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Verify: Is tequila good for you? – 13WMAZ

Verify: Is tequila good for you?
Dana Thiede, KARE 11:55 PM. EDT May 05, 2017
Stock Image (Photo: KARE)
GOLDEN VALLEY, Minn. - Friday marks Cinco de Mayo, a day set aside to commemorate the Mexican Army's unlikely victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862, under the leadership of General Ignacio Zaragoza.
Ok, let's be honest...for many it's more about firing up the blenderand making a fabulous tequila cocktail.
In recent days, we've noticed posts and videos popping up on social media touting the medicinal benefits of the clear liquor, saying it helps you sleep, lose weight, and can even cure a common cold. Question is, are those claims true, or a hearty shot of hyperbole?
We decided to find out as part of a new initiative KARE11 is launching called Verify. We will examine stories or claims that are buzzing on social or the mainstream media, and try to verify whether that story is true, false, or perhaps a little bit of both.
To answer the question "Is tequila good for you?" KARE11's Cory Hepola talked to two expert sources: Simeon Phelps, Beverage Director for the popular Nico's Taco and Tequila Bar in Minneapolis as well asAllina Health Dietician Elizabeth Vander Laan.
Phelps brought up agave, a cactus varietal that is the main ingredient in tequila. Some experts tout its ability to replace sugars, aiding in weight loss. Agave's anti-inflammatoryand immune-boosting properties have also been cited, and the website claims the Aztecs used agave syrup to treat wounds because of its antibacterial properties. Three years ago, the American Chemical Society did report that a sweetener created from the agave plant could help certain people with diabetes lose weight.
So if tequila is made of agave it has to be good for you, right? Not so much, said Vander Laan.
"There's not even that type of sugar left in it because it's fermented out," Vander Laan said, talking about the process of distilling agave into tequila.
Does it really help you sleep?
"It's a depressant, so it might help you actually get to sleep, but I'm not sure it's that restful sleep," asserted Vander Haan. The National Sleep Foundation agrees, saying alcohol interrupts your circadian rhythm, blocks REM sleep and can aggravate breathing problems.
How about weight loss? "An ounce and a half of hard alcohol is about 80 calories," says Vander Haan, not even mentioning the sweet, caloric stuff tequila is frequently mixed with.
And that whole dead about curing colds? "They used to use it back in the 30's, back when you could order all sorts of crazy things for the Sears catalog, right? No, there's no evidence to support that," Vander Haan insisted.
At this point, we can safely say KARE 11 has verified that tequila is NOT good for you, despite some of the claims you may have seen on social media. Vander Laandoes say that moderate alcohol use of any variety may have some positive heart benefits for some, but alcohol is also hard on your liver, increases the risk of certain cancers, and can be addictive.
If you're going to drink tequila this Cinco de Mayo, Vander Haan says to do it in moderation, and if you're not a tequila drinker.... don't start swilling it for your health.
Elizabeth Vander Haan, Dietician, Allina Health Systems
Simeon Phelps, Beverage Director,Nico's Taco and Tequila Bar
2017 KARE-TV
Go here to see the original:
Verify: Is tequila good for you? - 13WMAZ
Advice to iron out those fat dimples from cellulite – The Philadelphia Tribune

The word cellulite was coined decades ago in an European beauty-spa to describe fat that has pushed itself between the walls of your connective tissue.
Many people think toxins cause cellulite. Toxins have nothing to do with cellulite. You can develop cellulite whether youre heavy or thin. Nothing you put on the out side of your body will reduce the fat on the inside. The only way to reduce cellulite is to reduce your fat intake and do some exercise.
What is commonly called cellulite is just a dimpling appearance of fat on your thighs and buttocks. Everyone can develop cellulite. Cellulite is most common in women. Its possible for a woman of normal weight to have more cellulite than an overweight woman.
The area where cellulite develops is made up of a network of fibrous bands on top of fat. The fat pushes through this network of bands and creates a waffled or dimpled appearance. The more fat you have, the more cellulite shows. As you age the supportive structure that makes fat appear smooth begins to breakdown. It now takes less fat for the cellulite to show.
Poor diet, fad dieting, slow metabolism, lack of physical activity, hormone changes, dehydration, high total body fat, thickness and color of your skin are other conditions that lead to the development of cellulite. Even genetics can play a role in your development of cellulite.
In the last few years over $30 billion each year was spent to get rid of fat. The least effective method was the cellulite creams, which claim to work by helping your body metabolize fat.
Cellulite develops deep under your skin and metabolism takes place inside the body, not outside. Dieting is the most popular way to lose weight. Dieting will never burn fat or calories. Most of the people who lost weight while dieting gained back all the weight they lost. Some dieters gained back the original weight and from 10 to 15 pounds more.
When you plan to get rid of cellulite you should look at your complete lifestyle.
The Right Nutrition
You should never take in less than 12 calories per pound of body weight. That means a 100-pound person should take in no less than 1,200 calories daily. This type of eating plan will help keep your metabolism constant.
Your metabolic rate determines how fast your body burns calories. To help get rid of your cellulite, you should drink plenty of water and cut high sodium foods from your diet. Eating plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains throughout the day will help to replace fat calories. Eating small meals throughout the day will keep you from overeating. We should eat foods loaded with vitamins, minerals and fiber but low in fat and calories.
These nutrients rich foods include vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, peas and low fat dairy products.
Its recommended that we have at least four servings each of fruit, vegetables, whole grains and two servings of protein. Low fat dairy products are also important. You need at least two serving daily.
Get Physical
Exercise also speeds up your metabolic rate. Ideally you should do an aerobic workout to burn fat and some strengthening resistance exercises to develop and tone muscle tissue to effectively burn fat. If you diet without exercising, your body will feed on muscle to get what it needs.
A good beginner workout should consist of a light aerobic workout like brisk walking, stretching and basic calisthenics like push-ups for the chest, back and triceps and crunch ups for the abdominal area.
If you have never worked out or youre out of shape, you should see your doctor to get his approval to start a program. You should always work your way into a program gradually. If youre coming back from a long lay off (more than six weeks) due to an injury, you need to be very careful and follow your doctors orders.
Aerobic exercise can help keep weight off, which can reduce the appearance of cellulite. To really smooth out your skin, youve got to lift weights. A study done at the South Shore YMCA in Quincy, Mass., found that adults who did three 30-minute aerobic workouts each week for eight weeks lost 4 pounds, but gained no muscle and only slightly improved body fat composition. Those that combined 15 minutes of aerobic activity with 15 minutes of strength training three times a week lost 10 pounds of fat, added 2 pounds of muscle, and saw a greater overall improvement in body fat composition. The later group looked better and lost a lot of the dimples.
Aerobics Workout
An aerobics workout is any workout that keeps you moving continuously for 30 minutes. It takes the body 30 minutes to switch to the fat burning stage during a workout. The average person can comfortably start with 10 to 15 minutes of aerobic exercise. Gradually build your aerobic exercise time to 30 to 45 minutes at least 3 times a week. Aerobic exercise is the only effective way to burn fat.
Some examples of aerobic workouts include 30 minutes or more of brisk walking, jogging, bicycling, skating, swimming, walking in a pool, aerobic, dancing, racquetball and jumping rope.
Workouts which include a lot of stop-and-go movements will burn calories but are not considered aerobic. These include karate, volleyball, weight training, sprinting, tennis, ballet and gymnastics.
Resistance Exercise
Not doing muscle-building exercises will make you look worse than when you started your diet. Muscle gives the body its shape. Doing toning exercises with weights or active exercise machines for the whole body two to three times a week will help to smooth out the dimpled effect caused by cellulite. Lack of muscle tone will make cellulite more obvious. When you build muscle it will also help burn fat.
A beginner should start by doing 15 minutes of calisthenics. This should include two to three exercises for each body part. Push-ups, sit-ups, knee bends and calf raises are excellent basic exercises.
After getting in some conditioning, starting using some weights. Join a gym. Get a trainer. Make your workout harder.
Dieting and Smoking
The only sure way to lose weight safely is to exercise and diet at the same time. By dieting and exercising sensibly you can lose 1 to 1.5 pounds of body fat a week. Any greater loss will be water, muscle and bone. So get rid of that cellulite safely. Eat right and exercise.
Stop smoking. Cigarette smoke reduces blood vessel flow, weaken connective tissue and disrupt the formation of collagen. Smoking helps to cause the connective tissue to become stretched and damaged more easily. This allows underlying fat to show through your connective tissue. Smoking can also causes premature wrinkles and aging, leave skin dry and discolored and can contribute to stretch marks.
Before starting your fitness program, consult your physician.
Originally posted here:
Advice to iron out those fat dimples from cellulite - The Philadelphia Tribune
What Exactly Is the Sirtfood Diet, and Why Is Pippa Middleton On It? (Spoiler: You Can Drink Red Wine!) – Bravo (blog)

In news that will shock no one, Pippa Middleton reportedly is hitting the gym hard and strictly adhering to a diet in advance of her May 20 wedding. According to E! News, the 33-year-old, set to marry hedge fund manager James Matthews, has been attending hour-and-15-minute Pilates classes at the exclusive KX Gym in Londons Chelsea, and sticking to the Sirtfood diet, created by health consultants Aidan Goggins and Glen Matten. (Adele and a bunch of other Brits weve never heard of also reportedly are fans.)
So what is the Sirtfood diet, anyway? And should you be doing it? Here's the lowdown.
What is the Sirtfood diet?
Research shows that certain foods contain chemicals called polyphenols, which stress out cells so much they stimulate your sirtuin genes, which go into fasting mode and control metabolism and trigger weight loss. Such foods include kale (of course), blueberries, capers, extra virgin olive oil, onions, and walnuts, to name a few, but also indulgences like dark chocolate and red wine (!).
OK, you had me at red wine. How does it work?
For the first three days of the diet, you are only allowed Sirtfood green juices and one full meal made up of approved Sirtfoods, for a grand total of 1,000 calories a day. After the initial phase, you can increase caloric intake to 1,500 calories by having two green juices and two Sirtfood-rich meals a day.
Sounds doable. Whats the catch?
The diet not only restricts calories, it also limits what you can eat. I never recommend completely removing foods from my clients lives because it never ends well, says Tracy Lockwood, a celebrity registered dietitian and founder of Tracy Lockwood Nutrition in New York. She recounts how whenever her clients complete a quick fix diet, they tell her how they celebrated their success with pizza and fries. Now, that doesnt make sense! she says.
Still, Ill lose weight on the Sirtfood diet, wont I?
Any weight loss you do experience on this diet likely isnt real, Lockwood says. The initial weight loss may be related to fluid loss, so its going to eventually come backand then somewhen people go back to their regular eating patterns, she says.
But how bad could eating kale, blueberries, and walnuts all day every day really be? Is the Sirtfood diet safe?
Not at all, says Lockwood. Anyone who is looking to lose weight wont effectively and safely do so by putting themselves in such a severe caloric deficit, she says. And this diet can cause disordered eating habits due to the restrictive nature of the calories and lack of essential macronutrients.
Whats more, maintaining such a diet long-term is near impossible for most folks, unless your sister is a princess and youre about to marry a millionaire. Instead, Lockwood advises, I would encourage people to simply incorporate foods that are high in sirtuins in their existing balanced diet rather than adopt this one.
It seems Middleton herself would even agree. I grew up with the belief that good health is about moderation in all things, she wrote for Britains Waitrose Weekend magazine back in 2014. So Ill be celebrating healthy living through exercise, a balanced diet, and a little of the naughty stuff sprinkled in.
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Continue reading here:
What Exactly Is the Sirtfood Diet, and Why Is Pippa Middleton On It? (Spoiler: You Can Drink Red Wine!) - Bravo (blog)
World’s fattest woman AIRLIFTED to new hospital following row – Daily Star

THE world's fattest woman is preparing to be treated in Abu Dhabi this week after falling out with her Indian doctors over her treatment.
New images released this week showed the apparent dramatic weight loss Eman Ahmed had achieved following surgery.
But now she has been loaded onto a specially adapted plane to take her to the Middle East.
Eman had to have Dr Shajir Gaffar, CEO of VPS Healthcare, Dubai and Northern Emirates and Burjeel Hospital for Advanced Surgery where she is due to be treated, on the flight to monitor her heart due to her still massive weight.
It comes as doctors in India have refusing to continue treating Eman saying they have fitted a gastric band and now she needs to continue the work on her own at home.
Eman who tipped the scales at an incredible half a tonne (79 stone) was discharged from hospital with medics refusing to carry out any further treatment on her following a falling out between Eman's sister Shaimaa Selim and her treating surgeon Dr Muffazal Lakdawala.
Everything is ready and prepared, she has a specialised room prepared for her and the family
Shaimaa Selim said her sister had deteriorated since the operation at the Saifee Hospital in the city of Mumbai in western India's Maharashtra state.
The pair flew from their home in the Egyptian city of Alexandria to India after surgeon Dr Muffazal Lakdawala offered to help Ms Abdulati lose weight.
He performed bariatric surgery, which involves fitting a gastric band to reduce the size of her stomach and claimed the operation had helped her lose about 250 kilogrammes (39 stone 7 pounds).
But Ms Selim says the hospital does not even have equipment capable of weighing her and she estimates that her sister has lost no more than 60 kilogrammes (9 stone 6 pounds).
The row rumbled on and caused Ms Selim to seek outside help with medics form Abu Dhabi stepping forward.
Eman had previously not left her home in Alexandria, Egypt for 25 years prior to the weight loss trip to India.
Sanet Mayer, Director of Burjeel's Medevac unit, said Eman is set to undergo a series of health tests when she arrives at the new facility.
Amazingly, these reality TV stars have lost more than 40st between them... all thanks to healthy eating and exercise
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Scarlett Moffatt shows off her weight loss
Eman is currently being fed a special liquid diet via a feeding tube and cannot speak very well. This happened when she suffered a stroke in Egypt prior to the surgery.
Sanet said: "She can understand some commands, but she is unable to complete sentences. She's not able to speak words that people can understand, but she can obey commands.
"Everything is ready and prepared, she has a specialised room prepared for her and the family, and she has a bariatric bed, which prevents bed sores for long term patients."
But getting Eman to the hospital safely is the gravest concern for now, say medics.
Dr Gaffar continued: "As of now I would say health and safety is our priority. We are looking at the safe transportation of the patient, to Abu Dhabi, from here."
Read more from the original source:
World's fattest woman AIRLIFTED to new hospital following row - Daily Star
Verify: Is tequila good for you? – KVUE

Verify: Is tequila good for you?
Dana Thiede, KARE 7:21 PM. CDT May 06, 2017
Stock Image (Photo: KARE)
In recent days, we've noticed posts and videos popping up on social media touting the medicinal benefits of the clear liquor, saying it helps you sleep, lose weight, and can even cure a common cold. Question is, are those claims true, or a hearty shot of hyperbole?
To answer the question "Is tequila good for you?" KARE11's Cory Hepola talked to two expert sources: Simeon Phelps, Beverage Director for the popular Nico's Taco and Tequila Bar in Minneapolis as well asAllina Health Dietician Elizabeth Vander Laan.
Phelps brought up agave, a cactus varietal that is the main ingredient in tequila. Some experts tout its ability to replace sugars, aiding in weight loss. Agave's anti-inflammatoryand immune-boosting properties have also been cited, and the website claims the Aztecs used agave syrup to treat wounds because of its antibacterial properties. Three years ago, the American Chemical Society did report that a sweetener created from the agave plant could help certain people with diabetes lose weight.
So if tequila is made of agave it has to be good for you, right? Not so much, said Vander Laan.
"There's not even that type of sugar left in it because it's fermented out," Vander Laan said, talking about the process of distilling agave into tequila.
Does it really help you sleep?
"It's a depressant, so it might help you actually get to sleep, but I'm not sure it's that restful sleep," asserted Vander Haan. The National Sleep Foundation agrees, saying alcohol interrupts your circadian rhythm, blocks REM sleep and can aggravate breathing problems.
How about weight loss? "An ounce and a half of hard alcohol is about 80 calories," says Vander Haan, not even mentioning the sweet, caloric stuff tequila is frequently mixed with.
And that whole dead about curing colds? "They used to use it back in the 30's, back when you could order all sorts of crazy things for the Sears catalog, right? No, there's no evidence to support that," Vander Haan insisted.
At this point, we can safely say KARE 11 has verified that tequila is NOT good for you, despite some of the claims you may have seen on social media. Vander Laandoes say that moderate alcohol use of any variety may have some positive heart benefits for some, but alcohol is also hard on your liver, increases the risk of certain cancers, and can be addictive.
If you're going to drink tequila this Cinco de Mayo, Vander Haan says to do it in moderation, and if you're not a tequila drinker.... don't start swilling it for your health.
Elizabeth Vander Haan, Dietician, Allina Health Systems
Simeon Phelps, Beverage Director,Nico's Taco and Tequila Bar
Help our journalists VERIFY the news.Do you know someone else we should interview for this story? Did we miss anything in our reporting? Is there another story you'd like us to VERIFY?Click here.
2017 KARE-TV
Read the original:
Verify: Is tequila good for you? - KVUE
This drink will help to lose weight – (press release)

TOP 7 reasons to drink a glass of wine. Like sometimes draining a glass of wine, know the difference between the base notes of Cabernet and Pinot Noir, or just like to enjoy a glass of red after a long day of work? But when there is so much talk about healthy lifestyles and the dangers of alcohol, drinks like something go by the wayside.
The experts decided to tell you what are the benefits and harms of wine for health.
First of all, it should be said that the benefit of red wine significantly greater than the benefits of white wine, so we mostly go about it.
Why it is useful to drink wine? 1. Use for immunityRed wine reduces the risk of illness, the secret is in the ingredient resveratrol. It is produced by plants in response to damage, ensuring its immunity and helps him to survive. Man this antioxidant helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and dementia, protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation, increases the protective functions of the organism, improves blood circulation and removes cholesterol. Good, right?
2. For glowing skinThe benefits of wine for women lies in its impact on our skin. Resveratrol slows the growth of acne causing bacteria and gives the skin a healthy glow. This property of red wine is actively used on some models. To look good in the photos, the evening before the shooting they drink a glass of red wine. This life hack helps their skin look fresh and healthy the next morning.
See also: Thanks to celery, can be a week to lose seven kilo
3. Makes teeth strongerRed wine strengthens our 32 pearls. Although a glass of red wine can leave on our teeth temporary pinkish plaque, it also has some useful health of the oral cavity properties. Wine contains polyphenols that help block harmful bacteria, not allowing them to stick to the teeth.
4. Helps to relaxResveratrol stimulates the secretion of anti-stress protein PARP-1, which activates genes responsible for DNA repair. And it also promotes longevity.
5. Improves digestionAll these polyphenols contained in wine, is actually quite difficult to digest. Doesnt sound useful, but Spanish scientists have found that polyphenols the best food for the good bacteria living in our gut.
6. Promotes weight lossResveratrol helps to lose weight. Just listen to about the positive results of these studies: one from the University of Washington reports that resveratrol helps convert white fat into brown fat which is easier to burn. And Harvard University 13 years have seen 20,000 women and found that those who drank two glasses of wine every day are 70 percent less likely to suffer from overweight. In addition, other studies have shown that resveratrol also helps suppress appetite.
7. Can improve the performance on the trainingAs strange as it may sound, but wine is useful for athletes. Resveratrol can enhance performance. In the course of a couple of studies it was found that the effect of resveratrol can enhance the effect of the exercises. However, the studies were conducted in rats and found that achieving results requires much more resveratrol than you will find in one glass of wine.
See also: From these products the weight itself begins to decrease
One glass of red wine contains from 0.29 to 1.89 milligrams, says Lauren Schmitt, a nutritionist, a certified personal trainer and owner of Healthy Eating And Training Inc., Less than 146 milligrams used in the study.
That is, the person would have to literally drink before to improve performance. But whether you are then able to train. And the hangover the next morning all will bring all the benefits of such exercises to zero. Perhaps the studies in which the subjects drinking non-alcoholic wine. But thats another story.
Perhaps paragraph 7 is not so good news. But the other benefits of red wine can safely use. The main thing not to drink wine huge doses, because the abuse of alcohol will turn all its advantages into disadvantages.
The maximum benefit of red wine will bring, if we limit ourselves to one glass a day. And dont forget the wine overloaded with sugar (wine is made from grapes), so it is best to prefer dry varieties. The benefits and harms of wine for health is defined by the moderate consumption.
2017, All rights reserved
Read more:
This drink will help to lose weight - (press release)
Tips on How To Lose Baby Weight – FOX31 Denver

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With Mother's Day coming up, we wanted to dedicate this Fitness Friday to all the moms and moms to be. When you're pregnant, or just after you have a baby, it seems like every mom you know just drops the weight immediately after delivering. But in reality, a lot of moms struggle to lose the post-baby pounds. Joana is living proof! With her second child, she had gestational diabetes and gained 70 pounds. It took her a year and a half to get it off, even as a fitness professional! That's why we asked Doctor Angela Tran, Founder of Med-Fit Medical Weight Loss, to share her advice for safely shedding the weight after pregnancy.
Dr. Tran has a new program, the Six Week Summer Slim Down, that will help you lose 15 pounds or more in just six weeks! It includes meal replacements, weigh-ins and accountability coaching calls. Plus, you'll get an additional $600 in savings with an extra week of meals, metabolism boosters and discounts on i-Lipo. She only has room for a few folks, so call now to be a part of the challenge. Call Med-Fit Medical Weight Loss at (303)321-0023. You can also schedule online today by visiting
View original post here:
Tips on How To Lose Baby Weight - FOX31 Denver
Verify: Is tequila good for you? – W*USA 9

Verify: Is tequila good for you?
Dana Thiede, KARE 9:44 PM. EDT May 05, 2017
Stock Image (Photo: KARE)
GOLDEN VALLEY, Minn. - Friday marks Cinco de Mayo, a day set aside to commemorate the Mexican Army's unlikely victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862, under the leadership of General Ignacio Zaragoza.
Ok, let's be honest...for many it's more about firing up the blenderand making a fabulous tequila cocktail.
In recent days, we've noticed posts and videos popping up on social media touting the medicinal benefits of the clear liquor, saying it helps you sleep, lose weight, and can even cure a common cold. Question is, are those claims true, or a hearty shot of hyperbole?
We decided to find out as part of a new initiative KARE11 is launching called Verify. We will examine stories or claims that are buzzing on social or the mainstream media, and try to verify whether that story is true, false, or perhaps a little bit of both.
To answer the question "Is tequila good for you?" KARE11's Cory Hepola talked to two expert sources: Simeon Phelps, Beverage Director for the popular Nico's Taco and Tequila Bar in Minneapolis as well asAllina Health Dietician Elizabeth Vander Laan.
Phelps brought up agave, a cactus varietal that is the main ingredient in tequila. Some experts tout its ability to replace sugars, aiding in weight loss. Agave's anti-inflammatoryand immune-boosting properties have also been cited, and the website claims the Aztecs used agave syrup to treat wounds because of its antibacterial properties. Three years ago, the American Chemical Society did report that a sweetener created from the agave plant could help certain people with diabetes lose weight.
So if tequila is made of agave it has to be good for you, right? Not so much, said Vander Laan.
"There's not even that type of sugar left in it because it's fermented out," Vander Laan said, talking about the process of distilling agave into tequila.
Does it really help you sleep?
"It's a depressant, so it might help you actually get to sleep, but I'm not sure it's that restful sleep," asserted Vander Haan. The National Sleep Foundation agrees, saying alcohol interrupts your circadian rhythm, blocks REM sleep and can aggravate breathing problems.
How about weight loss? "An ounce and a half of hard alcohol is about 80 calories," says Vander Haan, not even mentioning the sweet, caloric stuff tequila is frequently mixed with.
And that whole dead about curing colds? "They used to use it back in the 30's, back when you could order all sorts of crazy things for the Sears catalog, right? No, there's no evidence to support that," Vander Haan insisted.
At this point, we can safely say KARE 11 has verified that tequila is NOT good for you, despite some of the claims you may have seen on social media. Vander Laandoes say that moderate alcohol use of any variety may have some positive heart benefits for some, but alcohol is also hard on your liver, increases the risk of certain cancers, and can be addictive.
If you're going to drink tequila this Cinco de Mayo, Vander Haan says to do it in moderation, and if you're not a tequila drinker.... don't start swilling it for your health.
Elizabeth Vander Haan, Dietician, Allina Health Systems
Simeon Phelps, Beverage Director,Nico's Taco and Tequila Bar
2017 KARE-TV
Read more:
Verify: Is tequila good for you? - W*USA 9
It’s Happening in Brigantine, events beginning May 5 – Shore News Today

Red Cross blood drive
The Brigantine Fire Department and the Community Presbyterian Church will hold a Red Cross Blood Drive 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Friday,May 5at the Church Hall. Call 609-266-7942.
The Brigantine library will host a Mother's Day craft for children ages 3-12 1:30 p.m. Saturday,May 6. Registration is requested. Call 609-266-0110.
The American Legion will host a free country line dancing event by Just Dance Jersey 3-5 p.m. Sunday,May 7, at the Legion hall. Call 609-266-9477.
The Brigantine library will host a kids event featuring the work of David Shannon 2 p.m. Saturday,May 13. Open to ages 6-12. Registration is requested. Listen to stories, and make a craft. Call 609-266-0110.
Community Presbyterian Church, 15th Street and West Brigantine Avenue, will hold a Mothers Day flower sale noon-5 p.m. Thursday and Friday,May 11 and 12;9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday,May 13;and 9 a.m.-noon Sunday,May 14, rain or shine. The sale will feature hanging flower baskets, patio pots, carry baskets, and a selection of veggies and herbs. Email or call Sue Clark at 609-338-3174 or the church office at 609-266-7942.
Brigantine Flotilla 85 of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary will conduct About Boating Safely classes 9 a.m. Saturdays,May 13, June 10, July 8 and Aug. 12at the Brigantine Beach Community Center, 265 42nd St. Each class lasts eight hours and includes lunch. Upon passing the test at the end of the class, a NJ Boating Safety certificate will be issued. A $60 prepaid registration is required. To register call 609-926-7607 and leave a message or email For class information see
There will be a bocce meeting for the mixed league 6 p.m. Monday, May 15 at the Community Center. Teams will be formed at that time. There will be a women's league meeting 6 p.m. Monday, May 22; teams will be formed then. For information call Elaine Balzer at 609-266-2238 or Maria Hovespian at 609-266-5139.
The Brigantine library will host an adult craft program 6-7:30 p.m. Thursday,May 18. Decorate a flower basket for all your spring flowers. Registration is requested. Call 609-266-0110.
The Brigantine North Middle School will have its 20th National Junior Honor Society induction ceremony 7 p.m. Friday,May 19in the Middle School auditorium. All former members are invited and encouraged to attend. Jen Daniels, the first Honor Society president and current Comcast Sports anchor, will be the guest speaker. For information call Larry DiGiovanni at 609-264-9505 or email
The Brigantine library will show a free move 10 a.m. Saturday,May 20, as part of Medieval Month. This animated adaptation of a classic fable chronicles King Arthur's humble beginnings. Light refreshments will be provided. Please advise of any food allergies. Call 609-266-1001.
The Brigantine library will host an acts of kindness event 3 p.m. Thursday,May 25. The free program is open to all. Registration is requested. Light refreshments will be provided. Please advise of any food allergies. Call 609-266-0110.
Classic Car Show and Parade
The Brigantine Lions Club will hold its fifth annual Car Show and Parade 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Sunday, May 28 along Brigantine Avenue to support its Seeing Eye Puppy program. About 100 classic cars are expected. They will be on display in the parking lot of St. George's Pub.
A meeting aimed at increasing awareness and understanding of substance abuse will be held 7 p.m. Tuesday,May 30at the Elks Lodge. Sponsored by multiple organizations across Brigantine, the meeting is geared toward adults.
The Brigantine CER sponsors an eight-day, seven-night bus trip to Montreal, Quebec City, Ottawa, Toronto and Niagara Falls,June 3-10, 2017. There will be guided tours in each of the cities. The tour price is $1,680 per person, double occupancy, $2,330 for singles and $1,500 for triples. For information call the CER Office at 609-264-7350, ext. 1.
Brigantine CER is sponsoring a seven-day, five-night trip to LondonSept. 7-13. Flight leaves from Philadelphia Airport. Bus transportation to and from the airport is provided. Guests will stay at the Copthome Tara, a four-star hotel in the Kensington section of London. Price includes daily breakfast, two dinners with water and wine or beer, one pub lunch with beer and one additional lunch with beverages. There will be a full-day guided orientation tour of Londons highlights with a visit to the British Museum; a full-day guided tour of UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Blenheim Palace and a visit to Oxford; a half-day guided tour to Windsor and a visit to Windsor Castle; and a musical theater performance in Londons Theatre District. The price is $2,299 double occupancy. For single occupancy add $425. For a brochure or information, call at 609-264-7350, ext. 1 or stop by the Community Center and pick up a brochure.
The Brigantine CER sponsors a trip to the Canyon Country featuring Arizona and UtahOct. 9-17. Fly from Philadelphia International to Phoenix/Scottsdale. Cities to be visited include Phoenix, Scottsdale, Sedona Grand Canyon, Lake Powell, Bryce Canyon, Zion National Park and Las Vegas. The price is $2,999 for doubles, $3,749 for singles and $2,969 for triples. For information call the CER Office at 609-264-7350, ext. 1.
Brigantine Community Education and Recreation hosts a Course in Miracles Study Group 6:30-8:30 p.m. Saturdays at the center. Call 609-264-7350, ext. 1.
Crossroads Youth Group meets 7-8 p.m. every Sunday. Sponsored by the Community Presbyterian Church, the group is open to sixth- through eighth-grade youths in Brigantine. They meet weekly, and the meetings or outings consist of community service, fun and fellowship, spirituality and current issues. It is a positive atmosphere that stresses acceptance and is a true example of how to have fun without drugs or alcohol. Crossroads sponsors a Halloween hayride, an Easter egg hunt and the junior high dances that are held once a month. Open registration is extended each Sunday.
The Brigantine Community Center offers mahjong games 1-4 p.m. Thursdays on the second floor at the Community Center. For information call 609-264-7350, ext. 1.
Weight Watcher Meetings are held every Tuesday morning starting with weigh-in at 9:30 a.m. followed by a meeting at 10 a.m. Come in and learn how to successfully lose weight by following a customized food and activity plan to help you look and feel better and have more energy. Weight Watchers also offers a handy food and activity tracker, thousands of meal ideas and practically every healthy-living tool you can imagine. For information call the CER Office at 609-264-7350, ext. 1.
Those who like painting or arts and crafts are invited to join the Art Club at the Community Center 2-5 p.m. every Tuesday in the Art Room. There will be various mediums of art such as watercolor, acrylic, oil and various crafts. Club members are all at different levels. There is no fee. For information call the Community Center at 609-264-7350, ext. 1.
The thrift shop of the Community Presbyterian Church, 1501 W. Brigantine Ave., is open 5-8 p.m. Wednesdays, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Thursdays and 9 a.m.-noon Saturdays. Shop for bargains on gently used clothing for men, women and children, as well as shoes, small appliances, household items and jewelry. New items are received daily. Call the church office at 609-266-7942.
Quizzo is held 7-9 p.m. every Wednesday in the Brigantine Elks Lodge lounge, 400 W. Shore Drive. Prizes are awarded. See
The Running Center is partnering with the Brigantine Fitness Center to present a fitness class for active adults. Treadmilling for Walkers is offered noon Mondays and Wednesdays at the Brigantine Fitness Center. The class is led by Mindy Solkin, owner and head coach of The Running Center. She created the class to give seniors a full-body workout. The one-hour classes are open to members and nonmembers of the fitness center. Registration for one or two days per week is available at The fee is $15 for one class per week, or $25 for two per week. For information call 609-246-6974 or email
The Brigantine Beach Community Center hosts senior bingo 9:30 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. For information call 609-264-7350.
Submit event notices, including date, time, location, any fees, and contact information to
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It's Happening in Brigantine, events beginning May 5 - Shore News Today
World’s fattest woman must move countries on specially adapted plane in perilous journey to get treatment –

The world's fattest woman is moving countries after falling out with her doctors in India over her treatment.
Eman Ahmed Abdulati, who weighs 79 stone, is making the perilous journey in a specially adapted plane and is heading for Abu Dhabi in the Middle East.
Doctors in India are refusing to continue treating the half-tonne woman, saying they have fitted a gastric band and now she needs to continue the work on her own at home.
An army of medical experts from Burjeel are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the half-tonne woman who took off late last night.
Eman was discharged from hospital with medics refusing to carry out any further treatment on her following a falling out between Eman's sister Shaimaa Selim and her treating surgeon Dr Muffazal Lakdawala.
Shaimaa Selim said her sister had deteriorated since the operation at the Saifee Hospital in the city of Mumbai in western India's Maharashtra state after the pair flew from their home in the Egyptian city of Alexandria to India after surgeon Dr Muffazal Lakdawala offered to help Ms Abdulati lose weight.
He performed bariatric surgery, which involves fitting a gastric band to reduce the size of her stomach and claimed the operation had helped her lose about 39 stone 7 pounds.
But Ms Selim says the hospital does not even have equipment capable of weighing her and she estimates that her sister has lost no more than 9 stone 6 pounds.
The row rumbled on and caused Ms Selim to seek outside help, with medics form Abu Dhabi stepping forward.
Dr Shajir Gaffar, CEO of VPS Healthcare, Dubai and Northern Emirates and Burjeel Hospital for Advanced Surgery where she is due to be treated, made the trip to India himself to accompany the woman on the flight so he could keep an eye on her heart, due to her weight.
Dr Gaffar said: "At present, we have a team of 15 members of multi-disciplinary approach we are providing for the patient.
"We have aviation doctors, paramedics, logistics support, nurses, they are all on ground here, for her safe medical transportation to the airport from Saifee Hospital.
"Inside the flight there will be five experts accompanying her, including doctors, aviation medicine doctor, senior flight paramedic inside the aircraft."
Eman had previously not left her home in Alexandria, Egypt for 25 years prior to the weight loss trip to India.
Dr Gaffar continued: "Some miscommunication happened between the hospital and patient, and that's when the patient's family contacted us."
Eman is currently being fed a special liquid diet via a feeding tube and cannot speak very well.
This happened when she suffered a stroke in Egypt prior to the surgery.
Sanet said: "She can understand some commands, but she is unable to complete sentences. She's not able to speak words that people can understand, but she can obey commands.
"We have taken into consideration all the risk factors, during flight, that are going hand in hand with medical evacuation of a patient with altitude pressures, which we have taken into consideration."
"Regarding her oxygen levels, we will take care of it. We are well equipped to manage any situations that may arise.
"(Our job is to) insure her health status is improved before we discharge her to her home country, and the support for her family as well.
But getting Eman to the hospital safely is the gravest concern for now, say medics.
Dr Gaffar continued: "As of now I would say health and safety is our priority. We are looking at the safe transportation of the patient, to Abu Dhabi, from here."