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Oct 27

How to Lose Weight Fast, According to Science – BarBend

What do a bride-to-be, a couple booking a long-overdue cruise, and a career powerlifter with an upcoming competition have in common? Oftentimes, they all want (or need) to lose weight fast.

If youre even vaguely familiar with health and fitness, youve probably heard the standard weight loss dogma more than enough times: Eat your vegetables, be more active, make sure youre getting enough sleep each night, hit the weights, take this or that magic supplement, blah blah blah.

Dont get it twisted: For the most part, thats all sound advice (you can probably keep your wallet shut about the diet pills, though). Increasing your physical activity and monitoring your nutrition are sure-fire ways of changing the number you see on the scale eventually.

But there are some situations where you need to change your body composition or body weight fast. While health is undeniably more of a marathon than a sprint, there are ways to kick things into high gear quickly. Heres the science-based guidance behind rapid weight loss.

Editors Note: The content on BarBend is meant to be informative in nature, but it should not be taken as medical advice. When starting a new training regimen and/or diet, it is always a good idea to consult with a trusted medical professional. We are not a medical resource. The opinions and articles on this site are not intended for use as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. They are not substitutes for consulting a qualified medical professional.

Whether you need to squeeze into a wedding dress or make the cut for a weight-class-specific sport, you need to understand the science behind how your body adjusts and manages its own weight.

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First things first: The overwhelming scientific consensus regarding weight change is that slow and steady beats fast and aggressive almost every time, especially when it comes to sustainability in weight change. (1)(2)(3) That said, there are certain scenarios that legitimize a temporary, aggressive uptick in weight loss behaviors.

Energy balance, or the ratio of calories consumed to calories expended within a given parameter of time (usually a calendar day), is the guiding principle behind weight loss. Excess calories are stored as fat (or used for other metabolic purposes, such as building muscle), so it follows that adjusting your influx of calories will affect weight change.

[Read More: The 11 Best Fat Burners, Reviewed By an RD (Fall Update)]

Research indicates that one pound of body fat consists of roughly 3,500 calories. (4) So if you want to burn body fat, you need to expend an additional 3,500 calories worth of energy over time, on top of what you use every day to facilitate general bodily functions like physical activity, digestion, and so on.

The rule of thumb most commonly used is to divide that 3,500-calorie deficit across a seven-day week. Eat 500 fewer calories than you burn all seven days, and you should lose a pound of body fat. But your bodys weight is made up of more than just residual calories stored within your fat cells.

Weight loss and fat loss arent necessarily the same thing: Losing fat by creating a caloric deficit will change the number you see on the scale, but your body weight also fluctuates on a daily basis all on its own, and sometimes quite dramatically.

Your eating behaviors can acutely, and of course chronically, affect your body weight. After all, the foods you consume and digest have weight, so youll be heavier after eating a large meal. Bowel movements, constipation, and other digestive health factors can impact your weight as well. (5)(6)(7)

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Theres also hydration to consider. Your body stores water in more places than youd think, and a well-hydrated person will weigh more than someone who is significantly dehydrated. Dropping water weight is a common tactic for rapid, temporary weight loss among athletes, particularly those who partake in combat sports like boxing or in strength sports like powerlifting or Olympic lifting.

If you want to lose weight quickly, you need to change both your eating habits and your physical activity levels. More moderate strategies like mindful or intuitive eating can create change over time, (8) but often wont start working right away. To create drastic weight loss, you need to take drastic action safely.

A calorie deficit, also known as a negative energy balance, is all but mandatory if you want to create weight loss that lasts for more than a day or two. In essence, this simply means eating less, but you need to know exactly how much less in the first place.

To get there, you must arrive at a general marker of how much energy you burn every day through your normal habits; thats your caloric maintenance level. This value can vary tremendously based on how you build your healthy habits, lifestyle, genetic factors like metabolism, and more. (9)(10)

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Luckily, a bit of math can accomplish a lot of the legwork for you. Plug some simple data into BarBends science-based calorie calculator and itll tell you roughly where to begin:

Once you have an idea of how many calories you need to maintain your weight, subtract 500 to 1,000 calories from that to identify your target deficit. A 1,000-calorie deficit (or higher, even) is considered aggressive (11)(12) and may come with side effects like muscle loss, but should lead to faster weight loss if you play it smart.

In short: Figure out your caloric maintenance level and subtract a number of calories each day to create a deficit. The more calories you take away, the faster youll lose weight, but with greater risk involved.

Once youve got your general nutrition plan squared away, you may want to incorporate a bit of extra physical activity into the mix to speed things up. Note that your caloric maintenance level considers the energy burned through exercise by default.

For instance, if you burn 2,500 calories on average and perform gym or home workouts thrice per week, youd need to add a fourth workout into the mix to increase your energy expenditure beyond that 2,500.

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However, rapid weight loss protocols also negatively impact performance. (13) So, if youre eating a scant amount of calories already to create your deficit, you may not want to throw yourself to the wolves in the gym with too many high-intensity workouts. Increasing your daily step count through leisure walks or ramping up how much strength training you do (within reason) are smart options here.

In short: Consider adding extra exercise into your routine to deepen your caloric deficit, but be mindful of the type and intensity of your exercise habits if youre consuming a limited number of calories.

Body fat (or muscle) isnt the only thing you can shed if you want to change your scale weight. Water weight cuts are commonplace in sports as a means of getting an athlete into their competitive weight range and, in some cases, may be appropriate for your goals as well.

Carbohydrate intake also affects both your stored water levels and how much glycogen your muscles hold. You may have some success in your short-term weight loss endeavors by cutting carbs or even implementing a ketogenic diet.

Paradoxically, increasing the amount of water you consume (some data have used an additional 48 ounces per day as a benchmark) (14) can help you flush more stored water out of your system. Additionally, increasing how much you sweat through cardio training or sauna usage can cause you to drop several pounds quickly. (15)(16)

[Read More: How to Calculate Your Macronutrients for Weight Loss]

Understand, though, that intentional dehydration can pose serious health risks. (17)(18) If youre opting for a regular sauna as a way of moving the needle on the scale, do so in a limited capacity and only after consulting with your doctor.

In short: Drinking significantly more water, severely restricting carbohydrates, and using a sauna or steam room will help you shed significant amounts of non-fat weight, but these practices come with potentially serious health risks.

Dont major in the minors when it comes to changing your body composition a caloric deficit and more physical activity are going to account for most of your results, no matter how fast you need to lose weight.

That said, there are some tactics you can employ to both accelerate your results and ensure that youre making progress in a way that wont harm your health long-term:

You may also consider briefly utilizing a high-protein but Very Low-Calorie Diet, or VLCD, for a period of time if you absolutely must lose a specific amount of weight quickly. VLCDs are the modern equivalent of what was once regarded as a starvation diet.

While your body doesnt necessarily experience starvation mode, there are certainly consequences to severe nutritional restriction. However, some literature has acknowledged that VLCDs consuming fewer than 1,000 calories per day produce tremendously effective results. (23)

[Read More: How to Count Macros for Weight Loss, Muscle Gain, and Maintenance]

VLCDs typically last a few weeks at a time and mandate that the dieter consume little more than dietary protein, vegetables, and water. Any extreme dietary plan will come with side effects, though, and VLCDs may not be a wise choice for you. Discuss it thoroughly with your doctor ahead of time so you understand the risk factors involved.

Weight loss is possible for just about everyone, regardless of demographics or goals. That said, rapid weight loss can be a dangerous but at times required game to play.

Remember, no matter your why, you should strive to maintain perspective when undergoing any significant bodily change. Losing weight fast is possible but can be dangerous in some cases. The risks may not outweigh the rewards.

Featured Image: Davizro Photography / Shutterstock

How to Lose Weight Fast, According to Science - BarBend

Oct 27

Hypnosis for Weight Loss: Studies Suggest a Few Weeks of the Technique May Lead to Lasting Weight Loss – Yahoo Life

When you think of hypnosis, you might picture those stage shows where a hypnotist somehow encourages volunteers to do crazy things such as cluck like a chicken. However, a growing body of evidence suggests that hypnosis and other mind-body techniques can be surprisingly effective aids for people on theirweight-loss journey.Why? These techniques help rewire old thought patterns that make us overeat. In fact, experts say the reason most weight-loss plans fail is that they involve fighting the brain programming that drives us toward foods that packed on the pounds in the first place. And that fight becomes so hard, we eventually revert to self-defeating eating habits. To the rescue: hypnosis for weight loss!

Intrigued and inspired, we sought out real-world experts on the subject: therapists using hypnosis, doctors who have witnessed the power of mind-body techniques and real women who have lost major weight using hypnosis. Keep reading to learn how hypnosis and other mind-body techniques pave the way for easy weight loss.

Hypnosis is a way for people to enter a state of relaxed consciousness. Scientists describe it as "a waking state of awareness, (or consciousness), in which a persons attention is detached from his or her immediate environment and is absorbed by inner experiences such as feelings, cognition and imagery." It is in this hypnotic state, sometimes called a trance, that people are more open to suggestion to modify their behavior. "Hypnosis in itself is not a therapy, but it can be a tool that facilitates the delivery of therapy in the same way as a syringe delivers drugs," writes Ann Williamson, MBChB, in the journal Palliative Care.

HypnotherapistRena Greenberg, a health and weight-loss expert in Bradenton, Florida, who transformed her health and overcame sugar addiction with hypnosis, shares, "I could not have made the changes I needed to make with my conscious mind alone. For permanent change, I had to learn how to harness the deeper power in my subconscious to achieve optimal mind-body health."

Hypnotherapy can be performed by a hypnotherapist, who guides you into this relaxed state, or you can do it yourself via self-hypnosis (more on that below).

If youve ever tried to white-knuckle your way through a strict diet, you know willpower alone isnt the answer. It can feel as though some invisible force is keeping weight loss out of reach. Indeed, research in the field of neuroscience has proven that the comfort-food combination of salt, sugar and fat fires up pleasure centers in the brain, making it all but impossible not to cave into temptation. Brain cells that fire together wire together, which means our food habits form pathways that are like traffic patterns on a carpet we follow them even when theyre not in our best interests, explains Greenberg, who developed a program she calls Gastric Bypass Hypnosis that has helped thousands of people lose weight.

But exciting research proves the same neural pathways that lead to cravings can be retrained to resist them. And doctors, faith leaders and mind-body experts are increasingly turning to these drug-free, mind-body techniques to help women succeed with weight loss and maintenance.

More good news: While most weight-loss plans become impossible to sustain long-term, brain-based strategies like hypnosis tend to make weight loss easier over time. In fact, women report breaking free from lifelong insatiable cravings for refined, processed fare and developing a healthy hunger for whole, nutritious foods. And since these foods satisfy appetite while melting stubborn pounds, weight loss becomes automatic.

Despite its New Agey reputation, new developments in brain science support the notion that hypnosis is a valid way to train your mind to melt off pounds.

Hypnosis reprograms the brain to break out of old habits and form new ones that optimize weight loss, explains Greenberg. Indeed, in a study in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, a hypnotherapy group lost 30 times more weight than those who didnt receive the therapy. And weight lost from hypnotherapy stayed off, according to additional research.

The key to any mind-body approach to weight loss lies in boosting activity in a brain region known as the prefrontal cortex, or PFC, which governs our ability to set plans and achieve goals, explains neuropsychiatrist Daniel Amen, MD, author of Feel Better Fast. The prefrontal cortex is like the CEO of the brain; its involved with processes like decision-making, forethought and impulse control, he explains. "And with the right strategies, you can reprogram your brain in ways that boost willpower, break unhealthy eating patterns and make fat loss faster and easier.

Weight loss is a pleasant side effect when you optimize your PFC, Dr. Amen adds. Indeed, a European study found stimulating the PFC helps folks slim down significantly. Additional research suggests that hypnosis activates the prefrontal cortex.

Clinical hypnotherapist Suzy Teixeira ofHypnohelp Melbourne explains, Ive had clients lose around 22 pounds in six sessions and others losing about 33 pounds in seven sessions. It all depends on each individual. She adds,Research has even shown that weight-loss hypnosis therapy is able to give you significant weight loss in a few weeks.

Julie Evans, 40, of Macomb, Michigan, is proof of the power of hypnosis. She attended one of Greenbergs weight-loss hypnosis seminars with her mom. No joke, after we got out, all I wanted was a salad, she says. That was the last day I had fast food. Not having cravings was life-altering. Julie went on to lose 142 pounds! Keep scrolling for Suzi Conklin Nance's impressive hypnosis weight loss story!

You can search for a professional hypnotherapist at the American Hypnosis Association or the National Board for Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists. Many hypnotherapists offer sessions via phone or Skype.

Or, to try hypnosis weight loss on your own, check out this guided video from expert Michael Sealey:

In addition to hypnosis, millions of people around the world have used their mind to melt off unwanted pounds. Here are two more scientifically proven techniques to use.

The prefrontal cortex is involved in mental tasks such as goal-setting and planning, so it makes sense that setting a daily intention activates it. Mark Batterson, lead pastor of National Community Church in Washington, DC, and author of Whisper: How to Hear the Voice of God, encourages people who are struggling with cravings to set a positive intention every day. Think: I will ask God for the strength to nourish my body with only healthy foods today. Proof of the slimming power of this approach: In a study in the European Journal of Social Psychology, those who set such intentions ate more healthy snacks and consumed 1,125 fewer calories daily. (Click to learn more about mindful eating for weight loss.)

These brain-based habits are proven to calm the brains amygdala, the fight-or-flight center in your brain, notes psychologist Sidney Cohen, PhD, author of Inner Blocks to Losing Weight. When this area becomes hyper-aroused by stress and negative thoughts, it hijacks the prefrontal cortex, explains Cohen. But research shows that people who pray or meditate have fewer cravings and lose more weight than their less-mindful counterparts, according to research from City University of London. (Click to learn how the Bible-based Daniel Fast helps people lose weight.)

Im going to stay in the lodge. I think I hurt my ankle, fibbed Suzi Conklin Nance to her family while on vacation years ago. Though shed always loved skiing, the fear of falling at her then-weight kept her indoors. This isnt the kind of mom I imagined Id be

Suzi was a self-described sugarholic, who hid candy everywhere, even in her cars glove compartment. It was ridiculous. My whole life, I was either on a diet or beating myself up for not being on a diet. She adds, Thoughts of food were always there, like an unwanted guest I had to accommodate.

Tired of not getting help from doctors, Suzi began researching natural-healing approaches. Hypnosis kept coming up, she recalls. And though skeptical, Suzi educated herself and performed self-hypnosis with the message: I love exercise. She explains, Trust me, I had never gotten even one tiny bleep of an endorphin from exercise. Well, lo and behold, I started doing six exercise classes a week and loving it. Even more surprising: She quickly shed 30 stubborn pounds! It wasnt like going on a diet, says Suzi. Hypnosis unraveled my unhealthy core beliefs so I could make the right choices.

After losing 101 pounds and erasing chronic pain, Suzi became a hypnotherapist. She started serving people in need, including veterans suffering from PTSD. She also wrote the book Break Free from Negative Beliefs and the Weight that Clings to Them. Now she says, I found my passion helping people change behaviors theyve struggled with for decades. I love waking up with energy. The other day I got on a teeter-totter with my grandkids!

For more mind/body approaches to weight loss and total health, keep reading!

Ear Seeding Is The Age-Old Secret To Losing Weight Without Dieting That MDs Say Actually Works!

Revolutionary Tapping Technique Dials Down Anxiety By 67% in 10 Minutes, Says Study MDs Weigh In on Whys and Hows

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Hypnosis for Weight Loss: Studies Suggest a Few Weeks of the Technique May Lead to Lasting Weight Loss - Yahoo Life

Oct 27

Fasted Cardio: Working Out on an Empty Stomach, Explained –

Do you need to eat before your morning workout?

The internet is full of people with opinions on the best way to optimize a workout. Fasted cardio, fueling before a workout, or somewhere in betweenwhich is the best option?

Because diet and fitness trends seem to constantly change, it can be hard to stay on top of the latest science versus fads from social media perpetuated by people who are only speaking anecdotally or based on their hearsay.

Heres how not eating before a workout impacts the body, who may want to try fasted cardio, and what you might want to eat before a workout if youve decided that works best for you.

Daniel de la Hoz/Getty Images

Not eating before a workout falls is considered fasted cardio.

Fasted cardio is simply performing aerobic exercise without having consumed any food (especially carbs) for at least 812 hours prior, Dana Ellis Hunnes, PhD, MPH, RD, the senior clinical dietitian at UCLA Medical Center, assistant professor at UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, and author of Recipe for Survival, told Health.

Even if youre not intentionally doing your cardio in a fasted state, morning workouts without breakfast almost always fall into this category.

Its typically done first thing in the morning, as this is when the body is always in a fasted state, but it can be done at just about any time of the day when you havent eaten in a few hours, explained Jen Roper, PhD, CSCS, a certified sports nutritionist and associate professor of Health and Human Sciences at Loyola Marymount University.

Working out on an empty stomach or without eating beforehand can affect the primary fuel your muscles burn for energy during your workout.

The primary fuel source for higher intensities of exercise is often glucosethe simple sugar that comes from the breakdown of carbohydrates.

Bodies store a certain amount of excess carbohydrates in a storage molecule known as glycogen. The body can then tap into glycogen stores and break down larger carbohydrate molecules into usable glucose that muscles and other tissues of the body need energy during exercise.

Roper explained that, by nature, when you are in a fasted state, your blood sugar is low.

This means that the body will begin to break down stored glycogen (stored glucose) quicker to supply the body with energy for the workout, she said. When the glycogen is depleted, your body will turn to fat as the main source of fuel, said Roper.

Thats why its often thought that fasted cardio may boost fat loss, though current research on that is mixed.

While this is thought to be helpful for fat loss, the research is mixed as to the full effectiveness [because] the biochemical processes are a bit more complex than that, said Uma Naidoo, MD, a Harvard-trained nutritional psychiatrist, director of Nutritional and Metabolic Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital, and author of the national and international bestseller This is Your Brain on Food and the upcoming book Calm Your Mind With Food.

Roper agreed that the research has been inconclusive about whether exercising on an empty stomach actually burns more fat.

Its also important to note that exercising at a moderate-to-high intensity in a fasted state may be difficult, and results in reduced overall calorie burn. So, it potentially can work for some, but the literature doesnt support this tactic for all, she said.

Like many fitness-related topics, results often vary from person to person.

While there is some evidence in support of fasted cardio accelerating fat burning, there is some conflicting evidence that indicates not eating before a workout can increase cortisol and inflammation, both of which can impede fat loss and compromise health.

One issue that can happen is that the body starts to turn to a process called gluconeogenesis, breaking down protein for fuel in the absence of eating prior to working out, said Naidoo.

A 2015 study found that exercise following an overnight fast was more effective at reducing body fat compared to non-fasted exercise, but participants who fasted before exercise experienced increased cortisol levels that could negatively impact long-term weight loss.

According to Hunnes, exercise in and of itself can be stressful to the body, independent of your fueling status.

[Exercise] can temporarily lead to increased cortisol (if its high-intensity exercise), and stress on the muscles, but these are good and positive stressors that dissipate quickly after the workout and actually benefit health significantly, said Hunnes.

While its plausible that exercise in and of itself is enough to spike the bodys cortisol levels, Roper noted that the research on fasted cardios ability to do the same is not clear.

That said, a lack of consistency in the research doesnt mean there arent things to be cautious about in terms of fasted cardio stressing the body, said Roper.

According to Roper, fasted exercise is generally safe for most people, but it may lead to side effects.

Because blood glucose gets depleted during fasting cardio, you can experience some side effects including lightheadedness and dizziness, she said. If it is prolonged cardio, you could potentially pass out, so if you commonly experience side effects from low blood glucose, you may want to avoid fasted cardio.

Hunnes and Naidoo agreed and explained that unless you have a certain medical condition, like diabetes or reactive hypoglycemia, fasted exercise is most likely safe.

Someone with type 2 diabetes may not do well with fasted cardio first thing when they wake up, as this may heighten insulin resistance, Naidoo said. With someone who is taking insulin for the treatment of diabetes management, their situation may be different as well.

Choosing whether you should eat before a workout can be an individual decision but it also may be a medical decision, in certain cases.

Hunnes explained that children should also have a small meal or snack before harder physical activity because they have a reduced capacity to store glycogen/energy for exercise, and more energy is going towards growth.

For adults, the decision is often based on personal preference, as well as the length and intensity of the planned workout, Roper explained.

Moderate-to-high intensity workouts and prolonged endurance workouts (more than 1.5 hours) are going to benefit more from eating beforehand, she said. Its difficult to maintain higher intensities once glycogen and blood glucose are depleted, which happens quicker when fasted.

The other factor you should consider when deciding if you should eat before a workout is your primary fitness goal.

If youre exercising for fitness and weight loss, you may want to adjust the timing and what you eat before and after exercising, said Hunnes. If youre training for an event, you may also need to change what, when, and how you eat.

Hunnes also explained that its not only whether or not you eat before a workout that matterswhat you eat after a workout plays a key role in helping your muscles and body as a whole recover from your exercise session.

Once youve done damage to the muscle (lifting weights) or worked out the muscles (cardio), you want to replenish the carbohydrate (glucose) stores youve depleted and help muscle repair with healthy anti-inflammatory proteins, she said.

If you do decide to eat before your workout, there are a few things to consider.

Slow-burning carbohydrates like oats, whole wheat toast, and whole fruit are popular pre-workout foods, said Naidoo. The goal is to ensure that you are not feeling too full to get a good workout in, but also that the glucose is still circulating in the system.

In order to ensure you arent too full to work, Naidoo recommends eating 23 hours before your workout. If youre eating 12 hours beforehand, opt for a lighter meal.

Hunnes recommends something light and full of carbs, with small amounts of fat and protein, like half a bagel with peanut butter, or a banana with a handful of nuts.

She notes these recommendations apply to healthy individuals without metabolic conditions.

If you have diabetes or other medical condition that [makes it so] you should eat before, then you should get guidance from your endocrinologist, cardiologist, dietitian, or another medical provider based on your specific needs, she said.

Roper explained that if you do eat closer to the time of your workout, liquids, and carbs that are not high in fiber or fructose are the best option.

But ultimately, experts agree that the logistics of what you eat and when you eat are personal. What matters most is that people move regularly.

Whether your cardio is fasted or fed, just do it, said Roper. Just remember, most things are a personal preference, and what may work for one person may not work for all.

See the rest here:
Fasted Cardio: Working Out on an Empty Stomach, Explained -

Oct 27

10 Ways to Lose Weight After 60, According to Experts – Men’s Health


Still, theres much to be gained from achieving a healthy weight in your 60s and beyond. Maintaining proper body composition can help better your daily energy levels, quality of life, and functionality.

Age doesn't have to be such a contention point, though, as long as youre willing to put in the work and stay disciplined. Ahead, our experts share the top tips to work smarter against the weight loss struggles of aging.

The older you get, the longer it takes for those pounds to disappear from the scale. Why?

Losing weight after 60 is difficult for several reasons according to Stephanie Dillingham, R.D.N..As we age, hormone balances shift, we lose muscle mass, and our bodies simply become less efficient, causing our metabolism to slow, she says.

When your metabolism slows, your body burns less caloriesmaking it easy to build up some unwanted extra fat when we're in a calorie surplus. Just because our metabolism slows doesn't mean it's game over, though. There are several ways to combat the nature of aging and still achieve the body of your dreams. Experts lay out a few tips, below.

Our muscle cells require more energy to function, both during exercise and at rest, then our fat cells. By prioritizing resistance training to build muscle, we set ourselves up to burn more calories both in the gym and out. "Its a win-win workout, says Dillingham.

Strength training is the key to maintaining and building muscle, avoiding the age-related loss of muscle mass and strength known as sarcopenia, says Robert Iafelice, R.D.N.

Strength training is essentially contracting muscle against a resistance. This can be accomplished via weightlifting, bands, kettlebells, bodyweight, etc., he says. Working against weight creates micro-tears in our muscle fibers, causing the body to make adaptations that make muscle stronger and potentially larger"so long as proper protein intake follows.

Yes, building and maintaining muscle is importantbut it's not easy. Starting a strength training routine means programming exercises and sets, as well as learning and performing proper form. Doing that effectively and safely is difficult to do alone.

It may be beneficial to get a trainer to help you build muscle during this period of life. Not only can a trainer help make sure you dont get injured, but trainers know how to specifically target muscle fibers which tend to be the ones that we lose more of as we age, said Dillingham. Even if youre not interested in spending the money to hire one long-term, it can be helpful to hire a personal trainer for a few sessions to help lay down the basics.

Everyone is telling you to eat more fiber-rich foods because its true: theyre excellent for your health, and can help you lose weight to boot.

Eating more fiber with meals helps keep us full for longer. To increase your fiber intake, choose fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, and beans, said Dillingham. You can also look at the label of processed foods you eat for their fiber content and choose those that contain several grams."

Men over 50 year sold should aim for at least 30 grams of fiber per day, per the National Library of Medicine.

You need to be in a calorie deficit to lose weighttrue. It's not always easy to tell when you're succeeding. Dillingham suggests tracking your calorie intake by using apps like MyFitnessPal or Cronometer or another calorie-tracking app. Tracking can be monotonous. If it's not for you, try doing it just for a few days. Collecting some data for a little while provides feedback on exactly what you're eating, and allows you to find out what adjustments you need to make.

Pay attention to the foods you eat and which ones are contributing the most to your calorie intake," and see if it's something you can limit or swap to a lower calorie option, Dillingham says.

Working with a registered dietitian, an R.D. or R.D.N., can make the diet planning side of weight loss a whole lot easier. Many dietitians take insurance and Medicare and they can help you with your weight loss needs and any other health goals like lowering cholesterol or controlling blood sugar," Dillingham says.

Note: it's important to find an R.D. and not a nutritionistsome states don't require formal training to be considered a nutritionist. Dietitians have to obtain a degree and pass a certification exam to earn the the letters behind their name. Registered dietitians are nutrition experts that have both degrees in nutrition or dietetics and have completed an internship, she says. You can check out the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics website to find a list of dietitians in your area.

Odds are, you're looking to lose body fat, not musclemaking the phrase 'losing weight' a bit tricky. You might not be looking to lose weight as much as you are fat. If that's the case, weighing yourself constantly might cause discouragement.

Obsessing about the number on the scale might make it harder to lose weight. If you are strength-training while trying to lose weight you might find it difficult because muscle weighs more than fat, said Dillingham. You might be gaining weight, but also losing fat and gaining muscle, which is really the ultimate goal."

See if a gym or dietitian around you offers a body composition test, like an Inbody or Dexa scan, to see more clearly what the changes in your body actually look like.

Protein helps synthesize new muscle growth. The amino acids inside carry out those processes, building new muscle and maintaining old. Plus, getting enough helps keep you fuller longer, further controlling your calorie consumption. Iafelice suggests aiming for about 30 grams of high-quality protein per meal.

If you struggle to get enough protein in via food alone, consider taking a protein supplement.

We love bread, cereal, pasta, and potatoes just as much as the next personbut these forms of carbohydrates are packed with calories. No, we're not asking you to go ketoyou absolutely need carbs in your diet for your body to use as energy. But, carbs come from many sources, some more calorie dense than others.

Veggies are a great source of carbs and are lighter in calories. Swap out a second helping of pasta for an extra serving of broccoli to mitigate calorie intake at dinner time. Small changes like this add up big time.

Along with strength training, Iafelice suggests incorporating some HIIT workouts for cardiovascular training. Cardio workouts are essential for the health of our heart. Considering the risk of heart attack and stroke increases as you age, cardio should have a place in your routine. Studies have found HIIT is a healthy and effective from of cardio training for people over 60, as long as it is cleared first with a doctor. Plus, you'll benefit from some added calorie burn for your weight loss needs.

This involves short bursts of high-intensity effort followed by brief respites, and repeating, he said. HIIT training has been shown to induce an afterburn affectthe rise in calorie burn lasts well after the exercise has ended. It's known as excess post-oxygen consumption, or EPOC for short. High intensity of this exercise induces a greater afterburn that can last for many hours post exercise."

Creatine has been found to help increase muscle mass when matched with explosive exercise (lifting, HIIT), Iafelice says. It's one of the most studied supplements on the market. Scientific evidence indicates that creatine can offset age-related muscle loss by restoring energy depletion. Creatine comes in powdered form and you can mix it with water, juice, or tea. Consult with your doctor before adding any new supplement to your routine.

Perri is a New York City-born and -based writer; she holds a bachelors in psychology from Columbia University and is also a culinary school graduate of the plant-based Natural Gourmet Institute, which is now the Natural Gourmet Center at the Institute of Culinary Education. Her work has appeared in the New York Post, Men's Journal, Rolling Stone, Oprah Daily,, Architectural Digest, Southern Living, and more. She's probably seen Dave Matthews Band in your hometown, and she'll never turn down a bloody mary. Learn more at

Read more:
10 Ways to Lose Weight After 60, According to Experts - Men's Health

Oct 27

Weight Loss Tips: 10 Benefits Of Consuming Oatmeal – NDTV

Oatmeal contains both soluble and insoluble fibre, which promote regular bowel movements

Oatmeal is a whole-grain cereal made from oats. It can be prepared by boiling oats in water or milk until they become soft and porridge-like. Oatmeal is commonly consumed as a breakfast food and is often flavored or topped with fruits, nuts, honey, or other ingredients.

Oatmeal can indeed facilitate weight loss due to several reasons. Firstly, it is a high-fibre food, which promotes feelings of fullness and reduces hunger cravings, ultimately contributing to lower calorie intake. Secondly, oatmeal has a lower energy density compared to other breakfast options, meaning you can consume a larger volume of it for the same caloric content. Lastly, oatmeal has been associated with improved metabolism and increased fat-burning capabilities.

Additionally, oatmeal offers numerous health benefits that can positively impact overall health. It is a good source of complex carbohydrates and provides energy with a slow release, keeping you full and energised for longer periods. The beta-glucan fibre present in oatmeal has been linked to cholesterol reduction, improved heart health, and better blood sugar control. Keep reading as we share benefits of consuming oatmeal.

Oatmeal is a rich source of dietary fibre, which aids digestion, prevents constipation, and promotes a healthy gut.

The fibre in oatmeal helps you feel full for longer, reducing the urge to snack between meals and aiding in weight management.

Oatmeal contains high levels of antioxidants and soluble fibre, which help lower cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of heart disease, and maintain healthy blood pressure.

The soluble fibre in oatmeal slows down digestion and the absorption of carbohydrates, helping to stabilise blood sugar levels and prevent spikes.

Oatmeal provides a sustained release of energy due to its complex carbohydrates and the slow digestion process, preventing energy crashes.

Oatmeal is packed with important nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which support a healthy immune system and protect against illness.

Regular oatmeal consumption has been linked to a reduced risk of developing chronic diseases, including Type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, and even obesity.

Oats contain nutrients like vitamin E, B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and folate, all of which contribute to brain health, memory, and cognitive function.

The vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in oatmeal promote healthy skin by reducing inflammation, fighting against oxidative stress, and improving overall skin appearance.

Oatmeal contains both soluble and insoluble fibre, which promote regular bowel movements, prevent constipation, and support a healthy digestive system.

However, it is important to note that while oatmeal can be a helpful component of a weight loss plan and provide certain health benefits, it should not be considered a sole solution for weight loss or overall health improvement. A balanced diet, regular exercise, and a holistic approach to lifestyle choices are essential for achieving long-term weight loss and optimal health.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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Weight Loss Tips: 10 Benefits Of Consuming Oatmeal - NDTV

May 11

Eating behavior dimensions and 9-year weight loss maintenance: a … –

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Eating behavior dimensions and 9-year weight loss maintenance: a ... -

May 11

How can supplements stay relevant in an evolving weight … – Nutritional Outlook

When does it pay to be the butt of a joke? When that joke reaches an audience of nearly 20 million American television viewers1, thats when.

And by that reckoning, comedian Jimmy Kimmels sly lampooning of Ozempic and its famous fans at the 95th annual Academy Awards did the once-unassuming diabetes drug a reputational favor.

Not that Ozempic needed the boost: Almost overnight, the prescription injectable went from near-obscurity to viral sensation thanks to the attention of influencers and celebrities who touted its promise as the latest weight-loss wonder drug.

And while that frenzys subsided somewhat, Ozempic as a weight-management tool isnt going awaynor are the questions it raises about how best to do weight loss in an environment as rife with barriers to success as it is with hopes for it.

No wonder Andrea Zangara, head of scientific communications and marketing, Euromed (Mollet del Valls, Spain), sees the saga of Ozempic as a never-ending story.

There will always be demand for easy and effective weight-loss solutions, he says. And that recurring pattern underscores the importance of understanding the factors that contribute to weight management. For supplement brands, that means making R&D the priority when creating products that tick all the boxes: convenient, natural, safe, and effective.

Why Weight?

If occasional dramas in the weight-management space are nothing new, the forces animating the current Ozempic buzz, as well as the urgency of tackling real issues around excess bodyweight, are.

As Zangara says, As we emerge from the pandemic with a renewed awareness of the importance of health, weight management has become a priority as consumers aim to improve their well-beingparticularly after adopting unsatisfactory dietary and lifestyle habits during lockdown.

And consumers are taking that aim not a moment too soon: The World Obesity Federation predicts that by 2035, 51% of the globe will be overweight or obese should current patterns continue, Zangara notes.

Net Effects

But urgent need shouldnt prescribe urgent action that fails to account for the consequenceswhich is where the headlong rush toward Ozempic raises concern.

Its active component, and that of similar drugs, is semaglutide, a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist that upregulates the effects of this naturally occurring hormone.

Those effects include increased insulin production and a subsequent decrease in circulating levels of blood glucose, as well as inhibited production of the hormone glucagonwhich, as yin to insulins yang, increases the breakdown of liver glycogen and the synthesis of new glucose, thereby boosting blood-glucose levels.

Combined, these reciprocal actions help explain why Ozempic and other semaglutide drugs are potent diabetes treatments. But what makes semaglutide relevant for weight management are its actions on the brains hypothalamic hunger centers and its ability to slow stomach emptying and thus extend postprandial feelings of fullness.

The net effects there amount to greater satiety, less hunger, and fewer food cravingsall of which stack the odds in favor of eating less and shifting the bodys energy balance toward caloric deficit. And that, as the laws of thermodynamics predict, shifts the scale downward.

Not So Fast

So far so good, right?

Not necessarily. As Zangara sees it, the drugs sudden popularity demonstrates how quickly information can spread and influence public opinion, especially when it comes to weight loss. And while he acknowledges that medications like Ozempic arent bad starting points for obese individuals, hes hardly alone in noting that it has its limitations.

Shaheen Majeed, CEO of BGG Americas, Algae Health Sciences, and HBNI North America (Irvine, CA), also sees drawbacks. Im not an expert on Ozempic by any means, Majeed says, but historically, most pharmaceutical weight-loss drugs have had serious side effects. One need only visit Ozempics own website, he notes, to review its litany of possible complicationsfrom nausea and abdominal pain to pancreatitis, thyroid tumors, and kidney failure. Plus, Majeed says, the drug is an injectable, so Id certainly not consider it convenient.

Michael Chernyak, president, CK Nutraceuticals (Oakville, ON, Canada), adds that cravings may resume once use of the drug stops. And indeed, he says, Weight gains of around 10%-15% have been observed in obese subjects who discontinued use.

And as far as Gary Troxel, CEO, Gateway Health Alliances (Fairfield, CA), is concerned, the drugs apparent vogue is unfortunate for several reasons.

First, he laments the supply bottlenecks that impeded diabetics access. Besides that, he says, Hollywood and some media are normalizing the use of a powerful medicine thats not intended for healthy individuals. For people who dont have the serious medical issues for which these drugs were intended, taking them as shortcuts to weight management is ill advised and possibly dangerous. And it perpetuates the myth that theres a magic bullet for weight loss.

Quick-Fix Appeal

Of course, Troxel gets that myths allure. Its human nature to seek easy solutions, he concedes. Maintaining healthy body weight and composition requires work and discipline around eating healthily, exercising, and making smart lifestyle choices. And staying on those wagons isnt easy in our distracted, hyper-caloric age.

Chernyak also sees the desire for easy weight loss as human nature at its finest. But, he continues, The fact that obesity and other metabolic indications are still so prevalent means that quick fixes simply dont existat least not in a sustainable fashion. So even though busy, tired consumers will always bite on the next big promise or miracle product, permanent diet and lifestyle changes are the answers long-term.

That makes common sense to Majeed. Anything that seems too good to be true usually is, he concludes. Weight loss isnt rocket science and doesnt have to be risky. The best formula for safe weight management is maintaining caloric intake at normal levels and eating a healthy dietcombined with regular aerobic exercise and a good weight-loss supplement.

And lest anyone worry: Ozempic may have dominated recent news cycles, but health-conscious consumers who prefer natural ways of addressing wellness will continue to gravitate toward clinically validated weight-loss supplements, Majeed predicts.

Multiple Mechanisms

Increasingly, that clinical validation shows that contemporary weight-management supplements achieve their benefits via multiple mechanisms of action.

The word Zangara uses to describe this is pleiotropic, or producing more than one effect, and he sees it as a signature advantage of todays weight-management supplements relative to their predecessors.

These innovations reflect a deeper understanding of the relationship between nutritional supplementation and weight management, Zangara argues, and they offer a more comprehensive approach by targeting multiple mechanisms rather than focusing on a single aspect of weight loss.

Fruit-Based Solutions

For example, Zangara notes that the pomegranate polyphenols punicalagin and urolithin can influence satiety signaling via hormones like leptin and ghrelinwhich affect hunger and fullnesswhile also improving metabolic health by reducing insulin resistance, blood pressure, and stress-hormone levels.

They may also increase levels of adiponectin, a hormone produced in fat cells that improves insulin sensitivity while attenuating inflammationall of which Zangara says may affect fat metabolism and positively influence the gut microbiome, potentially affecting the gut/brain axis through modulation of gut peptides involved in satiety signaling.

Thus Euromed standardized its Pomanox pomegranate extract to 30% punicalagins, and a recent study2 on the product found that subjects who supplemented with it daily for three weeks felt less hungry, more satisfied, and fuller relative to those in the placebo group. Another study3 found that supplementation yielded significant increases in urinary total phenolics excretion, antioxidant capacity, and lean body mass while reducing blood pressure, fat mass, body fat, and salivary cortisol levels.

Calling it the stress hormone, Zangara notes that cortisol can promote fat storage and muscle breakdown, hamper metabolism, and disrupt sleep, which itself can affect appetite regulation and metabolism, he says.

Euromed also explored the metabolic effects of abscisic acid (ABA), a phytohormone present in figs, with research4 on its ABAlife fig extract standardized to various ABA concentrations showing that it regulates blood glucose and insulin levels while lowering the glycemic and insulinemic indexes of high-glycemic-index foods.

Interestingly, Zangara says, the compound may bind to LANCL2 receptors to initiate cellular signaling that enhances glucose uptake and increases expression and membrane translocation of a glucose-transport protein, thereby improving glucose homeostasis via a mechanism not unlike semaglutides. Given the similarities in how they work, he concludes, ABAlife may offer weight-management benefits with fewer potential side effects than synthetic weight-management drugs like Ozempic.

Turmeric to the Rescue

Also turning to the plant kingdom, scientists at Sabinsa Corp. (East Windsor, NJ) developed the companys CurCousin supplement based on a minor plant metabolite occurring in Curcuma longa, or turmeric root, explains Kalyanam Nagabhushanam, PhD, Sabinsas president of R&D.

In a recent clinical trial5, twice-daily supplementation with 25 mg over the studys 90-day duration yielded statistically significant drops in bodyweight, body-mass index, and waist circumference in obese participants, with additional benefits appearing in the supplement groups lipid profiles, he says, including a detectable increase in HDL. Increases also emerged in levels of adiponectin, Nagabhushanam adds.

Obesity is always underlined with chronic inflammation, he continues, and a reduction of that was observed in subjects receiving CurCousin.

Finally, an animal study6 published this year associated the supplement with benefits around thermogenesis and modulation of the gut microbiota, leading Nagabhushanam to conclude that, Clearly, CurCousin combines several advantages and acts on various pathways.

Gut Instincts

Approaching wellness via the microbiome is a specialty at OptiBiotix Health Plc (York, UK), and as CEO Stephen OHara says, The challenge with weight management is to steer the conversation in a new direction with alternatives that offer no reported side effects but that deliver the same results as do pharmaceuticals like Ozempic.

For example, the companys SlimBiome, a patented, mineral-enriched prebiotic fiber complex, gently expands in the stomach to help consumers feel fuller longer, OHara claims. The ingredient also attenuates blood-glucose levels and reduces cravingall actions seen with semaglutide.

But the fiber complex actually modifies the microbiome, OHara says, to increase the number of microbes associated with lean body shape.

According to one double-blind, placebo-controlled study carried out by Oxford Brookes University7, SlimBiome reduced hunger by 10%, food cravings by 11%, and food intake by 49%. A second study8 by the University of Roehampton demonstrated a 21% reduction in food cravings and a 26% improvement in mood, OHara adds. It also showed that 90% of volunteers lost weight, reduced their body fat, and exhibited reductions in hip and waist circumferences.

In comparison to injectable drugs, SlimBiome generated no side effects in either study, and it appears to spare muscle even at the expense of body fata hedge against reported cases of muscle loss and wastage associated with semaglutide use, OHara notes. So while theres no simple path to weight loss, he concludes, there are safe, effective, and sustainable alternatives that help consumers help themselves.

Out of Africa

Gateway Health has looked to Africa for clues about how to formulate safe and effective weight-management supplements, and one of the trails it followed led to African mango, or Irvingia gabonensis.

Used traditionally, this botanical is now the subject of research for its apparent ability to modulate hormones linked to appetite, satiety, insulin sensitivity, and energy metabolism, Troxel notes.

And in five peer-reviewed, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical studies involving more than 400 subjects9-13, supplementation with IGOB131, the companys Irvingia gabonensis product standardized to an aqueous-ethanol-extracted minimum of 10% albumins and 1% ellagic acid, has led to significantly lower bodyweight and body-fat percentage, as well as significantly lower levels of LDL cholesterol and the inflammatory biomarker C-reactive protein.

And while initial observations suggested that the extracts beneficial metabolic effects owed to its high fiber content, Troxel says that subsequent analysis suggests additional and unidentified bioactive components have contributory effects.

Also out of African tradition is Dyglomera, Gateway Healths patented extract of Dichrostachys glomerata standardized to an aqueous ethanolextracted minimum of 10% polyphenols. According to Troxel, the supplement doesnt just restore sensitivity to insulin, leptin, and adiponectin to improve blood sugar, satiety, and appetite; it also favorably modulates various metabolic pathways and reduces oxidative stress linked to cell damage and that contributes to obesity and a high body-mass index.

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study of 297 subjects14 found that after eight weeks of supplementation, participants in the Dyglomera group lost an average of 24.5 lb compared to 1.16 lb for the control group. The Dyglomera subjects also saw significant improvements in blood glucose and lipid parameters and reduced insulin resistance and circulating markers of inflammation.

Heartened by such results, Troxel has no doubt about weight-management supplements prospects even in the face of blockbuster drugs. In fact, supplements role in weight management routines may actually increase as ingredient science expands through well-designed clinical studies.

Yes, Ozempic and its ilk may exert a short-term impact, he allows. But we think off-label use will fizzle once the public becomes more aware of the potential serious side effects of drugs like these. Healthy consumers will follow their traditional preferences for natural solutions over pharmaceuticals.


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How can supplements stay relevant in an evolving weight ... - Nutritional Outlook

May 11

Carnivore Diet: Benefits and Risks –

The Carnivore Diet is a restrictive diet that eliminates most plant foods, including fruits, vegetables, and beans. When following a Carnivore Diet, a person relies solely on animal products to meet all or most of their nutritional needs.

This diet is popular amongst people who want to lose weight and improve medical conditions like diabetes. There are numerous health concerns related to this eating pattern, but some argue that the Carnivore Diet is a healthy way to eat.

This article takes a deep dive into the Carnivore Diet and tells you everything you need to know about what it is, how to follow it, and how this unconventional way of eating affects health.

Although the Carnivore Diet has only recently become popular, scientists have been interested in this very low-carb way of eating for hundreds of years.

There are several accounts of researchers mimicking the traditional meat-based dietary intake of Arctic or nomadic societies as far back as the 1700s. For example, in 1797 Dr. John Rollo successfully treated patients with type 2 diabetes using a diet that consisted primarily of meat and fat after studying the very low-carbohydrate diet of indigenous people in St. Lucia. After discovering that a very low-carb diet benefited those with diabetes, it became a widely adopted treatment for managing this condition until the discovery of insulin in 1921.

The Carnivore Diet we know today was popularized by Shawn Baker, M.D.,who authored a book titled The Carnivore Diet in 2018 after finding that a meat-based diet benefited his health. This version of the Carnivore Diet advocated for the complete elimination of plant foods and total reliance on meat and other animal products like eggs, seafood, and full-fat dairy products.

Some Carnivore advocates follow a strict Carnivore Diet that only includes animal-based foods, while others follow less restrictive versions that allow for small amounts of plant-based foods, like low-carb vegetables.

However, most people following Carnivore-type diets get most of their calories from meat and other animal foods.

Although there are different versions of the Carnivore Diet, most people following this eating pattern primarily consume animal foods, such as:

In addition to animal-based foods, people on Carnivore Diets allow for seasonings like salt, pepper, herbs, and spices.

A 2021 study that included data on the dietary intake of 2,029 people following Carnivore-style diets found that red meat products, like beef, lamb, and venison, were the most commonly consumed foods, followed by eggs and nonmilk dairy products. The study also found that over 50% of the participants drank coffee at least once per day.

People following Carnivore Diets get most of their calories from animal-based foods. Although less restrictive versions of the carnivore diet exist, the following foods are usually restricted or completely avoided by those following this eating pattern:

Water is the preferred beverage when following a Carnivore Diet, though many people who follow this diet include tea and coffee in their daily routine.

Additionally, some people allow for a small amount of low-carb vegetables, like greens and zucchini.

Currently, theres limited research investigating the health benefits of following a Carnivore Diet.

However, theres plenty of evidence that very-low carb diets can benefit the health of some people, such as those with type 2 diabetes.

Although there are no strict rules regarding the macronutrient ratio of the Carnivore Diet, it can generally be considered a type of high-protein, very low-carb diet.Studies show that certain very low-carb diets, like the keto diet, could be helpful for certain health conditions. But, keep in mind that very low-carb diets arent the same thing as the Carnivore Diet, and theres currently limited evidence that the Carnivore Diet improves health in any way, specifically.

That said, the Carnivore Diet may offer a few benefits.

Low-carb diets are effective for improving health outcomes in people with diabetes. This is because these diets are low in carbohydrate-rich foods, which have the largest impact on blood sugar and insulin levels.

If a person follows a Carnivore Diet, their carbohydrate intake would be minimal, and their blood sugar levels and reliance on diabetes medications would likely decrease.

In the 2021 study that included data on the dietary intake of 2,029 people followingCarnivore-style diets for nine to 20 months, researchers found that the participants with type 2 diabetes experienced reductions in their levels of hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c)-a long-term marker of blood sugar control- and significant reductions in their diabetes medication use. In fact, among the 262 participants with type 1 or type 2 diabetes (T2DM), 84% discontinued oral diabetes medications and 92% of participants with T2DM discontinued their use of insulin.

Although these results are promising, more research investigating the effectiveness and safety of the Carnivore Diet is needed. Also, its important to note that diabetes can be effectively managed using less restrictive diets, such as plant-based diets and more inclusive low-carb diets, which are far better for overall health and easier to stick to long-term.

The Carnivore Diet eliminates many foods and beverages implicated in weight gain, including ultra-processed foods and added sugar. Since this dietary pattern is low in carb-rich foods and so high in protein, which is the most filling macronutrient, its likely that the Carnivore Diet will promote weight loss, at least in the short term.

In the 2021 study mentioned above, the participants reported substantial reductions in their body mass index (BMI)a measure of body fat based on height and weightafter transitioning to a Carnivore Diet.

While this is encouraging, the Carnivore Diet is highly restrictive and likely unsustainable for most people. Similar diets, like the keto diet, have also been shown to be effective for short-term weight loss. However, diets that cut out a number of healthy foods like keto are notoriously difficult to stick to, and most evidence suggests that, in the long-term, their efficacy is comparable to other, less restrictive weight loss diets.

This means that even though the Carnivore Diet may promote quick weight loss, more inclusive diets that are easier to follow are likely just as effective for long-term weight loss and healthy weight maintenance.

Participants included in the 2021 study reported that following a Carnivore Diet led to improvements in their overall health, physical and mental well-being, and some chronic medical conditions.

This may be because the Carnivore Diet cuts out foods and drinks associated with poor physical and mental health, including ultra-processed foods and added sugars.

But keep in mind that the participants included in this study had only been following the Carnivore Diet for nine to 20 months. Its unknown how the Carnivore Diet impacts long-term health, including disease risk.

Overall, more research is needed to fully understand how the Carnivore Diet impacts overall health.

Though proponents of the Carnivore Diet suggest that this way of eating can help boost weight loss and improve chronic diseases, there are several significant downsides to this way of eating.

First, this diet is extremely restrictive and cuts out foods that are known to improve health and deliver essential nutrients, like fruits and vegetables. Diets low in produce have been consistently linked with an increased risk of several diseases, including cancer and heart disease, as well as overall mortality risk.

A high intake of red and processed meat has also been associated with an increased risk of several health conditions, including colorectal cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, and heart disease.

Another concern with the Carnivore Diet is the environmental impact of a dietary pattern high in red meat and other animal products. Research shows that red meat production significantly contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and has a considerable impact on global warming and climate change.

Whats more, a diet low in plant foods can lead to unpleasant side effects like constipation, fatigue, low mood, nutrient deficiencies, and more.

Heres an idea of what someone following a Carnivore Diet might eat on a daily basis:

Keep in mind that some people following a less restrictive Carnivore Diet may include some produce in their diet, like low-carb vegetables.

The Carnivore Diet is a highly restrictive diet thats recently become popular amongst those looking to lose weight and improve health conditions like type 2 diabetes.

Although limited evidence suggests that following this eating pattern could result in weight loss and improvements in blood sugar levels, there are significant concerns with the long-term health implications of this diet.

Following the Carnivore diet long-term could increase your risk for a number of serious health conditions, such as colorectal cancer and heart disease.

If youre looking for a safer, more evidence-based way to better your health, consider trying a less restrictive diet high in foods known to improve overall health, such as the Mediterranean diet or a less restrictive low-carb diet.

More here:
Carnivore Diet: Benefits and Risks -

May 11

BI 456906 Shows Promise, Reducing Body Weight Up to 14.9%, in … – MD Magazine

A new face may soon introduce itself to treatment algorithms for chronic weight management, as topline data from a phase 2 trial suggests use of a dual glucagon/GLP-1 receptor agonist, called BI 456906, could help patients lose up to 14.9% of their body weight after 46 weeks in people with obesity or overweight without type 2 diabetes.

The excitement surrounding development in the world of obesity management has been at a fever pitch since the presentation of SURMOUNT-1 results at the American Diabetes Association (ADA) 2022 Scientific Sessions.2 Now, fast-forward to May 10, 2023, and Boehringer Ingelheim and Zealand Pharma are hopeful to drum up the same fervor as they announced plans to present the results of their phase 2 dose-finding trial for BI 456906 at the upcoming ADA 2023 Scientific Sessions in less than 2 months.1

Obesity is one of many cardio-renal-metabolic diseases, which together represent one of the fastest growing health challenges worldwide. The distinct mode of action of BI 456906 targets multiple pathways pivotal to metabolic regulation, including those associated with obesity and liver diseases, said Carinne Brouillon, Head of Human Pharma, Boehringer Ingelheim.1 With our longstanding heritage in cardio-renal-metabolic diseases, we are excited by the findings and potential implications for millions of people who urgently need healthcare solutions.

Launched in March 2021, the phase 2 dose-finding study of BI45906 enrolled adult patients aged 18-75 years with overweight or obesity and randomized them to 1 of 4 doses of once-weekly BI 456906 delivered subcutaneously or placebo therapy. Per trial protocol, patients received escalating doses of BI 456906 for the first 20 weeks and the final 26 weeks of the 46-week treatment period was considered a maintenance phase.1

According to, the trial enrolled a total of 387 participants. The primary outcome of interest for the trial was the percentage change in body weight from baseline to week 46. Secondary outcomes of interest included the proportion of patients achieving weight loss equal to or exceeding 5, 10, and 15% of baseline body weight as well as absolute change in body weight, waist circumference, and other metrics. For inclusion in the trial, patients need to be between 18-75 years of age, have a BMI of 27 k/m2 or greater at baseline, and must have undergone at least 1 previous unsuccessful nonsurgical weight-loss attempt.3

In their announcement, Boehringer Ingelheim noted, in addition to the main study results, plans to present an additional analysis of the actual maintenance dose indicating even greater weight loss at ADA 2023. The company also pointed out this agent is also being evaluated in a phase 2 study for adults with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and liver fibrosis, with this trial expected to be completed in Q4 of 2023.1

We are both enthusiastic about these data and encouraged by the clinical outcomes announced today, said David Kendall, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Zealand Pharma.1 At Zealand Pharma we continue our long-term commitment to the discovery and development of novel differentiated peptide therapeutics that target critical metabolic pathways to achieve substantial weight loss while addressing the complex pathophysiology of overweight and obesity.


Read the rest here:
BI 456906 Shows Promise, Reducing Body Weight Up to 14.9%, in ... - MD Magazine

May 11

Innovent Announces Phase 2 Clinical Study of Higher dose 9 mg … – PR Newswire

ROCKVILLIE, Md. and SUZHOU, China, May 10, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Innovent Biologics, Inc. (Innovent) (HKEX: 01801), a world-class biopharmaceutical company that develops, manufactures and commercializes high-quality medicines for the treatment of oncology, metabolic, autoimmune, ophthalmology and other major diseases, today announced that the phase 2 clinical study of higher dose (9 mg) mazdutide (Innovent R&D Code: IBI362) in Chinese adults with obesity achieved the 24-week primary endpoint.

This is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 2 clinical study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of mazdutide 9 mg in Chinese subjects with obesity [body mass index (BMI) 30.0 kg/m2]. A total of 80 subjects were enrolled (mean baseline weight 96.9 kg, mean height 168.0 cm, mean BMI 34.3 kg/m2) and randomized in a 3:1 ratio to mazdutide 9 mg group or placebo group to receive treatment once a week for 24 weeks. The primary endpoint is the percent change in body weight from baseline versus placebo after 24 weeks of treatment. The study will also extend treatment to 48 weeks.

The results showed that mazdutide 9 mg demonstrated superior body weight loss versus placebo in Chinese subjects with obesity. After 24 weeks of treatment, the treatment difference of the mean percent change in body weight from baseline versus placebo was -15.4%95%CI: -18.8%, -11.9%, P<0.0001; The treatment difference of the mean change in body weight from baseline versus placebo was -14.7 kg95%CI-17.9 kg, -11.5 kgP<0.0001. Meanwhile, 81.7%65.0%31.7% and 21.7% of the subjects in the mazdutide 9 mg group achieved 5% or more,10% or more, 15% or more and 20% or more weight loss from baseline, respectively, while no subject in the placebo group lost 5% or more of body weight from baseline.

In terms of safety, the overall tolerability and safety of the mazdutide 9 mg was favorable. The drop-out rate of the mazdutide group was lower than that of the placebo group. No subject in the mazdutide group discontinued treatment due to adverse events. No serious adverse events occurred. Except for COVID-19 infection, the most commonly-reported adverse events were gastrointestinal-related adverse events, most of which were mild or moderate and transient.

The study is still in progress, and the data of other secondary and exploratory endpoints of the study will be analyzed and disclosed after the end of the study.

Professor Linong Ji, the leading principal investigator of the study, Peking University People's Hospital, stated,"The overweight and obese population in China has continued to increase in recent years. There are about 160 million obese people across China (BMI 28.0 kg/m2), of which approximately 10 million are with moderate and severe obesity (BMI 32.5 kg/m2). The risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases for these patients is extremely high, and the quality of daily life and mental health of these patients are significantly affected. Compared with the general obese population, moderately- to severely- obese patients urgently need effective and safe weight loss options. At present, metabolic surgery is the main treatment for people with a BMI 32.5 kg/m2, other treatment options are limited. Despite the obvious efficacy of surgical weight loss, it is only used in a small number of patients for many reasons. In recent years, the development of GLP-1 receptor agonists, especially a new generation of dual-target agonists, has brought prospects for weight loss drugs. However, there are few clinical studies on GLP-1 receptor agonists in patients with moderate to severe obesity in the world, especially in the Chinese population.

I am pleased to see the weight loss efficacy of mazdutide 9 mg has been further improved versus mazdutide 6 mg while showing good tolerability and safety. The observed efficacy of mazdutide 9 mg after 24 weeks of treatment is approaching that of metabolic surgery, which suggests the potential of mazdutide to become a more ideal therapeutic drug for patients with moderate to severe obesity. This study also fills the gap in the clinical research of drug treatment of patients with severe obesity in Chinese and even East Asian populations. I am hopeful that mazdutide 9 mg will also show satisfactory results in future phase 3 studies."

Dr. Lei Qian, Vice President of Clinical Development at Innovent,stated, " Mazdutide 9 mg achieved the primary endpoint in the phase 2 study of subjects with moderate to severe obesity in China, demonstrated a superior weight loss efficacy to placebo after 24 weeks of treatment while showing good tolerability and safety, which is an important step in the overall indication development strategy and lifecycle management of mazdutide. From a global perspective, weight loss treatments for patients with moderate to severe obesity are extremely limited. Single-target GLP-1 drugs have limited efficacy in this population and can hardly achieve 15% placebo-adjusted weight loss even with one year's treatment. However, the mazdutide 9mg regimen gave encouraging efficacy of 15.4% (14.7kg) placebo-adjusted weigh loss only after 24 weeks, in a population with baseline average BMI of 34.3 kg/m2, suggesting it will be effective in the population with greater unmet need for effective therapy. These results are comparable to the most effective multi-target GLP-1 receptor agonist drugs and even bariatric surgery, and a trend of continuous decline of body weight was observed at Week 24 in the study. The study is still in progress and will continue to evaluate the efficacy and safety after 48 weeks of treatment. I am confident that that longer treatment will bring more weight loss efficacy. In addition, we will advance the phase 3 clinical study of mazdutide 9 mg in due course, and strive to provide a drug treatment option that can potentially offer a treatment option where today the only highly effective option is bariatric surgery."

About Obesity

China has the largest overweight and obese population in the world, with the obesity rate likely to increase. Obesity can lead to a range of complications or related diseases that impact life expectancy and deteriorate the quality of life. In more severely obese patients, the incidence and mortality of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and certain tumors increase significantly. Obesity is a chronic disease that requires long-term management, and there is a lack of long-term effective and safe treatments. Lifestyle intervention is the first choice and basic treatment for patients with overweight or obesity. However, a considerable percentage of patients fail to achieve the desired weight loss goal upon lifestyle intervention and may require pharmacological intervention. Traditional pharmacological therapies have been of limited efficacy and safety issues, highlighting the unmet need for more effective and safe therapies.

About Mazdutide

Innovent entered into a licensing agreement with Eli Lilly and Company (Lilly) for the development and potential commercialization of OXM3 (also known as mazdutide), a GLP-1R and GCGR dual agonist, in China. As a mammalian oxyntomodulin (OXM) analogue, in addition to the effects of GLP-1 receptor agonists on promoting insulin secretion, lowering blood glucose and reducing body weight, mazdutide may also increase energy expenditure and improve hepatic fat metabolism through the activation of glucagon receptor. Mazdutide has demonstrated excellent weight loss and glucose-lowering effects in clinical studies, as well as reducing waist circumference, blood lipids, blood pressure, blood uric acid, liver enzymes and liver fat content, as well as improving insulin sensitivity, bringing multiple metabolic benefits. Currently, three key phase 3 studies of mazdutide 4 mg and 6 mg in Chinese patients with overweight or obesity (GLORY-1) and type 2 diabetic (DREAM-1 and DREAM-2) subjects are underway. The Phase 2 clinical study of mazdutide 9 mg in Chinese patients with obesity is in progress.

About Innovent

Inspired by the spirit of "Start with Integrity, Succeed through Action," Innovent's mission is to develop, manufacture and commercialize high-quality biopharmaceutical products that are affordable to ordinary people. Established in 2011, Innovent is committed to developing, manufacturing and commercializing high-quality innovative medicines for the treatment of cancer, autoimmune disease, metabolic disorder and other major diseases. On October 31, 2018, Innovent was listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited with the stock code: 01801.HK.

Since its inception, Innovent has developed a fully integrated multi-functional platform which includes R&D, CMC (Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls), clinical development and commercialization capabilities. Leveraging the platform, the company has built a robust pipeline of 35 valuable assets in the fields of cancer, metabolic disorder, autoimmune disease and other major therapeutic areas, with 8 approved products on the market. These include: TYVYT (sintilimab injection), BYVASDA (bevacizumab injection), SULINNO (adalimumab injection), HALPRYZA (rituximab injection), Pemazyre (pemigatinib oral inhibitor), olverembatinibBCR ABL TKI,Cyramza (ramucirumab) and Retsevmo (selpercatinib). An additional 3 assets are under NMPA NDA review, 6 assets are in Phase III or pivotal clinical trials, and 18 more molecules are in clinical studies.

Innovent has built an international team with advanced talent in high-end biological drug development and commercialization, including many global experts. The company has also entered into 28 strategic collaborations with Eli Lilly, Roche, Sanofi, Adimab, Incyte, MD Anderson Cancer Center and other international partners. Innovent strives to work with many collaborators to help advance China's biopharmaceutical industry, improve drug availability and enhance the quality of the patients' lives.


TYVYT (sintilimab injection) is not an approved product in the United States.

BYVASDA (bevacizumab biosimilar injection), SULINNO, and HALPRYZA (rituximab biosimilar injection) are not approved products in the United States.

TYVYT (sintilimab injection, Innovent)

BYVASDA (bevacizumab biosimilar injection, Innovent)

HALPRYZA (rituximab biosimilar injection, Innovent)

SULINNO (adalimumab biosimilar injection, Innovent)

Pemazyre (pemigatinib oral inhibitor, Incyte Corporation). Pemazyre was discovered by Incyte Corporation and licensed to Innovent for development and commercialization in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

CYRAMZA (ramucirumab, Eli Lilly). Cyramza was discovered by Eli Lilly and licensed to Innovent for commercialization in Mainland China.

Retsevmo (selpercatinib, Eli Lilly). Retsevmo was discovered by Eli Lilly and licensed to Innovent for commercialization in Mainland China.


1. This indication is still under clinical study, which hasn't been approved in China.

2. Innovent does not recommend any off-label usage.

Forward-looking statement

This news release may contain certain forward-looking statements that are, by their nature, subject to significant risks and uncertainties. The words "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "expect", "intend" and similar expressions, as they relate to Innovent, are intended to identify certain of such forward-looking statements. The Company does not intend to update these forward-looking statements regularly.

These forward-looking statements are based on the existing beliefs, assumptions, expectations, estimates, projections and understandings of the management of the Company with respect to future events at the time these statements are made. These statements are not a guarantee of future developments and are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors, some of which are beyond the Company's control and are difficult to predict. Consequently, actual results may differ materially from information contained in the forward-looking statements as a result of future changes or developments in our business, the Company's competitive environment and political, economic, legal and social conditions.

The Company, the Directors and the employees of the Company assume (a) no obligation to correct or update the forward-looking statements contained in this site; and (b) no liability in the event that any of the forward-looking statements does not materialise or turn out to be incorrect.

SOURCE Innovent Biologics

Innovent Announces Phase 2 Clinical Study of Higher dose 9 mg ... - PR Newswire

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