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Mar 17

The ‘set point’: Why it can be so hard to maintain weight loss – Sydney Morning Herald

The current estimates are that about 80 per cent of people who lose weight will regain it about 20 per cent of people can successfully keep it off, he says.

Professor Cowley believes this is partly due to a set point, which he says is our bodies tendency to stick to a certain minimum weight, which drifts upwards with time.

Libby Oakes-Ash pictured before the surgery.

Its not a hard-coded set point ... but you have an innate tendency towards a weight thats determined by your genes and your epigenome, he says.

Then you have environmental pressures, whether thats how much activity youve got in your life and how much food you eat. Those three factors weigh against each other and create a point of balance that you go back to.

A major factor is the fact that as we age, we lose muscle which means we burn less energy, leading to weight gain if activity doesn't increase, Professor Cowley says.

While we generally can't change our body's "set point", we can of course alter how much we eat and move, he says.

"Its really clear people can successfully change their weight up and down. You cant change the set point, but what we can do is change the things that push against it."

And while you might assume that surgery would lower the body's "set point", that isn't the case, says Professor Cowley. However the surgery will likely decrease your hunger, and the amount of food you eat, leading to successful weight loss if food intake can be controlled.

He believes that gastric sleeve surgery surgery in which about two-thirds of the stomach is cut out, leaving just a narrow tube can be a very effective solution for many individuals, but only if a surgeon has a strong patient engagement program with adequate support

Professor Amanda Salis, of the University of Sydney, agrees that almost everyone regains weight, contributing to the fact that about two-thirds of Australians are obese or overweight. But Professor Salis says there are still tangible health benefits in losing weight, however temporarily.

Theres relief from the joints. Theres relief from arthritis. Even long term, theres a reduced risk of cardio metabolic disease if a person has lost weight even if theyve regained it all.

Oakes-Ash is now trying to lose weight again slowly through a healthy diet, counselling and exercise.

She believes psychological support is crucial for anyone battling extreme weight gain particularly for those who choose surgery.

As with many overweight people, her path shows the reasons for obesity are rarely just as simple as eating too much.


I was always very fit, very slim, very active but I married a man who had an addiction problem," she says.

Over the years I developed what they call co-dependent behaviours which happens to a lot of people that live with alcoholics or drug addicts, they develop their own addictions to something else to cope. For me it was food.

The tipping point for surgery was when she fell over her grandson and couldn't get off the floor. "I was just miserable really, very depressed."

Now Oakes-Ash's main focus is on being able to do the things she enjoys, such as cycling or playing with her grandchildren.

"I dont do those things to make me thin I do those things because they give me joy and I cant do those if Im 50 kilos overweight," she says.

Insight airs on SBS on Tuesday at 8.30pm

Larissa is a reporter and producer

Read this article:
The 'set point': Why it can be so hard to maintain weight loss - Sydney Morning Herald

Mar 17

Greek Proudly Shows Off The Excessive Loose Skin From His Massive Weight Loss – TheGamer

Greekgodx went from 370 pounds to around 200, and its left him with a lot of excess skin that hes proud to show off on Twitch.

Doctors always tell obese people to lose weight in order to live healthier lives, but what they dont tell people is that losing that much weight can have some unintended side effects. One of those side effects is the loose, baggy skin.

Dimitri Greekgodx Antanonatos knows all about that problem, as he went from a peak weight of 369 pounds down to what is likely around 200 pounds after a two-year weight loss journey.

The name Greekgodx was initially a joke for the morbidly obese Twitch streamer. Greek is one of those shameless chubby guys that had no problem with showing some flubbery skin on camera, which is one of the reasons why he grew to such immense popularity on the streaming platform.

About two years ago, Greek peaked at 369 pounds and decided that enough was enough. He started working out and started eating better, losing about 70 pounds over the course of his first year. In his second year, he lost even more weight so that you basically wouldnt even recognize him from two years ago. Now the name isnt quite so much a joke anymore.

The only thing keeping Greek from actually having the body of a Greek god is all the loose skin hanging around his middle, which he showed off on Twitch yesterday.

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I can show you my loose skin, I dont care, he said before getting up from his chair and lifting up his shirt. You can see that his skin sort of hangs around the front and sides; because it was stretched out for such a long time, it still retains its original shape even though the fat underneath is all gone. This leaves Greek with some unfortunate excess that is really hard to get rid of.

Greek can try and do some toning exercises to help, but the only real solution to getting rid of that much skin is surgery. However, surgery often leaves scars, so its a bit of a catch-22 situation.

Given how comfortable Greek seems to be in his body, it seems doubtful that hell go to the expense and risk of surgery. He really shouldnt have to anyway--his baggy skin is just a reminder of how far hes come in two years.

Source: Twitch

NEXT: The Wonderful 101 Will Get An Orchestral Score, Thanks To Twitch Revenue

Redditor Catches Teammate Dropping From 5 Story Building In Warzone For An Unbelievable Revive

Actually a collective of 6 hamsters piloting a human-shaped robot, Sean hails from Toronto, Canada. Passionate about gaming from a young age, those hamsters would probably have taken over the world by now if they didn't vastly prefer playing and writing about video games instead.The hamsters are so far into their long-con that they've managed to acquire a bachelor's degree from the University of Waterloo and used that to convince the fine editors at TheGamer that they can write "gud werds," when in reality they just have a very sophisticated spellchecker program installed in the robot's central processing unit.

More here:
Greek Proudly Shows Off The Excessive Loose Skin From His Massive Weight Loss - TheGamer

Mar 17

How to lose weight simply at home if youre avoiding the gym during coronavirus – Daily Star

Just last week, a coronavirus expert warned Brits to stay away from big blokes in the gym as those who regularly pump iron could become super spreaders.

Pandemic expert Dr Norman Swan fears that gyms are the perfect place for COVID-19 to spread because there is so much sweat.

So if youre in need of a good workout to get you through this tough time, heres a simple circuit to try which could help you maintain your weight loss.

From YouTube videos to free apps and Instagram, if youre lacking inspiration you could always follow a personal trainer for ideas.

Otherwise, here are some simple moves to try at home to lose weight and burn calories.

How to do: Set your feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned out. Slowly bend at the knees and drop your hips to lower your body.

You must slowly bend at the knees and drop your hips to lower your body, then at the bottom of the exercise pause for a moment and strongly push back up to the starting position.

If you want to make it harder for yourself and have some equipment at home, use weights or resistance bands.

How to do: Starting in a high plank with a flat back, lower your chest to the floor by bending your arms and sending them back at 45-degree angle.

Make sure you keep your neck in a neutral position and then push everything back up in a straight line, breathing out as you lift.

How to do: Make sure you have plenty of space when you try this. Start by standing, then jump down into a plank and quickly lowering yourself to the floor.

Push yourself up from the floor, jump your feet towards your hands as you stand up, finishing the move with another standing jump at the top.

How to do: Use a bench or a chair, place hands on the outside of your hips, fingers pointing forwards.

Then you should slowly lower your upper body down, making sure that your back is as close to the bench as possible.

Lower until your arms are at 90 degrees, then use triceps to push yourself back to the starting position.

Again, if youve got any weights lying around you could put them on your lap as you slowly lower your upper body down.

How to do: Start with your feet together and step forward, lunging with your right leg. Stand up, then repeat with your left leg.

This is a great workout to use with booty bands if you want to increase the resistance as you lunge.

How to do: The isometric core strength exercise involves maintaining a position similar to a push-up for the maximum possible time.

If youre new to planking, try it for 30 seconds then keep increasing the time to boost core strength.

Originally posted here:
How to lose weight simply at home if youre avoiding the gym during coronavirus - Daily Star

Mar 17

10 Tips to Survive Fad Diets and Workout Trends – Unreserved Media

The key to good health and fitness isnt in newfound whacky diet and workout plans. Its simpler than you think. Nutrition and wellness coach Marissa Parry debunks wellness myths and breaks down the formula for a healthy lifestyle.

Determine the right diet plan

We are all unique and diets are not a one size fits all were referring to textbook diets out there. You need to take into consideration any health issues, activity level, the type of food available, and what your likes and dislikes are, which are often overlooked if youre eyeing a quick solution. Speak to a professional who can take out the guesswork and design your diet for you.

Workout woes

Figure out what your goal is, whether its weight loss, maintenance, increasing muscle mass or sport-specific. This will help narrow down what is suitable for you. Set aside some key factors to find the right workout regime; find one that is fun for you because if you dont enjoy what you do, then it wont last.

When a diet plan goes bust

When a diet rules your life and you feel stressed about eating, you will tend to count every calorie and your macros obsessively, thus turning every meal into a calorie counting mission. Its good to use some of these tools to obtain a better understanding of food, but once it becomes an obsession and you dont enjoy eating, then the diet has ruled your life.

Steer clear of diet fads

All the keto, low carb, Whole 30 diets out there may seem effective but any meal plan that claims you can lose more than two kilos a week should be avoided. Healthy weight loss is between half a kilo to a kilo per week. It shows you are making sustainable changes and that the weight you are losing will most likely stay off.

Create that diet plan

Whether youre fulfilling long term or short goals, its best to design a diet that is unique to you and suits your lifestyle. Pushing fad diets aside, cutting out processed sugar and white carbs, filling half your plate with vegetables and the other half with protein (plant-based and animal protein) and carbs such as potatoes, pumpkin, quinoa and cauliflower rice and eating good fats such as avocado, nuts, olive oil and coconut oil, is key to fuelling your body with nutritious food at every meal.

Detox drink benefits debunked

Detox drink plans are a big no-no. Many people do it to lose weight, and thats the wrong way. Of course the weight will drop off when you cut your calories drastically but the same can be achieved by consuming only 500 calories a day. There are no juice plans that have been proven to detox and many of them make their own claims. However, reducing what you eat and cleaning up your diet can certainly help the body to work better.

Should we buddy up?

When it comes to working out, it helps to have a workout buddy or a community as this adds to the fun element. It becomes more of a social activity as youre killing two birds with one stone hanging out with friends and burning calories! As for a diet partner, being part of a diet such as keto or intermittent fasting has helped people lose weight as the community support helps them power through.

Is no pain, no gain a legit mantra?

Lets be sensible. If youre referring to workouts, there is an element of pain that needs to be felt for progress. If you are constantly working out and feel no discomfort, then there will be little improvement.

Stick to your guns

When you have found the perfect diet plan and workout routine, it will automatically become a lifestyle instead of a short-term routine. Youll find it easy to prepare your own food, and make good choices when you are out. That way you can include foods that are usually restricted into your diet without feeling guilty or calling it a treat.

I exercise a lot so I can eat more

Your entire days food should focus on preparing for and recovering from exercise. Reduce your calorie consumption on days you dont work out, and increase it on the days you do. Hunger is the bodys way of asking to be refuelled, so dont ignore a rumbling stomach.

Stronger cravings might be signs of your body and brain adapting to a new set of physical challenges, but craving lots of treats may also be the minds way of asking for rewards and comfort food. Try to distinguish between physical hunger and the emotional desire to eat.

This is an exceprt from UNRESERVEDs March Issue from the article Surviving Fad Diets and Workout Trends

Follow this link:
10 Tips to Survive Fad Diets and Workout Trends - Unreserved Media

Mar 17

How winning The Biggest Loser was not the weight loss fix Craig thought it would be – SBS News

Preview above: How do we lose weight and keep it off? Keeping Weight Off, Tuesday March 17 at 8:30pm on SBS and On Demand.

When Craig Booby was crowned The Biggest Loser in 2014 he couldnt recognise himself; with just one follow-up phone call he was sent away only to eclipse his starting weight of 180 kilograms last year.

It all happened so quickly, that 80 kilos in six months, I didn't stop and take a breath and see myself changing,Craig says.

Craig lost almost half of his body weight on The Biggest Loser, but the weight crept back on a problem that impacts nearly 80 per cent of people who lose weight.

I kept thinking Ill get on top of this, Ill get on top of this, Craig says, but after four years of intense career focus and bad habits, he began to struggle with his mental health as the scales showed he was slowly undoing his hard work.

I was probably the lowest I'd ever been in my entire life, and yeah, I just honestly didn't see a point in what I had to live for.

Craig before he went on The Biggest Loser


Personal trainer and former The Biggest Loser trainer Michelle Bridges remembers Craig being quite a formidable force.

I remember him being very driven, very focused and really taking every opportunity that was presented to him, Michelle says.

The Biggest Loser competition provided Craig a distraction-free environment without phones, family contact or television, allowing him to focus entirely on developing healthy habits but the real world was a much more challenging place for him, something that Michelle acknowledges.

I would always have wanted to be able to go home with someone like Craig and say okay, everything that we did on the show we're now going to embed that into habits, routines and rituals in your life, Michelle says.

In your kitchen, in your lounge room, the way in which you eat in your dining room, let's go even further afield into the way in which you shop, the supermarket you go to."

But that didnt happen for Craig and in the one phone call he received after filming he said he was feeling lost and didnt know who he was anymore.

When I look at myself in the mirror I just don't feel myself and I was pretty much told Oh, you'll get used to it, make the most of the opportunity, and that was pretty much it and that was the last I heard.

Last year, Craig decided to take control of his weight gain and invest more time into his health than his career. Since then, he has lost 30 kilograms and hopes to reach a comfortable weight and learn good habits to keep the weight off.

Go here to see the original:
How winning The Biggest Loser was not the weight loss fix Craig thought it would be - SBS News

Mar 17

Bride-To-Be Considers ‘Firing’ Her Bridesmaid for Being ‘Too Big’ & Breaking Her Weight Promise – CafeMom


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See the original post here:
Bride-To-Be Considers 'Firing' Her Bridesmaid for Being 'Too Big' & Breaking Her Weight Promise - CafeMom

Mar 17

Best home workout: hit the home gym hard with THE 5 BEST exercises – T3

Home workouts can be just as efficient as the ones performed in gyms if you want to get fit fast. Granted, you probably haven't got all the machines you use at the gym available in your abode but by getting a few essentials maybe even the best home gym equipment you can recreate an almost complete copy of your gym workouts at home. All you need is a handy list of the best exercises to do in your home gym, and we'll provide you with that here.

You don't have to use the below exercises exactly in this order and feel free to swap in/out exercises depending on your fitness goals. Want to work on the glutes and quads more? Have a look at the best leg exercises. Working on your core? Check out this 3-move abs workout. Want to have a full body blast at home? Please read on.

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Although resistance training is great for losing weight fast, if you haven't done much exercising lately or ever, it's best to get a training buddy to work out with, even at home, or at least someone to be around so they can keep an eye on you and keep you safe.

Always make sure the workout area is free clear and that you can perform all the planned exercises without bumping into any furniture or random objects in the household.

If you want to gain muscle mass and/or lose weight, your diet is equally as important as the workout itself. Up your protein intake by having a protein shake or two a day and swap those mid-afternoon chocolate bars to something healthier, like a protein bar in order to cut back on sugar. Also, drink more water and introduce more fibres to your diet as well to boost metabolism.

Bulk Powders Protein Flapjack Bar, Box of 12 | Buy it for 19.99 directly from Bulk PowdersThe Bulk Powders Protein Flapjacks are not only delicious but also high in protein. Each bar contains 21 grams of muscle building protein as well as 9 grams of fibre for long lasting feeling of fullness.View Deal

Do some mobility exercises and stretching to warm up before you start your workout to get the heart rate up a bit. Try working on your biggest muscles first, like your legs/glutes, and finish off the workout with exercises aimed at small muscles like the biceps. Do some light stretching after the workout too.

Alternatively, you can get the best suspension training system for home and train all your muscles using these versatile tools. They not only provide a good workout but are also great when you haven't got an awful lot of space in your flat.

(Image credit: Future)

Equipment needed: home multi-gym or pull up bar

In depth: chin up vs pull up

To perform a pull up, hold the bar with an overhand grip (palms facing away from you) and hands being wide apart. A nice wide grip will help activate the lats even more and help you shape that back-V sooner.

Keep your core engaged all the way through the movement, don't drop your shoulders and be mindful of the negative movement (when you lower your body). The slower you can perform pull ups within reason the longer the muscle activation, meaning you will see results sooner.

Theragun Liv | Buy it for 229 at theragun.comUse the Theragun Liv for your post-workout stretching sessions. It is the most affordable advanced deep muscle treatment machine from Theragun and comes with two attachments and a high-spec motor to rid the pain that bothers you. Say goodbye to all those nasty muscle knots.View Deal

(Image credit: Future)

Equipment needed: barbell (and a squat rack) or dumbbells or kettlebell

In depth: how to squat right

Depending on the weights you use, you'll perform this exercise slightly differently but the one thing is for sure: aim for a deep squat, using your glutes and quads for the movement, not your lower back. The back is kept straight through the movement.

If you are doing barbell back squats, rest the bar on the traps and not your neck so you won't put a lot of pressure on the spine. As for goblet squats kettlebell in hand in front of your chest try not to lean forward too much to avid lower back strain.

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(Image credit: Future)

Equipment needed: yoga mat

In depth: best calisthenics workout

Starting position is the same as you were to do push ups. To perform mountain climbers, pull one of your knees up to your chest then kick your leg back and pull the other knee to your chest in in quick succession. You want to keep your body in a push up position all the way through the exercise, so don't bob your hips up and down as you're tucking your legs in.

SIXPAD Electric Muscle Stimulation Training Gear | Prices from 175 at AmazonSIXPAD training gear won't replace hard work but it can make it more effective. These cordless pads can effectively enhance muscle stimulation and can "help users achieve a 8% improvement in abdominal muscle size after 4 weeks alongside a balanced diet and exercise" or so does SIXPAD claim. The percentage goes up to 12% after 12 weeks and many SIXPAD products can be used in other areas than just your abs.View Deal

(Image credit: Future)

Equipment needed: barbell or dumbbells

In depth: overhead press (how to)

To perform a standing barbell overhead press, load the appropriate plates onto each end of the barbell (the same on both ends) and secure the weights with the collars. Then, pick up the barbell from the ground using an overhand grip and rest it on the top of your chest. Legs are shoulder width apart, core engaged.

When you press the bar up, it should move in a straight vertical line. In order for it to do just that, you will need to move your head back and forth a bit as the bar passes in front of it. Keep your core engaged all the way through the motion and don't arch your back, that will lead to lower back pain (and injuries in general).

FitBit Aria 2 smart bathroom scale | now 111.72 on AmazonThis clever scaletells you your weight, BMI and body fat percentage which is all a lot of people want. It then reports this to your Fitbit account, so you can monitor your weight trends and use it alongside your Fitbit wearable's daily calorie-burn estimates. Add MyFitnessPal or Fitbit's own dietary features and you can then sync your meal-plans, daily calories consumed and weight goals, if you want.View Deal

(Image credit: Future)

Equipment needed: barbell or dumbbell, weight bench

In depth: how to bench press correctly

To perform a bench press, load the bar up with the weight plates you would like to use and secure both sides with the spring collars. Both sides of the bar have the same amount of weight on it.

Lay down on the weight bench with your head resting under the bar, feet on the ground. Place your hands on the bar, a bit further apart than shoulder width. Use an overhand grip (palms facing away from you) and engage your core. You want your feet to dig into the floor a bit, make sure they are firmly pressed down before you lift.

As you exhale, push the bar up off the rack and extend your arm fully. Inhale as you lower the bar down to your chest, tucking your elbows in slightly. Come close to the chest as you lower the bar, then as you exhale, pressing the bar up again.

Visit link:
Best home workout: hit the home gym hard with THE 5 BEST exercises - T3

Mar 17

Work out, be happy – The Patriot Ledger

Many people exercise to look and feel better. Some want to lose weight or strengthen their muscles. Others exercise to improve their stamina.

But benefits of exercise arent just physical, theyre mental as well. Exercise not only takes care of your body, it takes care of your brain.

A 2018 study of 1.2 million people in the United States, published in "The Lancet: Psychiatry," found that people who exercise report having 1.5 fewer days of poor mental health a month, compared to people who do not exercise. On average, survey participants reported 3.4 days of poor mental health a month.

Fighting depression

Depression, which is the leading cause of disability worldwide, is just one area of mental health where exercise can help. The human toll of depression is, of course, tragic, but depression also costs employers an estimated $44 billion each year in lost productivity, according to the Center for Workplace Mental Health.

Exercise can help. Even those who are genetically disposed toward developing depression can benefit, according to new research published in "Depression & Anxiety."

Researchers found that, Higher levels of physical activity were associated with reduced odds of incident depression across all levels of genetic vulnerability, even among individuals at highest polygenic risk.

In our recent column on fitness and productivity, we quoted Harvard Health and wrote that, Serotonins and endorphins are two neurotransmitters that are affected by exercise. Exercise releases serotonin from the brain, which can result in feeling better and an improved state of mind, making stress easier to handle.

We also noted that sweating releases endorphins, which help relax the mind, and that exercise also reduces levels of cortisol, which is the bodys stress hormone.

Exercise is a natural high. As the Mayo Clinic noted, the endorphins released include endogenous cannabinoids, which are natural cannabis-like brain chemicals that can enhance your sense of well-being.

In addition, Kelly McGonigal, author of "The Joy of Movement: How Exercise Helps Us Find Happiness, Hope, Connection and Courage," wrote that exercise causes muscles to release lactate, which travels through the bloodstream to the brain, where it alters the persons neurochemistry, reducing anxiety and helping to prevent depression.

Her research finds that exercise is good for the brain, making you braver, more sensitive to joy, and more amenable to building trust and belonging with others.

Why exercise helps

Experts say that one reason exercise helps is that it takes your mind off of whats bothering you. When you exercise, you will put aside the negative thoughts that feed depression and anxiety. Youll also gain confidence as you meet your goals, and youll feel better about yourself and your appearance.

Exercise also provides social interaction, especially if you take group classes. McGonigal claims that moving with others in a group exercise class is one of the most powerful ways to experience joy.

Those who have serious mental illnesses are at a high risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, because they typically have a sedentary lifestyle and have to deal with side effects from medication. Patients with schizophrenia, for example, typically experience significant weight gain resulting from anti-psychotic drugs.

Exercise therapy is often used by health-care professionals as part of the treatment for those with a variety of mental illnesses and related disorders, ranging from alcohol abuse to eating disorders. And, unlike treatment with drugs, exercises does not have negative side effects.

According to The Primary Care Companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, health benefits from regular exercise that should be emphasized and reinforced by every mental health professional to their patients include improved sleep, increased interest in sex, better endurance, stress relief, improvement in mood, increased energy and stamina, reduced cholesterol and improved cardiovascular fitness, weight reduction and increased mental alertness.

Even if you are mentally healthy, of course, these benefits are likely to be attractive to you. Whatever your mental state, exercise can help you be healthier and happier.

Rita Matraia is the owner of The Core Connection, a boutique fitness studio in Northborough. She is a Certified Stott Pilates Instructor, a Certified Restorative Exercise Specialist, a Certified Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist and a Healthy Foot Practitioner through the Nutritious Movement Center. She can be reached at

Read more:
Work out, be happy - The Patriot Ledger

Mar 17

Intermittent fasting: A path to changing life and fighting cancer – Medill Reports: Chicago

By Annie KrallMedill Reports

Growling. Roaring. Grumbling.

Something not quite in the distance draws even closer.

In the pit of your stomach you feel it growing. What is that? Where did it come from? What does it want?

When the sound reaches a crescendo that is when you realize

Today is another fast day.

That rumbling is simply your stomach bored and on empty for your second day of fasting. At least, that is the case for Dimitra Zafiriadis on her courageous journey to do the bare minimum when it comes to caloric intake.

This is her story.

Time and energy. For most of us living in 2020, we can never have enough of either. But as Zafiriadis, a skincare specialist, bounds around her home in Park Ridge you would think this new decade had breathed life back into her body.

Ive reorganized every closet, every drawer. Im busy and I want to do this stuff, Zafiriadis said on a warmer than average day during one of the warmest Chicago Januarys on record. Things are heating up just as much on the inside with self revelations and a desire for change.

Zafiriadis sits down after a full day of work to discuss why her life has changed so drastically in only eight months. The short answer she gives is intermittent fasting.

Before changing her eating schedule to fit fasting guidelines, Zafiriadis would normally wanted to come home and chill not doing any of her household responsibilities. Feeling lethargic and rundown was common. That was my past normal not my new normal.

Zafiriadis is part of a congregation of converted eaters. In the fall of 2019, intermittent fasting sent a shock wave through media outlets like a Los Angeles earthquake might and began shaking up the dieting landscape many West Coast gurus are known for constructing.

Intermittent fasting has no set medical definition. But it definitely has the medical world talking. An intermittent fasting pattern can vary in a number of ways, according to

Here are the core four intermittent fasting schedules:

With each of these methods, you can eat pretty much whatever you want during your feeding window. Zafiriadis has found that flexibility to be one of the reasons intermittent fasting actually works.

I cannot diet. Diets just I love to eat. I love food, Zafiriadis said.

As a woman who hasnt even hit 50 yet, she has dealt with decades of food restrictive practices. Talking about intermittent fasting doesnt show lines of frustration on her face the way dieting did.

Ive dieted all my life. Diets never work. You lose all this weight and then you gain it all back and that was the case with me, she explained.

Then last May, everything changed.

Zafiriadis embarked on a journey to lower her blood pressure and lose weight after being overweight for years. Her doctor asked her, have you thought about intermittent fasting? From then on, she does a version of intermittent fasting that is more extreme than most.

She fasts for at least 24 hours once a week. That allows her body to get into a depleted storage state. Then, she will break the fast depending on her schedule. Being a mother to a high school boy, life always seems to just happen funnily enough.

But sometimes Zafiriadis will fast for eight days. She calls it an extended fast. This means no protein drinks or other sustenance beyond water and coffee. In eight months, Zafiriadis has lost 60 pounds but she said she has gained much more in exchange.

Consult your doctor, though, before undertaking an intermittent fasting or an extreme fasting regiment. They may have guidelines you should be following for your specific age and body type.

But Zafiriadis swears by the extreme fast.

Im much more alive!

I have much more clarity!

Fasting almost sounds like a spiritual experience for Zafiriadis. Considering the practice has been a part of religious teachings for centuries, thats not a dramatic comparison. Being Greek Orthodox, Zafiriadis is no stranger to purposeful fasting. And while the changes thanks to fasting may be more than skin deep, lets be a little shallow for a moment.

On the surface, Zafiriadis is bright and cheerful. Her bubbly personality sparks a glowing smile which highlights her skin. Her face looks hydrated and in her own words, younger.

As a skin care specialist, her entire profession involves optimizing natural oils and hydration to beautify the largest organ in the human body the skin.

When Zafiriadis fasts, she drinks tons of water and black coffee. If she is feeling a little peckish she will opt for some plain carbonated water. Beyond a serious amount of liquids, her fasting period is void of any other nutrition.

This may sound potentially dangerous but Zafiriadis has no qualms about what she is doing. To her, there are no side effects and no down sides to how she eats.

Yet, Chicago clinical psychologist Maria Rago, who specializes in eating disorders, isnt quite as big a fan of intermittent fasting as Zafiriadis.

I wouldnt recommend intermittent fasting to anybody, Rago declared.

She has been an expert on Good Morning America and spoken across the country about cultivating healthy relationships with food. The thing about intermittent fasting if you think about your brain is that it is a very rigid [practice], Rago explained. It takes a lot of thought. It takes a lot of willpower. It takes a lot of effort.

She implored anyone thinking about intermittent fasting to consider more than just the potential benefits. Rago referenced how maybe there is some budding information that says you can add a year or two to your life but what about the quality of your life?

Do you really want to spend your whole day not eating? Rago asked. And then people say during that time that theyre not eatingthey become very preoccupied with food and very hungry.

Rago did reference a number of researchers who have seen benefits to intermittent fasting. And while some medical professionals like Rago would warn against intermittent fasting, it apparently could help fight cancer.

Mark Mattson, a professor of neuroscience at John Hopkins University School of Medicine, discussed how the future of oncology could involve intermittent fasting.

There are many trials going on in cancer patients, Mattson said while discussing the benefits of fasting. He co-authored the recent New England Journal of Medicine article titled Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Health, Aging, and Disease.

In his study, setting mice and rats on an alternate fasting diet where they ate every other day not only inspired weight loss but lead to cells aging slower. To understand why, Mattson analyzed on a cellular level how all of our cells mostly use two energy sources: glucose (starch) and ketones (fats).

That is why eating high carb and high fat foods usually leads to more energy than just lettuce. There are more calories and nutrients in a piece of bread or salmon. When cancer forms and tumor cells are present in the body, chemotherapy and radiation are deployed to try and stop those cells from growing.

So how exactly does intermittent fasting help fight those cancer cells?

A number of trials are being conducted which puts cancer patients on an intermittent fasting regiment, according to Mattson. The idea there is that because most cancer cells use glucose as their main energy source and, in many cases, cant use ketones, if you hit them with chemotherapy or radiation while the person is on intermittent fasting or in a ketogenic state then, first, its easier to kill the tumor cells and, second, the intermittent fasting may protect the normal cells from the chemotherapy drugs and radiation, Mattson explained.

Adaptive cellular stress response was also a topic of conversation relating to Mattsons experiments during our interview. Our cells are able to grow and thrive when we eat because of cell plasticity. Yet, when there is a stress response in the body, for example no food in the stomach, the cells upregulate production of antioxidant enzymes and brain cells. Neurotropic factors are upregulated, Mattson explained. This means the cells are getting better at responding to the lack of food or stress in general.

At the same time autophagy is increased and overall protein synthesis goes way down during the fasting period, Mattson found. Autophagy is the cell cleaning out any damaged pieces in the body to make room for new parts. During intermittent fasting, the cell is kind of in a stress resistant, dont grow mode.

Its like when you exercise. Your muscle cells dont grow stronger during the exercise. Its when youre resting that they build back up again, but this time stronger and usually with more muscle cells. Its the same concept with intermittent fasting. Your cells will be better at handling stress if you expose them to more stressful situations.

According to Mattson, half a dozen studies are now testing this theory of helping cancer patients through intermittent fasting.

Most importantly, he said, This is not a diet, its an eating pattern. That is one of the reasons Zafiriadis has found it so different from her previous weight loss programs.

Zafiriadis hopes to continue intermittent fasting. She has dropped her blood pressure and has earned a whole new outlook on life. Being around for the rest of her sons life was one of the reasons Zafiriadis wanted to start fasting in the first place.

If you want to try it out yourself, it may not be easy. You may be hungry, tired, or frustrated by some of the restrictions. But, as Zafiriadis said, you can fit it into your lifestyle.

I wish people would find their own philosophy of eating that really works for them, Rago advised.

Will intermittent fasting be an adventurous part of your new decade?

Photo at top: Suburban skin care specialist and intermittent fasting enthusiast Dimitra Zafiriadis has lost 60lbs in eight months after using an extended fasting regiment. (Annie Krall/MEDILL)

Excerpt from:
Intermittent fasting: A path to changing life and fighting cancer - Medill Reports: Chicago

Mar 17

Tips to be fit: Water and how it affects your brain – The Philadelphia Tribune

Its not hard to know when you are really dehydrated you feel thirsty, you feel overheated and you know you need some water. Did you know that if you are mildly dehydrated it can cause health problems? Its harder to tell when you are mildly dehydrated. There are few if any signs. One of the biggest issues with mild dehydration is the effect it has on your brain. Your brain is made up of about 75% water. Your brain consists of and about 100 billion neurons. There are about 1,000 to 10,000 synapses for each neuron. Our brains depend on proper hydration to function normally. Your brain cells require a balance between water and minerals to operate. When you lose too much water your balance is disrupted.

Two recent studies that included healthy college-age men and women who took part in cognitive evaluation over the course of a few weeks in order to compare scores from their well-hydrated and dehydrated states. The women in the studies when in a mild dehydrated state had trouble concentrating. They didnt score any worse on mental tasks but their perception of their abilities was low. When the men were mildly dehydrated they did not score high on the mental tasks. It was especially evident in task that required more vigilance and working memory. Mild dehydration did not cause the men fatigue or headaches as it did with the women. Researchers think the difference was a hormonal response to dehydration.

The result of this study theorized that the billions of neurons in our brain detect mild dehydration early that negatively impact our body functions as a warning sign to let us know we need water before more dire consequences occur.

Its really important to pay attention not just to feeling thirsty but look at the more subtle changes to our body and mind such as fatigue, headache, difficulty concentrating, mood swings, remembering or learning. Keep an eye on your urine color. Dark yellow or tan means you need more water. Pale yellow is ideal.

Youve got to drink water or youll have some serious problems. We lose about a half-gallon of body fluid during the day. Thats about 2% of your body weight. If you work out youll lose even more and this could be dangerous. With a 3% fluid loss, youd have a hard time maintaining your body temperature. With a 4% fluid loss, your muscles stop working properly. A 5% fluid loss is life-threatening. At 150 pounds, a 5% fluid loss is only 7.5 pounds. Many people try to sweat away excess weight. Water loss or sweating is not an indication youre losing weight. It just means youre losing necessary body fluids.

Drinking water is important all year round but you need to be especially meticulous about drinking water when the weather is hot. Two-thirds of your body is composed of water. This makes it the bodys most vital nutrient. To maintain balance the average person needs about 10 to 15 cups per day. Of this amount probably 60% will be obtained from drinking water or beverages, 30% from moist foods and the remaining 10% will be a byproduct of the metabolism of various nutrients.

Water normally enters the body through the mouth but it can be lost in several ways. These include obvious losses as in urine, feces and sweat as well as less obvious losses, which occur by diffusion of water through the skin (perspiration throughout the day as part of metabolism) and by evaporation of water from the lungs during breathing.

If a person gets in about 2,500 ml of water each day then 2,500 ml of water must be eliminated to maintain water balance. Of this volume, approximately 60% will be lost in urine, 6% in feces and 6% in sweat. Another 28% will be lost by diffusion through the skin (which takes place all day long) and evaporation from the lungs. These percentages vary when factors such as temperature, relative humidity and physical activity come into play.

Water provides a valuable source of minerals like calcium and magnesium. It carries nutrients to your organs and tissue by way of the blood stream. Water also aids in the digestion of food and the absorption of nutrients into the body. It carries away bodily waste and cools the body through perspiration. Water also moistens the mucous membranes and lubricates the joints.

Your daily fluid intake can come from drinking water or other beverages such as juice, milk or soft drinks. Fruits and vegetables can also be counted because they are 80% water. You cant count your intake of coffee, tea or alcohol because they can act as a diuretic.

If you have trouble getting in water here are some suggestions you might find helpful.

Carry a container of water with you daily to drink throughout the day

Order water when you go to a restaurant and drink it first

Drink sparkling water mixed with fruit juice

Drink water from a wine glass or goblet

It doesnt require you running a marathon to run low on water. Mild dehydration can happen when youre doing regular daily activities such as studying, watching sporting events or even having sex.

Remember, more than two-thirds of your body and 75% of your brain is made up of this precious fluid. Dont take it for granted. Drink to good health, drink water.

If you have a fitness question or concern you would like addressed write to: Tips to be Fit, P.O. Box 53443, Philadelphia, PA 19105 or If youve missed an article of Tips to be Fit just search for Tips to be Fit.

Read the rest here:
Tips to be fit: Water and how it affects your brain - The Philadelphia Tribune

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