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How to Lose Weight Fast During Ramadan – How to use …

I receive a lot of questions in my email asking me how to use Christian fasting for Weight Loss and since Ramadan is upon the Muslims, I will be sharing some secrets on how to use Ramadan for Weight Loss and any kind of spiritual fast for weight loss. So Christians take some notes as well and apply.
Ramadan is an excellent opportunity to lose some weight, although it can be a tough time to keep to a diet plan whether it is weight loss or muscle building but it CAN be done. For those of you who dont know whats involved with Ramadan, Ramadan is a month long dawn to dusk fast observed as part of the Muslim religion. This year it started on 20th July and finishes on the 18th of August.
During the daylight you do not drink any liquid (not even water) and you dont eat any food. The origins of Ramadan are for increased spirituality and as a time to practice self restraint. Some Christians have a similar tradition with Lent where they are encouraged to give up something for 6 weeks.
When you do any form of prolonged fast, you are already resetting your metabolism by the protracted, long overnight fast, as well as the daily fasting. Your metabolism resets and your body begins to change the way it does things.
Weight loss during the first few days is just dehydration. It may be exciting to see that you lost 2-3 pounds in the first day or two, but thats all water loss and dehydration. No human can lose 2 pounds of fat overnight. Its just water. But its still exciting!
So how can we maximize weight loss during Ramadan?
The most important factor is to avoid gorging or binge eating at night. We have found that gorging once a day is the fastest way to gain weight. Your body thinks its in a state of famine, and will store everything you eat as fat, because it is worried about food supply. Further, eating once a day scares your body and your body starts to shut down and slow down your metabolism. You dont want to slow down your metabolism or you will gain weight. I already explained all these in detailhere.
As an exercise, restricting yourself from not eating for a period of time is a good one to go through, whether you are Muslim or not, it can help give you confidence that you can cope with hunger and stick to a plan and not give into any cravings you may have. If you are a Muslim and can go without food and drink for this length of time then you should have added confidence that you can stick to any diet plan at any time of the year.
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How to Lose Weight Fast During Ramadan - How to use ...
Kitchen Parade: How to Lose Weight with Weight Watchers

Well, well, if its not that time of year again, the time for weight loss resolutions. Determination soars. "This is the year", we tell ourselves, this is the year we take off the pounds that collect on our thighs and hips and waists. This is the year, we promise, when well really make the food and exercise changes that we know we need we know! to live long and healthful lives. This is the year well really lose weight, we will, really we will!
Ahem. Yes. To keep this real, let me switch from third to first person, even if Im pretty sure Im not alone here. You see, I Alanna, Ive made myself that promise for the past three years. And three years in a row, Ive broken it within a few weeks. (And many Mondays, too, do we all start our diets anew on Mondays?)
As my friend Lyn, a beautiful writer from the inspiring blog Escape from Obesity wrote recently, "[On New Year's Day], the Internet will abound with people searching for things like 'lose weight fast', 'cookie diet', 'how to drop 20 pounds in 20 days', 'cabbage soup diet', and 'magic weight loss pill'. I know, because I used to be one of those people. I was desperate, longing to change what seemed impossible. How on earth can anyone lose 100+ pounds?? It sounds insurmountable. It will take forever. One pound at a time. And I wanted [the weight] gone NOW. FAST. IMMEDIATELY. Ah well, we can dream... but the reality is, we just have to work for it, moment by moment."
So here I am again, I Alanna, making myself a promise and already, in the back of my mind, wondering if Ill keep it. In 2002, just after my mother died, I lost 30 pounds on Weight Watchers and for more than two years, kept it off, maintaining a healthy weight at the bottom of the range for my height and age. Then came five pounds, then another five we know how this goes, right? One year, I even signed back up for Weight Watchers: it was the Monday (theres those Mondays again) the week before Thanksgiving. I weighed in once and never went back. (Something about the online software not working right, I explained. Yeah, right.) Now Im at the top of the range for my height and age.
So as much for myself as for the many readers who flock to the Weight Watchers recipes, low-carb recipes and low-calorie recipes here on Kitchen Parade and the Weight Watchers recipes and low-carb recipes on A Veggie Venture, Im dusting off the notes I took in 2002, my own tips for making the Weight Watchers program work for me. With any luck, the tips will help others too. This is my year.
Note: When this page was first published, I asked readers to add their own Weight Watchers tips in the comments to register for a give-away for a kitchen scale. That contest is now over but please do keep adding your weight loss tips, they're inspiring!
COUNT POINTS Every day, no matter what. Work really hard to go no more than two or three points above the daily point goal, and never to go below the daily point goal. The tight range seems to be important, training our bodies to expect a certain number of calories, no more, no less. Weight Watchers taught me that eating too little is as much a problem for weight gain as eating too much.
CALCULATE POINTS BEFORE TAKING A BITE By the time Kitchen Parade recipes are published online, nutrition information and Weight Watchers points are all neat and packaged. But me, I really must-must-must calculate points before I cook. (software I use to calculate nutrition)
DON'T COUNT POINTS for BREAKFAST or LUNCH What??? Didn't I just say to count points. Well, yes. But I take the counting out of two meals by eating the same things again and again. My favorite breakfast is Microwave Creamy Oatmeal with Peanut Butter for two Weight Watchers points.
GET A KITCHEN SCALE If you dont have a kitchen scale, keep reading! (Yes, readers have the chance to win a kitchen scale!) Otherwise its all guesswork. The average chicken breast? It weighs 3/4 of a pound even though a serving of (uncooked) chicken is 1/4 a pound. The average baked potato? It weighs a pound. We don't know this until we weigh it.
See the article here:
Kitchen Parade: How to Lose Weight with Weight Watchers
Dr. Fuhrman: How To End Dieting Forever! Lose Weight …

Dr. Fuhrman says Stop starving yourself!Diets just dont work! In his PBS special End Dieting Forever!Dr. Joel Fuhrman, board certified medical doctor and New York Times best-selling author, shows us how we can eat morefood and at the same time keep weight off and achieve optimal health. He tells us why todays popular diets may actually be harmful to our health! True to his specialty in the preventing and reversing of disease through nutritional and natural methods as seen in his other PBS specials such as 3 Steps To Incredible Healthand Immunity Solution, Dr. Fuhrman gives us effective alternatives where calorie counting is not the goal and just eating the right foods will inhibit fat storage on the body! Why does Dr. Fuhrman say todays popular diets may be harmful to our health?One reason ishigh protein!
Dr. Fuhrman says scientific findings can explain. One such study published byCell Metabolism,a journalthat focuses on homeostatic mechanisms in areas of molecular and cellular biology,followed thousands of people for 18 years in the 50 to 65 age range and found death rates were up 75% and cancer rates climbed 400% in what researchers call a high-protein diet.
They considered a high protein diet if the calorie consumption was 18% animal protein which is a lot less animal protein than the average American eats. That would be a similar comparison toa 400% increased risk of cancerof someone eating 25 servings a week of animal products such as meat, chicken, fish, cheese or eggs as most Americans do vs someone eating 5 servings per week or less!
The critical point here is that some of the most popular diets such as Atkins, The Paleo Diet, and The Dukan Diet are encouraging people to eat large amounts of animal products, in some cases twice as much as these studies considered to be high-protein. This is why these popular diets put us at a higher risk of cancer and increase death rates.
Another reason why dieting may be bad is the practice of restricting calorie consumption.
Dr. Fuhrman explains that when we restrict our calories while dieting, our lipogenic enzymes, the fat storage enzymes, become ramped up. So after you lose some weight those fat storage enzymes stay in an excited state for months, making weight regain occur quickly after you go off the diet. So if you go back to eating the way you were, you will actually gain weight at an accelerated rate. In most cases you will put on more weight than when you were before you started the diet.
Also when you put this weight back on, the the fat is deposited differently in your body. The fat is deposited more internally around your organs.This yo-yo-ing of weight loss and weight gain also increases heart disease because the fat is also deposited in your arteries. Thats why so many heart attacks occur on or around the holidays where people have gone off their diets to holiday binge on foods!
AlternativeEat Nutrient Dense Foods Itsnot how many calories you eat, but the nutritional quality (how many nutrients ) in the calories you eat! The fat in an almond or a walnut contains a lot more quality nutrients than the fat in French Fries!
Dr. Fuhrman teaches us that foods that contain large amounts of nutrients are foods that will block the storage of fat in our bodies and will keep ushealthy because these same foods contain nutrients that naturally protect us against disease and inhibit cancer growth! And what are the foods that contain these fat blocking, anticancer nutrients? Fruits and vegetables, nuts and beans!
Is that why America is so Overweight and Sick? Are we not eating enough nutrients?
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How To Lose 8 kgs weight in 7 days – Green Yatra Blog

Are you looking for fastest way to lose fat?If you have any parties or functions in a couple of days.What ever reason will be but you should follow right kind of weight reduction diet.To acquire the flat tummy we have to take the right kind of weight reduction diet is important.Follow this diet plan you can easily reduce your body weight 6 to 8 kg in 7 days.
Day 1:First day is very important, you are going to flush out the toxins and waste from your body.It means you are getting ready for the diet.Consume fruits which have more water percentage such as watermelon,muskmelon,grapes,papaya etc..(Avoid banana). Remember that drink 6 to 8 glasses of water daily is very important in this diet plan.
Day 2:Day two offers you vegetables whole day.You can take the vegetables in raw state and boiled state.Note dont add oil in the vegetables while cooking.Take vegetables such as broccoli, carrot, beans cucumber, cabbage,etc.It is preferable to avoid potatoes.If you want try it boiled potatoes are preferable in the morning.
Day 3:Third day allows you to take both vegetables and fruits.Make sure that dont add potatoes in your diet through out the day.Take them alternately fruits in the morning and vegetables in the afternoon and repeat fruit diet in the evening.At night follow both vegetables and fruit diet.
Day 4:Day 4 is filled with banana and milk diet.You need to take 6 to 8 bananas through out the day and 3 glasses of milk is allowed.You should divide banana and milk properly.Take banana and glass of milk in the morning and take 2 more bananas between lunch.You can take 2 bananas and glass of milk for lunch.Take 2 to 3 bananas in the evening and then take couple of banana and glass of milk at night.
Day 5:Day 5 is filled with tomatoes and cup of rice.Take 7 to 10 tomatoes through out the day it produces a lot of uric acid in the body.Take a cup of rice for lunch and also increase water level from 8 glasses to 12 glasses.
Day 6:Take a cup of rice for lunch and eat vegetables through out the day.take 8 to 12 glasses of water and stick on to vegetables whole day.
Day 7:This is the last day of diet plan at this day you are allowed to take all vegetables and fruit juices along with cup of rice for lunch.No doubt now you will recognize that improved digestive system and increased face glow.Your weight will be reduced to 4-6 kg,even more it depends on how strictly you are followed the diet.
Note: Please keep four weeks gap between two diet schedules
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How To Lose 8 kgs weight in 7 days - Green Yatra Blog
Want to Lose Weight and Belly Fat Fast in Nigeria? Start …

Ive got a question for you in todays series on Detox, Lose Weight,Reverse Aging SuperFast 3 which is: Is Your Body Acidic?
I know, I knowhow would you know if your body is acidic or not? Thats exactly what you will discover in todays article where I talk about Detoxification and your Food. Im going to share with you how the foods you eat causes your body to be detox, the 3 effects of such foods and 3 detox foods you can start eating today to speed up weight loss.
And finally, the top 10 Tips you can start using TODAY to detoxify yourself. But just in case you missed the Part 1 and Part 2 of this series where I answered this question Im Healthy, Why Do I Need to Detox?, then read it Part 1 here and read it Part 2 here.
Before we begin, heres a personal testimony of a cure for mums 9 year old problem after she used a Detox program few months ago. It started sometime exactly 9 years ago with common cough. My mum coughed and coughed and coughed so hard yet all manner of cough syrups could do nothing for her. Then she went for several tests (ear, nose and throat test, chest, bowels, surgery in her throat etc) but no matter what drugs they gave to her, my mum became even more allergic to smells and dust.
This was someone in her 50s who never had an asthmatic attack before suddenly began using all manner of inhalers, we even got her an oxygen bottle in her room so she used it whenever she was gasping for air. It was that bad. Talk about nebulizers, we had them all. From Abuja to Lagos to Kaduna and eventually to India, yet the coughing and whizzing and allergies didnt stop.
Somehow 3 months ago this year, I happened on some detoxification information and gave it to my mum, she used it and within a space of 2 months, all allergies, coughs subsided. You wont believe it. Its a miracle something we were treating for 9 years suddenly got healed. Its a miracle I tell you because we have prayed and prayed and fasted and fasted for this health challenge to go and now its finally gone!
Thanks to God for leading me to this miracle.
This is the reason I believe so much in the 4-week Detox at Home program (and I recommend you try it too. More on this below).
And so back to this question:
When you find yourself becoming bigger and heavier, thats a sign that your body is indeed ACIDIC and you know what happens when your pour acid on something or a body, it deteriorates fast.
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Want to Lose Weight and Belly Fat Fast in Nigeria? Start ...
How to Lose Weight in 4 Weeks- Diet Chart for Weight Loss

Ratis darling hubby wrote a very thorough article here about fitness. Making us girls acquainted with the point of view of the opposite sex. We all were totally impressed and agreed to every word he said. So lets take the same thought a little further.
To stay fit and maintain your shape a regular workout helps a lot. But when it comes to losing weight and getting back in shape, a regular workout or exercise routine wont suffice. You will have to take it a step further and take care of your diet in order to lose weight. Even the gym instructors would tell you so. Exercise and diet are the two sides of a coin. You cant achieve weight loss with just one of them. A regular exercise routine and a healthy diet is your route to salvation.
Im following a Indian diet myself by a leading dietician. Me, my cousin, some of her friends and a lot of people I know have taken diet from this dietician. And we all have lost a considerable amount of weight to say the least.
You must be thinking that the diets given by the dieticians are personalized then how can we all follow the same diet routine with our different weights and blood groups. For starters, he doesnt gives the diet according to the blood group. Though, generally the diets given by dieticians are personalized. I have noticed a similarity In the diets given to me and others. And since now, that I know his diets are universal. Id want YOU, Ratis lovely readers to reap its fruit as well.
When I first went to this dietician, he told me to get some blood tests done. Like thyroid checkup, blood sugar, serum insulin in my case since I have PCOD. So its just not about losing weight but getting to know the underlying reason of piling on the kilos. In my case it was increased serum insulin levels. But in my cousins case all her tests were ok, she was gaining weight because of her erratic routine and the junk food she so loved. So if you think that you are doing everything right but still gaining weight, the first thing you should be doing is finding the underlying reason for it.
First things first, If everything with you is fine your weight gain is due to lethargy, wrong dietary habits and erratic routine. So When u go on a diet make sure that whatever plan u follow it must be timed right as well. You must wake up latest by 8:00 ( thats for the late risers, even I used to wake up by 10 or 11). This is the most important thing in your routine because the body has its own clock and you shouldnt mess with it.
This diet is split in 4 weeks period with the diet changing every week.
Before starting the diet weigh yourself and write it down somewhere. This way you know where you started and you feel good to see the scales going down.
Some things you need to follow this diet:
Without further ado I present you with the Indian diet. Week 1 8:00 am (as soon as you wake up) 2 glasses of methi seeds water ( soak 1tsp of methi seeds in 2 glasses of water. Strain out the methi seeds and drink the water. Helps a lot in water retention and bloating) 5 soaked almonds with the skin. 1 kali mirch u dont have to chew it just swallow it down.
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How to Lose Weight in 4 Weeks- Diet Chart for Weight Loss
Best way to lose weight quickly: how I lost 10 pounds in 2 …

In fact, it was actually 15 pounds in 12 days. From Monday January the 7th to January the 19th (2013). I lost over 40 pounds within the first three months and Im still going strong! The diet and program I describe below can typically produce 10 pounds lost within your first two weeks without any trouble.
Note to women: Yes, you do lose weight differently than men. Your metabolisms are different and its important to keep this in mind. This post outlines solutions for women as well (our mom lost over 25 pounds using the program mentioned for women.)
Here are my before and after pictures to checkout:
The First Day and Week 2 weigh ins here:
224 Pounds
209 Pounds
15 pounds lighter in 2 weeks needless to say I was pretty excited and this definitely helped me to keep going.
I followed a customized fat loss program for 90 days. There is a female and a male version of this program. Click here if you are a women. If you are a man, click here. After the 90 days this is where it took me:
224 Pounds
183.8 Pounds
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Best way to lose weight quickly: how I lost 10 pounds in 2 ...
how to lose weight quickly! The best product to lose weight! – Video

how to lose weight quickly! The best product to lose weight!
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By: Diet product reviews
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how to lose weight quickly! The best product to lose weight! - Video
Thinspiration Tips – Healthy Pro Ana Tips Help to Lose 12 Pounds Within 14 Days – Video

Thinspiration Tips - Healthy Pro Ana Tips Help to Lose 12 Pounds Within 14 Days
Click Here Thinspiration Tips - Healthy pro ana tips help to Lose 12 Pounds Within 14 Days. There are many thinspiration tips and pro ana diet...
By: Juliya vaneesa
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Thinspiration Tips - Healthy Pro Ana Tips Help to Lose 12 Pounds Within 14 Days - Video
The 3 Week Diet | How To Lose Weight Fast | The 3 Week Diet For Fast Weight Loss – Video

The 3 Week Diet | How To Lose Weight Fast | The 3 Week Diet For Fast Weight Loss You can lose weight fast as shown in this video here: Titled "The 3 Week Diet", Brian #39;s system reveals to people exactly...
By: Lose Weight Now
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The 3 Week Diet | How To Lose Weight Fast | The 3 Week Diet For Fast Weight Loss - Video