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Eat fat and lose weight? – Hernando Sun

Along with the New Year come the resolutions to get healthy and lose weight. If youre like me, you have tried every diet imaginable. You probably think you have heard it all. Well, there may be something you might not have heard of. Did you know that fat can be good for you? The Ketogenic Diet is a low carb, low sugar, moderate protein, and high fat diet that turns your body into a fat burning machine. Most of us consume a lot of sugar and carbs which our keeps our bodies in a constant state of glycosis which basically means our bodies are burning off sugar, not fat. When you drastically cut your intake of carbohydrates and sugars, your body eventually enters a state of ketosis, in which it is getting its energy from the ketones causing fat to burn quickly. This is beneficial not only for weight loss, but other aspects of your health as well.
Some research suggests that a ketogenic diet can help lower your risk of heart disease. Studies have also shown that it may alleviate some symptoms associated with type 2 diabetes, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, and ALS. This is thought to be because abnormal glucose levels can cause damage to neurons and ketones are believed to protect them. The Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York was the first to demonstrate that ketosis actually slowed down the progression of ALS in mice.
So how can you achieve ketosis?
The diet has a strict guide for the 3 main categories of food: 75% fats, 20% protein, and 5% carbohydrates. Good sources of fat are from avocadoes, nuts (especially almonds, cashews, and macadamia nuts), coconut and olive oils, butter, pumpkin seeds, whole eggs, full fat cheese, chicken thighs and legs, beef (make sure its not lean), pork rinds, sour cream, cream cheese, bacon, and fatty fish. Vegetables that are typical of a ketogenic diet include spinach, broccoli, asparagus and mushrooms. Theres actually a wide variety of foods that you can have, this is by no means an all-inclusive list. The internet is thriving with delicious recipes waiting for you to try. You can test your bodys ketone level with test strips available at most pharmacies to make sure you are in the optimal range.
One warning: Dont get discouraged by The Keto flu. As your body is detoxing and switching gears to get healthy, you may feel sluggish and moody, almost flu-like. Like an addict kicking a bad habit, your body is craving the carbs and sugars its used to. Many people give up at this point, but if you persevere through it, you will see amazing results!
Remember to get your physicians advice before beginning a new diet.
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Eat fat and lose weight? - Hernando Sun
The surprising reason some people don’t lose weight – Personal Liberty Digest

Someone worked hard to lose weight. They went down pounds on the scale and sizes in their clothes. They looked great until they took their clothes off. Their skin didnt exactly bounce back. Have you heard of this happening?
Fear of loose skin is a commonly cited reason overweight people arent motivated to slim down. Take this real message-board post as proof:
i am so afraid of what im going to look like once i lose this weight. when i lose the weight my skin is just going to look like draping. so nervous and find it depressing. i know im going to need tons of plastic surgery.
Granted, Id choose skin that looks like draping over diabetes, heart attacks, limited mobility and other side-effects of obesity any day, but loose, saggy skin is a bummer nonetheless.
The amount of loose skin that remains after weight loss varies by individual. Not everyones skin sags afterwards, and it depends on several factors: total weight gained and lost, age, total muscle mass and genetics.
If youre considering losing weight, here are also a few tips and tricks that will prevent/ limit the amount of loose, saggy skin youre left with. I call them the four Ss
Stay strong
Maintaining or increasing muscle tissue is a major key in minimizing loose skin. Loose skin occurs when the underlying layers of tissue shrink under a larger surface area. If muscle mass is lost in addition to fat, it creates an even larger void under your skins surface. In contrast, increasing lean tissue fills the area underneath the skin, keeping it taut. To stay strong, eat a high-protein diet and incorporate strength training into your exercise routine.
Slow and steady
Losing weight slowly (one to two pounds per week) is one of the most important things you can do to prevent loose skin. Wanting to lose weight as quickly as possible is understandable, but it doesnt give the skin time to adjust to the weight loss. Slow weight loss also plays in to the stay strong aspect of loose skin when you loose weight quickly, youre likely losing fat and muscle.
Gently brushing your skin with a soft, boar-bristle brush before you shower will increase the circulation in your skin (and feel great). This increased circulation will bring nutrients to the skin and improve the quality of collagen and elastin, which will improve the skins ability to bounce back.
When dieting, supplement with vitamins C, A, E and K as well as the B-complex vitamins. These vitamins are all important to skin health. Choose a formula that includes minerals as well. Selenium, copper and zinc are minerals that are vital to healthy skin. Some vitamins formulated specifically for skin health and beauty will also include nutrients like alpha-lipoic acid, DMEA, MSM and hyaluronic acid.
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The surprising reason some people don't lose weight - Personal Liberty Digest
NutriMost Wellness & Weight Loss

NutriMost is an amazing, revolutionary weight-loss program that is sweeping America, and it can completely change your life! According to the Center for Disease Control, obesity contributes to various weight related diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.
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NutriMost uses a unique approach to Weight Loss with All-Natural Supplements designed to support your bodys water level, hormonal levels, and combat other nutritional challenges you may face. Our Wellness and Weight Loss plan focuses on healthy natural food choices verses the powerful chemicals found in highly processed, manufactured, and refined foods. No other plan addresses your individual needs like NutriMost.
NutriMost provides our clients with an unparalleled level of support in their Wellness and Weight Loss journey. Our team approach to your weight loss supports you every step of the way. NutriMost coaches with at-your-fingertip mobile access, weekly consultations, menus & recipes, a friendly approach to extending the program, positive affirmations, and daily email reminders all ensure that you have the tools necessary to achieve your Wellness and Weight Loss goals.
Go here to read the rest:
NutriMost Wellness & Weight Loss
Pick up your walking pace to lose more belly fat – Scouting Magazine

Its no secret that walking is a great way to stay healthy. But if you want walking to help you lose weight, you might be doing it all wrong.
Thats because slow and steady walking doesnt beat belly fat. To lose weight efficiently and target the most dangerous type of fat, called visceral or deep abdomen fat, studies have shown that you need to pick up the pace and walk with intensity.
One such study by exercise physiologists at the University of Virginia showed that women who completed three 30-minute fast-paced walks and two slower walks per week lost four times more total body fat and six times more belly fat than women who walked five days a week at a casual strolling pace. Over the course of 16 weeks, the fast-walkers lost 8 pounds without dieting.
Intense exercise boosts levels of fat-burning hormones in the body and increases the number of calories burned post-exercise, whats known as the after-burn effect, according to Arthur Weltman, Ph.D., director of the exercise laboratory at the University of Virginia.
One of the easiest ways to tap into the fat-burning power of walking is through an exercise technique called high-intensity interval training. HIIT is nothing more than alternating short bursts of fast-paced effort with slower, easier recovery segments.
Start with a three-minute warmup at the pace of a casual stroll; thats an intensity of, say, three or four on a scale of one to 10.
Moderate pace: Next, pick up the pace to an intensity level of six for two minutes. You should still be able to carry on a conversation. It helps to wear a watch or carry a smartphone and use the stopwatch function.
Fast pace: Swing your arms and speed up to a power walk of about seven to eight on an intensity scale of 10. Keep it up for one minute. It should be very difficult to speak in full sentences at this intensity.
Moderate pace: After a minute, slow down to a moderate recovery pace for three minutes. Then continue alternating between a one-minute fast pace and a three-minute moderate recovery pace for 20 to 30 minutes, ending with a three-minute cool downof slow walking.
The trick to losing weight is burning as much fuel as possible as quickly as possible, says Tim Coyle, an exercise physiologist in New York City. Think of a car traveling at a steady speed of 55 mph on a highway; thats pretty fuel efficient, he says. Compare that with stop-and-go city driving, where the car uses much more gasoline. That slow-down, speed-up pattern is like interval training. Thats what you want to burn more calories.
Here are some easy techniques to adjust your walking style to make it more effective at burning away belly fat.
(Before starting any new exercise program, especially high-intensity exercise, see your physician for a checkup and let him or her know your fitness plans.)
Bend your elbows at right angles and keep your hands loose as if holding a potato chip between your thumb and fingers; thatll prevent you from squeezing your fists and tensing your shoulders. Now, keeping your arms close to your body, swing them in an arc. The faster you swing, the longer your stride and the faster youll walk. Doing so can boost calorie burn about 10 percent.
Exercising on an empty stomach or whats known as a fasted state can help you burn more calories directly from body fat instead of from the carbohydrates you ate.
Make a playlist of upbeat songs that are between 80 and 130 beats per minute to set your pace. The beat will keep you moving fast, and your favorite tunes will motivate you to push yourself harder. (For safety, use your earbuds or headphones only while walking on a treadmill, not on the street.)
Adding hills to your walking route will create an interval-training workout automatically by forcing you to alter your pace. The inclines will elevate your heart rate and boost your calorie burn by nearly 20 percent.
For a quick interval-training walking workout, walk the bleachers of a local high school football stadium. Walk up 10 to 20 steps at a brisk but controlled pace, and then walk back down at a slow recovery pace. Thats one repetition. Do five to 10. Stair intervals are also great training for hikes. For added resistance, do them while wearing a loaded backpack.
Stair climbing builds your glutes and calls into play lots of stabilizer muscles because youre stressing and balancing on one leg as you lift your other leg to the next step, says Coyle. Stair climbing elevates your heart rate quickly, so its a great way to get a lot of exercise value out of a short workout.
Walking on soft surfaces that arent firmly packed requires you to use more muscles to maintain your balance, resulting in greater energy expenditure. Walking on soft sand, for example, increases calorie expenditure by almost 50 percent compared to walking on a track if you keep your pace the same.
At the halfway point on your high-intensity interval walk, stop walking and do a quick circuit of bodyweight exercises, such as pushups, jumping jacks, squats and bear walking. Allow your heart rate to come down while walking at a moderate pace before you start your fast-paced intervals again.
Plan a trip to Cumberland Gap National Historic Park
Original post:
Pick up your walking pace to lose more belly fat - Scouting Magazine
‘I Crowdfunded Money For Weight-Loss Surgery And It Totally Changed My Life’ – Women’s Health

Women's Health | 'I Crowdfunded Money For Weight-Loss Surgery And It Totally Changed My Life' Women's Health She wanted me to lose the weight through diet and exercise, but I knew I needed more. Lap-band surgery seemed to be the least drastic surgical procedure, even though I wouldn't lose weight as quickly as with gastric bypass. But I didn't need to be thin ... |
Here is the original post:
'I Crowdfunded Money For Weight-Loss Surgery And It Totally Changed My Life' - Women's Health
6 Expert-Approved Ways To Lose Fat Fast – Women’s Health

Women's Health | 6 Expert-Approved Ways To Lose Fat Fast Women's Health "Some diets that promote rapid weight loss are too restrictive and unrealistic over time, which leads to weight regain," says Armul. So even if you lose five pounds a week on a quick-fix diet, that weight will be back faster than you can say, "I don't ... |
Originally posted here:
6 Expert-Approved Ways To Lose Fat Fast - Women's Health
Two ways to lose weight quickly in Toowoomba – The South Burnett Times

TOOWOOMBA personal trainer Ben Loxley said consistency and nutrition were the two keys to losing weight.
He said exercising in a consistent way by making it part of a daily workout could help people struggling to lose weight.
How to do it depends on the person but he said the slower approach was often best for people starting out.
Good nutrition is also important.
"I'm a big believer in balance. If you're eating whole foods that come from the ground 80% of the time you can't go wrong."
He admitted to eating fast food at times, but said it was all about moderation.
Walking is a great way to start off. "You can get out and do it whenever you have the time," he said.
"Walking with a friend is helpful. One of the great things is to find a buddy who keeps you accountable."
But that can only take you so far. He said going to the gym and finding something you enjoyed would take you to the next level.
Contact Mr Loxley on 0403 884 790 or email befit@
Originally posted here:
Two ways to lose weight quickly in Toowoomba - The South Burnett Times
Fast weight loss: What’s wrong with it? –

By Mayo Clinic News Network
The concern with fast weight loss is that it usually takes extraordinary efforts in diet and exercise -- efforts that could be unhealthy and that you probably can't maintain as permanent lifestyle changes.
A weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds a week is the typical recommendation. Although that may seem like a slow pace for weight loss, it's more likely to help you maintain your weight loss for the long term. Remember that 1 pound (0.45 kilogram) of fat contains 3,500 calories. So to lose 1 pound a week, you need to burn 500 more calories than you eat each day (500 calories x 7 days = 3,500 calories).
Also, if you lose a lot of weight very quickly, you may not lose as much fat as you would with a more modest rate of weight loss. Instead, you might lose water weight or even lean tissue, since it's hard to burn that many fat calories in a short period.
In some situations, however, faster weight loss can be safe if it's done the right way. For example, doctors might prescribe very low calorie diets for rapid weight loss if obesity is causing serious health problems. But an extreme diet like this requires medical supervision. And it can be difficult to keep this weight off.
In addition, some diets include an initiation phase to help you jump-start your weight loss. You can lose weight quickly with an approach like this because it combines many healthy and safe strategies at once -- no gimmicks or extreme dieting. After the initial two-week period, you transition into the recommended weight loss of 1 or 2 pounds a week, which is not only safe but also realistic and sustainable for the long term.
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Fast weight loss: What's wrong with it? -
Why Men Lose Weight Faster Than Women – Leadership Newspapers (blog)

Why Men Lose Weight Faster Than Women Feb 4, 2017 6:08 pm |
Believe it or not, men do have a competitive edge when it comes to losing weight, its just in their DNA both physical and cultural. More often than not, men tends to lose weight faster because they have more muscle mass. However, as unfair as it may seem research shows that men lose weight faster than women.
Here are reasons why men lose weight faster
Men typically have between 40 per cent and 60 per cent more muscle structure than women. And because muscles burn more fuel than your other parts (organs, bone, stored fat), men have a built-in ability to burn fat more quickly than women. Thats one reason weight exercises are so important , especially for women. Build more muscle, burn more fat.
Men seem to be better able at shaking off their stress. Socially, they are conditioned to burn it off physically, to fix it and move on. Typically, guys can get into a fight in the morning, then go shoot hoops in the afternoon because they are over it and dont hold on to things like girls do. That means men generally produce fewer stress hormones that can inhibit weight loss and contribute to excess fat storage, especially in the belly.
Because women produce more estrogen than men (yes, men do produce estrogen), women are more affected by the estrogen-mimicking properties of soy and dairy, which can contribute to weight gain. (Read more on soy and plant estrogens.) Because of their very hormonal makeup, men are just better able to metabolize these and avoid their effects.
Its said that women start their first diet at 14 while men start theirs at 40. For many women, dieting during adolescence wreaks havoc during this fragile time of hormonal development. So mens metabolisms arent usually as broken down in the first place.
I have spoken to so many of my doctor friends about this. I get many referrals from doctors for their male patients, with strict instructions to drop 20, 40 or even 60 pounds right away. I even got an actual prescription written to me with a referral on it. It said I want him down 30 lbs. before follow up visit.
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Why Men Lose Weight Faster Than Women - Leadership Newspapers (blog)
Couple sheds half of their body fat in a year and here’s how they did it – Metro

(Picture: Caters News)
An obese couple who, together, topped the scales at 55 stone have shed half of their body fat in just 12 months.
26-year-old Lexi Reed weighed 34st 6lbs when she married husband Danny, 28, who at his heaviest weight 20st. The couple, from Indiana, USA, maintained their heavy weight by gorging on over 8,000 calories a day, dining every day on things like fried food and Chinese takeaways.
But last January, the couple knew they needed to change, and so, in a bid to become better versions of themselves, the pair ditched their fast food lifestyle, and stuck to their New Years resolutions to lose weight.
They have already lost an astounding 22st in just a year.
Lexi, a receptionist, says that her weight affected her in a variety of ways often leaving her feeling anxious when eating out.
She said: I was always terrified of breaking furniture when eating out, people would stare at us and its no real surprise as we weighed a combined 55 stone.
We never ate vegetables and never tried to be healthy, everything we ate would either be fried or from a fast food restaurant.
We were easily eating 4,000 calories a day each, we didnt know where to stop.
Lexi explained that their resolutions to lose weight were nothing new but in January 2016, they finally decided to stick to them though it was very hard, as it was all the pair knew in their relationship together.
Lexi said: In January 2016 my best friend challenged me to not eat out for 30 days, I wasnt allowed to eat any junk food and for once I stuck to it, and so did Danny.
From there it was so much easier to keep at it and I said to myself that I would be happy with losing seven stone in the first year.
Danny was really supportive and we started to make everything from scratch at home, we found alternatives ways of eating food that we loved, so we would still eat pizza but it would be a healthy option.
According to Lexi, this health kick entailed a massive diet overhaul, both in what they were eating and the amounts they were eating it in.
Lexi said: Its what our relationship revolved around, most days we would go to a Chinese buffet and eat three-four plates each before getting home and ordering takeaway.
But it wasnt just the relationship their diet was controlling it was their health, too.
My size controlled my life and it was also affecting my health, I had difficulty breathing and Im pretty sure I was pre-diabetic, people dont understand how hard it is to be over weight, admitted Lexi.
I was once turned away at a theme park because I was too big to fit on the rollercoasters, it was humiliating.
But once we put our mind to it the weight quickly started to fall off, I have since lost nearly 17st and Danny has lost 4st 6lbs.
Breakfast nothing
Lunch Chinese buffet 3-4 plates
Dinner large family pizza meal deal
Snacks mountain dew, sweets, chocolate, crisps
Breakfast eggs and turkey bacon
Snacks cheese stick
Lunch salmon or chicken with vegetables
Snacks handful of nuts
Dinner chicken, cottage cheese, vegetables
Snacks low calorie ice cream
The pair are still working hard every day to keep on losing and toning up, but they are doing amazingly each and every day.
And, as well as dieting, the couple attend the gym five-six times a week, and Lexi regularly attended Zumba classes.
Lexi currently weighs 17st 7lbs and Danny weighs 15st 5lbs and now, the pair is hoping to inspire others who are wanting to lose weight.
Lexi said: We want to encourage people that it is possible to change your life with diet and exercise.
I dont want you in my life if you mansplain periods like theyre a tummyache
Sainsbury's is now selling Valentine's Day cards for same-sex couples
This Sainsbury's worker stepped in to help with a nine-year-old's panic attack
You dont need a trainer, surgery, to spend tons of money on healthy food or supplements. You just need yourself and to put forward hard work and determination.
Small changes are going to add up to big results.
MORE: How to lose weight 11 easy changes to make to your diet today
MORE: This Instagram fitness blogger is illustrating the downside to losing weight
Metro Blogs is a place for opinions. These opinions belong to the author and are not necessarily shared by Metro.
See original here:
Couple sheds half of their body fat in a year and here's how they did it - Metro