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Adele weight loss: Singers royal-approved intense pilates workout that helped lose 7st – Express

The dramatic change has wowed the singers fans, after she posted the photo in May following a break from social media.
Adele had last shared a photo at Christmas in 2019, looking notably slimmer - but five months later she revealed the results of her weight loss journey in a little black dress.
The star reportedly used the Sirtfood Diet to help shed the pounds, a diet which focuses on sirtfoods which help to activate the so-called skinny gene.
The specific list of foods contains sirtuins, a group of proteins which have been shown to regulate metabolism.
However, the diet, which was created by two celebrity nutritionists in the UK, also involves a lot of calorie restriction as part of a rapid weight loss plan over the course of three weeks.
READ MORE:Experts behind Adeles diet say pizza and champagne is on the menu
A source close to the two famous friends said: "Meghan and Adele have been having Pilates lessons. They are loving it.
"The instructor has also been giving lessons to Harry. It's a great stress-buster," they told the Mirror.
Pilates is a low-impact exercise which helps to build strength and flexibility, and is particularly good for recovering after injury.
Though similar to yoga, it tends to be at a slightly faster pace and has fewer spiritual connotations.
However, its thought to be a very specific type of pilates that the celebrity friends do in order to stay toned.
The Megaformer was designed by trainer and CEO of Lagree Fitness, Sebastien Legree, and aims to add cardio to the resistance exercise for a low intensity workout that really makes you sweat.
Meghan has commented before that the class is hands down the best thing you could do for your body, saying that youll notice a difference after just two classes.
As well as pilates, Adele has been working with a personal trainer to get fit - but he said its not just about weight loss for the star.
Pete Geracimo took to Instagram to talk about his work with the singer.
"When Adele and I started our journey together, it was never about getting super skinny, he said.
"It was about getting her healthy. Especially post pregnancy and post surgery.
He noted that they were getting her ready for a gruelling tour schedule after her album 25 was released.
"She embraced better eating habits and committed to her fitness and 'is sweating'! I could not be prouder or happier for her!
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Adele weight loss: Singers royal-approved intense pilates workout that helped lose 7st - Express
Combating Coronavirus Through Reversing Diabetes – PMLiVE

The Diabetes Reversal Company has developed a pioneering programme based on sustainable weight loss, evidence-based lifestyle change and one-to-one clinical support to reduce and reverse the effects of Type 2 diabetes.
The Diabetes Reversal Company has developed a pioneering programme based on weight loss, lifestyle change and one-to-one clinical support to reduce and reverse the effects of Type 2 diabetes, helping deliver the goals in the Governments newly published National Obesity Strategy.
The strategy aspires to help people lose weight to beat coronavirus and protect the NHS, which is particularly important for people with serious underlying health conditions like Type 2 diabetes who are more at risk. Obesity is a public health time bomb in the UK, over one in four (28.1%) of UK adults are obese, which increases the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes by 80%. The figures show that patients with diabetes make up a third of COVID related deaths in England, with Type 2 diabetes patients two times more likely at risk of dying in hospital.
The Diabetes Reversal Company has developed the worlds first GP led weight loss programme to improve and reverse the effects of Type 2 Diabetes and is accelerating its roll out through a pilot programme with London GP practices. This comes at a time when the Health Secretary Matt Hancock has said the NHS could save 100m over 5 years if everyone lost five pounds.
Company founder Dr Rabbani was inspired by the success of the Diabetes Remission Clinical Trial (DiRECT) to devise a lifestyle programme to help people improve their diabetes care. The three-phase programme of weight loss and lifestyle change has been created in collaboration with specialist NHS doctors, dietitians, and nutritionists, with app-based technology for ongoing monitoring.
Phase one involves fast evidence-based weight loss with an 800 calorie a day diet for eight to twelve weeks, using specially formulated total diet replacements in the form of shakes and soups developed by experts at the Diabetes Reversal Company. The second phase reintegrates healthier versions of the patients preferred foods back into their diet with the support of a qualified registered nutritionist. The final phase is based on the Diabetes Reversal Company's Golden 5 Plan focusing on nutrition, movement, sleep, stress management and environmental change to help patients stay healthier for longer.
This innovative work has already delivered proven results. Based on a study of 56 patients over eight to twelve weeks by a qualified nutritionist, patients experienced an average weight loss of 22.6 pounds (10.3 kg) which is over 10% of initial body weight lost and an average BMI decrease of -3.60.
Medical Director and company founder Dr Farhan Rabbani explains the importance on tackling Type 2 diabetes, he said:
The publication of the Governments National Obesity Strategy marks an important step forward in tackling the surge of Type 2 diabetes collectively as a nation. The causal link between the risk and severity of COVID-19 and obesity related conditions like Type 2 diabetes means tackling the two go hand in hand.
Our programme offers clinically led solutions that can deliver long term lasting change to peoples weight and feeling of well-being. We want to move away from traditional reliance on medication and start implementing more evidence-based lifestyle changes to help reduce and reverse the effects of Type 2 diabetes.
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Combating Coronavirus Through Reversing Diabetes - PMLiVE
Channel 4’s Lose a Stone in 21 Days: Is it safe to follow the 800 calorie diet? – South Wales Argus

PRIMETIME Channel 4 show Lose a Stone in 21 Days with Michael Mosley has claimedthat it can teach viewers how to lose a stone in about three weeks.
There has been a renewed focus on weight loss and diet recently, with prime minister Boris Johnson launching a new obesity strategy to urge members of the public to lose weight to beat coronavirus and protect the NHS.
Dr Mosley claims in the opening of the Channel Four programme that obesity can massively increase your risk of becoming seriously ill should you get Covid-19.
However, the programme has been criticised on social media for being harmful to those with eating disorders and promoting an unhealthy relationship with food.
But is the diet being suggested by Dr Mosley safe to follow?
What does the diet involve?
Dr Mosley asserts that people on a weight loss journey can lose a stone in 21 days by only consuming 800 calories per day.
While the ideal daily intake of calories can vary from person to person depending on factors such as age, metabolism and activity level, the NHS recommends that the average daily intake of calories is 2,000 for women and 2,500 for men.
On ITVs This Morning, Dr Mosely told Eamonn Holmes and Ruth Langsford that the methodology for the show is based on several recent big randomised controlled trials.
Dr Mosely added that he is also being assisted by his wife, GP Dr Clare Bailey, who recently ran a study where participants only consume 800 calories for eight weeks.
Participants on the show were provided with deliveries of healthy ingredients, meal replacement drinks and recipes from Dr Dailey to follow, which included meals like mediterranean mozzarella chicken and portobello pizzas.
Is the diet safe to follow?
Very low calorie diets are not recommended for everyone and for people with a normal BMI, should not be the first course of action when it comes to losing weight.
The NHS states: Very low calorie diets are for adults who are obese and severely obese, defined as having a BMI over 30 and 40, and need to quickly lose weight.
They are not the first option to manage obesity and should not be routinely used.
The NHS explains that very low calorie diets should only be followed under medical supervision and only for a maximum of 12 weeks.
Do not follow a very low calorie diet unless a GP has suggested it to you, the NHS says.
Very low calorie diets can also come with a myriad of side effects, including:
The NHS says that very low calorie diets are not suitable if you are:
While very low calorie diets can lead to short term weight loss, it is likely that the weight will come back on after the diet ends, the NHS explains.
What backlash did the programme receive?
In response to the programme, Channel 4 has received criticism from people branding the show as irresponsible and damaging programming.
Taking to Twitter, one person wrote: The new Channel 4 show Lose a Stone in 21 Days recommends an 800 calorie per day diet, not far off what I was restricting myself to when I was in the throes of anorexia. Irresponsible & damaging programme - @Channel4 should be ashamed.
Another tweeted: When eating disorders are so prevalent and mental health so underfunded, should we not be promoting healthy relationships with food? #loseastonein21days
What is lose a stone in 21 days, why is it trending, & how would anyone promote that? Thats drastic weight loss that would be dangerous for anyone, even overweight people who do need to lose a stone (or several). Whats more, its incredibly triggering to just see pop up?! wrote another.
Beat, a UK eating disorder charity, tweeted: In response to a lockdown diet programme on Channel 4 tomorrow night (Wednesday 5th), our services will be open until 11pm for anyone who needs to chat #EDsupport #eatingdisorders.
When the first episode of the programme aired on Channel Four, Dr Mosley took to Twitter to reply to comments from those concerned about the content of the show.
Replying to one person, Dr Mosley wrote: I do understand that eating disorders are complex, distressing and very dangerous. That said, the 800 calorie approach has been used in randomised controlled trials involving over 800 patients and the benefits for those who are overweight or obese are striking.
In April, a BBC Two programme called The Restaurant that Burns Off Calories also received similar backlash and was accused of not being remotely responsible for those with eating disorders.
When is the show on TV?
Lose a Stone in 21 Days is a three part series on Channel 4 - involving45 minute episodes.
You can watch the first episode of the programme on the Channel 4 website here.
The second episode will air on Channel 4 on Wednesday, August 12, at 9pm.
Originally posted here:
Channel 4's Lose a Stone in 21 Days: Is it safe to follow the 800 calorie diet? - South Wales Argus
Debra Messing felt pressure to lose weight during her time on ‘Will & Grace’ – 11-Aug-2020 – NZ Entertainment news – NZCity

She said: "When I started Will & Grace I was a size 8, and what happened was, every time I would go in for a fitting, I couldn't fit into clothes. Eighty percent of it I couldn't fit into, and I would just leave hating my body and hating myself. I loved my costume designer, she would always say, 'Don't worry,' and she would talk to her assistant and say, 'OK, can you call over and get a larger size?' And that was sort of the thing that was always on repeat all the time.
Debra began to think her life would be so much easier if she lost weight.
She added: "So of course, I thought, 'My life would be so much easier, and it would be easier on everybody trying to do their job, if I just lost weight. So I started doing yoga every single day and I did one of those meal delivery services. I started to get smaller and then I was a 6, and they were like, 'You're losing weight, you look amazing!
The actress was happy at a size 6, but after attending award shows and meeting other actresses, she recalled feeling fat and ugly, which prompted her to lose even more weight until she was a size 2.
She told Jameela Jamil for her I Weigh podcast: "I was way too skinny. But, you know, going in for those fittings, I fit into everything. And all of a sudden, I literally could fit into anything that was high fashion. So all of a sudden, everything seemed to open up for me, because I was a 2.
"For awhile there, I was maintaining that, and then I got sick. My body just could not hold out. My adrenals crashed, I was exhausted and it just became clear to me that I couldn't be healthy and a size 2 at the same time."
Go here to read the rest:
Debra Messing felt pressure to lose weight during her time on 'Will & Grace' - 11-Aug-2020 - NZ Entertainment news - NZCity
The Surprising Reason the Color Of Egg Yolks Matter – MSN Money

Provided by Eat This, Not That! two different egg yolk colors in a bowl
I tend to be cheap with my grocery shopping week-after-week. But if I find a great deal on quality productslike cage-free eggsI always take advantage of it. This week I came home with a cage-free 18-count carton and immediately made some scrambled eggs when I got home. When I cracked open the egg, the yolk was orange. At first, it felt off-putting. But after a bit of research, I soon found out that having an orange yolk is actually better for my health. Surprisingly, the color of egg yolks actually does matter.
According to a study published by the Journal of Food Science, egg yolks that have a darker color (such as a mustard yellow or a light orange) typically contain even more omega-3s and vitamins compared to an average lighter yolk egg. The difference in the two different eggs is actually based on the diet and health of the chicken who laid them.
In order to better understand the subject, I spoke with two different registered dietitians about egg yolks to find out if it's really healthier to eat darker egg yolks, and what consumers should know.
Love eating eggs? Here are 17 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Eat Eggs.
"The color of the yolk can actually tell you a great deal about the nutritional content of the egg," says Vanessa Rissetto MS, RD, CDN and co-founder of Culina Health. "In general, you want your yolk to be a dark and vibrant orange color. These yolks are typically produced by pasture-raised hens whose diets consist of fresh grass, worms, and grasshoppers. This diet is rich in carotenoids, which gives the yolks the rich orange color."
"Some studies show that darker and more colorful egg yolks, especially from pasture-raised hens, can have more omega-3s and vitamins due to the more natural feed the chickens eat," says Rachel Paul, PhD, RD from Studies also show that incorporating chia seeds into the hen's diet will also result in a darker yolk.
Rissetto also points out that the color of the yolks can actually taste different! She points out that some chefs even say the deeper colored yolks (like the orange yolks) will likely have the "more vibrant flavor" compared to lighter ones.
However, while some chickens are feasting on a good diet, others don't get as much of a robust feed, which does result in a lighter yolk.
"If the yolk is light yellow, those hens were likely fed a vegetarian diet consisting of corn and wheat," says Rissetto.
Even though the darker yolks do provide rich nutrients for the consumers, that does not mean the nutritional value of the egg changes at all. In fact, according to Paul, the yolk will still provide the same amount of protein and fat, no matter the color.
"While the nutritional value of the egg does not change significantly based on the color of the yolk, it is a great indicator of the health of the mother hen," says Rissetto.
So even if the protein and fat content remain the same no matter the egg type, if you find yourself cracking open an egg with an orange yolk, get ready for an extra boost of nutrients in your diet!
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Gallery: The 9 Best Hot Dogs and Sausages for Weight Loss (Eat This, Not That!)
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The Surprising Reason the Color Of Egg Yolks Matter - MSN Money
Working off your quarantine weight gain | Health24 – Health24

Life in lockdown has led many to overeat and gain weight, a phenomenon referred to as the "Covid-15".
But some small changes can get you back into shape, a weight management specialist suggests.
"Covid-19 changed how we eat, what we eat and how we spend our day," said Dr Peter Jian, an assistant professor of family and community medicine at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.
"Unfortunately, for some of us that meant less healthy choices," Jian added in a Baylor news release.
Jian offered these tips for working off the excess pounds and returning to a healthy lifestyle:
"It's a very challenging time. But I think the best we can do is focus on the positives and focus on the things that we can control, and the things that we can do to positively influence our own health," Jian said.
Image credit: iStock
Here is the original post:
Working off your quarantine weight gain | Health24 - Health24
BMI: Is Your Child At A Healthy Weight? Effective Tips For Weight Management – NDTV

Childhood obesity is linked with a higher risk of several diseases
BMI helps you determine whether you are underweight, at a healthy weight or overweight. It helps you measure the amount of body fat you have. Body weight outside the normal range can be harmful to your health and can signify risk of diseases linked with unhealthy weight. Not just adults, kids need to maintain a healthy weight too. According to WHO, overweight and obese children are likely to stay obese into adulthood and more likely to develop non-communicable diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases at a younger age. Globally, in 2016 the number of overweight children under the age of five, is estimated to be over 41 million.
BMI can be used as a tool to find whether your child is at a healthy weight or not with respect to his/her height. Here are some details about how BMI is calculated in children and tips to maintain a healthy weight in children.
Calculating BMI in children is not similar to adults. You need to consult a paediatrician to know the exact BMI of your child as various factors may affect including height, gender, age, height and weight of other children of the same age and more.
Healthy weight can help ward of risk of potential diseasesPhoto Credit: iStock
BMI percentile which is used for children compares measurement of your child with others of the same gender and age. For example, if a child has a BMI in the 60th percentile then it means that 60% of the kids of the same gender and age who were measured had a lower BMI.
Also read: Tips to prevent childhood obesity
The following are the categories that are used-
Underweight- Below the 5th percentile
Healthy weight- 5th percentile to less than the 85th percentile
Overweight- 85th to less than the 95th percentile
Obesity- Equal to or greater than the 95th percentile
BMI is less accurate in childhood and puberty as kids at a growing stage.
Also read:Childhood Obesity Prevention: 5 Tips For Parents To Inculcate Healthy Eating Habits In Children
A healthy diet and enough physical activity help in maintaining a healthy weight. Regular exercise helps burn calories. It is one of the healthiest ways to lose weight. Plan physical activities with your child like a running or your child's favourite sport.
Add a variety of nutrients to your child's diet for optimum growthPhoto Credit: iStock
Serve your child more seasonal fruits and vegetables to ensure optimum intake of nutrients. It can also help in healthy weight management.
Also read: Understanding BMI and how to calculate
Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
Original post:
BMI: Is Your Child At A Healthy Weight? Effective Tips For Weight Management - NDTV
High-Carb Foods To Avoid While On The Keto Diet – MSN Money

Trying to lose weight while on the famous keto diet? If so, then here are some high-carb foods that you need to stay away from.
By now, we should all be aware that the process of losing weight and shedding those extra pounds requires some very mindful eating as well as commitment. In fact, a lot even follow specific diet plans that allow them to lose a certain amount of weight in a certain period of time. One such plan is the ever-popular ketogenic (or keto) diet.
Popular among social media influencers and celebrities, the keto diet is promoted as a diet that is both sustainable and easy. But as mentioned above, losing weight requires mindful eating based on the diet plan youre using. Following the keto diet means that you have to eat a low-carb and high-fat diet since the gist is to put your body into a process called ketosis, have it tap into your fat stores for energy that would lead to weight loss.
But avoiding high-carb foods that youre used to can be tricky, which is why weve listed some that you need to steer clear of:
Fruits and Vegetables
While both of these are always a healthy addition to a diet, some of them are high in carbohydrates, such as corn, peas, squash, potatoes, bananas, oranges, blueberries and apples. Always make sure to do some research before eating a fruit or veggie.
Although generally healthy, grains should be avoided while on the keto diet since theyre rich in carbs. Foods like pasta and bread that are made from grains should be avoided as well.
Despite being a rich source of protein, some dairy products such as yogurt, milk and cottage cheese are also rich in carbs and therefore should be off the table while on the diet.
Sugary Sodas and Beverages
Since sodas are filled with sugar that is straight-up carbohydrates, you need to avoid them if youre on the keto diet. Instead, opt for water whenever you can. Its healthier too.
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Gallery: The 50 Best Ways to Boost Your Metabolism (Eat This, Not That!)
Excerpt from:
High-Carb Foods To Avoid While On The Keto Diet - MSN Money
Nutritionist Barrine Yigit from Turkey listed "summer" drink for weight loss – The Times Hub

In the summer people drink more fluids than at other times of the year, but the nutritionist from Turkey Barrine Yigit advised to pay attention to this process. The expert listed the drinks that help to lose weight and not gain weight.
When excessive fluid intake begins to grow beer belly. This will help avoid correct selection of drinks that not only quench thirst, but will make the person slimmer. The leader is a pure non-carbonated water. Nothing best people have not yet invented. Water perfectly fills the shortage of body fluids, which is important in the summer. In the heat it is recommended to brew herbal teas and drink them chilled. The ideal option is to drink room temperature. It is not necessary to give preference to hot tea, but too cold the fluid is hazardous to health. In herbal infusions, you can add mint leaves. These drinks contain antioxidants that accelerates the process of weight loss.
Barrine Yigit is not advised to use ready-made store-bought teas. They contain a lot of sugar, dyes, preservatives and other harmful substances. Fresh juices break down tooth enamel, affect the acidity of the stomach, and they contain glucose. The abuse of people at risk to gain weight. Instead it is wiser to eat a fruit with flesh or to drink a glass of juice with the addition of vegetables. It is reported by the Reactor.
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Nutritionist Barrine Yigit from Turkey listed "summer" drink for weight loss - The Times Hub
7 Reasons Why You Need to Drink Keto Shakes This Summer – The Seeker

The keto diet has taken the fitness world by storm. Countless celebrities and social media personalities swear by it, and it has become a staple in every single fitness blog and magazine around the world. The keto diet, short for ketogenic, is a high-fat and low-carb diet. The diet works by reducing your carbohydrate intake and increasing the amount of fat that you consume. When you reduce your carbohydrate level as drastically as the keto diet suggests, then your body enters into a metabolic state that has been named ketosis. A very large part of the keto diet is milkshakes and smoothies, that provide a huge amount of nutrients and minerals and are a great way for you to lose weight and tone up.
Here are seven reasons why you need to start drinking keto shakes this summer.
Every single glass of a keto-shake that you drink is full of vitamins and minerals. Keto-shakes are absolutely filled with nutrition and every single sip is a shot of pure nutrients. You can follow this link to learn further about the nutritional power of keto-shakes. A keto diet does not allow you to have too many fruits in your diet, which means that many smoothies and shakes are entirely vegetable-based.
Some of the most popular milkshakes and smoothies include the superfoods kale, beetroot, and spinach. You can also include anything from the swede family. You must add fats into your shakes to adhere to the keto-diet. Other popular veggies for your smoothies are avocado and Zucchini. You can add high-fat peanut butter, coconut cream, or heavy cream, and top with chia seeds. Yum!
Keto shakes are full of antioxidants, and antioxidants can work to protect you from heart disease and cancer. These shakes are also full of B-vitamins and folic acid, and both of these can improve your memory, clarity, focus, and mental wellbeing, thereby improving your cognitive function and helping to stimulate brain health. You can derive great benefits from drinking regular keto shakes, and anything that boosts your brain health is something to be pursued.
The human gut is quite frequently referred to as your second brain. Keto milkshakes aid intestinal health and can be a fantastic way to improve your overall quality of life. The nutrients contained within these shakes and smoothies are very beneficial to the overall health of your gut and can help your digestive system function properly.
Unfortunately, many of us are very, very dehydrated, and we do not even know. Drinking regular keto milkshakes and smoothies can be a great way to improve your hydration and ensure that your body is functioning the way that it is meant to. You cannot drink smoothies as a complete substitute for water, but a smoothie can be a great way to top up your hydration when you are feeling parched.
It is no surprise that keto shakes can help you to lose weight. It is, in fact, one of the best ways to lose weight on the keto diet. You can derive great benefit from regularly drinking these milkshakes, and you should factor them into your diet to seriously improve your fitness and your overall health.
Smoothies are a simple and effective way to get the nutrients that you need as part of a keto diet. You can draw great benefits from drinking them every single day and you will see your life impacted positively because of it. Smoothies are fun, convenient, and quick.
Unfortunately, some people absolutely cannot stomach the thought of eating fruit and vegetables. Fruit and vegetables are a great way to get the nutrients you need to stay healthy and are absolutely fundamental as part of a keto diet.
If you cannot stomach eating fruit and vegetables, then smoothies will become your new best friend. They will enable you to get the benefits of the fruit and veg without making yourself feel sick. Smoothies and shakes are the best part of a keto diet and anybody who adheres to this diet will surely agree.
Now you know a few benefits of drinking milkshakes and smoothies as part of a keto diet. You will find that once you embark on a keto diet, you will never want to go back. Cutting carbs is the best thing you can do for your body.
Read the original:
7 Reasons Why You Need to Drink Keto Shakes This Summer - The Seeker