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Best way to lose baby fat? Eat for one! – Daily Nation

= By NELLY BOSIRE 10 hoursago
Suzy* is a bubbly 26-year-old first-time mum. She is excited about motherhood, and having had an uneventful pregnancy and delivery, she has nothing to complain about. When she comes for her post-natal clinic at two weeks, she is doing well, and has settled into breastfeeding rather easily.
Her final post-natal clinic is rather dramatic, though. She is accompanied by her older sister, who is not amused that the new mum has gained seven kilogrammes since the delivery of her baby, not counting the nine kilos gained during pregnancy. From a svelte 56kgs to an uncomfortable 72 kilogrammes! She has no fitting clothes and has invaded her sisters wardrobe
Motherhood is one of the most cherished states for a woman. It brings contentment, excitement, a sense of accomplishment and even social elevation in some communities. In Africa and India, most communities will look down on a woman who has not achieved this feat.
During pregnancy a woman should, on average, gain eight to 12 kilogrammes by the time the baby is being born at term. This weight is derived from the baby itself, the amniotic fluid, the placenta, the increased breast tissue, the expanded maternal blood volume and a bit of fat stored in preparation for breastfeeding, commonly noticed under the shoulder blades.
The smaller the woman, the more likely she is to gain less weight. The obese woman has challenges balancing the necessary weight gain against an excess that is unhealthy.
Women with pregnancy complications such as pre-eclampsia will gain several more kilogrammes due to excessive retained fluid. This weight gain is usually sudden and the patient appears puffy.
The expectant womans calorie requirements in pregnancy varies with gestation. In the first trimester, one has no need for extra calories, hence dietary intake should provide about 1,800 kilocalories a day. This requirement goes up to 2,200kcal in the second trimester and 2,400kcal in the third.
The myth about a pregnant woman eating for two is not only false, but outright harmful. Extra calories during pregnancy lead to piling on unnecessary weight that may lead to unwarranted obesity. This myth continues into the post-natal phase under the pretext of breastfeeding. Studies have shown that women who put on weight beyond the recommended pregnancy kilos have a higher chance of retaining the excess weight right up to a year after delivery.
Once the baby comes, the new mum has a new mountain to climb. Well-meaning family members will visit with heaps of food and they expect the new mum to eat non-stop for the duration of breastfeeding.
Mugs of hot chocolate, porridge, soup and fermented milk are served without ceasing. Food servings are increased and the number of meals increases from three to five. Woe unto her if she has challenges with a good flow of breastmilk, or if the baby is colicky and cries all night. She will be forced to eat more to produce enough milk for her baby.
Within weeks, instead of shedding the baby weight, the new mum continues to gain weight at an alarming rate. Since she is still on maternity leave and does not need to dress up; she wears comfortable loose clothing and has no idea that her wardrobe no longer fits.
Suzy is in this trap. She has a doting mother-in-law who is visiting her first grandchild. The older lady spends all day in the kitchen cooking one delight after another and Suzy cannot resist pigging out.
In the breastfeeding phase, all Suzy needs is an extra 500kcal in addition to her daily requirements to cater for the baby. This way, women are able to lose the stored pregnancy fat and resume normal weight. What is required in large volumes is water. Quite an amount of water is lost in the breastmilk and it is important to replace this.
It is not in order to keep unnecessary weight under the guise of having more babies. Most lazy mothers will ignore the weight and cite their desire to have another baby and complete the family size as the excuse.
They will plan to lose the weight after they are done with having a second baby. The danger is that, with each successive pregnancy, they are already starting from a point of disadvantage, by being overweight or outright obese. The weight loss project ultimately becomes even more difficult.
Post-pregnancy weight loss must start from the delivery room. The mother should learn to eat only what her body requires. She must decisively choose what she needs to eat and not let that be dictated to her. Simple exercises such as brisk walking and swimming to boost metabolism are encouraged. Above all, breastfeeding in itself helps with the weight loss as the body is pushed to use the pregnancy fat that was stored specifically for this.
This is also a good period to initiate weight loss in those diagnosed with obesity during pregnancy. The danger of rapid weight loss in pregnancy is gone and the joints are under less pressure hence can tolerate exercise.
Look out for the contraceptive used too. Some women may gain weight especially if they use progesterone-based hormonal contraceptives. For this group of women, safe options are available and should be used as needed.
Also note that each woman is inherently different, some may have a high metabolism and lose weight in weeks. Others need a little longer to catch up. Whatever the case, shed off the post-natal weight safely.
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Best way to lose baby fat? Eat for one! - Daily Nation
Wellosophy and Eladiet Announce Receipt of the CE Mark for SWELL:A Proprietary, First-to Market, Ingestible … – Benzinga

Wellosophy Biotechnology and Eladiet S.A today announced the receipt of CE Mark 1254 authorizing the sale of SWELL - marketed as a Class IIa Medical Device under the tradename HydroSlim in all 27-member European Union countries.
Clearwater Beach, FL (PRWEB) March 13, 2017
SWELL is a multi-patented, ingestible, superabsorbent hydrogel technology specifically designed for weight loss. The approval comes on the heels of the successful, SHORT-1 Pivotal Trial (Superabsorbent Hydrogel for Obesity Reduction & Treatment) - an 8-week, Pivotal, Phase III, randomized, prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial that evaluated 126 overweight and obese, otherwise healthy volunteers (38 men and 88 women) between the ages of 18 and 70. The SHORT-1 Trial is the largest clinical trial of its kind; and was led by Dr. Rafael Guerrero, Professor of Clinical pharmacology, nutrition and dietetics, University of Extremadura; University Center of Mrida. SHORT-1 demonstrated highly statistically significant and clinically relevant improvement in all three of the study's primary endpoints: Total Body Weight, Body Mass Index, and Abdominal Girth; with a mean placebo-adjusted weight loss of 13 lbs. in 8 weeks (p<0.0001) without the addition of diet, exercise, or other behavioral modifications. Of Note: all 63 participants (100%) in the HydroSlim group lost weight during the study period. No significant side effects or adverse events were reported.
Lior Sher, JD, Wellosophy's Founder, Chairman and CEO stated: "HydroSlim is an unprecedented scientific achievement spanning eleven years of development with SHORT-1 being our eleventh clinical trial. No other hydrogel for weight loss has been studied as extensively. The CE Mark culminates five years of intense pre-clinical and clinical development - working with some of the most highly-respected physicians and scientists in Europe. HydroSlim has demonstrated superior safety and effectiveness as a simple, sustainable, non-pharmaceutical, non-invasive solution to promote early satiety - the essential missing piece in the weight loss puzzle for most people struggling to lose weight. We believe that these important features will encourage physicians and their patients alike to adopt HydroSlim as the new standard for a first-line therapeutic option in their battle of the bulge.' SWELL is a category-creator.' It is currently sold under private labels in both Russia and Chile as a Class IIa Medical Device, and as a dietary supplement in other jurisdictions. We are privileged to work with an outstanding partner like Eladiet to expand our marketing efforts throughout the European Union."
Eladiet's CEO, Carla Gaya Boix, LLM, MBA, added: "We are proud to partner with Wellosophy in this venture. We loved the SWELL technology from the moment we saw it; and are honored to be the exclusive European Manufacturer of such a great product. Its clinical performance has exceeded all of our expectations. There really is nothing like it in the world. At long last, there appears to be a simple, safe and effective means for people to safely lose weight without feeling hungry. HydroSlim provides an elegant solution for a critical unmet medical need. Patients now have a clear choice that bridges the gap between side-effect laden drugs and expensive invasive surgery."
Dr. Richard Davis, MD, Wellosophy's President and Chief Science Officer explained: "SWELL is an ingestible, ultrapure, bioinert, hydrogel material that has been specifically designed to rapidly absorb hundreds of times its weight in water in the stomach. When consumed with a sufficient amount of pure water, 30 to 60 minutes prior to meals, the thousands of microbeads of SWELL in each capsule expand in the stomach to form what looks like a slurry of tiny caviar particles which collectively occupy a volume about the size of a large apple. As the microbeads expand, they trigger gastric stretch receptors in the stomach lining to engage the Leptin and Ghrelin hormone cascade which causes the brain to signal gastric fullness thus providing a sense of early satiety at mealtime. Our multiple international studies have consistently shown that patients from all cultures and dietary traditions can comfortably and reliably reduce their meal portions by anywhere from 35% to 50% without feeling deprived. This allows people to eat less without feeling hungry, so they sustainably lose weight slowly, safely and naturally. SWELL is indigestible and non-absorbable; which eliminates the potential for any significant side effects or adverse events. The soft slippery microbeads pass gently and naturally with the meal through the GI tract just like lentils, corn or other common indigestible foods. We are delighted that the EU regulators have provided their citizens with a powerful new tool to combat the obesity epidemic."
Wellosophy (Clearwater Beach, Florida) is a privately-held, US-based biotechnology company developing novel therapies that safely promote weight loss in overweight and obese patients. For more information, visit
Eladiet (Barcelona, Spain) is a leading European cGMP and CE-certified maker of Nutraceuticals and Medical Devices. For more information, visit
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Wellosophy and Eladiet Announce Receipt of the CE Mark for SWELL:A Proprietary, First-to Market, Ingestible ... - Benzinga
OBESITY: Be healthy, not heavy – Nigeria Today

By Sola Ogundipe
Obesity means having far too much body fat. Its about much more than your clothing size or how you look. It can seriously affect your health. Your whole body feels it, from your joints to your heart, blood pressure, blood sugar, and other systems. The extra fat cells produce inflammation and various hormones, which boosts your odds of chronic medical conditions.
Obesity describes someone who is very overweight with a high degree of body fat. Being a little overweight may not cause many noticeable problems, but once you are carrying a few extra kilograms, you may develop symptoms that affect your daily life.
Are you obese?
Obesity is beyond being simply overweight. Its very common more than 1 in 5 adults are obese. If youre one of them, you can work to lose weight. Although its not easy, dropping some of those extra kilos maybe fewer than you think starts to turn things around for you.
Body Mass Index
The most widely used method to assess a persons weight is the body mass index (BMI), which is your weight in kilograms divided by your height in metres squared.
For adults, experts usually define obesity based on body mass index. If your BMI is between 25 and 29, you would be considered overweight; if between 30 and 40, you would be considered obese and if over 40, you would be considered very obese.
What your BMI says
If two people weigh the same amount but one is taller than the other, the taller person will have a lower BMI. To find your body mass index, plug your height and weight into a BMI calculator.
If your BMI is: Below 18.5 you are underweight. If it is 18.5-24.9 youre normal; 25-29.9 is overweight and 30 or higher is obese. If youre obese, your doctor might talk about the categories of obesity:
Obesity level l: BMI of 30-34.9
Obesity level ll: BMI of 35-39.9
Obesity level lll: BMI of 40 or higher (morbid) obesity
Problems with BMI
Body mass index doesnt tell the whole story about your body, though. Your BMI doesnt show whether your weight is fat or muscle. If youre a super-fit athlete, your muscle might put you in the overweight or obese range. Or, if youre elderly and have lost muscle mass over the years, your BMI could be normal, but youre not in as good shape as you think. The formula also doesnt show where your fat is located on your body. And it doesnt consider differences among ethnic groups.
As obese children also tend to be obese in later life, it is important for parents to set the right example for their children from an early age. If you are overweight or obese, visit your doctor to find out if you are at increased risk of health problems, and how you can safely lose weight.
Underlying causes for obesity
*certain medicine or a medical condition that causes weight gain,
*your lifestyle particularly your diet and how much physical activity you do, and also whether you smoke, and how much alcohol you drink
*how you feel about being overweight for example, if you are feeling depressed about it or how motivated you are to lose weight
*family history of obesity and other health conditions, such as diabetes
As well as calculating your BMI, your doctor may also perform tests including measuring your blood pressure, the distance around your waist, as well as glucose (sugar) and lipid (fat) levels in your blood.
Obesity vs overweight
Being obese is different from being overweight. Obesity is an important condition which causes significant morbidity and mortality through increased rates of type 2 diabetes mellitus and heart disease, amongst other conditions. It can also cause sleep disturbances and lead to reduced fertility rates.
Obesity and pain
There now appears to be a strong link between obesity and pain. Studies show that obese people are much more likely to feel light to intense pain in many parts of the body. Scientists do not understand exactly how or why obesity causes pain, but it is clear that weight loss can help reduce pain and improve quality of life for obese patients.
Check your Waist Size
Another useful method is to measure around your waist. Men whose waist measurement is 40 inches or 94 cm or more and women whose waist measurment is 35 inches or 80 cm or more are more likely to develop obesity-related health problems, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer.
If your waist is more than 35 inches around and youre a woman, or if its more than 40 inches and youre a man, you might have too much belly fat. Carrying extra fat around your stomach is unhealthy, no matter what your BMI is.
The Edmonton Scale
There are five stages:
Stage 0: You dont have any health problems related to your weight.
Stage 1: Any weight-related health problems are mild (such as borderline high blood pressure or occasional aches and pains).
Stage 2: You have an obesity-related chronic disease, such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, or osteoarthritis, and you have moderate problems doing daily activities or feeling well.
Stage 3: Youve had serious weight-related problems, such as a heart attack, heart failure, stroke, or other conditions.
Stage 4: This is the most severe level of weight-related chronic health conditions, which are extreme and life-threatening..
What obesity does to your body
The risks go up and up as BMI increases. Obesity puts extra stress on your bones, joints, and organs, making them work harder than they should. Too much body fat raises your blood pressure and cholesterol, and makes heart disease and stroke more likely. It also worsens conditions like osteoarthritis, back pain, asthma, and sleep apnea.
Too much fat causes inflammation that can damage cells. Obesity is also linked to several types of cancers. It can also make your body respond less well to insulin, which controls your blood sugar. Over time, that can lead to type 2 diabetes.
The weight makes it harder to be active, too. Carrying around extra pounds takes extra energy, so it can be difficult for obese people to exercise.
What helps
If youve tried to lose weight before, you know its much easier said than done. Its not just about willpower, and the solutions go way beyond counting calories, fat grams, or carbs. What you eat and how active you are affects your whole day. Youll need to makeover the habits that go into your meals, snacks, and activities.
Thats a huge commitment. Take it one small step at a time. You can build on successes. Dont try to do too much, too soon. If you often eat for emotional reasons, youll need to find other ways to handle the feelings that usually make you eat. Consider talking with a counselor. She can help you make those shifts in how you think, and how you relate to food and to your body.
Meanwhile, your body might resist your weight-loss efforts. If someone does lose 20 or 30 pounds, their metabolism goes down and they start to burn fewer calories. Our bodies are designed to regain weight, so its much easier to prevent obesity than to treat it.
Making changes
Before you start to make changes, write down everything you eat and drink for a few days. This can help you decide what you need to change about your diet.
Most people, at any weight, need to eat more fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. They also need to cut out junk food and sugary drinks.
Being active is also key. Any kind of movement helps, and you dont have to go to a gym. Ask your doctor whats OK for you to do. A certified personal trainer can help you plan a workout that fits your needs.
If you find that you need more help than diet and exercise, talk with your doctor. Certain prescription drugs are approved for weight loss. They curb your appetite or prevent your body from absorbing fat. Youll still need to watch what you eat and be active.
Weight loss surgery can help people lose large amounts of weight. But its not right for everyone, and it does have risks. You wont be able to eat like you used to, you might need to take vitamins to meet your nutritional needs, and youll need to work on diet and exercise to keep up the results.
Keep your perspective
If it all seems like too much to take on, or if your past tries to lose weight make you wonder if it will ever happen for you, take a moment to challenge those thoughts. Its not about being a certain size. Its about small steps that add up to better health over time. If you lose as little as 5-10 per cent of your weight, it starts to make a positive difference. Focus on what is possible for you and what you can commit to, even if its just for right now. You can make the decision again tomorrow and build your way to where you want to be, day by day.
The post OBESITY: Be healthy, not heavy appeared first on Vanguard News.
This post was syndicated from Vanguard News. Click here to read the full text on the original website.
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OBESITY: Be healthy, not heavy - Nigeria Today
Bill Ballou: Trying to make sense of MLB’s impending rule changes – Worcester Telegram

Bill Ballou Telegram & Gazette Staff @BillBallouTG
Zero-based budgeting is one of those ideas that is so good nobody dares try it because it might work.
It is simple enough. Rather than assume that we have to spend 3 percent more money in 2017 than we did in 2016, we do a budget from scratch since it turns out we are not spending nearly as much on whale oil for our lamps as we did in 1845.
So it is for sports and rules.
Even golf is changing its rules, simplifying them for the first time since before a niblick was something you ordered with salsa. If golf can do it, so can baseball, and that is apparently what Major League Baseball commissioner Rob Manfred is thinking, too, because the games rules are changing this season.
The most obvious one is the intentional walk rule. No more lobs to the plate, just the old four-finger signal. This is to help speed up games. The Red Sox had 60 intentional walks in their 162 games last year, and figuring each one at 2 minutes from dugout to first base, that will save about 45 seconds a game.
Cutting commercials between innings by 30 seconds would save nine minutes, but try drumming up support for that.
Another new rule gives managers 30 seconds to challenge a call. Ten years ago, there were no challenges, so this is a newer rule to fix a new rule. How about no challenges? Calls even out over the course of a season you win some, you lose some, but you only remember the ones that cost you, not the ones that help you.
Those are the biggest changes, both designed to speed up the game. Its a start, anyway, and indicates that Manfred is serious about doing something. Of course, every new president is serious about balancing the budget, too, but whens the last time that happened?
There are many baseball rules that could incrementally save time, and many that have never made any sense, period.
Balks, for instance. Who knows what a balk is? The balk rule is like field hockey rules. If it looks odd, its a balk, and most times pitchers dont even know they did it. How about eliminating the balk unless the umpires deem it to be intentional? And if it is intentional, just call a ball on the batter dont award the runners an extra base.
Once a year or so, the winning run comes home via a balk. How ridiculous is that?
Somebody tell me why a pitcher can fake a throw to second base but not to first? Wheres the consistency in that? No more fake throws anywhere, anytime, OK? Also, no stepping off the rubber if a pitcher needs time to compose his thoughts. Once the foot is on the rubber, the pitcher must throw the ball or try a pickoff at first.
Cut down on the mound conferences, please. If you cant get your signals straight, thats your problem. Work on it between games or something. One conference an inning per pitcher, thats enough. And why so many exchanges of baseballs? If a ball is damaged, it has to go, no question. But if the pitcher just doesn't like the way it feels, thats life. We all go to work with a headache sometimes.
Finally, umpires are not required to call time out when asked. They shouldnt grant it unless there is a compelling reason, like a batter has something in his eye, a pitcher is swarmed by yellow jackets, or the shortstop sees one of those Quabbin Reservoir rattlesnakes slithering toward him.
A runner slides safely into second or third base and needs time out to brush off his baseball trousers? Too bad just stand on the bag and do it; nothing bad can happen when you stand on the base.
Baseball games get longer the same way we gain weight an ounce a week, 5 pounds a year, 50 pounds a decade. Games can get shorter the same way, too. A minute every year for 10 years will help, or the 45 seconds well get from the four-finger intentional walk.
Baseball Jeopardy
1. He had the lowest batting average in the American League last season, among hitters with enough plate appearances to qualify for the batting race.
2. The last Red Sox batter to have the lowest average in the AL among qualifying hitters.
3. The last National League batter to hit 50 home runs in a season.
Questions below.
Umps retire
Perhaps lost amid the trades and free agent signings over the winter was the announcement that veteran umpire Jim Joyce joined John Hirschbeck, Tim Welke and Bob Davidson in retiring. Despite his mistake in the Armando Galarraga almost-perfect game, or maybe because of it, Joyce was one of the best umps in the sport. Also, he was one of the nicest people.
Joyce was the umpire who made the interference call on the Red Sox in the ninth inning of Game 3 in the 2013 World Series that led to the St. Louis Cardinals Allen Craig coming home with the winning run. Afterward, as I walked back to my car, I wound up waiting at the same crosswalk with Joyce and his wife, who were headed to dinner.
I told him that after a lot of review, just about everyone in the press box agreed with his call, to which he responded, I know I was right, but that doesnt change the fact that my hearts still beating about 1,000 times a minute.
WBC local connection
The World Baseball Classic already has had one classic game as Team Shrewsbury Street, known more formally as Team Italy, beat Mexico on Thursday night, 10-9. Italy was down, 9-5, heading into the bottom of the ninth and rallied for five runs with Shrewsbury native John Andreoli driving in the tying and winning runs with a single.
Milfords Chris Colabello had helped fuel the rally with a double. Both Colabello and Andreoli had two hits, one of them a home run.
Catching up with...
Wes Chamberlains Red Sox career was short, but dramatic. The powerful outfielder was with Boston for parts of the 1994 and 1995 seasons and had one highlight-reel moment each year.
At Fenway on July 8, 1994, he went up-and-over the bullpen wall in right to take a pinch homer away from Seattles Reggie Jefferson in the top of the ninth of a game Boston led, 4-3. Thanks to the catch, the Sox held on to win.
On May 9, 1995, Chamberlain came up as pinch hitter in the bottom of the ninth of a 3-3 tie with the Baltimore Orioles and hit a pitch from Armando Benitez over the Green Monster to win it for Boston. It was the last homer of Chamberlains big-league career.
Reggie Jefferson came to us in 1995, Chamberlain, 50, remembered, and we were teammates. That catch was all we talked about in the clubhouse that year.
Chamberlain played on the Philadelphia Phillies team that lost the 1993 World Series to Toronto, and arrived in Boston when the Sox had a new GM in 1994, Dan Duquette, and then a new manager in 95 in Kevin Kennedy.
It was very transitional, the two years I was there, Chamberlain recalled, but you have to take the good with the bad and go with the flow. The fans in Boston are very intense, and they either love you or hate you. They loved me after the home run. Everybody has moments that break the ice.
Chamberlain played professionally until 2002, then returned to the Chicago area, where he grew up. He is an entrepreneur, a writer, has financial interests and gives private lessons in baseball and softball.
Im pretty content, he said. Those five or six years were the best of my life. Not everybody has a major league career, get to play in a World Series and experience what I did.
Jeopardy questions
1. Who is Alex Gordon? The Royals left fielder hit .220 in 2016.
2. Who is Rob Deer? Deer batted .210 in 1993, finishing the season with the Red Sox after starting it with the Tigers.
3. Who is Prince Fielder? He hit 50 home runs for the Brewers in 2007.
Contact Bill Ballou at Follow him on Twitter at BillBallouTG.
Here is the original post:
Bill Ballou: Trying to make sense of MLB's impending rule changes - Worcester Telegram
Milk Protein Weight Management Products Market – Evolving Industry Trends and Key Insights by 2025 – Digital Journal

Transparency Market Research Reports incorporated a definite business overview and investigation inclines on "Milk Protein Weight Management Products Market". This report likewise incorporates more illumination about fundamental review of the business including definitions, requisitions and worldwide business sector industry structure.
This press release was orginally distributed by SBWire
Albany, NY -- (SBWIRE) -- 03/10/2017 -- Milk protein weight management products consist a variety of essential amino acids utilized by the human body for regular functioning of the same. The products are majorly used by infants, athletes, and body building enthusiasts requiring protein diets. Skimmed milk is a major segment in the milk protein weight management products market and can be consumed safely to improve your health as well as overall metabolism of the human body. It is also good for bones and cardiovascular functions. Milk protein weight management products assist in improving fat metabolism and digestion which helps in reducing weight. Research suggests that consumption of three servings of skimmed dairy products on a daily basis can assist in losing up to 10% of body weight over a limited period of time. Milk protein weight management products also facilitates appetite control and improve satiety leading to reduction in body weight as the desire to eat reduces during calorie restriction in milk-supplemented diets, and the sensation of decreased satiety.
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Milk Protein Weight Management Products Market Segmentation
Milk protein weight management products market can be segmented on the basis of types, applications, forms, and by regions. On the basis of type, the milk protein weight management products market is segmented as skimmed milk powder, casein/caseinates, whey protein hydrolysates, whey protein concentrates, whey protein isolates, milk protein concentrates & isolates, and others. Skimmed milk is one of the major types of milk protein weight management products and is expected to hold a considerable market share during the forecast period. On the basis of applications, the milk protein weight management products market is segmented as functional foods, functional beverages, dietary supplements, and others. The functional food and dietary supplement segments are expected to hold significant shares in the milk protein weight management products market during the forecast period. Milk protein weight management products market is later segmented on the basis of forms as solid and liquid. Most of the milk protein weight management products are in liquid forms but usually made available in solid forms.
Milk Protein Weight Management Products Regional Analysis
Milk protein weight management products market is further segmented on the basis of region as, Latin America, North America, Europe, Middle East and Africa and Asia Pacific. In regional segments the North American and European markets possess significant potential. Latin America, as well as developing markets as Asia Pacific and MEA possess significant market demand for milk protein weight management products over the forecast period. The Asia-Pacific milk protein weight management products market is expected to grow with the highest CAGR among the various region during the forecast period. Rising obesity in the region coupled with high availability of dairy products and inclination towards the weight loss products in the region is expected to drive the market demand in the Asia-Pacific region.
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Milk Protein Weight Management Products Global Market Trends and Market Drivers:
Factors fuelling the growth of the milk protein weight management products market include increasing demand for dairy ingredients and dairy alternatives across the globe, rising demand for recombined milk segments in developing countries, and rising consumer inclination towards health and wellness based dietary supplement diet. The market demand is also expected to witness a tremendous growth owing to factors such as rise in obese population, increasing consumer preference for low-calorie dietary supplements, and increasing demand for natural weight loss products.
Other factors driving the milk protein weight management products market include the rising importance on read-to-drink and performance-enhancing products and the progressions in technology that leads to efficient and versatile product variations.
Milk Protein Weight Management Products Market Key Players:
Key global market players manufacturing different milk protein weight management products for different applications include Agropur MSI, American Dairy Products Institute, Arla Foods, Carbery, Champignon-Hofmeister Group, DMK Group, Fonterra Co-operative Group, Glanbia Plc, Warrnambool Cheese & Butter Factory, and Westland Milk Products.
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Milk Protein Weight Management Products Market - Evolving Industry Trends and Key Insights by 2025 - Digital Journal
It’s Happening in Brigantine, events beginning March 10 – Shore News Today

Storytime with Miss Bonnie
The Brigantine branch of the Atlantic County Library, 201 15th St. South, hosts a weekly storytime 10:30 a.m. Fridaysthrough March 31for children 3 1/2 to 5 years old. Join Miss Bonnie to hear stories, sing songs and make a quick craft. The free programs are held in the kids' room. For information call 609-266-0110.
The Brigantine branch of the Atlantic County Library, 201 15th St. South, will host a Learn about the Coast Guard event for children age 3-12 at 10 a.m. Saturday,March 11. Cape May author Tyler Benson will share stories about a dog who works with the Coast Guard, and auxiliary members will discuss what the Coast Guard is all about. Pegistration is requested. For information call 609-266-0110.
The Brigantine branch of the Atlantic County Library, 201 15th St. South, will show the movie "The Finest Hours" 1 p.m. Saturday,March 11. The movie is about a real-life Coast Guard rescue.There will be an introduction about the Coast Guard auxiliary, boat safety and volunteering with the Coast Guard. For information call 609-266-0110.
The Brigantine branch of the Atlantic County Library, 201 15th St. South, hosts a monthly book club for adults 3 p.m. Tuesdays,March 14. For titles and location call the library at 609-266-0110 for titles and location. The group currently meets at the Community Center, 265 42nd Street.
The Brigantine branch of the Atlantic County Library, 201 15th St. South, has a book club for young adults ages 13 and older 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays,March 15. Plot, themes and characters are discussed. Januarys selection is "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian" by Sherman Alexie; in February the group will focus on "The Future of Us" by Jay Asher and Carolyn Mackler, and Marchs title is "Flush" by Carl Hiaasen. Registration is requested, and refreshments will be provided. For information call 609-266-0110.
The Brigantine branch of the Atlantic County Library, 201 15th St. South, presents a free monthly movie program for ages 18 and older 2 p.m. Thursdays,March 16. Registration is requested. For movie titles call 609-266-0110.
The Red Cross will hold a blood drive 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday,March 18in St. Philip Hall of St. Thomas Church. Appointments are preferred; call 800-Red-Cross or sign up at and enter sponsor code St. Thomas.
A Brigantine Art Walk Indoor event will be held 2-6 p.m. Sunday, March 19 at The Cove Restaurant. There will be 20 artists plus an open mic for musicians.
The Brigantine Beach Cultural Arts Commission will present A Trip Down Memory Lane 1-4 p.m. Sunday,March 26at the Community Center. This trip is the second in the series recalling the past of Brigantine that share sentimental stories and fascinating history of the old days. There will be several guest speakers & light refreshments will be served. A $10 donation is requested.
Brigantine CER is sponsoring a trip to see Miss Saigon at the Broadway Theatre in New York City Wednesday,April 5. Bus leaves 8 a.m. from the Community Center for the 2 p.m. show and will depart immediately after the performance for the return trip. The musical by Claude-Michel Schonberg and Alain Boublil with lyrics by Boublil and Richard Maltby Jr. is based on Giacomo Puccinis opera "Madame Butterfly" and similarly tells the tale of a doomed romance involving an Asian woman abandoned by her American lover. The setting is relocated to 1970s Saigon during the Vietnam War, and Madame Butterflys story of marriage between an American lieutenant and a geisha is replaced by a romance between an American GI and a Vietnamese bar girl. Limit is four tickets per person. Cost is $135.
The Brigantine Beach Chamber of Commerce will hold an Easter egg hunt and spring celebration 1:30 p.m. Saturday, April 8 at the 42nd Street field. Age groups are toddlers and preschoolers, kindergarten and first grade, and second through fourth grade. The spring celebration will follow in the community center featuring photo opportunities with the Easter Bunny, Cinderella and Prince Charming, Ariel, Snow White, Elsa and Anna, Elena of Avalon and Moana. The event is rain or shine. For information call 609-517-3908.
Brigantine Flotilla 85 of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary will conduct About Boating Safely classes 9 a.m. Saturdays,April 8, May 13, June 10, July 8 and Aug. 12at the Brigantine Beach Community Center, 265 42nd St. Each class lasts eight hours and includes lunch. Upon passing the test at the end of the class, a NJ Boating Safety certificate will be issued. A $60 prepaid registration is required. To register call 609-926-7607 and leave a message or email For class information see
The Brigantine North Middle School will have its 20th National Junior Honor Society induction ceremony 7 p.m. Friday,May 19in the Middle School auditorium. All former members are invited and encouraged to attend. Jen Daniels, the first Honor Society president and current Comcast Sports anchor, will be the guest speaker. For information call Larry DiGiovanni at 609-264-9505 or email
The Brigantine CER sponsors an eight-day, seven-night bus trip to Montreal, Quebec City, Ottawa, Toronto and Niagara Falls,June 3-10, 2017. There will be guided tours in each of the cities. The tour price is $1,680 per person, double occupancy, $2,330 for singles and $1,500 for triples. For information call the CER Office at 609-264-7350, ext. 1.
Brigantine CER is sponsoring a seven-day, five-night trip to LondonSept. 7-13. Flight leaves from Philadelphia Airport. Bus transportation to and from the airport is provided. Guests will stay at the Copthome Tara, a four-star hotel in the Kensington section of London. Price includes daily breakfast, two dinners with water and wine or beer, one pub lunch with beer and one additional lunch with beverages. There will be a full-day guided orientation tour of Londons highlights with a visit to the British Museum; a full-day guided tour of UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Blenheim Palace and a visit to Oxford; a half-day guided tour to Windsor and a visit to Windsor Castle; and a musical theater performance in Londons Theatre District. The price is $2,299 double occupancy. For single occupancy add $425. For a brochure or information, call at 609-264-7350, ext. 1 or stop by the Community Center and pick up a brochure.
The Brigantine CER sponsors a trip to the Canyon Country featuring Arizona and UtahOct. 9-17. Fly from Philadelphia International to Phoenix/Scottsdale. Cities to be visited include Phoenix, Scottsdale, Sedona Grand Canyon, Lake Powell, Bryce Canyon, Zion National Park and Las Vegas. The price is $2,999 for doubles, $3,749 for singles and $2,969 for triples. For information call the CER Office at 609-264-7350, ext. 1.
Crossroads Youth Group meets 7-8 p.m. every Sunday. Sponsored by the Community Presbyterian Church, the group is open to sixth- through eighth-grade youths in Brigantine. They meet weekly, and the meetings or outings consist of community service, fun and fellowship, spirituality and current issues. It is a positive atmosphere that stresses acceptance and is a true example of how to have fun without drugs or alcohol. Crossroads sponsors a Halloween hayride, an Easter egg hunt and the junior high dances that are held once a month. Open registration is extended each Sunday.
The Brigantine Community Center offers mahjong games 1-4 p.m. Thursdays on the second floor at the Community Center. For information call 609-264-7350, ext. 1.
Weight Watcher Meetings are held every Tuesday morning starting with weigh-in at 9:30 a.m. followed by a meeting at 10 a.m. Come in and learn how to successfully lose weight by following a customized food and activity plan to help you look and feel better and have more energy. Weight Watchers also offers a handy food and activity tracker, thousands of meal ideas and practically every healthy-living tool you can imagine. For information call the CER Office at 609-264-7350 ext. 1.
If you like to paint or have a craft you enjoy, you are invited to join the Art Club at the Community Center 2-5 p.m. every Tuesday in the Art Room. There will be various mediums of art such as watercolor, acrylic, oil and various crafts. Club members are all at different levels. There is no fee to be a part of the club. For more information call the Community Center, 609-264-7350, ext. 1.
The thrift shop of the Community Presbyterian Church, 1501 W. Brigantine Ave., is open 5-8 p.m. Wednesdays, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Thursdays and 9 a.m.-noon Saturdays. Shop for bargains on gently used clothing for men, women and children, as well as shoes, small appliances, household items and jewelry. New items are received daily. Call the church office at 609-266-7942.
Quizzo will be held 7-9 p.m. every Wednesday in the Brigantine Elks Lodge lounge, 400 W. Shore Drive. Prizes will be awarded. See
The Running Center is partnering with the Brigantine Fitness Center to present a fitness class for active adults. Treadmilling for Walkers is offered noon Mondays and Wednesdays at the Brigantine Fitness Center. The class is led by Mindy Solkin, owner and head coach of The Running Center. She created the class to give seniors a full-body workout. The one-hour classes are open to members and nonmembers of the fitness center. Registration for one or two days per week is available at The fee is $15 for one class per week, or $25 for two per week. For information call 609-246-6974 or email
The Brigantine Beach Community Center hosts senior bingo 9:30 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. For information call 609-264-7350.
Submit event notices, including date, time, location, any fees, and contact information to
Excerpt from:
It's Happening in Brigantine, events beginning March 10 - Shore News Today
New York Islanders Playoff Chances Jump Significantly – Eyes on Isles

Mar 5, 2017; Calgary, Alberta, CAN; New York Islanders head coach Doug Weight on his bench against the Calgary Flames during the third period at Scotiabank Saddledome. Calgary Flames won 5-2. Mandatory Credit: Sergei Belski-USA TODAY Sports
New York Islanders Prospect Report Around The World by Andrew Tessler
New York Islanders Joshua Ho-Sangs Number Controversy Lunacy by Billy Lewis
With that win over Edmonton last night the New York Islanders took their tally on this franchise record nine-game road trip to 4-2-1. Outstanding considering they were one ofthe worst road teams in the league before hand.
Before being kicked out of the Barclays for the Ringling Brothers Circus, the Isles were 7-13-4 on the road.
That dramatic change in form on the road has helped the Islanders move from playoff maybes to playoff likelysit sounded better in my head.
Just look at how the Isles playoff chances nosedived and then rebounded just as quickly. By mid-December, you could have safely assumed that the Isles were well out of the race. Destined to be one of the few bonafide sellers at the trade deadline.
But then a coaching change was made and everything got much much better.
Where once the Isles were in the single digits when it came to odds of making the post-season, they now sit just below 60%. Its remarkable the turnaround thatstaken place.
I certainly wasnt on team Weight when it was announced he was going to take over for Jack Capuano. I didnt think his new voice would have been enough to get this team to gel and work.
Ive had to eat those words over the weeks. Since being appointed Weight hasnt done anything but win. (And sometimes lose in terribly humiliating fashion). Its hard not say that coaching is whats turned this team around.
After Wednesdays three games, the Isles chances fell by 2.6%, because both Ottawa and Boston won, putting pressure on the Isles should either of those teams fall into a wild-card spot. However, unlikely of a scenario that might be.
But, with a game tonight against the hobblingVancouver Canucks, who are 3-5-2 in their last ten, a win could put them above the 60% mark.
Every day things seem to get better for the Isles chances. Their form is still a bit patchy, trading two wins for a loss on average recently. But at this point, just getting to the playoffs is all that matters. Once you get there, theres always a chance to win it. Even though ClubStats give the Isles a 0.2% chance of winning the cup.
See the original post:
New York Islanders Playoff Chances Jump Significantly - Eyes on Isles
Medical Mystery: Why Are Some Obese People ‘Metabolically Healthy’? – Live Science

Obesity often brings with it a host of health problems, such as high blood pressure, diabetes and risky cholesterol levels. But a lucky few appear to buck the trend: They are obese, and yet don't have any of these typical risk factors for heart disease or diabetes, a new study finds.
Researchers analyzed information from about 1.3 million U.S. adults who were either overweight or obese. None had previously been diagnosed with diabetes. The researchers looked to see whether these participants had any of four common risk factors for heart disease and diabetes: High blood pressure, high levels of fat in the blood, low levels of "good" cholesterol or elevated blood sugar levels.
Among those who were obese, 10 percent did not have any of these four risk factors.
It's not clear why some people with obesity are able to avoid these problems. In the past, researchers have dubbed this group the "metabolically healthy obese."
However, people who fall into this group may still not be totally healthy, said study researcher Gregory Nichols, a senior investigator at Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research in Portland. Obesity also increases the risk of other conditions, such as cancer, joint problems and kidney disease, he said.
"They might be metabolically healthy, but that does not necessarily mean they are healthy overall," Nichols told Live Science. What's more, although these participants were free of metabolic risk factors at the time of the study, they could soon develop them in the coming years, he said. Some previous studies have found that even "metabolically healthy" obese people are at higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes, compared with people of normal weight.
Thus, people who are obese should still aim to lose weight, even if they appear otherwise healthy, Nichols said. "Weight loss could improve other types of health [problems], and might reduce the likelihood of developing cardiometabolic risk factors," he said. [The Best Way to Lose Weight Safely]
For the study, the researchers analyzed electronic health care records from members of four health care systems that together serve 12 million people in 11 U.S. states and Washington, D.C. They defined being overweight as having a body mass index (BMI) of 25.0 to 29.9. Obesity was defined as having a BMI of 30 or more, while morbid obesity was a BMI of 40 or more.
They found that 18.6 percent of the people who were overweight did not have any of the four metabolic risk factors, and 9.6 percent of those who were obese did not have any of the four. Looking at only those who were morbidly obese, they found that 5.8 percent did not have any of the four risk factors.
Being "metabolically" healthy was more common among those who were younger about 30 percent of all adults ages 20 to 34 in the study did not have any of the four metabolic risk factors, compared with just 6.3 percent of those ages 65 to 79.
Several factors could explain why some overweight people and some obese people remain metabolically healthy. "Diet and exercise almost certainly play a role," Nichols said. However, the new study did not assess these factors.
In addition, the distribution of a person's fat can also affect their risk of cardiovascular disease, with fat stores in the belly area (visceral fat) posing a greater risk to health than fat found just beneath the skin (subcutaneous fat) in other parts of the body. Some previous studies have found that obese people who are metabolically healthy have less visceral fat than obese people who aren't metabolically healthy. However, a person's BMI measurement, used in this new study, cannot distinguish between visceral fat and subcutaneous fat.
Ultimately, future studies are needed to follow metabolically healthy obese people forward in time, to see if they remain metabolically healthy over a long period, or even a lifetime, Nichols said. Such studies could determine whether metabolically healthy obesity "is even a real thing, or merely a matter of timing," Nichols said.
In addition, studies should look at the order in which people develop metabolic risk factors, and whether this order affects their risk of developing subsequent heart disease and diabetes, he said.
The study was published March 9 in the journal Preventing Chronic Disease.
Original article on Live Science.
See original here:
Medical Mystery: Why Are Some Obese People 'Metabolically Healthy'? - Live Science
Playing a game to learn what works –

March 8, 2017
By Jon Grabel
It is important to play games. We view gameplay as imperative for children because it helps with cognitive and physical development. Competitions teach children patience, social skills, negotiation, strategy, confidence and how to win and lose. Games are also important for adults. As we age, these activities help relieve stress, maintain brain function, stimulate creativity and help us feel young and energetic. In addition, games enhance our professional development. For example, the military conducts war games to teach our soldiers the complexity of their craft and prevent catastrophic outcomes. Airlines make a significant investment in flight simulators so the 87,000 flights that cross our skies each day take us safely to our destinations. Lawyers hone their skills in mock trials to better advocate for their clients. Professional athletes go through preseason games so they can deliver more victories to their fans. Throughout our lives and across settings, games benefit us in multiple dimensions.
In this spirit, the $14.5 billion Public Employees Retirement Association of New Mexico (PERA) investment division has an internal investment competition. Each member of the team constructs a hypothetical portfolio based on agreed-upon criteria. The portfolios run throughout the calendar year, with weekly checkpoints. This annual exercise began in January 2015 as a way to facilitate anesprit de corpsand instil incremental investment acumen and discipline. It is a highly productive exercise, as it creates an environment in which all members of the team can challenge one anothers hypotheses. Moreover, this atmosphere facilitates constructive feedback in which people formulate ideas and defend their positions. Improving investment knowledge, skill and discipline across the team benefits PERAs 100,000 members, as we continually strive to improve the processes through which we administer the pension trust fund. As we near the end of this years competition, several themes and behaviours have emerged that are similar to those we see in the institutional investment marketplace. Thus, our friendly simulation has become a microcosm of the asset management space. This virtual reality helps flag behavioural biases across PERAs roster of money managers and allows us to minimise the impact of potential adverse influences.
The rules
Each participant begins the investment period with a fictional $10,000 portfolio. A virtual exchange prices securities and processes trades. Accounts must contain at least three distinct asset categories, hold 10 positions of 5 per cent, have no single holding greater than 20 per cent and have one-third of assets invested internationally. Eligible investments include indices over stocks, bonds, real estate, real assets and commodities. Team members can invest in publicly traded securities and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Players must choose their own portfolios and cannot adopt actively managed mutual funds. In addition, portfolio rebalancing is required each month. To create a dynamic competition, the portfolios must change by at least 10 per cent as part of this monthly rebalancing exercise. Moreover, the competition does not allow borrowing funds against assets. The group serves as its own watchdog and monitors compliance.
Observing how fluctuations in the markets affect each players portfolio teaches a great lesson about investing. The year 2016 had a horrific start. The broad MSCI All Country World Index was down more than 10 per cent through the first six weeks of the year. Markets also exhibited dramatic drawdowns across most asset categories in June, with British voters unanticipated decision to leave the European Union. In addition, there was volatility on either side of the US presidential election. Due in part to these and other market gyrations during 2016, the investment challenge highlighted the benefits of broad asset category diversification.
Recalling the guidelines, portfolios could have no position greater than 20 per cent (including cash) and had to maintain diversification across asset categories and geographies. As a result of these guidelines, the virtual portfolios weathered the difficult environment. The philosophy behind the guidelines is consistent with that of the real-world PERA fund. PERA diversifies its investments across asset categories and geographies. The fund does not try to time markets; asset category diversification provides risk mitigation across cycles.
The rebalancing the game requires is another critical element to success in uncertain markets. It is the process of realigning the weightings of a portfolio of assets. This involves periodically buying or selling assets in a portfolio to maintain a desired asset allocation and risk tolerance. Specifically, an investor would sell above-weight investment strategies in order to buy those that are below the target amount. This is another key investment tenet of the PERA fund. As the virtual portfolios generated gains following market downturns, so too does the PERA fund benefit from rebalancing over the course of a full cycle.
Investment operations emerged as another key element in the competition. For example, the virtual exchange we used to manage our friendly competition failed to account for stock splits. It also did not properly return cash for an ETF that was delisted. These operational flaws affected the reported values of several portfolios in the simulation. As our team is quick to note, investment operations should be front and centre. It is nave to refer to these important functions as back-office; they are critical to the proper function of a complex institutional investment program. Good investment performance is dependent upon the right operational infrastructure.
Observations and lessons
Many patterns emerged from the 2016 investment competition. These items stimulated much debate among the group. Here are some of the issues we discussed, our observations on them, and lessons they taught us.
Active v passive strategies
Observation: The principal difference in the portfolio models employed by the group was the use of active versus passive investment strategies. Active strategies try to beat a market benchmark through skilful security selection. Passive or indexed strategies embrace a benchmark predicated upon the belief that markets are efficient over time, especially when adjusted for risk and fees. Many people invested in a collection of passive indices. Others created concentrated portfolios of individual securities. The latter group embraced volatility and the former shied from it. There were nuances across implementations. Some of the participants were active within their asset category specialty and passive across other strategies. Others took the opposite approach and embraced risk in the areas outside their subject matter expertise.
Lesson:We believe asset allocation is the principal driver of the variance in performance for diversified portfolios. While picking an individual security may be more exciting, it is not the winning solution over an extended period for a public pension plan. Absent proprietary research, broad exposure to multiple asset categories is a better long-term investment approach for an institution such as PERA. Our mandate is to distribute benefit payments today and into the future. Accordingly, spreading capital across various asset category indices or betas provides better downside protection. The decision to invest in an index versus picking individual securities provides valuable insight into the actual marketplace. For efficient asset categories, such as large-capitalisation US public equities, active managers have trouble beating the comparable passive strategy. Moreover, those managers who beat the index in a given period often trail it in subsequent ones. Yet, active managers have an allure that is akin to a good story. From a marketing perspective, these story-based strategies attract much attention because they are fun and appeal to the adventurer in all of us. We all want to win and active strategies give us a chance to beat the odds. At the same time, many of these stories belittle passive strategies as boring and pedestrian. The managers challenge is to rise above the noise by optimising the expected return per measure of expected risk. Adventures are fun, but for the most efficient asset categories over extended periods, indexing may be the optimal strategy.
Observation: Another behavioural theme relates to crowding. Each portfolio in the competition is transparent and visible to every participant. Crowding exists when many people invest in similar securities and strategies. With similar trades come like outcomes. Like outcomes yield blurry information and a lack of differentiation. Said differently, there is safety in numbers.
Lesson: As we see with commonplace trades in the money-management space, crowding benefits money managers through consistent peer performance. As a positive, this may allow someone to win by not losing. Alternatively, this is akin to benchmark hugging (when an active manager closely mimics its underlying index) or survival through conformity. One motivation for such risk-averse professional portfolios is asset and fee maximisation. Specifically, managers that move with the herd may have a better survival rate. Clients may not fire them based on undifferentiated peer comparisons.
From the perspective of the PERA portfolio, our most significant form of risk management is diversification. In addition to diversifying our investment strategies, we also employ multiple money managers to avoid organisational risk within a single investment firm. Our money managers peer rankings are not particularly relevant. We do not benefit from overlap or crowding within like mandates. Crowding helps only our money managers. It shifts the focus from what is an optimal investment structure to what is safe in the context of peers and universe rankings. Where we employ active money management, we expect our managers to express an educated point of view and develop the best collection of securities in a category. We encourage our managers to think and execute, as opposed to just surviving against their peers. We want our managers to be hungry and motivated to generate appropriate risk-adjusted returns for PERA. We are vigilant towards this end. We structure tight investment guidelines with each money manager. Investment guidelines are a list of dos and donts for them. We also hold the vast majority of our investment securities at PERAs custody bank. This account structure gives us greater visibility throughout the whole PERA fund and helps us avoid unintentional positional biases such as crowded trades.
Quartile rankings
Observation: In contrast to the crowded portfolios, some within the investment challenge went their own way and tended to perform at either the high or the low end of the spectrum. People in this group changed in the standings throughout the year and readily moved from top 25 per cent to bottom 25 per cent and vice versa. It is noteworthy that some within the go-it-alone cohort tended to reduce risk and join the benchmark huggers after periods of success.
Lesson: Once again, this is a common observation in money management. Managers often gain attention subsequent to a period of outperformance. Asset owners and their advisers flock to investment managers based on historical performance. However, mediocre performance often follows success, as a manager may have incentives to play it safe. We see this in sport when a team with a large lead starts playing less aggressively and taking fewer risks. In investing, like sport, there may be a victory despite a change from successful tactics. Specifically, the money manager may gain additional investors. With additional clients come additional wealth and fame. Losing this source of income would not be a rational action by a money manager. Unfortunately for incremental investors, the desired outcome may be disappointing, as the previous success often yields mean reversion. S&P Global publishes data on this in its persistence scorecard. This report details the lack of consistent placement in the top quartile by money managers. In many cases, the passive strategy produces the most reliable performance.
Observation: The dispersion of portfolio returns over the course of the year is somewhat related to the preceding theme, yet this observation is different. Typically, the majority of balances resided in a tight band throughout the year. The median portfolio (the middle one) moved up and down based on overall market conditions and at of the year it generated a positive return. The concentrated nature of the set of portfolios is representative of a distribution curve taught in an introductory statistics class. The shape, however, was not normally distributed. There was a significant difference between the median and the mean (average). In our case, more people performed above the average. The underperformance was greater than the outperformance, indicating the risk-taking incentives for those in the bottom quartile.
Lesson: Our virtual world is instructive as an analogue for the real one. The existence of a distribution curve is also highly relevant for institutional investors. Too many mangers and institutions refer to their portfolios as being in the top quartile. Mathematically, not everyone can even be above the median, let alone in the top quartile. There is excessive marketing accompanying peer standings. Institutional investment mandates are too important to award participation trophies to all managers. Balancing qualitative and quantitative factors in an unemotional manner enables investors to better position a portfolio.
Risk-taking incentives
Observation As illustrated above and much like the ending scene inThelma & Louise, team members with diminishing chances of winning the competition took uncompensated risks as we neared the end of the year. Whether it was panic or a refusal to accept defeat, this group dramatically increased risk. By investing in higher beta strategies such as IPOs, companies in crisis and countries with geopolitical turmoil, these participants hoped for a big pay-off. These last-chance strategies had mixed success, but were arguably rational decisions from the point of view of game theory.
Lesson In a simulation, it is easy to adopt the mantra go big or go home. The PERA investment team realises that we cannot take this type of cavalier approach to managing a portfolio as important as the PERA fund. The lessons from the investment competition are vital to remaining humble, focused and disciplined. As for the takeaway, it is imperative to understand manager or strategy underperformance and evaluate it in the context of a larger portfolio. Underperformance can be a result of an out-of-favour strategy detracting from returns, such as energy in 2015. Alternatively, poor performance can be an indicator of excessive risk within a strategy. Judgement based on experience and collaboration is necessary to recognise that out-of-favour strategies may be attractive in the future. This is the premise behind rebalancing programs that foster a buy-low/sell-high philosophy. In contrast, it is prudent to avoid managers that incur excessive risk, like Thelma and Louise, in trying to elude a bad outcome. Hope is not an investment strategy and may lead to unintended consequences. At PERA, our systems and processes help determine the positive and negative contributors to performance. We recognise that positive returns require the same level of review as negative ones. Specifically, a true performance evaluation requires a comprehensive analysis that evaluates both risks and returns. This multi-dimensional framework helps us flag and eliminate excessive risk-taking motivations among our managers.
We are nearing the end of our second annual investment competition. With a minimal commitment of time, the exercise yields impressive results. The challenge helps us better interact as a group. We find common ground around our core function as stewards for PERA members. Investments should occupy the majority of our discourse and the challenge enhances that commonality of purpose. It also creates a healthy desire and discipline to be the best at what we do by enabling us to identify behavioural biases that exist in the broader investment world. The resulting awareness improves our overall skill and judgement as a team. We look forward to continuing this competition in 2017 and beyond.
Jon Grabel is the chief investment officer of the Public Employees Retirement Association of New Mexico.
Ilmarinen sheds bonds for real value
Top US funds embrace stewardship code
Tags: game playing, internal investment team, investment competition, Jon Grabel, Public Employees Retirement Association of New Mexico, team work
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Playing a game to learn what works -
Yes, You Can Snack at Night and Still Lose Weight – LifeZette

One of the toughest times to manage the urge to snack is late in the evening before bed but long after your dinner has settled.
If youre among those who have heard or been told that eating late at night will destroy any weight loss youre aiming for, somegood news alight late-night snack wont completely derail your dreams.
"What matters most is the amount of calories you eat for the day and how many calories you burned at the end of the day to create a balance or a deficit," said Sylvia Melendez-Klinger, a registered dietician and founder of Hispanic Food Communications. She'a slso a scientific advisory board member to the Grain Foods Foundation.
"For example, if you consume about 2,000 calories per day which is not a lot of food you will need to decrease 500 calories to lose weight safely. So you will need to consume only 1,500 calories or try to burn some of the extra calories with exercise," she told LifeZette.
Related: The Biggest Cause of Our Kids' Weight Gain
Melendez-Klinger recommends keeping any eveningsnacks to between 100 and 200 calories. Portions and serving sizes are more important than deprivation. Also, try to avoid heavily caffeinated beverages and snacks that are high in calories before bedtime.
Some great snacks that might curb your cravings and satisfy the grumbling in your stomach:
1.) Crackers andhummus.Stick to just a couple tablespoons of hummus and you'll be good. The snack is a great source of proteinand fiber.
2.) Acup of yogurt with berries.This great snack is low in calories and high in nutrients. It's always a great option, but watch the sugar in the yogurt.
3.)A glass of milk and a little cookie.You can "never go wrong" here, saidMelendez-Klinger.
4.) Air-popped popcorn.Skip the butter and instead add some parmesan cheese.
5.) Apple with peanut butter.High in fiber and protein, this will leave you feeling satisfied but not overly full and it will get you through the night.
6.) Fruit smoothie.A small glass of plain kefir mixed with fresh or frozen blueberries or strawberries is filling and satisfies a sweet tooth.
7.) Whole grain cereal.Quite afewcereals containa lot of sugar so be careful what you choose here. But whole grain cereals can be rich in fiber and low in calories, making for a great late-night snack.
8.) Applesauce.A cup of this will give you a healthy dose of fiber and promote good digestive health.
You may want to fast, said Melendez-Klinger, if you're experiencing gas, bloating or any intestinal problems or if you need any medical procedures or blood work.
"However, we dont recommend fasting for long periods of time just to try to lose weight rapidly. It can be counterproductive. You are basically dehydrating your body and depriving your body of daily essential nutrients, and you will be devouring anything in front of you by the time you start eating again," she said.
Related: Why Our Kids Crave Connectedness
A few hours of fasting with plenty of water can help you get your digestive system back on track, if needed; but a well-balanced diet with plenty of fiber and water along with exercise can keep your weight under control.
Something else to keep in mind, she added, is that the body needs time to digest the last meal of the day. Its recommended that if you eat a larger meal at night, give yourself at least two to threehours before bedtime. Walking after dinner or doing some other activity will help you digest your food better.
The rest is here:
Yes, You Can Snack at Night and Still Lose Weight - LifeZette