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How to lose water weight quickly and naturally – Calorie …

If you are retaining fluid, your clothes may feel tighter, you may feel bloated or weighed down, and you may even look swollen or puffy. There are many reasons why you might be retaining fluid, but what is the quickest and most natural way to get rid of it?
Water weight happens when your body retains fluid. It happens when there is a buildup of fluid in the circulatory system or body tissues. There are many ways that it can be caused including:
When there is a change in pressure inside the capillaries or the capillary walls are too leaky, the water will remain in the tissues, and cause swelling.
If there is too much fluid in the lymphatic system, the excess fluid will remain in the tissues, which causes swelling in the legs, ankles, feet, or any other parts of the body.
When the heart fails, in congestive heart failure, the heart has to work harder. This changes the pressure and causes water retention in the legs, feet, ankles and lungs.
Severe protein deficiency.
Insufficient B-vitamins.
During kidney failure
During pregnancy or menstruation
Lack of exercise
Certain medications such as hormone replacement therapy, birth control pills, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and beta blockers.
Eating a lot of high sodium foods
Eating excess sugar.
As you can see, there are many causes of water retention, but depending on what is causing your body retain water, will determine how you should get rid of it. Obviously, if you have a medical condition, such as heart disease or kidney disease, you should see your doctor and they will likely prescribe diuretics for you and may even put you on a fluid restriction.
There are many foods or diuretic aids that may act as natural diuretics and will help produce urine, which helps to remove the fluids from your body.
Apple cider vinegar helps maintain potassium levels and is a natural diuretic
Asparagus contains asparagines, which helps flush the kidneys
Beets helps get rid of fatty deposits
Brussels sprouts
Cabbage help break up fatty deposits
Carrots speed up the metabolism and help remove fat and waste from the body
Cranberry juice
Horseradish also speeds up the metabolism
Lettuce helps flush toxins
Dandelion and Dandelion Leaf
Green tea
Before trying any of these to help with your water retention, you may want to talk to your doctor to find out what is actually causing your body to retain water. It is also important to treat what is causing you to retain the water, and not to rely on the natural diuretics.
If you are consuming too much sodium or sugar, you should cut back (See also: simple ways to reduce sodium intake). If you arent eating enough protein or B-vitamins, you should find out how much you need and include adequate amounts in your diet (see also: How to eat more protein). You should also make sure that you are getting plenty of exercise and following a healthy diet.
While most diet books are aimed to help people lose excess fat, The Waterfall Diet focuses on getting rid of fluid retention and removing water weight. It is written by Linda Lazarides, a nutritional therapist.
The book states that it might be fluid that is making you overweight, and not fat. The diet is divided into 3 phases. The first phase lasts 2 months, and is meant to help you lose any extra fluid from your body as quickly as possible. This phase focuses on cleaning your body of anything that may be causing you to retain fluid, and may also indicate a possible food allergy. There are very few foods that you can eat, and a long list of foods that you cant eat.
The second phase allows you to reintroduce foods one at a time to see if any of them were causing you to retain fluid.
The third phase should be followed long term, and allows more foods to be eaten, but still recommends that 90% of your diet should consist of the foods that you ate during the first phase.
The diet claims that you can lose up to 14 pounds in 7 days, but states that if your fluid retention is not caused by an allergy, that you may lose weight more slowly.
So, if you are retaining fluid, the first step would, of course, be to see your doctor to see what is causing you to retain fluid to make sure that you dont have an underlying condition.
If you dont have a medical condition that requires diuretics, you can choose to try adding some natural diuretics to your diet and make sure that you are following a healthy diet and doing some type of activity every day. You can also read: Does water make you lose weight. Or, you may want to try The Waterfall Diet to find out if there is an allergy causing you to retain fluid, which should help you lose water weight quickly.
References used in this article
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How to lose water weight quickly and naturally - Calorie ...
How To Lose Weight Fast –

Andothers, if they neglect their health for long enough, will pack on a large amount of body fat.
This can be damaging to your health and embarrassing.
Having a body fat percentage that is within the ideal range is essential to living a long healthy life.
Its very difficult toachieve your ideal body weight if you are regularly practising in self-sabotaginghabits that are not consistent with your health and fitness goals.
However, when you understand there has to be a total lifestyle change, you will be on your way to attaining your dream beach body.
Yes, it is possible to lose weight fast in a healthy manner.
Below is a video of some of my clients that have done my 6-week body transformation program who are living proof
There are two elements thatmust come into play; nutrition and exercise.
You will not get optimum results without both.
The first place to begin when you want to lose weight fast is your nutrition habits. What you eat on a daily basis will define what your body looks like, your body is merely a reflection of your daily habits.
Some people will cut calories too quicklyto achieve fast weight loss, this is a big mistake.
If you cut calories too fastyou will just lose muscle and water, and because muscle is the only tissue that is metabolically expensive (muscle burns calories), you will very soon hit a plateau and find it impossible to continue losing weight. This is why so many peoples weight YO-YO and why so many people actually increase weight as soon as after they finish whatever diet they were on.
At Dangerously Fit, our goal is for our clients to lose between 1-2 kilos of bodyfat per week, every week.
We do this by utilising 3 fat burning methods that work synergistically with one another;
Step One: We reduce your daily calorie intake by 20%,by creating a calorie deficit your body is forced to utilise stored body fat for energy.
Hit the Facebook share button below and use my calorie tool to calculate exactly how many calories your body needs to lose weight (assuming youre exercising 3-4 times per week).
Step Two: We incorporate strength training into your training program, like I said earlier muscle is metabolically expensive, so the more lean muscle tissue you have the more calories your body burns. So, youll be burning heaps more calories 24/7, even while you sleep! Now, ladies dont worry the type of strength training we do will make you look fit and athletic andNOTbig and bulky.
Step Three: We use metabolic conditioning AKA Metcon. Metcon is a style of training that works both energy systems simultaneously (aerobic and anaerobic). This type of training is scientifically proven to burn 9 times more calories that the usual steady state cardio that most people do in gyms.
Bonus Step Four:We practice these 3 new fat burning habits until youreach your ideal bodyweight, if youre consistent weight loss is the only possible outcome!
Here are some more of my 6-week body transformation clients
1. Reduce foods that arehigh in Sugar, Salt and Fat This is a basic principle that should never be ignored. One of the biggest health challenges we face today is the consumption of processed foods. Processed foods are slowly poisoning us with ingredients that are toxic to the body and high levels of salt, sugar and fat that our bodies cannot process. The worst thing about these foods is that they are highly addictive.
Therefore, to lose weight fast, eliminateall processed foods from your diet. Next time you go to the supermarket 90% of your groceries should come from outside isle(fresh foods).
Take a look at your shopping trolley, is it littered with brightly coloured plastic containers or fresh fruit, vegetable, nuts and clean meats?
Remember, your body is a reflection of your lifestyle!
2. Reduce portion sizes Portion sizes is a learned habit that can easily be changed, but unfortunately most people eat more food than they actually need.
Even if you are eating healthy do not eat too much, you can have too much of a good thing!
Add plenty of vegetables to your plate and eat protein with every meal to keep you fuller for longer.
3. Energy in Energy out
Weight loss is actually very simple, a basic mathematical formula that cannot be ignored.
Energy in Energy out = Weight loss or Weight Gain.
There are 7700 calories in 1kilo of bodyfat.
Therefore, to lose 1 kilo of bodyfat per week you must create a weekly calorie deficit of7700 calories.
So youll need to create a daily calorie deficitof 1100 calories, this is actually very easy when you combine the 3 fat burning methods I talked about earlier.
Hit the Facebook share button below and use my calorie tool to calculate exactly how many calories your body needs to lose weight (assuming youre exercising 3-4 times per week).
If you found this article helpful,please Like my Facebook page for more rapid weight loss tips and advice.
And, if you want a proven weight loss program that has got thousands of people from all over the world into incredible shape, check out my 6 Week Body Challenge.
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24 Ways to Lose Weight: Get Slim Without Diets in Pictures

1)Lew Robertson/Studio Paggy 2)Biggie Productions/Taxi 3)Peter Cade/Iconica 4)Foodcollection 5)Barry Vee/Photographers Choice 6)Image Source 7)Frank Bean/Uppercut Images 8)Foodcollection 9)Dorling Kinderley/Judd Pilossof/FoodPix 10)Getty 11)Sam Armstrong/Photographers Choice/Hans Bjurling 12)DAJ 13)Patrik Giardino/Taxi 14)Jo Sax/Stone+ 15)Gentl and Hyers/FoodPix 16)Glowimages 17)Sian Irvine/Image Source/Getty 18)Brayden Knell/WebMD 19)Doring Kindersley/WebMD 20)Sian Kennedy/Photonica 21)Nino Mascardi/Photographers Choice 22)Kurtwilson/FoodPix 23)TGStock/Tim Graham Photo Library 24)Somos/Veer
Wansink, B. Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think, Bantam Books, 2006.
Center for Science in the Public Interest: "New Year's Resolutions."
Framson, C. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, August 2009; vol 109: pp 1439-1444.
Consumer Reports: "6 Secrets of the Slim for Your Diet Plan."
News release, The Endocrine Society.
Kokkinos, A. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, published online Oct. 29, 2009.
Michael Breus, Founder of Soundsleep Solutions; author, Good Night: The Sleep Doctor's 4-Week Program to Better Sleep and Better Health.
Sivak, M. Obesity Review, August 2006; vol 7(3): pp 295-6.
Neal Barnard, MD, president, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine; adjunct associate professor of medicine, George Washington University School of Medicine.
Judith M. Lukaszuk, PhD, RD, assistant professor, School of Family, Consumer, and Nutrition Sciences, Northern Illinois University.
Elaine Magee,MPH, RD, author Food Synergy, 2008.
Major, G.C. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, January 2007; vol 85: pp 54-59.
Lukaszuk, J.M. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, October 2007; vol 107: pp 1811-1814.
Ello-Martin, J.A. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, June 2007; vol 85: pp 1465-1477.
Ledikwe, J.H. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, May 2007; vol 85: pp 1212-1221.
Katcher, H.I. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, January 2008; vol 87: pp 79-90.
Public Health Idaho North Central District: "Make One Change to Lose 10 Pounds in a Year." Women, Infants & Children PDF.
USDA National Nutrient Database.
University of Nebraska, Nutrition Education Program: "Think What You Drink."
Carolyn O'Neil, MS, RD, co-author, The Dish on Eating Healthy and Being Fabulous.
Christine Gerbstadt, MD, MPH, RD, spokeswoman, American Dietetic Association.
Dawn Blatner-Jackson, MS, RD, spokeswoman, American Dietetic Association.
2005 U.S. Dietary Guidelines.
American Heart Association.
UCLA Student Nutrition Awareness Campaign: "Calories Count."
Newby, P.K. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, June 2005; vol 81(6): pp 1267-74.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "Physical Activity for a Healthy Weight."
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24 Ways to Lose Weight: Get Slim Without Diets in Pictures
How to Lose Weight Nutrisystem Reviews 2016

People could read this hard hitting, truthful Nutrisystem review and learn why this home delivery diet program can be their best shot at losing weight easily. There are many good reasons to find out all you can about it before you get started.
In this 2016 Nutrisystem reviews article I guide you honestly through the things you need to know about the program with facts. Thats so you can make your own mind up as to whether you want to sign up with Nutrisystem or not.
So lets do some research on both its good and bad points to offer a fair view on how Nutrisystem really performs. That way we can see whether it really can help you to lose weight or not.
From December 16 2015, the latest promotion TURBO 10 is available NOW!
The latest promotion has Marie Osmond staying in the driving seat as the female celebrity face of Nutrisystem. The promo emphasis has shifted from last year to their latest upgraded program called TURBO 10.
When you sign up for and follow Turbo 10 by doing what the program tells you to do, the claim is that you will lose up to 10 pounds and 5 inches from your waist in your first month!
Plus you get 50% Off price of the first month. Now I dont know about you, but from where Im sitting, that sounds like a pretty attractive offer!
2016 is going to be a great year for dieters looking to shed those unwanted extra pounds! Nutrisystem is in the forefront of the diet industry and they have come out for the New Year with guns blazing.
You have to remember, this is a company that has been a leader in the weight loss diet meal business for over 40 years. So I guess you can sort of trust they know a thing or two about dieting!
(Note: See our up to the minute promotional banner above leftclick it and be eligible for the brand new Turbo 10 and get 50% OFF automatically as you visit their official website).
Lose up to 10 lbs in your first month with TURBO 10!
The massive 50% Off promotions is back! You can diet and lose weight for less money with this program than almost any other on the market right now. When you click the banner above now, you can be losing weight and eating great food for less than $10 per day when you choose the auto-delivery option!
This gives you a big discount that is widely advertised this time around. By combining this offer with auto-delivery, it can mean reducing the cost of all the top programs to a very affordable and surprisingly low price!
However, please be aware that with auto-delivery you must receive and pay for at least 2 months deliveries before you cancel to avoid extra charges.
The simple message from Nutrisystem My Way for 2016 is:
Lose up to 10 lbs + 5 inches off your waist overall in your first month with TURBO 10
Lose weight while enjoying delicious meals made with just the right amount of carbs, fiber and protein in every bite
Lets start out with a question for you. What you do want to achieve by starting a Nutrisystem diet plan?
I dont have to tell you how much weight you could lose by choosing Nutrisystem as your diet program, since its reputation precedes it with thousands and thousands of successful customers who can back up their promise to you.
But have you ever been really excited to start a diet? Like the time you saw an advertisement and said to yourself, That sounds amazing and you had to try it and you did! As you read through this review and get more and more excited, your heart beats faster and you can see yourself succeeding with Nutrisystem. Will you say to yourself, I have to do this for myself. This is just what I need!
Then take a moment to find out more about how this can work for you if you decide that its right for you.
Nutrisystems diet system revolves around providing you with low calorie, high nutrition pre-prepared meals to eat instead your regular meals. Their set meals are nutritionally balanced and contain all the nutrients your body needs for maintaining good health, while being low in calories to help you to lose weight.
In addition to the core plans for men and for women, there are several special plans tailored to different needs or groups. Such as the popular:
Or specialist plans like Select that provides high quality fresh frozen meals. The above plans are specially tailored for each group as we all have different nutritional requirements. There are further customization opportunities possible such as those with certain food intolerance such as gluten or lactose, for example.
With over 150 different meals to choose from (including 30 new and improved dishes), the menu is extremely varied. It provides a huge scope for you to further customize your menu to suit your individual tastes. You can easily choose which meals you prefer upon ordering.
When you take delivery of your months package of meals and sit down to your first, you may notice the meals are smaller than what youre probably used to. But the idea here is to lose weight and you are not going to do that if you keep eating large meals!
You can add your own improvements to the main meals to make them even more satisfying. Simply add some fresh green vegetables and other grocery items recommended by Nutrisystem to accompany the meals. This will help to prevent you feeling hungry after eating a meal.
Most veggies are low calorie and fill you up while being healthy! But remember, adding some grocery items is only a recommendationits not obligatory. The diet plans work perfectly on their own.
The healthy food also contains some additional fiber for improved colon health. This might result in producing some flatulence (gas) in some folks.
It happens particularly in those dieters who are used to a bad diet of processed and junk food. Their bodies need to get used to digesting healthy food and this can sometimes create gas. Some complain about it, but hey, is it really any big deal?
There are plenty of advantages long with some disadvantages with most diets. Many reviews tend only to highlight the advantages, dont forget. This one tells it like it is, warts and all!
The big advantage with Nutrisystem is its designed for people who dont have the time or inclination to spend too much time in the kitchen!
The meals are simple to get ready. You just get them out of their packaging (or the freezer in the case of fresh frozen meals) and pop them into the microwave. Its convenient, pretty effortless and the food is tasty too!
The big downside to any diet system like this is the cash side of things. The cost might seem a little high when you have to pay for four weeks of meals all in one payment, but dont let that put you off.
It can work out at less than $10 a day depending on the plan you choose. Of course you can spread that cost by paying with a credit card, but heres the thing:
Remember that the cost of this diet includes a whole 28 days of 3 full meals plus snacks and protein shakes per day here. Thats for ALL the food you will need to eat for those weeks.
To get the right perspective, first take the total price you pay for the diet. And then deduct what youd normally spend on all the food youd eat for 28 days.
Then whats left is the true cost of this diet program.
Many people are pleasantly surprised to find that the balance isnt as great as they thought it would be. Most customers work it out to discover that the program actually costs less than what they normally spend on the food that made them gain weight!
Are you looking to sign up with Nutrisystem and are interested in finding out more about how you can get started right now? Remember, this is a super convenient, time saving diet plan that works! You can click your mouse on the image below to visit the official Nutrisystem website and really go for it.
Why wait? Get started right now!
PS: the latest offer is pretty special to get you losing weight for real. So if your aim is to look and feel great, then go ahead and take advantage of it right now!
Note: Every attempt has been made to ensure this review is unbiased while remaining factual and accurate. The author is a paid affiliate of Nutrisystem, as you will notice a promotional banner advertising their product and latest discount offer above!
So anyway, how does our review look? Does it make you want to think for yourself about this? We hope so, because when you come to a decision that you decide and not some salesman, then you have the satisfaction of knowing that you made it, not someone made it for you.
If you want to add your own review or opinions to this article, feel free to leave a comment with your story, good or not so good and Ill publish it. Simply complete the form at the foot of this page and add your own story, comment or thoughts on this review article or on any aspect of the Nutrisystem diet that you feel you want to talk about.
All comments are moderated to prevent spam, but I usually approve valid ones inside of 48 hours.
Dr Cook
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How to Lose Weight Nutrisystem Reviews 2016
The Scientifically Proven Way to Lose Weight After …

The scariest thing about the weight gain after menopause is it seems to happen to even active and fit women.
In a recent letter to the health columnist at the New York Times a woman talks about suddenly gaining 15 pounds after menopause, despite exercising moderately for over 30 years. She says shes not sleep deprived (which can contribute to weight gain) and cant figure out how to lose the weight
Can you relate?
Seems the problem lies with an increased levels of two enzymes found in our fat cells after we hit menopause. Apparently these nasty buggers kick in when estrogen levels drop. Their sole purpose in life is to make our lives miserable by manufacturing and storing fat.
Nice, right?
On top of this enzymatic situation, metabolism drops at the same time. Between the two, many women gain an average of 10 pounds around menopause.
But heres the good news: You can reverse it.
Of course you cant switch off the enzymes (at least not yet), but you can still win the weight gain battle. In a study of 17,000 postmenopausal women (who were not on any hormones), researchers found they were three times more likely to lose weight when they increased their fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
Sounds easy enough.
And theres more. According to another study involving over 500 women, those who followed a diet of 1,300 calories and burned 1,000 to 1,500 calories a week greatly reduced their waistlines and remained at or below their baseline weight.
Let me repeat that: Below their baseline weight!
So with these guidelines in mind, Ive developed a sample 1,300 calorie healthy menus and ways to burn 1,000 to 1,500 calories a week.
Read on for the scoop
Sample 1,300 calorie menu
Breakfast: 1 carbohydrate + 2 protein
Example: Veggie omelet made with 2 egg whites + 1 yolk and cup non-starchy veggies such as onions and mushrooms
Snack: 1 carb + 1 protein
Example: medium apple with 1 tbsp peanut or almond butter
Lunch: 1 carb + 3 oz protein + 1 fat (include at least 2 servings of a non-starchy vegetable)
Example: whole grain wrap (<120 cal) + 3 oz turkey breast + baby spinach, tomatoes and 1/4 avocado + side of baby carrots
Snack: 1 carb + 1 protein
Example: mini pizzasmall whole wheat pita topped with 2 tbsp tomato sauce + 1 oz low-fat mozzarella
Dinner: 1 carb + 3 oz protein + 1 fat (include at least 2 servings of a non-starchy vegetable)
Example: Chicken and broccoli stir-fry over brown rice saut broccoli in 1 tbsp vegetable oil, add 3 oz sliced chicken breast and serve over cup brown rice
After dinner: small piece of fruit or other healthy snack of your choice equaling 100 calories
To burn 1,000 or more calories a week you simply need to exercise long enough to burn off 200 calories a day, five days a week. Mix and match these 200-calorie activities (calculated for a 150-lb woman):
What changes will you make this week, based on these suggestions? Id love to hear about any revelations or any of my advice that resonated with you. And please let me know in the comments section if you have any questions.
And if you enjoyed this newsletter please share it on social networks and pass it along to your friends.
Thanks so much for reading and keep me posted on your progress!
Fit, Fab &Ageless!
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You’re Not Eating Enough Calories to Lose Weight

The majority of the time when youre having a problem losing weight, its not because you arent making good food choices. The reason why your weight loss has stagnated is because youre not eating enough calories to lose weight.
When most people start dieting, they slash their calories and add a large amount of exercise to their daily routine. Thats fine, but they usually cut their calories way too low. Add in the extra exercise, and all of a sudden you have an extreme calorie deficit that is working against you.
Not eating enough calories causes many metabolic changes. Your body is a smart machine and senses a large decrease in dietary energy. Your large calorie deficit might work for a few days or even weeks, but eventually your body will wake up and sound alarms that it needs to conserve energy.
It doesnt want to just waste away. It needs that energy (fat) to survive. So, what does your body do when it senses prolonged energy restriction? Not eating enough calories
Your goal should be to eat as many calories as possible and still lose weight. You always want to start high and then come down with your calorie intake. Its much easier to do this than come up in calories after your weight loss has stalled and youve lost all your motivation.
How many calories should you eat? There is no perfect number. Each persons metabolism is different. Someone whos undereaten their entire life and is sedentary will need far fewer calories than the person who exercises a lot and has an active job.
To find your effective calorie intake you need to either:
The problem is most people want the weight gone, and they want it gone now. Weight loss is a patience game. It takes time and consistency to make it work.
Losing .5-1% of your body mass each week is the most I would aim for. At this pace, it will ensure that the majority of your weight loss is coming from stored body fat instead of muscle. You will also give yourself the best chance to build muscle while you lose fat, which is what you should be striving to do.
And then there are the intangibles to eating higher calories reduced hunger and cravings, improved mood, additional nutrients, and improved adherence to your plan. After all, whats the point in losing 5 pounds in 2 weeks if thats as long as you can sustain the large calorie deficit youre in?
So if your progress has stalled, but you think youre eating the right foods and exercising intensely, more than likely your problem is that youre not eating enough calories to lose weight. Try raising your calories some, get in as many nutrients as possible, and your weight loss will start moving forward again.
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You're Not Eating Enough Calories to Lose Weight
Can Honey Help You Lose Weight – Seriously? – Discover the …

Can Honey Help You Lose Weight?
Do you think this question is the same as asking, Can sugar help you lose weight? After all, honey is sweet and many use it as a substitute for sugar. No doubt, like me, youve been told all your life that you should avoid sugary things if you want to lose weight. So, isnt it a big fat (no pun intended) contradiction to say that honey helps with weight loss?
Lets start with a simple explanation of how your body responds to both honey and table sugar.
Table Sugar - Sugar, after it has been processed, is striped of its nutrients. So, in essence, it is a naked carb. In order to be used by the body, it must depend on your bodys nutrients. So, the body is drained of important minerals and vitamins.
Processed Table Sugar Contributes To Obesity
Sugar is stored in the liver. If you continue to have a diet that is high in sugar, the liver will eventually swell. When this happens, the excess sugar is returned to the bloodstream as fatty acids. These acids are then stored in your belly, breasts, butt, and thighs. Sound familiar?
Honey, unlike table sugar, is a natural ingredient. It contains vitamins, minerals and amino acids. These all work together to help in fat and cholesterol metabolism, and that helps prevent obesity.
Honey Has Been Shown To Help You Lose Weight
Honey has a healthier glycemic index (GI) than sugar. What that means is that when you eat honey, it doesnt cause a sugar rush, but it is gradually absorbed into your body, thereby providing a stable source of energy. Therefore, you wont get a sugar high and then a crash afterward.
So now that weve learned how wonderfully honey is accepted by your body, how can honey help you lose weight?
Usually, the problem with losing weight is self control, low energy, andchoosing the wrong foods to help burn fat and contribute toward good health. Honey takes care of all three problems.
Thats right. Honey is very rich, sweet and delicious, so you use about half of what you would use in sugar to sweeten your food and drinks. Honey has the ability to provide a sense of well-being after you consume it, so that will also help with weight loss. Try using a small amount in your coffee or tea during the day to help satisfy you and your sweet tooth, thereby avoiding sugar binges.
In the morning when you rise, and before breakfast, drink a glass of very warm water combined with 1/2 teaspoons of powderedcinnamon and 1 teaspoon of raw honey. There has been excellent results reported after only a week of using this pre-breakfast cocktail.
A Cocktail of Honey, Cinnamon & Lemon Will Help Melt Your Pounds Aways
Alternatively, in the mornings and again in the evening, drink a glass of very warm water mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. This drink can be taken several times per day. The beauty of this citrus cocktail is that it will help to keep you hydrated, energized, and alkalized. This will help to rid the body of unwanted fat deposits.
In order to melt the pounds away it is important to keep moving. You dont have to run a marathon, but you should do simple things each day to move you closer to that slimmer you. Even a walk of just 20 minutes per day has shown to help significantly.
And the great thing is that honey has been shown toreally help athletes in their performance by sustaining energy over timeand it helps yourecover faster. So before you start that walk, fill up your water bottle with fresh, cool water mixed with a teaspoon of raw honey. Sip on this before, during and after your walk and you will be amazed at how great you feel afterward.
A good raw honey that I like (if you cant find it from a local beekeeper) is found here.
So, there you have it. Can honey help you lose weight? Honey definitely can help you lose weight. Put this amazing ingredient in your arsenal of weapons in the fight against obesity. Use it wisely, and before long, you will look upon this ingredient as a sweet remedy to weight loss.
How many of you have used honey in your weight loss efforts? Lets hear your results.
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Can Honey Help You Lose Weight - Seriously? - Discover the ...
Desperate To Lose Weight Quickly ? 6 Quick Weight Loss …

Home > Desperate to Lose Weight Quickly?
When youre desperate to lose weight quickly AND willing to follow certain rules, some quick weight loss plans will help - follow these tips for best results.
If you're like most people, when beach time or a certain big event is approaching, you're probably desperate to lose weight quickly and get in the best shape of your life fast, right? But this approach often backfires... Discover how to lose weight quickly without regaining the weight back and compromising your health, plus a failproof solution (at the end of the page).
I must start with a disclaimer... Keep in mind that most plans to lose weight quickly are NOT a sustainable way to slim down over a longer period of time and keep the weight off, although they may kick-start your body in losing some weight real fast.
But if you have more than just a few pounds to get rid of, you'll want to switch to a healthier weight loss program as soon as possible, to avoid any health problems.
Before going any further, I'll say this again: don't go on crash diets - no matter how desperate to lose weight quickly you may be! Why? Because crash diets and rapid weight loss ideas don't work in the long run. They promise miraculous, super-quick results without side effects. But that's just an exaggeration; you're smart - you know it can't be true.
That being said, let's see...
You're stuck with that extra weight or an event comes up... getting married, a family celebration, a school reunion or another similar occasion, and youre really desperate to lose weight quickly.
I get that.
If you're willing to follow certain rules, some quick weight loss plans can have a great impact on your body shape.
And this might be just the bit you need to drop some pounds quickly and boost your motivation with some very real, tangible quick weight loss results.
There are two things you must be aware of:
1) The amount of fat your body can burn is limited to about 2 pounds per week. With this in mind, it is realistic to set a goal of losing 10 pounds of fat in 5 weeks. Or even 20 pounds in 3 months - provided you adjust your weight loss diet and workout routine for the plateau periods. But you have to make sure that you absolutely follow a smart, well-structured plan.
2) When you're desperate to lose weight quickly and willing to do anything to get into those skinny jeans again, make sure you dont starve yourself.
Because, not only will you put your health at risk, but you'll trigger the starvation response, which kicks in as soon as your body senses a calorie restriction of more than 25% of what you usually eat. That's because this caloric restriction is perceived (biochemically) as famine.
The starvation response means that your body is switched to "survival mode", your metabolism is slowed down and set to store the calories coming in from food as fat - instead of using them for your energy needs.
As a result, you feel sluggish, less alert mentally, your mood is low; to compensate, you get unstoppable cravings for sweets or other high-calorie foods. But since your body is in survival mode, it turns again these calories you've just eaten in fat storage for later use (when - as far as IT is concerned - a famine might occur).
You must avoid this no-win situation at all costs.
Okay, keeping the above two things on your mind, when you decide to use any quick weight loss system, here are the "rules" you must follow:
Here are the...
And one last thing.
Being desperate to lose weight quickly can easily lead to abuse and excesses. Drastic diets are NOT a good alternative. Not being crystal-clear on what you need to eat and how to exercise each day to stay on track and achieve your goals may be a serious obstacle that's probably keeping you stuck. That's why I suggest you take a look at...
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Desperate To Lose Weight Quickly ? 6 Quick Weight Loss ...
5 Simple Tips How To Lose Weight At Home Quickly and Safely

5 Simple Tips How To Lose Weight At Home Quickly and Safely.Let's face it. The obesity epidemic and overweight issues are skyrocketing in the world at an alarming rate. According to the World Health Organization, for every four adults in the world that are starving and malnourished, five more are overweight. In our modern society, many people are leading a sedentary lifestyle with no physical activity and poor nutrition. Consequently, health issues are on the rise raising growing concerns such that staying fit and trim seems to be a challenge for most people nowadays. Every year in January most people have a resolution to lose weight, and they always ask the same question, "How can I lose weight?" Not only how to lose weight but how to lose weight quickly and safely at the comfort of their home. Here are 5 simple tips: Burn more calories than you consume
First and foremost, when it comes to losing weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume. For example if your daily calorie intake is 3000, you need to burn more than 3000 calories to start losing weight. This is called a calorie deficit. Of course what you eat will be used up as energy gradually because our bodies naturally burn calories when we are active not only when we are exercising. But you'll need that extra effort via exercise to start using these excess calories in the form of body fat as fuel in order to lose weight. Say you're burning 3500 calories, these extra 500 calories spent will make use of your fat stores for energy and this is what you want.
Start with some bodyweight exercises
Getting exercise everyday can be a challenge but you don't necessarily need to hit the gym or go in the park to lose some weight. You can do so at home by building muscle without weights. The challenge is to perform some bodyweight exercises which will definitely help you get started and can be performed freely without any equipment. Try doing several sets of squats(4 sets of 25), lunges(2 sets of 25 for each leg), push-ups(5-8 sets of 10), leg raises(2 sets of 25), sit-ups(2 sets of 25), crunches(2 sets of 25), skipping rope(as much as you can). Get minimum rest in between like 1-2 minutes between each exercise and 30 seconds between sets. If you can't perform the number of sets and repeats, simply do as much as you can or gradually increase them to build up your progress.
Using bodyweight exercises is all you need to start raising your metabolic activity and shedding unwanted body fat. To accelerate this process, you can perform them using the high intensity training strategy. For example when you're doing push-ups, do so at an accelerated pace or more vigorously meaning your heart will beat faster and you will burn more calories. It's a proven fact that the faster your heart beats, the more calories you will burn but be careful because if you're not fit, raising your heart rate too much can be counterproductive and potentially hazardous. You'd better start slow and once you're fitter, you can increase the intensity of the exercises.
Getting at least 30 minutes of daily physical activity will be enough to change your body fat levels. It is said between 30 minutes to 1 hour is enough to arrive at great weight loss results you can be proud of.
Plan your meals
If you're on the go, then making your meals ahead of time will also help you cut extra calories. Spend more time in your kitchen preparing healthy meals as this will pay off in the long run. Tupperware will be your best friend. How many times have you been in a hurry and forgotten to eat and instead went to the drive-through? Having a plan in place for quick grab and go meals will help guard against calorie laden meals.
When cooking your food, opt for baking, steaming, boiling and stir frying instead of deep frying. You don't need the unnecessary calories from the unhealthy oils but privileging a drizzle of olive oil or flaxseed oil in your salad dressing is recommended as these type of oils are packed with omega-3 monounsaturated fats, the healthy kind. The great thing about omega-3 fats is they can actually promote fat loss due to their essential fatty acids(EFAs) content. Of course, don't go overboard with them as they also have calories. Anything in excess is never good.
Take an active role in your grocery shopping
It is up to you to be involved in your personal weight loss efforts. You must take an active role in your own grocery shopping. Most junk foods are contained on the inner sections of the grocery store. It is essential that you avoid temptation so that you can stay on task with your weight loss efforts. Focus more on fat-burning and nutrient-dense foods like wholegrain oats, eggs, fish, chicken breast, lean beef, beans, lentils, nuts, brown rice, sweet potatoes, yams, greek yogurt, skim/nonfat milk, cottage cheese, olive oil, vegetables and fruits instead of empty calorie foods which are mostly processed foods like white bread, cakes, biscuits, jam, donuts, pastries, ice cream, potato chips, cookies, soda pop, beer and so on. Have water as your beverage of choice. If you want to have recourse to protein supplements which are really ideal post-workout or used as meal replacement at times, opt for natural protein supplements as these are healthier.
By adhering to these simple tips, you can get started right away in your weight loss journey. The battle starts at home itself and you need to pay special attention to your lifestyle and eating habits, this is where the problem lies most of the time.
All the best, Jean Lam
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5 Simple Tips How To Lose Weight At Home Quickly and Safely
How to Lose Weight Quickly on Atkins (4 Steps) | eHow

In 1972, Dr. Robert Coleman Atkins unveiled a nutritional plan he called the "Atkins Diet," which emphasizes cutting carbohydrate consumption and increasing consumption of foods rich in protein. The concept behind the diet is that bodies will resort to burning fat cells instead of carbohydrates, a main energy source. It is possible to burn 15 pounds of fat in just two weeks according to the diet's official website.
Cut your carbohydrate consumption to 20 grams during the two-week induction phase. Check nutritional labels to see how many grams of carbohydrates your food contains.
Eat three meals a day and drink eight glasses of water. Food options are flexible as long as you keep carbohydrate consumption to a minimum. Keep away from fruits, breads and starchy vegetables.
Get moderate exercise on most days of the weeks for at least 20 minutes. This includes walking, jogging, dancing and other forms of aerobic exercise.
After the initial two-week phase, increase your consumption of carbohydrates by 10 grams per week as long as you continue to lose weight.
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5 steps to help you lose weight quickly. Practical and proven weight loss methods.
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How to Lose Weight Quickly on Atkins (4 Steps) | eHow