet, emotional state, andlikes and dislikesin order to establish a personalized food and lifestyle plan. It focuses on addressing the root cause of a problem instead of treating the symptoms. The goal is to develop a healthy relationship with food and to understand the importance of nutrition for optimal health. You can look more into itHERE.
One aspect of holistic nutrition ismindful eating. Its goal is to focus your attention on thepresent experience, to befully awareof your own thoughts, actions, and motivations. Eating mindfully means being aware of what you eat, andeating consciously in a healthy and balanced wayin order to rediscover taste, flavor, and pleasure. Mindful eating involveslisteningto yourhunger cuesto know when you are hungry and when you are full.
At first, this isHARD. Youre probably overwhelmed with distorted eating cues telling you that you are hungry every five minutes. If you really put a lot of intention into writing down how hungry you are, what emotions you are feeling and anything else that could be relevant before/during/after a meal, you will start to recognize patterns. After a while, youll be used to tuning in, and youll be able torely on your natural cuesto know when to start and stop eating. You can look more into thisHERE.
I know, this seems hard. Theres a lot of information, and you just dont have the time. But dont let this be an endless save for later article that you never actually look back on, and even less implement. Take some action right away by doing at least ONE thing in favor of getting healthier. Then do another one tomorrow. Its only hard in the beginning. Then, it becomes a habit.
If you want, you can get this information in checklist form with this freeoptimal health and nutrition checklist. With this youll be able to actually tick off boxes as you go and hold yourself accountable.
Dont wait for January 2020.
Start now.
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Dieting Is Stressful. Making Small Healthy Changes Is More Effective - Thrive Global
Miranda Lambert Talks Overcoming Her Lifelong Struggle With Weight – iHeartRadio

When you're in the public eye as much as country star, Miranda Lambert, it's easy to feel pressure from society to look or act a certain way.
In a recent interview, the singer opened up about her struggle with self-confidence and weight at times throughout her career. "Ive been all sizes. My whole life, Ive struggled with ups and downs in weight," Lambert tells Health. "Im only 5'4" so weight shows quickly on me."
Though she's previously felt the pressure to lose weight, Lambert has now "hit a comfortable place." She explains, "This is pretty much my size. I'm a size 6, give or take five pounds, depending on the day. It's so good to find your place."
"I don't like being onstage worrying about my body. That's the last thing I want to be thinking about. I don't give my best performance when I'm distracted by my insecurities."
Lambert recalls one specific moment when a fan inspired her to stop worrying about weight and instead embrace who she is. "I had a girl come up to me. She was probably my size and age, and she said, 'I want you to know I threw my scale away because of you, because you're so confident. I realized my weight is not in a scale; it's in how I feel about myself.'"
That woman gave Lambert says gave her the confidence to be like, "Whatever state you're in, you've gotta rock it."
Lambert has done it all when it comes to dieting. Low-carb diets never seemed to do the trick for her because every time she'd gain the weight back so quickly. "Sometimes I have a couple weeks where I just drink beer and eat cheeseburgers. And then I'll go, 'That was fun, but my stuff doesn't fit.' Then I'll spend a month doing Pilates or riding a lot and running." She adds, "I'm not a runner, but I'm trying to be one."
As Lambert works to become a runner, she'll also be rocking venues around the country for her 2020 "Wildcard Tour" in support of her latest album, Wildcard. Texas country singer, Cody Johnson and Lanco will also join her on the journey. Tickets to the tour are available now.
On Wednesday (November 13) at the 2019 CMA Awards Lambert performed her current single, "It All Comes Out In The Wash." She delivered an energetic, bubbly performance beaming with the self-confidence and joy she now has.
See the original post here:
Miranda Lambert Talks Overcoming Her Lifelong Struggle With Weight - iHeartRadio
Don’t Let the Comparison Trap Get In the Way of Your Health Goals – Thrive Global

Comparison is the thief of joy. We are all different. You will hear us repeat this mantra over and over again. We are all different.
One of the biggest downfalls we see is when people start comparing their results to other people. We are all different. Different genders, ages, stress levels, activity levels, food consumption, level of seriousness, different motivations, different reasons why we are seeking the results and benefits of the ketogenic lifestyle, different hormone issues, and different metabolisms.
What may be the absolute best choice for one person may be the very thing that does not work at all for another. One person may cut carbs back to 50 grams a day and get great results, while another person cuts carbs back to 20 grams per day and doesnt seem to be making any progress. One person seems to get unrealistic crazy results because they drop a bunch of water weight initially while another person struggles to lose any weight at all. Why is this? It is because we are all different.
We have also witnessed many people who are obese that really dont eat much food. They do not fit the stereotypical idea of an overweight person who are just gluttons who eat too much food at every meal. When we dig deeper, we discover that many of these people simply cut back more thinking it was going to help with weight loss.
Instead, to combat their weight, they cut back on portion sizes, some cut back numbers of meals, and some people cut back to eating one small meal a day. These people have trained their metabolism to slow down to the point their body is holding on to any calories that it takes in.
These people have no energy level or motivation to get up and move. They dont feel good. Sometimes these patterns have been practiced for years, and many times it has been practiced for decades. These metabolic issues are not like light switches that get flipped on or off. These are patterns that have become homeostasis. Their normal has got to be retrained and put into a higher gear. The good news is that the human body is amazing at being able to reset.
Everyone is different, and we would caution those who get fast results and want to brag about those results to anyone who will listen that you are now doing keto and losing weight fast and that keto is the easiest thing you have ever done. As fast as you got results, you can also get negative results just as fast. We have heard it thousands of times. It is people just like these that seem to disappear the fastest. Stopping doing the easiest thing they ever did puts that weight right back on just as fast as it came off. Generally speaking, these fast results are water weight that naturally comes off due to restricting carb intake. This water will be retained just as it was before if this person ingests sugar again.
Everyone is different, and what is really more important than fast results is knowing that our bodies are designed for the ketogenic lifestyle, and we call it a lifestyle instead of a diet. Eating this way really is a way of life because when we stop doing it, we get exactly the same results we had before. We get inflammation, water retention (which is a really fast way to gain weight) and fat storage, instead of using fat for fuel. Most people feel like garbage, the authors included, when we make the choice to consume sugar. Some of us have made those choices anyway. We are human, too. We are not perfect and we have suffered the consequences of these poor choices.
We believe choices like this are made due to euphoric recall. In the same way, drug addicts and alcoholics relapse because their brains can only seem to recall the good times and the fun times but seem incapable of recalling how horrible things really got. This is something we all go through during our journey, and we suggest that its not if it happens, but when.
The most important thing will be how you react and respond. Do you get back with your program of better health and wellness? Or are you the kind of person that allows a bite of cake to turn into a cheat meal that evolves into a cheat day, cheat week, or cheat month? Know thyself. It is so important to be honest with yourself. If you know this is how you respond, it would be important to focus on that rather than some euphoric recall memories from days gone by.
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Don't Let the Comparison Trap Get In the Way of Your Health Goals - Thrive Global
Five weight loss tips that work (and some that don’t) – NewsBytes

16 Nov 2019
Deciding to lose weight and getting into shape is always a good idea.
But there's just too much talk about weight loss. And, not every piece of weight loss advice is good advice. Some of these commonly-held 'beliefs' need to be taken with a pinch of salt.
Here are weight loss tips that actually work, and some others that don't.
Many people believe that the same number of calories derived from any kind of food would affect the body similarly. But calories (and our health) don't work in such a manner.
For instance, consuming 500 calories from junk food and the same from home-cooked food are not the same, since the junk food is devoid of nutrition values and doesn't provide any energy.
If a certain food item is naturally free from sugar, then of course it is healthy for you.
But it doesn't necessarily stand true for packaged products marketed as "sugar-free."
This label implies that the product in question has been infused with artificial sweeteners to bring the sweet effect, which can actually do more harm than a moderate amount of natural sugars.
Remember how they say abs are made in the kitchen. Well, that's actually true!
Exercise only acts as a catalyst to your weight loss journey, and the major onus is on your nutrition. If you keep sweating it out, without focusing on what you're eating, you may not see desirable results.
However, this doesn't mean you should discard exercise/workout altogether.
Skipping meals or starving, in order to lose weight is a disastrous thing to do, as it ultimately slows down your metabolism, and may even lead to unexpected hunger pangs, thereby inducing overeating later on.
Yes, it's the same-old story, but it never really gets outdated.
To start your weight loss journey, first of all, say goodbye to junk and fast food, and start eating home-cooked food more often.
Aim for a balanced diet, filled with nutrients such as protein, fiber, carbohydrates, and healthy fats.
Go for 3-4 filling meals through the day, coupled with (healthy) snack breaks.
Table sugar is loaded with calories but devoid of any nutritional value. Hence, consuming too much of it might lead to unwanted weight gain.
Thus, it is advisable to switch to healthier alternatives to sugar (and no, we're of course not talking about sugar-free products).
Some of the best, healthy sugar alternatives are jaggery, honey, rock sugar, date sugar, and coconut sugar.
Watching your favorite show while having a nice meal might seem like a great idea, but not so much for your health.
Research suggests that your eating-environment plays a huge role in determining your attention to food.
Being distracted while eating prevents you from knowing when you are full, thus making you prone to overeating, and ruining your weight-loss goals.
Hydration: Get your daily quota of 8-12 glasses of water for regulated metabolism, which is crucial for burning undesired fat. Sufficient water intake also helps in flushing out body toxins, thus promoting weight loss.
Snacking: Replace those packs of potato chips, double-cheese burgers, and fizzy drinks with healthy options- fruits, nuts, and juices, if you wish to lose weight.
Stay healthy!
Read more from the original source:
Five weight loss tips that work (and some that don't) - NewsBytes
Weight Loss Tips: What Is The Best Time To Eat Breakfast For Weight Loss? Here’s The Answer From Experts; Know Best Breakfast Options – NDTV News

Weight loss requires consumption of restricted calories. You need to burn more calories than you are consuming for effective weight loss. Planning your meals in advance can help you monitor the number of calories you are consuming per meal. If you are trying to lose weight you need to be very careful about what you are eating for breakfast. Consuming the right breakfast can help in effective weight loss. It can control your hunger throughout the day. But are you aware of the best time to eat breakfast? Here's the answer from experts about the best time to eat breakfast for weight loss. Also, know the best breakfast options which are weight loss friendly.
Chief Dietician Ms. Pavithra N Raj explained "Breakfast means breaking 10 hours fast (if a person is having dinner by 8 pm he will break his fast after 10 to 12 hours by having his breakfast at 8 am. Breakfast is the most important part of the meal and body absorbs nutrients faster and better since the body will be craving for energy. Breakfast can be between 7 am to 9 am or within two hours of getting up.
A high protein breakfast is always good for weight loss because it reduces the risk of fat accumulation in the body and high protein makes you feel full throughout the day. A certain amount of carbohydrates is also required which will give energy for activities."
Weight loss: You should never skip breakfastPhoto Credit: iStock
Also read: Weight Loss: Try These High Protein Breakfast Options Which Can Help You Lose Weight
Dietician Kamal Yadav also highlighted, "Having a wholesome breakfast can help you healthily lose weight. The best time to have breakfast is within two hours after waking up. The sooner you eat breakfast after you wake up, the better it is for your metabolism. Breakfast helps in decreasing appetite. Consuming breakfast first thing in the morning greatly decreases hunger and cravings throughout the day. It also helps in preventing several diseases. "
Also read:Weight Loss Tips: Top 5 High Protein Vegetables That Should Be A Part Of Your Weight Loss Diet
Dietician Diksha elaborated the different breakfast options. Breakfast must contain all food groups like carbohydrates, protein and fibre. Some breakfast options may include-
1. Multigrain vegetable sandwich with soya milk
2. Vegetable oats with milk or buttermilk,
3. Vegetable poha or quinoa with oat milk or Toned milk
4. Sprouts cheela with mint chutney or coconut chutney with soya milk
5. Multigrain tofu burger with toned milk
6. Stuffed Chapati with lassi
7. Multigrain egg wrap with buttermilk/ flavored milk
There's nothing like starting the day with a healthy breakfast, according to dietician Diksha.
Weight loss diet: You can consume a variety of foods for breakfast which are weight loss friendlyPhoto Credit: iStock
Also read:Weight Loss Tips: Nuts, The Powerhouse Of Nutrients Can Help You Lose Weight; The Best Nuts For Weight Loss And How To Consume Them
(Ms. Pavithra N Raj, Chief Dietician, Columbia Asia Referral Hospital Yeshwanthpur)
(Dietician Kamal Yadav, Clinical Nutritionist, Max Super Speciality Hospital, Shalimar Bagh)
(Dietician Diksha, Clinical Nutritionist, Max Super Speciality Hospital, Shalimar Bagh)
Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
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Here is the original post:
Weight Loss Tips: What Is The Best Time To Eat Breakfast For Weight Loss? Here's The Answer From Experts; Know Best Breakfast Options - NDTV News
The One Metabolism-Boosting Mug Cake Recipe You Should Make To Burn Calories Fast – SheFinds

Mug cakes are a delicious and healthy sweets option to stay on track of your weight loss goals. With a low prep time and an easy clean-up, mug cakes are super convenient, making them perfect for busy people trying to keep track of their weight loss goals.
The healthiest mug cakes are packed with protein, a key nutrient for those trying to lose weight. Lauren Harris-Pincus, RDN and founder of NutritionStarringYOU, recommends her personal favorite healthy mug cake recipe for a pumpkin chip protein mug cake.
This delicious recipe is a great breakfast option, but it's sweet enough to have for dessert too. Plus, since it is full of protein, it will help jumpstart your metabolism. Harris-Pincus explains the benefits of her pumpkin chip protein mug cake, "It's gluten free, dairy free, and packs 27 grams of filling plant-based protein."
With that in mind, opting for this mug cake will not only help you burn more calories, but will also keep you fuller for longer.
Protein also helps you lose weight by building up your lean body mass. Harris-Pincus explains, "The more lean body mass we have, the more calories we burn."
This mug cake recipe has additional benefits as well, especially when you added to a regular exercise routine. Harris Pincus says, "Enjoying this mug cake can help maintain muscle mass. It also helps you refuel and build muscle after a workout."
What you'll need: vanilla plant-based protein powder, pumpkin pie spice, baking powder, stevia, almond flour, egg whites, canned pure pumpkin, unsweetened almond milk, unsweetened applesauce, mini chocolate chips
Want to try another mug cake recipe? This chocolate peanut butter protein mug cake recipe from Plan A Healthy Life is also packed with protein and tastes super delicious. Plus, it's gluten-free. Try topping it with some Greek yogurt for an amazing dessert option.
Read more:
The One Metabolism-Boosting Mug Cake Recipe You Should Make To Burn Calories Fast - SheFinds
4 Common Intermittent Fasting Side Effects and Health Risks –

Intermittent fasting (IF) has tons of benefits, including weight loss, preventing diabetes, and reducing your risk of cancer. Many people who follow IF say that it's helped them savor their meals more and understand the difference between hunger and cravings. It has also helped them break through weight loss plateaus.
"IF makes you feel good because you're getting rid of the inflammation," says, Wendy Scinta, M.D., president of the Obesity Medicine Association and a member of Prevention's Medical Review Board. "I follow the 16:8 diet and find that when I prescribe IF to patients who want to lose 100 pounds and can't seem to lose the last 15 pounds, IF helps them get there."
But IF isn't for everyone (Dr. Scinta doesn't recommend it for people who have a history of disordered eating or pregnant women), and it's important to understand the side effects that come with it.
No matter what type of intermittent fasting method you're interested in following, here are side effects you should know.
At first, you may experience hypoglycemia, a condition caused by very low blood sugar levels. This can lead to headaches, increased heart rate, dizziness, and nausea, according to Dr. Scinta. Oh, and bad moodsno one's happy when they're restricting food. "When you don't eat, your body will first burn the glycogen (stored glucose) in your liver and muscles (hence feeling irritated at first), then it will begin to burn fat for fuel," says Frances Largeman-Roth, R.D.N., nutrition and wellness expert, author of Eating in Color and creator of the FLR VIP program, says. But as your body becomes more keto adaptive and learns to run on fat instead of glucose, Dr. Scinta says hypoglycemia becomes less of a concern.
However, if you continue to feel dizzy or lightheaded over time, Largeman-Roth says to eat somethingeven if it's a small snack. "Losing weight is never a good enough reason to pass out," she says.
And make sure to fuel up on healthy, satisfying foods during meals. Lean protein, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats, such as avocados, nuts, and extra-virgin olive oil will keep your blood sugar levels balanced during your fast and provide the nutrients your body needs to function properly.
Dr. Scinta says she often finds that people on IF struggle to get enough protein, so remember to eat regularly, including snacks, when you're not fasting. "You should aim to get at least one gram of protein per kilogram of weight daily," she says.
Dr. Scinta says that many people who follow IF have a better time at keeping their blood sugar levels balanced. Because IF forces you to stop eating at a certain time, you'll fuel up on more satisfying foods, like lean protein and fiber, to stay full during your fast. "What I've found with IF is that it's helped me watch my carb intake," Dr. Scinta says. "You're not only eating as much, but you're not eating as much of the bad stuff."
IF also promotes satiety through the production of appetite-reducing hormones. A 2019 study from Obesity suggests that IF can help decrease ghrelin levelsthe hormone that stimulates hungerin overweight adults and improve people's ability to switch between burning carbs for energy and burning fat for energy.
"There are folks who eat at night due to boredom or stress, not because they're actually hungry. Putting guardrails on the times they can eat may help them avoid eating when they don't need to be," Largeman-Roth says.
Dr. Scinta and Largeman-Roth also advise people to stay hydrated while fasting because people tend to confuse thirst for hunger.
"When people fast in the morning, they drink a lot of coffee, which is a diuretic, and forget to drink water," Dr. Scinta says. "Every function in the body requires water, so staying hydrated is incredibly important," Largeman-Roth says. "We get about 20% of our water intake from the food we eat, so when we fast, we're losing a significant source of hydration," she says.
A 2018 study in Cell Metabolism found that men with prediabetes who followed IF improved their insulin sensitivity, even though they didn't lose weight. How does it work, exactly? Whenever you eat, your body releases the hormone insulin to move sugar from your bloodstream into your cells for energy. But people with prediabetes don't respond well to insulin so their blood sugar levels stay elevated. Increasing the time between meals can help because your body releases less insulin.
However, Dr. Scinta says that people who are on insulin-dependent medications should consult with their doctor before following IF because it can affect the effectiveness of their treatment. "People with type 1 or 2 diabetes are on these medications to lower their glucose, so they need to have consistent meals to prevent spikes in their blood sugar," Dr. Scinta says.
Following IF and working out is totally safe, but you'll need to make some adjustments to your schedule so that you're not running on empty. Say you're following the 5:2 diet: Doing low-impact workouts instead of more intense ones, like weight lifting, running, and HIIT, on days when you're limiting calories can help your body adjust to the new demands. As your body gets used to burning fat for fuel, the intensity of your workouts won't be as much of a concern.
That said, the last thing you want to do is pass out during your HIIT class, so Dr. Scinta recommends timing your workouts at the beginning or end of your fast. This way, you can enjoy a pre- or post-workout snack. Foods that are easy to digest, like a smoothie, low-fat yogurt, and peanut butter with toast work better pre-workout, while foods with a higher carb-to-protein ratio, such as a bowl of oatmeal, are ideal for post-workout.
For this reason, health experts advise following the 16:8 diet over 5:2 and other intermittent fasting methods if you're very active.
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4 Common Intermittent Fasting Side Effects and Health Risks -
Weight loss: Mum sheds 6st to fit into size 8 wedding dress after gorging on bag of cheese every night – The Sun

THE feeling of dread filled Natalie Mellor's stomach as she imagined walking down the aisle in a size 20 wedding dress.
The customer service advisor, 29, had ballooned to a staggering 15 stone after gorging on full bags of cheese for dinner every night.
And the prospect of hundreds of wedding guests seeing how big she'd become on her special day made her feel sick to the stomach.
Determined to do something about her weight, Natalie, from Brough, East Yorkshire, ditched the cheese and overhauled her diet and has since lost an incredible six stone.
She managed to tie the knot to her partner Gavin, 34, in a size eight wedding gown - and feels more confident than ever, weighing just nine stone.
Natalie said: "I am more confident in myself and have a positive outlook. I feel like a new person and have left the old me behind."
Natalie had always been larger than her friends when she was younger, but as the years went by she gradually became even bigger.
In particular, Natalie piled on the pounds during her first pregnancy with her now husband Gavin in 2015.
"Ive always struggled with my weight from a young age, but I seemed to gradually get bigger and bigger compared to my friends," said Natalie.
"It was when I fell pregnant with my first child, Henry, that it was made apparent that I was morbidly obese and was putting us both at risk."
During the pregnancy, Gavin got down on one knee and asked Natalie to marry him.
But, as thrilled as she was about her future nuptials, it quickly dawned on Natalie that she didnt want to be a bride in a size 20 dress.
However, she continued to gorge on fatty foods including sausage sandwiches, chocolate and bags of crisps - even after little Henry, now 4, was born.
Natalie added: "My husband asked me to marry him, which of course I was happy about, but it also filled me with dread because of the size I was.
"I am an emotional eater; I surpass every emotion with food, like a celebratory takeaway or a condolence tub of ice cream.
"Breakfast was a sausage or bacon sandwich on the go.
"For lunch Id usually have an unhealthy fast food thing that was a grab and dash.
"Dinner was a pasta bake with a full bag of grated cheese, so it was extra gooey, with garlic bread and a sticky toffee pudding to finish.
"Snacks were crisps, biscuits and chocolate. I also never factored in my alcohol intake, so Id drink a lot of wine."
I am an emotional eater; I surpass every emotion with food, like a celebratory takeaway or a condolence tub of ice cream
As Natalie's waistline continued to expand, her mood plummeted - and she felt more and more miserable about her appearance.
And before she knew it she had reached 15st 7lb, and she felt ashamed of her large frame.
"I was embarrassed, ashamed and humiliated that I had let myself get so overweight," Natalie said.
"It held me back from many things, such as wearing clothes that I wanted to wear, going for promotions at work, and being sociable in more high-end establishments.
"Being pregnant made me look back and reflect on when Id spent time with my nephew and wasnt able to squeeze myself into childrens play areas or be in a water park.
"It made me not want to feel that uncomfortable with my own children."
After a holiday to Turkey in September 2014, Natalie deleted all of the images of herself because she was deeply unhappy with how she looked, blaming the angles that the photos were taken from.
Natalie said: "I no longer wanted to feel down and ashamed of myself.
"I went on holiday with my fianc at the time, and on the flight home I realised I had deleted every image of myself because I didnt like the angles.
"But then I had a pause and realised it might not be the angles."
In 2016, Natalie joined Slimming World to lose weight and there was no better target than her wedding in June 2017.
She cut down her calorie intake and swapped bags of cheese for steamed vegetables and new potatoes.
She said: "I started attending Slimming World and educating myself on healthier food choices and calorie intake.
"My wedding was a target, but also wanting to be a healthy mum for my child. I also wanted to do it for my own mental health.
"I cook my meals most nights now, adding a lot of the right things.
"I eat more fish and cut back on red meat, with the occasional vegetarian meal. I can still have treats, but now its in moderation and I consistently keep on plan during the week.
"For breakfast I have Greek yoghurt with honey or Weetabix and fruit.
"Lunch is a freshly prepared salad, then dinner is salmon with steamed vegetables and new potatoes usually.
"I try not to snack throughout the day, but if I do, I have fruit and I only have wine on a weekend.
"I can go in any shop now and I dont hesitate about wearing a bikini in crowded places."
Natalie's diet before and after
Breakfast: Sausage or bacon sandwich
Lunch: Grab and dash fast food
Dinner: Pasta bake with a full bag of grated cheese, garlic bread, sticky toffee pudding and wine
Snacks:Crisps, biscuits and chocolate
Breakfast: Greek yoghurt with honey or Weetabix and fruit
Lunch: Freshly prepared salad
Dinner: Salmon with steamed vegetables and new potatoes
Snacks: Fruit
Through her incredible diet overhaul, Natalie managed to shed six stone in just 11 months.
And she feltincredible as she walked down the aisle in her size eight wedding gown, weighing just 9st 7lb.
Natalie said: "I have only happy memories of feeling like a princess in my wedding dress with all eyes on me for the right reasons, for a change.
"I didnt delete any pictures, I kept them as happy memories.
"People think its fantastic and amazing, they have nothing but praise.
"When I went back to work after losing all my weight during maternity leave, people said I was unrecognisable."
Natalie is now encouraging others to follow in her footsteps and says the key thing is to remember it's all about "balance".
She said: "Everyone always asks how I have done it and for advice on what they can do.
"What I say is to make a food diary because when you write things down its easier to put into perspective and see what changes you need to make.
"Drink more water, move more and educate yourself on the right foods.
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"Its all about balance and if you eat right and stick to your plan, it will happen.
"Take measurements, sometimes youll lose inches but not pounds."
You can follow Natalie's weight loss journey here.
Read the original here:
Weight loss: Mum sheds 6st to fit into size 8 wedding dress after gorging on bag of cheese every night - The Sun