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Feb 27

Yes, There Is A Type Of Pot That Helps You Lose Weight – Forbes

Yes, There Is A Type Of Pot That Helps You Lose Weight
One of the key characteristics of consuming marijuana is the increased desire to eat, commonly referred to as the munchies. But what if there was a marijuana that could help you lose weight? Mind blown. The increased appetite symptom of cannabis ...

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Yes, There Is A Type Of Pot That Helps You Lose Weight - Forbes

Feb 26

‘I was that big, I could steer the bus with my belly’: Driver John ditches the pizza to lose nine stone –

It wasn't vanity that drove 22-stone John Cox to swap slap-up meals for salads - it was his snoring.

Doctors diagnosed obstructive sleep apnoea when the burly bus driver sought help for the problem, and promptly told him to lose weight.

But the 34-year-old bus driver found it difficult to give up his favourite meat-feast pizzas and laboured on for another six years.

"I was that big, I could steer the bus with my belly," he said.

Until last February, that is, when he made the decision to go on a diet. Exactly 12 months on, John has lost nine stone by following a strict calorie-counting regime and joining a gym.

The divorced dad-of-two, who drives buses for Arriva across Wolverhampton, Cannock, Rugeley and Walsall, said: "It's been life-changing. Not only have I lost all this weight but I've stopped snoring."

John was simply embarrassed and exhausted by his loud snoring, having absolutely no knowledge of just how dangerous his condition was.

"I had tests at the County Hospital in Stafford, and the doctors told me I'd stopped breathing up to 93 times in an hour. I had no idea.

"The weight was a key aspect of it - all that fat around my neck was blocking up my airways. I'd wake up to go to work and feel like I'd had no sleep at all.

"It was the job that initially made me go for help. Obviously driving a public sector vehicle meant safety was at the forefront of my mind.

"Since 2010 I've been wearing an oxygen mask at work to keep me alert but to get it properly under control I realised I needed to lose weight. "

John also went through the break-up of a relationship which was another spur to changing his lifestyle.

"I needed to sort myself out," he said.

He embarked on the Cambridge diet, a highly structured eating programme that involves surviving solely on shakes, soups and nutrition bars that provide between 450 and 1,500 calories a day before substituting some of the products for low-calorie meals.

Dieters tend to shed weight quickly - up to a stone a month - particularly during the first step of the programme.

John lost weight steadily but it wasn't until he had shrunk to 15 stone that he introduced exercise into his regime.

He says: "I wouldn't go to the gym the way I looked. Being borderline morbidly obese, I was too conscious of my body. I started going when I felt more comfortable about my body. I had stretch marks but I could live with those. Now I'm at the gym three times a week."

John grew large on a daily intake of takeaways, his favourite being Domino's 12-inch meat feast pizza. He hasn't touched one since but owns up to having had a burger and chips for lunch that day.

"I don't have them every day but I have completely changed the way I used to eat. I'd get up and have no breakfast then feed up on bacon and cheese sandwiches, pizzas, always takeaways.

"I'd have high-calorie energy drinks to keep me awake but then my system would crash an hour later. I just didn't look after myself. Now I only drink water and coffee."

John, who lives in Shareshill, near Featherstone, came in for some teasing at work over his weight but took it in good part. "I like that banter, I can take it."

Now he is a slim 13 stone and still losing weight, the jokes are no longer on him. But the real bonus of shedding so much weight has been that he can play with his children, six-year-old Oliver, and Mia, aged four.

"I can be a proper dad now, and they're really happy with the new me," he said.

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'I was that big, I could steer the bus with my belly': Driver John ditches the pizza to lose nine stone -

Feb 25

Why Can’t You Lose Weight? – Cape May County Herald

By Dottie Drake, RN, CPFT, Owner of Miracles Fitness

Every action you take in life requires energy, just like your car needs good fuel. But instead of pulling into a gas station, you pull up to the table and eat your fuel. You cant just throw a pizza or a banana directly into your engine. The carbs, proteins and fats need to be broken down or metabolized in order to be used by the body.

Under most conditions, the bodys primary source of energy is carbohydrates. However, in an emergency situation, it can use proteins and fats. This energy is measured in calories. The rate at which food is burned is Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). Your calorie requirement and BMR increase in times of activity, stress, fear and sickness, and decrease when you diet. When the metabolism is working well, there is a balance between what goes in and what burns up, and weight stays pretty consistent. Your energy needs will increase or decrease based on activity.

When food is plentiful and available, your body will store fuel for times of lack. It stores approximately 1% as carbohydrates in blood, muscles and liver, about 15% as proteins, mostly in muscles, and 84% as fat.

When you drastically decrease your fuel intake, the brain tells the thyroid to slow down (starvation mode) and reduce the amount of calories needed for fuel. Your body will then burn protein, resulting in muscle loss. This is the problem for people who have been on multiple diets.

When you diet, you lose protein (muscle) first and burn fat last. This muscle loss decreases your metabolism so that each and every time you diet, you lose more and more muscle and gain more fat. Once you go off the diet, you gain weight back quickly, mostly in the form of fat. Each time you try to diet in the future, it is harder and harder to lose weight due to the muscle loss and fat accumulation. The more fat you have in proportion to muscle, the fewer calories you burn and the easier it is to gain weight. Your metabolism and the chemicals needed to support it are severely reduced or even depleted. Once this happens, you cant lose weight even following a strict diet, or you lose so little weight that you get frustrated, give up and regain.

Causes of muscle loss include crash dieting, lack of exercise, chronic stress, toxins, gender and genes. But there is a solution to the problem: burn fat and build muscle.

How do you burn fat? Eat healthy foods, exercise properly, and build muscle with weight lifting. Stop dieting and give your body the necessary fuel it needs to get healthy. Eat only clean, unprocessed foods like meats, seafood, poultry, fruits, vegetables, dairy, whole grains and nuts, and stay away from packaged foods, frozen meals, hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup.

Insulin is the bodys store-fat hormone and glucagon is the bodys burn-fat hormone. When the insulin-glucagon balance is ideal, your body will build muscle while burning fat. Many dieters have lost the ability to know when they are hungry or full. People who struggle with weight often eat when stressed, bored or pressured socially. Eating refined carbs (white bread, flour, sugar and most processed snack foods) causes the pancreas to release too much insulin, which will store food as fat. Instead, resort to protein.

You should also avoid processed sugar, which is in cakes, doughnuts, breads and processed cereals. Processed sugar is considered poison as it causes harm to cells and leads to diabetes. Every time you eat sugar, your blood sugar is elevated and insulin is released to lower the sugar level. Remember, insulin is a fat-storing hormone! Read the labels. Any word ending in ose as an ingredient is a sugar. Avoid juices made from concentrate, artificial sweeteners and fat free foods loaded with sugar (fat does not make you fat, sugar does!), as these cause your insulin to spike. Instead, get natural sugars from fruit. The only safe sweetener is a little bit of organic sugar or stevia.

Metabolism cant happen without the liver. The liver supports the digestive system, controls blood sugar and regulates fat storage, breaking down everything that enters your body. Your livers job is to distinguish between healthy nutrients that need to be absorbed by the body and dangerous substances that poison the body. When the liver gets clogged with toxins like artificial sweeteners, it loses the function to get rid of those dangerous substances, therefore it stores fat and you gain weight.

You can turn your unhealthy lifestyle around today. Stop putting poison in your body and start exercising, and your body will respond. Healthy foods, anything made by God, are your best medicine.

Stop by Miracles Fitness and let us help you be healthy again. For more information, call (609) 886-7070 or visit

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Why Can't You Lose Weight? - Cape May County Herald

Feb 25

The Inspiring Secrets of People Who Lost 50+ Poundsand Kept It Off – Reader’s Digest

Eat like a caveman Courtesy Kyle Kranz Kyle Kranz is a 29-year-old former athlete who lost 85 pounds after gaining weight steadily after suffering a bad injury because of a car accident in middle school. "I was unable to play football and soccer like I previously had," he says. Then a friend of his, who was starting to focus on his health a bit more, invited Kranz to join him during his freshmen year of high school. While in high school, he credits his weight loss to 75 percent dietary changes and 25 percent working out, which for him, consisted of mostly lifting weights, since the accident didn't allow him to run. But the greatest difference for Kranz came from curbing what he puts in his mouth every single day. "You lose weight quickly when your diet changes from fast food, soda, and chips to meat and vegetables. I was the high schooler eating pre-portioned and pre-preparedthanks for the help, Mom!chicken breast and veggies for lunch. I also found out I actually enjoyed lifting weights, and put together a fairly respectable home gym in a spare bedroom," he says. Though he eventually recovered and was able to become an endurance athlete, doing everything from swimming to cycling to running, Kranz maintains a caveman-like attitude toward nutrition. "My favorite health advice is something I read from Michael Pollan, when he said, 'Eat real food. Not too much. Mostly plants.' Eating real food and not processed junk was the biggest game changer for me," he says. (Follow these 40 fast, easy tips to lose weight.) Be curious when it comes to working out

Courtesy Michael Tamez

It was a life-changing car accident when he was 20 years old that pushed now 36-year-old Michael Tamez to focus on his health. Having always struggled with weight management, it wasn't until he realized how fragile his existence truly is that Tamez dedicated the next 15 years to being fit, happy, and healthy. Because of his severe sleep apnea, Tamez would fall asleep throughout the day at any given time. "One time I actually dozed off while driving on the highway and smashed into the car in front of me. Although nobody was severely injured, this shook me up pretty good," he says. The timing of the accidentDecember, 2001prompted Michael to make a New Year's Resolution: He wanted to start working out and actually stick with it for a whole month. After those 30 days passed though, he hadn't shed much weight, and he wasn't really inspired by the exercise. That's when his dad bought him a pair of boxing gloves, and he fell in love with the jab, cross, hook, uppercut three-minute rounds that helped him shed pounds quickly. Then when it warmed up outside, he started riding his bicycle, going for walks and hikes, and cleaning up his diet. His latest discovery? That he loves water sports. He and his wife moved to Florida and go kayaking, stand-up paddle boarding, swimming, and bodyboarding. In addition to keeping the weight off, he's also been able to stop the sleep apnea and bring his blood pressure back down to normal. "I was ecstatic that I cured myself with exercise and food," he says. That's why Tamez's best tip is to do some soul-searching around why you want to lose the weight and find exercises that really inspire you to stay active. These days, Tamez, who shed 105 pounds, has had added yoga and meditation to balance his mind, too.

Courtesy Scott Schmaren

For now 54-year-old Scott Schmaren, battling his weight was a lifelong fight that led him down a very dark road. "I had lost and gained 100s of pounds, and I always failed. One time, I had just gained back the 165 pounds that I lost, and I gave up on the will to live," he shares. He attempted suicide by attempting to overdose on painkillers, but miraculously woke up with a renewed spirit. "I woke up the next day with the sun shining through my window and experienced a profound sense of peace, and in that moment I accepted responsibility for my life and I set out on a quest to learn how my mind worked because it was always self-sabotaging my weight loss." Though he did transform his diet and exercise consistently, he credits keeping 185 pounds off for good to completely changing how he imagined himself in the mirror. "All my life I was obese and the image I had of myself in my mind was being fat, so anytime I lost weight, I felt like I was going against how I really saw myself and rationalized that being overweight was normal," he shares. "When I finally changed that image of myself in my subconscious mind through hypnosis my life began to change: I created an image of myself that I had a strong, healthy, lean attractive body weighing 175 pounds or less, and that is where I am at today." (Discover weight-loss secrets from around the world.)

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Courtesy Cindy Chambers

As many moms know, having a baby is one of the most excitingand life-changing!moments in your life, and for many dropping the baby weight is a tough task. "I couldn't believe how easy it was to gain so much weight in a short amount of time, not to mention how difficult it was to lose the weight again," shares Cindy Chambers who shed a total of 54 pounds. "I knew that to be a role model for my children, I needed to set a good example for healthy livingthis inspired my weight loss journey." But being a busy new mom meant that she didn't have time to cook up nutritious meals on a daily basis, so she needed an alternative to make eating healthy a priority. By watching Dr. Phil one day when she was at home with her newborn, she found the weight loss meal delivery service, bistroMD. They provide meal plans and coaching, and will send pre-portioned meals that take the guesswork out of what to eat and what to skip. "By following a meal plan that's designed by a doctor and registered dietitians, I was able to lose 55 pounds," she says. Though Cindy doesn't use bistroMD for every meal now, when she and her husband are in a bind, they'll subscribe for a week or two, to lighten the load.

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Courtesy Lindsay Tejada

It was a question from an unlikely source that snapped Lindsay Tejada into action mode to finally shed the weight. She was spending time with her 5-year-old niece who simply asked, "But, why are you so fat?" She didn't want to be known as the "fat aunt," so she looked for a way to shed pounds and stay motivated. What worked for her was a program called Take Shape For Life, which offers diet plans, health coaches, and connection to a community of other people who are also trying to lose weight. She lost more than 100 pounds and it was her niece's face that kept her motivated. "My biggest health tip would be to determine your why," she says. "When my niece said, 'I can wrap my arms around you now!' I knew it was all worth it."

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The Inspiring Secrets of People Who Lost 50+ Poundsand Kept It Off - Reader's Digest

Feb 23

Why Is Kim Kardashian Wearing a Garbage Bag Sweatsuit to Lose Weight? – Shape Magazine

Sometimes, Kim Kardashian is relatable. We totally felt for her when she dealt with anxiety after her Paris robberyand when shestuck by Kanye in a crisis. On the other hand, she's been known to do some pretty extreme things to get the appearance she wants, like wearing a corset and getting her stretch marks removed. While we're all for doing things to make yourself feel good about how you look, sometimes Kim takes it a little too far.

Case in point: one of her most recent Snapchat stories. The reality star pans the camera around her gym in the style of her usual workout Snaps, but instead of just showing off her moves of the day, Kim points the camera downward at herself to show that she's wearing a full-on garbage-bag-style sweatsuit. You might remember this style from this past summer when Khloe Kardashian shared why she wears one during cardio and weight workouts.

She's also added the caption "7 lbs to go to get to 115 lbs." But will wearing one of these actually help you drop weight? The short answer is yes, but the long answer is more complicated. "The garbage bag strategy is a highly-controversial, old-school thermogenic method that works for weight loss in a way that's similar to sitting in a sauna," says Mike Clancy, C.S.C.S. and founder of MikeClancyTraining. "You simply put your body in a heated environment so it starts to release water (sweat) to cool you down." This process continues until your body has returned to its normal temperature, usually when you stop exercising. "In this process of releasing water, your body can shrink down five to ten pounds," says Clancy. That might sound appealing, but he adds that "this method of sweating out the last few pounds is extremely dangerous because your body is dehydrated and the stress on your internal organs can quickly land you in a hospital." Yikes! So yeah, it's probably not a good idea to try this on your own.

In Kim's case, her Snap clearly shows that her trainer is there to supervise, but what's more worrying is that fans watching might think this is a good idea to try at home when they're trying to shed weight. But there's another important reason why you shouldn't use this method. "You'll gain the weight back quickly, most likely as soon as you start drinking water after your workout," says Dani Muckley, director of fitness at Studio Three in Chicago. In other words, the risk of dehydration is 100 percent not worth it.

So what can you do instead to help you lose those last few pounds? "A healthier alternative would be to realize that there truly is no quick fix to weight loss," says Muckley. "Instead, healthy weight loss is the result of a dedicated nutritional plan, workout regimen, and requisite recovery." We couldn't agree more. But if you do want to try a specific workout method, Clancy has a suggestion. "A safer alternative to this tactic would be doing a sustained, fasted cardio in the morning while drinking plenty of fluids," he says. That means you wait until after you work out to eat. "A favorite of my clients' is walking uphill on a treadmill on a high incline for 30 to 40 minutes before breakfast," he explains. And unlike Kim's strategy, this kind of cardio is more likely to use adipose tissue (aka fat) for workout fuel, so the results will actually last.

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Why Is Kim Kardashian Wearing a Garbage Bag Sweatsuit to Lose Weight? - Shape Magazine

Feb 23

Eat to lose: The 7 best foods to help you shed pounds – Fox News

Diets are all about cutting calories, right?

Well, maybe not.

If youve ever tried following a commercial diet, you know counting calories and weighing yourself can derail your goals completely. And while it may seem like restricting your intake of food is the best way to shed pounds, consuming enough calories is actually key.

To get the scoop on the foods that can help you get to that target weight, Fox News talked to Lauren Blake, RD, LDN, manager of sports nutrition at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, to find out how to eat your way to the body of your dreams.


Despite previous attitudes toward fat, the healthy kind shouldnt be your foe, a 2016 study published in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology suggests. Avocado contains healthy fats that can help you stay full and satisfied, Blake said. I like to call avocado natures butter, Blake, who recommended smearing it on a piece of whole-wheat toast, told Fox News. If I dont have avocado in my house, its time to go to the store!


A 2015 study published in the journal BMJ found that people whose diets were rich in flavonoids which are present in foods like berries, onions and even wine tended to gain less weight as they aged. Blake is also a fan of them for their high fiber and water content. Theyre a bit lower on the glycemic index, so theyre not gonna spike your blood sugar as quickly, she said.


Lentils and beans

Fibrous foods like lentils and beans help you stay fuller longer, Blake explained. Fiber comes from all plant foods, and typically, plants have more calories so you can eat more of them, she said. Id rather be told I can eat more of something than less of something! Research backs up that notion: A 2015 study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine suggested simply focusing on fiber may offer more benefits than following a more restrictive diet plan.

Lean protein

Fatty fish like salmon, which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and lean, non-dark meat like chicken or turkey can also help ward off unwanted pounds, Blake said. Its protein, whether from plants or animals, can help keep you full, she explained. Part of the Mediterranean diet, lean proteins have long been hailed as powerful weight-loss tools, several studies suggest.


Non-starchy veggies

For weight loss, Blake advises her clients to fill half of their plates with non-starchy vegetables like bell peppers, cauliflower, mushrooms, broccoli, asparagus and Brussels sprouts. Starchy veggies, on the other hand, include potatoes, peas and corn. In a 2015 study published in PLOS One, Harvard University researchers found that, after 24 years, men and women who consumed non-starchy produce, which is higher in fiber and lower in carbs, tended to lose weight. Like berries, non-starchy foods are lower on the glycemic index, meaning they lead to fewer blood sugar spikes and less hunger.

Whole grains

Although wheat and bread alone have become topics for debate in holistic wellness circles, Blake said whole grains which are also rich in fiber are an important part of a healthy diet. That doesnt mean you should binge on bread, though! I love things like brown rice and oatmeal, Blake said, [because] those are really great whole grains that typically have a little more fiber than bread. If youre going to opt for bread, Blake recommended looking for the 100 percent whole-wheat variety.


Dark chocolate

Also rich in flavonoids and healthy fats, dark chocolate has become somewhat of a superfood for weight loss in recent years. Research has linked its consumption to everything from curbed sweet cravings to reduced blood sugar spikes. Blake suggested enjoying a piece of the treat in bar form or mixing dark cocoa powder into a protein-packed smoothie with almond or peanut butter. Go ahead, indulge!

Originally posted here:
Eat to lose: The 7 best foods to help you shed pounds - Fox News

Feb 21

Gemma Collins answers door makeup-free revealing her REAL look after fans claimed she ‘faked’ weight loss snaps –

Earlier today, Gemma Collins was accused by fans of posting fake' pictures on Instagram to show off her weight loss .

The former TOWIE star has been showing off her new look with a series of snaps but fans claim they were Photoshopped.

Now, Gemma has been spotted on the doorstep of her Essex home, revealing what she really looks like without an Instagram filter.

The 36 year old was snapped completely makeup-free with her signature blonde hair piled on top of her head in a messy topknot as she passed the keys of her white Range Rover to a waiting mechanic.

The Essex favourite wore a loose-fitting rose print top with a black fur gilet.

It looked like her 4x4 had a burst tyre as the AA man turned up to repair it.

Earlier today, Gemma took a picture while taking a break in what appears to be filming for St Patrick's Day with her wearing a green and black outfit.

You are looking amazing, Gemma. You have lost so much weight, you look fabulous! wrote one fan.

While Gemma does looks great, fans weren't looking at her new figure, but at the floor.

Soon after she shared the photo fans quickly pointed out something strange - the tiles appeared to bend.

Some fans think the image had been changed, with some commenting saying it was a "really bad photoshop".

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One said: "Look at the curved floor tilesedited! Instagram is so fake."

jpmoney57 said: The wobly f***ing floor. why f***ing lie to people about loosing (sic) weight."

The claims relate to Gemma's legs looking as if they've been adjusted. Fans pointed out the floor the white tiles seem to bend slightly, with the wall looking like it's tilting.

Ever since Gemma joined The Only Way Is Essex she has openly talked about struggling with her weight and shared the various diets and exercise regimes shes tried over the years.

She recently appeared on ITV's Sugar Free Farm and back in 2015 she lost three stone in four weeks after signing up for a juice retreat run by Juice Master Jason Vale.

Gemma has revealed before she gets offers from agents based on whether she'd "gain and lose" weight.

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Gemma Collins answers door makeup-free revealing her REAL look after fans claimed she 'faked' weight loss snaps -

Feb 20

Skinny Utah Weight Loss Program – KUTV 2News

Salt Lake City

(KUTV) Ross Jardine, Co-Founder of Skinny Utah, visited Fresh Living to discuss the Weight Loss Program.

The New You Program was designed for people who need to lose 20 pounds or more. Lets face it, when people start a new weight loss program, they want results and they want to see them quickly. Losing 20 pounds for most people is life changing. Its fun for our staff to be part of those exciting transformations.

There are dozens of weight loss programs and diets out there these days, what is it that makes Skinny Utah able to succeed where other programs fail?

First off, we dont feel like a diet is a one-size-fits-all deal, so every single one of our programs is customized for each individual client. There are no prepackaged foods or shakes to buy, there are no joint-busting exercise programs or gym memberships, and there are never any dangerous drugs or hormones.

Instead what we do is utilize state-of-the-art techniques to create a personalized plan to help your body burn fat effectively. Youll eat real food that you buy at the store and all our supplements are all-natural and plant-based. Simply put, our program is designed to bring your body quickly into a fat burning state so you burn calories without spending hours at the gym. Its a very unique approach and it works.

If someone has decided that they are ready to take the next step, how do they get started?

The first step is always to come into one of our offices and get a complete body composition analysis. Its normally a $99 cost, but for this week were offering it for free. Just go to and you can schedule an appointment for either our Lehi or Centerville offices. Were also going to be doing FREE body composition analysis in our booth at the health expo Saturday the 25th at the South Town Expo Center. So if youre at the show, be sure to stop by and see us.

This analysis gives us an amazing assessment of a persons current metabolic function and helps us determine the best plan for them. Our schedule fills up fast, so go to and schedule a FREE consultation today. Weve also got some amazing specials planned for the Health Expo on Saturday including a special couples package. Its always better when youre doing this with a spouse or friend, so be sure to stop by and see us and take advantage of the lowest prices weve ever offered.

Jardine shared before and after photos of some clients who have seen great success. Brian lost 58 pounds in just over 9 weeks. Hannah lost 30 pounds and Teddy lost 48 pounds.

For more information, visit You can also call (801) 376-8080 or (888) 314-THIN.

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Skinny Utah Weight Loss Program - KUTV 2News

Feb 20

The Hairy Bikers on dropping the pounds: ‘We had to lose weight or we’d be dead’ –

We hear the Hairy Bikers before we see them. The clomp-clomp of sturdy boots on the rickety staircase of the photo studio announces their arrival. Then its like the room shrinks not only are Si King, 49, and Dave Myers, 59, big bears of men, but their personalities make them larger than life.

After a mini kerfuffle as they both attempt to take the same spot on the couch, the pair plonk themselves down and were relieved to see theyre exactly as they seem on TV just as hairy, just as down-to-earth, just as funny

In fact, the latter makes them the perfect guys to model this years Comic Relief merchandise, including an apron designed by photographer Rankin. And the apron, it seems, is fitting in more ways than one. Not only are Si and Dave capable of cooking up a casual feast or two, theyre also keen to tell us that theyre a pair of domestic gods.

"Were both pretty handy with a hoover, we keep tidy houses," says Dave. "A few years ago, I came off my bike and broke my arms. Si picked me up from the hospital and asked what he could do to help. I said, 'What am I going to do about the ironing?' because even though I look like a bucket of rags a lot of the time, I do like everything neat. God love him, I dont think hed ironed a shirt in his life and"

"Hes very particular about how he folds his shirts, you see, and he kept telling me off!" interjects Si. "But then he teases me about my scented candles and my penchant for soft furnishings Ive got so many bloody cushions, theres nowhere to sit!"

On first impressions, they arent the kind of blokes youd imagine obsessing over the folding of shirts, or plumping up co-ordinated scatter cushions. Hairy, yes; bikers, yes; but they also have something of the old English gent about them.

Dave is wild and slightly scruffy, as if hes just blown in from a motorbike ride around some windy Highland road except for his twiddled moustache, which lends him the air of an eccentric Edwardian. Meanwhile, Si or Kingy, as Dave calls him has his silver hair tied back in a ponytail, his beard neatly trimmed, and his tweed waistcoat in place. They have an endearing way of glancing at each other for confirmation before they speak. Although Sis the quieter of the two, Dave is careful never to speak over his old friend, regularly trailing off mid-sentence in order to coax out Sis opinion.

"Dave shaved his beard off once," Si says suddenly, leaning forwards with a conspiratorial shake of his head. "I just couldnt stop staring at him and thinking, 'Who are you?' It was just a big dumpling face."

These days Dave and Si are looking distinctly less dumpling-like. Its been a few years since they lost 6 stone between them, but unlike so many celebs with diet books, theyve kept it off. Dave once tipped the scales at 18 stone, while Si weighed in at a bulky 19.5 stone.

"We were filming in America and I noticed we were casting shadows like Walnut Whips! The sensible thing to do was go on a diet, so we started rewriting recipes and were better cooks because of it," Dave says.

Nowadays the scales hover around the 15 stone mark, and the lads are off their statins and blood pressure medication. The Bikers became famous as a pair of food-loving fellas, so turning themselves into healthy-eating gurus was risky would the public still watch their shows if they werent travelling the world and ordering extra mains "for the table" at every pit stop along the way?

"One of our catchphrases was 'a big knob of butter' and we knew we had to rein it in," says Dave, slinging an arm casually over the side of the sofa. "We were morbidly obese. If wed continued to pile it on in the way wed been doing, we wouldnt have had a career anyway you cant if youre dead!"

"We knew we were never gonna be Twiggy," adds Si. "Were fighting middle-aged spread, and a lot of people are in the same boat."

A turning point came while on the road: Dave sneaked to Sis hotel room late at night to score some high blood pressure medication after he ran out. Although they laughed about it, Si was struck by the thought that he might not be there to see his kids grow up.

Si was then a hands-on dad to three young sons, Alex, Dylan and James with (now ex) wife Jane, while Dave had recently married long-term partner Liliana, becoming a stepfather to Sergui, 26, and Iza, 21. He met Lili when they were filming The Hairy Bikers in Romania and she was the manager of a hotel they were staying at. They became pen pals and the rest, as they say, is history.

What followed was a diet show that shed the pounds quicker than you can say extra fries with that. When The Hairy Dieters: Fast Food toppled 50 Shades Of Grey from the bestsellers list, the lads knew theyd struck a chord with the nation by making good, old fashioned food, just with fewer calories. But they havent turned into skinny-mini bores, thankfully, with their recent cookbook, The Hairy Bikers Comfort Food, a carb-heavy love-in.

Its the life of wanderlust, eating and biking, that they dreamed up when they first met 22 years ago in the unlikeliest of places the set of a Catherine Cookson TV adaptation. Back then, Si was the assistant director and Dave was a prosthetic make-up artist.

"At lunch most of the crew were ordering salads and mineral water, while I was having a curry and two pints of larger," recalls Si. "When Dave came in, he took one look at my lunch and went, 'Ill have what hes having!' Pretty quickly we discovered we both loved eating, drinking and motorcycling."

After persuading their TV pals at the BBC to make a pilot a cringeworthy affair neither Si nor Dave can bear to watch now the Bikers became famous faces overnight.

"I was working on Spooks at the time," grins Dave. "I was taking Anna Chancellor to the hairdressers and shes used to being noticed, but this time people were stopping me in the street."

Dave and Si both take fame in their stride, unfazed by the attention they receive from their adoring fans, continuing to be the cheekiest of chaps. Well, you can take the boys out of the North, but you cant take the North out of the boys.

Weekend away or Sunday brunch at home?

S: It depends what Im feeling like. Sunday brunch at home sometimes.

D: For me, because Im away so much, Sunday brunch at home. But for my wife, probably a weekend away!

Hungover or fresh as a daisy?

D: Theres a fair chance of being hungover on a Sunday. Depends where Ive got to be. If Ive got the day off, Ill have a lie-in.

What couldnt you get through the weekend without?

D: Food shopping on a Saturday I love it.

S: A good couple of hours practising on the drums. Thats a big treat, that.

D: Thats why you live in the middle of a field!

Gym day or lazy day?

S: Depends what you fancy. In the summertime well go canoeing and swimming.

D: Id say lazy day. Youve got a hangover, havent you? But when we were filming our Comfort Food show, we did meet down the gym in the evenings.

Running errands or pampering?

D: Running errands. Theres always a lot to catch up on.

S: Theres food to buy!

Sunday lunch at home or pub roast?

D: Sunday lunch at home. Well get chicken Ive loved it ever since I was a kid. We call it plumpy chicken; fat chicken with roasties, stuffing and veg.

S: At home chicken or a piece of sirloin.

What did you do last Sunday?

S: I was flying back from Australia, where I was visiting my partner. I was asleep somewhere over Singapore, probably!

D: Ive got a house in the Loire Valley in France and we were there. I cooked white fish from the market, and we ate quite a lot of cheese afterwards. Then went for a long walk.

Dave says: "I love the way Comic Relief is in the National Calendar. Its entertaining, and a lot of people put a lot of effort into it. Its just a fun time of year, and people really look forward to it.

Si says: "We always do something for Comic Relief with the kids, so it will be funny to see our faces on the posters this year!"

Hairy Bikers wear limited edition HomeSense aprons, designed by celebrated British photographer Rankin, to support Red Nose Day 2017. The apron is part of a range of products available in HomeSense stores.

See the article here:
The Hairy Bikers on dropping the pounds: 'We had to lose weight or we'd be dead' -

Feb 20

After assisting in bariatric surgeries, OR nurse chooses it for herself to lose weight – Knowridge Science Report

It wasnt long into her tenure as an operating room nurse that Mandy Pate, R.N., realized the same type of bariatric surgery she helped doctors perform on others could benefit her as well.

Despite countless efforts to lose weight, insatiable cravings left the 36-year-old unable to shed pounds.

All I could think about was food; it was like a junkie needing their fix, says Pate, who, at her heaviest, had 333 pounds on her 5-foot-3-inch frame. If all of a sudden a brownie sounded good, I would have to go to the store to get one. The urge was that strong.

Its why Pate, a Michigan Medicine employee since 2008, sought out more information about receiving a sleeve gastrectomy herself.

In the surgery, about 80 percent of the stomach is removed, greatly reducing its storage capacity and, as a result, limiting production of the hunger-producing hormone ghrelin.

Unlike a gastric bypass, in which the stomach is divided in two and the small intestine is rearranged to connect to both parts, a sleeve gastrectomy is less likely to cause dumping syndrome a condition where food moves into the small bowel too fast after eating.

Both surgeries are permanent and have a one-year mortality rate of 0.1 percent.

At Michigan Medicine, sleeve gastrectomy has surpassed gastric bypass as the most common procedure for patients seeking weight-loss options. Gastric bypass was the subject of an extensive New York Times story last year that focused on two Michigan patients.

Like those featured in the Times, Pates decision was a big one.

If youre going through something thats changing your body, its obviously scary, she says. But I was really excited because I thought, This is going to be what I need; this is going to work. If Im positive, Im going to have a positive outcome.

Now at 160 pounds and with a new attitude toward food and fitness, the Ann Arbor resident is happy to share her experience with patients at Michigans Adult Bariatric Surgery Program.

But shes quick to emphasize that the surgery is not some magic cure. Lifelong lifestyle changes are necessary. Emotional reactions to a new body and relationship with food must also be addressed.

Still, I tell people it saved my life, says Pate, who recently spoke more about her journey.

As an adult, how did your weight affect you?

Pate: I had a lot of joint pain standing on my feet all day. It would be hard to stand and move around in the operating room. I really loved my job; it was creating an issue.

Join a Twitter chat about bariatric surgery, with patients, physicians and other health care providers, this Sunday, Feb. 12 from 9 to 10 p.m. EST, at #obsm and @obsmchat.

I would come home and I couldnt even walk. I would have really bad reflux at night where I would aspirate and choke. I was getting concerned I would end up dying of a massive heart attack if I didnt get my weight under control.

How did you move forward with getting the surgery?

Pate: You dont just make an appointment. Theres a lot of work patients go through. I had to go to an information session and see a physicians assistant.

I had a three- to four-hour psychological exam to ensure I understood the changes I had to make and to make sure I didnt have any other eating disorders that would eliminate me from surgery. I also had to attend two support group meetings.

Some insurance companies require months of documented attempts at weight loss to prove youve done everything else you can do. My body mass index was almost at 60, which was high enough my insurance company said I didnt need to.

Finally, I had to have a sleep study done because they thought I had sleep apnea, which I did. Once my case was submitted and reviewed by everyone who saw me, I scheduled my surgery. I started the process in December 2013 and had surgery that April.

What did surgery preparation involve?

Pate: Once I got my surgery date, I had to go to a four-hour nutrition class. Two weeks before the surgery, I went on a high-protein liquid diet. It was very strict no fruits, no vegetables.

The purpose is to shrink the liver and make it flexible so they can move it out of the way to operate on the stomach. It also shows the team youre committed to making dietary changes.

Could you describe your operation and recovery?

Pate: Basically, theyre removing about 80 percent of a stomach to restrict how much you can eat. It was laparoscopic surgery with six small incisions. In the end, the stomach kind of resembles the shape of a banana. You feel fuller faster and youre not eating as much.

The operation took less than two hours, maybe an hour and a half. I was in the hospital for two nights, and I went home on the third day.

I was on a liquid diet for two weeks, then a puree diet for two weeks, then a soft-food diet for a month. I had a very smooth surgery and recovery.

How did you feel?

Pate: Right away, I had a lot of energy. They tell you to start walking 30 minutes a day after surgery. About six weeks later, I committed myself to going to the gym for an hour each day after work, really doing cardio and weights.

And I wasnt hungry at all. I didnt believe people in the support group who said that. But I could have gone all day without eating or drinking anything. Its important for post-op patients to keep drinking fluids or they can become dehydrated quickly.

Still, for me, it was calming to not have food on my mind all the time.

How did surgery change your diet?

Pate: Because I didnt have a lot of the cravings, I started making changes to my diet. I didnt bring anything sweet into the house that would be a trigger.

I would get creative, making spaghetti squash instead of noodles. My tastes changed. I ended up craving things like fruits and vegetables. I dont even want the pasta anymore.

One-half to a cup of food is as much as I can handle. I usually do 2 ounces of meat protein first and then vegetables. Were taught not to eat rice, pasta, crackers, pretzels or bread. They balloon in the stomach and you cant get the other nutrients you need.

What downsides have you experienced?

Pate: Because you lose weight so quickly, you have a lot of excess skin. Also, I wouldnt always see the weight loss like other people saw it. I would think I looked exactly the same.

In the past year, Ive had three plastic surgeries to remove excess skin from my arms, legs and abdomen. Thats been a tremendous help. Now, I can see my hard work and I look how I should after losing 170 pounds.

At your day job, what do you tell others considering bariatric surgery?

Pate: A lot of patients are afraid theyll break the bed or fall off the table or people will make fun of them. I always try to reassure my patients that were going to take good care of them, that Ill be with them, the beds will hold them and all that stuff.

I also tell them its OK if you have weight-loss surgery; its nothing to be ashamed about. It doesnt mean youre any less of a failure than someone who does it with diet and exercise alone. Theres nothing wrong with going to an informational session and seeing if its right for you.

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News source:Michigan Health. The content is edited for length and style purposes. Figure legend: This image is credited to Michigan Health.

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After assisting in bariatric surgeries, OR nurse chooses it for herself to lose weight - Knowridge Science Report

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