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Feb 20

The Hairy Bikers on dropping the pounds: ‘We had to lose weight or we’d be dead’ –

We hear the Hairy Bikers before we see them. The clomp-clomp of sturdy boots on the rickety staircase of the photo studio announces their arrival. Then its like the room shrinks not only are Si King, 49, and Dave Myers, 59, big bears of men, but their personalities make them larger than life.

After a mini kerfuffle as they both attempt to take the same spot on the couch, the pair plonk themselves down and were relieved to see theyre exactly as they seem on TV just as hairy, just as down-to-earth, just as funny

In fact, the latter makes them the perfect guys to model this years Comic Relief merchandise, including an apron designed by photographer Rankin. And the apron, it seems, is fitting in more ways than one. Not only are Si and Dave capable of cooking up a casual feast or two, theyre also keen to tell us that theyre a pair of domestic gods.

"Were both pretty handy with a hoover, we keep tidy houses," says Dave. "A few years ago, I came off my bike and broke my arms. Si picked me up from the hospital and asked what he could do to help. I said, 'What am I going to do about the ironing?' because even though I look like a bucket of rags a lot of the time, I do like everything neat. God love him, I dont think hed ironed a shirt in his life and"

"Hes very particular about how he folds his shirts, you see, and he kept telling me off!" interjects Si. "But then he teases me about my scented candles and my penchant for soft furnishings Ive got so many bloody cushions, theres nowhere to sit!"

On first impressions, they arent the kind of blokes youd imagine obsessing over the folding of shirts, or plumping up co-ordinated scatter cushions. Hairy, yes; bikers, yes; but they also have something of the old English gent about them.

Dave is wild and slightly scruffy, as if hes just blown in from a motorbike ride around some windy Highland road except for his twiddled moustache, which lends him the air of an eccentric Edwardian. Meanwhile, Si or Kingy, as Dave calls him has his silver hair tied back in a ponytail, his beard neatly trimmed, and his tweed waistcoat in place. They have an endearing way of glancing at each other for confirmation before they speak. Although Sis the quieter of the two, Dave is careful never to speak over his old friend, regularly trailing off mid-sentence in order to coax out Sis opinion.

"Dave shaved his beard off once," Si says suddenly, leaning forwards with a conspiratorial shake of his head. "I just couldnt stop staring at him and thinking, 'Who are you?' It was just a big dumpling face."

These days Dave and Si are looking distinctly less dumpling-like. Its been a few years since they lost 6 stone between them, but unlike so many celebs with diet books, theyve kept it off. Dave once tipped the scales at 18 stone, while Si weighed in at a bulky 19.5 stone.

"We were filming in America and I noticed we were casting shadows like Walnut Whips! The sensible thing to do was go on a diet, so we started rewriting recipes and were better cooks because of it," Dave says.

Nowadays the scales hover around the 15 stone mark, and the lads are off their statins and blood pressure medication. The Bikers became famous as a pair of food-loving fellas, so turning themselves into healthy-eating gurus was risky would the public still watch their shows if they werent travelling the world and ordering extra mains "for the table" at every pit stop along the way?

"One of our catchphrases was 'a big knob of butter' and we knew we had to rein it in," says Dave, slinging an arm casually over the side of the sofa. "We were morbidly obese. If wed continued to pile it on in the way wed been doing, we wouldnt have had a career anyway you cant if youre dead!"

"We knew we were never gonna be Twiggy," adds Si. "Were fighting middle-aged spread, and a lot of people are in the same boat."

A turning point came while on the road: Dave sneaked to Sis hotel room late at night to score some high blood pressure medication after he ran out. Although they laughed about it, Si was struck by the thought that he might not be there to see his kids grow up.

Si was then a hands-on dad to three young sons, Alex, Dylan and James with (now ex) wife Jane, while Dave had recently married long-term partner Liliana, becoming a stepfather to Sergui, 26, and Iza, 21. He met Lili when they were filming The Hairy Bikers in Romania and she was the manager of a hotel they were staying at. They became pen pals and the rest, as they say, is history.

What followed was a diet show that shed the pounds quicker than you can say extra fries with that. When The Hairy Dieters: Fast Food toppled 50 Shades Of Grey from the bestsellers list, the lads knew theyd struck a chord with the nation by making good, old fashioned food, just with fewer calories. But they havent turned into skinny-mini bores, thankfully, with their recent cookbook, The Hairy Bikers Comfort Food, a carb-heavy love-in.

Its the life of wanderlust, eating and biking, that they dreamed up when they first met 22 years ago in the unlikeliest of places the set of a Catherine Cookson TV adaptation. Back then, Si was the assistant director and Dave was a prosthetic make-up artist.

"At lunch most of the crew were ordering salads and mineral water, while I was having a curry and two pints of larger," recalls Si. "When Dave came in, he took one look at my lunch and went, 'Ill have what hes having!' Pretty quickly we discovered we both loved eating, drinking and motorcycling."

After persuading their TV pals at the BBC to make a pilot a cringeworthy affair neither Si nor Dave can bear to watch now the Bikers became famous faces overnight.

"I was working on Spooks at the time," grins Dave. "I was taking Anna Chancellor to the hairdressers and shes used to being noticed, but this time people were stopping me in the street."

Dave and Si both take fame in their stride, unfazed by the attention they receive from their adoring fans, continuing to be the cheekiest of chaps. Well, you can take the boys out of the North, but you cant take the North out of the boys.

Weekend away or Sunday brunch at home?

S: It depends what Im feeling like. Sunday brunch at home sometimes.

D: For me, because Im away so much, Sunday brunch at home. But for my wife, probably a weekend away!

Hungover or fresh as a daisy?

D: Theres a fair chance of being hungover on a Sunday. Depends where Ive got to be. If Ive got the day off, Ill have a lie-in.

What couldnt you get through the weekend without?

D: Food shopping on a Saturday I love it.

S: A good couple of hours practising on the drums. Thats a big treat, that.

D: Thats why you live in the middle of a field!

Gym day or lazy day?

S: Depends what you fancy. In the summertime well go canoeing and swimming.

D: Id say lazy day. Youve got a hangover, havent you? But when we were filming our Comfort Food show, we did meet down the gym in the evenings.

Running errands or pampering?

D: Running errands. Theres always a lot to catch up on.

S: Theres food to buy!

Sunday lunch at home or pub roast?

D: Sunday lunch at home. Well get chicken Ive loved it ever since I was a kid. We call it plumpy chicken; fat chicken with roasties, stuffing and veg.

S: At home chicken or a piece of sirloin.

What did you do last Sunday?

S: I was flying back from Australia, where I was visiting my partner. I was asleep somewhere over Singapore, probably!

D: Ive got a house in the Loire Valley in France and we were there. I cooked white fish from the market, and we ate quite a lot of cheese afterwards. Then went for a long walk.

Dave says: "I love the way Comic Relief is in the National Calendar. Its entertaining, and a lot of people put a lot of effort into it. Its just a fun time of year, and people really look forward to it.

Si says: "We always do something for Comic Relief with the kids, so it will be funny to see our faces on the posters this year!"

Hairy Bikers wear limited edition HomeSense aprons, designed by celebrated British photographer Rankin, to support Red Nose Day 2017. The apron is part of a range of products available in HomeSense stores.

See the article here:
The Hairy Bikers on dropping the pounds: 'We had to lose weight or we'd be dead' -

Feb 18

Balloon joins gastric sleeve, bypass, band as Siouxland weight loss tool – Sioux City Journal

DAKOTA DUNES, S.D. -- A silicon balloon, which is less invasive than other weight loss procedures, made its debut at Midlands Clinic in 2016.

ORBERA, an intragastric balloon, has been used for weight loss worldwide for years, but the device, which has been placed more than 220,000 times in patients' stomachs, didn't gain U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval until August 2015.

William Rizk, a bariatric surgeon who is offering the device atMidlands Clinicalong with his colleague Keith Vollstedt, said a previous gastric balloon was an option in Siouxland 20 years ago, but he said that particular model had a much higher complication rate than that of ORBERA.

"This new balloon is made of different material and instead of being filled with air it's filled with saline. It tends not to leak or deflate like the old ones did," he said.

"I think we kind of gave it a try 20 years ago and it didn't work so well, so we kind of shelved it."

Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is the most popular weight loss surgery in the United States, topping laparoscopic gastric bypass, which is the most effective and most invasive, and laparoscopic gastric banding, which has declined in popularity, according to Rizk.

He said ORBERA will appeal to patients with a BMI between 30 and 40 who don't qualify for weight loss surgery. The balloon,which Rizk likens to a breast implant, takes up space in the stomach, causing the patient to feel full after consuming a smaller amount of food. ORBERA, which isn't covered by health insurance, must be paired with a dietary coaching program to ensure success.

"If someone has diabetes or high blood pressure and their BMI is 32 and we can get them with this tool to lose 40 pounds, that would really dramatically improve their health," Rizk said.

ORBERA is inserted with a scope through the esophagus into the stomach while the patient is sedated. Then the balloon is inflated with 600 milliliters of saline to about the size of a grapefruit. The procedure takes about 15 minutes, according to Rizk. Patients can return home about two hours later.

"When you start losing weight the first few pounds come off rather quickly. When you place the balloon, the first week is kind of an adaptation phase," he said.

"There can be some symptoms of nausea in the first week, which really limits how much people can eat. Maintaining hydration is really important."

The balloon stays in place for six months, then Rizk said it's punctured and retrieved in a procedure similar to the one used during insertion.

The FDA trial that assessed the safety and effectiveness of ORBERA showed patients with the device who participated in diet and exercise lost 3.1 times more weight than people who just tried to lose weight with diet and exercise alone.

Ayear later, Rizk said trial participants who had the balloon gained back a small amount of weight, but maintained the majority of their weight loss and still managed to lose more weight than participants who relied on diet and exercise alone.

"It's another kind of weapon in our arsenal or tool in our toolbox," he said. "For a specific patient it can be really good, but as the BMI gets higher, that balloon may not be appropriate."

See original here:
Balloon joins gastric sleeve, bypass, band as Siouxland weight loss tool - Sioux City Journal

Feb 18

I Took a Selfie Every Week for a Month to Lose Weight. Here’s What Happened. – Reader’s Digest

Courtesy Chloe Winter

Confession: Two years ago, I worked out six days a week and weighed 15 pounds less than I do now. What happened to me? I changed jobs, turned 50, fell in love and got a little too comfy wearing yoga pants. So when I read that about 71 percent of participants in a study who had weekly pictures taken (along with measurements and other data) lost weight, I was intrigued. It made sense to me to see visual progress in pictures instead of just relying on the scale. I decided to try it myself.

The difference with my experiment is the study participants had the research staff take photos, measurements, and weight. I wasnt about to let anyone take a picture of me, so I decided I would take full length selfie of myself every Monday for a month. I figured it would be a good way to stay motivated and get my mind in the right place.

The first picture was downright depressing. I knew I had gained some weight butyikes!I had gotten soft, too. The pride and joy of my body was my abs and now they resembled Poohs belly, and not in a cute way.

By week two, chaos broke out. We bought a house and the closing process went so quickly we were able to move in right away! Simultaneously, our holiday guests were still in the old house and contractors were coming and going, fixing things at the new house. I spent a lot of time between two houses instead of walking in the mornings like I had been the first week. Although I wasnt getting a traditional workout, I thought all the constant moving would help melt off the pounds. (Literally. I was moving boxes up and down three flights of stairs.) However, week twosselfie produced no visible results. Quite honestly, I didnt expect too much until the third week, but this was a buzz kill. Time to get serious.

I decided to amp up my weight loss/fitness regime. By trade, Im a writer, so naturally Im on my butt most of the day. I set my kitchen timer to go off every hour during my writing hours and got up to do about 10 minutes of exercise. I rode my stationary bike or hopped on my elliptical. Sometimes I hit the mat and cranked out some push ups and crunches. I started drinking more green tea during the day and less wine and beer during the night. I set up my gym in the basement of the new house and started exercising in the morning.

Week four came and I put the same clothes on I had been wearing each Monday. Still, no change. Im not as disappointed as I thought. I felt like I gave myself the fresh start I needed to get back in shape.

The study lasted 16 weeks and my little experiment was only four weeks and the first half of virtually no focus on diet or fitness. Although I havent lost a single lousy pound or even half a inch, the good thing is my resolve hasnt wavered. I know that the number on the scale may not budge right away but my psyche is moving in the right direction: To get back on track to eat healthier and be more active again. Im going to keep up with the selfies because like the study concluded, seeing is believing.

While the selfie trick didnt work, these easy weight-loss tips will!

View post:
I Took a Selfie Every Week for a Month to Lose Weight. Here's What Happened. - Reader's Digest

Feb 17

Facebook photo shocked Co Fermanagh woman into weight loss – Belfast Live

A shocking Facebook photo proved the key factor in motivating one Co Fermanagh woman to do something about her weight.

Jeanette Wilson from Enniskillen says she had "always been a bit chubby" and had failed on numerous occasions to lose weight by herself.

But after seeing a photo of herself posted on Facebook , Jeanette says it was the motivation she needed to take action.

She said: I had always been a bit chubby, I was always hovering around the 14/16 dress size mark, and although I had tried to lose weight by myself, it never worked.

"Then in October 2015 I went to a friends 70th birthday party and afterwards someone posted at photo of me up on Facebook as soon as I saw it, I thought, no way! So I found a local Weight Watchers class and off I went."

Jeanette said she quickly learned the mistakes she had been making with her diet, including skipping breakfast.

"I soon realised I had been making lots of mistakes, I never had breakfast and I ate a lot of take-away dinners.

"I was always nibbling at food, and buying all sorts of rubbish instead of having proper healthy meals. So when I got home from my first class, I gave the cupboards a good clear out.

"I cut down on all the bread I was eating and I make sure to have lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, its all second nature to me now. "We get lots of recipe ideas in the class each week, so I follow those.

"I have a slow cooker so I put my food on before I leave the house and when I come back home its all done. Preparation is a really important part of staying on track."

Jeanette says going to her local classes helped give her the motivation and support she needed.

"The first week after I started, I lost five pounds and from then on I knew it was working, so I was determined to stick with it it was just a case of getting my head around it and staying positive. The weight kept coming off slowly but surely.

"Of course there were bad weeks, but I kept going. Just before I joined Weight Watchers we got a dog, and when I see those eyes looking up at me, I cant say no, so Im out a couple of nights walking three or four miles.

"I still go to class every Tuesday morning, its almost like a social event now; I really enjoy it. Sharon is more than a leader, shes a friend; shes always there when I need her, and if I ever feel stuck I just send her a wee message.

"Everyone in the class is helpful and supportive, we all share our stories and our tips."

Delighted at losing 2 stone 4lbs in total, Jeanette said she feels so much better and has more energy.

"When I finally received my Gold Card, it was like getting a million dollars! It feels so good to have slimmed down, I took part in the Weight Watchers fashion show last year and to be able to fit into a size 10 without any problems is amazing.

"I have so much more energy than I ever had, and I feel so much better in myself, Im delighted!

Here are Jeanettes tips for success:

Get up and go to Weight Watchers now!

Even if you do slip up, you have to stick with it it does work; it certainly did for me!

View original post here:
Facebook photo shocked Co Fermanagh woman into weight loss - Belfast Live

Feb 15

5 Powerful Morning Habits That Will Help You Lose Weight – Nigeria Today

Everyone tells us that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but thats only part of the truth. A great daily multivitamin should be added too.

But what really matters is that the morning is the most important part of our overall day. We discussed this in one of our previous articles here.

With the right morning routine, you can help promote everything from your mood to your metabolism (which helps with weight loss).

When you start your morning off right, not only will you be able to lose weight, you will also be glowing with natural energy. You will also be motivated and prepared to conquer any obstacles that you face throughout the day.

So how can you start your morning off right?

According to one study, obtaining sunlight is one of our main sources of vitamin D.

Vitamin D helps with emotional stability, organ function, and the warmth of its rays lifts our spirits.

But how does it help us with weight loss?

Well, if you alter your morning schedule to soak up some of those morning rays, you will start to feel more energized, motivated, and healthier (thanks to the vitamin D and hormonal changes from sun exposure).

This, in turn, can give you the energy you need to stick to your health goals, go to the gym, or perhaps cook a healthy meal.

Its a lot easier to stick to a weight-loss product (or any health goal) when you feel motivated and energized.

If you consistently get out in the morning for sun exposure, youll also establish an early morning routine. Once you have a routine established, it becomes a lot easier to wake up in the morning.

The point is, people who wake up and eat breakfast early in the morning kick-start their metabolism.

The morning sun also contains higher levels of blue light, which helps normalize your internal circadian rhythm. When your circadian rhythm is working as it should, you sleep a lot better, and have more energy throughout the day. I think everyone could use that.

We need sleep to keep our organs, metabolism, and other important bodily functions running properly.

And guess what? You only need 20-30 minutes of sun exposure in the morning. If you combine it with other activities, you can easily fit it into your busy morning schedule.

Coffee in the sun, anyone?

If you are someone who usually just drinks coffee for breakfast, or even skips breakfast altogether, you are missing out on a massive opportunity to refuel your body with what it needs, and to enable you to hold off your hunger long enough to make smart decisions for lunch.

A high protein intake has been shown to build muscle and keep you fuller longer.

Your body goes through a fast every night when you sleep. Keeping your body full with protein can help with your blood sugar. Your overall caloric intake is going to drop as well because you wont feel the need to snack throughout the morning.

Some people like different types of proteins; my favorite is a great vegan protein powder after a nice workout!

With a full belly, youll be more willing to make health-conscious decisions for lunch because your stomach is not screaming for food all through the morning.

If you are that person that knows that they will want to have a slice of pizza during the day, or will eventually want a piece of cake, treat yourself early. This gives your body ample amount of time during the day to work through it, process it, digest it, and utilize it instead of it sitting in your stomach overnight or after you decide to hit the couch for the evening therefore allowing it to turn to fat instead.

If you want to indulge, do it early while you still have an entire day to burn calories. While it isnt the best scenario for weight loss, cheating with treats early helps your body to not store it as fat so quickly. It gives your body a fighting chance to burn through some of the excess energy before you lay your head down that night.

I know, I know. Cold showers are downright miserable.

Everyone loves a good hot shower in the morning to slowly wake themselves up. But the truth is, studies have shown that taking a cold shower in the morning can help boost your energy levels, your metabolism, and regulate your hormones!

Also, when your body gets cold, you are burning a substantial amount of calories in order for your body to continue to keep you warm, and all of your internal faculties jump on board in order to keep your body healthy. With cold showers, your metabolism will be kicked into high gear.

Cold showers are also a wonderful way to prepare your body for a large breakfast, which will regulate your blood sugar levels and keep your cravings at bay throughout the morning.

It is recommended, however, that you start the first couple of minutes of your shower at your favorite temperature and slowly make it colder. Then you can stay in that cold water for three to four minutes for the maximum benefit.

Fill not just your morning, but your day, with foods that take more time to eat.

When you eat whole foods that contain more fiber, it takes considerably more effort to chew them. In doing so, youre working your jaw more than you usually do, which burns 5% more calories throughout the day than you normally would.

Whole foods like carrots, apples, and brown rice have a plethora of fiber, which will keep your bowels healthy and help you feel fuller longer. Eating fiber-rich foods will help you reduce your overall caloric intake while creating a slight uptick in how many calories you actually burn throughout your day.

This approach might not be enough to shed those 20 pounds youre trying to lose, but every little bit counts! Whats even more important is, eating whole foods improves your overall diet. It will give your body the nutrients it needs to thrive.

And once you get the hang of eating whole foods on a regular basis, and other foods which are allowed under anhcg diet program, your self-confidence will surge and help you to believe in yourself more than you normally would.

When it comes to weight-loss, self-confidence goes quite a long way. (Always buy approved weight loss products).

Being able to implement some of these strategies, just in the morning, will help you to wake up with a smaller waistline day after day after day. Sure, its not a sexy or fast weight loss method. But its sustainable if you stick to itwhich is a lot more effective than losing weight fast only to quickly gain it back.

Give these morning habits a try for 30 days and it will help promote weight loss, regulate your mood, balance your emotions, and aid in your overall outlook for your day.

But remember, these are just tips and tricks. Everyone works differently, so feel free to adapt or change them to fit your needs. Dont think you must implement all of them at once.

It is important, however, to stick to a tip when you try it, because you typically wont see results right away. Give each habit tip a chance (at least 3-4 weeks) to see what wonders it can do for your life.

These morning habits can help you get back on track and promote a healthy lifestyle that is beyond counting calories. Give them a try today!

The post 5 Powerful Morning Habits That Will Help You Lose Weight appeared first on Lifehack.

This post was syndicated from Lifehack. Click here to read the full text on the original website.

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Go here to see the original:
5 Powerful Morning Habits That Will Help You Lose Weight - Nigeria Today

Feb 14

Torres column: Patience is a key to success – Glenwood Springs Post Independent

When it comes to results, I am one of the people who want to see them fast. I remember after I got my two knee surgeries, I wanted to walk the next day. It was the same when one of my dogs had a herniated disc: I wanted him to walk normally within a week.

When I read about successful ideas and businesses, I want Custom Body Fitness to be covering all of Colorado. When I implement a new idea at Custom Body Fitness, I want it to be successful right away.

When new members join Custom Body Fitness, I want them to lose weight quickly, just as they do. I want my clients to understand all the concepts of weight loss in the first assessment. I want them to be strong and know all the exercises from the first day.

When I start reading a new book I want to finish it the same week. I want to know everything as soon as possible.

When I save and invest money, I want the money to duplicate in a couple of weeks. I want to be able to help all the dogs I can as soon as possible.

When it comes to patience, I am the most impatient person you will ever meet. However, many of my clients tell me that I am very patient. I have noticed that most human beings are impatient. This is one of the reasons we dont get what we want and we are unhappy. We plant a seed hoping the next day the fruit has already grown. We dont take the time to water it, protect it from pests and remove the weeds.

Many times we choose the fast and easy way to get what we want, paying the consequences of an illusion.

Mother Teresa said that patience is a virtue we develop we arent born with it. I have come to understand this, and I have developed patience. Therefore, when I want all the results of the seed I just planted, I remind myself that patience gives me more than desperation does. Desperation turns off everything. Ask a woman if she will date a desperate guy.

Frustrations, bad decisions, disappointments and negative consequences are some of the effects of not being patient. There is nothing a patient person cant get with action.

Weight loss is the same; we all want to change our bodies in days. But we often forget that it took time for neglect to change our body, and it would take at least the same amount of time to recuperate.

It is very easy to forget that weight loss requires time. So if you are ready to lose weight or you are already in the process, give it some thought and allow yourself a realistic amount of time to avoid disappointment, which could lead to dropping your efforts.

Start by being patient and understanding that weight loss is a process. Practice all the behavior that will lead to weight loss, just like you would take care of a seed that will bear the fruit you want, and soon enough you will be enjoying the results.

So far patience has worked for me. Not only have I achieved many of my goals and I am a good teacher because of it, but it has helped me to enjoy the process. I always remind myself, What is the rush? What I want to do later, Ill have time to do.

Sandro Torres is owner of Custom Body Fitness in Carbondale, author of the book Lose Weight Permanently and a Watch Fit columnist. His column appears on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month in Body & More.

Read more here:
Torres column: Patience is a key to success - Glenwood Springs Post Independent

Feb 14

The reason people exercise that has nothing to do with losing weight – MarketWatch

Leave weight loss to a proper diet people are mostly exercising because they want to avoid a host of illnesses.

More than half (64%) of people who exercise regularly said they do so to improve their overall health, and 45% said it was to prevent future health issues, according to an exercise trends survey by global research firm Mintel. Comparatively, 36% responded saying they exercised to lose weight. Good news, too countless studies, including one in medical peer-review journal BMC Public Health that says physical activity helps reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes, show youre more likely to improve your health than quickly drop some pounds.

There is not one pill that will do everything exercise does, said Don Hensrud, director of the Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program.

The list of illnesses a proper exercise regimen can prevent goes on and on, he said, including preventing diabetes, high blood pressure, cognitive impairments, cancers, fibromyalgia and even recovery from a broken hip caused by a fall or lack of balance. And, of course, it isnt just physical. People are starting to recognize those indirect benefits that are hard to capture on a FitBit FIT, +1.48% said Dana Macke, senior research analyst at Mintel including the mental and emotional ones.

Around 12-15 million people use wearable technology for health care - a market that includes Fitbit, Apple, Samsung and LG. MarketWatch spoke to Kate McCarthy, a health-care analyst that manages a rare disease using an Apple Watch and a service dog.

See: Heres everything people get wrong about exercise and eating

But not everyone finds the motivation to exercise, or they may even have expectations set too high. More than a third of Americans have already abandoned their workout New Years resolutions, even though they spend an average of $58 a month on gym memberships. Almost 80% of Mintel survey respondents said they had to exercise three times a week to see benefits, and a third said it isnt worthwhile to exercise for less than a half hour.

Regularly exercising can be as simple as doing healthier activities throughout the day, such as choosing stairs over the elevator or walking around the neighborhood, Hensrud said. For example, someone who wants to improve balance can practice standing on one leg and staying attentive to your posture; weight lifting will build a strong core and help with strength training. Even fidgeting can burn calories, a doctor said, after President Donald Trump told Dr. Oz hand gestures count as exercise.

See: 5 ways lifting weights helped me succeed at work

Three-quarters of adults consider themselves regular exercisers, according to Mintel, although a majority is not doing enough to get the health benefits, a 2014 government report found. Federal guidelines dictate 150 minutes of aerobic exercise a week is the minimum people should do. But anyone can get started, no matter how old they are, Hensrud said. People have different challenges, and we may have limitations or joint issues, he said, but theres always something most people can do even with those limitations. Its never too late to start.

See the rest here:
The reason people exercise that has nothing to do with losing weight - MarketWatch

Feb 13

Diet Doc Offers Comprehensive Nutritional Counseling And Safer Weight Loss Solutions For hCG Diet – Marketwired (press release)

PHOENIX, AZ--(Marketwired - February 13, 2017) - Despite an excess of weight loss solutions, most people are not clear enough about their dietary goals to lose weight quickly and effectively. If dieters were more specific about their dietary goals and knowledgeable about past weight loss failures, dieting would be an easier process. According to Dr. Nishant Rao, the resident medical expert at Diet Doc, a nationally recognized weight loss center, when most people say "weight loss," they mean "fat loss." However, the ideal solution for most individuals, based on Dr. Rao's observations, is "optimal fat loss with minimal muscle loss." To achieve this, it is necessary to clearly identify dietary goals and establish the "macro targets" of the diet, which include the protein, carbohydrate and fat components. With the variety of options available, dieters can choose between high-protein, low-carb diets like the Ketogenic Diet or more varied options like the Mediterranean Diet or the Paleo Diet. In many cases, according to Dr. Rao, Diet Doc tends to favor the Paleo Diet, Wild Diet, Ketogenic Diet and the Jumpstart Diet as "blueprints for diet target macros for patients."

In moderate to extreme cases, however, simple lifestyle changes and dieting alone aren't enough. In these situations, a customized hCG diet plan may be recommended. The Diet Doc hCG plan is not to be confused with the original Simeons hCG diet, which was developed in the 1950s and discouraged by Diet Doc as it was practically a starvation diet that limited daily consumption to 500 calories. Diet Doc, instead, has worked with medical experts to better understand hCG and the dietary conditions it requires to be simultaneously safe and effective. After continuous research lasting several decades, Diet Doc has created a flexible diet program that involves consuming no less than 800 calories (and up to 1250 calories) daily without negatively affecting the rate of rapid weight loss. These high-calorie programs offer safe weight loss and are advised for patients considering hCG treatment.

At Diet Doc, patients are urged to fully understand personal dietary needs and obtain a customized diet based on nutritional recommendations. Because dieting involves major lifestyle changes and continuous reduction of calories consumed, Diet Doc offers weight loss and diet consulting to all patients, regardless of their dietary needs or history. With a safe, doctor-supervised diet plan and guidance for life, Diet Doc patients gain the following benefits within the very first month:

Diet Doc programs and aids have a long history of alleviating issues like heart disease, high blood pressure and hypertension through healthy weight loss. And with a team of doctors, nurses, nutritionists and motivational coaches, Diet Doc helps patients curb hunger and lose weight fast, no matter how extreme the case may be. In fact, more than 90% of Diet Doc patients lose 20 or more pounds every month.

Patients can get started immediately, with materials shipped directly to their home or office. They can also maintain weight loss in the long-term through weekly consultations, customized diet plans, motivational coaches and a powerful prescription program. With Diet Doc, the doctor is only a short phone call away and a fully dedicated team of qualified professionals is available 6 days per week to answer questions, address concerns and support patients.

Getting started with Diet Doc is very simple and affordable. New patients can easily visit to quickly complete a health questionnaire and schedule an immediate, free online consultation.

About the Company:

Diet Doc Weight Loss is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support. For over a decade, Diet Doc has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long term weight loss.




Here is the original post:
Diet Doc Offers Comprehensive Nutritional Counseling And Safer Weight Loss Solutions For hCG Diet - Marketwired (press release)

Feb 13

Giving the messages from fat cells a positive spin to prevent diabetes – Science Daily

Science Daily
Giving the messages from fat cells a positive spin to prevent diabetes
Science Daily
Losing weight appears to reset the chemical messages that fat cells send to other parts of the body that otherwise would encourage the development of Type 2 diabetes, substantially reducing the risk of that disease, a team led by Children's National ...

and more »

Read more here:
Giving the messages from fat cells a positive spin to prevent diabetes - Science Daily

Feb 12

Woman who gorged on 11000 a DAY sheds 17st you won’t believe what she looks like now – Daily Star

WEIGHT LOSS transformations dont get much more extreme than this.


An obese mum who used to eat 11,000 calories of fast food a day has undergone a dramatic transformation.

At her heaviest Tiffaney Anderson tipped the scales at 29st 7lbs, following a traumatic childhood that led her to overeat,

The 26-year-old, from Utah, USA, used to spend 6,500 a year on her junk food addiction and one month she received a $1,600 (1,281) credit card bill for just her takeaways.


Tiffaney said: "I would constantly eat fast food every day no matter what, my diet was so high in calories that I was gaining weight very easily.

"While travelling to work, I would order four egg, cheese and sausage McGriddles and a large chocolate chip frappe.

"Then 20 minutes later I would be back at McDonalds, for a second time, ordering the exact same thing before going into work.

Take a look at these exceptional body transformations.

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Elora Harre, 23 has lost eight stone

Her weight quickly spiralled out of control, but after suffering a stoke Tiffaney realised she had to turn her life around.

"But due to my size, I had a mini-stroke while pregnant with my son, which was a reminder that if I didn't do something I would die, she said.

The mum-of-two has now lost a staggering 17st, bringing her down to a healthy 12st 7lbs.

Before her weight loss, Tiffaney reached a body mass index (BMI) of 54.5 - putting her in the highest level of obesity, according to the World Health Organisation.

She suffered a long list of medical issues due to her obesity, including a severely high blood pressure and heart problems.


In a desperate bid to change her life, she opted for a gastric bypass, but stresses it isnt an easy option.

I had a mini-stroke while pregnant with my son

"For me surgery was my only option, but it wasn't an easy journey like everyone believes, it was just as hard and now thankfully I've lost weight, she said.

But her extreme weight loss left her with rolls of unsightly excess skin and she's trying to raise $15,000 (12,000) with a GoFundMe page to have it removed.

Tiffaney said: "The skin looks nasty, it pulls over my abdomen and back.

"It hangs down and is disgusting, I feel like it makes me look like the 400lb girl still.

"I am blessed to have lost this weight, but I want to feel beautiful.


Khloe Kardashian inspires woman's seven stone weight loss

Man celebrates his INCREDIBLE weight loss

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Tiffaneys struggle with her weight started after she suffered emotional and physical abuse growing up.

"I had a really rough childhood, I graduated high school and college homeless because I had to escape from my home, she said. "Growing up I lived in a nightmare."

To make matters worse she was viscously bullied at school over her weight.

"I was made fun of in high school, called 'beached whale' and 'fat cow'," she said. "I would walk on the bus and people would 'moo' at me.

It hurt a lot and only led me to eating even more, it was a horrible, vicious cycle."

Tiffaney's life radically changed after having a gastric sleeve operation and then a mini-gastric bypass last year - and shes relying on the kindness of strangers to help her complete her transformation.

Continued here:
Woman who gorged on 11000 a DAY sheds 17st you won't believe what she looks like now - Daily Star

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