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How To Lose Weight Safely –

In China, people often was asked this question: If I gave you a chance which dynasty you want to go back to, most of Chinese person will not hesitate to say the Tang Dynasty. Because at that time, the fatter, the more beautiful we are. So if we were born in the Dang Dynasty, we will not be troubled with my figure every day. With the slim body has become the standard of beauty nowadays, we have to beat our brain on losing weight. So if you have the same troubles as me, you can do it follow my steps.
Now I will show you the healthiest way that I learn it from a famous newspaper to lose weight. By it, we can get slimmer without stop eating any food but only change our habits of eating. As we all known, starch is one of the factors make us get fat. So if we can reduce the intake of starch, it will be easy to keep a slim body. We can do it as follows.
The military diet is a 3-day diet intended to help you lose weight fast by restricting your calorie intake. For those not familiar with calories and the exact formula of weight loss and weight gain, Ill break it down for you here.
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The first step is eating soup. If we eat soup first at tables, we can not only relive the feel of hunger, but also slow down the speed of our eating. At the same time, the soup can support lots of nutrition to our body.
The second step is eating vegetable. After eating soup we can choose vegetable some to eat. Everyone knows that vegetable has a lower Calorie than starchy foods. After eating vegetables, our brains can receive the sign that we are full basically.
The last step is eating starchy foods. Because we have eaten some soup and vegetables, we do not need to eat rice any more sometimes.
If we can only keep these steps for one month our weight will have a dramatic change.
Of course, we can also lose weight by eating diet pills. Although this way is fast and effective, we must not try it frequently. In my view, there are three reasons why we should avoid eating diet pills to lose weight.
Firstly, it is harmful to our body. We often says thatevery medicament has side-effect. Diet pills are no exception. Although it can move away our fatty, it also can damage our body organs. Some people even lose their lives because of heart disease which is induced by diet pills.
Secondly, the price of diet pills is expensive. If we follow the first way I show in above, we can eat less rice. After a long time, we will save much money. However, eating diet pills will bring us some economic burden.
Thirdly, the effect of slimming will not be kept for a long time. The rate of losing weight is fast, the rebounding will be fast too. Sometime we will get a more heavy weight than before.
Many experts say that the effective and healthy ways of losing weight are diet and sport. Although it usually needs a long time, we can achieve it by persistence.
In ladies eyes, a slim body is so important that it is worth spending their whole lifetime achieving it. In fact, a healthy body is more important than a slim body. Only at the base of owning health body, we can show its charm. So its stupid to damage our health to lose weight.
Okay, I just want to give you a last useful advice: Keep dink a lot of water, and try military diet for 1 month. 3 day in, 4 day off, and you can lose up to 10 pounds. Visit for more details. Have fun!
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How To Lose Weight Safely -
How To Lose Weight Fast and Safely For Women and … – YouTube

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How To Lose Weight Fast and Safely For Women and ... - YouTube
is it safe to lose weight while pregnant | BabyCenter

I personaly think its fine. With my third daughter I weighed 165 when I got pregnant. I ate right and walked during the pregnancy and after i had her I was down 2 sizes and was 20 pounds lighter. She was healthy and weighed 8 pounds at birth. I ate small healthy meals and walked alot!
94 out of 96 found this helpful
I ate healthy as possible! Minimal carbs (one serving aka 15grams and had maybe 2 per meal and 1 at snacks) lots of fresh foods only, if I wanted a big greasy burger I made it myself instead of burger king and such, lots of fiber, low fat dairy, and lean proteins made me lose 40lbs throughout my pregnancy! I didn't gain ANYTHING just lost! My Dr. was actually happy since I started overweight already and my baby was 7lbs and he was healthy as can be, I exercised as much as I could (prenatal workouts, long steady walks -since we walk slower now! and using dumbbells for arms only-biceps/triceps not a big workout) I didn't strain or stress myself if I was tired I slept instead of working out and one thing that made a major difference was I drank ONLY water and low fat milk! I was amazed and it helps you lose weight too after the baby is born!!! (I limited junk food to one serving per day of whatever I wanted to limit sugar baby was getting)
65 out of 65 found this helpful
My grandmother swears the most she ever gained with any of her children was 12 lbs. She didn't eat a lot more than normal. All of her children were born healthy and are very intellegent adults- one has an MBA, one is a Physical Therapist, and my mom is a Pharmacist... I think it's fine to lose weight as long as you don't "diet"- just don't over eat and when you do eat- eat healthy and excercise (walking, swimming). I gained 60 lbs with my first child (my grandmother was horrified), and I can say that I was very unhealthy. I ended up with preclampsia and pre-gestational diabetes around 36 weeks. I am pregnant now and have not gained any weight. I am already 40 lbs over weight and it wouldn't be good for my baby for me to gain a lot of weight. There are some new studies that say it's okay to even lose weight if you start your pregnancy while overweight/obese. If you are healthy and active, and you aren't starving yourself, then I think it's fine to not gain a lot of weight.
15 out of 15 found this helpful
oh ya its perfect... with my first my beginning weight was 247 and i kept losing weight during the pregnancy.. after i had bradley i weighed myself the next morning. i had lost 38lbs!!!
14 out of 14 found this helpful
Is it safe to lose weight while pregnant. I started my pregnancy overweight. About 5 months before I got pregnant I started a healthy diet (low carb, whole grains, more fruit and veggies...) and I lost 25 pounds. I got pregnant and went off my diet...and gained about 12 pounds by week 20. Then, I got back on my diet, not to lose weight but to be more healthy, and lost a few pounds. Is that safe?
30 out of 47 found this helpful
This is not an answer to this question at all. I just wanted to see other answers to this question, so thank you to everyone for these answers. We just found out last night that I'm 6 weeks pregnant. 4 months ago I was 40 lbs overweight, and today I'm down 20 pounds. It's so calming to know that I can continue to lose, or at least maintain, and be healthy/have a healthy baby. These first 12 hours have been scary and filled with a lot of... scariness. Thank you.
12 out of 12 found this helpful
I am now 27 weeks pregnant with my second child. Baby number one is now 10 and a half months old. When I was pregnant with him I gained 60lbs and hadn't managed to lose all the baby weight before I got pregnant again. However, I have yet to gain any weight during this pregnancy and have actually lost some. With my first pregnancy I ate whatever I wanted and wasn't too active. This time around I am eating better and walking/jogging. The weight loss is perfectly normal in that sense. As long as you are eating healthy and taking care of yourself then don't worry about it. I honestly feel my weight gain with my first child was unhealthy. I weighted 138 in the beginning and at my last weight in I was 198lbs (ouch!) Now I am almost to my third trimester and I weigh 168lbs and it seems the scale either goes down or does not move every day. If you go from an unhealthy/inactive lifestyle and decide to take care of you and your baby while your pregnant then the results will be weight loss!
11 out of 11 found this helpful
my first pregnancy, 12 years ago, I ate what I wanted when I wanted and gained a staggering 75- 80 lbs!! still haven't lost all of that weight!!!!!! I found out I was 5 weeks pregnant last week and have cut out the majority of junk food except the occasional craving. I have lost almost 5 lbs in the first week - but I have eaten very healthy foods. fruits veggies, lower fat dairy items, lean meats. so it isn't that I am NOT eating, its just that I am NOT eating ice cream, cookies, candy and chips galore (Like i was before)!!! 🙂 I think its fine as long as you aren't "dieting" and eating healthy foods!
9 out of 9 found this helpful
my doctor prefers not to see weight gain in the first half of the pregnancy in average or overweight moms. I am 28 weeks and down12 pounds. I am also measuring 2 weeks ahead in fundal height and baby measures perfect on ultrasound!
9 out of 10 found this helpful
Before I found out I was pregnant I had lost 40 lbs. But as soon as I received my official preggo announcement from my doctor I started gaining weight that day. I am now 22 weeks pregnant and have gained 40 lbs. This is bad! But the good news is I have started to cut back and am expecting to be at a healthy weight by the time I deliver my daughter. Weight Gain is all in the mind. Lost 2 lbs in 4 days already, hoping to continue to drop.
6 out of 6 found this helpful
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is it safe to lose weight while pregnant | BabyCenter
How to Lose 10 Pounds Safely in One Week | eHow

Maybe you have been procrastinating with your New Year's resolution, or perhaps you were a bit put off when you stepped on the scale and realized how much weight you gained, but either way you've decided to lose 10 pounds in one week. It is a tall order, but it can be done if you focus, stay the course, and follow a very strict regimen. It might not be fun, but you can succeed.
Weigh yourself in the morning. Although stepping on the scale might not be fun, it will be once you reach your goal. Step on the scale and note your weight. You will weigh yourself each morning to determine your progress. You are generally lightest in the morning because you have not eaten for hours and your body has been burning calories when you sleep.
Perform an intense cardiovascular workout before you eat. This will get your body in a fat-burning mode. Because there is no food in your stomach, you will be burning fat straightaway. To lose so much weight in one week, it is imperative to do exercise that gets you to sweat. This is because water weight will most likely be a lot of the weight you lose on this crash course. Running on a treadmill, using an elliptical trainer, swimming and biking intensely are great ideas for the workout. Perform this cardio routine for 45 to 60 minutes.
Eat a low-calorie breakfast. Remove all pasta, rice, bread, potatoes, crackers and any other processed carbohydrates from your diet. Limit your fat intake by removing high-fat meats such as hamburger, bacon or dark meat chicken, and replace them with lean proteins such as fish fillets, chicken breast, ultra-lean beef and eggs white. All juice, non-diet soda and alcohol must be removed as well.
An ideal breakfast for this week is six egg whites with a side of tomatoes. Breakfast should be in the range of 300 calories.
Eat a snack halfway through the morning. This should be about 150 calories. Ideas include a small handful of nuts, a piece of fruit, or steamed vegetables.
Perform a light weight-lifting routine. To burn enough calories to lose 10 pounds in one week, you need to do a lot of cardiovascular exercise. Balance the cardio with a little weight training, which will exercise your muscles. This will stop your body from trying to burn the muscle during your cardio routine. The routine should encompass the upper body and include pushups or bench presses, pull-ups or lat pull-downs, several hundred sit-ups, dumbbell curls and triceps extensions.
Eat lunch. The same types of foods described for breakfast should be eaten at lunch. Take in a small amount of lean protein and as many vegetables as you want, as long as they are raw. You can use mustard or balsamic vinegar as dipping sauce.
Eat another snack in midafternoon. You want to keep your metabolism going by feeding your body constantly. Even though the amount of food is small, your body will never feel like it is starving because it is always being fed. Strive to eat five to six meals throughout the day for a total of 1,500 calories.
Eat a low-calorie dinner early in the evening. Your meals should be finished by 7 p.m. at the latest. If you need to eat something sweet, reach for low-calorie fruit-flavored gelatin desserts or fruit-flavored ices, which have few calories.
Perform a second cardiovascular exercise session of 45 minutes to one hour. Between eating five to six times a day and working out three times a day, your body will turn into a calorie-crunching machine. Again, this cardio should make you sweat. Choosing a different type of cardio will help you stay motivated.
Go to the sauna or steam room. You can lose four or five pounds by doing cardio and then hitting the steam room. Stay in the steam room for no more than 20 minutes. This will help expel toxins from your body.
Drink at least 12 eight-ounce glasses of water throughout the day. You want to keep your body well hydrated so that it continues to release water rather than holding onto it.
Follow this process for seven days until you have lost 10 pounds.
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How to Lose 10 Pounds Safely in One Week | eHow
How Long Will It Take to Lose the Weight?

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