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Trying to lose weight? 6 strategies for success – WDIV Detroit

PRAIRIE DU CHIEN, Wis. - By Mayo Clinic News Network
If you want to lose weight, you can't expect it to happen quickly, and it will require work. Here are some tips that can help you become successful in a healthy way.
1. Make a commitment: This means a lifelong commitment. "You must be ready to make permanent changes to support your health." says Martin Oates, M.D., family physician at Mayo Clinic Health System. Dr. Oates goes on to say, "This requires you to focus on placing your mental and physical energy into changing your habits." Make a plan to address other stresses in your life as well (i.e. financial issues or relationship problems).
2. Find inner motivation: If you want to lose weight, nobody else can make it happen. You have to find a reason to lose the weight. What's going to drive you to want to lose the weight? This could be an upcoming beach vacation, a special someone or overall better health. Posting encouraging notes to yourself can help as well. Try to log your weight loss in a journal as this will help you see how far you've come and motivate you to keep going. Also, create a support group consisting of people whom you trust to give you unwavering support and encourage you without shame or sabotage.
3. Set realistic goals: What is a realistic weight loss goal? It's realistic to lose no more than two pounds per week. Initially you may lose weight more rapidly if you make drastic lifestyle changes. To lose one to two pounds per week, you have to burn 500 to 1,000 calories more than you consume each day.
You can get SMART:
An example of a SMART goal would be to walk 30 minutes a day, five days a week, for the next three months, and then logging your results.
4. Enjoy healthier foods: You have to change your diet if you're going to lose weight. Eating healthier foods doesn't mean giving up taste, satisfaction or the ease of meal preparation. You need to lower your caloric intake, and this can be done in a couple different ways. Eating more plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains will help. Try to maintain variety so that you don't get bored. Variety makes you less likely to eat unhealthy foods. It's important to eat breakfast every day and use healthy oils when cooking (i.e. olive oil, vegetable oil or nut butters). Get four servings of vegetables and three servings of fruit per day, and keep your meat consumption to about three ounces (about the size of a deck of cards).
5. Get active, stay active: One pound of body fat equals 3,500 calories. So, you must burn 3,500 calories more than you take in to lose one pound of fat. Cutting calories from your diet, combined with regular exercise, can help you really lose weight. "Exercise can help you burn off those excess calories you can't cut through your diet," explains Dr. Oates. There are also numerous health benefits to exercise, including boosting your mood, improved cardiovascular health and reduced blood pressure. One of the best ways to lose body fat is through steady aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, most days of the week. If you can't fit a steady exercise plan into your busy life, think about ways you can increase your physical activity throughout the day (i.e. taking the stairs or parking at the far end of the lot).
6. Change your perspective: Weight loss starts with taking an honest look at your exercise and eating habits. You must make lifestyle changes to lose weight. You can't simply work out and eat right for a few weeks. Once you've identified your barriers to weight loss, try to work out a plan to attain your goals. Weight loss involves not being afraid to take a long, hard look in the mirror and telling yourself some tough truths. Once you've gone through this process, you can better understand what it will take to attain your goals.
Distributed by LAKANA. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
See the original post here:
Trying to lose weight? 6 strategies for success - WDIV Detroit
How much fibre should you eat daily to lose weight? – TheHealthSite

Read to know what type of fibre is good for weight loss and how much is too much.
If you are planning to lose weight and have done your bit of research on how to achieve it through diet, you might be well aware of the role of fibre. However, what most of us are unaware is how much fibre do you need to lose weight and how much is too much? Hence, to help you lose weight in a healthy way with fibre, Ms Rina Baliga, Dietician, Fitness First India, sheds light on the common queries on fibre and weight loss.
How much fibre should you eat daily to lose weight?
The first and foremost thing to lose weight is to have a balanced diet. And as far as the amount of fibre is concerned in the diet, you need 14gms every 1000 calorie diet on a daily basis. Hence, you can consume anywhere between 25-40 gms fibre on a daily basis to get your weight loss regimen on track with diet. Here are fibre-rich foods that aid in weight loss!
How to increase the absorption of fibre through food?
To know the answer for this, you need to know how fibre is acted upon and its role in bowel movement. The food you consume is acted upon by gastric juices and digestive enzymes. The digested food then moves to the small intestine where the nutrients are released, absorbed and transported into the blood stream. However, fibre is that part of the food which is not digested (by humans) as we do not possess the enzyme to digest it. Hence, it acts as bulk/roughage to ensure regular bowel movement. As fibre is neither digested nor absorbed, you cannot increase the absorption of fibre through food.Not just weight loss, here are few more reasons you should eat fibre-rich foods.
What type of fibre is good for weight loss?
The fibre present in food holds liquid in the stomach causing it swell up and thus, ease the movement of bowels. There are two types of fibre soluble fibre and insoluble fibre. Insoluble fibre helps food pass through the digestive system and soluble fibre helps reduce cholesterol and fat in the body. Its because of the soluble fibre, sugars and fat enter the blood stream slowly and maintain a steady supply of energy to the body. On the other hand, consumption of foods that are low in fibre or that lack fibre spikes blood sugar quickly and makes you hungry. This causes you to eat more, leading to overeating and weight gain. Moreover, foods rich in fibre are usually low in calories and keep you full for a longer period, helping you to keep your weight under check.
How much fibre is too much?
An average individual should not consume more than 40gms of fibre on a daily basis. This is because, if you overeat fibre or have too much of fibre too, it can lead to gas and bloating. The body also suffers from diarrhoea; constipation (if you consume excess fibre and have a low intake of water), abdominal cramps due to indigestion and intestinal blockage. Moreover, it also leads to malabsorption of minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc. Heres more on health risks of having too much fibre.
Image Source: Shutterstock
Published: March 17, 2017 12:35 pm
Disclaimer: does not guarantee any specific results as a result of the procedures mentioned here and the results may vary from person to person. The topics in these pages including text, graphics, videos and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only and not to be substituted for professional medical advice.
See the original post here:
How much fibre should you eat daily to lose weight? - TheHealthSite
Fast weight loss: What’s wrong with it? – WDIV Detroit

By Mayo Clinic News Network
The concern with fast weight loss is that it usually takes extraordinary efforts in diet and exercise -- efforts that could be unhealthy and that you probably can't maintain as permanent lifestyle changes.
A weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds a week is the typical recommendation. Although that may seem like a slow pace for weight loss, it's more likely to help you maintain your weight loss for the long term. Remember that 1 pound (0.45 kilogram) of fat contains 3,500 calories. So to lose 1 pound a week, you need to burn 500 more calories than you eat each day (500 calories x 7 days = 3,500 calories).
Also, if you lose a lot of weight very quickly, you may not lose as much fat as you would with a more modest rate of weight loss. Instead, you might lose water weight or even lean tissue, since it's hard to burn that many fat calories in a short period.
In some situations, however, faster weight loss can be safe if it's done the right way. For example, doctors might prescribe very low calorie diets for rapid weight loss if obesity is causing serious health problems. But an extreme diet like this requires medical supervision. And it can be difficult to keep this weight off.
In addition, some diets include an initiation phase to help you jump-start your weight loss. You can lose weight quickly with an approach like this because it combines many healthy and safe strategies at once -- no gimmicks or extreme dieting. After the initial two-week period, you transition into the recommended weight loss of 1 or 2 pounds a week, which is not only safe but also realistic and sustainable for the long term.
Distributed by LAKANA. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Read more:
Fast weight loss: What's wrong with it? - WDIV Detroit
Out with the diet, in with the lifestyle – The Baylor Lariat

In todays society, people are pressured to comply with social expectations of being skinny, athletic and beautiful.Society tends to judge peoples beauty by their physical appearance or how many likes they get on an Instagram posts. With all the pressure to be skinny and fit, people, especially women, tend to diet or do intense detoxes. I believe that dieting never works because of the mentality that comes along with being on a diet.
Before spring or summer break, we always hear about people going on extreme diets or crazy detoxes to lose 10 pounds in two weeks. Our Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram feeds are full of ways to lose weight quickly. Although they may seem like easy fixes and you may lose the weight in time for your vacation, these are not the best way to keep the weight off and maintain your body goals.
I believe that dieting never works because of the word dieting itself: It should be a change in lifestyle, not a temporary change in eating habits. Having the mentality of being on a diet makes things much harder. If you go in to changing your eating habits by saying you are changing your lifestyle, losing weight will be much easier. Your mind is your biggest enemy when it comes to losing weight.
Losing weight is a marathon, not a sprint. It takes time if you want to lose the weight and keep it off. If you just just eat lean meat, fruits and vegetables and cut any fats, sugars and unhealthy carbs, your body will become unaccustomed to these foods, and when you return to your normal eating habits it will store them as fat.
Therefore, it is important to not cut foods out for a small period of time to drop pounds fast; rather, cut foods out little by little and eat in moderation. Instead of dieting and removing the things you love to eat, try reducing your calorie intake by eating smaller portions of the meals and foods you like. Keeping in mind that moderation is key, eat whatever you want from time to time. Dont feel guilty for eating ice cream, just dont have a pint every night. Moderate your intake and control your portions.
By eating all the things you want in moderation and in smaller portions, your body will still be used to all the foods youre eating and be able to process things more easily. Removing foods from your daily diet and later reintroducing them to your body can be worse for your health than the foods originally were. This is why simply eating more healthy foods, moderating the unhealthy foods and eating smaller portions is the best diet. It may not be an easy fix, but it will help you keep the weight off. It takes 21 days to build a habit. Therefore, after 21 days you will have developed the habit of eating this way and changed your lifestyle forever while losing the weight the healthiest and the smartest way possible.
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Out with the diet, in with the lifestyle - The Baylor Lariat
7 Women Reveal How They Lost Weight Without Feeling Hungry All The Time – Women’s Health

Women's Health | 7 Women Reveal How They Lost Weight Without Feeling Hungry All The Time Women's Health "I call my approach 'never hungry/never full' and it's a style of eating I developed when I first started weight lifting. I briefly attempted a low-carb diet, but quickly learned how important carbohydrates are to function in daily life. When I started ... |
Originally posted here:
7 Women Reveal How They Lost Weight Without Feeling Hungry All The Time - Women's Health
7 Reasons Why You Don’t Need to Exercise to Lose Weight – The Good Men Project (blog)

Without fail, all of my clients lose weight without even trying to lose weight, and without any formal exercise besides walking and some light cardio or aerobics a few times per week.
Question: Do you think you need to exercise every day to be healthy? Are you fixated on the outcome of losing weight? Do you value quick weight loss over learning, adopting, training, and mastering an entire new life-skill (being healthy)?
Im here to discuss your relationship with food and the process toward mastery, as opposed to chasing desired outcomes (i.e.,losing weight, looking good, feeling good, etc.)all of which will happen if we construct a lifestyle and mindset that support success.
Dieting is fundamentally at odds with learning and is the explicit reason why you havent been successful achieving or maintaining health and happiness.
Regarding diet and exercise and everything else the media pushes at you
Your goal should not be to lose as much weight as quickly as possible; your goal should be to master your diet. Exhausting yourself to death at the gym confuses your bodily needs and, paradoxically, will make you fat.
1.) Dont confuse your goals
Your goal is NOT to lose as much weight as possible, as quickly as possible. The goal is to master your diet and learn the process by which you learn this vital new life skill. That means, ultimately, mastering yourself. Learning your triggers, training new habits, investing your time and deep focus on taking back control and healing your relationship with food. You will lose weight as a result of your committing to the process. After you master your diet, you will be in an informed and empowered place to strategically add more physical exertion to your loadif its even necessary at all.
2.) 80 percent of your body composition will be determined by your diet
Yes, exercise is important to health and to speed up fat-burning and muscle-building, but the vast majority of your results will come from how you eat. If given the ultimatum, you should 100/100 times focus on mastering your diet BEFORE adding a bunch of exercise to your plate.
I made a free ebook for you to get started on your diet.
3.) Exercise is an additive behavior
For the sake of efficiency, its easier to rein in your diet and make incremental changes than to spend surplus time at the gym to make up for bad eating.
4.) Burnout: AVOID IT
Far too often, novices will start their journey toward health by throwing themselves all in and adding 3-5 days of exercise per week right out of the gate, while also attempting to learn how to actually implement this new diet thing theyre trying out for the first time.
If you have significant weight to lose, how likely is it that you will burn yourself out? Very likely. If you havent exercised in a while, how likely is it that you will burn yourself out? Very likely.
Dont do that!
5.) Incremental, iterative progress
Its far less sexy but infinitely more effective to start your evolution with low barriers to entry that you can hit consistently, dominate, and then improve upon.
For example: Walking.
Go for a 20-30min walk five days per week for 3 weeks before you even consider formal exercise. If you can do that, then youre ready to add one day of resistance training or intensive cardio. Maintain that for 3weeks and then add a 2nd day of intensive exercise.
Youll arrive at the same destination you ultimately desire with the aggressive approach, but the difference is that you ultimately LEARN how to do it. You learn how to embody this new lifestyle. Most importantly, you learn to focus on your diet first, repair your relationship with food, and understand your bodys needs first, before throwing yourself into the ringer.
6.) You dont have to earn it
You dont have to earn your health. Do you have to concentrate and focus and spend time with it? Yes, of course. But you can work WITH, instead of against your body. You dont have to deplete yourself of all energy to lose weight; you dont have to exercise for hours on end trying to burn off fat. Killing yourself for hours in the gym or doing cardio is an utter waste of time. Let me repeat: its an utter waste of time.
Unless you are an athlete then you dont need to be training for multiples of hours per week. Unless you want sub 10 percent body fat as a man and 20 percent as a woman, you dont need to spend more than an hour or two per week, total. And it doesnt have to be that hard.
7.) Exercise to feel good, not burn fat
Take the long-game, invest in mastering your diet with the intent of making yourself feel goodnot to burn fat. Burning fat is a marketing term that doesnt mean anything!
I have no problem with exercise. In fact I encourage it.
That said, killing yourself for the sake of expediency will backfire. Theres a very clear point of diminishing returns, and theres a threshold of effectiveness, which, if crossed, will undo our work aimed at mastery and learning.
Burning yourself out will increase your metabolism which will make you want to eat more. Which is at direct odds with what were trying to accomplish here: mastering your diet and building a new lifestyle. Were trying to gain control in a slow progression, so lets not confuse objectives.
Photo credit:Getty Images/Author
Daniel is the CEO of EvolutionEat, where he'll teach you how to master your diet, stop overeating, and take control of your health.
Daniel is exceptionally good at high performance coaching, as it pertains to diet and lifestyle. As a world class motivator, lifestyle designer, and dietary strategist, he specializes in unpacking motivation, disentangling emotions and distractions from intentions, and getting to the bottom of what really influences our choices.
Sign up today to access his free, 3-hour online training program designed to help you master your diet once and for all. Follow him on Facebook and Instagram.
Read the rest here:
7 Reasons Why You Don't Need to Exercise to Lose Weight - The Good Men Project (blog)
7 Reasons You Haven’t Been Able To Lose 10 Pounds – Women’s Health

Women's Health | 7 Reasons You Haven't Been Able To Lose 10 Pounds Women's Health The problem: If you go balls to the wall and eat less than 1,200 calories a day to reach your goal weight faster, you're making a big mistake. Not eating enough can send your body into starvation mode, which causes your metabolism to slow, says Levinson. |
Read the original post:
7 Reasons You Haven't Been Able To Lose 10 Pounds - Women's Health
Diet Doc Helps Patients Lose Weight Fast Without Harmful Diets Like The Original hCG Diet – Marketwired (press release)

HOUSTON, TX--(Marketwired - March 15, 2017) - Finding a reliable and healthy diet is a challenge, even though more than two-thirds of Americans suffer from excess weight gain or obesity. Many individuals battle excessive hunger between meals; insatiable cravings for unhealthy food; inability to control eating behavior or speed; and eating continuously throughout the day without any planned mealtimes. Physical inactivity and stressful lifestyles fueled by emotional eating make matters much worse.
Fad diets like the original hCG diet seem to offer a solution to these issues, making it more difficult than ever to identify an ideal diet plan. The original hCG diet, often referred to as the Simeons Diet, recommends taking low doses of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) and limiting daily consumption to just 500 calories. Unfortunately, this extreme starvation-based weight loss method leads to issues like hair loss and muscle weakness. The original hCG diet was largely unsuccessful because of its primary focus on calorie restriction and uninhibited administration of hCG without adequate understanding of health consequences.
Diet Doc, a nationally recognized weight loss program, has consistently discouraged the original Simeons method of hCG dieting and educated patients about alternatives that involve consuming between 800 to 1250 calories everyday without significantly reducing the rate of weight loss. For patients seriously considering the hCG diet, high-calorie programs that involve safer weight loss are recommended, alongside doctor-supervision and diet customization based on nutritional needs.
Regardless of their weight loss history or individual struggles, Diet Doc helps patients develop an individualized diet based on their nutritional needs or even their genetics. All Diet Doc programs, provide a doctor-supervised, customized diet plan. Instead of encouraging patients to adopt harmful dietary practices with no prior medical knowledge, Diet Doc consults with patients to provide a detailed weight loss plan based on their nutritional needs and medical history.
Losing weight with Diet Doc is safe, simple and affordable. Nutrition plans, exercise guidance, motivational support, and dietary supplements are all part of the package. Over 90% of Diet Doc patients report an average weight loss of 20 or more pounds every month and long-term weight loss maintenance is made possible through continuous counseling.
Patients can get started immediately, with materials shipped directly to their home or office. They can also maintain weight loss in the long-term through weekly consultations, customized diet plans, motivational coaches and a powerful prescription program. With Diet Doc, the doctor is only a short phone call away and a fully dedicated team of qualified professionals is available 6 days per week to answer questions, address concerns and support patients.
Getting started with Diet Doc is very simple and affordable. New patients can easily visit to quickly complete a health questionnaire and schedule an immediate, free online consultation.
About the Company:
Diet Doc Weight Loss is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support. For over a decade, Diet Doc has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long term weight loss.
Seal and Sea Lions: Diet – WJBF-TV

RIVERBANKS ZOO (WJBF) Are you looking for a wild way to start your day? Its Wild Encounters where we go behind the scenes at Riverbanks Zoo giving you a great look at some of the cool things the animals do, what the zookeepers do and give you some unique looks which you wouldnt normally see.
So were starting off with one of their newest exhibits, maybe you havent seen it yet. Its the seals and sea lions.
Alyson tells us a little bit about seals and sea lions.
Well, we actually have five California sea lions, four of those are male, one is female. And then we have one harbor seal, so hes our lone wolf but he definitely runs the pool.
Alright, so tell us, I guess, the different between the seals and the sea lions.
So, the seal is smaller. They kind of max out at two to three hundred pounds. The sea lions can get anywhere up to eight hundred pounds or so. Our largest right now is Baja. Hes our full grown. Hes fourteen years old but he weighs probably about five hundred and sixty pounds.
So thats athats a pretty big animal, so a lot goes into feeding them, so how much about do they eat every day then?
Well, Baja, he currently gets thirty two pounds of food. Anywhere under that, Gambit only gets about seven, thats our seal, so its a range from there but we actually do have to adjust their food on a regular basis because they can gain weight so quickly and lose weight so quickly that were constantly getting weights on them and constantly changing what their diet is.
Alright, so we have some of this food here right behind us so explain to us what we have here in the buckets for them that they eat every day.
So this is actually their morning training food, so theres more food in our fridges back here, so this is an example of what they would get for their morning training sessions. So we have three types of fish here. We have capelin, we have squid and we have cut herring.
And we were talking earlier before we started filming, some of them have squid in here and some dont and its not for something specific other than some of them just dont like squid.
Yes, sometimes a mammal just doesnt really care for a type of fish and thats ok. We just work around it.
Right, so, I mean, its just like people. Its not like you just throw out the same food and theyre all ok with it. Some of them have particular taste so we make sure they avoid that. And also, we have some vitamins back here for them as well. What are we looking at?
Yep, so back here, they need supplements just like we do. They dont necessarily eat all the fish that they would in the wild so we have a couple different types of vitamins that we give them. Theres vitamin E. Theres vitamin B. And then over here, these blue ones are actually just called Sea Tabs.
Were learning about what theyre eating but with seals and sea lions, theyre intelligent animals. They can do some cool stuff. Theyre fun to watch, so of course, were going to see some of that training coming up.
In the next edition of Wild Encounters two weeks from now, well have a look at their training. Well see them in action and give you an idea of what when you come to Riverbanks Zoo, you can see.
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Seal and Sea Lions: Diet - WJBF-TV
Slow and Steady Wins the Race – mybighornbasin

For many people, when they decide its time to lose weight, they want to see instant results however, thats not the healthy way to go in the long run. In this case, slow and steady really does win the race. Im Wendy Corr, with todays wellness tip!
In America, about 68 percent of people age 20 years and older are obese or overweight, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The majority of these people want to lose weight or have considered losing weight but many get frustrated when they dont see rapid results.
Rapid weight loss means losing more than 2 to 3 lbs. a week. Most often diet pills, patches or creams, and severe calorie restrictions will result in rapid weight loss.
But most medical professionals advise that a safe rate of weight loss is between 1 and 2 pounds per week so it can take between 25 and 50 weeks to lose 50 pounds.
So, why is slower the way to go when it comes to losing weight?
While losing weight quickly seems wonderful on the surface, rapid weight loss has many disadvantages.
You often regain any weight you lost, and you may even gain back more than you lost. Rapid weight-loss diets may even cause you to suffer from health consequences like fatigue, dehydration and nutrient deficiencies. points out that slow weight loss increases your chances of losing actual fat, rather than burning lean muscle tissue, which often occurs with rapid weight loss and fad diets. Plus, when you take more time, your metabolism remains stable, and you will lose weight at a steady pace.
With slow weight loss, you can ensure that youre eating healthy, because you can take the time to make gradual changes to your diet, incorporating more fruits and vegetables and taking out processed foods.
Additionally, by changing your diet gradually and adding exercise into your daily routine, you are making lasting changes to your habits which means that your chances of keeping the weight off increase dramatically!
One of the best tools you can utilize is an accurate food journal. Write down everything you eat and drink, including serving sizes/portions. Be honest and accurate the only one youre cheating is yourself if youre not honest! Keeping a record will help you learn about your eating habits and help you examine the food choices you make.
The only problem with slow weight loss is that you dont get that regular positive feedback you need to stay motivated so you have to reward yourself! Keep a journal and set short-term goals that you can track then reward yourself when you reach them! A new pair of jeans; a pedicure; celebrating with a movie or an outing with your partner or with friends are all positive reinforcements to your ongoing journey.
Thanks for tuning in to Wellness with Wendy! Im a certified holistic nutritionist, a mom, an entertainer and a radio personality so finding balance is the key to my life. I love sharing tips and tricks to help you live your best life so for more health and wellness news and advice, follow my blog on See you again next time for Wellness with Wendy!
Continued here:
Slow and Steady Wins the Race - mybighornbasin