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Weight loss: What is the best way to slim down? Expert reveals top tips – Express

Whatever the reasons for losing weight, slimming down is something on the minds of many people. Therapists and life coaches, Nik and Eva Speakman, known as The Speakmans, shared their top tips to help Britons shape up this year.
The couple explained how slimmers can get into shape by taking a look at what they already eat and being patient.
The life coaches appeared on This Morning today to share their top tips on the best way to slim down.
Set realistic goals
They explained those hoping to lose weight should think about what they want to achieve and set realistic goals to help them get there.
They said: Most people say, I want to lose weight, as soon as you lose a pound youve succeeded, so stop.
By clearly setting up what they hope to achieve, slimmers will be able to achieve the goals.
READ MORE: One woman shed astounding five stone in one year with this diet plan
Look at what you already eat
Many Britons will strive to follow a strict diet plan when they try to lose weight.
However, the experts revealed dieters can look at what they already eat to see what they can cut back on.
The experts said: If anyone has put weight on its happened over a period of time.
Ninety-eight percent of diets fail because theyre not sustainable long term, what we see is people then feel theyve failed.
Instead, dieters can stay motivated by figuring out when they started to overeat and what caused this.
Look at how you eat, what youd like to change and why you started overeating in the first place," they added.
Overeating is a symptom and behind it there is always a cause.
Eat intuitively
Those hoping to lose weight can also opt to find healthier versions of the foods they already enjoy.
Doing this, and making an effort to eat intuitively will help dieters achieve their weight loss results.
They explained: We know what we should do, we know we should not overeat.
It comes down to conditioning, the foods you like the most are ones you had as children.
At what point did you start putting weight on? We all have habits around food.
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Weight loss: What is the best way to slim down? Expert reveals top tips - Express
2019 year in review: I didn’t gain weight, I actually lost – Lake Placid Diet by Andy Flynn – | News and information on the Lake…

Start (Jan. 1): 457 lbs.
End (Dec. 31): 447 lbs.
Lost in 2019: 10 pounds
Theres one major problem with the Lake Placid Diet; there are too many voices in my head.
The vast majority of people whove contacted me about the column since I began writing it six years ago have been extremely supportive. A lot of friends have offered to go walking with me. Many readers including strangers have offered dieting advice without me asking for it. And others including people I consider friends have been hurtful with their words, even though I believe they mean well.
Thats the danger of opening up your feelings to the public about something as deeply personal as a weight-loss journey. After a while, I get nervous about what Im sharing. Is it too personal? Is there too much negativity? Why share my story if Im struggling all the time and have little to show for my efforts or non-efforts?
Im wrapped in a straight jacket of self-doubt. My confidence has disappeared. And I do what Ive always done when I dont want to face others: I either run or hide.
I began 2019 with another years worth of goals, mainly to lose weight and get stronger. Along the way, I added other goals, such as rediscover what made the Lake Placid Diet so successful in the first 18 months, from December 2013 to June 2015. Thats when I lost more than 80 pounds and completed two half marathons in Lake Placid. Another 2019 goal was to stop using a cane to help me walk around; it was useful when my weight weakened my legs and during episodes of gout.
In all, I lost 10 pounds in 2019. I started at 457 on Jan. 1, went down as low as 435 but eventually settled on 447 on Tuesday, Dec. 31.
On March 24, I put aside the cane and didnt use it again until the middle of August when I had some back problems. I continued to use the cane until Dec. 17, when I put it away again. So I can safely say I ended 2019 without using the cane.
Getting back to the gym was another goal, but I fell short. I spent some time working out at Fitness Revolution in Lake Placid, but I havent been there in months, for a variety of reasons. Ive been having car trouble since September (its finally fixed now after almost $900 worth of work). Ive also been working several jobs to make ends meet, using up even more of my time. Hardly a day goes by without working on something.
Its not much, but thats my year in review.
Looking forward, let me tell you about something strange that happened to me last week in a good way. For some reason just before Christmas, I didnt eat meat one day, and the next day I had more energy than Ive had in many months. When I get extra sleep, I also feel energized, but this was something completely different. It got me thinking about adopting a whole foods, plant-based diet. Its something Im pondering as I head into 2020 a new year and a new decade I turned 50 in September.
Ive also been thinking about learning meditation; I need to slow down more and reduce my stress. Thats one of my biggest problems, other than all those voices in my head.
Im going to start giving weekly updates of the Lake Placid Diet again this year. No more of this write it whenever I feel like it. Weekly progress reports actually worked in 2014 when I lost all that weight. It held me accountable, no matter how embarrassed I felt about my shortcomings.
I think I just need to keep my head down and plug away, keep pushing, and see where this journey takes me in 2020. Maybe stop listening to the negativity and start believing in myself again.
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2019 year in review: I didn't gain weight, I actually lost - Lake Placid Diet by Andy Flynn - | News and information on the Lake...
Weight Loss Tip of the Week: How to Use Matcha Tea to Lose Weight – LatestLY

Matcha Tea (Photo Credits: Pixabay)
Most people think that losing weight is a tough task and do not even make an effort for it. There are also few who give it a thought by taking shortcuts like buying fat burner tablet and various other unnatural stuff that can have an adverse effect on the body. The best way to lose weight is to eat healthy foods and use natural ingredients like matcha tea for weight loss. In this week's weight loss tip, let's discuss how matcha tea can help lose weight.Weight Loss Tip of the Week: How to Use Water Chestnuts (Singhara) to Lose Weight This Winter.
Matcha tea or 'powdered tea' is the best weight loss beverage, which you could use. It is used in the Japanese tea ceremony and is obtained from the same plant as green tea. However, matcha tea is ten times more effective than green tea in terms of weight loss. The main reason is that matcha tea is processed differently as here instead of powder entire tea leaf is used in the preparation. The matcha tea plant is grown in the Uji region of Japan where they are covered with bamboo shades, allowing only 20% of sun rays to reach the plants. This process helps increase the chlorophyll levels of the leaves.Weight Loss Tip of the Week: How to Use Snow Mountain Garlic (Kashmiri Lahsun) to Lose Weight.
Matcha tea contains the most abundant and proactive antioxidant, Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) which contributes to a greater extent in weight loss. Scientists at the University of Colorado found that the EGCG content in matcha is 137 times more than Chinese green tea. The antioxidant in matcha tea detoxifies the body, boost immunity and also reduce inflammation. Apart from this, matcha tea also increases the metabolic rate at the same time speed up the fat burn process while performing endurance exercises like dancing, running, etc.
The presence of EGCG antioxidant is also responsible for reducing the bad LDL cholesterol which can lead to chronic heart disease. This magical weight loss tea also helps in making the person more proactive and alert. It is safe to drink three to four cups of matcha tea in a day for ideal weight loss, however along with that, it is also necessary to do some physical activity.
(This article is written for an informative purpose and should not be substituted for medical advice. Kindly consult your doctor before trying any tips.)
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Weight Loss Tip of the Week: How to Use Matcha Tea to Lose Weight - LatestLY
Weight loss: Size 22 graduate sheds 6 stone after doctors warn rare brain condition could be linked to her – The Sun

A GRADUATE has shed an impressive six stone after doctors warned a rare brain condition could be linked to her weight.
Size 22 Danielle Puttick once tipped the scales at 18st 3lb - but now she's a slim size 10, weighing 12st 2lb.
The 26-year-old animation designer, from Sunderland, was diagnosed with Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IH) in November 2016.
Doctors warned Danielle's size may have contributed to the condition and advised her to lose weight to reverse the effects.
She joined her local Slimming World, at Silksworth Medical Church, a month later.
Danielle said: "My condition left me bedbound for a while but I wouldn't let it beat me.
"I have been big my entire life, but decided I wanted to lose weight when I started my masters degree in design.
"My main motivation was that I wanted a nice photo of myself.
"After I became ill, I was told by doctors that they didnt know what causes the condition.
"But the doctors said that it might have something to to with weight and said I needed to lose some as it could reverse the effects of the condition.
"That was the moment when I thought 'I really have to do this now'. I joined Slimming World as soon as I was able to walk out of the hospital on crutches."
Danielle was studying at Sunderland University when she began to suffer from migraines.
She was referred for an eye test on October 24, 2016, where opticians found blood at the back of her eye.
Medics thought Danielle was suffering from a brain haemorrhage and transferred her to Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary the next day for a CT scan.
There, doctors diagnosed her with IH, a condition which causes raised fluid pressure around the brain.
Danielle had surgery immediately and had a lumbar stent placed in her back, to control the flow of brain fluids.
Official health advice says sustainable weight loss through healthy eating is a critical part of treatment for people with IH who are overweight.
Past studies have shown weight loss can reduce symptoms, but Danielle says this wasn't the case with her.
Although her overall health has improved, Danielle says she still suffers from tiredness and migraines.
Intracranial hypertension: the facts
Intracrainial hypertension (IH) is the build-up of pressure around the brain.
Acute IH can be caused by stroke, injury or a brain abcess.
Chronic IH (which Danielle has) is rare and it's often unclear why it happens.
It mainly affects women in their 20s/30s and has been associated with:
But these are only links, not necessarily causes.
Symptoms include:
She said: "Since my diagnosis, I have found my condition gets bad if I do a long day but I dont believe it has got anything to do with weight.
"When I was doing an internship I found that anxiety and stress were triggers.
"But I had always wanted to lose weight and feel happy that I have finally have. Slimming World is like a family and gave me a life."
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Danielle is now launching her own Slimming World group at Ryhope Community Association every Thursday.
She said: "I hope my story shows other people that you can do it."
Earlier this week, we reported on a woman who shed a staggering 10st to honour her dying mum's wish.
See the original post here:
Weight loss: Size 22 graduate sheds 6 stone after doctors warn rare brain condition could be linked to her - The Sun
Exercise Has Many Health Benefits. Weight Loss Isn’t Really One of Them – Discover Magazine

Youve been working your butt off for weeks at the gym. Youve got the sweat and sore muscles to prove it. But, for some reason, the scale hasnt budged. Or worse, the number you see on the dial has been creeping up.
If weight loss, at its most basic level, is a matter of calories in and calories out, it's reasonable to assume it's possible to burn off those extra calories in the gym and lose weight without making any diet modifications. But science has begun to show that we might want to examine this mindset a bit more skeptically.
While you may not want to cancel your gym membership just yet, the inescapable truth of weight loss is that exercise doesn't compensate for a poor diet.
Regular exercise can prevent or help manage a slew of health issues from cancer to heart disease to Alzheimers and arthritis. But losing a lot of weight isn't chief among exercise's many benefits.
Instead, focusing on the first part of the calories in, calories out" equation may be the most effective approach to slimming down.
Typically, people are able to lose much more from caloric restriction than from exercisesimply because the caloric expenditure with your typical exercise regime 30 minutes most days of the week doesnt translate to very much weight loss, says Jennifer Kuk, a kinesiologist at York University in Toronto, over email.
Losing a pound a week requires a calorie deficit of 3,500 calories, or 500 calories per day. You can accomplish this through diet, exercise or a combination of both approaches. But it seems that diet and exercise aren't equally effective.
"The reason dieting may be more effective than just exercise is because exercising would take a ton more activity and effort to create a 500- to 700-calorie deficit, says YasiAnsari, a registered dietitian and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, in an email.
To put this in perspective, a 155-pound person would burn roughly 500 calories from an hour of high-impact aerobics or by walking for 90 minutes at a rate of 4.5 mph.
So, in other words, don't expect much from those quick trips to the gym. Someone who started exercising 30 minutes almost every day would probably lose about a pound over the course of a month, Kuk says. For most people trying to lose weight, that would be downright disappointing. (Its no wonder that half of all new gym customers drop off by the end of January.)
Whats worse than experiencing little or no weight loss while exercising? Gaining weight. That's right: Sometimes an exercise program can cause the opposite of its intended effect.
One study from a team of Arizona State University researchers tracked 81 sedentary, overweight women over a 12-week exercise program that consisted of 30 minutes of brisk treadmill walking three times per week. Surprisingly, most of the women didnt lose pounds by becoming more active and more than half of them gained weight.
Another study from researchers at Louisiana State University followed 200 overweight men and women enrolled in a supervised aerobic exercise program over the course of six months. The study found that the participants ended up compensating for the calories lost to working out by eating more. As a result, many participants didn't lose weight, or they gained it.
Some people will find that they are hungrier with exercise and that their body will try to protect themselves against weight loss by increasing hunger, and they lose less weight than expected, Kuk says. This is more commonly reported in women.
It is technically possible to lose weight simply by working out albeit with caveats.
Some studies have demonstrated that exercise alone can create a calorie deficit thatslarge enough to generate weight loss. But for the average person, the required intensity and time commitment about an hour every day can be difficult to stick to.
Most [people] will have problems exercising one hour per day at a moderate intensity every day to equal the weight loss you would get from your typical diet, Kuk says.
Most health professionals recommend implementing both approaches caloriecontrol and exercise when losing weight. And this is probably pretty sound advice.
But where exercise might be more helpful is keeping weight off once we've lost it. A recent study from the University of Colorado Anschutz Health and Wellness Center revealed that exercise plays a greater role than diet in sustaining substantial weight loss.
No matter your weight or fitness goals, remember that the health benefits of a balanceddiet and exercise regime go far beyond a number on the scale.
Eating better and exercise can improve your health even if you dont lose a single pound, Kuk says.
A 2011 study found that adopting a healthy diet andmoderate exercise can reduce obese people's risk of cardiovascular diseaseand diabetes, regardless of whether they lost weight or not.
And, it's a controversial idea, but some researchers think you can be "fat but fit." In other words, your fitness ability, regardless of weight, might play a major role in overall health.
So, if you find yourself frustrated the next time you step on the scale, Kuk recommends asking yourself why you're trying to lose weight in the first place.
Many try to lose weight because of the clear bias and stigma in our society I believe that for most people who are trying to lose weight, society is the problem, not the individual. This is not to say that we should not try to eat well or exercise regularly but this is a message for all of us, not just those with weight obesity, Kuk says.
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Exercise Has Many Health Benefits. Weight Loss Isn't Really One of Them - Discover Magazine
Joy Bauer’s ‘Fast 5’ tips will help you lose weight and boost energy in 2020 – TODAY

Happy New Year! If your resolution is to lose some weight, boost your energy levels or simply jumpstart a healthier 2020, Ive got you covered with these five easy, attainable and effective tips.
I call them my Fast 5 because if you stick to them, youll be able to see results quickly and they're so easy you can start doing them today no equipment or special tools required!
Each day, enjoy a breakfast thats filled with satiating protein and fiber. This combo will keep your blood sugar steady so youll feel filled, fueled and energized until lunchtime. Translation: youll be able to rock through your morning to-do list every day of the week. Feel free to enjoy coffee or tea (sans extra sugar) alongside your morning meal.
Need a little more a.m. inspiration? Sip on this easy-to-make Berry Protein Smoothie (get the recipe here). It's packed with Greek yogurt for extra protein.
Water is necessary to maintain a healthy metabolism. Plus, drinking one or two glasses before meals can help fill you up, so you will naturally eat less. Sometimes when you feel hungry, it's actually your body's way of telling you that you're thirsty. Go ahead and guzzle a 16-ounce glass of water (flat or sparkling, your choice) 30 minutes ahead of your meal.
No more lunching in your car or snacking as you walk around the office. Make it a rule that you can only eat when sitting down. This will help you focus on savoring whats in front of you and prevent you from becoming distracted and unaware that youre full. Kick mindless eating to the curb for all mealtimes with this simple step.
Youre more likely to eat nourishing, healthful foods when theyre in plain sight, so keep fresh fruits, vegetables, or whole grain popcorn visible. Do this, and when that afternoon hunger inevitably strikes, youll be reaching for apples, grapes and carrots ... instead of potato chips, cookies and pretzels.
Dancing is a terrific way to get your blood flowing and it will get your entire body moving. Plus, its so much fun and can instantly elevate your mood and mental outlook for the day. Choose a few of your favorite fast-paced songs and groove your way into a healthier 2020.
Do you want to "Kickstart a Healthy Routine" in 2020 so you can be fit and fabulous? Fill out the information below and tell us why!
For more healthy tips and easy recipes, follow Joy on Instagram, Facebook andTwitter.
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Joy Bauer's 'Fast 5' tips will help you lose weight and boost energy in 2020 - TODAY
Why We Need to Stop Making Weight-Loss Resolutions – KATU

Did you make a New Year's resolution to lose weight? Dana Sturtevant, MS, RD, LD and Hilary Kinavey, MS, LPC are not fans of that resolution. The Educators and Activists stopped by to tell us why we need to stop focusing on weight and shared what we should be doing instead.
1.The weight loss industry is a failed paradigm. The most consistent effect of weight loss at two years is weight gain (Mann et al, 2007). It wont be different this time, and this is not your fault. Dieting follows a predictable cycle of initial enthusiasm and excitement (the honeymoon phase), followed by hunger, cravings, worry and fear, and backlash eating (falling off the program). The $60 billion industry depends on you blaming yourself when their plan fails so youll come back for more. 80% of New Years resolutions fail by February, according to U.S. News and World Report (2018).
2.Our bodies have strong negative physiological and psychological responses to dieting -- including metabolic changes, body distrust, disconnection from hunger and satiety signals, and increased body shame and self-loathing. These responses impact your health and well-being.
3.Watching your calories, restricting food, and exercising to make up for eating should not be equated with the pursuit of health. These hyper-vigilant behaviors are commonly associated with eating disorders and disordered eating. Weight loss does not necessarily increase health gain. Many health concerns can be improved without a change in BMI. Cosmetic fitness is not the same as metabolic fitness.
Theres nothing magical about this time of year. Its really no different than any other time of year. Most of the time sustainable change happens as a result of incremental behavior changes that occur consistently over a long period of time.
Beware of diets in disguise. The weight loss industry knows that the word diet has become a 4 letter word, so theyve found all kinds of ways to repackage their offerings as lifestyle interventions while continuing to collude with the dieting mind. Focus on weight-neutral self care: self care for the sake of self care.
If you have a long history of dieting, disordered eating, and weight cycling, shift your focus to HEALING your relationship with food and body. Behavior change will always be temporary when it is rooted in (body) shame.
Rediscover, embody and allow for pleasure. Many people give up pleasure in the name of health. When the things we are doing to take care of ourselves connect us to pleasure and joy, they are much more sustainable. And the body benefits most from what we do consistently and predictably. What way of caring for yourself is sustainable?
Focus on C work. Avoid approaching things with rigidity and perfectionism (its probably a sign you are dieting). We tell folks some of the time but not all of the time.
Root self-care practices in weight-neutrality and trust your body to sort out the weight. We have less control over our bodies than weve been taught to believe. Weight may change as a side effect of self-care, but when we center weight, we show up with a dieting mind, pursue change with rigidity and perfectionism, and any changes made (and weight lost) are not sustainable.
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Why We Need to Stop Making Weight-Loss Resolutions - KATU
Mount Hope man inspires others with weight loss journey in New Year – WVVA TV

MOUNT HOPE, W.Va. (WVVA) In 2019, West Virginia tipped the scales as the heaviest state in the nation with more than 30 percent of the population affected by obesity.
As many will make it their goal to lose weight in the New Year, one Mount Hope man's journey to weight loss is inspiring others.
Two years ago, the doctor's reports for George Stepp of Mount Hope weren't coming back like they used to. Everything that was supposed to be down was up and so was his weight.
"Little things like mowing the grass, I'd have to stop several times. I couldn't breathe. Cholesterol was high. Blood Pressure was high."
Months earlier his wife Dreama had started a new weight loss program call TOPS (Take Pounds Off Sensibly). The diet consisted of community meetings, weigh ins, food swaps, and exercise.
"He came with his wife. She had been successful and lost 60 pounds so George joined," explained regional Chapter Leader Renae McGinnis.
It wasn't Keto, Adkins, Paleo, Weight Watchers, Dash, or the Nordic Diet. It was plain old fashioned math.
"I cut out pancakes, sausage, biscuits, gravy for breakfast and starting eating healthier options like oatmeal and toast," explained Stepp.
They were small changes over time that Stepp said paid off. "Write down what you eat, look at the'll realize how bad the food is you are eating."
As for exercise, the diet does not require any fancy gym membership, but simply the ability to get up and get moving. "Don't wait until tomorrow. Start today."
To find your local TOPS chapter, visit
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Mount Hope man inspires others with weight loss journey in New Year - WVVA TV
At 325 Pounds, I Almost Died Giving Birth. Then, I Lost 159 Pounds and Took Back My Life. –

On the day I delivered my fifth child, no one seemed to have answers for me. I was scared for my unborn son, scared for us both.
His umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck. My blood pressure kept crashing. His heart rate kept dropping. My insulin was through the roof and I often felt like I was going to pass out. A few times, I did.
I tend to think of myself as a resilient person, but I couldnt stop the tears from coming. I just kept asking the nurses and doctors over and over, Are you going to deliver this baby, or are you going to let him die?
I knew the delivery wasnt going to be easy; this pregnancy had been challenging since day one. But I never imagined things would get so bad.
Misti Hernandez
I was 325 pounds and pre-diabetic. When I became pregnant, I developed gestational diabetes, a type of diabetes that can develop after women conceive. So I struggled throughout my whole pregnancy with low blood sugar. There were times when I fainted and had to be hospitalized. At 36 weeks, I was admitted to the hospital because I had pre-eclampsia, a.k.a. high blood pressure that can creep up in your third trimester. I was so unhealthy at the time that childbirth could have been fatal for me and my child. And if Im being honest, while I was lying in my hospital bed, writhing in pain, I didnt know if either of us were going to make it.
And yet, after hours of panic and then only two pushes, there he was. Out came my sweet, little Agustin. Born August 5, 2016, at 1:20 p.m. at Redding Medical Center in Redding, CA.
He was so beautiful. Words cant even describe how relieved I felt. I thought seeing him alive and healthy meant that I could finally breathe.
But when I got to bed that night, I literally couldn't. Every time I closed my eyes, it felt like I couldnt get any air. I didnt sleep one wink.
The next morning, I called my doctor and was re-admitted to the hospital. They found out my blood pressure was dangerously high. Like 299 over 290 or something like that. Post-partum hypertension. Ill never forget the color on my husbands face as they wheeled me into my room: pale white. He thought he was going to lose me again. I couldnt bare it.
Nurses and doctors rushed in and out of my room, ripping my clothes off, giving me shots, feeding me pills. They kept doing everything they could to get my blood pressure down. Nothing was working. Even after 10 hours of trying, no one could figure out how to fix it. So they shipped me off to a cardiac unit to get answers, and fortunately after nine days of treatment, my numbers got back down within a safe range. I was finally cleared to go back home to my family and reunite with my newborn.
Gosh, I missed him so much. We had just gone through hell together, and it was really hard to be apart from him. Then, at home, I couldnt even breastfeed him. The radiation I was subjected to during tests on my heart was too toxic. You see, I had never been able to produce breastmilk until I had Agustin and I thought this was my chance to finally experience that connection with my baby. But when the doctors warned me against it, I was heartbroken.
Misti Hernandez
I felt like because of my health, I was failing not only Agustin but all of my kids. I was always tired, and everything hurt. I sat in front of the TV instead of playing with my kids outside. I tapped out of the Annual Family Christmas Tree Hunting every year, without fail. I couldnt go on amusement park rides because I couldnt fit.
I do everything for my kids to get into the right schools, see the right doctors. Everything. But during those early days with Agustin, I was really starting to believe that I was a bad mother. I also couldnt help but think about my own mom and how much I needed her when I was younger. I thought about those four heavy words on her death certificate: ccomplications from morbid obesity.
She died from congestive heart failure when she was 54. I nearly died during childbirth at 34.
As I left the hospital, I was reminded of the vow I made when I was younger: I was going to give my children the life that my mother couldnt give me.
I have love for my mom. I really do.
But she was a mess. And maybe that wasnt completely her fault. I think she was dealing with some mental illness.
She was a single mom on welfare, trying to raise me and my sister, Amber, in California. She didnt feed us well. We always just ate the bare minimum. You know, unhealthy stuff like ramen and those mac and cheese boxes with the yellow powder you mix with water. But because she wasnt much of a provider, and because it was hard to predict when I was going to get my next meal, I ended up developing an unhealthy relationship with food.
I remember one time when I was sick in the hospital with a bone marrow infection, and my grandma sent me boxes and boxes of chocolates. I would just have my way with them. I see now that I used food to cope with my pain and my emotions, to make up for what my mother couldnt provide.
Misti Hernandez
On top of that, I didnt have the best self-image when it came to my body. In my mind I was always the fat one," which is crazy to me because when I look back at pictures now, I wasnt that big of a kid. I was definitely bigger than my sister, though, who was always really skinny. Kids used call me all sorts of awful names, and I just got used to it. So what did it matter if I stuffed my face with chocolates? I was the "fat sister."
Things changed once I met my now-husband, Santiago. We moved 10 hours south to Oxnard, and I was finally free.
Free to create a new life and a safe home. I could eat what I wanted, when I wanted, and how I wanted. Pizza. Burgers. A whole lot of Mexican food. I was so happy. And years later we felt good enough to move back to Anderson. Before Agustin was born, we had four amazing children: Santiago Jr., Alfredo, Olivia, and Benjamin.
With each pregnancy, I gained a bunch of weight that I never really managed to shave off. I tried going to a weight loss doctor one time and he had me on all of these pills and shots. I tried starving myself on a 500-calorie diet. My weight would yo-yo, and my doctor would shame me every time I didnt lose enough pounds.
So I just kept eating. And I wasnt physically active at all. I was so focused on taking care of my kids and working 24-hour weekend shifts at a local group home to earn money for my family; I thought I didnt have any more energy to exercise. But the bigger I became, the more I hated myself. I got to a point where I wasnt enjoying life anymore. I wouldnt say that I was depressed, but I just stopped caring. I was just surviving, and I felt like life wasnt going to get any better.
Until I nearly died giving birth.
I decided on that day in 2016 that things had to get better because I had five kids to live for. I had so much to live for. And I knew the changes I had to make were going to be some of my hardest, but I had nothing to lose but my life.
When I was released from the cardiac unit, the doctors told me I needed to be on bed rest for a while. I nodded OK." But in my head, all I could think was hell no.
As soon as I got home, I wrapped Agustin on my chest and started walking.
It was absolutely awful.
Everything hurt: my ankles, my feet, my back. Everything. It was so hard to breathe, and my chest was on fire. The whole time I was worried that my blood pressure would spike again, and Id be back in the ER. But Im telling you, I was so determined. And I guess I had a little help. Now I dont believe in heaven or hell, but during those first few walks, I talked to my mom, wherever she was. I told her that I wasnt going to end up like her and I wasn't going to give up on myself anymore.
So I walked every day. If I felt tempted to sit and watch TV, Id take a walk. If I felt like putting something in my mouth, I would take a walk. And at first, I started small. First it was down the block. Then it got easier and I could walk a mile down the street. It got to the point where I was walking four to eight miles a day. Id put Agustin in the stroller and walk or jog around the park (about two miles), a couple times a day.
I even started cutting carbs throughout the week and only drank water. (Man, I cant tell you how hard it was to give up Diet Coke.) By the time 2017 arrived, I lost 50 pounds from cutting carbs and walking. I was starting to feel better.
And Id love to tell you that every year after that, things just kept getting better and I lost all of this weight from taking long strolls. But there were lots of moments when I felt like throwing in the towel. One day, I fell and injured my knee. Doctors refused to do surgery because of my weight, so I was in a wheelchair for a while and unable to exercise. In 2018, doctors discovered I also had polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which can make it difficult for anyone to lose weightlet alone someone recovering from a fall. But then I tried the ketogenic diet and lost 20 pounds within a month. Within 3 months, my blood pressure and blood sugar were back to normal and I got off all of my meds. Ive been living the keto life ever since.
Once I got my eating under control, I turned again to fitness. But this time, I wanted to build muscle. What I didnt realize at the time was that a good gym can be really hard to get.
Finding a place where you feel safe and welcome is not easy when youre new to fitness and dont have that perfect, cookie-cutter gym body. Every time I walked into a gym, I felt like I was bothering people. It was intimidating and uncomfortable. I thought I would never find my spot.
Then I walked into Anytime Fitness and everyone there was smiling, friendly. People of all shapes, sizes, colors, and fitness levels. Everyday, normal people. I started to let my guard down, especially once I met the now-manager Joseph Verdejo. When he sat me down and talked to me about my goals and what I wanted for my life, I felt like he really cared about what I had to say. I signed up for a membership that day.
Misti Hernandez
And I signed my sister, too (#sorrynotsorry, Amber!). I didnt want to undertake my fitness journey alone. But I quickly realized that wasnt going to be a problem. In the beginning, Joseph put me in group classes with Tracy O'Callaghan who worked with women ages 50 and up. I was 37 and Im not going to lie: I was afraid that I wasnt going to keep up with them. But I was instantly hooked despite having my butt kicked. I realized I loved having a coach and a community that was going to push me harder than I could push myself. I immediately upgraded my membership for unlimited classes.
Kettlebells. HIIT. Strength training. It was all hard as hell, but I wanted to do it. And then Joseph paired me up with a personal trainer, Calvin Stahl, who is absolutely amazing. In 2016 he was battling brain cancer. So even though hes much younger than me and were both very different people, we both understood what its like to fight for your life. He still keeps me motivated.
Misti Hernandez
At some point, I started coming to the gym every daysometimes two or three times a dayeven though there were moments when I felt guilty about being away from my kids. (You know, that old story.) I had to remind myself that I was doing this for all of us.
I set little goals for myself. Lets lose 10 pounds. Now lets lose 50. And I was surprised to find that I just kept crushing them and crushing them. Today, Im proud to say that Ive lost 159 pounds since starting my journey; that I have a passionate love/hate relationship with kettlebells (Im working on getting my booty back); and my focus is not about losing weight anymore. One of my next major goals is to be able to master pushups by my 40th birthday.
Misti Hernandez
Now, I have so much energy. Im a proud soccer mom who is able to shuttle my son Benjamin to all his games and practices. My daughter, Olivia, is a Girl Scout, and I love being her troops co-leader. Im even making plans to pivot my career and become a personal trainer. My dream is to show women that if I can do it, they can do it.
Honestly, the radical changes in my life are almost unbelievable, and I know part of the reason I was able to stick with this journey is because of the deep relationships Ive formed at the gym. I mean, all of the women in these classes are like sisters. Before and after workouts, we counsel each other on our marital problems or kids, we go out for dinner and drinks. Every single one of these women is so inspirational. Theyve helped me tremendously with my confidence.
Misti Hernandez
For a while, I wouldnt be caught dead wearing a cut-off shirt. I didnt want you to see the saggy skin hanging from my arms. I was so ashamed of it. I still kind of am. But my gym sisters, they are always telling me: Misti, look how strong youve become. Look at everything youve accomplished. It took a little prodding, but now Im not afraid to wear a tank top at the gym anymore.
When Anytime Fitness chose me as one of their National Success Story winners for my weight loss transformation, I was floored.
I couldn't comprehend why they would choose me, one of four winners out of 4 million members. The company flew me out to their headquarters in Minnesota for a ceremony. They gave me a trophy, $1,000, and I had to give a speech. Before I left for Woodbury, the Anytime crew filmed me in the gym to tell my story. And when they played it on the big screen at HQ, I started crying.
I just couldnt believe the woman I saw in that video. Like, Who is that? I didnt realize how amazing my story was. When youre living through hardships, you dont really see the whole picture, you know? I was so inspired by myself that night.
Heck, I still watch that video on YouTube. Like, all the time. And Im not afraid to talk at the screen either. Like, This lady is so friggin awesome. And my kids are like, Mom, thats you!"
I know this all probably sounds conceited, but you have to understand: Its still really hard for me to look at my body and understand that thats me. The body dysmorphia that you experience after losing so much weight is incredibly strange. I have to keep reminding myself that Im still the same Misti.
I still curse like a sailor.
I still have a big heart.
And Im still the woman wholl tell you that your outfit looks bonkersthat is, only if you ask me. (I like to tell it as it is. No sugar coating!)
And in some ways, I still have the same brain. The same thoughts. That same dark voice that says Im uglythat Im not worthy. I have hated myself for so many years. Its not something that I can just switch off by working out more or changing my diet.
So every day I have to look into my eyes in the mirror and give myself a pep talk. Remind myself of my why, tell myself I am worthy of happiness, and that I've got this! Ive got Olivia OBriens song Love Myself on repeat, by the way. That usually gets me going in the morning.
But on the days when it feels particularly hard to love myself like Olivia, I know Ive got people in my life who lift me up. Like my family, my girls at the gymand the boy who nearly killed me.
Hes three now and he struggles with autism. For him, that means words can be difficult. But every day, Agustin says this one phrase to me. One that makes me tear up sometimes. Hell grab my arms and play with them like they are silly putty. Then I look into his big brown eyes and he says, Mommy, youre beautiful.
Every single day he says this.
And I just melt. Because not only is he filled with such unconditional love, but he is my reminder of the day I decided to save my own life.
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At 325 Pounds, I Almost Died Giving Birth. Then, I Lost 159 Pounds and Took Back My Life. -
Want to Lose Weight and Be Healthier? Just Add Fiber, Says a Nutritionist – The Beet

Q: I always hear about fiber. Why is that so critical to a healthy diet? And what is the right ratio of fiber to carbs?
A: Fiber isthe f word that everyone shoulduse more frequently. Many people only think about fiber for digestive health, but it does so much more than help you stay regular. Fiber helps you debloat, detox and even turn on your body's natural ability to lose weight.
First, let's start off by defining what it is: Fiber is an indigestible carbohydrate that is found in plants. Whereas most carbohydrates are broken down into sugar molecules, fiber passes through the body undigested. As it does so, it takes with it bile acids, which helps to decrease cholesterol levels. Fiber also takes a while to be digested, which helps keep you feeling full and plays a role in regulating hunger. Lastly, it adds bulk to the waste product in your intestines and contributes to digestive regularity.
The study added to the mounting research that people who eat more fiber weigh less than their counterparts who eat fewer grams of fiber daily.
While high-fiber foods tend to be healthy, what proved even more relevant to the weight loss study wasthat tadiet high in fruits and vegetables was easier to stick to than the other, more structured approach. Fiver moves through the body without elevating blood sugar, so one reason for the weight loss results may have been related to the fact that when you eat a high fiber diet, insulin levels stay even, and the body never gets the signal to "store extra calories as fat" but just instead either burns them off or moves them along through the digestive track and out.
But thats not all-- eating a high fiber diet has been linked to a reduction in many serious diseases. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends that everyone consume plenty of daily fiber from plant foods, because higher intakes of dietary fiber reduces the risk of developing several chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers, and have been associated with lower body weights. Yet, with only 1 in 10 American adults eating enough veggies, most people dont meet their daily fiber needs.
Women should eat 25 grams of fiber daily, while men need 38 grams. Fiber is most abundant in fruits, veggies, whole grains, beans and legumes. If youre looking to up your fiber game, start by filling half of your plate at every meal with a combination of fruits and vegetables. Many plant-based proteins, like beans, legumes and soy, are also rich in fiber, so make sure you get plenty of protein at each meal. Youll also find it in processed foods, but dont be fooled.
Lookat the nutrition label and do the math tocompute the carbs to fiber ratio. If its around a 6:1 or 5:1 ratio, that's five carb grams to 1 fiber gram, you know the product has plenty of fiber. If its higher than that, it might be worth choosing another option. For example, a slice of bread with 20 grams of carbs and 5 grams of fiber (4:1 ratio) is a better choice than one that has 20 grams of carbs and 2 grams of fiber (10:1).
Use these numbers more as a guideline than a hard and fast rule. Youre allowed to indulge in foods that you love that arent full of fiber, but try to make sure you get plenty of the f word every day to ensure a happy and healthy life.
Do you have a question for our experts? Email us at and your question could be answered in an upcoming column.
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Want to Lose Weight and Be Healthier? Just Add Fiber, Says a Nutritionist - The Beet