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Is Cardio One Of The Best Exercises To Help Lose Weight Quickly? – Good Herald

If you are one of the millions of people out there looking for exercises to lose weight quickly, you have probably read or been told somewhere that you need to add cardio exercise to your workout in order for it to be successful.
While many people, including you, have added cardio to their list of exercises to lose weight from, they may not be taking full advantage of it in the best way possible.
The mistake most people make is getting too caught up in the details of the exercise, whether its the type of equipment that they use, the speed at which they are doing it or the length of time that they are exercising.
If you have been to a gym recently you probably see people that stay on one machine for a very long period of time and hardly break a sweat. The mentality these people have is that if I can lose weight doing this for half an hour, I can lose weight even more quickly if I do this exercise for an hour or more.
Some others will do the other extreme and start with exercises that push them extremely hard. These people will usually be drenched in sweat and out of breath. Since they are so physically affected by the workout they assume that this is a great exercise to help them to lose weight quickly.
There are benefits to both types of exercises. But what is missing is the focus that these people should have which is not the length of time they are working out or the distance they are able to put in, or even the intensity of the exercise itself, but instead the amount of calories they are burning. Without focusing on the calories themselves many people find it nearly impossible to lose weight quickly.
Since exercise and weight loss affect everyone differently, if they do not focus on the calorie burn then they might be wasting time and energy needlessly.
To truly lose weight safely and quickly and to keep it off, your body has to burn more calories than you take in and it needs to shed the correct type of body weight. This means that lean muscle needs to be retained and you need to stimulate your metabolism to better help to burn fat. If you can find that balance you will quickly find that the weight loss will start to become apparent.
If you want to find Exercises to Lose Weight then check out Michael Daviss site on the Exercises to Lose Weight Quickly
Photo By 2998800 from Pixabay
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Is Cardio One Of The Best Exercises To Help Lose Weight Quickly? - Good Herald
Woman Who Lost 150 Lbs. Runs Naked 5k: I Went from Being ‘Disgusted with My Body’ to ‘Learning to Accept It’ –

Naomi Teeter remembers using eating as a way to cope with negative emotions as early as the third grade.
I started to sneak food to numb the feelings I had about my parents fighting, the unpredictability of my alcoholic dad who always got into trouble, being called names at school, trying to handle performance anxiety I felt about school tests and presentations, and needing to defend my little brothers from bullies on a daily basis, the Spokane, Washington-based health and weight loss strategy coach, 34, tells PEOPLE.
I coped by eating extra bowls of cereal or ice cream, cutting extra pieces of birthday cake for myself, or stealing spare change from my dads lunch box to buy bags of candy from the neighborhood store.
Things didnt improve as she got older. By the age of 20, Teeter was an unhappy newlywed who weighed over 300 lbs.
I was extremely unhappy with my relationship with my husband and how much responsibility I had in my life, she says. Instead of studying in college like my friends, I was married, working, taking care of my home and paying bills. I compensated for the feelings of resentment by eating massive amounts of food and getting drunk on my lunch breaks at work.
It wasnt until her first marriage fell apart and Teeter found herself with an unwanted pregnancy with a new boyfriend that she was forced to face the health implications of her unhealthy weight. Teeter had been experiencing painful water retention in both her knees, eczema breakouts and nightly bouts of acid reflux.
My first time being in a doctors office as an adult was at Planned Parenthood for my abortion, she says. I was utterly ashamed of myself for acting irresponsibly with my boyfriend, the size of my body, and the fact that I knew zero about my health while trying to fill out intake forms I didnt even know my height.
A few months after her doctors visit at the age of 26, Teeter decided she was finally ready to take control of her health. Her first step in her weight loss journey was keeping a food diary.
I wanted to see how much I was lying to myself about my food choices, she says. Like many people, I remember saying, I dont eat that bad. But, I did. I snacked all of the time. I had larger portions of food than what an average-size person ate. I drank more regularly that I thought. And I had a habit of eating in secret and forgetting about it. When I made myself track my food, the honesty hit me square in the face.
Teeters first day of logs included pie for breakfast and cookies with lunch, which helped her realize she needed to make a change.
I started swapping out junk foods for healthier options little by little, she says. I also started trying new foods that I thought I hated like fish, mushrooms, eggplant, avocados and asparagus. I focused mostly on calorie counting for my weight loss, and eventually switched to macronutrient ratios more and more. I firmly believe that because I didnt have strict food rules, it was easier for me to lose the weight quickly.
Teeter also became much more active. Previously, her only exercise was walking, but she decided to face her fears of embarrassment and join a gym.
I had to face the deeper fear that festered below the excuses: people would see me trying to lose weight, she says. My weakness would be on public display. Not only was I morbidly obese, but I knew I was and I knew I needed help. For someone who struggles with ego and pride, this was the most anxiety-provoking part of my journey.
She began by walking on the treadmill, and then met with a personal trainer to learn how to use more of the gym equipment.
In a few short months, I was getting stronger, slimmer, and the water retention on my knees fixed itself, says Teeter.
As she got more in shape, she began achieving many physical feats she once never thought possible.
Like many people who totally transform their bodies, I did all kinds of things to prove I was a stronger, different person than I used to be, says Teeter, who lost 150 lbs. through her dedication to living a healthy lifestyle. I ran multiple half and full marathons, climbed a mountain and even sky dived. But I never did something that showed my vulnerable side.
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Thats why Teeter decided to sign up to run a naked 5k, which would force her to face her body insecurities head-on.
The five to 10 lbs. of loose skin Ive carried around on my body the last eight years has been a vulnerable part of who I am, she says. Its something I used to be devastated about, but as the years ticked by, I started to accept myself more, and in turn accept my body. For me, this was the ultimate If I can do this, I can do anything moment. For me, it was a combination of showing myself that I had nothing to hide and to let go of ego.
Ahead of participating in the clothing-optional Bare Buns Fun Run held at a local nudist ranch, Teeter began training by doing naked treadmill runs.
I suspected Id be covered in sweat and chaffed, but I didnt expect the sounds and smells my body made without any clothes to cover it up, she says. I went to the nudist ranch with the knowledge that my body is going to try to humiliate me in more ways than one.
However, the experience ended up being a much more positive one than she had expected.
As anticipated, I experienced the loud clapping sound of my butt smacking against my legs with each stride,my breastsand belly skin bouncing with minds of their own, and nowhere for the armpit sweat to go but down, says Teeter. But I didnt need to apologize for my body anymore.Runningside-by-side with other naked women and men, I realized I wasnt any weirder looking (or sounding) than anybody else. Not one person was perfect.
Crossing the finish line with her husband was an emotional experience for Teeter.
Its not often in your life that large groups of people openly accept you and cheer for you despite what your body looks like or your physical ability, she says. Ive run many races, and that kind of genuine love and acceptance just isnt there in the crowd. To me, it felt like I was being born again vulnerable, naked, scared but accepted and welcomed by people who were delighted to see me.
As an added bonus, Teeter ended up finishing first for her age group.
I had no idea that was even possible for me, she says. It never occurred to me that I could run a naked 5k and be the fastest for my age group. So, my ego was stroked a bit, too.
Teeter found the experience of being naked so freeing that she and her husband returned to the nudist ranch a few weeks later.
I didnt want the 5k to be the only experience I had all year where I could practice body positivity in this new way, she says. We hiked about 10 miles naked, we swam naked, and we partied and socialized with the local nudists naked.
While Teeter says she doesnt feel comfortable saying she loves her body, she has learned to accept it more than she ever has before.
Ive had to learn how to go from being humiliated and disgusted with my body to learning to accept it for what it is and what its capable of, she says. Its a daily practice of me releasing shame and my inclination towards perfection and embracing the adventures life takes me on instead. Running the naked 5k certainly helped in achieving that.
For Teeter, losing weight was way more than a physical transformation.
After losing 150 lbs. I went to college and graduated after being a high school drop-out for 12 years, she says. I went from working part-time at a department store to working in government public health, to becoming an entrepreneur and running my own health business.
Its safe to say my life changed more than I ever anticipated it would when I started this journey, continues Teeter. I just wanted to lose weight, have more energy and feel pretty. Who knew there was so much more that could happen? The best part of this weight loss journey is the life Ive gained.
Fast Way To Lose Weight To Be Motivated Tips – Good Herald

Many people struggle with weight loss but the truth of the matter is that its not exactly that hard to lose weight. Its always fairly easy to lose the first few pounds but then people get bored or tired with their diet and fall back to their old eating habits. In order to lose weight and stay successful with weight loss you need to eat healthy and exercise regularly for best results. There really is no other way around it if you want to keep the weight off. Here are some tips that may help give you the extra push to lose weight and stay with it.
Make Small Goals. When youre starting out, its okay to have a large goal in mind, such as losing 50 pounds, but its also important to make smaller goals. You will be able to attain these smaller goals much more quickly and each time you meet one its going to keep you motivated to move forward. A goal of 50 pounds is a great one but it can feel overwhelming when youre getting started with weight loss. To help you lose weight successfully, set a few small goals for yourself.
Start a Food Journal. In order to change your dietary intake you need to know what you are eating. You may be surprised to find out what you eat, how much you eat and what you can easily stop eating. Its best to keep track of your food intake for at least two weeks. That will give you a pretty good idea of what your normal food intake is.
Have an Exercise Journal. If you are keeping track of the food you are eating it only makes sense to keep track of the exercise you are doing as well. Make sure that your routine includes both strength training and cardiovascular workouts. Your journal should have the exercise you are doing, how long you did it for and how many you did. For the strength training, reps and the amount of weight you use should be written down. For cardiovascular keep track of time, distance and the calories that are burned. Working out gives your weight loss efforts a huge boost.
Avoid the Scale. While many experts will tell you to weigh yourself every day, it is best to not stand on the scale every day when you are starting out. The reason is that weighing yourself daily can be discouraging because weight naturally fluctuates. The best option is to stand on the scale once a week, the same day each week and the same time if possible to monitor your weight loss.
Use Measurements. A more accurate way to track your progress is to get a tape measure and measure various areas of your body such as waist, hips, arms, and thighs. If possible, take your first measurement before you start your new routine and then measure at periodic times throughout to track your progress. This will help you see the true change in weight loss and muscle tone. Keep in mind that it isnt always about the amount of weight you lose, especially after you have started losing weight. Its about getting in shape.
Reward Yourself. Dont forget to reward yourself when you meet your goals. You should reward yourself each time you meet one of your smaller goals and reward yourself even more when you attain your main goal. So every time you achieve a weight loss of 5 pounds you could reward yourself for the hard work youve been putting in. Instead of rewarding yourself with food or snacks, consider buying yourself a new workout CD, download new songs to your iPod or invest in some new athletic apparel to workout in.
The problem isnt losing weight. The problem is sticking with a new routine. Everything seems easy when you first start out, then the reality sets in and maintaining the diet and exercise can be difficult. You can do other things as well such as switch up your exercise routines so that you arent doing the same thing every day. Weight loss is easier then you think. Sticking with your program using these simple tips will help you maximize your weight loss efforts.
Many people struggle with weight loss but the truth of the matter is that its not exactly that hard to lose weight. Its always fairly easy to lose the first few pounds but then people get bored or tired with their diet and fall back to their old eating habits. In order to lose weight and stay successful with weight loss you need to eat healthy and exercise regularly for best results. There really is no other way around it if you want to keep the weight off. Here are some tips that may help give you the extra push to lose weight and stay with it.
Make Small Goals. When youre starting out, its okay to have a large goal in mind, such as losing 50 pounds, but its also important to make smaller goals. You will be able to attain these smaller goals much more quickly and each time you meet one its going to keep you motivated to move forward. A goal of 50 pounds is a great one but it can feel overwhelming when youre getting started with weight loss. To help you lose weight successfully, set a few small goals for yourself.
Keep a Food Diary. Try to write down everything you consume each day for a minimum of 2 weeks. This is an effective way to know exactly wh at youre eating and how many calories youre taking in. Sometimes you dont realize just how much youre eating until you think about it and write all of it down. Youll be able to see which foods you should start eliminating from your diet as well which will help you lose weight. Identifying the problem areas in your diet can you jump started on your weight loss goals.
Have an Exercise Journal. If you are keeping track of the food you are eating it only makes sense to keep track of the exercise you are doing as well. Make sure that your routine includes both strength training and cardiovascular workouts. Your journal should have the exercise you are doing, how long you did it for and how many you did. For the strength training, reps and the amount of weight you use should be written down. For cardiovascular keep track of time, distance and the calories that are burned. Working out gives your weight loss efforts a huge boost.
Dont Weigh Yourself Every Day. Weighing yourself everyday can be very discouraging because weight fluctuates a lot. Consider weighing yourself just once per week at most and you want to be sure you weigh yourself on the same day each week at around the same time. This will give you a true account into how your weight loss efforts are going. You could lose weight one day and gain weight the next if you were to weigh yourself daily so its not recommended.
Use Measurements. A more accurate way to track your progress is to get a tape measure and measure various areas of your body such as waist, hips, arms, and thighs. If possible, take your first measurement before you start your new routine and then measure at periodic times throughout to track your progress. This will help you see the true change in weight loss and muscle tone. Keep in mind that it isnt always about the amount of weight you lose, especially after you have started losing weight. Its about getting in shape.
Pat Yourself on the Back for a Job Well Done. Remember the small goals that you set, when you reach one, reward yourself. When you reach a main goal, really reward yourself. For example, you lost your first five pounds, get your nails done, buy a new CD or buy those new running shoes. Positive rewards for hard work will help maximize your weight loss efforts.
The problem isnt losing weight. The problem is sticking with a new routine. Everything seems easy when you first start out, then the reality sets in and maintaining the diet and exercise can be difficult. You can do other things as well such as switch up your exercise routines so that you arent doing the same thing every day. Weight loss is easier then you think. Sticking with your program using these simple tips will help you maximize your weight loss efforts.
Learn more about weight loss. Stop by Luis Vargass site where you can find out all about lose weight and what it can do for you.
Photo By 4390290 from Pixabay
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Fast Way To Lose Weight To Be Motivated Tips - Good Herald
‘Fad diet’ warning – Keighley News

A WARNING has been issued for people to be wary of 'fad diets'.
Dieticians at Airedale NHS Foundation Trust are urging anyone seeking to lose weight to get advice from qualified experts.
The plea has been made in conjunction with the British Dietetic Association (BDA) ahead of the fourth annual Dietitians Week, which starts on Monday (June 12).
A BDA survey found that 40 per cent of respondents had tried or considered trying detox, raw food and juice-only diets.
But dietitians say some of the advice given can be harmful to health and they stress that the body can detox itself, without need for expensive products.
Laura Rowe, dietetics professional lead at Airedale NHS Foundation Trust, said: "Evidence-based nutrition advice is important.
"Following a diet not based on evidence may mean you are deficient in important nutrients that are key to good health.
"If you follow a very restrictive diet with few foods or an unusual combination for a short period of time you may lose weight quickly, but this isn't sustainable and you might experience harmful and unpleasant side effects.
"For the best advice see a dietitian, who will apply science and evidence to your personal circumstances to help you achieve your goals.
"At Airedale Hospital, dieticians help to assess, diagnose and treat diet and nutrition problems.
"We use the most up-to-date public health and scientific research on food, health and disease, and translate all this into practical information to help people to make the right lifestyle and food choices."
The dieticians treat a range of medical conditions and help people of all ages in settings including the hospital, outpatients clinics, GP surgeries, health and community centres and schools.
Tips to help avoid the fad diet cycle include:
Keep a diary and stay aware of habits and problem areas
Have regular meals, starting with breakfast
Choose lower-fat foods, such as lean meat and lower-fat dairy products
Fill up on vegetables and fruit at meals and choose as snacks and for desserts
Watch your portion sizes
Get active aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate activity daily. If you can manage more than that, even better
Be realistic about weight loss: aim to lose 1-2lbs (0.5-1kg) a week
See your GP before attempting any weight loss programme, especially if you have existing medical conditions
For a fact sheet on fad diets, visit
More details of detoxes can be found at
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'Fad diet' warning - Keighley News
This what happens to your body fat when you lose weight – The indy100

Picture: Unsplash
Losing fat is big business - it's something a great number of us aspire to do quickly, easily and healthily. Buthave you ever actually thought about where that mass actuallygoes?
After all, it can't just vanish into thin - pardon the pun - air.
Luckily, a video is at hand to answer a few questions about slimming down.
It explains that fat doesn't turn into muscle, like some theories go. It doesn't reallyturn into energy and it isn't really"burnt" off.
In fact, fat is broken down into water and carbon dioxide. The former escapes through our exhalation, andthe water comes out of us via urine, tears and sweat.
According to the British Medical Journal, theres a surprising ignorance and confusion about the metabolic process of weight loss among the public.
It explains that losing weight requires unlocking the carbon stored in fat cells.
Here's the video, which has been viewed a whopping 11 million times.
More: These are the ultimate tips to reduce belly fat
More: This time of day is the worst time to eat
Excerpt from:
This what happens to your body fat when you lose weight - The indy100
How to lose weight in 15 days – GQ India

Its the first week ofthe sixth month of 2017 and you have probably run out of all excuses to finally get started on your New Years Resolution.Trying to lose weight is often synonymous with surviving massive hunger pangs and giving up all that you love to eat but not anymore. These weight loss tips are backed by science, and are easy to follow, making it possible for you to lose weight in 15 days.
A weight-loss plan that requires you to crash diet will deplete your energy levels, making it difficult for you to sustain the plan, and also negatively impact your metabolism.To make sure you do it the right way and get the best results, follow a plan that allows you to:
Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can lose a significant amount of weight in 15 days.
mixed with a tablespoon of honey and lemon juice. Youve probably read about this several times before but heres why you need to actually start with it. Warm water increases your bodys temperature, which improves your metabolism rate and helps to burn calories. Honey helps to cut down the stored fat in your body and also gives your body some much-needed energy in the morning. Lime juice is rich in vitamin C, which can help to break down your body fat when you exercise. Alternatively, mix a pinch each of cinnamon powder, dry ginger powder, black pepper powder, turmeric powder and fennel seeds powder in a glass of warm water. Cinnamon helps to reduce the amount of fat that gets stored in your body, dry ginger makes you feel more satiated and reduces the urge to overeat andimproves pancreatic activity and production of bile salts, thus making your body store less fat. Black pepper improves your metabolism and digestion, and speeds up the breakdown of fat cells. Turmeric contains curcumin which is known to metabolize the fat in your body, while fennel seeds act as a diuretic and produce more urine, thereby helping to flush out toxins and decreasing the amount of fluid in your body.
It is easy to go down the slippery slope when you have junk food stashed in your kitchen.To make the most of your 15-day weight loss plan, clear out your fridge and remove anything that is packaged or processed. Also make sure to remove any form of fizzy and aerated drinks. Almost all processed foods contain some form of refined fructose, which makes your body absorb and store more calories and fat, making it difficult to lose weight. Drinking aerated drinks over a period of time, even the diet variety, can stop you from losing weight, as they contain high amounts of calories, sugar and artificial sweeteners that deplete your bodys reserves of calcium, magnesium and vitamin A, all of which are important for a healthy and safe weight loss.
Not all fats are bad; but you probably knew that already. Consuminghealthy fats while you are trying to lose weight in a short amount of time can actually speed up the weight loss process. Healthy fats, also known as unsaturated fats, will help to lower your cholesterol levels, control your hunger levels, reduce the amount of calories you end up eating in a day, and also improve your rate of metabolism, helping your body to burn the unhealthy fats faster. Include sources of healthy fat such as fatty fish, nuts, chia seeds, avocados, olive oil, coconut, almonds and even whole eggs in your diet.
Research has proventhat those who eat their last meal of the day, or even any form of snack or light foods, before 7 pm, tend to not gain weight as easily as those who have their meals later in the evening. Eating the last meal of the day before 7 pm will help your body burn more calories and thus help you lose weight faster.
It goes without saying that the best results from your weight loss plan will come when you combine the right way of eating with the right way of workout. It is important to eat the right type of foods when you are on a quick and healthy weight loss mission, as it will give your body the energy it requires and also keep you hydrated, all of which will enable you to perform better and help you loseweight faster.
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How to lose weight in 15 days - GQ India
Woman loses 13st in a year and reveals HIDDEN side of weight loss – Daily Star

JESSICA WEBER reveals the shocking reality behind weight loss in viral post.
Just 18 months ago, Jessica Weber weighed 27st 3lbs. Now, she weighs a svelte 13st 9lbs having lost just under half of her body weight.
Throughout her journey, the body-positive blogger has been updating her followers along the way with candid posts about how challenging weight loss can be.
Her most recent posts revealed the hidden side to dramatic weight loss the excess skin.
While this is a very normal part of losing a large amount of weight, its something rarely discussed or addressed.
This is why Jessica has been so open about her excess skin in the hopes to motivate others.
The 24-year-old regularly posts side-by-side before and after photos showcasing her weight loss and talks about the skin.
"This is my reality!" Jessica wrote in one Instagram caption.
"This is my life! When you lose 180 pounds, the skin doesn't just suck back up.
I have been learning to deal with it, even with wanting to lose a bit more weight and have surgery. This is my life until then and I will not hate my body anymore," she added.
When people lose a substantial amount of weight, they can often be left with rolls of excess skin. Its hard to get rid of and its harder still to mentally get your head around a new body which has to deal with as the initial weight-loss process. Photographer Samantha Geballe, from California, started taking self-portraits in 2013 after she had a gastric bypass. And three years on, shes still photographing her progress.
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Jessica wanted to highlight how much she put her body through.
I also wanted to show that I still loved [my body], because I worked hard to get to this point, she said.
The post quickly went viral and racked up nearly 27,000 likes on Instagram.
Hundreds of Jessicas 27,600 followers commented thanking her for being so candid.
Gorgeous doll! inspiring! wrote one. You are a superhero!!! Congratula, all my support. Kisses from Spain, wrote another.
Jessica will undergo a tummy tuck to remove the excess skin when she reaches her goal weight of 11st.
Here is the original post:
Woman loses 13st in a year and reveals HIDDEN side of weight loss - Daily Star
‘You feel shocking’: Star young jockey Dylan Dunn tells why he had to quit – The New Daily

Dylan Dunns efforts in 2016 all pointed to him being a star of the future.
The young jockey won Abu Dhabis Apprentice World Championship Final, was crowned Melbournes best apprentice and even won on a horse owned by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II her first Australian winner.
But just five months into 2017, the 22-year-old has announced his retirement, citing a never-ending battle with his weight.
At 178cm, Dunn the son of famous jockey Dwayne is far taller than most jockeys and, as a result, he found it extremely difficult to weigh as little as 55kg for some of his rides.
He said that constant wasting [a term used in the racing industry to describe losing weight quickly] was the reason he contracted pneumonia on his left lung in 2015 and glandular fever earlier this year a diagnosis that led to his retirement.
There were days I just didnt want to get out of bed because I knew it was going to be a shocking day of wasting, Dunn told The New Daily.
The wasting brought on the sickness and the glandular fever its why Im giving it up.
I travelled around Australia watching dad, and as a kid I always rode horses. It was my dream [to be a jockey].
Its come to an end a lot sooner than I expected but I probably always knew it was coming because of my size.
Dunn was initially turned down by Racing Victorias apprentice academy because of concerns about how he would manage his weight a decision that killed him at the time.
Determined to make a career of it, he moved to South Australia, got his licence, and, before long, started to rack up winners, leading to a return to Victoria.
Dunns life was far from healthy, though, something he now admits in hindsight.
Theres been weeks where Ive lost 5kg from Monday to Saturday through limiting food, fluid, sweating, he said.
I might have had some lollies every now and then, because I felt like I was going to pass out its bad a lot of jockeys are anorexic and underweight.
Sweating in saunas, baths, cars, running in full-length wetsuits Ive done it all.
When driving to the races, Id put on a plastic sauna suit, ski pants, two skivvies, jackets and then wind the windows up and crank the heat up. I could lose one to two kilos doing that.
Theres plenty of days youll be sitting in the car, 40 degrees (Celsius) outside and its so hot in the car. Youre sweating and you feel shocking. About an hour is all I could deal with.
Theres people who resort to throwing up. I was lucky enough not to do that. Thats another reason why I was willing to walk away.
Ive seen what it does to people, who just look sick, and long term, its really not good.
Dunn, who said he basically completely blacked out after a race at Caulfield after having to lose four kilograms in one day, also says too much is demanded of many jockeys, citing regular days that begin with track work at 4am and often dont end until 8pm after a day at the races.
But despite all of this, Dunn who says he would consider making a return if weight limits were lifted is far from bitter.
He is an impressive young man who still loves racing, says riding in races against his father was very cool, had 133 career winners and can say Queen Elizabeth II knows who he is.
Dunn, who rode her Bold Sniper to victory at Sandown at 19-1 last May, said: She loves her horse racing and watched the race.
She wanted to speak to me on the phone but she got [trainer] David Hayes and they spoke about me thats pretty cool.
Dunn will now turn his attention to his mortgage-broking business, Dunn Financial Services, and is expected to work in the racing media.
Original post:
'You feel shocking': Star young jockey Dylan Dunn tells why he had to quit - The New Daily
Just THINKING about exercise will make you lose weight, study reveals – Daily Star

THE more you think about exercise, the more weight you lose.
For some people, exercise is their favourite part of the day, for others its just another chore they want to get over and done with.
However, thinking of exercise as a chore could actually be the reason we cant lose weight.
Researchers from the University of Michigan have suggested the key to weight loss is all in our minds we need to change the way we think about exercise.
The study published in BMC Public Health, found what makes us feel happy and successful overall can be determined by our exercise methods.
The study showed both active and inactive women said connecting with others and helping them be happy and successful made them feel fulfilled, along with being relaxed and free of pressures during their leisure time, and accomplishing goals from grocery shopping to career goals.
However, inactive women said the way they felt about exercise made them feel less happy and unsuccessful.
This is because many of them said they believed valid exercise must be intense, yet they said they wanted to feel relaxed during their leisure time.
LDN Muscle founder Tom Exton shows off his shredded body
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The inactive women said they feel pressure to exercise for health or to lose weight and yet during their leisure time they dont want to be pressured.
And these women also said they believe success comes from achieving goals, yet their expectations for how much and how they should be exercising was leaving little room to achieve these goals.
Comparatively, active women didnt feel bad if they missed a workout every so often and for them exercise was a middle priority.
Michelle Segar, study author said: "Their beliefs about what exercise should consist of and their past negative experiences about what it feels like actually prevents them from successfully adopting and sustaining physically active lives.
Michelle said she thinks the traditional approach to exercise 30 minutes of vigorous exercise per day could potentially harm motivation.
She added: "We need to re-educate women they can move in ways that will renew instead of exhaust them, and more effectively get the message across that any movement is better than nothing.
Michelle continued that the key is to make exercise fun, not daunting and prior studies have shown exercising with friends or finding a fun exercise can help with this its all about changing the mindset to enjoy exercise, not fear it.
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Just THINKING about exercise will make you lose weight, study reveals - Daily Star
New weight loss clinic opening in the Clarence – Clarence Valley Daily Examiner

ARE YOU looking to lose weight? Well, the Grafton Weight Loss Clinic is opening in Grafton this Saturday.
Karen Austin will use her personal experience with the Cambridge Weight Plan, which in 2015 was voted the best weight loss plan in Australia, to help others achieve their weight goals.
"I accidentally stumbled on it on Facebook, I saw a compelling before and after picture," Ms Austin said.
"I lost weight quickly, and I lost a good amount of weight straight up and it kept me inspired to keep going."
Ms Austin said her aim was to help the Grafton community live a healthy lifestyle.
"I just want to help people feel better and be healthy and live a happy, healthy lifestyle," she said.
On Saturday, at 1 Eggins St, Grafton from 10am, Ms Austin will open her new business to the community.
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New weight loss clinic opening in the Clarence - Clarence Valley Daily Examiner