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Jun 25

Think positive attitude for great fitness and weight loss results – Shawnee News Star

Nearly everyone knows how to lose weightright? Well, that statement is filled with some truth, but I think we all realize very quickly, it is not that easy when we actually attempt to lose those unwanted pounds and inches. It has been my experience that when people have problems losing weight or sticking to eating the right foods, the key can be found in the motivation to lose weight, and or, conquering our unrealistic expectations.

Nearly everyone knows how to lose weightright? Well, that statement is filled with some truth, but I think we all realize very quickly, it is not that easy when we actually attempt to lose those unwanted pounds and inches. It has been my experience that when people have problems losing weight or sticking to eating the right foods, the key can be found in the motivation to lose weight, and or, conquering our unrealistic expectations. We seem to expect the weight to disappear much quicker than the rate we put it on. If you think back, most weight gain has been accumulating over 10- 50 years depending on the age of the individual, however when we start to lose weight we get down on ourselves because we only lose 4 pounds in two weeks. Of course these types of negative thoughts can be all it takes to either slow down the best of results or make you discontinue your efforts all together. This is a harsh reality of what many go through, but should not, because experts will tell you that safe weight loss should be done at a rate of 1-2 pounds per week. So my friends if you are losing 1-2 pounds per week, be ecstatic and proud of the great job you are doing. Just be patient and continue to stay active, giving your body the right nutrition, because at that rate, in two short months you will be down nearly twenty pounds! Now those are results you can certainly be proud of!

If you are like many people who have trouble losing weight and keeping it off, try thinking about what could be getting in the way of your results? If you want to get serious and make it happen, I challenge you to stop and take a long look at all the benefits of why it is important for you to lose weight. This is called unpackaging your purpose. Some good reasons could be for your better health, you may want to enjoy more time with the kids being active, and you may want to be more dependent as you age, or your career may have physical requirements. Only you will know what is most important in your life. But whatever it is, I challenge you to honor, respect, and allow it motivate you like nothing else could, towards your weight loss, better health, and nutrition goals.

I challenge you to believe that to change your weight, you have first got to change your mind. One of the most important factors that influence weight loss success is your attitude. It is all about whether or not you believe, and keep believing that you can make the changes you need to make, to lose weight, and that they are worth doing. Because remember that what you think, ultimately affects what actions you take.

If you are eating too much, it might be a good idea to try and understand why you eat. Many times we dont overeat because were hungry. More than likely it is due to some negative emotion, like feeling angry, lonely, sad, stressed, bored, or being anxious that has triggered a habit of using food to feel better. The urge to eat can make you feel like you have no will power or are out of control, but it doesnt have to be that way because we can condition and educate ourselves so that we realize when this is happening too us and prevent it. The good thing is that the more you break the eating when youre not hungry habit, the weaker its hold becomes on you!

Use self-talk to your advantage. These are the automatic thoughts that we constantly make to ourselves that influence how we feel and act. It may be positive and constructive like a guardian angel or it can be negative like the devil. Think about some of the things you say to yourself, and if they are negative, take the time to reshape them to positive thoughts. Just like my earlier example about how some people get discouraged with a four pound weight loss in a two week period, while that should have been reshaped as a positive statement that will produce nearly a 20 pound weight loss result in two short months. Its all about how we think.

Finally take control by choosing what you eat based on your goals. By doing this you get to make a conscious decision weighing the pros and cons of making the choice, and feeling free to have it, reject it, or just have some. It helps you come to terms with food and stops you from feeling deprived. It also helps remind yourself regularly why you are making changes to your eating habits, which keeps your motivation to lose weight high.

It is just like learning to ride a bike. You fell off a lot at first, and needed picking up. But one day, finally, step by step, and with the right support, you took control of that bike and learned how to keep it on course, just like you can, and I trust that you will, with your weight management, nutrition, and exercise program.

Until next week, keep up the good work, and please make it a nutritious and healthy day! to get started on healthy weight loss, wellnes, active energy, and sports performance nutrition products call Reggie at Reggies Personal Training and Nutrition, 104 E. Main, Downtown Shawnee, (405) 613-0237, or message on facebook at reggies personal training and nutrition.

Think positive attitude for great fitness and weight loss results - Shawnee News Star

Jun 24

How Unhealthy is it For Actors to Lose and Gain Weight so Quickly … – TVOvermind

Its easy to look at an actor thats lost up to ten pounds or more in a week and say theyre dedicated. Its also just as easy to say that theyre tearing up their body for their craft. Rapid weight loss and weight gain is impressive only to those that dont seem to understand what the implications are. If more people knew what it takes to actually lose that kind of weight and what it does to the body they might not praise actors for their dedication and discipline.

Here are just a few reasons why rapid weight gain and loss arent that impressive.

It can affect how your organs function.

If you put on too much weight its more work for your lungs to fill up and expand, meaning youll start noticing breathing problems eventually. Should you go the other way and lose too much too fast then you run the risk of throwing your bodys fluid balance out of whack. This can eventually result in damage to the internal organs such as the liver and the heart. Believe it or not you need those to exist.

Losing weight too fast can affect your metabolism.

If you start losing the pounds too quickly, no matter how you do it, your body will go into whats called survival mode. This means youre not getting enough nourishment and as a result the body will start storing calories so that it wont begin to shut down. In this case youre actually bound to gain weight rather than lose any more.

Gaining weight too fast can damage your joints and put undue pressure on your bone structure.

Ever see a person that cant run, walk, or even hobble their way down the street because they weigh so much? Some of those people might have a problem with their glands, but others just dont know how to gain weight evenly or put the snacks down. Gaining weight too fast puts more weight, and therefore more pressure on your joints, which are needed to help you move about. The more pressure you put on your knees in particular, the less time its going to take for something to pop out of socket or just give up entirely, which could result in serious injury.

Whether you gain weight or lose weight too fast, your energy levels will fluctuate at a dangerous rate.

Your body depends on a certain amount of fuel to be present to operate at optimal efficiency. The less you eat the less energy youll have. In the same breath if you eat too much and pack it on too fast your body will lack the proper nutrition to keep working the way it should. A healthy balance is what is needed in order to keep your body running the way it should.

A lot of us have seen stars such as Robert DeNiro, Matthew McConaughey, Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway, and even Natalie Portman lose or gain insane amounts of weight to prep for a role. What people need to realize is that as much as theyre trying to stay true to their character, theyre also doing a large amount of damage to their bodies that will eventually catch up with them.

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How Unhealthy is it For Actors to Lose and Gain Weight so Quickly ... - TVOvermind

Jun 24

Why people like Khloe Kardashian need to stop talking about the term ‘revenge body’ – INSIDER

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The revenge body may be doing more harm than good. Getty/Alberto E. Rodriguez

Breakups are tough. When we're wronged or feel rejected by an ex, many people may try to improve themselves, while others strive to get their former partner back. Sometimes, they might try to do both at the same time by aiming for a "revenge body."

A "revenge body" refers to when a person loses weight after a breakup as a way to make their ex jealous whether intentionally or not. The term is generally seen as a positive act of self-improvement or a way to "get over" your former significant other.

And while it's been used to describe everyone from Jennifer Aniston to Janet Jackson, most recently Khloe Kardashian has embraced the term. She shed some weight after her split with Lamar Odom and suddenly that's all people could talk about. Kardashian's body and Odom's betrayal were directly linked it even spawned the E! show "Revenge Body with Khloe Kardashian."

On the show, people who go through breakups or hardship are challenged to lose weight quickly to enact a sort of "revenge" against the person who had wronged them. People took to it so much that it's been renewed for season two. Kardashian took the term "revenge body" that was being thrown at her by tabloids and branded it to be about empowerment.

Body-positive activists take issue with the term for many reasons, health coach Beth Clayton told INSIDER, including the idea that your body or any physical factors can be altered in such a way to manipulate someone into wanting to be with you again.

"If you are changing your body for someone else, you are the one that loses in the end because you are still letting that person dictate your life and your body and you are doing it for their approval," body positive coach Michelle Elman told INSIDER. "So what happens when you don't get it? Despite the person being it for whatever reason, they remain the focus of your life and it also sends the implicit message that the reason they should've stayed with you is for your appearance, which I believe should never be the sole reason you are with someone."

A "revenge body" instills an idea that the person who left the relationship wouldn't have if the other person had just been smaller or more traditionally "attractive." It makes weight and physical appearance a scapegoat for the problems in a relationship, implying that your fat or larger self was inherently flawed and that weight loss has made you better.

"Whenever we are using our bodies as a currency for love or validation, or to prove our own worth to ourselves, we are playing a game that will never end with our winning," health coach Beth Clayton told INSIDER. "We are making decisions out of fear of not being enough rather than genuine desire to be loving toward our bodies and ourselves."

If you want to get healthy, do it for you.ND300/Shutterstock

Breakups or other traumatic experiences that people emerge from with "revenge bodies" are extremely stressful life events. Stress can make people lose weight in an unhealthy way and even signal the presence of a mental illness. Weight loss is not always a positive thing, and assuming that it is can have dire effects on someone's physical and/or mental health.

Even if you mean it as a compliment, commenting on someone's weight if they have an eating disorder can be a huge trigger. If you praise someone for losing weight but they've lost it because they've been too depressed to eat, that may trigger them to go another day without food in an effort to get even more exterior validation.

Obviously, not all weight loss is bad. Kardashian was public about how she found an escape and a type of therapy in going to the gym and the weight loss started to follow from there. Other people develop better eating habits out of a relationship because they're not cooking for two or they're less busy. But it's important to keep why you're doing it in mind, not just the how.

"I think stereotypically when you are in a relationship you have less time than when you are single so it's understandable to not only have more time for workouts but to use the gym to get out negative feelings around the breakup," Elaman told me. "But to twist that motivation into 'revenge' is what's the problem and to associate working out with simply appearance based results."

If you're looking to get healthier and weight loss happens to be a factor in that, then great! There is nothing saying that can't be a part of your healing after a breakup. But comparing yourself to an ex's new fling or the people on "Revenge Body" (which has been criticized for showing an unrealistic portrayal of weight loss) is not a healthy way to go about it.

And using the term to describe someone else's body can have even worse consequences.

So the next time you feel the need to praise someone on their "revenge body," think twice about using that term. Try a compliment that gives them ownership of their own body like "you look so radiant/happy/strong" instead.

Or better yet, just keep your mouth shut unless they ask for your opinion.

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Originally posted here:
Why people like Khloe Kardashian need to stop talking about the term 'revenge body' - INSIDER

Jun 23

The latest weight loss trends for 2017 – Blasting News

Every week a new study comes out that offers the best way to lose weight. Nutritionists will recommend some foods and then later tell dieters they are bad. #weight loss information is everywhere these days, and it's hard to separate fact from fiction. So what do dieters need to eat when they want to lose weight, and what are the latest trends that will help them find the right information?

The popular photo sharing site #Instagram is a hub for the latest weight loss food trends. Women's Health Mag reported there are currently eight food weight loss trends making the rounds. The magazine said that the reason Instagram may be so popular is that it is a gathering place for beautiful food.

Putting effort into how food looks may be one key to losing weight. When a dieter looks at photos of beautiful vegetables or artful smoothie bowls, it may actually help with losing weight because then the dieter craves those healthy foods. It's important to understand though which weight loss food trends are actually healthy.

One of the latest trends is Blue Majik. It is a form of blue-green algae that contains plant based protein that tastes like fish. It can be added to recipes to give it a protein boost. However, science doesn't back up the claim. Other trends include mermaid toast, which looks really pretty, but it won't help with weight loss. Energy balls can help with weight loss as long as they aren't high in sugar or calories, and when the right ingredients are used, they are nutrient dense.

Smoothie bowls allow dieters to add nutrient-dense foods like fruits and vegetables to their diets. Chia jars allow dieters to create a pudding of Chia seeds and fruit that is high in fiber. It is important to use caution though. Two tablespoons of Chia seeds contains 150 calories and the calories add up quickly.

QZ reported that one food trend tricks dieters into thinking that fruit is bad for weight loss. Samantha Rigoli, founder of Healthy to the Core, and a registered dietician said not to believe the hype. Although fruit is high in sugar and fiber, the sugars are natural, and fruit is a nutrient dense food. Although fruit is high in fructose, it comes wrapped in healthy fiber, which means it is slowly absorbed into the blood stream. For those who are concerned with the glycemic level of fruit, they should consult the glycemic index.

Woman's World reported several dieting tips that may help dieters with weight loss. Dieters may double their weight loss by getting adequate amounts of #Vitamin D.

Researchers at Boston University said that it only takes 20 minutes a day without sunscreen to get adequate amounts of Vitamin D. The vitamin helps push dietary fats into muscle cells where it's burned as energy.

Water has also been shown to help with weight loss, and dozens of studies prove it. University of Utah researchers discovered that it increases metabolism. A City of New York University study showed that less exercise actually improved weight loss results for women who were sedentary and began walking 30 minutes a day. It burned about 200 calories, and they lost weight 33 percent more quickly.

In another study in the British Journal of Medicine, berries were shown to steady blood sugar while a study at Indiana University showed that eating 18 ounces of fish each week helped dieters lose weight. One study showed that fasting glucose influences how easy it is to lose weight so it's important to watch blood sugar when dieting. In another study, an ingredient in Tequila was shown to help with dieters lose weight.

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The latest weight loss trends for 2017 - Blasting News

Jun 23

This UFC Fighter Lost 36 Pounds Using This TechniqueHere’s Why You Shouldn’t Do It – Men’s Health

Men's Health
This UFC Fighter Lost 36 Pounds Using This TechniqueHere's Why You Shouldn't Do It
Men's Health
The Four-Pack Revolution: How You Can Aim Lower, Cheat on Your Diet, and Still Lose Weight & Keep It Off, written by famed MMA fighter Chael Sonnen and MMA sports performance expert Ryan Parsons, uses the latest science and motivational exercises ...

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This UFC Fighter Lost 36 Pounds Using This TechniqueHere's Why You Shouldn't Do It - Men's Health

Jun 23

Torch fat quickly: a beginners guide to interval training with wearables – Gadgets & Wearables

You may not know this, but interval training is a get-fit-quick scheme that works brilliantly well at burning fat. Itis the perfect answer ifyou need to shake up your fitness routine andlose weight, but you dont have any more time to devote to it.

Serious athletes have long known about the benefits of this type of exercise.It is seen as the ultimatecardiovascularworkout.

Ifyoure not already on-board with intervaltraining, read onto get seriously motivated to start.

Interval training is a type ofphysical trainingthat involves a series of high intensity exercise workouts interspersed with rest or relief periods.Or even more simply put, you run, cycle or row fast for a bit, then slow down for a bit.

The length of both the sprint and recovery periods can vary from as little as 6seconds to a few minutes. This can be tailoredto meet your level of fitness and goals.High-intensity periods are typically at or close toanaerobic exercise, while the recovery periods involve activity of lower intensity.

Essential reading: Heart rate zone training with wearables

Coaches around the world favor this type of training as it is one of the most effective and quickest ways to improve speed and endurance. Thetechnique is particularly employed by runners, but athletes in many disciplines useit.

The stop-start pattern of this type of workout trains your body to recover quickly and adapt between high-intensity bursts.Varying the intensity of effort exercises the heart muscle, providing acardiovascular workout, improving aerobic and anaerobic capacity and permitting the person to exercise for longer and more intense levels.

There is alsoscience to back up justhowcrazy-efficient high intensity workouts really are.

In particular, studies have found that high intensity interval training boosts your endurance, as seen through measures such as improved blood pressure and higher counts of mitochondria. It is alsogreat for your heart, contributing to the flexibility and elasticity of arteries and veins.

There is, of course, the additionalbenefit of helping torch fat quickly. Plus youll keep burning calories for hours after your workout. This is confirmed in arecent report published inThe Journal of Obesity, which found thathigh-intensity intermittent exercise induces far greater fat loss than steady exercise.

This is because musclecarbohydratereserves, glycogen, areseriously depleted with bursts of high intensity activity.Carbohydrates are used as the main source for fuel.Once the glycogen reserves have been exhausted replacement is necessary through the fuel source fat.

Essential reading: Top health and fitness gadgets for 2017

The report, for example, cites a15 week study, where a group ofwomen participated inthree 20-minute high intensity workout sessions per week (an 8-second sprint followed by 12seconds of low intensity cycling). At the same time, another group of women carried out an aerobic cycling protocol that consisted of steady state cycling for 40min. Results showed that women in the high intensitygroup lost significantly much more subcutaneous fat (2.5kg) than those in the steady state aerobic exercise program.

There are many other studies we could cite showing the link between interval training and fat loss.

Anyone can add interval training to theirfitnessroutine. Its not too difficult.

Training involvessets of race pace speed of 200m, 400m or 800m, with recovery sets equal to or less than that distance.You could evenfind objects at regularly spaced distance, such as telephone poles, and use them to judge your intervals. Or simply count your steps.As your fitness level increases, increase the speed of your walk or run.

A more structured option is to go by the clock. Time the high intensity bursts to around 10-60 seconds in length.Make sure you work at max effort. The low intensity recovery period shouldlastbetween 1 and 4 times the duration of the quick burst.

Interval training is very demanding.If you have any heart problems or circulation issues, or are very much out of shape it is best to opt out. Also,you should not be doing this every day. Your body will be working hard, so needs time to recover.

Start off by doing itonce a week, and then build up.Just by practicing interval training once a week, you will be able to take advantage of a number of benefits, from more effective oxygen intake to a slower heart rate.

The added benefit of doing this type of exerciseis that youcan get the same, if not greater, results inhalfthe time of low-intensity longer duration workout sessions. Simply put,you getmore bang for your buck. Also, because its shorter in duration, you are less likely to become bored and more likely to stick to the workout.

With the help of running watches and activitytrackers, it isnow easier than ever tointegrate interval training into your fitness routine.

Such traininghas long been a staple of any self-respecting runners watch. Check out our selection of GPS running watches to get you started.The integrated GPS means they track the distance for you, andmany of themhave the added benefit of the latest crop of heart-rate sensing tech, meaning you can get a precise picture of the intensity of your workout. Or you could opt for a heart rate chest strap instead.

Essential reading: Top 10 GPS watches for running and training

For those who are less serious about interval training, or are just starting out, some run-of-the mill activity trackers have started to include this functionality as part of their feature-set.

For example,the Fitbit Charge 2 comes with a built-in interval timer that takes the work out of setting up and following an interval workout. You can even tweak the settings to create a tailored session.

For instance, if you want to complete a 20-minute workout made up of 1-minute intervals, the work period would be 1 minute, the rest period would be 1 minute, and the total number of rounds, or times you want to repeat those intervals, would be 10.You can program your Charge 2to track these intervals by customizing the Interval Workout setting via your Fitbit app or the dashboard.

When youre ready to begin your actual workout, press the button on the side of your Charge 2 until you see an exercise option. Tap the screen until you see Interval Workout.Press and hold the side button to begin. Your tracker will vibrate and tell you to move or rest depending on which interval youre on.

And lets not forget the Apple Watch. Watch OS4 comes this fall with enhanced fitness tracking. The Workout app will upgradedwith better coaching, monthly challenges, fancier visuals, and a new mode forHigh Intensity Interval Training. There is also enhanced swim tracking and more.

Now that you have the basicinformation, it is easy to see that benefits of interval training. Next time youre outon a run, do a sprint for just 30 seconds. Even one burst of high intensity activity during a steady runcan boost your endurance and overall health.

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Torch fat quickly: a beginners guide to interval training with wearables - Gadgets & Wearables

Jun 22

5 yoga poses to lose weight easily and quickly – GQ India

Hannah Bronfman performing Yoga for Weight Loss and Fitness

Photo: Instagram /@hannahbronfman

Yogahas gone from something of a pastime at retreats to a serious fitness trend pretty darn quickly.So, for those of you who want to lose weight easily and quickly, yoga maybe the answer youre looking for. Here are 5 yoga poses to lose weight easily and quickly

When youre on the heavierside of the scale, it shows on your face too(double chin, heres looking at you). So while youre trying to shed those kilos off, why notlose some grams fromyour face as well? Kareena Kapoor made facial yogapopularwhen she revealed it as one of her beauty secrets.

Also called the Downward Dog, Adho Mukh Svanasana is perhaps the most recognizable of all yoga poses. Not only is it (somewhat) easy to master, but it is also one of the most effective. The pose helps work on your biceps and back. However, this exercise is best avoided for those with carpel tunnel syndrome, shoulder injuries and high blood pressure.

Chaturanga Dandasana issimilar to a plank, but with some changes. If you want to push yourself to get some more core stability, this pose is the one for you. However, do not do this pose if you have had a shoulder or hand injury in the past.

Urdhva Mukha Svanasanais also called the Upwards Facing Dog and is great for holding your weight and toning your arms. Those with neck and shoulder injuries should avoid this one.

Paripurna Navasana is alsoknown as the Naukasana, this pose is supposed to be de-stressing and helps keep the digestive system fit and healthy, while also flexing your abdomen for better movement. This pose is difficult to master, but definitely worth the benefits. If you get this one right, its a big yay for you.


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Here is the original post:
5 yoga poses to lose weight easily and quickly - GQ India

Jun 21

7 Books You Never Thought Would Help You Lose Weight – The Good Men Project (blog)

As a high performance diet and lifestyle coach, I get asked all the timeWhat books do you recommend to lose weight?

My response? Well, its not what youd expect.

There are a few books that, among a sea of others, I view as essential must reads for anyone looking to cultivate a new mindset and deepen awareness. Approaching this whole dieting thing from a new perspective, you will understand that success goes far beyond the food you eat.

I suggest you start with these books and you will learn how to lose weight (even though they teach nothing about weight loss):

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius Aurelius was one of the great emperors of Rome, known to many as the Philosopher King. But despite being the most powerful man in the known world, he struggled with all the same things you and I do. This book, which was never supposed to be published, is a journal of his thoughts on struggle, adversity and dealing with pain. Its a cornerstone of Stoic philosophy, which can help you detach from lifes less important things (like messing up one night on your diet) and puts all of life into perspective. As a practicing Stoic, I recommend this book to anyone embarking on a new endeavor in life.

Mindset by Carol Dweck Mindset is a simple idea discovered by Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck in decades of research on achievement and successa simple idea that makes all the difference. In a fixed mindset, people believe their basic qualities, like their intelligence or talent, are simply fixed traits. Theyre wrong. In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. A growth mindset creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment and success at any endeavorincluding your diet! Teaching a growth mindset creates motivation and productivity in the worlds of business, education, and sports. And now, it will enhance your relationship with food and yourself. When you read Mindset, youll see how.

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg Pulitzer Prizewinning business reporter Charles Duhigg takes us to the cutting edge of scientific discoveries that explain why habits exist and how they can be changed. The key to being successful at just about anything is understanding how habits work. As Duhigg shows, by harnessing this new science, we can transform our health and our lives.

The Art of Learning by Josh Waitzkin Waitzkin is the chess prodigy about which the movie Searching for Bobby Fischer was created. Hes also a world champion martial artist. In this book, he breaks down everything hes discovered about how to learn more quickly and how to go from average to elite in any discipline. He explains in clear detail how a well-thought-out, principled approach to learning is what separates success from failure. Waitzkin believes that achievement, even at the championship level, is a function of a lifestyle that fuels a creative, resilient growth process (hello growth mindset!) Rather than focusing on climactic wins, Waitzkin reveals the inner workings of his everyday method, from systematically triggering intuitive breakthroughs to honing techniques into states of remarkable potency, to mastering the art of performance psychology. Through his own example, Waitzkin explains how to embrace defeat and make mistakes work for you. This is so important as you learn how to master a new lifestyle and your diet: making mistakes is part of the process, so grow comfortable being uncomfortable!

Mastery by Robert Greene The book crystallizes lessons from the worlds most prolific artists, scientists and entrepreneurs, then distills their teachings into actionable insights that you can directly apply to learning the process of mastering your diet. I like to think of healthy living as a skill that you can train. Just like a new piano player who wants to learn how to play the piano, if shes serious shes going to recruit the instruction and discipline of an expert, and every day shes going to show up and move her fingers up and down the keys, take instruction, learn how to read the music, and develop a new language internally to relate to the piano. Thats exactly how were going to approach your diet. Like learning the piano. Which is why understanding the path toward mastery is crucial to your learning.

Deep Work by Cal Newport Taking all the above books into account, Newport, a PhD professor at Georgetown (represent!), synthesizes the concept of focus. Why is it that some creatives and professionals can get volumes of work done at a high level, while others can barely struggle to get anything done at all? Does all of society just need more Adderall, or are we misunderstanding some fundamental ideas about focus? Cal goes deep. Theres only so much time, attention, money, and energy we have to spend on lifes pursuits. Success requires effort and concentration, and thats not a bad thing. Better to spend your resources and energies on what you really care about, like mastering your diet and repairing your relationship with food.

The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer Who are you? When you start to explore this question, you find out how elusive it really is. Are you a physical body? A collection of experiences and memories? A partner to relationships? Each time you consider these aspects of yourself, you realize that there is much more to you than any of these can define. Spiritual teacher Michael Singer explores the question of who we are and arrives at the conclusion that our identity is to be found in our consciousness, the fact of our ability to observe ourselves, and the world around us. By tapping into traditions of meditation and mindfulness, Singer shows how the development of consciousness can enable us all to dwell in the present moment and let go of painful thoughts and memories that keep us from achieving happiness and self-realization. Remember this and remember it forever: you are not your thoughts inside your head, you are the witness behind those thoughts.

There you have it!

I hope a few of these pique your interest. I invite you to dedicate some time to your growth this summer. Books are a great way to start.


Photo credit:Getty Images

Daniel is the CEO of EvolutionEat, where he'll teach you how to master your diet, stop overeating, and take control of your health.

Daniel is exceptionally good at high performance coaching, as it pertains to diet and lifestyle. As a world class motivator, lifestyle designer, and dietary strategist, he specializes in unpacking motivation, disentangling emotions and distractions from intentions, and getting to the bottom of what really influences our choices.

Sign up today to access his free, 3-hour online training program designed to help you master your diet once and for all. Follow him on Facebook and Instagram.

7 Books You Never Thought Would Help You Lose Weight - The Good Men Project (blog)

Jun 21

Why It’s Harder To Lose Weight Now Than Any Time In History –

Miramax Films/Universal Pictures/Giphy

Baby Boomers and Gen X like to fault millennials for complaining about, well, everything, but it looks like 20-somethings finally have some ground to stand on with one big gripe: It's harder now than ever before to lose weight. And before you let mom and dad tell you it's because of what else? social media, think again. Those #foodporn photos kids these days post all the time aren't doing the damage. (At least, there's not a study on that yet.)

Getty Lucia Lambriex

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According to researchers, even if you work out as much and eat the same amount as people did in the '70s and '80s, you're not going to get a summer bod nearly as easily. After comparing weights of people with the same lifestyles and similar food intake in 1988 and 2006, they saw that the latter group had a BMI 2.3 points higher than the first group. They go on to hypothesize three reasons why this is so.

For starters, there's the fact that we're exposed to a lot more chemicals than folks have been in the past. A recent, separate study found that one-third of fast food packaging contains harmful additives, but products you find in grocery stores can have them, too. Things that fall under that umbrella include pesticides and flame retardants, and they can alter your hormones, affecting the way you put on weight. Prescription drugs are also to blame, researchers say. Doctors hand out more scripts for antidepressants, which are often linked to weight gain.


But the third assumption might be the most upsetting because there's literally nothing you can do about it. Americans' microbiomes, the army of bacteria in your gut, have altered since the '80s. This is not necessarily new: Humans' microbiomes have been changing since ancient times. Even so, the changes in the past few decades have made us more prone to weight gain and obesity. It might be all the meat we're eating at last, a case for Meatless Mondays!) or the artificial sweeteners that clog so many foods.

Unfortunately, it looks like all those out-of-our-hands factors are majorly bumming out Americans. Many overweight people have stopped even trying to shed pounds. In March, researchers analyzed health surveys conducted between 1988 and 2014 by the U.S. government and noticed the percentage of people who said they were trying to slim down dropped from 55 percent in earlier years to 49 percent.

Jonathan Boulton

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Why It's Harder To Lose Weight Now Than Any Time In History -

Jun 20

If You Want to Lose Weight, You Need to Love Yourself First – POPSUGAR

The Important Breakthrough That Helped Me Become Healthier

We're happy to share this story from our friend Sara Lou of Eat, Drink and Be Skinny.

I'm just a little bit pissed with the dieting industry lately. OK, I lied, I've always been pissed with the dieting industry.

The get-thin-quick schemes, the shakes, the programs purporting to help every women lose 10 pounds. The pills, teas, surgeries, and insert the next big weight loss product here have just been, ugh.

As a society we spend billions in health & weight loss and yet we're fatter than we've ever been. We are sicker than we've ever been. Yet, we're spending more money than we've ever had on trying to not be sick. Are we unable to put the two together? So what gives? And why isn't anything working?

I've also contemplated this as I stood naked in front of a bathroom mirror prodding at the parts of my body I wanted to shrink, I've thought about it as I was working out obsessively on the treadmill, restricting all bad calories and wondering why I wasn't seeing the results I wanted to. I've wondered this as I beat myself up over not going to the gym for two weeks in a row, or when I quickly gave up on kickboxing class because it was too hard for me.

Weight loss just always seemed like a goal that was out of reach. Something with long hard workouts, fat burning zones and food restrictions that not everyone is cut out for.

And well . . . not everyone should be cut out for it.

Our obsession with weight loss and the science behind it is at best a bit absurd. We somehow gain lots of weight and expect a scientific experiment and many research studies to shed the weight off for good. But is anyone asking why we put the weight on to begin with? Does anyone know why and how we've come to this? And by knowing why and how we've come to this, can't we reverse the course of this scary epidemic?

A few years ago I was looking in the mirror wondering why the hell I had adult acne, severe anxiety and hadn't lost any weight when I was eating healthy food and working out. I thought I was doing all of the right things and just wanted to throw in the towel. After a little bit of help and therapy, I decided to be easy on myself instead. I developed fitness goals that didn't surround weight loss, or calorie restriction but instead to heal up my skin and anxiety.

I turned inwards to find out why I wasn't losing weight or reaching my goals. When I placed my goals on my own self worth and doing fitness activities that were fun and challenging for me, regardless of their outcome, I started shedding excess fat and became more toned.

When I started forgiving myself for missing a workout, I started becoming more consistent and would, ironically, miss less workouts.

When I stopped giving a flying f*ck about my weight on a scale and instead focused on making myself strong, both on the outside and on the inside, I started getting visibly thinner.

When I put food in my body that nourished me, rather than what the weight loss experts told me to eat, my skin cleared up and I started to feel better.

All of this points me to self love. The secret ingredient in any health and weight loss journey that often gets overlooked because of our do or die mentality. We are so afraid of failing and crushing our egos that the minute we miss a workout or eat pizza we all of a sudden have failed miserably at our weight loss journeys.

So how can you choose to love yourself this week?

Here are five simple steps you can take to incorporate self love into your weight loss journey

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Emily Faulstich Product Credit: Dear Bowie robe

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If You Want to Lose Weight, You Need to Love Yourself First - POPSUGAR

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