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Will going on the keto diet cause hair loss? – Now To Love

While many people have credited the keto diet for setting them on a healthier, happier path, experts say there are unfortunate side effects to such a drastic diet, a key one being hair loss.
By Lauren Meisner
How does this help you lose weight? Science-based nutrition website, Bulletproof, explains: "The keto diet forces your body to burn fat, rather than glucose, for energy.
"When your body can't get glucose from bread and pasta, your liver converts body fat and fat from your diet into molecules called ketones, an alternative source of fuel. This puts you into ketosis, aka prime weight loss mode."
But like most things in life, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
While the keto diet has certainly changed many lives, setting people on a healthier, happier path, experts are now saying there are many unfortunate side effects to such a drastic diet, a key one being hair loss.
We set out to investigate why this happens and what measures you can take to save your hair if you're thinking about going keto, and while the jury is still out on the health risks associated with the keto diet, many experts agree that hair loss and damage to your hair's integrity is a very real possibility and can happen because of three main reasons: stress, lack of nutrients, and lack of protein.
The keto diet is restrictive in nature and can put a lot of stress on both your mind and body. Dr. Anthony Gustin of Perfect Keto outlines six main reasons you may be experiencing stress on keto, including: nutritional deficiencies, caloric deficit, calorie restriction, psychological stress, keto flu, and keto rash.
"The keto diet may put stress on a person in more ways than you might actually be thinking, Keri Gans, RDN, told
"It's a diet of restriction. That takes effort and could be causing stress."
This may be particularly true for those trying to micromanage other aspects of their lives or who might be going through a big life change outside of the keto diet.
Physiologically, followers of the keto diet often experience rapid weight loss, which can lead to hair loss.
Ali Miller, R.D., and keto dieter herself, told Mind Body Green that eating in such a calorie deficit way can put your body into constant fight or flight mode, "That can stress your thyroid, which can impact your adrenals, that can even drive an autoimmune reaction - all of which could contribute to hair loss."
Essentially extreme calorie restriction (in any form) will cause the body to go into conservation mode, spending less energy on hair growth.
Lack of nutrients can play a big factor in hair loss and unfortunately with keto, both calorie restriction and food restrictions can lead to nutrient deficiency.
Alina Petre, MS, RD of Healthline outlines five nutrients that are critical to healthy hair growth: iron, zinc, linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid, vitamin B3 and biotin.
"Fruits and vegetables are good for us; they're high in antioxidants and full of vitamins and minerals," explains Annette Frain, RD, to
"If you eliminate those, you aren't getting those nutrients over time."
Dr. Gustin says the problem with low-carb diets is they flush out essential vitamins and minerals within the first few days, and many people don't realise they need to replenish these while on the diet.
"As you eat fewer carbs, your body produces less insulin, and glycogen stores get depleted. When glycogen stores are depleted, your kidneys excrete water and electrolytes like sodium, zinc, magnesium, potassium and iodine in large amounts."
And if you're not replenishing, your hair will suffer.
Finally, protein deficiency is a big concern for those starting out on keto and can lead to hair loss. This often occurs because those who aren't consuming enough protein are actually iron deficient. Low iron can lead to hypothyroidism which directly impacts hair health and growth.
Miller explains that the classic keto diet was developed for those with epilepsy and neurological disease and is often extremely protein-restricted. "What happens, often with women, is that their appetite is regulated and they don't have organic hunger. So they under-eatand they under-eat protein pretty dramaticallyand the first sign of protein malnourishment is hair loss."
Dr. Gustin elaborates on this, stating that many beginners believe eating too much protein will knock them out of ketosis, which is not true. However, Dr. Joshua Zeichner told Women's Health that while inadequate protein consumption may lead to hair loss (among other issues with skin and nails), in his experience, most people on the keto diet do consume enough protein and that the extreme calorie restriction is likely the bigger culprit for hair loss on keto.
Most experts recommend taking daily supplements, like a multivitamin or biotin, when on the keto diet and having regular doctor visits to ensure your electrolytes and nutrients remain stable during the diet.
Dr. Gustin provides a list of six essential foods and supplements you should consume on the keto diet to prevent hair loss and other adverse side effects including biotin, MSM, bone broth, collagen, zinc, coconut oil.
For most women, Miller suggests consuming 60-90 grams of protein per day, while both Dr. Gustin and Dr. Zeichner stress the importance of eating enough calories and replenishing your electrolytes.
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Will going on the keto diet cause hair loss? - Now To Love
Mum ditches 1,000 a month fast food habit and loses three stone in 14 weeks – Mirror Online

A mum who spent 1,000 a month on takeaways and meals out has lost more than three stone in just 14 weeks and overcome her "horrific" back pain .
Corrie D'Silva, 40, has shed an amazing four dress sizes after taking a standard against her weight by ditching her expensive eating habits and nightly bottle of wine for healthy homemade meals and exercising with a personal trainer .
The mum-of-two from Sandbach, Cheshire, started piling on weight in September 2016 after getting married and recovering from a severe back injury.
She was on medication after back surgery to cut out disks that were bulging into her spine and doctors told her she would never be able to train at the gym again. At her heaviest, Corrie reached 13st 5lbs and began wearing a size 16.
However, she has managed to lose more than three stone in just three months to weight 10st 2lbs and fit into a slender size eight after starting a mixture of strength and cardio training, which has also strengthened her back to help avoid further injuries.
Corrie, who runs her own mortgage broking business with husband Nick, regularly indulged in food and drink at networkoing events, ordered pizza or Thai takeaway several times a week or ate ready meals because she didn't have time to cook.
Corrie said: "Back then, I really lacked confidence and my back injury became an excuse not to exercise.
"After surgery I suffered from horrific pain and doctors told me to take it easy, meaning I could no longer train and could only go swimming and do yoga.
"It didn't just have a physical effect on me, it also had a mental effect because I didn't like myself.
"The turning point for me was when we moved house in May 2019. I realised I was so busy with the children and my business that I had picked up bad habits.
"I was doing damage to myself by snacking on crisps and sausage rolls and drinking a full bottle of wine to myself every night, and felt exhausted when I should have been enjoying my new house.
"My husband Nick and I liked to socialise a lot and we would probably spend the best part of 1,000 a month just on eating out and drinking, along with buying takeaways.
"At networking events I would have a three course meal at an Italian or steak restaurant, and we'd buy Dominoes or Thai takeaways a couple of times a week. On top of that I would drink wine and gin when out socialising.
"I had the realisation that my back would end up in worse pain if I carried on and I wanted to make positive changes for my health and children."
Despite being told by doctors not to train, Corrie got a personal trainer and began to eat healthier in May 2019.
Her initial weight loss goal was two stone, but she massively surpassed that by training twice a week, doing strength workouts including shoulder presses and sled drags.
Corrie ditched the takeaways and ready meals in favour of healthier options such as vegetable soup for lunch and salmon for dinner - and even gave up drinking for the 14 week programme.
Although she still attended networking events for her job, she usually ate beforehand and refrained from drinking.
Corrie said: "At first I was really worried about training because of my back issues, but I gave it a go with my personal trainer and the initial results were phenomenal. I regained confidence and had lots of support.
"My personal trainer took my back injury into consideration and I underwent physio at the same time. Now my back is a lot stronger.
"My physiotherapist can see the impact my weight loss and training has had when looking at my back, and can tell it's not under as much strain anymore.
"After surgery I had to lie down for two weeks straight and I was disappointed when doctors told me I wouldn't be able to train, because that meant I wouldn't be able to get back to the weight that I was before.
"At the end of my transformation, I felt like the person I always wanted to be. It was amazing to get myself back and I felt mentally better too.
"It's been a life changing experience for me and I felt like my personal trainer wrapped me up in cotton wool for three months and genuinely cared about my progress.
"My fitness venture has rubbed off on my children and husband too - it feels great to be able to get out more and be active with them. and it's given me a different lease of life.
"I now see pictures from when I was heavy and miserable and I feel embarassed - having come from a place in hospital after the surgery I thought 'this isn't who I want to be, there's more out there for me'.
"My message to others is that if you have an injury and want to lose weight, training and exercise is so beneficial for your mental and physical health, and you've just got to want it and make that change."
Corrie is still on her weight loss journey, and is currently enjoying a maintenance programme at the gym to keep herself on track.
LUNCH: Sandwich or panini with crisps
DINNER: Ready meals or pizza/Thai takeaway or meals out
SNACKS: Crisps and sausage rolls
BREAKFAST: High protein, e.g. scrambled eggs with bacon/on a bagel or oats
LUNCH: Chicken with vegetable soup or salad
DINNER: Salmon with lots of vegetables, sometimes with rice or potatoes
SNACKS: Yogurt or fruit
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Mum ditches 1,000 a month fast food habit and loses three stone in 14 weeks - Mirror Online
If you want to lose weight without leaving rice, then you must read this – News Track English

Everyone has their own opinion on rice when it comes to weight loss. However, some women completely exclude it from their diet during weight loss, while some eat it several times a week. But according to research, if you eat it in the right way and at the right time, then it has no effect on your belly. Simple carbs are usually found in rice, due to which they are easily digested and you often feel hungry. It is believed that rice increases your weight, butthey can be consumed very easily even during dieting butyou should eat it properly which can reduce your weight easily.
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The best way to eatrice for lunch is the best time. This is due to two factors. Firstly, during the day, our metabolism intensifies and our body helps in digesting all heavy healthy foods. The same time after breakfast is when you feel hungry and need energy to last for the next 8-10 hours.
Women's Health: This is the reason for smell and itching in vaginal discharge
Rice is healthy. There are no opinions on this. The only difference between white rice and brown rice is that the latter is heavier and takes longer to digest. Also, eating white or brown does not make much of a difference and both can be consumed. If you eat brown rice instead of white rice, weight loss will help. Not only this, after joining the brown rice diet, you just have to walk 30 minutes fast. The study found that by increasing fiber in the daily diet, you can reduce up to 100 calories.
The body also gives this signal to stop using mobile, here's how
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If you want to lose weight without leaving rice, then you must read this - News Track English
The Latest in Mary Cains Allegations Against Nike and Salazar – Runner’s World

On November 7, in an opinion video and related article published by The New York Times, elite runner Mary Cain described how she was emotionally and physically abused during her time training with the Nike Oregon Project under Alberto Salazar.
Among Cains allegations: Nike had no certified sports psychologist or nutritionist, Salazar was constantly trying to get me to lose weight, to hit 114 pounds, and he would weigh her in front of her teammates to shame her. At a 2015 track meet, where she ran poorly, he yelled at her in front of many observers and accused her of gaining five pounds before the race.
Cain, now 23, said Salazar wanted to give her birth control pills and diuretics to lose weight. (Diuretics are banned under anti-doping code because they can be used to mask the presence of other prohibited substances.) She said she stopped menstruating for three years, a sign that her body didnt have enough estrogen to maintain her bone health. She said she broke five bones.
In the video, Cain said that she started to have suicidal thoughts and she began to cut herself. Even though she said people saw her cut herself, nobody did anything.
The video and accompanying article said Salazar disputed many of Cains allegations without going into detail.
After the video appeared in the Times, Nike released a statement that read, in part, that Cain had sought to rejoin the Oregon Project in April:
These are deeply troubling allegations which have not been raised by Mary or her parents before. Mary was seeking to rejoin the Oregon Project and Alberto's team as recently as April of this year and had not raised these concerns as part of that process. We take the allegations extremely seriously and will launch an immediate investigation to hear from former Oregon Project athletes. At Nike we seek to always put the athlete at the center of everything we do, and these allegations are completely inconsistent with our values.
In an email to Runners World with its statement, Nike did not offer any further information about the investigation it is conducting into Cains allegations. The company also did not respond when asked if Salazar is still a Nike employee.
A November 8 article in the Oregonian included specific statements from Salazar in which he denied shaming her about her weight. Salazars comments read, in part, Marys father is a medical doctor, and both of her parents were deeply involved in her training, competition and health throughout the period she was coached by me.
Salazar also released a friendly text message Cain sent to him in April that said, Im excited to be working together again.
Also on November 8, Cain responded to Nikes statement with a clarifying statement of her own to the Times. The statement read, in part, Last spring, I told Alberto I wanted to work with him againonly himbecause when we let people emotionally break us, we crave their approval more than anything.
I was the victim of an abusive system, an abusive man. I was constantly tormented by the conflict of wanting to be free from him and wanting to go back to the way things used to be, when I was his favorite.
In the days since the video appeared, runners and coaches in elite running have taken to social media to support Cain and corroborate her accounts. Jonathan Marcus wrote on Twitter he was the director at the meet when Salazar was yelled at for gaining weight.
Amy Yoder Begley wrote on Twitter: After placing 6th in the 10,000m at the 2011 USATF championships, I was kicked out of the Oregon Project. I was told I was too fat and had the biggest butt on the starting line. This brings those painful memories back.
Cam Levins, a Canadian marathoner who was a teammate of Cains, wrote on Twitter: I knew that our coaching staff was obsessed with your weight loss, emphasizing it as if it were the single thing standing in the way of great performances. I knew because they spoke of it openly among other athletes.
Salazar, who is based in Portland, Oregon, started advising Cain in October 2012, when she was still in high school in Bronxville, New York. Under Salazars guidance, Cain made the U.S. team for the 2013 world championships in Moscow. She advanced to the 1500-meter final and finished ninth, becoming, at 17, the youngest person ever to make a world final in the 1500. In 2014, she won the 3,000 meters at the world junior championships. During this time, she set U.S. junior records in the two mile, the mile, the 1500 meters, and the 1,000 meters. Her mile record was 4:24.11
Cain forewent her collegiate eligibility and moved to Portland for 10 months from August 2014 until May 2015, and during that time, her performances suffered. She then returned home to New York but remained a member of the Nike Oregon Project. In 2016, she made the 1500-meter final at the U.S. Olympic Trials, but she was 11th in the final. Only the top 3 finishers made Team USA for the Games in Rio.
Cains allegations are the latest in a string of bad news for Salazar. On September 30, arbitrators suspended him from the sport for four years for violating the anti-doping code. Salazar has maintained his innocence and said he will appeal. On October 11, Nike announced it was shutting down the Oregon Project.
Cain said in her most recent statement to the Times that after the doping report dropped that led to his suspension, I felt this quick and sudden release. That helped me understand that this system is not O.K. Thats why I decided to speak up now.
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The Latest in Mary Cains Allegations Against Nike and Salazar - Runner's World
The hard and fast rules when it comes to diet – The Irish Times

Its the latest hot topic. It seems every other person is doing some form of fasting these days. All sorts of acronyms get bandied about theres the 5:2, the 16:8, the Fast 800, intermittent fasting (IF) and alternate-day fasting (ADF).
Its been touted as the solution to everything from getting clearer skin, weight loss and increased longevity but is fasting a health fix or is it just a fad?
Intermittent fasting is probably the most popular approach. Most people already fast every day while they sleep. Intermittent fasting can be as simple as extending that fast a little longer.
You can do this by skipping breakfast, eating your first meal at noon and your last meal at 8pm. Then, youre technically fasting for 16 hours every day, and restricting your eating to an eight-hour eating window. This is the most popular form of intermittent fasting, known as the 16:8 method, and foollowed by a host of celebs including Jennifer Aniston.
Popularised by British journalist Dr Michael Mosley, the 5:2 diet consists of five days of the week that are normal eating days, while the other two restrict calories to 500-600 per day.
Alternate-day fasting is another approach the basic idea is that you fast on one day, and then eat what you want the next day.
This fasting lark, while on trend right now, is not new.
Plutarch and Plato were big fans of fasting. The Greeks observed that sick animals did not eat and saw that it should be no different for humans. They believed fasting could both heal illness and improve cognitive function.
And almost all religious and spiritual practices throughout the ages have advocated fasting in one form or another. Buddha, Jesus and the Prophet Muhammad all fasted and believed in the power of fasting for physical, mental and spiritual benefit. A large number of religious fasting traditions are still practised today.
There is definitely something in it though.
Recent findings from the University of Graz, Austria, published in the journal Cell Metabolism, suggest other advantages, apart from weight loss, include reduced inflammation, better blood sugar control, improved heart health and boosted brain function in participants who undertook alternate day fasting.
Consultant rheumatologist Peter Browne believes there are definite benefits in fasting, but its not something that should be done in isolation. Browne, who works at the Bons Secours hospital in Tralee, says the evidence that intermittent fasting has health benefits is pretty clear. My initial interest in fasting was patient driven. Many of my patients want to try a non-medicine approach when they first see me for treatment and for some of them, fasting has very beneficial results.
He admits its not for everyone. Theres a cohort of patients who would struggle with adherence so its not an approach that can be universally applied, but there is no doubt that fasting can improve metabolic health with improvements in weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, and improved blood sugars in many patients.
Fasting has benefits over and above weight loss too. Browne says it makes sense that allowing our bodies a break from eating, will divert energy to renewal instead. We have evolved to be in sync with the day/night cycle, ie, a circadian rhythm. Our metabolism has adapted to daytime food, night-time sleep. If our bodies are not digesting food at night, then theres time for repair.
This is a well-documented benefit of fasting autophagy, which plays a role in controlling inflammation and boosting immunity. When you fast, your body tries to save energy, and one of the things it can do to save energy is to recycle a lot of the immune cells that are not needed, especially those that may be damaged the first cells to go are the faulty ones. If you are intermittent fasting, this will happen while you are asleep, Browne says.
Nutritional therapist and director of Irelands functional medicine conference Maev Creaven agrees. Most people associate fasting with weight loss, but the benefits go far beyond.
Its more than calorie restriction, its about changing your hormones. There is strong evidence to show that fasting lowers insulin levels. Healthy adults experience a reduction in insulin levels after fasting. Part of insulins role is to regulate blood sugar. Too much insulin has been linked to obesity and other chronic health conditions like heart disease, and diabetes. If insulin is known as the fat storage hormones and is produced in the presence of glucose [carbohydrates], then the best way to lose weight is to reduce insulin via fasting or carb restriction. Its common sense really. There is no more potent way to lower insulin than to fast.
For Tony Murphy, fasting has made a massive impact on his health. A shift worker, he was about 25lbs overweight when he went to the doctor with breathing problems. I had shortness of breath, I was sleepy after eating and I just felt out of sorts. A chat with a dietician got him overhauling his diet. After that chat, I knew I needed to make a change. I went to my doctor and I didnt want to take medication if possible. We agreed that I would adopt some healthy eating guidelines and stop eating at 6pm every day.
He ate brunch mid-morning and a healthy lunch and dinner now he has lost 20lbs, is sleeping properly and has brought his cholesterol down to normal levels. Its a very simple idea, but combined with a bit of exercise and choosing more healthy food, Ive managed to avoid the risk of a lifetime of illness and medication.
There are some caveats though.
Some health professionals have expressed concern about the rise in fasting and warned that some people should absolutely not dabble in this eating style.
Bodywhys, the Eating Disorders Association of Ireland, has warned that anyone whos previously struggled with an eating disorder or experienced disordered eating behaviours should steer clear of fasting.
Similarly, pregnant women, teenagers and anyone with a medical condition should not fast. Always check with your doctor before embarking on any diet regime.
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The hard and fast rules when it comes to diet - The Irish Times
Ashley Graham’s Family: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know –

Model Ashley Grahams family is about to expand to one more because she is a couple of months away from becoming a mom for the first time. In her appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show Thursday (Nov. 7), she talked about how insane pregnancy has been and also revealed the sex of her baby.
Graham tells DeGeneres that shes due in January, to which Ellen says she should hold it in until the 26th because thats Ellens birthday and then they can have the same birthday. DeGeneres then plays a rapid-fire Q&A game with Graham and gets her to reveal that shes having a boy.
Before baby boy Graham arrives, heres what you need to know about Grahams family.
A decade ago, Graham and her now-husband Justin Ervin met at church and hit it off.They actually met at Porn Sunday, which Graham told InStyle UK is a day where ex-porn stars came in and talked about how their life had been changed by church and god.
She tells Glamour she wasnt at church to find a boyfriend. She was actually there to figure out the person [she] wanted to be. But on that particular Sunday, she met Justin while working the elevator and he rode up and down her several times, then asked her out for coffee.
When the two became engaged in 2010, Graham told People that even though they come from different backgrounds, they have the same viewpoints on religion and family.
Despite their shared views on family, there were still some obstacles between Grahams family and Ervin because of his race Graham comes from a white family from Nebraska and Ervin is African-American. She told Glamour in a 2017 interview that it was a hard situation at first.
When she brought him home to meet her family, she didnt tell them he was black, she just hoped everyone would be color-blind which is not what happened. She says her grandmother was cordial but cold and it really surprised Graham.
I had never seen my loving, hardworking, and wonderful grandma be so hurtful and so racist. I was in shock, says Graham, adding that Ervin helped her see that someone like her grandma, who hadnt been around very many black people in her life, only saw the way black men were depicted in media in situations involving guns, rape, and violence, situations that perpetuate racist stereotypes against black people in general.
But Ervin called Grahams grandma on her 60th wedding anniversary and from then on out, she loved him.
Lets face it, usually, its the bride-to-be who does the lions share of planning a wedding. But not in this case. Graham tells Harpers Bazaar that she actually wanted to spend their money on buying a house, but Ervin really wanted a big wedding. So what did Graham do?
I said, Youre marrying a girl that doesnt care about weddings so you plan it, and Ill just show up. Sure enough, he planned the whole thing with a wedding planner. When I showed up, and when I saw what Justin had done I was in shock.
But the one decision Graham did have to make herself was about her wedding dress. She chose to return to her home state of Nebraska to go wedding dress shopping with her mother and grandmother. She had to buy it off the rack because they got married just two months after they became engaged.
It was a size 10 with a corset, and so we had to put a whole panel in the back so it was a whole situationmy boobs were spilling outbut it didnt matter because it was my wedding day, and I loved the dress.
Ashley has two younger sisters, one of whom prefers to stay out of the spotlight. But the other one, Abigail Graham Ralston, recently joined her sister for a Swimsuits for All campaign called Growing Up Graham.
Despite our six-year age difference and busy lifestyles, my little sister and I have always been strong presences in each others lives, said Graham in a statement. Weve shared countless memories together and going through our childhood photos was a trip down memory lane. Abigail has always been my rock, and I was honored to have her by my side during this photoshoot. Plus, shes a new mom and has never looked hotter in a swimsuit!
This comes on the heels of her 2018 swimsuit campaign with her mom, Linda. She told Vogue at the time, What I want is for women my mothers age to feel empowered and to know that they too can look just as hot in a one-piece, a two-piece, or string bikini. I believe that beauty is beyond, age, race, or size, and its not a trendat every stage of your life, you can feel beautiful.
And in 2017, Graham appeared on Family Feud with her mother, sister, mother-in-law Kathryn and sister-in-law Kia. Now that is a tightknit family.
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The one person Ashley doesnt talk about much is her father. He was around during her teen years because she recounts in her memoir how he told her if a modeling agent told her to lose weight, she should consider losing weight. She also writes how she knows she struggled at times with romantic relationships because she never got the love and attention she needed from her father.
Ervin, a director/videographer who is seven years Grahams senior, graduated with an MFA in Social Documentary Filmmaking from School of Visual Arts in New York in 2012, then later completed a Master Class in Cinematography at the American Society of Cinematographers in Los Angeles.
Shortly thereafter, he filmed a documentary about Senegalese immigrants living in Italy called As In a Mirror, then in 2013 he won Best Documentary Short at the Garden State Film Festival with Elephant in the Room, a film about a female boxer and her business partner mentoring two teenage girls at their non-profit gym. His most recent work, LEAP, won an audience award at the New Filmmakers LA festival. It explores a young womans journey as she goes on a getaway with a friend who wants to be something more, expressing a wide range of emotions while utilizing only one word of dialogue.
Ervin has also worked on campaigns for Vogue, Guess, CNN, The Gap Inc., Pantene, BET, and Netflix, among many others.
READ NEXT: Ashley Graham Denies Losing Weight
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Ashley Graham's Family: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know -
Weight loss: This surprising food can help you burn fat fast – what can you eat? – Express

To trim down the waistline, dieters can pick from a number of different weight loss diet plans. The keto, or ketogenic, diet is a popular choice for many slimmers and can help speed up fat burning results. However, an expert reveals the tips you must follow.
The low carb and high fat plan is thought to help promote fat loss, Elliot Upton, PT at ultimate performance and head of LiveUP online coaching, explained.
He told The idea of keto is to take in such a low amount of carbohydrates that your body switches to a metabolic state called 'ketosis' where it uses fat and ketones for fuel instead of glucose."
By following this plan, the body will start to burn through fat leaving those on the plan much trimmer.
READ MORE: Joe Wicks reveals simple workout plan to help burn fat - avoid making common mistake
Although many people may think they should avoid fat when trying to slim down, eating foods high in healthy fats could actually help them get into shape.
Pairing those foods with meals high in carbs and with a moderate protein content can give the best results.
Elliot added: People who follow the keto diet will eat a high proportion of their calories from fat, some protein and minimal or no intake from carbohydrates.
Common foods people eat on the keto diet tend to be anything with a high fat and low carbohydrate content, such as oils, cheese and dairy products, eggs, nuts and some fatty meats or fish.
If switching onto the plan, he explained why dieters much ensure they still eat enough nutrients.
Removing a food group can leave slimmers lacking in certain things and the expert explained how to compensate for this.
When you cut out an entire food group, there is the potential to be lacking in key nutrients, he said.
See the article here:
Weight loss: This surprising food can help you burn fat fast - what can you eat? - Express
Weight loss: Eating more of this food can help you burn fat – expert tip you must follow – Express

In order to lose weight, slimmers need to take a look at what they eat and shake up their diet plan. Although there are many diet plans on the market, eating more of one food group could be enough to see the weight fall off. Foods high in protein and eating meals more regularly could help dieters get into shape, an expert explained.
By making changes such as upping protein in a diet, slimmers will be able to lose weight.
In my experience and in the scientific literature best practice for weight loss would be to eat a moderate protein intake, with the majority of it coming from dairy and fish," Harry added.
Also, eat mostly whole, non-processed foods like vegetables, grains and legumes.
When following a high protein diet, slimmers can eat a variety of foods to boost their intake.
High-protein foods include meat, fish, eggs, cheese, greek yogurt, milk and vegetables.
Slimmers can also fill up on lentils, grains, nuts and even protein supplements or powders.
What's more, upping the amount of food slimmers eat each day could make a difference.
Harry said: Eat anywhere between two and five meals per day. Whichever suits your lifestyle best and allows you to stick to the diet.
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Weight loss: Eating more of this food can help you burn fat - expert tip you must follow - Express
How to lose weight fast and reduce risk of type 2 diabetes with the LighterLife diet – Daily Star

You may have made the decision to lose weight, but it can be difficult to find the right diet for you.
There are countless diet plans which claim you can lose weight, but they may not be the right one for you.
LighterLife combines mindfulness and a very low-calorie diet which they believe make the approach so affective.
The LighterLife Xpress weight loss and management programmes have helped more than 400,000 lose weight.
They believe losing weight isnt just about what you eat, but your relationship with food.
Losing weight and learning how to keep it off is a skill that has to be worked at.
LighterLife is a slimming club which is straightforward to follow no point system, no calorie counting and no hassle.
The way it helps you to lose weight is with its total dietary replacement (TDR) Foodpacks.
They are high in protein, and have you covered in terms of vitamins, minerals, fibre and essential fats and carbs.
Research published in The Lancet from the Diabetes UK-funded DiRECT trial, showed that after losing weight on a TDR plan such as LighterLife, almost half of the people who took part with type 2 diabetes went into remission.
Study co-lead Professor Mike Lean said: Formula diets have proved extremely safe and effective in helping people to lose substantial amounts of weight. TDR VLCDs are the only treatments currently available that can reliably achieve 15kg weight loss and consequently diabetes remission.
LighterLife also offer guided CBT mindfulness sessions in free weekly Xpress meetings.
There are three different plans to choose from Total, FlexiFasting and Management.
Total is the brands premium very-low--calorie diet (VLCD) TDR plan which helps people lose a stone in a month by replacing all food with the Foodpacks.
The low-calorie diet plan consists of just 600 to 800 calories, but with all the great taste and convenience to keep you motivated.
FlexiFasting combines conventional food with the TDR Foodpacks.
People can expect to lose 1-2lb a week using this plan.
Management is the plan for people to use once they have reached their goal so they can maintain.
LighterLife Xpress member Samantha said: I lost 8lb in my first week. I couldnt believe it!
And I went on to lose my first stone in about 4 weeks. The rate of weight loss kept me coming back each week and I always felt confident going for my weigh-in.
I always stayed for the whole meeting because I loved how the room was filled with so much positivity and camaraderie.
When youve been dieting so long you think you can do it alone but without my Xpress group I wouldnt be four stone lighter!
You can read more about the LighterLife diet from the LighterLife website.
Keep in mind, the NHS recommends to follow VLCD under medical supervision for a maximum of 12 weeks continuously.
Their warning continues: Most people who want to lose weight do not need to follow a very low calorie diet.
A daily limit of 800kcal is about a third of the average energy needs for a man (2,500kcal) and half needed for a woman (2,000kcal).
Continue reading here:
How to lose weight fast and reduce risk of type 2 diabetes with the LighterLife diet - Daily Star
Weight loss: This food can help you slim down fast – when is the best time to eat it? – Express

Weight loss diets usually require slimmers to eat less but it is important they pick the right foods. Eating foods high in protein can help dieters lose weight and gain lean muscle, an expert revealed. Is there a best time to have it?
By eating foods high in protein, dieters can boost their weight loss results, Harry Aitken, sports scientist and PT, told
He said: A high protein diet is simply one that is rich in protein intake, and lower, than normal, in calories.
So you will be consuming lots of protein, whilst still maintaining reduced calories to ensure you are in a calorie deficit, burning more calories than youre eating.
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When upping protein in the diet, slimmers can get it from a host of different foods.
Harry explained meat like chicken, beef, and pork, dairy products and eggs are all a good source of protein.
Vegetarian options like seeds, buts, beans like lentils and broad beans, tofu, and manufactured protein sources made from soya or mycoproteins can also be eaten.
These foods will keep hunger pains at bay and dieters are less likely to opt for unhealthy snacks.
This means those hoping to lose weight will notice the benefits adding a portion of protein into every meal.
High protein intake has been proven to keep you fuller for longer, and they have also been proven to reduce subsequent calorie intake, Harry added.
So this means that not only are your high protein means filling you up, and helping you stay full, but they also help to reduce you consuming more calories throughout the day.
A food that can keep you fuller for longer, without consisting of huge amounts of calories, when dieting is a fantastic solution to help you reduce your calorie intake.
Dieters will feel more satisfied and likely to stick to the meal plan they are following.
Harry explained: The problem with many diets is theyre often quite drastic, and they restrict food so much that people feel starving. By helping to keep you full, and therefore happy, you are much more likely to actually stick to the diet.
For those hoping to get into shape, following a high protein diet will also help build muscle and appear lean.
See the article here:
Weight loss: This food can help you slim down fast - when is the best time to eat it? - Express