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Why exercising on an empty stomach is the secret to weight loss –
As soon as you start eating, the process is halted. Insulin now inhibits the breakdown of fatty acids, leading your body to burn the sugars you've just ingested. The fat burning stage is over.
If you think about it, this all makes perfect evolutionary sense. When food wasnt as readily available as it is today, holding on to stored body fat was crucial for our survival. We evolved to last a long time between meals.
Today, food is in almost constant supply but our bodies are still physiologically the same as they were tens of thousands of years ago. If we eat all day, we never tap into our bodies natural ability to burn stored body fat for energy.
Studies demonstrate that a bout of aerobic exercise performed in the fasted as compared with non-fasted state increases the reliance on fat and subsequently reduces the reliance on carbohydrate as fuel during exercise, with several publications showing that fasted exercise oxidises (burns) around 20-30pcmore fat.
If you're exercising to lose weight, it's a no brainer.
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Why exercising on an empty stomach is the secret to weight loss -
Concepts in Fitness: Why keeping the weight off is the real victory – The Register Star
You did it! After four months of tracking calories, keeping a food journal and exercising, youve finally reached your weight loss goal.
But, as anyone who has lost weight can tell you, keeping the weight off is harder than losing it, and it has nothing to do with lack of willpower and everything to do with focusing on building health.
I believe a health-centered approach to weight loss focusing on healthy lifestyle changes is much better than obsessing over every fat gram, counting calories and using the scale to gauge your success.
As we enter the maintenance phase of Greene County Rural Health Networks Biggest Loser contest, I have put together seven easy-to-do health building steps you can follow so you never have to lose weight again.
H Have most of your calories during the day. My father-in-law always said breakfast like a king and dinner like a pauper. If you cant make breakfast your biggest meal, then make it lunch. Eating most of your calories during the day when youre active and not in the evening when your metabolism is slowing down makes a lot of sense, right?
E Eat three meals a day: No snacks. When you snack in-between meals, you teach your body to burn the sugar you just ate instead of digging deep into the stored fat you have. There is no proof grazing throughout the day revs up your metabolism. My advice is be a fat burner, not a sugar burner.
A Always have a healthy carb, fat and protein. This keeps you feeling fuller longer and reduces sugar cravings.
L Listen to your body. Have you ever finished a meal only to have a craving for something sweet? Or maybe you felt bloated, constipated or got a headache? Thats your body telling you that meal wasnt the right mix of carbs, fats and proteins.
T Take a multi-vitamin. If you think youre getting everything you need from your food, think again. When plants are repeatedly grown on the same land, the soil loses vitamins, minerals and microbes faster than they can be replaced. Without those precious vitamins and minerals youll quickly regain the weight you lost.
H Heal your liver. Your liver is meant to be a fat burning organ, but unfortunately, for many people, its a fat storing organ. But, you can easily turn that around by including super foods like dark green leafy veggies, garlic, onions and eggs in your diet.
Y Your eyes can deceive you. Research shows the size of your dinnerware impacts how much you serve yourself. I advised a client to eat his first two meals from a large plate and his last meal on a small plate. In 16 weeks he lost 60 pounds eating eggs and bacon for breakfast every morning.
There you have it: A common sense approach to maintaining your weight. Why not try it?
Questions or comments? Email Mary Schoepe at
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Concepts in Fitness: Why keeping the weight off is the real victory - The Register Star
‘Pokemon Go’ Wasn’t Quite The Fitness Phenomenon It Could Have Been Says Medical Study – UPROXX
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Pokemon Go is a lovely thing. It provides exciting challenges, it gets your rump out of the house and its even benefited the globes many hardworking perverts! (That last one is more of a stay inside kind of thing.) One of the things attached to the rise of Pokemon Go during mobile games rise to cultural phenomenon status in 2016 was the potential health benefits of getting your knees in the breeze and enjoying the spin-off benefits of Pokemon-assisted exercise. Initial research of how the game could be a healthy plus painted an optimistic forecast, but a study published in the British Medical Journal suggests the exercise perks were just a fad.
As reported by the hoser hutch that is CBC News, researchers monitored 1,000 people users between the ages of 18 and 35 last summer and monitored their physical activity for six weeks. The initial results in the first week were promising. It was once that initial buzz wore off that the physical activity seemed to taper off too.
Childrens Hospital of Eastern Ontario research scientist Jean-Philippe Chaput noted to CBC that like a lot of exercise trends, theres struggle in having to continue through.
So yes, it worked for the first week, but then after a month and a half, people were not walking more or moving more.
I think people look for a quick fix, so they can lose weight quickly, Chaput said. We know that we have a lot of different kinds of diets and they dont work.
So it means that [Pokemon Go] fits with all of the other physical programs it works over the short term, but even after a month and a half it doesnt work well we can say that Pokemon Go is a fad as well.
Of course, thats not to say that there arent physical health benefits to playing Pokemon Go. Its just about a matter of consistency in maintaining the exercise end of things. With events and block parties being part of the 2017 Pokemon Go landscape theres more opportunities to embrace the physical and social aspects of the game. Just like pretty much any form of exercise, the benefits are what you make and take from them.
(Via CBC News)
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'Pokemon Go' Wasn't Quite The Fitness Phenomenon It Could Have Been Says Medical Study - UPROXX
One-month sugar detox: A nutritionist explains how and why – CNN
But whether you've considered juicing, fasting or cleansing in an effort to lose weight or improve your well-being, you're probably aware that drastically cutting out foods is not effective as a long-term lifestyle approach to healthy eating.
In fact, strict detoxing can cause issues including fatigue, dizziness and low blood sugar.
But there is one kind of sustainable detox that is worthwhile, according to some experts. Reducing sugar in your diet can help you drop pounds, improve your health and even give you more radiant skin.
"Sugar makes you fat, ugly and old," said Brooke Alpert, a registered dietitian and co-author of "The Sugar Detox: Lose the Sugar, Lose the Weight -- Look and Feel Great." "What we've discovered in the last couple of years is that sugar is keeping us overweight. It's also a leading cause of heart disease; it negatively affects skin, and it leads to premature aging."
Here's more bad news: We can't stop consuming sugar. "People have a real dependency -- a real addiction to sugar," Alpert said. "We have sugar, we feel good from it, we get (the feeling of) an upper, and then we crash and need to reach for more."
One of the biggest concerns is the amount of added sugars in our diets, which are often hidden in foods. Although ice cream cake is an obvious source of sugar, other foods that may not even taste sweet -- such as salad dressings, tomato sauces and breads -- can be loaded with the white stuff.
"People don't realize that seemingly healthy foods are loaded with sugar -- and so we're basically eating sugar all day long, from morning till night," Alpert said.
The good news is that even if you're not a true sugar "addict," by eliminating sugar from your diet, you can quickly lose unwanted pounds, feel better and have a more radiant appearance.
"There is no one person who wouldn't benefit by eliminating added sugars from their diets," Lustig said.
But going cold turkey is what works best, at least in the beginning.
"Early on in my practice, when I would notice that people had real addiction to sugar, we'd start trying to wean them of sugar or limit their intake or eat in moderation ... but the word 'moderation' is so clichd and not effective," Alpert said. "It was just ineffective to ask people to eat less of something when they're struggling with this bad habit. You wouldn't ask an alcoholic to just drink two beers.
"What was so successful in getting my clients to kick their sugar habit was to go cold turkey. When they would go cold turkey, I wasn't their favorite person -- but the number one positive effect was that it recalibrated their palate," she said. "They could now taste natural sugars in fruits, vegetables and dairy that they used to be so dulled to."
So for the first three days on a sugar detox, Alpert recommends no added sugars -- but also no fruits, no starchy vegetables (such as corn, peas, sweet potatoes and butternut squash), no dairy, no grains and no alcohol. "You're basically eating protein, vegetables and healthy fats."
For example, breakfast can include three eggs, any style; lunch can include up to 6 ounces of poultry, fish or tofu and a green salad, and dinner is basically a larger version of lunch, though steamed vegetables such as broccoli, kale and spinach can be eaten in place of salad. Snacks include an ounce of nuts and sliced peppers with hummus. Beverages include water, unsweetened tea and black coffee.
Though they don't contribute calories, artificial sweeteners are not allowed on the plan, either. "These little pretty colored packets pack such a punch of sweetness, and that's how our palates get dulled and immune and less reactive to what sweetness really is," Alpert said.
Consuming artificial sweeteners causes "you not only (to) store more fat," Lustig explained, "you also end up overeating later on to compensate for the increased energy storage."
Once the first three days of the sugar detox are completed, you can add an apple.
"By the fourth day, an apple tastes like candy," Alpert said. "The onions are sweet! Almonds are sweet! Once you take sugar away from your diet cold turkey, your palate recalibrates, and you start tasting natural sugars again."
Starting with day four, you can add one apple and one dairy food each day. Dairy, such as yogurt or cheese, should be full-fat and unsweetened. "Fat, fiber and protein slow the absorption of sugar, so taking out fat from dairy will make you absorb sugar faster," Alpert said.
You can also add some higher-sugar vegetables such as carrots and snow peas, as well as a daily serving of high-fiber crackers. Three glasses of red wine in that first week can be added, too.
During week two, you can add a serving of antioxidant-rich berries and an extra serving of dairy. You can also add back starchy vegetables such as yams and winter squash.
For week three, you can add grains such as barley, quinoa and oatmeal, and even some more fruit including grapes and clementines. You can also have another glass of red wine during the week and an ounce of dark chocolate each day.
"Week three should be quite livable," Alpert said.
Week four is the home stretch, when you can enjoy two starches per day, including bread and rice, in addition to high-fiber crackers. Wine goes up to five glasses per week.
"You can have a sandwich in week four, which just makes things easier," Alpert said. "I want people living. Week four is the way to do it."
Week four defines the maintenance part of the plan -- though intentional indulgences are allowed, such as ice cream or a piece of cake at a birthday party. "Because the addictive behavior is gone, having ice cream once or twice will not send you back to square one," Alpert said. Additionally, no fruit is off-limits once you've completed the 31 days.
"The whole purpose is to give people control and ownership and a place for these foods in our life," Alpert said.
Detoxing from sugar can help you lose weight quickly. "We had over 80 testers from all over the country, and they lost anywhere between 5 to 20 pounds during the 31 days, depending on their weight or sugar addiction," Alpert said. "Many also noticed that a lot of the weight was lost from their midsection. Belts got looser!"
Participants also reported brighter eyes, clearer skin and fewer dark circles. They also had more energy and fewer mood swings.
"I have lost approximately 40 pounds following the sugar detox," said Diane, who preferred not to share her last name. She has been on the plan for approximately two years.
"I thought I was educated on weight loss, but like many, I was miseducated, and by reducing fat, I was really just adding sugar. With the elimination of sugar, including artificial sweeteners, it is incredible how sweet foods tastes."
Diane added back some healthy fats into her diet, which keeps her feeling satisfied. And her sugar cravings disappeared. "This is probably the longest I have remained on a plan, and I don't feel like this will change. It just feels natural and normal."
There are challenges and medical considerations before starting, though. Since the first few days of a sugar detox can be challenging, it's important to pick three days during which your schedule will be supportive.
"Depending on how intense your addiction is, you can experience withdrawal symptoms, such as brain fog, crankiness and fatigue," Alpert said. Lustig found that the children in his study experienced anxiety and irritability during the first five days of eliminating sugar and caffeine, though it eventually subsided.
"If you feel bad, stop and have a piece of fruit. But if you can push through and stay well-hydrated, you can really break your cycle of sugar addiction," Alpert said.
It's important to note that the plan may not be appropriate for diabetics, extreme athletes or anyone taking medication to control blood sugar. It is also not recommended for pregnant women.
Finally, before starting a sugar detox, enlist the help of friends and/or family members for support. "You need people around you to help you be successful," Lustig said. "The whole family has to do it together."
Lisa Drayer is a nutritionist, author and health journalist.
One-month sugar detox: A nutritionist explains how and why - CNN
New weight management program offered at the LIFT – Jackson Sun
Brittney L Jackson , USA TODAY NETWORK - Tennessee 2:46 p.m. CT June 9, 2017
People walk to the Lift Wellness on the Jackson Walk in Jackson, Tenn.(Photo: MEGAN SMITH/The Jackson Sun)Buy Photo
The LIFT Wellness Center is offering a new weight management program created by HMR Weight Management Services.
HMR is a highly-structured diet and lifestyle program. For the second year in a row, HMR was named No. 1 Best Fast Weight-Loss Diet in the 2017 Best Diets rankings by U.S. News and World Report, according to a press release issued by the LIFT Wellness Center.
We decided to offer the HMR Program at LIFT Wellness Center because HMR has years of experience helping thousands of individuals lose weight and keep it off, Director at LIFT Wellness Center Miki Martin said in the release.The program works because it is based on clinical research, lifestyle change and putting the patient first.
HMR focuses on three aspects of weight-loss and weight maintenance: how to make healthy food choices, how to eat more fruits and vegetables and how to increase physical activity, the release notes.
Participants in the program will not only see their weight drop, but most likely will also see a decrease in the amount of medications they have to take for high blood pressure, diabetes or other health issues, Program Manager Betty Kay Williams said in an interview on Friday.
Really more than anything, its a lifestyle change, Williams said.
There will be two free information sessions about HMR at LIFT Wellness Center at 5:30 p.m. Monday and Tuesday.
HMRs highly structured diet and lifestyle change program is designed to help people lose weight quickly while learning the skills they need to keep it off, LIFT Weight Management and HMR Program Medical Director Dr. Joel Levien said in the release. Fast weight loss without lifestyle change isnt sustainable. Through the HMR Program at LIFT Wellness Center, people learn realistic ways to incorporate new healthy behaviors into their everyday lives.
Even though HMR is a group program, it is still individualized. A nurse and nurse practitioner are on staff to help customize specific wellness plans for each person, Williams said.
To register for either information session, call (731-425) 6820 or email
Reach Brittney Jackson at or 731-425-9643.
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New weight management program offered at the LIFT - Jackson Sun
Giving up on carbs is just the wrong way to lose weight – India Today
Carbohydrates are the only source of energy (fuel) for many vital organs, including the brain, central nervous system and kidneys. The digestive system breaks down carbohydrates into glucose and the pancreas secretes a hormone called insulin to help the glucose move from the blood into the cells.
Low carbohydrate diets
These days, many people tend to follow the 'low carbohydrate' diet regime to fast track their goal of losing unwanted fat. These diets contain less than 100g of carbohydrates per day. Such drastic measures can actually backfire because these diets have a high-fat content (particularly saturated fat) and restrict fruit, vegetables and high fiber breads and cereals. Vital organs of the body including the brain (which uses carbohydrate as fuel) can lose healthy cells at double the normal rate.
Very low carbohydrate diets do not meet your daily nutritional needs. To be healthy, your daily diet should include at least:
The long-term safety of a diet very low on carbohydrates but high in saturated fat is still uncertain. Some experts believe it's the perfect recipe for a heart attack. Follow-up studies are needed over years to determine the safety of very low-carbohydrate diets.
You gain weight by eating too many calories, not carbs
The basic principle of any low-carbohydrate diet is to restrict the calories coming from carbohydrate foods so that the weight gain is minimised. This is misleading. You gain weight if you consume too many calories--it doesn't matter whether they are from carbohydrates, proteins or fats.
There's nothing special about a low-carb diet
Low carbohydrate diets cause you to lose weight because they restrict calories or energy. This approach to eating starves the body of important nutrients it needs on a daily basis and can cause major metabolic disturbances in the body.There are just fewer calories consumed in these diets, which causes the weight loss and not by eating less carbs.
Yoyo dieting
Our body stores excess carbohydrates (glucose) as glycogen and converts glycogen back into glucose to use as fuel if there is not enough carbohydrate in the diet. Around 3gm of water is needed to release one gram of glycogen, so the rapid initial weight loss on a low carbohydrate diet is mostly water, not the body fat.When a normal diet is resumed, some muscle tissue is rebuilt, water is restored and weight quickly returns, mostly as fat.
Women often fall prey to this vicious circle of dieting. The feel-good factor is short-lived when their lost body weight comes back. Such kind of dieting is called 'yoyo' dieting.
Healthy approach is the key
Vegetarians and people who consume predominantly plant-based diets are generally slimmer and have much lower rates of obesity, heart disease and cancer than people who eat meat-based diets. This supports current thinking that diets high in unrefined carbohydrates help prevent weight gain and obesity.
Short-term side effects of low-carb diets
Within a short period of time, the effects of a very low carbohydrate diet include nausea, dizziness, constipation, lethargy, dehydration, bad breath, loss of appetite, loss of libido, excessive fatigue, depression, memory loss (forgetfulness), irritated personality and under-nourished look (pale).
If the body doesn't receive enough carbohydrate, it breaks down muscle and other tissue to produce glucose. This causes a build-up of waste product called Ketones. This state, known as 'ketosis', is commonly seen in people who are starving, suffering from anorexia nervosa or with untreated insulin-dependent diabetes.
Ketones make the blood highly acidic. Ketosis can be fatal in severe conditions, particularly for pregnant women, their unborn babies and for people with diabetes. There is also evidence that the heart may not be able to function to its full capacity when ketone bodies are its main source of fuel.
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Giving up on carbs is just the wrong way to lose weight - India Today
6 Things You Must Do To Lose Weight Over 40 –
![]( | 6 Things You Must Do To Lose Weight Over 40 Whole grains, beans, fresh fruit, and starchy veggies (like sweet potatoes) are all good choices. Healthy fats: These can add up quickly when you're trying to lose weight, so it's worth measuring your fats. Aim for 7 to 10 grams every time you eat ... |
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6 Things You Must Do To Lose Weight Over 40 -
You Asked: What’s the Best Way to Lose 5 Pounds Fast? – TIME
Youve heard (over and over again) that gradual weight loss is sustainable weight loss. And youre totally going to incorporate all of those healthy lifestyle changes that will help you shed your extra pounds and keep them off for good.
But youll start all that next month. This month, youve got your friends wedding and a beach weekend to worry about. So whats the best way to lose five pounds fast?
Start by ditching salt, says Dana Hunnes, a senior clinical dietitian at UCLA Medical Center. The average American eats about 4,000 mg of sodium a day , and that can cause you to retain a lot of water weight, she explains. Just cutting your sodium way down can help you lose three, four, five pounds very quickly.
To do that, youll want to avoid all packaged productsincluding cured or deli meatsall of which tend to be loaded with salt. Hunnes says anything under 1,500 mg a day is "really good, but if you can go lower sticking with fresh foods, even better.
Also on the chopping block: processed carbohydrates. Think breads, pastas, fruit juices and pretty much all snack or dessert foods. Carbs are hydrophilic molecules, meaning they love water, Hunnes says. They make it more difficult for your body to release water from your kidneys through metabolism.
By ditching both processed carbs and cutting way back on sodium, youll lose weight, and it will be the kind around your midsection that people will really be able to notice. With water weight, you can be bloated and not realize it, Hunnes says. I have people do this and say, I can see my abs for the first time!'"
Two important warnings here: If youre not completely healthy, talk to your doctor before making any changes to your diet, Hunnes says.
Also, if youre exercising a lot while youre trying to lose weightespecially if you sweat a ton when you work outyou need to be careful about slashing salt too severely. Sodium is one of the electrolytes your body loses when you sweat. If youre adding an intense exercise program to your low-salt diet in order to lose weight, you could be at risk for hyponatremia , a potentially life-threatening condition linked with heavy sweating, heavy water intake and too-little sodium consumption.
MORE : 9 Science-Backed Weight Loss Tips
The risk for hyponatremia is very low, but its something to be aware of if youre really pushing yourself hard by exercising for hours a day while drinking a lot of water and consuming little salt, Hunnes says.
What if youre already disciplined when it comes salt and processed carbs? You can lose five pounds in two weeks by restricting your diet to one meal and three protein-powder shakes a day, says Dr. Zhaoping Li, director of the Center for Human Nutrition at UCLAs School of Medicine.
Your one meal should be non-starchy vegetablesso no beans or potatoes or riceand lean protein like chicken, fish or eggs, Li says. You also want to cook your vegetables, and make them the dominant part of your meal. Cooking veggies helps your body absorb more of their nutrients, and the protein in your meat and shakes will help keep your hunger in check. Your lone meal should include about three cups of food, and it doesnt matter if you have it at lunch or dinner, she says.
When it comes to protein shakes, the type of proteinwhey or plant-baseddoesnt matter much either. Its the amount that counts. Women should have one scoop, or 20 grams of protein, with each shake, Li says. Men should aim for 30 grams. Mix that protein powder with water or almond milk, but skip dairy milk. (While dairy fat can help you lose weight , its not ideal if your goal is short-term rapid weight loss.) You can have black coffee or water, Li adds. But skip the cappuccinos or alcohol, which tend to pack a lot of calories per ounce.
When next month (finally) rolls around and you decide to reach a healthy weight for good, doctors have advice about how to do that, too. Here's everything you need to know about long-term weight loss , from the people who study it and those who have done it .
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You Asked: What's the Best Way to Lose 5 Pounds Fast? - TIME
Want to Lose Weight Fast? Here Are the Healthiest Ways – The Cheat Sheet
When it comes to losing weight, there isnt a person out there that doesnt want to see results as soon as possible. So naturally, it is tempting to be drawn toward quick and easy methods whether it be a diet pill or a medical procedure that claim to slim you down in a hurry. The problem with that, of course, is many of these methods are also hazardous to your health.
But that doesnt mean that you cant shed some extra poundage in a shorter time span. Lucky for you, therearehealthy ways to lose weight fast. In fact, many of the healthier approaches are so easy, you will have no problem implementing them into your daily routine. Here are 10 to get you started.
Youre probably scratching your head and thinking, how can keeping busy be a key to losing weight?As it turns out, one of the worst eating habits out there is snacking out of boredom, which is a surefire way to pack on extra pounds. And when your kitchen is stocked with guilty goodies (more on fixing that later) you are at an even bigger risk of eating mindlessly. So instead of vegging on the couch in your downtime run errands and engage in activities that will keep your mind off of snacking. You might be surprised how quickly this method helps you loseweight.
You have possibly heard this one before: Drinking more water will help you lose weight. As WebMD explains, water consumption increases the rate at which people burn calories. Authority Nutritionadds that drinking water before a meal may result in you taking in fewer calories. And if you are taking in fewer calories, then you will probably see better results for having less to burn off. While we are on the topic of burning calories
Flat abs arent just created in the kitchen. A sweat-inducing workout regimen is key to toning your body and keeping you in optimal shape. When it comes to shedding the most extra baggage in a shorter period of time, a high-intensity workout is the way to go. Think circuit training, highly-aerobic classes, or simply a good mix of both cardio and weight training. For an effective full-body workout that mixes both cardio and toning into one workout, add a couple of CrossFit moves to your repertoire. (We have a great guideto help you get started.)
Cutting out unnecessary eating is a step to losing weight quickly. This cant be said about breakfast, however, which is crucial when it comes to shedding pounds. According to a study published in 2016, those who skip breakfast are more likely to consume empty calories later in the day and at night, which drives weight gain. Having a healthy breakfast, on the other hand, helps jump-start your metabolism for the day and helps to curb hunger. So reach for that whole-grain toast or scrambled eggs since protein is better at making you feel full and eat your way to weight loss.
Using caffeine as a means of losing weight is a bit tricky, because a little bit can go a long way. According toMayo Clinic, a modest amount caffeine can help suppress appetite and burn calories. However too much caffeine can have a negative effect. When used in moderation (400 milligrams or less) by healthy adults, caffeine is generally safe, the article says. But too much caffeine might cause nervousness, insomnia, nausea, increased blood pressure and other problems. (Not to forget that some of us put too much sugar in our caffeinated beverages, which will lead to an assortment of health problems.) But in the end, having black coffee in the morning or a green tea in the afternoon is a quick and safe way to aid your weight loss regimen.
In fine-tuning your eating habits to fit your weight loss goals, you also have to considerthe way you are eating. As FitWatch explains, eating more slowly and enjoying your food can lead to you eating less, and therefore consuming fewer calories. This gives your stomach more time to signal to your brain that you are full before you can shovel too much food into your face. Implement this practice into every meal you eat yes, even the ones you have to eat on the run and see how easy it is to consume less food. It could become a great habit with benefits that stretch way beyond weight loss.
Okay okay, so sometimes an afternoon snack is crucial , notoutof boredom. So when you need that food pick-me-up, its important to have the right snacks on hand. Take a cue from WebMD and rid your kitchen of any thingthat will derail your weight loss plan. But dont worry this doesnt mean you have to stop snacking all together! If you need to refuel in the afternoon, reach for a healthier option, like some lean protein or a little bit of fruit. (Healthhas a couple of weight-loss-friendly snack ideas, like a banana with peanut butter or an apple with a slice of cheese.)
No, missing out on happy hour cocktails probably isnt your idea of fun. But you will have to kick the bottle to the curb if you want to drop a pant size. This can help you lose weight in a fast and healthy manner for a number of reasons. For starters, youll be consuming fewer liquid calories. Plus, as points out, studies have shown consuming alcohol before or during a meal can increase calorie consumption. So if its a healthy weight-loss plan you want, ditching the booze is a good bet.
Getting enough Zsdoes more than just put you in a good mood. Among its many health benefits, sleepalso helps you drop pounds. As Womens Health breaks down, getting enough sleep helps burn calories and boost fat loss. And of course, if you are sleeping, then you wont be reaching for a diet-crushing midnight snack. While were on that subject
So now that youve made eating breakfast a top priority and made your snacking choices healthier, its time to tackle that bad habit of eating late at night. U.S. News & World Reportexplains, Research consistently shows that people who eat late at night weigh more than those who eat all of their food earlier in the day. The reason? Since your body uses less sugar as fuel when youre lying in bed as opposed to running around, potentially more sugar winds up in your fat cells when you eat those foods late at night.
The solution here is simple: Cut out the late-night munching altogether by eating a satisfying dinner. You will be amazed at how quickly you can shed pounds just by making wiser food choices.
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Want to Lose Weight Fast? Here Are the Healthiest Ways - The Cheat Sheet
This Woman’s Before-And-After Photo Reveals What Most People Get Wrong About Weight Loss – ATTN:
Most people try to workout and eat better for the ultimate goal of weight loss. But one woman is explaining in a viral Instagram photo why that thinking is backwards.
Sarah Nicole is striking a chord with her weight loss story, which, as she reveals, is actually not about weight loss at all.
That's how her Tuesday Instagram post began, along with a dramaticbefore-and-after photo that has gone on to receive over two thousand likes and hundreds of comments.
But here's the twist: "Now, when I say the word 'possible'I'm NOT talking about weight loss here," she adds. "At the beginning it was my goal, but I quickly learned it shouldn't be."
Because I'll say it again - the weight came off as a SIDE EFFECT of a healthy lifestyle. It is not and should not be the focus or goal.
"Otherwise, what happens next?" Nicole continues."The yoyos[sic] continue. Instead, commit to doing something active everyday. Commit to learning more about what foods you put in your body and how they fuel you. With that knowledge you'll be equipped to make wise decisions moving forward!"
The key to her weight loss wasn't focusing on the weight loss itself, but instead, focusing on living a healthier lifestyle. This is what a lot of people miss, and as a result, they wind up in the yo-yo dieting trap.
Kelly D. Brownell, a scientist and professor, is said to have originally coined the term yo-yo dieting to describe the practice of dieting to lose weight, quickly gaining that weight back after the diet is over, and then repeating the process. Like a yo-yo, your weight goes up and down.
He spoke to The Washington Post back in 1988 to warn Americans that yo-yo dieting "is worse than being overweight," saying, "it used to be thought that if an individual lost weight and sustained it, it was all for the good.And if the person was unfortunate enough to regain the lost weight, well, there was always another diet."
Live Science spoke to researchers in 2013 who concluded through studies that "lifestyle, not diet types, are thetrue ways to prevent weight gainand the associated ills of diabetes and circulatory disease."
Sherry Pagoto, one of the lead researchers, explained to Live Science"the diet itself [is not] instrumental to the lifestyle intervention's success; it is the behavioral piece that is key."
Nicole echoedthis sentiment in an email to ATTN:. "There are so many ways to achieve a healthy lifestyle, and for me it was all in changing my relationship with food and my body, all at home," she writes. "I learned throughout the process that no matter the means in getting healthy, as long as you are pursuing itthere are choices to be made everyday. Food is a struggle for me everyday. Temptation is everywhere. You don't overcome the temptations per se, you more learn to build upon the self control muscle, something that must be exercised daily."
"Motivations can come and go, but your choice is like any other. I often (jokingly) compare it to putting on antiperspirant," she added. "It's not a NEED to live your life, but it's something you choose to do daily, because if you don' might stink! I make these choices part of my everyday.I choose to eat based on what fuels my body and not just what fills it. I want what I eat to serve a purpose to my body's needs."
This Woman's Before-And-After Photo Reveals What Most People Get Wrong About Weight Loss - ATTN: